Reincarnation of the door: the subtleties of staining. How to paint a wooden door with your own hands? Paint paneled wooden doors the better

Starting repairs, everyone means changing the interior of their home. One of the elements appearance which will be subject to change are the doors. A more profitable and economical option would not be to replace, but to paint the old one. To do this, you need to know the door, especially since there are no particular difficulties in this, and even with my own hands you can easily carry out this procedure. Such skills as a painter will be useful to you in the future and will significantly save part of the family budget.

How to paint old doors

When you decide to paint an old canvas, you will face the following dilemma:

  • paint over old paint;
  • paint with the removal of the old layer.

How to paint doors over old paint

Nothing complicated: just take and paint. But before that, you need to very carefully and repair the cracks in the canvas. In order, you should use putty. After the puttying process, it is worth treating the surface with sandpaper. If you have completed the removal of these imperfections, the next step is to wash the surface well and allow it to dry completely. This is the advice of experienced workers.

How to paint with the removal of the old layer

In most cases, the layer of paint that is on your door does not last long enough. The reasons may be the following:

  • paint may crack;
  • burn out;
  • over time, the protective properties of the paint are lost;
  • may inflate.

For any of these reasons, you can use sodium hydroxide, carbolic acid, or potassium.

  • Painting will go faster if your door is left on its hinges, as in this position you will be able to paint it on both sides at once. There is no need to wait for one side to dry.
  • Before painting, you need to clean the surface with a washcloth with saturated alcohol. With the help of alcohol you will get rid of the dirt, and the washcloth will polish. Remove door handles or cover with masking tape.
  • It is worth starting staining from above, gradually falling down. Do not paint the side part, as the wood may expand or contract when the humidity level changes.
  • Apply one coat of paint, let it dry. For color saturation, apply a second coat of paint.
  • After the paint dries, you can safely paint the side parts.

Important in the question of how to paint interior door, is correct :

  • recesses should be painted with a wide brush;
  • for wider areas, use a roller;
  • paint small details with an angled brush;
  • to update simple flat doors, use a wide soft roller.

Do-it-yourself staining process is not so difficult task, which you can easily solve with your own hands. Moreover, if you carry out the painting yourself, you will significantly save the family budget, and thus you will constantly enjoy the fruits of your labors.

03.09.2016 79653

Save the budget and get a reason for creativity in the interior, perhaps in a simple way- paint the old ones. By following the rules for preparing the canvas, it is easy to give a second life to interior and entrance doors. Everything about the stages and the correct selection of tools and paint is below.

Differences of wooden doors

Interior, as well as entrance canvases differ in design, material, fittings. This is important for future coloring. For instance:

  1. Array. Represent . Looks best in a natural way, emphasizing the natural structure. The paint for this option is chosen transparent - varnish, glazing glaze, or if the canvas has long lost its attractiveness.
  2. . The design consists of a frame, two sheets of chipboard, between which insulation is laid. without him. Painting an old door of this type is the easiest, but the preparatory process is more thorough than for massive models.
  3. . The frame can be solid or MDF, and the inserts are panels, these are thin boards or plywood sheets. You need to paint them carefully, carefully disassembling the structure into its component parts. As a rule, an old paneled door wears out faster than solid wood or MDF, due to the large number of joints of decorative parts and constant activity. Therefore, before painting, if it is decided not to change the model, a complete revision is carried out with the elements brought into a qualitative state.

For future painting, door fittings matter - the built-in one requires caution, the lock is closed or plugged with cotton, the unscrewed one is removed.

How to paint doors correctly

Having determined the type of their own doors, they prepare tools and composition for coating. Spatulas, rags, solvents, hair dryer, brushes, rollers. You can paint old doors with anything, as long as the products match chemical composition- oil and nitro enamel are not combined and will only spoil the canvas. If the previous composition is unknown, then the preparation is carried out in the most thorough way - the old coating is removed chemically. Massive canvases do not require disassembly, but about painting a paneled look or from MDF, in detail:
  1. Having laid the canvas from the hinges on a horizontal surface, it is moistened with a solvent. When the paint is softened, clean off with a spatula with a sharp blade. Be careful not to damage the wood. If the layers of paint exceed 3-5 mm, then a building hair dryer is used - heating will swell the paint and it is easy to remove it with a spatula.
  2. , it is disassembled into its component parts - perhaps, before painting the old wooden door, a complete replacement of panels or wood panels will be required. If the canvas is input, then a new insulation is laid inside. Chips and cracks are carefully puttied or sealed. This measure will help the panels not to succumb to vibration, the durability will increase. You may have to work with a planer that interferes with free movement. When the canvas is assembled, the repair sites are carefully processed - they are cleaned with an emery cloth.
  3. Next, apply different ways coloring - rollers, sponges or brushes. Carefully paint over the insertion points of the panels. You can get a textured surface with a sponge - with dotted strokes, the composition is applied over the entire area. If home master wants to get an interesting combination of colors, then you can’t do without masking tape - it is glued at the transition points. The work will be delayed, as each layer requires thorough drying.

