Do-it-yourself entrance wooden door: recommendations and step-by-step instructions from specialists. Features of manufacturing a wooden door How to assemble a wooden entrance door at home

The strength of character lies not in the ability to break through walls, but in the ability to find doors. And even better, not only be able to find them, but also be able to create these doors. This article will discuss how to realize your strength in everyday life and how to make a door with your own hands.

How to prepare

It would seem that the modern market is so wide that you can find a door of any shape, size and quality on it. But this is not always the case. Especially when it comes to exclusivity, a special kind of wood, a spectacular stained-glass window, an outstanding form. Buying a standard factory design is boring and ordinary. And to make a door with your own hands is a very simple task, especially if there is suitable canvas, a couple of skillful hands and a little time.

However, in order to make a beautiful and high-quality door yourself, you must first study the subtleties and nuances of the material, evaluate the complexity of the technology and calculations, and identify pitfalls during its installation.

First you need to prepare all the materials and tools that will be needed for the job. After all, the final result is affected not only by the quality of the raw materials themselves, but also by the quality and reliability of auxiliary tools and materials that were used in the assembly and installation of the door. And for this you will need:

  • milling machine with manual mechanism. With its help, they process a wooden product, give it a shape, grind the groove elements;
  • a circular saw with manual mechanism;
  • Bulgarian. In this case, it will serve to polish the wood;
  • screwdriver for mounting the door;
  • building level and tape measure;
  • hammer;
  • pencil or marker.

Regardless of what type of product needs to be made, whether it be interior, entrance or doors for a country shed, a single technology is used for all. Therefore, after studying this article, you can easily make homemade doors for any needs. In addition to tools, you will also need the material itself. As a rule, an array is chosen from different types of wood: oak, ash, birch, larch, pine.

Some prefer exotic species: mahogany, wenge, beech. The choice depends on personal preferences, the type of room and the overall concept of the interior.

When making a structure with your own hands, you need to take into account the fact that the wooden canvas will require pre-treatment, especially for hardwoods. When choosing a wooden canvas, you need to focus on the fact that the wood is even, smooth. There should be no cracks or knot holes. The selected board is first dried in a well-ventilated area at a temperature of about 25 ° C.

You can also dry it outside, but only in dry weather, preferably in summer time middle lane Russia. Depending on the type of wood and its initial state, the drying of the canvas can take up to ten days.

Popular Models

Before proceeding to the manufacture of the door, you need to think about what type they will be (hinged or sliding), decide on the shape and design. The most important characteristics of all doors are functionality and appearance , because they will become an integral element of the interior.

Let's characterize the main models:

  • Very popular today sliding doors. Door type "compartment" can be either single-leaf or double-leaf. Sliding doors on rollers are an alternative to conventional swing doors, especially if space is an issue. There are two types of sliding doors: with bottom rails and with top rails. So, using a mechanical system with bottom guides, the door "walks" on the built-in rollers, reducing the load on the walls.

This fastening system sliding door it is advantageous to use for thin partitions in apartments.

  • Among compartment doors designs with a hinged mechanism are especially popular. Hinged compartment doors are usually made of glass, due to its lower weight compared to massive wooden counterparts. In addition to the fact that this type of door also takes up little space in the apartment, its plus is that its glass surface perfectly transmits light into the room. This option is very appropriate if you plan to overhaul"Khrushchev" in order to free the already small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment from unnecessary structures.

  • book door, like a sliding door, helps to save usable space in the apartment. Its folding design consists of two separate sheets interconnected so that when opened, one part lies on the other, without cluttering up the interior. They are often placed in dressing rooms and in bathrooms at the bedroom.

  • Accordion door- Another option for small apartments. Compared to swing doors, such doors can save up to two meters of space. This type of product can be used in any interior. The design of accordion doors is varied. There are even interesting options with intricate stained glass windows.

  • Everyone knows paneled doors remain popular to this day due to their aesthetic characteristics. The paneled door differs in design from the usual one in that inside door frame additional thinner canvases are inserted. Thus, even the most boring door can be made very original using inserts with textured patterns or carvings. The scope of these doors is not only office space, but also residential buildings and apartments.


A standard hinged door consists of several parts:

  • door frame;
  • door leafs;
  • fasteners;
  • castle;
  • framing in the form of platbands.

If the fabric of the product is not a monolithic solid board, but has several components, it is necessary to clarify what they will be made of and what their functional purpose is. The framework of the structure is the frame. It sets the main dimensions of the product, gives it rigidity and shape. The outer visible part of the canvas is represented by a sheathing. In this capacity, they can serve not only wooden panels, but also plastic profiles or glass stained-glass windows.

If the task is to make the front door, then you need to take care of the insulation, which is placed inside, under the skin.

This article will provide information on how to independently make a door of the simplest design with a hinged fastening mechanism, without insulation and complex cladding options like glass decorative elements and carved panels.


Seven times measure cut once. This proverb will be more relevant than ever when making a door yourself. Indeed, the final result will depend on how correctly the measurements are taken. And you don’t need to figure out which parts to measure. All the main parameters have long been known, it is enough just to write them out on a piece of paper and measure them using an ordinary construction tape measure.

IN without fail must be measured:

  • door width (distance from the left to the right edge of the leaf);
  • door height (distance from the floor to the top point);
  • the width of the doorway;
  • the thickness of the doorway;
  • the slope of the opening (if there are distortions);
  • evenness (identify elements whose value differs from the main one).

When determining the width of the product, it is recommended to measure the distance between the side parts of the opening in the floor area, in the center of the opening and at the upper border of the opening and find the average value. If necessary, if these values ​​\u200b\u200bare different, the opening can be trimmed.

For an interior door, the width is usually 80-90 cm, for the entrance - 90-120 cm. The height of the door is determined by the height of the opening and is approximately 200-210 cm. Measurements are taken with the same tape measure from the floor to the top of the doorway.

