Effective toilet cleaner. How do modern housewives clean plumbing? Cleaner and disinfectant Luxus Professional "Active granules"

No wonder they say that the toilet is the conscience of the hostess, because the whiteness of this porcelain object speaks of the ability of the keeper of the hearth to keep the house clean. And meanwhile, plumbing cleaning- this is the most complex view cleaning. After all, it is there that numerous bacterial colonies, settles plaque and rust, as well as other dirt.

In the long-term struggle for cleanliness, the housewives have identified leaders household chemicals for cleaning plumbing - they are all in our rating.

The best plumbing cleaners

  • Most hostesses chose Cillit as the best remedy

Many people ask if there is ideal remedy, capable of relieving both plaque and from rust, And remove yellowness from white porcelain. This tool exists! Cillit really eliminates all these pollution even from old coverings. Therefore, you can safely not change the old toilet, but simply clean it with Cillit.

Flaw this tool in that it has a persistent, unpleasant smell. Even if the composition contains aromatic fragrances, they still will not kill this acidic smell. Housewives need to know can not use this remedy for enameled surfaces. Since the composition contains hydrochloric acid, which corrodes the enamel. Keep this in mind when cleaning your bathroom. But Cillit can soak stubborn dirt even for a day.

The price of this product is approx. 120 rubles for a bottle.

  • The next remedy is "Comet 7 days of cleanliness"

Many housewives have noticed that his advertising really does not lie. This tool works by itself which is already amazing. One has only to apply a thick gel on the contaminated surface and leave it in this state for 5-7 minutes. Over this time Comet will eat all the dirt, streaks and rust. Thus, the hostess does not have to scrub the tiles with a brush for a long time and hard and clean the toilet with a brush.

Comet has the same disadvantage like Cillit - he smells harsh and foul. This is due to the content of caustic acids, which explain its cleansing character. It is necessary to work with such a tool only with gloves and with open windows. It also has a runny consistency. If the manufacturers had thought about a thicker composition, then Comet would have sufficed twice as much.

The price of this product is approx. 140 rubles, which is 20 rubles more expensive than Cillita with the same quality indicators.

  • The third remedy is the Toilet Duck

This is exactly what is characterized by the phrase "Cheap and cheerful." The composition of this product also includes hydrochloric acid, because Duckling effectively cleans plumbing. But, be careful - for the same reason Toilet Duck is detrimental to enamel. And he is also easy spoils the skin so be sure to wear rubber gloves when cleaning plumbing.

As for the working quality of this tool, they are quite good. Toilet Duck removes rust, yellow spots and plaque in non-started cases. But the liquid consistency makes the hostess apply the product in two layers for a perfect result. All this creates some difficulties, which, in turn, are more than covered by an economical price.
The cost of this universal remedy is about 80 rubles.

  • The fourth and most famous remedy is Domestos.

Despite his fame, the hostesses did not give him their preference and did not put forward not the first line, there is a good reason for this. After all Domestos copes worse with pollution. For example, it will not remove old rust, and limescale will succumb only after incredible efforts applied to the brush. But compared to all previous means Domestos really smells good. There are even notes of lemon, sea breeze and pine needles, and not just the sharp, corrosive smell of acids.

This remedy Suitable for light dirt on plumbing. So if you have new toilet, then Domestos will perfectly cope with periodic cleaning and prevention of pollution. In addition, this versatile tool can be used for mopping, during wet cleaning, and even d for washing refrigerators. The cost of Domestos is approx. 150 rubles.

  • Sanox is super cheap, super effective and super versatile.

Many housewives no longer think about the choice of cleaning products for plumbing, they use only Sanox. Of course, with complex pollution, like a three-year rust or a two-week lime raid, he will not cope. But for standard dirt our house Sanox is perfect. It can be used as for mopping, so for cleaning plumbing. He does not have an unpleasant odor.

From shortcomings can only be distinguished liquid consistency And fragile packaging. The reason for this is thin plastic and a quickly breaking cover. Like most previous products, Sanox should not be left on the surface of plumbing for a long time. Because he is fast eats away smooth enamel.

Our experts have laboratory-tested the effectiveness of popular toilet products against limescale, rust and bacteria. According to the results of tests, multifunctional cleaners are significantly inferior to toilet cleaners.

Toilet cleaner is designed to remove dirt, limescale, rust, bacteria from the toilet bowl. On store shelves you can find huge selection funds - gels, creams, powders, and the price of the release form can vary greatly. What type of toilet cleaner is the most effective? Our Buyer's Guide will help answer these questions and more.