When the canvas is ready, it is equipped with removed or new fittings - it also matters in decorative terms - and broadcast it into place. Painting old ones is an easy way to restore the original look of the entrance or interior sash or give it a new, more modern look.

Coating for metal doors

Tidying up and painting an old iron door is also easy. It is important to choose the appropriate composition for it - hammer or powder paint. Both feature impact resistance and anti-corrosion components. Work details:

  • They remove the wood panel, take out the insulation - most likely, it needs to be replaced.
  • and fat, wetting the surface with turpentine, gasoline or other composition.
  • It remains to repaint the door, put in place the insulation and fittings.

Hammer or powder paint will hide the defects of the canvas - uneven welding, poor processing, burrs.

Coloring Tricks

In the work, several tricks are used that make the process high-quality and economical:

  1. Before coating, massive canvases are bleached chlorine solution. So, stains from solvents are eliminated, the natural pattern of wood becomes visible in all its glory. In this case, varnish will not be in vain.
  2. Use a primer for both wooden and metal canvases. The composition will reduce the consumption of the finish coating, as it will be absorbed and create a film on the surface. Cheap option how drying oil will protect a wooden door from moisture, and, consequently, from swelling.
  3. As a primer, a stain is used - varnish with the addition of cellulose. If they pre-paint the old doors made of fiberboard, in several layers, then the coating pigment composition can be omitted.
  4. Apply grinding with angled nozzles. Manual processing imperfect and in the places where the panels fit, the wood will look bad, without appropriate processing - the machine will cope with this better.
  5. Use a roller or spray gun. The latter option reduces the composition consumption by 30-40%. They can also paint a wooden door with varnish in several layers.

The work takes a long time, depending on the type of canvas, its initial state. In any case, drying of each layer takes at least two days. Observing everything described above, painting the old one is easy.

Painting old door It will be easy if you follow these elementary rules.

Loss of original aesthetic appeal a wooden door is not a reason to part with it. Why waste savings in vain if all options for its restoration are available to craftsmen who are ignorant of the intricacies of woodworking. It is certainly difficult to master the secrets of the craftsmanship of cabinetmakers in a couple of days, but painting wooden doors will not cause difficulties. However, there are nuances in this simple matter, without knowing which it is difficult to achieve an ideal result.

How will we paint our wooden door?

The choice of compositions for staining wood is very extensive. First of all, let's decide whether it is desirable to preserve and highlight the natural beauty of a natural array, or whether it is required to completely hide the texture pattern by covering it with a continuous opaque layer. Considering your own taste preferences, pay attention to:

  • opaque enamels and coloring compositions with acrylic, polyurethane, alkyd, perchlorovinyl and outdated oil bases, which are already rarely found in domestic products;
  • transparent and tinted varnishes, oil impregnations, wood stains, refreshing the color of wood or giving new shades.

We will not talk about taste priorities. Let's just listen to the advice of experienced painters who recommend home craftsmen to purchase:

  • acrylic dyes with a water base, because they have an optimal consistency for working with a brush, excellent spreadability and decent hiding power, somewhat inferior to oil paints;
  • alkyd paint products, characterized by high water repellency, resistance to temperature fluctuations and drying speed.

Important. All dyes with a base of alkyd resin are applied only on a completely dry surface. If the wood is wet, the paint layer will peel and flake due to air bubbles formed underneath.

Those who want to figure out how to paint a wooden door guessed without a doubt that painting is done in several stages. Often with the use of two different formulations. First, an impregnation with or without a tinting effect is used, then a decorative coating is applied. It is important to choose compositions that work flawlessly in tandem. For example, drying oil is not applicable before varnishing. Only stain!

Even if it is decided to refresh the color of the canvas and jambs exclusively with stain or oil impregnation, one layer is not enough. Two or three stages are to be carried out, the surface will tell. You will have to paint as many times as necessary for the perfect result.

The sequence of the painting process

Since the list of components of the door structure includes not only the canvas, the stage that precedes all the action is the competent preparation of the object. You can, of course, limit yourself to painting only the canvas, but then the jambs with the lintel will be different. So, home craftsmen who decide to paint the doors with their own hands need to do this:

  • remove the door frame from the hinges and lay it on two stools, a work table or goats. If use scheduled caustic alkyd compound, preferably in the yard, on the terrace or balcony;
  • Without removing the door leaf, block it with wedges so that the panel brush has access to all elements of the door. Blocking is also needed so that the door does not accidentally close during the drying period, and the dye layer is not irreparably damaged.