You should take into account the fact if the apartment does not yet have floor covering, then the measured height will not be entirely accurate, so to begin with, it is recommended to finish work with the floor so that all the parameters of the future door are taken into account correctly. When determining the height of the door, measurements are also carried out at three points (extreme left, center and extreme right).

The thickness of a doorway is measured like the width of a door. Just keep in mind that the width of the box will be somewhat larger, since it is necessary to leave a distance between the door and the box for the door to move freely. And yet, when forming the box, it should be remembered that its width should be several centimeters less than the measured width of the opening, since technological voids must be left during installation.

The thickness of the doorway is measured at six points (thickness from the bottom, middle, top for the left edge and the same positions for the right edge). This parameter will depend on the thickness of the wall into which the door will be mounted. For the entrance, it is usually larger than for the interior, but there are exceptions. Here you should also pay attention to the presence of non-standard dimensions of the thickness of the opening. In this case, it is necessary to provide for extras that will compensate for this moment.

In order to simplify the installation of the structure, it is necessary to first determine the evenness of the opening. Using the building level, check the vertical of the opening (at three points) and the diagonal. With a tape measure, measure the distance inside the opening diagonally, from the top corner to the bottom, for each side. Both values ​​should be approximately equal. In the case of strong deviations, not only the appearance of the structure will deteriorate, but also the reliability of the fastening system is called into question.

After the basic parameters have been measured, they proceed to the correction of irregularities and distortions. To do this, they plaster these places or cut off the excess with the help of a grinder. The ideal option it may be the alignment of the opening with the help of drywall sheets.

Eliminating the shortcomings identified in the process of measuring the dimensions of the product will certainly positive influence for further work and eliminate many unpleasant moments during installation.


Modern market oversaturated with various door options from a variety of materials. However, wood remains traditional. Due to its high quality indicators, as well as the ability to combine perfectly with wooden furniture and parquet board, wooden doors have become more in demand, especially in the interiors of apartments and country houses.

In addition to their aesthetic characteristics, wooden products have a number of other advantages: material strength, ease of material processing, the ability to retain heat, good sound insulation, as well as environmental friendliness.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if the choice fell on a wooden door, then all other parts must also be made of wood (box, platbands, extensions).

Among the disadvantages of wood, one can note easy flammability, the ability to absorb moisture and expand, and, of course, high cost.

The most popular, but not the easiest to manufacture, are paneled doors. It is better to use ready-made cutters as internal inserts, since cutting them yourself is laborious work. On the construction market, you can purchase a set of milling cutters for a future door. To save on material the door leaf can be made of boards, instead of a wide monolithic leaf.

If you need to make a door to a country shed or a bathhouse, you can use even cheaper materials. A good alternative to a wooden array would be a plywood door. This is a fairly durable material; in its manufacture, sheets of peeled veneer are glued to each other so that the fibers of one sheet are perpendicular to the fibers of another. The outer layers of plywood are glued with aspen, pine or larch veneer (these types of veneer have good strength and aesthetic appearance).

Lining products - also inexpensive option. The advantage of this material is that in order to make a door, it is not necessary to use factory lining, you can make individual profiles from improvised materials.

except natural materials, synthetic polycarbonates are widely used. The choice of this material for the manufacture of doors is advantageous when it is assumed that adverse weather conditions (humidity, temperature) will affect the structure. But if earlier polycarbonate was used for the manufacture of greenhouses, now it is easily used for entrance doors, the main thing is to provide a reliable base and insulation.

If desired, you can build a structure from other polymers. Often they make an aluminum frame with plexiglass inserts. It looks pretty stylish, but these materials are quite expensive.

How to make a box for a door?

Before you start assembling the door frame, you need to study its structure. So, the door frame consists of four main parts: two pillars (its longest parts), a threshold and an upper crossbar (short parts). First, measure the length of the racks. In the case of using a threshold, it is equal to the length of the door plus 2-3 centimeters for the gap on each side. If there is no threshold, then instead of a gap from below, 15-20 centimeters are added. This will ensure that the door moves freely from the floor.

The measured values ​​\u200b\u200bare drawn on the canvas and each rack is cut out with a special knife.

The crossbar and the threshold are the same components. Their length consists of the width of the door, the same two gaps and the thickness of the box. The measured dimensions are transferred to a wooden canvas and one or two elements are cut out, depending on the need for a threshold. Grooves are cut into the top lintel of the box, marking the lines where the posts intersect with the top crossbar, and carefully cut these sections with a jigsaw on each side.

After all the grooves have been cut, the uprights and crossbar are aligned on the floor to make sure they fit together. After that, the cut parts are carefully sanded with sandpaper, eliminating all irregularities and rough roughness. When all the elements of the box are ready, you can start assembling.

In order to assemble the structure, you will need a drill or screwdriver. A 2-3 mm drill is inserted into the screwdriver and holes are drilled in the combined corners of the future box. These holes will allow you to keep the material intact when screwing in them. Screws are screwed into each hole with a cross drill. The door frame is almost ready.

To make sure that the box is made correctly, you need to place it on the floor and put the selected door leaf, evaluating the presence of gaps between them. It is worth paying attention that if the task is to independently manufacture a sliding structure, then you need to take into account its distinctive mechanism. Such a door, when opened, will be moved to the side, like a pencil case (to drive into the wall or lie down on it), therefore, when forming the box, a groove for the door in one of the racks should be provided.

How to make the door itself: step by step instructions

Now consider how to make the door itself. For outbuildings, the door will be a simple shield of individual boards fastened together with wooden straps. Interior wooden doors should have a more aesthetic appearance, simple strapping is not applicable here.

Work should be carried out on a carpentry stand or on a table that will allow the product to be completely placed on it.

To form the door leaf, grooved boards with grooves are used (you can also cut the grooves yourself). The thickness of the boards should be from 2.5 to 4 centimeters, depending on whether it is an interior door or an entrance door. Prepared boards are folded into a shield. If grooved boards are taken, then grooves are removed on the extreme boards with a circular saw.