Advertising of all, without exception, toilet cleaners makes you believe in their unconditional effectiveness. What tool will effectively cope with pollution and disinfect the surface without harm to plumbing and your health? The experts of the site checked how the assurances of the manufacturers correspond to the real properties of toilet cleaners.

We analyzed the range of toilet products in retail chains in 9 major cities and chose the most popular ones. Further, samples for tests were purchased in ordinary stores. After studying leading toilet bowl cleaner testing practices and interviewing consumers, we deduced 4 main criteria against which each cleaner was tested: rust removal, limescale removal, plaque breakdown rate and disinfectant properties of the product. In addition, their density and consumption were evaluated.

Test results

Price and quality

The high price of funds is not always justified. So, the Amway Home Toilet Bowl Cleaner turned out to be the most expensive product in our tests (approx. 355 rubles for a 750 ml bottle). Despite the high price, according to the results of the tests, it turned out to be average: in a concentrated form, Amway toilet cleaner coped with limescale and rust a little better than most of the products we tested. The Amway product in the tests was significantly inferior in speed and amount of plaque and rust removal to the inexpensive Duckling 5 in 1 products (approx. 76 rubles) and the Super Power Duckling (approx. 130 rubles). For this money, you can buy several packs of toilet products, whose effectiveness is better.

By the way, Duckling products have become the best in terms of speed and amount of plaque and rust removed among the cleaners we tested.


One of the best disinfectants in terms of disinfecting properties are products that contain acids: Cillit Bang "Coniferous Freshness", Harpic based on hydrochloric acid and Comet "Ocean" with sulfuric acid in the composition. As strongly acidic agents, they can kill bacteria.

Universal means

Along with toilet cleaners, we also tested popular all-purpose products. Based on the results obtained, Domestos "Ultra White", Tyron, Dosia "Coniferous" turned out to be outsiders in our rating. All three alkaline cleaners did a poor job of removing limescale and rust, but they showed good disinfecting properties due to the presence of sodium hypochlorite.

And after testing the most popular universal cleaners on 5 types of persistent dirt from different surfaces, we came to the conclusion that any universal cleaner will wash specific dirt worse than a special one. In pursuit of properties 5 in 1, 7 in 1, and even 10 in 1, the manufacturer often lowers the quality of the product to the minimum acceptable. As our tests show, most of these tools are just a marketing ploy.

You can find detailed test results in the rating of toilet products. The position of products in the ranking does not depend on price, but is based only on test results.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for using the results of product tests presented on the site. .

A clean toilet and toilet bowl in your home is perhaps the most important criterion for cleanliness. Plaque, rust and an unpleasant smell can spoil the impression of even the most accurate housewife. Spending your precious time on this, admittedly, is not the most exciting activity, few people like it. From this point of view, it is especially important that the cleaner you use does not force you to spend more time cleaning the toilet than you would like.

We need economical and effective household chemicals that will save us from a number of problems such as limescale, stains, stains and a strong unpleasant odor in one, two or three. Can advertising be trusted? How to navigate the variety of cleaning products that can be found on the market today and not make a mistake with the choice? To answer this question, it is necessary, first, to determine exactly what we expect from toilet and toilet cleaners.

We have tried to compile a comprehensive classification of cleaning products for you by collecting useful and important information about the composition, types and classification of toilet cleaners. So first, "toilet cleaner" is the term we'll use to refer to household chemicals that can be used to clean:

  • actual toilets;
  • bidet;
  • urinals;
  • any other surfaces like enamel, tiles, etc.

Cleaners can also be used for:

  • For cleaning faience products (i.e. directly for the toilet bowls themselves).
  • For drain tank(usually - deodorizing stones or gel bags).
  • For cleaning any surfaces.
  • Gels are the most popular form of toilet cleaner. The reason for this is that due to the special shape of the neck of such bottles, the gels are very easy to apply under the rims of the toilet, it is quite difficult to penetrate anywhere else. This helps to avoid contact with the skin, which is also important. Finally, gels have a viscous consistency and due to this they are easily and evenly distributed over the surface.
  • Liquid is a toilet cleaner that is similar in function and characteristics to gels, but tends to be less economical to use because it spreads much more easily over smooth surfaces, and therefore more are often needed.
  • Powders, as a rule, are included in the list of universal products, for which cleaning the toilet bowl is just one of the possible uses. The effectiveness of their use is based on mechanical action. Speaking more plain language, when using the powder, you can not do without carefully rubbing the surface in order to remove dirt. In this case, not only our efforts work, but also the abrasive components contained in the powders. The big minus of powders is that these very abrasive components, especially if they are large, damage the surface. In addition, due to their nature, powders are easily dispersed in the air, sometimes getting into the eyes and nose. However, their undeniable advantage is that the cost of powders is much lower compared to other types of cleaning products, which makes powders more affordable and therefore more popular.
  • Finally, there are the so-called "deodorizing stones" in the form of hanging blocks. They are quite popular, but have a significant disadvantage: the procedure for replacing them is not very hygienic. On the plus side, every flush ensures a hygienic treatment and a fresh scent. An alternative to hanging blocks are deodorant tablets (plates) that can be placed directly into the tank. But do not confuse: their purpose is only to maintain cleanliness, fresh smell and disinfection. They are not suitable for removing dirt!

The consistency of toilet cleaners, as well as the degree of their concentration, directly affects the quality and properties of the product and not all of them have the same goal. It's time to ask yourself - what is the purpose of household chemicals intended for cleaning toilets?

Here is a fairly exhaustive list that we can provide:

  • First, the removal of limescale. Its appearance on your plumbing and tiles is due to the fact that the water we use contains a lot of salts (most often calcium and magnesium). Being deposited on surfaces, calcareous stones form a plaque that is not so easy to remove. Cleaning products that contain acid are the most successful in this task. However, the use of acidic products will most likely not go unnoticed either on your toilet or on other plumbing items in the house. In addition, acid can be dangerous to humans - if it gets on the skin or mucous membranes, the area should be thoroughly rinsed with water. Inhalation of acid fumes should also be avoided.
  • Secondly, the removal of contaminants, some of which are ingrained and quite stable (as a rule, due to the fact that they are already old). I must say that with regular use, even not the most effective cleaning agent or only small amounts of them can perfectly maintain cleanliness. After all, it is always easier to remove fresh stains than those that have had time to eat properly from the surface.
  • Thirdly, the destruction of unpleasant odors. At the same time, the cleaning agent can not only eliminate the smell, but also leave a certain aroma behind. The job of some household cleaners is basically to keep your toilet smelling good.
  • Fourth, disinfection and control of germs and bacteria.

What about composition? It should be noted that the composition of approximately all synthetic detergents is more or less identical - there are a number of chemical components that are mixed in different proportions, depending on the purpose of this detergent. Components can vary greatly in effectiveness and safety. If we consider the composition of detergents in more detail, we will find out this:

  • Almost all household chemicals, including those whose purpose is to clean the toilet, contain surface-active substances (surfactants). The task of surfactants is to break down contaminants, separating them from the surface. The quality of surfactants may vary.
  • To enhance the properties of surfactants, manufacturers add acids and alkalis to household chemicals. The former do an excellent job with rust, which is actually converted into soluble salt, while the latter dissolve fats.
  • Finally, chlorine in household chemicals helps to cope with problems such as rust and lime stone and also provides disinfection. However, chlorine also has a number of disadvantages, including an unpleasant and pungent odor, as well as the fact that prolonged use of chlorine-containing cleaners damages the surface over time.

But let's get back to advertising. You should be aware that many heavily advertised toilet cleaners, such as "Cillit", " toilet duck active” or “Bref” have an acidity level below 3. This means that you can only work with these cleaning products with gloves! No less often flashing on TV screens "Domestos" in the composition has an alkali. Its acidity level is such that the use of rubber gloves is generally not necessary, but it is still better to wear them, especially if you use them often. In general, it is worth taking general rule that the stronger the cleaner, the more reasons you have to protect your hands!

But, for example, how to clean the toilet from rust most effectively? If we compare cleaning products by how well they cope with rust, then it should be noted that according to the studies, the best results were shown by "Cillit", "Toilet Duck Active" and "Sanitary Gel". they also do a good job with limescale, against which, for example, Domestos and Sanitol turned out to be rather ineffective. As for the destruction of bacteria, this is more of a publicity stunt, because it is clear that almost any cleaning agent is able to cope with bacteria due to the acids, alkali or chlorine contained in their composition.

The method of application of almost all toilet cleaners is similar: after applying to the surface, it is worth waiting for three to five minutes. If the contamination is ingrained, this time can be increased to ten minutes or even more.