It is recommended to remove the canvas, but if it is impossible to follow the rules, then the second option is applicable. The fittings also need to be dismantled. In a hopeless case with non-removable loops, handles should be wrapped with paper and fixed with adhesive tape, but it is better to wrap it with foil with a tight fit of all parts. It is better to fix the lock mechanisms and seal them with tape.

Wood surface preparation

The most significant multi-step process that requires diligence in order for the coloring to give the desired result. We will prepare according to the following standard scheme:

  • First, we will remove all layers of paint, primer and putty materials to the wood. Those who are not afraid of dust and dirt can use grinder or makeshift device, created from a handy bar with a medium-grained sandpaper glued or nailed to the working side. It is easier for owners of building hair dryers, they will heat up and remove the bubbling paint with a spatula. There is also a simple, but costly way - special washes for wood.
  • Then we are waiting for the initial grinding, as a result of which small dents, paint residues and scratches are eliminated. We grind with a machine connected to a vacuum cleaner, or in a simple way with sandpaper with a medium grain.
  • We putty major flaws by purchasing a putty corresponding to wood for this, if it is planned to cover the door with a transparent composition: oil, stain, varnish. If we paint with opaque enamel, it is not necessary to select the color of the putty. Don't forget the gaps between decorative elements canvas and the canvas itself, between the jamb and the lintel.
  • Withstood the period indicated by the putty manufacturer in the manual, and re-grind with sandpaper. First, we use a nozzle on a typewriter or a simple abrasive skin with a medium grain, at the finish we use a fine-grained analogue.

Advice. Deep dents under opaque paint can be repaired with auto-filler, which does not contain fiberglass.

Note. A natural mass darkened under a layer of old paint or varnish can be lightly bleached with a mixture of one part bleach and bleach with three parts water.

Everything was processed, cleaned from the old varnish or paint, from the protruding putty. Vacuum, wipe with a damp cloth, dry, proceed to staining.

We paint the door without special effects

That is, at the beginning of the creative path of the future phenomenal painter and cabinet maker, we will not get carried away with artificial aging. We will not create the impression of photo wallpaper or a painted array with uncovered structural lines. At the initial stage, we will learn how to evenly paint the door without frozen smudges and spots visible under the varnish.

How to paint with a sprayer, the video will demonstrate:

If only one or two doors are to be painted, it is not cost-effective to purchase a sprayer. Stock up on a narrow paneled brush for a canvas with the same name and a roller for canvases of all types.

Note. The brush must be fluffed before the start of the working process, all loosely fixed hairs must be helped to crawl out and leave.

Let's decide on the type of construction and the staining scheme depending on it:

  • The shield door is painted in three stages. It is more practical to use a roller, it will ensure uniformity and will not leave hairs. Let's start covering from the end, more precisely from the upper left corner of the canvas, directing the movements to the right side. So we paint the canvas to the very end, and dry for as many hours as the manufacturer requires. The second staining step is carried out in the longitudinal direction, and the third in the opposite direction to the initial stage.
  • Let's start painting the paneled door with a brush. We will go through the recesses in the canvas with it, trying to avoid an overabundance of paint. Finish painting with a roller, following the steps listed above.

What to do if you decide to paint with stain?

The door prepared for painting should be slightly moistened, then the wood will not absorb moisture and the dye with a very liquid consistency will lie flat. Everything that is located horizontally with a stain will be painted first along the fibers, then in the transverse direction, and again longitudinally at the finish.

We will begin to cover the jambs and the canvas that has not been removed from the hinges from below so that drops and splashes of dye do not fall on unpainted areas. This is what we do if we open the door with varnish. If the finish is an opaque composition, dark drops will not interfere at all.

After treatment with a water-soluble stain, the wood fibers that have absorbed moisture straighten out. It will be necessary to sand them with a sandpaper-zero after the first layer has dried. Then we clean it from dust and cover it again.

Note. Dried out after painting wooden surface lighter than during the application of the dye. Achieve juiciness of color by repeated opening.

Alcohol stain will not stimulate the straightening of the fibers. You don’t have to sand the door after processing it and it dries in half an hour. However, its water-soluble counterpart is considered a safer, absolutely non-toxic dye, and therefore more popular.