The boards are glued together with wood glue, while the pattern of annual rings must be observed (they must lie in the same direction so that an imbalance does not stand out on the finished product). The door blank is placed in a vise to fit the elements more tightly, and the glue is allowed to dry. After that, the entire surface of the web is passed through the milling machine, special attention is paid to joints and uneven fragments.

If the thickness of the boards is not sufficient to use the door as an entrance, then you can glue the boards in two layers. Such a door will be quite massive and heavy.

Next, proceed to the design of the finished shield. Using a stencil, the drawing is transferred to a wooden canvas, first with a pencil. With the help of a milling cutter with a manual mechanism, the pattern is carefully cut out by changing the cutters. The finished drawing and the canvas itself should be treated with sandpaper, then blotted with a special antiseptic solution. If the door is an entrance door, then it must be treated with moisture-resistant agents and flame retardants. So it will last much longer.

How to insert?

On the door frame, mark the places where the hinges will be located. On the door leaf, in appropriate places, marks are also made. To do this, put it in a vertical position, the top will be on the side where the loops are attached. FROM reverse side mark the location of the castle. First, the door is placed in a box, the markings are checked for compliance, the location of the lock tongue on the box is marked, then the hinges are inserted, then they are applied to the door and to the box, drilled with a drill. The tongue is carefully cut out with a jigsaw.

In order to properly install the door lock, it is first applied to the installation site on the product, circled, and all the necessary technological holes are marked with dots. After the installation depth of the lock is determined, it is placed in the marked place and screwed. Now that all the parts are ready, you need to install them correctly.

First, insert the door frame into the opening. Align and fix it with wedges. You can adjust the box already mounted in the wall by hitting the wedges with a hammer. Then, dowels and self-tapping screws are inserted into the holes drilled in the wall and the box. And last, most importantly, the assembly of the door and the box.

This operation is best performed by two people, in order to avoid injury, since the door leaf is a heavy structure. Holding the door on weight, we fix the hinges with self-tapping screws.

After the assembly of the main parts is completed, you can do the platbands. It’s easier to buy ready-made in the store or make it yourself using wooden blanks 1-1.5 cm thick and simple jigsaw. Each edge of the casing is cut at an angle of 45 degrees and adjusted in length. Finished products are fixed at the level of the box with wood glue or small nails.

In general, the work of installing the door, with a competent approach and quality materials will take no more than two days. And the above recommendations can be used to make doors from other materials, changing only some of the tools.


give finished product finished look will help finishing. It can also be done on your own, this is a more pleasant and less complicated job than installing and assembling the door itself. Door trim can be done as follows:

  • door painting;
  • varnish coating;
  • pasting with wallpaper or decorative film;
  • decoupage;
  • insertion of mirrors and colored glass;
  • fabric lining;
  • application of methods of aging wooden canvas.

If you wondered: how to make interior doors yourself? Either you are an incorrigible needleworker who cannot imagine life without making something, or your design ideas are so grandiose and enchanting that among the thousands of models of finished doors you could not choose the right one. In both cases, it is worth soberly assessing your capabilities, having experience working with wood and carpentry tools, and being prepared for the fact that the door drawn in the sketch in nature will be strikingly different from the drawing.

In the 21st century, independent production of doors is exotic, akin to weaving bast shoes or baskets from wicker twigs. But as soon as there are people who still remember how this is done, then there is a need for their skills.

Types of interior doors

Do not overestimate your potential and take on the production of panel doors if you do not have access to professional carpentry equipment. Manual or electric saws, electric jigsaws, drills and grinders cannot achieve the required precision in the manufacture of parts.

It is easier to make a panel interior door. The manufactured door leaf can be equally suitable for swing doors and for various sliding doors. At the same time, you will absolutely not be tied to the size standards existing in house building and will be able to make doors for any doorway, and of any, the most intricate shape. Though like a hobbit in a hole - round.

When you have decided on the concept of the future door, you need to measure the doorway in which your masterpiece will be installed.

Required material

To make panel doors, you can use the most various materials: wood, plywood, fiberboard, plastic panels, drywall. At the same time, they can be both framed and frameless.

A bar of not the highest quality can be used as a frame, the only requirement is that it be dry and not have visible curvature along the length and twist along the axis. As a filler between the facing layers, mineral insulation or expanded polystyrene can be used, which, according to the requirements of SanPiN, is suitable for use in residential premises.

If you want to make a panel frameless interior door, then you will need to calculate the required amount of lumber according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe door leaf and convert the resulting value into cubic meters, since most stores sell lumber in cubic meters. It's not hard to do it yourself.

At standard size interior door 800x2000 mm, its area is 1600000 mm². Standard thickness according to GOST - 40 mm. We multiply 16000000 x 40 = 640,000,000 mm³. And since 1 m³ contains 1 billion millimeters, we divide the resulting value 640,000 00: 1,000,000,000 = 0.064 m³.

In a similar way, you can calculate the need for a filler.

Required tool

To work, you will need a fairly large number of various tools. It is desirable that you have:

  • Circular saw (an electric jigsaw is an option, although you will never get a straight saw with it).
  • Electric drill (an option is a screwdriver, powerful enough to drill holes and use spade drills for wood).
  • Electric grinder - if you plan to make a glued panel door from solid wood.
  • Hand saw for wood.
  • A set of chisels.
  • A set of drill bits for wood.
  • Screwdriver with interchangeable bits.
  • Clamps (4-6 pcs.).
  • Hammer.
  • Mallet.

  • A planer with a piece of iron at least 40 mm wide.
  • Rubber spatula.
  • Paint brushes of various widths.
  • Pistol for polyurethane foam.
  • Gun for sealant (acrylic).
  • Measuring tool: level, tape measure, locksmith or carpentry corner, metal ruler 1000 mm.
  • Consumables: self-tapping screws, nails, anchors, plastic and wooden dowels.

Production of a frame shield door

A frame shield door implies the presence of a wooden frame with a contour along the perimeter of the door and several transverse elements connecting the long sides of the door in order to stiffen the structure and allow fittings to be installed. Usually one additional element is located at the level of the future door handle.