Finally, a socially responsible buyer who also cares about the environment, when choosing household chemicals, may ask the question: how to clean the toilet without harming nature? If the cleaning product is safe and does not harm the environment, then you will most likely find a mention of this on the packaging. Phosphates in toilet bowl cleaners can be a potential hazard, in particular. Getting into water bodies, they have a negative impact on the life of fish and other inhabitants of the depths.

Remember, any cleaning product, and especially one that contains potentially dangerous substances such as acids, chlorine or alkalis, is best kept as far away from children as possible! Mixing of chemicals, in particular with bleaches, should also be avoided. In case of contact with skin or eyes, do not panic, rinse thoroughly with water. In any case, read the instructions carefully. Invaluable help when choosing a toilet cleaner will be provided by reviews that satisfied (or not very satisfied) customers often leave on the Internet - on forums or specialized sites.

We can only wish you patience in such a difficult task as maintaining cleanliness in the house and especially in the toilet!

Cleaning the toilet is a rather difficult task, but quite doable. Toilet cleaner should not only deal well with rust, but also destroy bacteria. What types of funds exist and how to choose the most best option, read on.

The main types of pollution of toilet bowls

A toilet bowl cleaner should deal with problems such as:

  • limescale, formed as a result of the deposition of salts contained in water. To cope with plaque, the product must contain alkali;
  • rust. Acids are used to fight rust;
  • surface contamination. The best way to deal with this problem is with surfactants;
  • bacteria and odor. Disinfection can be carried out with both chlorine and other substances. So that cleaning products do not have an unpleasant odor, various perfumes are added to the composition.

Types of cleaning products

All toilet cleaners can be divided into the following types:

  • chemically active preparations for quick cleaning of the inner surface;
  • prophylactic agents that prevent the formation of pollution;
  • folk remedies capable of on a par with chemicals deal with the problems that arise.


Chemical detergent can be made in the form of:

  1. gel. The main advantage of such preparations is that the agent, due to its consistency, is evenly applied to the surface. The bottle of gel is equipped with a special curved shape in the form of a spout, which facilitates easy penetration under the rim of the toilet bowl and prevents contact with the hands of the cleaner. A prominent representative of this group is the "Toilet Duck";

  1. liquids. Compared with the gel, such a tool is less economical, since it is not able to systematically spread over the surface;

  1. powder. Powder products interact with the surface less actively and require constant rubbing. In addition, the product in the form of a powder is easily sprayed in the air and can get on the skin or in the eyes. The main disadvantage of this type is the presence of abrasive particles in the composition that can damage the surface of the toilet bowl;

  1. cream. The cream is gentle and does not damage surfaces. It usually includes all necessary components. The only drawback is the need to apply the agent to the surface manually.

All types of chemicals can deal with pollution equally.


To keep the toilet clean and reduce the use of strong chemicals, you can use:

  • tablets that are added to. The active substances contained in the tablets “soften” the water and prevent the formation of plaque;

  • dispenser stickers. Small devices are attached to the surface of the toilet and begin to act when the water is flushed. In addition to the cleaning effect, stickers are able to maintain a pleasant smell;

  • interchangeable blocks produced in the form of rectangles or balls. The block is fixed on the rim of the toilet bowl and is gradually washed away by the draining water. The main purpose of the blocks is to remove unpleasant odors and protect against the growth of bacteria;

  • magnetic rings installed in the tank. At a sufficiently high cost (approximately 400 rubles), the ring has a beneficial effect on the accumulated water and dissolves all impurities, so that when washed off harmful substances, causing various deposits, quickly pass into the sewer pipes.

Preventive products cannot deal with the resulting pollution of the toilet, but they can prevent the occurrence of plaque and the growth of germs.

Folk remedies

A folk remedy for washing toilets is no less popular, as it allows you to save cash and deal with the resulting pollution. Among folk remedies can be distinguished:

  • acetic acid. The best remedy according to popular opinion. It is applied to the surface of the toilet and left for 15 - 20 minutes (with a high degree of pollution, you can leave it longer, even up to several hours). Then it is thoroughly washed off with water. Acid is able to destroy all types of raids;
  • baking soda. The product is used in diluted form. Soda perfectly copes with deposits and additionally cleans. The combination of the two mentioned means is extremely effective.
  • citric acid. A sachet weighing 40 gr. It must first be diluted in warm water and then applied to the surface of the toilet bowl. Citric acid not only copes with plaque, but also has antibacterial properties;
  • white. The product must be applied to long time, best for the whole night and then rinse with plenty of water. Chlorine, which is part of whiteness, perfectly decomposes limescale and actively fights bacteria;

toilet cleaner rating

According to the results of a sociological survey, consumers have allocated the following products for cleaning the toilet:

  1. AIST Sanoks ultra. The price of the gel is 60 rubles. At a low cost, the product does an excellent job not only of cleaning the toilet, but also effectively removes bacteria.

