Very simple and quick apple pie.

Who doesn't love apple pie? "Which?" - you ask. And you will be absolutely right. After all, there are a huge number of recipes for preparing this delicacy. Someone prefers a yeast apple pie, someone prefers shortcrust or biscuit dough, and someone cooks it in the fastest and easiest way using puff pastry. In this article, we will present to your attention some interesting and very delicious recipes. We hope you enjoy them. For those who are going to bake it for the first time, we will describe in stages how to cook an apple pie in your own kitchen.

A bit of history

It is said that the idea of ​​making apple pies belongs to the French. Surely, we are talking about charlotte - an apple pie made from biscuit dough. One day, a girl named Charlotte in a hurry put apples instead of dough on the bottom of a baking dish and filled them with biscuit dough. After the cake was baked, she turned it upside down and sprinkled powdered sugar. It turned out very tender, fragrant and tasty apple pie. Everyone liked this idea of ​​hers, and the pie was named charlotte in her honor. However, there are other recipes that originated far from the country that is considered the birthplace of confectionery art. For example, there is a roll pie stuffed with apples, nuts and raisins. It is made from stretched dough and poured with butter during baking. Surely you guessed that we are talking about apple strudel, which is also called Viennese. Indeed, it is very popular in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and other European countries. Well, Russian housewives know best how to make an apple pie from yeast dough, since this type of pie, apparently, is Russian.

Classic Yeast Apple Pie: Recipe and Cooking Method

This type of test can be called universal. It can be baked like sweet pastries with cream, fruit, chocolate filling, as well as hearty meat, cheese, vegetable pies, pizza and much more. Some housewives are just afraid yeast dough However, once they overcome this fear, they realize that there is nothing difficult in this, it just takes a little patience. Next, we will tell you how to make a closed apple pie from no-bake yeast dough. So let's get started.

Here is a list of required products:

  • milk - 300 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • yeast - 1.5 table. l.;
  • sugar - 10-12 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable (sunflower) oil or margarine - 2-3 tbsp. spoons or 50 g (margarine);
  • flour - 0.5 kilograms;
  • salt - 1 tsp. a spoon;
  • apples (large) - 2-3 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - half a teaspoon;
  • vanilla - 1/4 tsp. l.


Heat the milk to 35 degrees and dilute the yeast in it. Leave for 15 minutes. Add eggs beaten with salt, half the sugar, vanillin, flour (previously sifted) to the milk and knead the dough. To make it smooth and not stick to your hands when kneading, you need to add vegetable oil. You need to knead carefully, because in the process of this the dough is enriched with oxygen, which means it will be more lush and airy. From it it is necessary to form a ball, cover with a towel and put to rise in a warm place. After 30-40 minutes, when the dough has risen, it needs to be slightly crushed and set to rise a second time. For the filling, apples need to be peeled and seeds, finely chopped and add the remaining sugar and cinnamon. Now you can form the pie.

This is done in the following way:

  • The dough must be divided into 2 equal parts.
  • The form for the pie should be greased with a brush with melted butter and lay out a layer of dough rolled out to 2 cm.
  • Its edges should be lifted and a side made.
  • Put the filling on the dough, cover it with a second layer on top.
  • Clip the edges, decorate as fantasy tells, grease with an egg.
  • Leave for 30 minutes before rising.

Bake in a heated oven. Here the cake is ready.

Puff with apples

Let's look at how to make an apple pie from puff pastry. This type of dough is perfect for making various pies, such as Georgian khachapuri, Armenian gata with sweet butter filling, mushroom pie etc. It can also be used to make a Napoleon cake and an apple pie. Puff pastry does not have to be prepared by yourself. You can always buy it in the supermarket and store it in the freezer at home. Before use, the dough must be thawed at room temperature or in the microwave. I must say right away that this is the fastest apple pie.

Cooking method

So, let's start preparing it. To do this, the dough needs to be rolled out in a thin (1 cm) layer and divided into 2 unequal parts. Grease a baking sheet with a special brush with oil and put on it most of the thinly rolled dough so that the edges form a rim. Prepare the filling as in the first recipe. Instead of cinnamon, you can add grated zest of half a lemon. The rest should be closely cut into strips of different lengths (the longest - from the diagonal of the baking sheet), 2-3 cm thick. They need to cover the filling in the form of a grid. Grease the dough egg yolk and bake in an oven heated to 210 degrees for 30 minutes.