Initially, exactly in size, two identical canvases are cut out of plywood (laminate, fiberboard, MDF) exactly according to the size of the door. Then two long and three or four short blanks are cut out of a bar or board. When cutting blanks, one should strive to maintain the 90° angle at the transverse elements as accurately as possible, since they must fit snugly across the entire width of the blank to the vertical elements without forming a gap. This will affect the geometry of the door and its strength.

The simplest is the adhesive connection on furniture spikes (wooden). To do this, 2-3-4 holes are drilled from the end of a short (transverse workpiece) (depending on the width) with a depth of ½ of the tenon length, lubricated with wood glue and hammered with a hammer until they are completely seated in the hole.

Holes are drilled in the same way inside long blanks, at the level of which the horizontal parts of the frame will be located. To be 100% sure that the holes will match, drilling of all holes is carried out according to a pre-made stencil: which can be made from an aluminum corner with a 40 mm shelf. or any thin sheet metal.

After installing the spikes on both sides in short (transverse parts), they are laid out on a flat surface, the protruding spikes and the ends of the parts are smeared with glue, and a long part is applied to them so that the spikes enter into drilled holes. With a mallet, a long part is knocked out evenly along the entire length until the spikes are completely immersed in it. The second long part is glued in the same way. After that, it is necessary with long clamps or a tightening device floor laminate pull long parts together with the maximum possible force.

When gluing, it is not the amount of glue that matters, but the compressive strength of the parts to be glued!

After the glue has dried, the bottom panel of the skin is first glued, then the filler is placed in the voids and fixed with glue, and the assembly is completed by gluing the top sheet. Immediately after this, it is necessary to ensure a tight pressing of the panels to be glued by placing a load on the door or pulling it with clamps through the placed transverse boards at the bottom and top.

When the glue dries, the canvas is cleaned with sandpaper from glue streaks, the irregularities along the edges of the blanks are polished, if necessary, they are primed along the perimeter, overwriting the existing cracks and irregularities using a rubber spatula. After drying, the primers are again treated with fine sandpaper and wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust.

The canvas is ready for further finishing with the selected material or for painting.

Assembling a frameless solid wood door

For such doors, lumber of the required thickness is selected and preferably even in texture, without a large number of knots and defects on the surface. If possible, calibrate in thickness (discrepancy is not more than 1 mm.). The basis is a sheet of plywood or other material. It is used to lay out a sheet of lumber sawn along the length so that it evenly covers the entire surface of the sheet.

The sheet on which the layout was made is lubricated over the entire area with carpentry glue and the selected lumber blanks are laid out tightly to each other on it, while their end faces adjacent to each other are lubricated with glue. After the full laying out of all the blanks, they must be pulled together with clamps or a screed for floor boards (laminate) and placed on top of the load or also through the boards placed across the door to be pulled with short clamps.

After the glue has dried, the door is processed with a planer along the long side - the excess lumber is removed to the required width, then it is polished with a grinder to completely even out possible differences in the thickness of the lumber blanks.

So it turns out the door on the one hand has a base, and on the other hand - wooden surface from solid wood that can be kept in its natural form or covered with some kind of decorative material.

Doors made of plastic panels

The manufacture of such doors is advisable for rooms with high humidity(baths, toilets, vegetable pantries and balcony cupboards, etc.)

Essentially, these are the same frame panel doors, the difference is that the assembled frame must be smaller sizes door frame by 15 -20 mm. This is necessary so that after assembling the coating, consisting of plastic panels, it is possible to sheathe the door around the perimeter with a thin wooden lath, which will close the honeycomb structure of the plastic panels at the ends.

Before starting the installation of plastic panels, it is necessary to treat the frame with solutions that prevent the development of mold and, preferably, soak it with hot drying oil.

After mounting the panels and nailing along the perimeter of the rail. Such doors do not need additional finishing or painting. It will only be necessary to varnish the rail or paint it the same color as the plastic panels.

Summing up

Homemade interior doors are more of a whim than a necessity. Those rare cases when it is impossible to pick up a ready-made version in the store, or order the production of doors according to individual sizes professionals - a reason to change the design concept of the room rather than take on such laborious work with an unpredictable result.

Doors are made from boards furniture panels or bars according to previously prepared drawings. To understand what and how wooden doors are made of, let's get acquainted with their varieties.

Types of doors by design

The box from the array has the following advantages:

At the same time, the wooden canvas has the following features:

  • untreated raw materials quickly absorb moisture;
  • the presence of cracks and knots;
  • combustibility.

To reduce absorption, the board is dried, treated with hot steam and impregnations..

massive doors

Before manufacturing wooden doors, it is recommended to determine the features of the production process. The dacha can be protected from robbers by a massive canvas, for the manufacture of which thick tongue-and-groove or planed boards are used. The resulting structure is reinforced with horizontal or inclined lintels.

For the manufacture of a massive door, a tree of dense structure is used.

For the manufacture of a massive entrance door, cedar, larch or oak are used. Such wood is characterized by a dense structure and textured pattern.

If the project suburban area includes a bath, then linden, pine are used to equip the opening. The bath should be operated after wood treatment with an antiseptic.

Paneled doors

For the manufacture of paneled canvas, boards and beams obtained by gluing lamellas are used. Then the workpiece is covered with veneer. Before building a canvas, a drawing is prepared. It indicates the configuration of the panels. It can be the same or different. Glass can be used instead of wooden elements.

Panel doors are most often installed indoors.

To equip the vertical and transverse elements, you will need to glue the timber. For the manufacture of the canvas, a floorboard of the appropriate thickness is used. Spikes are used to fix individual elements.

Door Assembly Diagram

If a panel is used to make the canvas, you need to consider:

  • the reliability of the product is directly affected by the number of transverse;
  • a home-made box is formed from a bar, and a rail or plastic is used to make a panel;
  • bead is used to fix the panels.

