How and how to grind a rounded log. How to properly sand the interior walls of a log house Log sander

To preserve the attractive appearance of the log house for a long time, its external processing is carried out, which includes grinding and coating with antiseptic compounds that prevent decay and increase fire resistance. wooden structure. If the logs are left without polishing, then the remains of the bark will darken over time and lead to the appearance of rot and a deterioration in appearance. How to grind a log house? What are the basic rules for its processing? Which antiseptic to choose? We will answer these questions in this article.

The appearance of the log house depends on the external processing by grinding and coating with antiseptic compounds.

How to choose the right tool?

At first glance, it seems that the process is simple and doing everything with your own hands will not be difficult. I'll have to reassure you. Study the information below and try to objectively assess your strengths. Do you have enough stock necessary tools, time, perseverance, and skills? Or maybe still the best option will entrust this work to professionals?

As you probably know that sanding a log house consists of several stages. Belt sanders do an excellent job. Today in stores they are presented in a fairly wide range, but not every one is equally well suited for this work.
In order for the process to go faster, the tool should not be too heavy and powerful enough. Well, if the model will have a dust bag.

Whether or not to sand the walls from the timber, the owners do not have a question immediately after construction before painting. But how to perform these works on their own or hire a team of specialists think. But having studied the price list, the craftsmen perform the grinding of the timber with their own hands. This article will tell you which tool is best for sanding a log house and how to avoid mistakes when working with your own hands.

Articles in periodicals and the net say that sanding dry timber is easier, so better home stand for a year or more after building a house from a bar. But just think what is being done with the walls during this time? The beam will crack, and even covered with all kinds of compounds without polishing, it will look unsightly. Such walls can be seen in numerous photos on the net.

The first thing to do after construction, even from a material of natural moisture, is to protect the walls from external influences. And by painting without sanding, these tasks will not be completed.

Of course, handling natural moisture is more difficult, as individual fibers will separate. But if you cover the wood of natural moisture without pre-polishing, then cracking cannot be avoided.

There is only one conclusion, it is necessary to grind the walls of any humidity immediately after the construction of the house. And if you assemble the house and cover it with a roof, preserve it, then drying will occur slowly and evenly. Moreover, the grinding technology is designed for different kind wood.

What is the benefit of sanding?

Grinding a log house helps in the following cases:

  1. Under the influence of sunlight, the wood acquires a dark yellow tint. Sanding returns the natural even color.
  2. If the timber is not sanded before coating, the impregnation will be absorbed unevenly and pigment spots will form on the walls.
  3. By removing a millimeter, the pores of fungi and mold that have already fallen on the wood are neutralized from above.
  4. It is rare to see completed timber construction with clean walls. Sanding will remove all the dirt and bumps, the walls will look like in advertising photos of construction companies.

What you need for sanding a log house

To grind a log house made of wood, tools are used:

When doing grinding with their own hands, they mainly use a drill and a grinder. Almost everyone who has built a house from glued laminated timber or other lumber has such a tool. Other tools described can be rented or used by professionals who have them available.

A face mask and respirator must be worn during any grinding work. Wood dust is very fine and easily penetrates the eyes and nasopharynx.

The quality of work depends on the selected tool and the rigidity of the nozzles. For external processing, circles No. 80 and 120 are suitable. No. 80 is used for grinding the rough parts of the log house, 120 removes dirt and levels the surface for painting. For rough grinding, No. 30 and 60 are used. They are also used to clean old paintwork.

In any case, the grinding tool should be light and powerful. A heavy tool reduces productivity by 2-3 times, and a small power will significantly increase the time spent. How the tool works and looks can be seen in the photo on the network.

Wall sanding work

Before starting work on grinding the walls need to be inspected. If there are pieces of the “Radial Structure”, in other words, exfoliating, then during grinding they will become shaggy and damage the instrument. Such places are treated with adhesive, after which the walls are allowed to dry for about a day. This technology has proven itself not only for natural moisture timber, but also for kiln drying. After that, the walls are polished, starting with large nozzles and ending with small ones. A beam with sections of a radial structure can be seen in one of the photos for this article.