Apple pie: shortcrust pastry recipe

V Lately pies with fruit and berry filling made from this type of dough became popular. It is the best way to make this delicacy. But since apples, unlike berries and other fruits (peaches, apricots, plums), are practically all year round, then it is most convenient for housewives to cook an apple pie. At the same time, shortbread dough can be either very soft or hard, so the pies are completely different.

Karakul with apples (recipe)

This is perhaps the most interesting apple pie in its structure (photo No. 5). “Karakul” is prepared both with fresh fruit filling and with jam, marmalade or marmalade. In this article, we will tell you how to make Karakul apple pie. To do this, you will need a cool shortcrust pastry.

  • Grate 300 grams of butter or creamy margarine.
  • 200 g of sugar lightly (using a whisk) beat with 3 yolks and add to the butter.
  • To the egg-butter mixture add 1/2 tsp. tablespoons of soda, a slaked teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice, and enough flour to make an elastic dough and not stick to your hands.
  • Divide the dough into two lumps (one slightly larger than the other). Wrap the smaller one in cling film and put in the freezer until completely frozen.
  • Of the three egg whites and a glass of sugar make a cool meringue, add a pinch of vanillin and citric acid.
  • Add finely chopped peeled apples (2-4 pieces) and the zest of half a lemon to the protein mass.
  • Roll out the dough (large lump) on a greased baking sheet, put meringue with apples on top and evenly distribute around the entire perimeter, without bringing it to the edges.
  • Remove the frozen dough from the freezer and grate over the meringue on a coarse grater.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

As you can see, this recipe is not so easy, and you can’t call it fast, but the cake will be very tasty, tender and fragrant.

Pie “Simple” shortcrust pastry with apples

As already noted, this type of dough is also soft. And they also make apple pie from it. Shortcrust pastry in this case is prepared according to the same recipe as given above, only flour should be put in almost half as much to get a mixture like thick sour cream. For the filling, we use peeled apples cut into slices (3-4 pieces). Lubricate the bottom of the mold with oil and begin to lay out apple slices close to each other. Then fill the apples with dough, level with a spoon and bake in the oven until browned at a temperature of 180-200 ° C. The finished cake should be sprinkled with powdered sugar. This pie is a bit like a classic charlotte, only it uses not shortbread, but biscuit dough, which consists of eggs, sugar and flour. At the same time, if the French pie is served upside down, then “Simple” is served in the most common way.

Viennese apple pie. Sweet and sour apple strudel recipe

To prepare this delicacy, you need the following ingredients:

Cooking process

In a bowl, mix the egg yolk with salt and warm water, add the sifted flour and prepare the dough. Lubricate it with vegetable (or melted butter) butter and set aside for half an hour to “rest”. Next, prepare the filling. To do this, we clean the apples from seeds and skin, divide into 4 parts and cut into thin slices. After that, they need to be sprinkled lemon juice so they don't rust. Add finely chopped nuts and raisins to the apples. Roll out the dough thinly on a linen towel. Then grease it with butter (melted) and sprinkle with a mixture of sugar, cinnamon and breadcrumbs. And only after that we spread apples on the dough. With the help of a towel, carefully form a roll, while not pressing on the dough at all. It should be airy and loose. Then we put it on a greased baking sheet, turning the seam down. We bake in the oven for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, constantly pouring it with melted butter. Here's another apple pie for you. This recipe is a little unusual, but recently apple strudel can be seen more and more often in the dessert menu of Russian cafes and restaurants.


As you can see, many delicious pies can be made from apples. Some recipes are very easy and quick, others are more complex, but the pies are very tasty. Which one to choose is up to you. Do you know what important feature enjoy these pies? All of them are very, very useful, as they contain a large number of substances important for the body. So do not be lazy, cook wonderful apple pies for yourself and your loved ones according to one of the above recipes. Good luck!

Baking with apples has a pleasant sweet taste with a subtle sourness and a pronounced fruity aroma. Therefore, it enjoys well-deserved popularity among large and small sweet tooth. Usually it is made on the basis of puff, shortbread or cottage cheese dough with the addition of ground cinnamon, cardamom, walnuts or lemon zest. This publication presents the best selection of the easiest apple pie recipes.