Since the panel door has a small thickness, it is considered the best option to equip the interior doorway.

Panel doors

The shield box is made of fiberboard, veneer or laminate. The frame is assembled from boards. As a shield, sheets of fiberboard, MDF or chipboard are used.

Shield door design

The canvases under consideration are classified into the following types:

  • solid - filled with bars fastened together;
  • hollow - made from side and transverse bars. Lining is used for sheathing;
  • small-hollow - have different filling.

To independently create a high-quality canvas, the frame is pre-coated with plywood. The material is laid in 2 layers. The size of 1 layer is 24 mm. This technology prevents deformation of the coating.

Tools for the job

From the tools you will need:

  • to create grooves and holes, you need a milling cutter;
  • hacksaw;
  • to grind the ends of the doors, you need a planer;
  • chisels;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver

Standard set of tools for making a door

To assemble the doors, you will need the following materials:

  • sheet pile boards;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • glue.

The acquired wood is additionally dried. The boards are laid so that they do not touch each other.

Choice of lumber

Before assembling the canvas, an individual plan for the upcoming work is drawn up. Particular attention is paid to the choice of boards. The following criteria are taken into account:

  • financial opportunities;
  • acquisition of “commercial wood;
  • residual moisture - 15%;
  • checking the evenness of the material;
  • board thickness - 25-50 mm;
  • array is polished.

Step by step instructions for making

Any step-by-step plan for the manufacture of the door provides for the assembly of the shield. If it is planned to install the canvas in the bath, then a simple assembly of the shield is carried out. To fix the boards, transverse and longitudinal elements are used. The warm box for the house is made taking into account aesthetics. The assembled shield is polished.

Production of solid wood doors

IN step by step plan canvas assembly included right choice consumable. To make a shield, you will need grooved boards with a thickness of more than 25 mm. Then consumable cut into pieces.

Tongue-and-groove boards must be even and without grooves on front sides

When assembling the shield, it is recommended to take into account the direction of the annual rings. To connect the tongue-and-groove boards, a tongue-and-groove lock and wood glue are used. If the consumable is non-groove boards, then they are assembled with glue.

Work is done on a large area. The assembled coating is pressed with clamps. If the shield is dry, it is processed with a milling cutter. In order to have good sound insulation, it is recommended to assemble a shield from several layers of boards. The resulting structure is clamped with clamps.

Traditional ways of dressing boards in solid wood doors

For strapping, crossbars are used, installed at the top, in the middle and at the bottom of the cover. On the canvas, markings are made for the grooves. The recesses to be made should be ½ the thickness of the consumable.

Assembly diagram

Holes are cut using a router. It is more difficult to cut grooves by hand. This will require a chisel. A rubber mallet is used to insert the cross member. If it is planned to apply a drawing to the resulting shield, its contour is first outlined with a pencil according to the template. A cutter is used for cutting.

Cutouts are milled according to a drawing previously applied with a pencil.

Then the canvas is painted with pre-treatment with an antiseptic. On the canvas and the box make markings for mounting loops. Similarly, markings are made for the handle and lock. The last stage is the canopy of the canvas in the opening.

Treatment with antiseptic and varnish

Panel door manufacturing

The instruction for the manufacture of a thyroid sheet allows the use of finely filled boards. Experts distinguish 3 methods of assembling such a design:

  • pre-assembly of the frame with subsequent filling of its internal space. Using this technology, you can create a solid or finely filled shield;
  • separate production of the shield with its subsequent fixation in the frame. The last stage is sheathing with finishing material;
  • the manufactured shield is mounted in a frame, lined.

To assemble the canvas according to the first method, primary strapping is carried out. She will determine the size of the future door. For the construction, a bar with a section of 30 × 120 mm is used. Consumables are cut according to the dimensions of the future structure.

The next step is to select the type of connection in the corners. Experts advise using the "half-tree" method. Accurate marking of future grooves is an important stage in the assembly of the shield.

Scheme of connection of frame elements

All grooves are coated with glue. The connection of the beam is carried out on a flat, but large area. If the glue is dry, the joints are fixed with dowels. For this, perform through holes diameter 8-10 mm.

For facing the frame, plywood or fiberboard is used. Marking is carried out, the frame is removed. The frame returns to its original place. It must be pressed against the facing material treated with glue.

For cladding, plywood or fiberboard is used

To fill in inner space, MDF is used. It is glued to the bottom sheet finishing material. But first, the glue must dry well. In parallel, it is recommended to prepare consumables for the outer lining of the canvas.

Internal padding gives the fabric rigidity

If you need to glue 2 sheets, then the first sheet is fiberboard, and the second is laminated material or SHF. The resulting design is sent under the press.

You can sheathe the door with natural wooden slats. They are fixed to the frame. The holes made are filled with a mixture of glue and sawdust. If the surface is dry, it is treated with sandpaper. All corners and ends are machined with a cutter. In the finished door leaf and,. The door is mounted in an appropriate box.

A frame door is made using a similar technique - the interior space is additionally reinforced with bars. But before starting work, accurate calculations are carried out, a drawing is prepared.

Panel door manufacturing

To make a paneled door, you will need special carpentry tools and experience. The constituent elements of the structure are made of plywood, massive boards. A drawing is preliminarily prepared, on which 4 panels are marked.

The frame is made from timber. It is pre-treated with a cutter. Then a groove is made on one side of it. Spikes are cut out on the crossbars, and the edges are processed with a milling cutter. Panels and mullions are inserted into the grooves.

The end part of the coating, which will go to the end of the canvas, must be even. Slots are made in the vertical elements to assemble the structure.

To make panels, plywood or chipboard is used. Some panel elements are replaced with glass. In this case, glazing beads are additionally used. Panels with a flat plane are mounted and framed with a glazing bead.

Otherwise, the panels are processed by a milling cutter. In this way, a relief configuration is created. Plywood is used to make panels. Each element of the future canvas is treated with an antiseptic and dried.