After grinding, you should not wait, but it is better to immediately treat the walls with special compounds.

Particular attention when grinding should be paid to the ends.

The ends after the construction of a house from a profiled beam are most susceptible to all sorts of influences. They absorb moisture instantly, and when coated, the consumption of paint and varnish compositions at the ends is 5 times higher. The processing of the ends must be carried out especially carefully.

Our grandfathers used to save the ends blowtorch or hammer. Burning is an old and proven method that really increases the life of wood. But at the same time, appearance the beam changes to unattractive, as in the photo. The ends were tapped with a hammer to completely connect the fibers and clog the channels. This makes the surface hard and smooth.

Modern methods and numerous nozzles allow processing to complete smoothness of the ends. To do this, first use nozzle No. 35 and gradually reach 120. When correct grinding the ends will not absorb paint with such force and there is less chance of cracking. They need to be treated with special compounds for the ends. You can use liquid glass.

After grinding, all dust from the walls must be carefully removed. Particular attention is paid to the connecting locks. Indoors, dust can be removed with a simple vacuum cleaner and a long-bristled brush. Outside it is blown out and cleaned with the same brush.

Corner processing

If there are completely inaccessible areas, then you can use a chisel or a bar with sanding paper.

Grinding rounded logs can be carried out partial and solid. It all depends on the quality of the material. The rounded log gets to the buyer already treated with primers and antiseptics. This layer will be removed when sanding. Therefore, after grinding, the rounded log is immediately covered with impregnations and antiseptics.

It is necessary to grind the rounded log dry, after shrinkage of the house. Before grinding, the caulking is checked and, if cracks appear, they are repeated. It is important to make a caulk before grinding, as it can be damaged during operation.

Rounded logs do not need to be processed with coarse nozzles. They use a grinder for grinding, a train with a machine is more difficult to work on rounded surfaces. At the first stage, the rounded log is ground with a grinder with nozzle No. 100. It will raise the hairiness. Then No. 125 which will level the surface. Corners and connecting are processed manually.

If you perform sanding without errors, the surface will look smooth as in the photo and pleasant to the touch.

What mistakes are made when working independently

  1. Working with tools should not be allowed high speed. So bumps and furrows will remain on the walls.
  2. When grinding coniferous timber, you must first remove the remaining resin. If this is not done, sanding will spread the resin over the surface in a thin layer and it will be almost impossible to remove it.
  3. Defects in the timber that are not smeared with adhesive after grinding will become disheveled and will look more unsightly.
  4. After coating with varnishes or water-based paint, the pile rises. For complete alignment after the first coating, re-grinding is performed with a wheel No. 120. You can use chemical-based compounds, they do not affect the pile.
  5. Grinding is carried out before the main finishing and installation of windows, doors, ceilings. So it will be easier to remove wood dust, which will be a lot.

The faster the sanding is done, the easier the work will be. Over time, the wood hardens and performance will drop. Try to sand immediately after or during construction.

Grinding is a mandatory work after the construction of the log house. Its main purpose is to level wood material, remove all roughness, mold, rot spots and other defects from it. This work must also be carried out before painting, varnishing or treating the wall with any other finishing materials.

A sanded wall provides good adhesion of the paint to the surface, and the result will look much more aesthetically pleasing. How to polish the logs of the log house?

Selection of tools for processing logs

Choosing a tool for grinding a log house is not difficult, since dozens of various brands of grinders from domestic and foreign manufacturers are on sale today. To completely sand the log house, you must purchase the following set of equipment:

  • If we are talking about a log cabin, the most convenient solution will become tape grinder machine. It will allow you to quickly process flat surfaces, modern models are additionally supplied with a bag into which dust and flying small sawdust are collected. It is important that the machine is not excessively heavy, otherwise it will be inconvenient to work with it.
  • If you have to process a log house from a log, you will have to work with semicircular surfaces. The most convenient tool for this will be an angle grinder - an angle grinder, which is often called a grinder in everyday life. In this case, special nozzles are put on it for grinding the log house - these are disks equipped with a coating of sandpaper laid in the form of petals.

