Miranda Kerr nutrition. Miranda Kerr's Diet Rules

Even the angels have to work hard to save not only the divine figure, but also the fluffy white wings. Miranda Kerr is a former Victoria's Secret lingerie model. And although Miranda voluntarily did not want to renew the contract, she will still appear on the catwalks along with the rest of the angels. But for this, an Australian with wonderful hair and a heart-shaped face is forced to constantly adhere to strict dietary rules. And in real life, you don’t want to look like a donut. And the model succeeds, because with a height of 175 cm, Miranda manages to weigh 50 kg! How did she achieve this?

Beauty secrets Miranda Kerr

As a child, Miranda wanted to become a nutritionist. True, after she won the modeling contest, her desires changed dramatically. But it seems that the habit of eating right has remained. Her main rules of nutrition are:

1. Drink as much liquid as possible.

Before breakfast, Miranda drinks warm water with lemon juice. Then she drinks freshly squeezed juice from cucumber, celery, lemon, cabbage and aloe. The model then drinks an energizing cocktail with a variety of ingredients, including chia seeds, raw cocoa beans, goji berries, fresh coconut milk and protein powder. She called it Miranda Mix.

Well, no wonder then why this angel looks so good. Goji berries are known as the "fruits of longevity". They are ways to protect against premature aging, give extra energy and strength, especially during illness, maintain normal blood pressure, lower cholesterol, relieve headaches, improve sleep quality and reduce weight. Chia seeds are an ideal source of protein and therefore recommended for athletes, vegetarians and vegans. They include magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. Raw cocoa beans are a natural product that contains the highest amount of antioxidants, which are antidepressants. coconut milk and protein powder improve digestion.

2. The principle of nutrition 80/20.

This principle is that 80% of the diet consists of healthy food, and 20% is freedom of choice, that is, you can eat whatever you want. If you eat three times a day, then three times a week you can eat whatever you want. Famous Hollywood coach Jillian Michaels, being a supporter of this method, assures that this the best way than limit yourself to food and go on strict diets. Miranda agrees with her, because the 80/20 principle is perfect for those who constantly feel guilty about eating french fries or pizza. “I think everything is good in moderation,” says the supermodel, and we agree with her.

3. Protein breakfast and mountains of vegetables and fruits.

Miranda prefers an avocado omelet for breakfast. In addition, she often eats vegetable and fruit salads without salt and spices. The model is a supporter of freshly prepared dishes. Miranda leaves nothing for later, not even fruit.

4. A handful of almonds and bitter black chocolate.

Miranda always carries almonds with her, because she eats them when she is on the road or does not have time to have a proper lunch. Nuts are rich in fiber and vitamin E, magnesium and riboflavin. The beauty has been indifferent to chocolate since childhood, which is not bad at all, because it will always help to cope with depression and despondency.

5.Yoga and meditation.

4 times a week angel does fitness with the help of DVD at home (12 minutes a day) and with personal trainer Justin Gelbend in gym. In addition, Miranda practices yoga daily.

As you can see, all this helps her a lot, because after the birth of her son, the model shone again at the Victoria's Secret show in a short period of time.

34-year-old Australian supermodel, mother and wife of billionaire and founder of Snapchat Evan Spiegel - Miranda Kerr keeps herself in great shape all her life. First, of course, thanks to genetics. And, secondly, her profession obliges you to always look like a million and be fit. In addition to regular exercise and yoga, she also eats right. Grazia managed to find out the secret of her diet, which does not allow her to get better and weigh more than 50 kg.

In one of her many interviews, Miranda admitted that diet plays a big role in her life. Her diet is based on fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, nuts, green salads. She also takes vitamins, supplements (coenzyme Q10, omega-3 and omega-6) and probiotics.

“I really love organic food. I love spinach, avocado, celery and broccoli salads. It is so wonderful to live with a feeling of lightness, ”Kerr once shared her secret of harmony. Despite this, the model sometimes allows herself to eat a slice of pizza or her favorite Pavlova meringue cake, which is prepared by her grandmother.

Every day Miranda starts with a glass of warm water with lemon on an empty stomach. As we know, it is good for digestion. Plus, this technique helps to start the body and prepare for the work of digesting food. She then makes a protein shake or smoothie with spirulina, goji berries, chia seeds, and protein rice powder. Although breakfast may be different.

Sample menu for the day:

Breakfast: avocado and egg toast or fresh fruit salad or smoothie.
Lunch: assorted nuts and green tea.
Dinner: baked salmon with turmeric, lemon and garlic. Vegetable salad - arugula, soy sprouts, avocado, cucumber, purple cabbage. For dressing she mixes olive oil, lemon and apple cider vinegar.
Dinner: baked chicken in the oven and potato stew.
Before going to bed (sometimes can afford): fruits and tea without sugar.