All parts are assembled into a single structure on a flat surface, and each spike is coated with special glue. Step by step assembly doors:

  • gluing the crossbars into the grooves of the vertical bars;
  • installation of mullions;
  • installation of the remaining panels;
  • gluing a vertical beam;
  • fixing glazing beads for finishing.

To install the spikes in the grooves, a rubberized hammer is used. The canvas is lined from the sides. To check the corners, a building corner is used. The cover is compressed with clamps.

Markings are made on the canvas for installing hinges and handles with a lock. Installation of fittings is carried out after completion finishing works. Used for finishing acrylic paint or . To get a dark finish, stain is used.

Warming and soundproofing

door insulation scheme


At the next stage, processing and decoration of the manufactured structure is carried out. In this case, it is recommended to adhere to the following plan:

  • processing the coating with sandpaper or a grinding machine;
  • impregnation of wood with an antiseptic. The first layer should dry well. Then the processing is repeated;
  • the canvas is covered with a special putty, which can be replaced with a primer. In this case, the canvas is processed 2 times. But each applied layer must dry well. This will take about 2 days;
  • for finishing coatings apply paint, varnish, stain. The stain must be applied over the primer. Taking into account the desired shade, the appropriate number of layers of stain is applied. It will take 4 hours for each layer to dry. To fix the result, the stain is covered with two layers of varnish.

For finishing the door, paint, varnish, stain are used

The natural beauty of wood and the unusual texture ensure its wide application in the manufacture of doors. Finished structures from wood are sold by many manufacturers. It is useful to know how to make a wooden door with your own hands from boards. Such a design should be strong, able to last for a long time, but at the same time - original and beautiful.

The choice of wood species determines the quality of the future design. Depending on the purpose of the door, hardwood and softwood are used. The tree is distinguished by its beauty, resistance to mechanical damage, good sound insulation and sound absorption. Wood can be soft or hard.

Soft wood is easier to process, but has low strength and a short service life. It is rational to make interior doors, structures for outbuildings from such wood.

Working with hardwood lumber is more difficult. Their structures are strong and will last a long time. They are used for intra-house options and as entrance doors.


Hardwoods are used to make door systems very often.

  1. Birch. cheap material, has low strength and density. Birch is easily polished and painted.
  2. Oak. It has a beautiful texture that becomes darker over time. The material is dense, durable and hard, so it is difficult to process. Oak structures are heavy, for them it is necessary to select reliable hinges.
  3. Beech. In many ways it resembles oak, but it is easier to process. Impregnations and paints and varnishes fit well on beech wood. The disadvantage is the possibility of deformation after the boards are completely dry.
  4. Ash. Possesses beautiful texture, resistant to decay, durable.

And also use alder, walnut, maple. Entrance structures are often made of oak or beech.


Softwood has a lot of resinous substances in its composition, which makes it resistant to moisture. Pine wood is soft and works well. A large number of resins prevents high-quality impregnation treatment. Larch is a material that is very resistant to moisture, but over time it gains more strength.

Rules for choosing wood

  1. For interior doors, softwood lumber can be used.
  2. For structures that are operated outside, it is worth taking hardwood.
  3. Doors for the house are made from new, quality boards. Old materials are suitable only for outbuildings. Here you can also use low-grade wood.

Choose even beams and boards with a minimum of knots.

Varieties of wooden doors by design

Wooden structures are made in several versions:

  1. Swing. Consists of one or two sheets. Sometimes one and a half options are made, in which part of the canvas opens only in the case of moving large items.
  2. Sliding. Convenient because they save space in the rooms. Such wooden structures are used as interior or for wardrobes. They work well for large openings.
  3. Folding wood options are also used for indoor use. For manufacturing it is worth choosing light materials.

Wooden doors are made in a deaf version or with glazing. Designs are made from an array or on a frame. The standard shape of the opening is rectangular, but designer models can be made as arched ones.

Necessary tools and materials

To get started, purchase the necessary consumables and fixtures. The specific list is determined by what design you will do.


You can make a design yourself only if you have the right material:

  1. Dry lumber - boards and timber. The thickness of boards for interior doors is at least 2.5 cm, for entrance doors - 5.0 cm.
  2. Accessories - canopies, handles. A lock is additionally purchased for entrance structures.
  3. Joiner's glue.
  4. Nails or screws.

Lumber is better to choose technical drying, smooth, without knots and defects.

To finish the door, depending on its type, you may need the following materials and fixtures:

  • primer;
  • paint, stain or varnish;
  • sanding paper of various grain sizes.

In addition to materials, you need to stock up on the appropriate tool.


Many tools are in any home, but something will need to be purchased in advance:

  • saw hand or electric;
  • manual milling cutter - for curly processing boards, making grooves and locking joints;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • plane;
  • square;
  • grinding machine;
  • level;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • brush or spray gun.

When all the materials and tools are purchased, you can begin direct work on the design.

How to make a wooden door: step by step instructions

The following types of doors are suitable for a house or outbuildings:

  • keyed;
  • paneled;
  • shield.

Each of these designs can be made independently, but the process has its own nuances. How to make wooden doors with your own hands from boards step by step - let's take a closer look.


Keyway structures are among the easiest to self-manufacturing. They are installed, as a rule, in technical or utility rooms, for example, a bathhouse, a barn, a toilet. To understand how to make a keyed door from boards with your own hands, you need to know what it consists of.

Essential elements:

  • boards;
  • dowels for fastening boards;
  • brace.

The boards are interconnected tightly or with a gap. The second option allows you to ventilate the room where they are installed. Dowels in the form of a bar are simply stuffed onto the canvas.

Inserting parts into boards will become more reliable. Instructions for performing work:

  1. Prepared boards are laid on a flat surface.
  2. The canvas is leveled and fastened.
  3. On the boards, the location of the dowels is marked.
  4. At an angle of 45 degrees in the elements, wood is sampled at ¼ or ½ thickness.
  5. The recess made is leveled with a chisel according to the size of the key.
  6. The key is inserted into the groove and driven to the entire width of the canvas.
  7. The edges of the strut are sawn off at an angle of about 60 degrees.
  8. The bar is fixed on the canvas between the dowels.