In modern cooking, there are countless options for making pastries with apples, ranging from simple charlotte to complex jellied pies. Yeast, puff, biscuit or kefir dough is usually used as the basis for creating such desserts. Among the mandatory components that make up such delicacies are eggs, flour and baking powder. Depending on the chosen recipe, sour cream, kefir, milk, margarine, butter or cottage cheese are added to the pie.

As for apples, for such purposes it is allowed to use not only fresh, but also canned fruits. Moreover, experienced chefs recommend giving preference to sweet and sour varieties like Antonovka. Before making an apple pie, the fruit is peeled and cored, and then cut into thin slices. Optionally, the filling is supplemented with raisins, cinnamon, chopped nuts or citrus zest.

Classic apple pie

Air pastry, created according to the recipe below, will be a good example of a successful combination of tender dough and juicy fruit filling. From above it is covered with a ruddy crispy crust, under which delicious slices of apples are hidden. Therefore, it will certainly be appreciated by lovers of such desserts. To make a fragrant apple pie at home, you will need:

  • 2.5 cups of flour in / with.
  • 3 art. spoons of fresh sour cream.
  • 1/3 measuring cup of cold water.
  • 16 art. tablespoons chopped butter.
  • 1 tsp fine crystalline salt.
  • Full large spoonful of granulated sugar.

Since one of the simplest apple pie recipes involves fruit filling, you will additionally have to add to the above list:

  • The protein of one chicken egg.
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
  • 1 kg of sweet and sour apples.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • ½ cup white sugar.
  • ¼ tsp table salt.
  • ¼ st. brown sugar.
  • ½ teaspoon chopped citrus zest.

To begin with, in a clean, dry bowl, combine flour, granulated sugar and kitchen salt. Then, cold butter cut into small cubes is added to the same bowl and beat well with a blender until small lumps appear. Pour ice water with sour cream dissolved in it into the resulting crumb and mix thoroughly. The finished dough is divided in half, wrapped in food polyethylene and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

In order not to waste time, you should do the filling. To obtain it, two types of sugar, cinnamon, salt, citrus zest and chopped apples are mixed in a saucepan. All this is stewed under the lid for no more than twenty minutes. Then the softened fruits are laid out on a baking sheet and cooled.

The chilled dough is rolled into thin layers. One of them is placed in a heat-resistant form, not forgetting the sides, and again sent to the refrigerator shelf. After half an hour, they spread the apple filling on it (without the released liquid) and sprinkle it with natural lemon juice. The remaining layer of dough is placed on top and the edges are carefully fastened, cutting off the excess. The resulting product is smeared with beaten egg white and put into the oven, heated to two hundred and ten degrees. Not earlier than after 45 minutes, a very tasty apple pie is taken out of the oven and cooled.


This simple but very tasty pastry has become the basis for the manufacture of many fruit pies. It contains a minimum set of ingredients that are probably found in almost every home. To create it, you need to take:

  • A glass of white flour.
  • 4 large chicken eggs.
  • Full cup of sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
  • 400 g of ripe varieties.
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon.

It is unlikely that you will find an apple pie tastier than charlotte prepared according to the method described below. Chilled eggs are driven into a bowl and thoroughly processed with a mixer. Then sugar, cinnamon, baking powder and flour are added to them. Apple slices are carefully mixed into the resulting dough and it is poured into an oiled refractory mold. This cake is baked at an average temperature for no more than forty minutes. The degree of readiness of the dessert is checked with an ordinary toothpick.

Charlotte with cognac

This one of the easiest apple pie recipes will surely interest fans of unusual homemade pastries. It turns out a surprisingly tasty and soft dessert, which retains its original freshness for a long time. To prepare such a treat, you will need the following products:

  • A whole glass of granulated sugar.
  • 180 grams of white flour / s.
  • 3 large eggs.
  • 400 g ripe apples.
  • Vanillin sachet.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of starch.
  • 1 tsp. quality cognac and baking powder.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of natural lemon juice and black sesame seeds.

Practical part

Chilled eggs are driven into a clean bowl, combined with granulated sugar and beat vigorously until increased in volume. The resulting mass is mixed with bulk ingredients and cognac. Half of the finished dough is poured into an oiled mold sprinkled with sesame seeds. It is then topped with sweetened apple slices drizzled with lemon juice. The remaining dough is placed on top and all this is sent to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. This apple pie is prepared very quickly. Already after forty minutes it is pulled out of the oven, slightly cooled and served with tea.