Sufficient power - 850 W, stronger tools are not required. The device must be light and ergonomic, otherwise, after a few hours of work, the hands will be very tired.

  • You will also need sandpaper of a high fraction, and it is better to purchase a large amount. Any equipment will not help to complete the work, many areas will have to be processed only manually. These are end joints and various hard-to-reach places that the grinder cannot reach.
What is the best way to grind a log house? When choosing a power tool, it is better to pay attention to products of well-known brands: these are DeWalt, Bosch, a fairly reliable tool is offered by the domestic company Interskol.

You should not save when choosing, as a cheap Chinese grinder can simply fail after an hour of hard work. The right tool will allow you to quickly cope with the work, and there will be no problems and unforeseen breakdowns.

The technology of polishing a log house from logs using a grinder

A grinder for grinding a log house is the most convenient tool with a fairly high performance, but all the work will take many hours. It is important to remember that a sanded log must be painted or otherwise treated as soon as possible, otherwise the wood will quickly darken and the likelihood of fungus increases.

Sanding starts only after the wood has dried to the end. Grinding a wet log is practically useless, since a flat surface will not work.

How to grind a log house with a grinder? For work, you need to prepare nozzles with grains of different sizes in advance: during the initial processing, the logs are polished with sandpaper with large grains (40), later it will be possible to move on to finer grinding by choosing sandpaper with finer grains.

The abrasive material is very quickly erased and clogged with dust, so it will have to be replaced periodically. Several important rules, which will help to cope with grinding more effectively:

  • Before starting work, you should take care of personal protective equipment: when processing wood, dust and small sawdust will fly in all directions, so goggles and a respirator mask will be required. Hands must be protected by a sleeve, and work gloves will also be required.
  • If there is a lot of work to be done, it is better to divide it into several parts. Otherwise, the logs of the log house will have time to darken even before the work is completed, after which they will need to be sanded again. It is better to process one area, and then immediately coat the wood with a protective compound.

This is especially important if the work is carried out unprofessionally, as it will take more time, and it is worth taking care of the timely protection of the material.

  • The work is carried out in several stages: initially, you need to process the coarsest places with a nozzle with a large sandpaper: the remnants of the bark are removed, all irregularities are removed. After that, you can proceed to grouting with sandpaper, and the final part of the work is done manually.

Particular attention should be paid to the grooves. To grind them, you can use a special flat nozzle on the grinder, but such work requires special skills, and it is better for beginners to do it manually.

If the work is being done for the first time, the master must handle the grinder very carefully. High rotation speed requires precise movements, otherwise the sanding will be uneven. If you press too hard on the wood, a noticeable depression will immediately appear in it.

Further processing of the log house

When choosing how to grind a log house, you must immediately prepare the material for further processing of logs. It includes the obligatory application of a layer of antiseptic - a substance that prevents putrefactive processes. An antiseptic can be priming and tinting, and wood can also be treated with bleach to give it a pleasant tone.

Wood must also be treated with flame retardants - substances that prevent fire. For a wooden house, this is the most important safety factor.

A carefully polished and processed log house will look very beautiful, and thanks to special processing, it will be reliably protected from various adverse effects. Skillful handling of tools and compliance with safety precautions will allow you to quickly cope with the work without force majeure, and the result will be quite worthy.

Everyone who dreams of a cozy country house or at least about a small bathhouse on the site, knows that the best material than a tree for the house (bathhouse) of your dreams is difficult to find. For such buildings, coniferous and hardwood logs are selected that have undergone special technological processing, in particular, the removal of bark. In this article we will touch on such a topic as grinding wooden house. Is it necessary, what is the use of it, and how to grind it correctly?

From logs cleared of bark, with a diameter of at least 18-40 cm, the walls of a wooden frame are folded for the future building. The log house is laid in a special way, it is not a monolithic stone or brickwork! The log house is folded in crowns: one crown - one row of logs around the entire perimeter of the house. The first row, the first crown of logs of the largest diameter, is the basis for the fortress of the walls, and all the main responsibility for the stability of the house for a long time falls on it.