Tip: The edges of the fasteners are sawn down in a cone. This will allow you to fully open the structure.

Keyed doors made of boards, finished in antique style, are used as interior doors in many ethnic styles.


If you want to avoid costs, you should know how to make an entrance shield door from boards with your own hands. This variety is one of the most affordable. The construction of the frame and various sheathing will hide the defects of the lumber - it is quite easy to perform.

The main points here will be: strict observance of dimensions, the correct connection of the frame components. For their manufacture, timber or boards are used. The type of wood does not play a special role - the frame practically does not interact with the environment, since after assembly it is sheathed with other materials. In addition, glued parts can be used instead of solid elements.


  1. Two beams are cut to the height of the door frame with a gap of 5 mm.
  2. Two more parts are made along the width of the frame with the same gap.
  3. Fixation of all elements is performed at an angle of 90 degrees.

You can connect the parts using the “thorn-groove” method or in an overlay. For a more secure fastening of the fixation point, it is worth smearing it with carpentry glue. Fasten the bars to nails or self-tapping screws.

Facing is made from:

  • boards;
  • plywood;
  • lining;
  • laminate;
  • plastic.
Help: Sheathing can be simple or with a specific decor. The shield is finished with veneer or various types of film.

To improve the parameters, heat-insulating and sound-absorbing material is laid between the skin:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • expanded polystyrene.

If the structure is entrance, it is worth installing an additional transverse beam at the place where the lock is installed.


A panel is an insert into the strapping of the canvas, which is made from:

  • boards;
  • plywood.

The insert can also be made of glass, finished with veneer or plastic. According to the texture, it is made smooth or profiled.

Panel types:

  • flat - installed in the middle of the frame bars, used in the construction of interior doors;
  • overhead - fixed on the sides of the timber, for entrance doors between the panels, a heater is laid;
  • with overhead moldings (curly profiles);
  • with figuratively planed edges (figures).

Do-it-yourself production of paneled doors is a complex process. It requires professional skills, as well as tools and equipment. But the paneled construction is easier than the massive one, so this option is often chosen for interior doors. In addition, you can save on materials, since fewer of them are required for panels.

simple design they are made of two vertical bars or thick boards and several transverse crossbeams, which are connected using the tongue-and-groove method. The frame is strengthened with dowels or furniture confirmers. Horizontal bars give the structure rigidity.

The openings, which are formed by the frame parts, are filled with inserts. They are fixed in the internal grooves of the beam or fixed with a glazing bead. For glass elements, an inner crate is made, which is attached to the main frame.

To install fittings in a bar or board, you need to make a hole. Fasten locks and handles with self-tapping screws.

Any wood products require finishing. This will improve their appearance and protect them from negative influences. Interior options can be finished with stain, tinting impregnation or varnish.

Input structures require a more careful approach. Wood should be well impregnated with antiseptic agents. This will extend the service life, prevent rotting. If possible, the tree is treated with flame retardants. Paintwork materials for input options selected for outdoor use.

Poor quality wood can be veneered. Do it yourself using glue. This method of finishing will significantly save finances, but the appearance of the structure will be very attractive.

Making wooden doors yourself is not too difficult. The main thing is to choose the type of construction and materials, strictly follow the instructions.

A handmade wooden door has a number of advantages over purchased products. Such designs will protect the home from noise, make the room more comfortable and attractive, and in the design will become the final chord that will emphasize the interior. The popularity of wooden doors is due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, its environmental friendliness and the beauty of the texture.

To understand how to make a door out of boards yourself, you need to decide where the structure will be installed. Doors are:

  • from solid wood;
  • paneled;
  • shield;
  • frame.

The type of wood, grade and quantity are selected depending on the purpose of the door and the budget. Additionally, you will need carpentry glue and self-tapping screws, dowels or confirmations. It is advisable to choose a tree dried in special chambers. This prevents the wooden door from deforming during operation.

It is necessary to choose even boards, since planing makes the material thin. Depending on the purpose of the door, its thickness of the boards can be 25-50 mm. Before making a structure, all boards must be carefully sanded with fine-grained sandpaper or grinding machine.


Paneled doors are made from boards or solid timber, but the glued version is more popular. In order for the material to have a beautiful appearance, it is glued with wood veneer. If the door is made of high quality, it is difficult to distinguish it from the construction of a solid array.

A simple paneled product is a frame of 2 vertical and 3 horizontal crossbars. They are connected to each other with spikes or dowels. To give the structure additional strength, all parts are glued together. The number of crossbars also affects the rigidity of the product. The more of them, the more durable the door will be.

Panels of thin boards are inserted into the openings that are formed between the frame elements. Plywood is also used, MDF, chipboard or glass can be installed. Panels can be covered with veneer or plastic, which imitates the texture of wood. The thickness of the panels does not exceed 1/3 of the thickness of the beam for the frame. Inserts are fixed by means of glazing beads or recesses in the frame. Since the panels are thin, the doors are used only as interior partitions.

These designs are not inferior to analogues made of solid wood in terms of strength and durability. Sometimes a canvas can cost much more than an array. It all depends on what kind of wood and beams the frame is made of, as well as what breed the veneer is made of.

From array

Massive doors are assembled from thick boards, which are interconnected to form a flat surface. The tree can be grooved or planed. For rigidity, horizontal jumpers must be installed.

Depending on the functional purpose, different types of wood are used for doors. For input structures, dried dense material is chosen, for example:

  1. larch;
  2. cedar;
  3. alder and others.

With proper processing of the material and care for it, the product can last for several decades. The appearance of the door can be either simple or containing carvings or other relief design. It should be noted that solid wood structures are heavy. Therefore, they are more often used as entrance doors, but there are also home-made interior doors. Since the latter are not exposed to atmospheric action, a wood species with a lower density is selected, and the shield is also taken thinner.