Hungarian apple pie

The preparation of such pastries requires a minimum of time and a simple grocery set. And the dessert itself is very light and airy. To pamper your household with such a delicacy, you will need:

  • 130 grams of semolina.
  • 160 g white wheat flour.
  • 180 grams of sugar.
  • 7 g baking powder.
  • 120 grams of good butter.
  • 7 ripe apples of medium size.
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon.

Even those who are far from cooking can easily cope with the preparation of an apple pie in Hungarian style. To do this, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, flour and semolina are combined in one dry bowl. All mix well and spread part of the resulting mass in a slightly oiled form. Grated apples are placed on top. The fruit is again covered with dough. Layers are alternated until all the ingredients are used up. On top, there must be a dry mass, which is sprinkled with grated butter. The product is baked at 180 degrees for no more than forty minutes.

Apple pie in a pan

A dessert prepared using the technology described below is practically in no way inferior to one that was baked in the oven. The only way it differs from traditional charlotte is that it has a fairly dense structure. Therefore, it is advisable to add a little more baking powder to the dough.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 fresh chicken eggs.
  • 130 grams of white flour.
  • 4 large ripe apples.
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Packet of baking powder.
  • 80 grams of granulated sugar.
  • Cinnamon and vanilla.


Raw eggs are combined with sugar, flour, slaked soda and baking powder. Vanillin, cinnamon and fruit slices are also sent there. The resulting dough is gently mixed and poured into the pan. Apple pie is covered with a lid and cooked over low heat for half an hour. Serve it chilled, pre-cut into portions.

Apple pie on shortcrust pastry

This fragrant crunchy dessert will be a great addition to friendly gatherings over a cup of warm herbal tea. It is prepared using a very simple technology, and the result exceeds even the wildest expectations. To bake a shortcrust apple pie, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 480 grams of white flour.
  • 170 g of high-quality butter.
  • 200 grams of fine granulated sugar.
  • 170 ml sour cream.
  • Egg.
  • 4 ripe apples of medium size.
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon.

The egg is combined with melted butter and half of the available sugar. Everything is thoroughly rubbed and mixed with baking powder and flour. Immediately after this, the cooked dough is rolled out into a fairly thin layer and spread on a lightly oiled baking sheet. Fruit slices are distributed as evenly as possible on top and sprinkled with cinnamon mixed with sugar residues. Bake a shortbread apple pie at a temperature of 200 degrees until fully cooked. As a rule, the duration of heat treatment does not exceed twenty minutes.

Jellied apple pie

Dessert, made in strict accordance with the method described below, has a pleasant taste and delicate aroma. Thin shortbread dough is in perfect harmony with fruit filling and sweet sour cream filling. To bake this version of apple pie, you need to take:

  • 210 g flour.
  • 110 grams of quality butter.
  • Large egg.
  • 110 g sugar.
  • ½ teaspoon of baking powder.
  • Vanillin.

To get a fruit filling, you should have at hand:

  • 450 g ripe apples.
  • 2 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • 30 grams of soft butter.
  • 3 art. spoons of fine sugar.

Since this, one of the easiest apple pie recipes, requires a sweet filling, in addition you will need:

  • 160 g fresh sour cream.
  • 50 grams of fine granulated sugar.
  • Vanillin.

In a deep bowl, combine the egg, butter and sugar. Everything is thoroughly ground and mixed with baking powder and flour. Completely prepared dough is wrapped with cling film and sent to the refrigerator.

In order not to waste time, you can go to the next step. Since this apple pie recipe in the oven provides for the presence of a filling, right now you need to start cooking it. Washed fruits are peeled and cored, then cut into cubes and sprinkled with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The fruits processed in this way are laid out in a frying pan in which sugar was previously caramelized, mixed and stewed for about ten minutes.

The cooled dough is spread on the bottom of the oiled mold and covered with a layer of filling. All this is sent to a hot oven. After about 25 minutes, a fully prepared pie is poured with a cream consisting of whipped sour cream, sugar and vanillin. After that, the dessert is cooled and only then served on the table.