Enough effective means also are Sanita, Sarma Gel, Sanfor Universal.

How to choose a tool, based on its composition, look at the video.

The choice of means depends entirely on the priority of the consumer. Some acquire caustic and effective drugs, others prefer less toxic substances. In any case, it is worth remembering that it is more expedient to protect the toilet bowl from excessive pollution than to fight courageously with various raids later.

It is believed that the cleanliness of the toilet is an indicator of the cleanliness of the hostess, her calling card.

A bad smell in the toilet, a dirty toilet bowl will spoil the prestige of even the cleanest housewife. In this regard, the question of choosing a toilet cleaner will always be relevant. It should effectively remove all kinds of pollution and kill all known microbes easily and quickly - without the hassle of the hostess.

Caring for sanitary ware is a simple type of cleaning. If it is done regularly, fresh dirt is easily removed.
In advanced cases, you will have to select the best detergent option, focusing on the main types of pollution.

Initially, we classify pollution, determine the cause of the occurrence.

The most common are the following types:

  • Urinary stone occurs on the bowl of the device due to the irregular use of the flush tank and ruff.
  • Limescale - consists of mineral magnesium and calcium salts. The intensity of deposits depends on the degree of rigidity of the carrier of the plumbing system.
  • Spots of rust, yellow plaque appear due to a malfunction of the tank. It needs to be repaired to eliminate water leakage. The water of plumbing systems contains a large amount of iron, it oxidizes, leaving a rusty coating.
  • Black marks are concentrated more often in the knee of the toilet.
  • Bacteria, fungi. Their accumulation is the cause of a bad smell, they are eliminated by processing.

One of the preventive measures to protect against lime and ferruginous deposits is the installation of deep filters on the tie-in plumbing in the home. This will greatly improve the quality of the water.
Washing the toilet is an inevitable job, it doesn’t cause much enthusiasm, so I want to spend the minimum amount of time on monotonous actions. The solution to the problem lies in right choice cleaning agent for sanitary appliances.
A reliable choice would be a fast-acting, effective, cheap remedy.

Varieties of chemicals
Currently, manufacturers offer a wide range of preparations for the care of toilet sanitary ware. They may be:

  • unified;
  • specialized;
  • preventive, preventing the formation of dirt.

The form of release may be different:

  • liquid;
  • gel;
  • powder;
  • creamy,
  • spray;
  • stickers, tablets;
  • balls, magnetic rings.

Having decided on the main type of pollution, we decide on the choice of a suitable product for cleaning sanitary appliances.
The compositions of all chemical cleaning preparations are usually identical and can perform their functions with the same quality.

Their main ingredients are:

  • surfactants - surfactants that neutralize stains;
  • acids (hydrochloric, sulfamic, ophthoric, oxalic) to eliminate iron compounds and the intensity of surfactant exposure;
  • alkalis - solvents of fat and organic matter, eliminating raids and layers of iron compounds;
  • chlorine, in order to disinfect objects, works with bad odors.

The best toilet cleaner

Our task is to find the best cleaning products in all the variety of preparations offered on the market.
The selection criterion is that they are required to quickly and efficiently clean and disinfect sanitary equipment, guaranteeing an optimal degree of cleanliness, at an affordable cost. Desirable line of smells to choose the scent you like.
At the moment, according to experts and consumers, the most popular can be considered:

Toilet gel Cillit Bang, 500 ml

It has become a leader among toilet bowl cleaners. The main active component of "Sillite" is the most aggressive inorganic hydrochloric acid. Effectively fights salt and iron deposits. 100% removal of plaque and rust. Release in plastic with a dispenser for processing hard-to-reach places. Its price is relatively high.

"Toilet duck", active gel 5 in 1, 900 ml

Gel with hydrochloric acid ingredient. Slightly worse in terms of the cleaning effect of Sillit, but safer to use, has an acceptable price. S-shaped spout helps to clean under the rim of the toilet. Lid with "child protection" function.