How to make a wooden door

The instructions for making panel doors and solid wood doors will be slightly different. Each type will require special tools and accessories. but preparatory stage will be similar: the tree must be cleaned of bark and sanded. It is advisable to choose dry boards without knots and cracks. If any are present, the gaps are sealed with a special putty.


To make wooden doors with your own hands, you will need a large workbench and the following tools:

  • milling machine;
  • plane;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • ruler, tape measure and pencil;
  • hammer and screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • chisels;
  • sandpaper or grinder.


Before installing the door to the house, measurements of the opening are made to determine the dimensions of the wooden sheet. To do this, you need a tape measure and a pencil. Perform measurements of the width of the opening, its height and wall thickness. The distance between opposite sides should be checked in several places. Sometimes the doorway can be uneven. If the dimensions do not match, work is carried out to expand or narrow the passage.

Massive doors are made of different types of wood and are inserted into reinforced openings, since the structure is heavy. In this case, the dimensions of the wooden product will be smaller.

Formation of a pigtail and method for its manufacture

The doorway in a wooden house should have a pigtail or casing. It is made in the form of a prefabricated frame of sidewalls, top and threshold. Regardless of the type of wood and the type of timber, casing is made as follows:

  1. a spike or groove is cut at the end of the log;
  2. make structural elements;
  3. choice of P or T-shaped connection;
  4. fitting parts;
  5. collection of casing and installation in the opening;
  6. door leaf installation.

First install the side parts, and then the threshold and the top. After installation of the partition, platbands are nailed.

Marking and making cuts

When the casing is built, they begin to mark and cut down. First of all, all the details are marked so as not to be confused. If a tongue and groove is chosen as the connection method, it is necessary to mark them completely. The place for the eyelet should be in the center of the board. The size of the spike is one third of the thickness of the material. In this case, the groove should be made 0.5-1 mm smaller than the spike, so that there is a possibility of adjustment.

The nest is carefully drilled with a drill, and then cleaned with a chisel. It is necessary to firmly fit the connection to avoid weakening the structure.

Making a door frame

The manufacture of a wooden door is preceded by the creation of a door frame. Cut off parts of the required size. The most secure fastening wooden parts is a tongue and groove. If it is difficult to make it yourself, a diagonal one is used. In this case, the edges of the boards are cut at an angle of 45 °. The cutting accuracy is ensured by the miter box.

Fabric making

The size of the canvas must match the box. First, all door elements are polished. This operation can be performed using grinder, grinders with a grinding wheel or use plain sandpaper. After that, start milling. If the boards are not tongue-and-groove, fastening should be done with a tongue and groove. To do this, cut a recess on one side of the board with a cutter of the required size, and make a ledge on the other. Then the material is cut according to the drawing.

To make an interior door yourself, you need to make crossbars. They are needed to tie the shield. They are given a trapezoidal shape and a recess in the canvas is chosen, which can be half or 1/3 of the thickness of the shield.

The inserts can be even or also processed by a milling machine, which achieves the necessary relief of the edges of the panels. In this case, the edges of the inserts should be 1-2 mm less than the width of the groove.

If a paneled door structure is planned, a frame is made of timber or thick boards. The base consists of 2 longitudinal elements and at least 3 cross members. The fastening of parts to each other is carried out on a tenon-groove connection. A beam fastened in this way will hold securely. However, the joints are additionally lubricated with glue. To install the panels on the inside of the frame, a groove is cut with a milling cutter.

All wood products should be treated with antiseptic agents. If the structure is assembled from several rows, then all surfaces of the boards should be covered with protective agents.

Assembling the fabric and fitting fittings

The boards are assembled into a shield in such a way that the rings are directed to one side of the door leaf. All work must be carried out on a wide table, where it is possible to completely lay the structure. It is important that the surface is even. This will allow you to connect all the parts without distortions and as tightly as possible to each other. Otherwise, the canvas can lead, and the boards are deformed. Then it will be necessary to remove distortions with a milling cutter, which will lead to a decrease in the thickness of the entire structure.

To make interior doors with your own hands, you should grease all the joints with carpentry glue, and press the assembled canvas with clamps. If necessary, add a second or third layer of wood. Each subsequent one is laid perpendicular to the previous one. The crossbar is installed in the finished groove. The finished canvas is treated with varnish.

For wooden doors use stationary or lever handles with a latch. To install them, you need to make a groove in the structure. If the wood species are soft, they lend themselves well to processing. Fix fittings with self-tapping screws.

Works with glass insert and typesetting panels

To install glass panels, an internal crate is made or fixed with glazing beads. The first option is better because it will not allow the glass to fall out of the profile after a strong blow. The crate is made of thin bars, which are attached to the main harness. Additionally, the glass is lubricated with silicone or liquid nails. Wooden panels are installed in the same way.

How to make interior doors with your own hands

Interior doors Doing it yourself is easy if you have basic woodworking skills. For this you need:

  • make measurements of the opening;
  • make a loot;
  • prepare the canvas;
  • treat the material with protective equipment;
  • assemble the entire structure into a single whole;
  • to install accessories.

Additional veneer finish

If desired, the canvas is trimmed with veneer. At home, only hot veneering is possible, in which the material is fixed on the surface with an adhesive. It is advisable to carry out such decoration if the appearance of the wood is not entirely good.


First, mount the box using mounting foam. After hardening, proceed to the installation of the canvas. For wooden structures it is better to choose removable loops. They are able to withstand a lot of weight and are easy to install. Such hinges are suitable for a barn door, entrance or interior structure.


If the door cannot be closed due to the skew of the box, the canvas should be removed and the joints of the bars should be checked. An angle of 90° must be respected. If necessary, the box is corrected. When loops become the cause, the attachment point is deepened or completely changed. The last option is suitable when there is no way to correct the current location of the loops.

To save money, you can use second-grade wood for the manufacture of doors. To prevent this from being noticeable, veneering can be done. Paneled doors should be chosen as interior structures. Less wood is used in their manufacture, which will significantly reduce material costs.