Grated apple pie

This one is very well prepared. simple recipe, which provides for the presence of a minimum set of ingredients. Despite the apparent simplicity, this dessert is very presentable. appearance and pleasant aroma. Therefore, it is not a shame to offer it to guests. To bake this grated apple pie, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 grams of white flour.
  • 50 g of powdered sugar.
  • 150 grams of good butter.
  • The yolk of one chicken egg.
  • 1 st. l. fresh sour cream.
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder.

All of the above components are needed to get the test. To make a fragrant fruit filling, you will need:

  • 1.5 kilos of ripe apples.
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
  • 3 art. l. crushed crackers.

Put soft butter, baking powder, powdered sugar and flour into the bowl of a food processor. All are well ground into crumbs, and then mixed with sour cream and egg yolk. A ball is formed from the finished dough and divided into a pair of unequal parts. A larger piece is distributed along the bottom of the oiled form, the smaller one is wrapped with cling film and removed for half an hour on the shelf of the refrigerator.

Thirty minutes later, a thin layer of crackers is scattered on the dough, laid out on a baking sheet. Place apple slices mixed with cinnamon and sugar on top. All this is sprinkled with grated dough and cleaned in the oven. The product is baked at a moderate temperature. Not earlier than after 40 minutes, the browned grated apple pie is checked for readiness with a toothpick. If everything is in order, then it is taken out of the oven and cooled.

Grated pie with apple-curd filling

This surprisingly delicate dessert will surely be appreciated by lovers of unusual homemade pastries. It can be one of the most striking examples of a successful combination of cottage cheese with pieces of ripe fruit. To reproduce this apple recipe, you need to take:

  • ½ cup sugar.
  • A standard pack of quality margarine.
  • 2 cups white flour
  • Packet of baking powder.

To make a delicate fruit and curd filling in the above list, you will have to additionally add:

  • 5 ripe apples.
  • 250 grams of soft, not too fatty cottage cheese.
  • ½ cup sugar.
  • 2 large chicken eggs.
  • Vanillin.

In a deep wide bowl combine chopped margarine, sugar, baking powder and flour. Everything is well rubbed by hand. Most of the resulting crumbs are poured into a dry form and covered with apple slices. A filler made from mashed cottage cheese, sugar, vanillin and eggs is evenly distributed on top. All this is sprinkled with the remaining crumbs and cleaned in a hot oven. Cook the cake at 200 degrees until lightly browned. The baked dessert is pulled out of the oven, completely cooled and only then carefully removed from the mold.


We invite you to pay special attention to another, fairly simple recipe for fragrant homemade pastries with apples. The pie made according to it will certainly be appreciated by lovers of French cuisine. To prepare this dessert you will need:

  • 220 g of high-quality butter.
  • 120 grams of sugar.
  • 220 g of good white flour.
  • 50 ml filtered water.
  • 1 st. a spoonful of natural lemon juice.
  • 4 apples.
  • A pinch of cinnamon.

In a deep dry bowl, combine half of the available sugar and 100 grams of butter. All this is ground by hand and mixed with water. The finished dough is rolled into a ball, wrapped in food polyethylene and cleaned for an hour in the freezer.

The remaining oil is combined with ground cinnamon and 50 grams of fine granulated sugar. All this is sent to the fire and boiled over low heat for no more than seven minutes. Then apple slices and 10 g of sweet sand are carefully loaded into the hot mass. After a quarter of an hour, the caramelized fruits are removed from the stove, cooled and spread over the bottom of the refractory mold. The fruit filling is covered with dough rolled into a layer, on which several punctures are made. Tatin is baked at one hundred and ninety degrees for no longer than 35 minutes. Cool the pie completely and turn over so that the filling is on top.

Charlotte on kefir

This simple dessert has a very delicate texture. Therefore, he will not leave indifferent everyone who loves sweet homemade cakes. To make this pie, you will need:

  • 220 ml of fatty kefir.
  • 280 g of good white flour.
  • 220 grams of sugar.
  • 2 large fresh eggs.
  • 5 ripe sweet and sour apples.
  • 160 grams of butter.
  • 5 g baking powder.

Pre-softened butter is combined with sugar and eggs. Slightly warmed kefir, baking powder and flour are added to the resulting mass. Everything is thoroughly kneaded until a homogeneous dough is formed, the consistency is very reminiscent of that from which ordinary pancakes are fried.