All other crowns are important, but the first is the most important. The log house is simply obliged to have a reliable first crown!

But due to the lack of bark and multiple influences on the “bare” tree (atmospheric precipitation, spider bugs, fungus, etc.), the wooden body of the log begins to collapse, moisture is freely absorbed into the wood, and the crown begins to rot.

The same thing happens with the upper crowns, up to the roof, and in a short time the house or bathhouse begins to warp in one direction or another. The once elegant golden-straw logs crumble, darken, ugly spots of fungus and lichen appear on them, the walls “lead” as if from a toothache, the roof moves down due to a warp, window and door openings are deformed, etc.

A couple of years after the destruction began, you see a typical hut-hut in front of you, as in the paintings of Russian Wanderers of the mid-19th century with their sad realism.

To prevent this frightening picture from turning into a real nightmare, you need to protect the tree!

The protection of wooden logs, glued beams and boards is traditional - coating them with special impregnating compounds and painting the surface with varnishes or paint. For protection from the outside - facade processing, from the inside - indoor processing, respectively.

For better penetration of processing compounds wooden surface needs to be sanded in preparation for further processing, at the same time relieving the log house from the fungus that began to form in some places and moldy spots.

What else will grinding give besides a smooth surface and getting rid of decay? Attractive aesthetic appearance, because after grinding, the natural, beautiful, clear structure of the tree will be in full view.

On video:

Is it a difficult process?

If you know how to hold a grinder in your hands, then grinding a log house with your own hands will not seem like a difficult process to you. Another thing is that the process is time-consuming and time-consuming, because. work is done manually, in stages, albeit with the use of electromechanics and special nozzles for it. To grind the log house in the corners and grooves, you will have to use a chisel - this is so far the only reliable way their processing, if you, of course, do not have sandblasting.

The sandblaster will qualitatively and quickly process not only grooves and corners, it will perfectly cope with grinding the entire log house, removing only a thin top layer of wood, and will be able to get to the most hard-to-reach cracks, crevices, gaps and joints.

Grinding a log house and painting, in the presence of sandblasting, can fit in just a couple of days. You can clean the grooves and corners both before cleaning the entire wall of the house, and after. It's not essential.

Choice of grinder

If there was no sandblasting, you will have to work with a corner grinder, preferably two in turn, so that the tool does not overheat. In addition, on one grinder you can set the “grain” from 30 to 60 (remove the top rough layer of darkened wood), on the other - “grain” 80-120 (we smooth and remove the raised pile of the log after the first processing).

Especially for grinding work, an eccentric belt sander is designed, which has a built-in bag to collect dust and sawdust, which are inevitable during the process.

This wonderful device does an excellent job of grinding flat surfaces, however, this handy thing may not be able to cope with the task of polishing rounded logs cleanly. We'll have to reconsider the option with two grinders and special grinding nozzles. But with the grinding of walls from a bar, a good belt grinder will do just fine!

Before buying a tool, look at where the machine takes air from. The correct air intake will be at the back, and not on the side, so that the grinder is less clogged. The length of the cord is also important - this is the freedom of your actions when working.

What nozzle to choose for work? Nozzle nozzle - strife! Some argue that flap discs are ideal, while others prefer a wire brush. There is only one rule for any nozzle: it must be smaller in diameter than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe grinder. Otherwise, you could be seriously injured if the nozzle gets stuck in a slot or groove.

Having decided what to grind, try on the weight of the tool on your hand - you will have to work for a long time and if the tool is heavy, then the “arm will fall off”, and you will have to grind large areas and this must be done quickly so that dirt does not have time to settle on the sanded surface before it is treated with a waterproof fireproof antiseptic.

Another factor in choosing a tool is its power. It should be at least 200-300 W, and the number of revolutions per minute should be 10,000-12,000. It remains only to arm yourself with a respirator or a dense mask to protect against dust and sawdust and glasses for the same purpose.

When to start processing?

You can start sanding as soon as the frame dries and shrinks. In time, it will take about 10 days if the sun warms well. Otherwise, the waiting time will have to be increased.