How to create wood imitation

You can imitate a wood pattern literally on any material, for this:

  • we paint the canvas with yellow, light gray or light beige paint and dry it to the condition specified by the manufacturer of the coloring composition;
  • with a brush we cover the entire area to be treated with liquid soap;
  • we apply a layer of dark paint that is pleasant to us and wash off the liquid soap.

For home crafters who want to learn how to paint a wood effect veneered door or a plywood look on a budget, there is another way. To implement the idea, you will need a specific brush, which is now available in hardware stores. With movements similar to combing, we will process soft fibers with this brush. We paint the treated surface with dyes of different colors. Due to changes in the structure, curls will spontaneously appear, creating the illusion of wood. After drying, sand the surface.

Observing the rules, you can paint or varnish the door yourself without any problems. There will definitely not be any special complications along the course. Since the canvas has two sides, it is better to start trial strokes from the “wrong side”. Fill your hand, in a similar way it will be possible to restore not only doors, but also cabinets, and other wooden and veneered furniture.

Thanks to painting, a new door in an apartment or house can become not only more aesthetically attractive, but also more protected from the influence of environmental factors. The same applies to old doors, because over time, any painted surface loses its former attractiveness as the paint fades, peels and bubbles. Painting wooden doors is enough simple work However, in this case there are nuances, without understanding which it is difficult to achieve a good result.

Paint selection

Staining due to the huge variety of compositions allows you to give a wooden product almost any look. Paints are transparent, matte and glossy. Moreover, if there is a desire, it is possible to use several types of paint for one door - it all depends on the tasks set, the wishes of the master or designer. Very often, doors are first impregnated with a tinting composition, and only then a decorative coating is applied.

Note! Not all paints and varnishes are compatible with each other. For example, stain is suitable for varnish, but not drying oil.

Door paints are made on the basis of acrylic, polyurethane, alkyds, perchlorovinyl. A very rare and outdated option is oil-based paints. Nowadays, even domestic producers refuse them.

For painting doors, it is recommended to use acrylic or alkyd paint. Acrylic latex compounds have a suitable consistency for brushing, as well as decent spreadability and hiding power (although acrylic paint compositions are inferior to oil ones in this parameter). Alkyd paints are characterized by excellent water-repellent properties, and in addition, they are highly resistant to temperature extremes, as well as fast drying.

Note! Alkyd coloring compositions can only be applied to perfectly dry wood. If the surface is wet, its adhesive properties will not be sufficient to ensure reliable adhesion to the paint material, resulting in peeling of the paint.

Paint has two competitors - varnishes and impregnations. To understand the differences between these compositions, let us briefly dwell on their properties and tasks:

Coloring technology

Do-it-yourself painting of wooden doors begins with the removal of the structure from the hinges. After the door is dismantled, lay it on a flat surface (you can use a table, a couple of stools, etc.).

Note! If alkyd paint is to be used, it is recommended that all work be carried out outdoors or indoors, where there is a large volume of air.

Next, we block the canvas in such a way as to have free access with a brush to all the necessary elements. The lock is also needed in order to prevent accidental closing of the doors during the drying period of the surface. If the door is closed, the paint layer may be damaged.

It is also desirable to remove the accessories. If this is not possible, and also in the case of non-removable hinges, all parts must be protected from paint. For this, paper that can be attached with tape is suitable. It is even better to wrap the fittings with foil. Locking mechanisms are recommended to be sealed with adhesive tape.

Wood surface preparation

To prepare wooden doors for painting, they must first be cleaned, and then treated with a primer and putty.

Below is step-by-step instruction for the preparation of a wooden surface:

Council number 1. Too noticeable dents can be leveled with automotive putty. The choice of this material is dictated by the absence of fiberglass in its composition.

Council number 2. If the wood under the old paint has become too dark, it can be lightened. To do this, we treat the surface with a solution of bleach with water. The ratio of components in the solution is 1 to 3.

At the end of grinding, we clean the surface of dust with a vacuum cleaner, and then wipe the wooden product with a damp cloth.

Coloring in the usual way

In this part of the article, we will not dwell on sophisticated methods of staining, for example, artificial aging of the surface, painting, or emphasizing the texture of wood with special methods. We are talking about the usual painting of doors. This must be done with high quality - so that there are no smudges and stains on the surface.

It hardly makes sense to buy a sprayer to paint one or two doors. Therefore, you can use a narrow paneled brush for a paneled canvas, and a roller is suitable for canvases of all types.