As is clear from sample menu per day, ”the model makes the main bet in her diet for lunch. Another favorite lunch of hers: Tunisian chicken salad with radicchio (a type of common chicory), arugula, spinach, cucumber, avocado, cauliflower and sprouts. Plus soup with mashed zucchini, curry, garlic, onion and coconut milk. It is easy to prepare, it is fresh, nutritious and very tasty!

One of the main nutritional rules of the model: never freeze anything and never leave food. Cooking costs exactly as much as you can eat at a time.

Of course Miranda drinks a lot pure water(at least 2 liters per day). Of the drinks, her priority is green tea or rooibos, as well as cold-pressed green juices. And she completely forgot about sweet soda and alcohol. And as we see - the result is worth it! For more than 10 years, the model has not weighed more than 50 kg with a height of 175 cm. And, by the way, it was thanks to this proper nutrition and yoga that she entered the podium six months after the birth of her son Flynn (from Orlando Bloom). And she was in a luxurious form (photo below).

The ex-wife of the famous Hollywood actor Orlando Bloom, with a height of 1.75 m, has a body weight of only 50 kg. According to physiological studies, Miranda's body weight is small for her height, but the model herself claims that she focuses on her well-being and reflection in the mirror, and not on numbers, and never deprives herself of the necessary nutrients. Prefers healthy organic food, spinach, avocado, celery and broccoli salads.

A healthy lifestyle helped Miranda endure and give birth to a strong baby, as well as return to shape in record time. Already six months after the birth of her son, Miranda "was in service" and went to the show fashion clothes famous brand. As Miranda herself advises, you should not treat healthy eating like something boring.

So, let's look at the main postulates of Miranda's nutrition:

1. Before breakfast - warm water with lemon juice and a healthy smoothie.

According to her, warm water with lemon juice in the morning has a very good effect on digestion, improves metabolism and tones the body. Also 10-15 minutes after that, Miranda prepares a super-shake, which is health in its purest form. Unfortunately, for our regions, these products are available only in health shops, they can also be found on the Internet. They are: a tablespoon of noni juice, chia seeds, goji berries, fresh coconut milk and coconut water, fresh cocoa powder, spirulina and protein. This miracle cocktail is a source of all the vitamins and minerals you need for beautiful, glowing skin, hair and nails. It also boosts immunity and gives energy for the whole day.

2. The principle of nutrition 80/20.

Miranda often talks about him in interviews and on TV shows. Its essence is that 80% of the diet consists of healthy and dietary food, and the remaining 20% ​​- to choose from. Famous Hollywood trainer Jillian Michaels, being a supporter of this method, assures that this is the best option than limiting yourself to food and sitting on strict diets. Miranda likes to indulge herself from time to time with dark chocolate, french fries or fried chicken.

3. The day starts with a hearty breakfast.

Often this is something protein, like soft-boiled eggs or an omelet. Instead (and sometimes together) you can eat porridge with berries + 1 avocado. Breakfast turns out to be very satisfying and nutritious, it can hardly even be called dietary, but thanks to it you will not get hungry soon and will have a lot of energy.

4. Lots of vegetables and fruits.

Miranda just loves fresh fruits and eats them in any quantity. She never comes up with complex dishes, just cuts her favorite fruits (in her case, grapefruits, pineapples or apricots) or vegetables and mixes them together. Dressed with olive oil or yogurt.

5. Products selected by blood group.

The model is a supporter of the incredibly popular method of the famous doctor James D'Amado today, who developed the concept of choosing products in accordance with a person's blood type. Miranda has the second blood type, which is why she eats a lot of alkaline foods: citrus fruits, tomatoes, zucchini, beans.

6. Snacks.

Don't starve, advises the model. Healthy snacks in the form of a handful of nuts or fruit salad will satisfy your hunger if you do not have time to eat a full meal, and will only benefit your figure and health.

As a child, the famous Australian model, the most recognizable "angel" of Victoria's Secret, the wife and muse of the actor dreamed of becoming a nutritionist. But when she won the National Australian Modeling Competition at the age of 13, she plunged into the world of fashion. However, strict guidelines diet food still adheres to it impeccably, due to which, with a height of 175 centimeters, it weighs 50 kilograms. It is not known whether her failed fellow nutritionists would have liked such a ratio: after all, Miranda's body mass index (weight in kilograms divided by height in meters, the result is squared) is very low - 16.3. But employers love it. And my husband, apparently, too.

In an interview, Orlando praised his beloved: “I am very proud of Miranda - she gave birth to a child and very quickly returned to duty. It's not that easy." Indeed, already six months after the birth of her son Flynn, Kerr appeared on the catwalk and looked great at the David Jones show of the spring-summer 2011 season in Sydney. “I was a little worried before the show,” Miranda admitted then. - After all, I recently gave birth. It was especially hard to get out.