Why can't you immediately start sanding the log house as soon as it is installed? Can! Only if you guarantee that your house is made of well-dried logs (beams), and the moisture content of the wood will not exceed the prescribed 20%. Then bring the crowns under the roof and start grinding work, followed by coating the log with various impregnations. The house will still have to be left to shrink, with or without impregnation.

If there is no confidence in 20%, then you should not rush - a wet tree will warp and the surface will not turn out smooth and beautiful.

How to sand properly

Grinding walls from a bar is carried out in stages. All work will be reduced to five main actions:

  1. Rough, initial sanding.
  2. Grinding corners and grooves.
  3. Processing the ends of logs.
  4. Finishing - finishing grinding.
  5. Coating wood with impregnation and other antiseptic compounds.

At the first stage (rough peeling), our task is to remove the darkened layer and smooth out all the bumps left by the planer. The task is not difficult, but it requires time and attention.

How quickly you can manage will depend on:

  • your skill in working with the chosen tool;
  • the type and breed of wood from which the log house is composed (the amount of resin and the quality of the primary processing of the log);
  • the number of complex elements decorating the house;
  • power and convenience of the tool;
  • the total area of ​​the processed surface of the log house.

The same initial grinding procedure should go through the grooves with ends. On average, the speed of this work is running meter A 30-40 cm log or beam will take about three minutes.

The next stage is very responsible. Finishing grinding before coating the impregnation must be done with great care - there will be nothing to fix. Many craftsmen advise finishing sanding by hand if you are not sure that you will not leave pits and grooves with a grinder due to lack of experience. Final, finishing grinding - processing is delicate and requires a confident hand! Grinding the timber inside the house is carried out in the same order as outside - in stages.

After all sanding steps are completed, carefully remove workplace, and vacuum the “fresh” house and wipe it with a slightly damp cloth soaked in white spirit to remove excess resin.

Resin is the enemy when coated with impregnation, it will not allow the impregnating film to lie flat, and this place will remain without protection!

When covering the house with an antiseptic, pay special attention to the ends - they will cost more, because. They are porous and will absorb liquid like a sponge. Walk with an antiseptic on them 3-4 times.

If the timber inside the house will not be sheathed, then it is recommended to carry out finishing grinding twice. The first - before applying the impregnation, the second - after the impregnation dries. Then prime the walls along the inner perimeter again and only then cover with varnish or paint.

It is difficult to have time to polish the entire log house in a day, especially if its area is large. And if the polished surface is not covered with special solution during the first 12-16 hours, then the tree will begin to darken again, and the laborious work will come to naught. The maximum period is 36 hours, and even then you will have to clean it up again in some places. Therefore, the one who himself polished and processed the house advises to divide the log house into parts and grind a small piece a day, bringing this piece to perfection.

Advice! It is better to start grinding from the top rims, gradually moving down. So you will work more conveniently.

Painting the log house after grinding can be started in a day, when the priming antiseptic soaks the wood well and “grabs” with an even adhesive film.

To give a frame beautiful view over the entire surface, so that the color is the same everywhere, you can bleach the wood.

The bleaching compound is applied prior to the initial sanding, allowed to dry and sanded. If one layer was not enough, dark spots remained or the logs of the log house still differ in color, the bleach is applied again, and the wood is polished.

Usually a couple of whitening procedures are enough. Such processing will prepare your sanded frame for polishing with transparent varnishes or painting with light colors. The beauty of a correctly polished log house, covered with varnish or paint, cannot be compared with that timber or log "roll" that our log house was seen before it was so artistically processed.

Tips for choosing tools and sanding a log house (1 video)

Wooden house, its warmth and fabulous appearance is the dream of many romantics who want to build not just a home, but a cozy nest for their family. In most cases, this idea has to be abandoned in favor of more durable materials. Grinding a log house and knowing how to properly process a wooden log house allows you to dispel all doubts and prejudices about wood.


The process of building a house from any material is always very laborious and includes several steps.