The next steps depend on design features doors:

  1. We paint the panel door in three stages. When painting, we use a roller, as it allows you to apply the paint more evenly and does not leave hairs. First of all, we apply paint to the butt. From the upper left corner of the butt we move to the right. Thus, we paint the entire canvas, and then dry it in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer. At the second stage, we paint the door lengthwise. Finally, we do everything the same as in the first stage, but from the right corner.
  2. When painting a paneled door, use a brush. We carefully process the surface, not forgetting about the recesses. In this case, an excess of paint and varnish material on the canvas should be avoided. After the paint layer dries, we do everything that is indicated in the instructions for painting the panel door.

Working with stain

We moisten a clean door slightly. On a damp surface, the stain will lie better. We paint first along the fibers, then across. The third layer is again applied in the direction of the fibers.

We process the jambs and the canvas (it does not need to be removed) from below so that the drops do not fall on a clean surface. This applies to staining with transparent compounds. If we are talking about opaque paint, the direction of staining does not matter.

After applying a water-based stain, the fibers rise slightly. Therefore, grinding with the help of a zero-sandpaper is necessary. Then remove the dust and apply another layer of stain. Alcohol stain does not provoke raising of fibers. Based on this, it is not necessary to grind the surface after such a stain. The advantage of aqueous compositions is non-toxicity and.

Note! A surface that is not yet dry appears darker than it will be when it dries. A darker tone is achieved by re-staining.

wood look

How to paint a wood-like door is briefly described below:

  1. We apply yellow, light gray or light beige paint to any material (for example, MDF). We are waiting for the surface to dry.
  2. We process the surface with liquid soap.
  3. We apply a layer of dark paint and wash off the liquid soap.

Veneered doors can also be given a full wood texture. For those who want to learn how to paint a wood-like door, this option is offered:

  1. We process soft veneer fibers with a special brush-comb. A semblance of a wood texture will appear on the surface.
  2. Apply one or more coats of paint.
  3. We grind the surface.

If you follow the elementary rules described in the article, there should not be any difficulties when painting the door. For beginners, it is recommended to start painting the canvas from the inside out or practice on a piece of unnecessary wood. So it is easier to fill your hand and avoid mistakes in the future.

For many people, the repair of their home is directly related to the issue of making it cheaper - they are trying to save on everything and, most importantly, on what is not worth doing. You can save money, but you need to do it wisely! For example, instead of acquiring new doors, try to restore the old ones with high quality - believe me, it is possible to do it yourself, and even so that the old doors will not differ a bit from the new ones. In this article, together with the site site, we will answer the question of how to paint a wooden door with your own hands? Moreover, we will tell you not only how to paint new doors, but also how to prepare and subsequently paint old doors.

How to paint a wooden door: preparatory work

If we talk about brand new wooden doors, then their preparation for painting will be minimized - we can say that they do not need to be prepared for this process at all. But the old doors will have to be carefully processed and brought into proper form. How to do it? But we will deal with this issue in a little more detail - we will consider the technology of painting wooden doors point by point in the form of a small instruction.

Basically, that's all preparatory work. Having finished with them, it will be possible to proceed to the direct solution of the question, how to paint an old wooden door?

How to paint a wooden door with your own hands, see the video.

How to paint interior wooden doors: how to choose paint

The question of what is better to paint wooden doors will certainly arise before any person who, one way or another, decides on the process or simply cultivating new ones. It will have to be solved in any case, and it is better to do it correctly, since the term and quality of operation of wooden doors directly depend on the choice of paint and varnish products. Probably, it will not be a secret for anyone if I say that the doors can be varnished or colored paint - it is to them that we will pay the lion's share of attention.

There is also a third, more expensive wood coating material - wax-containing oils that give the wood a silky surface. Wax oils, like varnishes, can be colored and transparent. In addition, they can be successfully combined, giving the doors an interesting look.

Painting wooden doors: the sequence of work and the subtleties of technology

Before embarking on a direct solution to the question of how to properly paint a wooden door, you should decide on a painting tool. And there are quite a few of them. Such tools include brushes, all kinds of rollers and an airbrush. The latter is used by professionals, but due to the high cost of the equipment necessary for these purposes, this tool can be set aside. You can’t look at cheap electric paint zoom sprayers - even for domestic use, these things are not suitable. All that remains is a brush and rollers - they will have to be used in the process of painting wooden doors.

Now, as for the painting technology itself, professionals do it in the following way.

In principle, it is unlikely that anyone will follow this entire sequence - it is too difficult to organize everything in everyday life. The work is dusty and dirty, so few people dare to do it at home. In most cases, the question of how to paint a wooden door is solved using a simplified technology, from which one should not expect a supernatural result. As a rule, doors are sanded directly on the paint, without removing it completely, and then the surface is covered with another layer of paint or varnish. I want to note that the more these layers accumulate, the more chances for the coating of wooden doors to peel off - simply speaking, the paint can swell and fall off in layers.