According to Miranda, her slender body is the result of proper nutrition. “I prefer healthy organic food,” says the star. - I love spinach, celery and broccoli salads. Thanks to such light and at the same time healthy food, I have a lot of energy, I am mobile and hardy. It's so wonderful to live with a feeling of lightness.

Miranda Rules

1.Drinks water with lemon. Every morning on an empty stomach, Miranda drinks a glass of warm water, to which she adds lemon juice and two teaspoons. During the day, he drinks vegetable smoothies, fruit juices and ordinary water.

2.Start the day with a protein breakfast. Omelet or soft-boiled eggs are a must. And it can also be avocado or light oatmeal with berries.

3.Selects foods based on blood group. Miranda is one of the many admirers of the method of Dr. James D'Adamo, who developed the principles of dietary nutrition in accordance with blood types. Kerr has a second group. “I eat high-alkaline foods: citrus, fresh, green beans, zucchini, drink a lot during the day and have almost given up meat. Is that your favorite slow-cooked chicken, cooked in coconut oil with onion and garlic, ”the model shares.

4.Likes fresh fruit. Miranda is not smart with complex dishes. He cuts and mixes his favorite fruits (for the second group, first of all, these are pineapples, apricots, grapefruits) - and a light salad is ready! And no sweet syrups, yogurt dressings and ice cream.

6.Eats only freshly prepared meals and never leaves anything in the fridge for later. Even fruits and vegetables. No freeze!

7.Drinking noni juice. It is squeezed in southeast Asia from the fruits of an exotic plant - citrus morinda. Noni supports immune system, nourishes the body with antioxidants and gives energy.

And something else

Miranda practices yoga daily. “Half an hour in the morning is enough, and you are in shape all day!” Now they are engaged together with their little son Flynn. And not so long ago, for everyone in Sydney, the model held public lesson on Eastern practice as part of the Earth Hour campaign.

Agree, Miranda is just a charm! She infects with her energy and inspires. And despite the fact that we read a hundred times about her diet, regimen and Kundalini yoga, it’s still nice, inspiring and useful, there are some new nuances that I didn’t know about, for example: 80 to 20 is a great idea!

So, I present an article from mindbodygreen.com about Miranda Kerr and her diet, which the editor, the beautiful Diana, kindly agreed to translate for us!

“Known for her gorgeous figure, supermodel Miranda Kerr indulges herself with triple cream cheese from time to time. goat milk, french fries and homemade apple pie. Yes it is. So how does she stay in such great shape?

According to an interview with Australian magazine Gritty Pretty, the former Victoria's Secret Angel lives on an 80/20 diet, which is more of a lifestyle than a diet.

The 80/20 idea, conceived by nutritionist Teresa Cutter, is pretty simple: Eat nutritious foods 80% of the time and eat less healthy foods the other 20%. This is a great way to practice moderation and balance instead of going on a super strict diet.

“I try my best to eat healthy, natural foods 80% of the time, but it’s also important not to deprive yourself and other foods, because then you will just crave more and instead of eating one piece of chocolate, you will start devouring the whole bar.” Kerr says.

Kerr also keeps fit with squats, Pilates and Kundalini yoga.

“I think you can do squats every time you can. If you are thinking about doing 10 squats, include exercises in your daily routine. I also love doing Pilates and yoga.

My favorite type of yoga is Kundalini. It's really great for strengthening the mind-body connection. It's something that helps me develop myself."

Kerr not only takes care of his physical health, but also takes care of his mental health, using products from his organic skincare line KORA.

“Speaking of self-development, among the Kora products is an essence created for me by a leading aromatherapist during a very difficult time for me,” she said. “After Orlando and I broke up, I had a mild form of depression, she made this remedy for me, and now it is part of my line called Heart Chakra Essence». (Who cares about roll-on fragrance for balance nervous system, look)

Besides, Miranda has quite a good way take care of your skin.

“It is undeniable that in Australia the ocean is beautiful. You immediately feel refreshed,” she says. “I am also obsessed with scrubbing my body with sand when I am at home. It feels like it exfoliates the skin really well."

So to sum it up: to look and feel like Miranda Kerr, eat healthy most of the time, but don't completely cut out your favorite but not-so-healthy treats (like goat milk triple cream cheese); do a few squats a day, Pilates and Kundalini yoga; soak in the aroma that opens the heart chakra, and be sure to wipe the skin with sand. To be honest, it doesn't sound bad."

I will add that, like her fellow countrywoman, model, Miranda adheres to an alkaline diet and consumes two to three liters of alkaline water every day to maintain water balance:

“To replenish the bottles with water, I have a tap at home alkaline filter. You know, disease originates in an oxidized organism, so if you can alkalize it through the food you eat and the water you drink, then you have a much better chance of staying healthy,” says Kerr. “And so, that’s the whole concept of alkaline water. I noticed that the latter helped me feel better and more hydrated.”