Grinding is one of the important stages of finishing logs, which allows you to protect wood from factors such as:

  • decay;
  • the appearance of mold and fungi that destroy natural building material;
  • darkening;
  • uneven logs;
  • exposure to moisture and insects.

It is worth noting that grinding is needed regardless of the type of log. So, rounded and chopped logs must be polished, despite the aesthetic and presentable original appearance.

Grinding a log house has the following advantages:

  • additional material protection;
  • improving the penetration of antiseptics and paints into logs;
  • savings in the consumption of paints and varnishes;
  • removal of dirt from wood, invariably accompanying during transportation.

And yet, some unscrupulous craftsmen neglect grinding, because this process is rather laborious, time-consuming and energy-consuming. In addition, it can be carried out only after the complete shrinkage of the logs, which on average ranges from six months to a year, depending on the type of structure. The purchase of glued laminated timber helps to reduce time costs, which is already thoroughly dried during the manufacturing process, so it practically does not shrink. Sanding wet wood will certainly cause it to scuff and damage.

So, having decided to build a house in accordance with all the rules, you should refuse the tempting offers of building houses from a turnkey log house. As a rule, they are aimed not at long-term quality, but at speed of execution, which, one way or another, affects unpleasant surprises during the operation of the building. And also, you should not save on the services of professional masters for grinding logs, because it requires not only proper skills, but also special tools and means of protecting your health.

When is it held?

Building a solid house is not a quick business, so you should stock up on patience, which will later be rewarded and paid off. Wooden frame is brought, mounted and covered with a roof in the first season. It can dry for about a year, and sometimes two. Such a spread of figures is affected by the season of felling, the type of wood and storage conditions.

It is especially worth focusing on this when purchasing wood to order, because, as a rule, sellers prefer to remain silent about such nuances.

During the entire drying and shrinkage period, sanding the house is prohibited. According to experts, it is also not worth covering a tree with antiseptics, since no harmful changes in the structure can occur in a year. Subsequent grinding will easily remove the darkening and blueness on the logs, because the peeling of the top layer is from 1 to 2 millimeters, and in some cases more. Installation of windows and doors is carried out after the procedure.

Tools and materials

Grinding a log house is a costly process, since it must be done correctly. Close attention should be paid to the acquisition of quality tools, the list of which is long. The first and main tool for creating an aesthetic appearance of wood is a grinder with a grinding disc. It should be noted that the price range is large, because the market is represented by both non-branded and professional equipment. Experts advise to opt for the golden mean and, if possible, purchase two instruments at once. This solution will prevent the loss of time when changing nozzles from coarse to fine. In addition, such tools rarely lie idle in your home, so acquiring a good angle grinder is a profitable investment.

The power of the grinder should be from 700 to 1000 watts. More powerful models can deliver a lot of discomfort due to their significant weight. A light model with comfortable handles and a long cord is best suited for home processing. It is important to remember that the work will be done mainly on weight. Another argument in favor of an inexpensive tool is the fact that the working resource of the grinder may end at the end of all finishing works. The optimal disk is 125 mm. For less clogging, the air intake should be from the rear. The side fence when grinding at home can disable any angle grinder.

Speaking of nozzles, you should choose a plastic one rather than a more reliable rubber model. The nuance lies in the fact that rubber, if accidentally touched, will leave a black mark, which will certainly spoil the appearance of the log house. The choice of discs for the grinder is one more step towards the fabulous house of your dreams.

Since grinding will take place in two stages, during the work you will need such petal discs as:

  • with grain 40–60;
  • with grain 100–120.

On average, one coarse-grained disc is used to grind a surface equal to 4 m². The rounded timber in this process consumes disks more economically than chopped wood. The consumption of fine-grained discs will directly depend on the quality of work performed with large grains, so it is not easy to predict the costs in this case. Nevertheless, when embarking on such a long procedure, you should stock up the right amount consumable, avoiding the subsequent painful search for the right tools.

The next important, albeit less powerful, equipment is an eccentric machine with a power of 200-300 watts. It is great for rounded even logs. The pluses of the model include a dust collector that can significantly improve the surrounding atmosphere. Circles are used various. So, for rough grinding, you will need models with a grain of 40-60, for a more thorough one - 80-100.