Domestos 100%, 750 ml
Gel with chlorine-containing ingredients, lauric acid. Thick and economical. It has a strong disinfectant effect, well kills various dangerous colonies of bacteria, fungi, mold. It dissolves old rust and persistent organic dirt somewhat worse, but without much effort. Whitens the surface of the device. The disadvantages include the specific smell of bleach. According to the formula "price-quality" the first of the gels.

Comet 7 days of cleanliness for the toilet, 750 ml

Gel preparation for stone plaque and advanced rusting of sanitary appliances. Has a pungent odor. The ingredient is sulfuric acid. Issued in plastic bottle with a nose. Removes bad odor well. It is positioned by the manufacturer as a drug of prolonged action.

"Stork Sanoks" - ultra, 750 ml

A good cleaning gel that has oxalic and sulfamic acids, surfactants in the structure. Fresh dirt is removed perfectly. The price is democratic.

Sanita - anti-rust, 500 ml

An effective inexpensive gel from a Russian manufacturer against rust spots and yellowness. Produced in plastic bottles with notches for fingers. Applied with a sprayer. Works well, purifying low-quality water. The gel formulation with acids works well to remove all compounds.

Which toilet cleaner to choose

To save time and effort, you need to choose a drug that does not need to rub pollution for a long time.
If you can afford not to pay attention to the cost of the product, then feel free to opt for concentrated gels - Cillit, "Toilet Duck", Domestos.

In the segment budget prices pay attention to effective, inexpensive products of Russian manufacturers - Sanoks, Sanita. They are not much inferior to the means of widely advertised brands.

The Comet gel 7 days of cleanliness with the effect of prolongation is capable of preserving the freshness and novelty of sanitary ware for a long time.
To remove old rust stains, the preparations "Sanita", "Sillit", "Domestos" can contribute.

It is always necessary to study the composition of the chemical agent, method of application, safety measures, according to the instructions on the package.

It should be remembered that a more effective drug is more toxic. Everything chemicals for cleaning the toilet require careful use, appropriate storage and indispensable protection of hands with rubber gloves.

Respiratory organs must be protected.

Folk cleaning products

Without compromising health, simple and cheap proven compositions can make cleaning safe. This is extremely important for people with skin and allergic diseases.
The most famous are the following:

  • To disinfect and wash the toilet bowl, pour a handful of soda, pour vinegar until foam forms. Leave for 20 minutes, clean with a brush, rinse.
  • Pour a bucket into the toilet hot water, fall asleep 40 g citric acid, leave for a couple of hours. We clean with a ruff, rinse.
  • Removes dirt from the walls of the bowl composition of hydrogen peroxide 250 ml, ammonia 1 tbsp. spoon, water 2 l Leave for 1-1.5 hours, rinse.
  • Hydrochloric acid acts radically on ingrained dirt. We process the surface, leave for 30 minutes, clean with a ruff, rinse well. Avoid contact with plastic products.
  • Dissolves persistent compounds "Whiteness". Pour out 1 liter, leave overnight. We clean with a ruff, we wash.
    In all cases, we use gloves, avoiding contact with the eyes and skin.

Preventive measures

The degree of laboriousness of cleaning the toilet bowl depends on the timeliness of the process. Regular cleaning of the bathroom will not require a titanic effort.

Some preventive measures that will help keep the toilet clean for longer are as follows:

  • Filter installation. This measure will soften, purify the water.
  • Using a brush after every trip to the toilet.
  • It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of the flush tank, avoiding leaks. This will prevent the formation of rust deposits and save water.

In addition, to maintain the freshness and cleanliness of the device, there are such preventive measures as:

  • Stickers - installed on the bowl under the rim, give foam when washed off, economical;
  • Replaceable blocks with packages of balls or liquid - are attached to the latch. Blocks guarantee a pleasant smell in the toilet;

  • Tablets - put in a flush tank;
  • Magnetic ring - also placed in the tank.

The purpose of all these preparations is to protect the surface of the sanitary device from hard-to-remove plaque by softening tap water. Plaque in this case does not stick to the walls, but is easily washed off. Disinfect water, preventing the accumulation of microorganisms. They also serve to keep the smell of freshness in the bathroom.

You can decide on the choice of the ideal toilet cleaner that is suitable for your plumbing, based on your priorities. The best criterion, I think, there will be a price-quality-smell ratio.

But this opinion is debatable, so everyone must make their own choice.