Particular attention during the work is paid to grooves and corners. For their grinding, an old but effective tool is used - a chisel. Optimal width a knife with parameters of 20–25 mm is considered. A grinder can also be used, but with nozzles smaller than the disk. Otherwise, the device will jam, which can subsequently lead to its breakdown. The ends are ground with a grinding wheel with sandpaper size 40. You can polish them with an angle grinder.

In most cases, ideal smoothness in this zone is not achieved, limited to coarse and medium grinding.

An alternative sanding method is sandblasting and abrasive blasting to achieve an aged and natural wood look.

It is performed using special and expensive equipment, such as:

  • cooper slag;
  • soda;
  • garnet;
  • specialized types of sand.

The essence of this processing procedure is the bombardment of sand particles with a powerful air flow of wood. The result is a clean log surface without fungi and mold even in small cracks. It should be noted that manually polishing such parts of the log house is almost impossible. And also you should not carry out brushing yourself with ordinary sandblasting, as it can beat and spoil the appearance of the surface.

A budget way to brush is to use a nylon brush. Compared to sandpaper, the nylon brush on the sander does not clog, which saves time and consumables.

Technology and work procedure

The grinding process includes steps such as:

  • rough grinding;
  • medium processing;
  • fine processing;
  • final sanding before varnishing.

The first stage of work is the division of the entire surface of the wall into several sections., which will improve the quality of grinding work and cover the walls with paints and varnishes in time, because this must be done on a clean surface within 1-3 days. After division into zones, grinding with a coarse grain is carried out. At the same time, the wood is covered with pile, which is subsequently removed with petal discs of a smaller grain size. The process of fine processing refers to the work of a chisel. The final polishing to a perfectly smooth surface is done by hand using grout and sandpaper.

Particular attention is paid to joints and all hard-to-reach places.

Processing after

When the long and laborious sanding process is over, it's time to coat. log house special compositions and means. As mentioned earlier, this should be done immediately after cleaning the timber, because the sanded wood is defenseless against any dangers, bacteria and pollution. It is necessary to cover the house outside in several layers and with several means, which are presented today in a wide range.

Processing should be carried out in such layers as:

  • antiseptic;
  • antiprene;
  • primer;
  • glazing compounds.

It is worth noting that it is also necessary to process the house inside, using water-based or combined products. Despite the more favorable environment, the timber and logs that are in the house are also susceptible to fungi, mold and the reproduction of harmful organisms. Carefully read the label and composition of the product for interior decoration and make sure that it can be used inside the house. The first and important layer that the sanded wood will feel on itself includes antiseptic agents.

Today they are represented by such two types as:

  • impregnated compositions;
  • covering agents.

The first type is deeply absorbed into the wood, creating a protective barrier for mold and mildew, while the second subspecies forms a film on the surface that protects against moisture and dampness. It should be noted that impregnated compounds are most often quite toxic substances, so their use for internal processing is hazardous to health. An attractive view for the consumer is presented by biomoisture protective agents belonging to the category of antiseptics. Protecting from moisture and fungus, they create an additional decorative layer that reveals the natural beauty of wood.

The second key step in wood coating is antiprene treatment. These funds are aimed at giving natural material high fire resistance. Antiprenes are divided into saline solutions and non-salt agents. Salt solutions, when ignited, emit gases that prevent ignition. When using non-salt products, a foam is formed on the surface of the tree, blocking any ignition.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the treatment of antiprenes, because without proper treatment, the wood will flare up like a match, leading to tragedy.

Today, well-known manufacturers have developed biopyrenes to reduce the number of layers, combining the properties of antiseptics and antiprenes. They can be used for both external and internal processing. The painting of the house occurs after priming with water-soluble compounds using glazing compounds or facade paint. The first type refers to modern means, which allows you to reveal the beauty of the log house with the help of transparent types or varieties with numerous shades, reaching more than 40 tones. Facade paint for exterior finish compares favorably with its inexpensive cost, however, in most cases it covers the natural charm of wood.