At the bottom of an oiled detachable form, peeled and cut into slices of apples are laid out. From above, fruit pieces are poured with kefir dough and sent all this into a hot oven. Such charlotte is baked at 185 degrees until an aesthetic golden crust appears. Immediately after that, it is slightly cooled, removed from the mold and cut into portions. If desired, it is decorated with ground cinnamon mixed with cocoa powder.

It’s hard to even doubt that every housewife has her favorite delicious apple pie recipe. Despite the fact that the combination of apples and dough in cooking is a classic, there are a huge number of delicious recipes for apple pies. But in this article we will give only the most delicious options.

Most tasty pie with apples for each person is determined individually, through pleasant trials. To choose exactly the recipe that every member of your family will like, you need to make sure that there is plenty to choose from.

The most delicious kefir apple pie can be prepared according to this recipe. Of the ingredients for making the pie, you will need 200 grams of flour, a teaspoon of baking powder, two eggs, a little moth, a teaspoon of vanilla sugar, 150 grams of sugar, 85 ml of vegetable oil and kefir. To prepare the filling, 3 large apples, 75 grams of brown sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon are taken. Turn on the oven and start preparing the dough. To do this, mix the flour with a pinch of salt and baking powder. Separately, beat kefir with butter, add sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat until smooth, then add one egg at a time and beat again. Combine flour and kefir mixture, mix. Cut the apples into cubes, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, mix. Pour a little oil into a baking dish and sprinkle with flour. Lay out half of the dough, then the apple filling, close with the second half of the dough. Bake the pie for about an hour.

Lean apple pie doesn't have to be boring and mundane. I would like to offer this original recipe. To prepare the pie, a glass of sugar, a glass of pumpkin (apple) juice, half a glass of vegetable oil, a glass of walnut kernels, half a teaspoon of soda, two glasses of flour, one apple and a little salt are taken. Crush nuts. Peel apples and cut into large cubes. Pour juice into a bowl, add soda, sugar, a pinch of salt and vegetable oil. Beat well with a mixer. Add flour gradually, continuing to beat the dough with a mixer, add apples and nuts. Put the dough into a baking dish and put the cake in the oven for 50 minutes.

Usually baking in a slow cooker turns out to be very tasty and tender, but a little pale. This cake will look just right. The main thing is to strictly observe all the stages of preparation. To make a cake, you need to take a glass of flour and a glass of sugar, three eggs, 800 grams of apples, 50 grams of butter and two tablespoons of brown sugar (can be replaced with regular sugar). Peel apples and cut into slices. Turn the multicooker on the heating mode and put a piece of butter. When it melts, grease the sides of the saucepan and add two tablespoons of sugar. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Lay the first layer of apples nicely in right order. Because then, to get a ruddy pie, we just turn it upside down. Put the rest of the apples on the first layer not very tightly, you can do it in a chaotic manner. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer, add flour and continue beating. The dough should be similar in thickness to sour cream. Pour the dough over the apple and cook in the “baking” mode for 40 minutes. When the cake is ready, invert it onto a serving platter.

Another selection of recipes from our users:

They say that the most delicious apple pie was prepared at the beginning of the 20th century. We offer this version of the recipe, maybe it will be to your taste in your family. This pie with apples is being prepared from shortcrust pastry. To prepare the dough, 250 grams of flour, half a glass of sour cream, 150 grams of melted butter, half a tea boat of soda and a quarter of a teaspoon of salt are taken. For the filling, you need a kilogram of sour apples, one egg, a glass of sour cream and sugar, two tablespoons of flour. For the dough, mix all the ingredients. To fill, beat the egg, add sour cream, sugar and flour. Beat until smooth. Peel apples and seeds, cut into thin slices. Put the apples in a baking dish dough, smooth it with your hands. Then lay out the apples and pour over them with sour cream. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes. It may seem that the filling is not baked. But in the process of cooling the cake, it will still gradually solidify.

The most delicious pie with apples and cottage cheese can be obtained by adding apples to the filling, and cottage cheese to the dough itself. To prepare the dish, you need ingredients such as: 200 grams of cottage cheese, 150 grams of sugar, 250 grams of flour, 200 grams of butter, two eggs, two tablespoons of starch, one and a half teaspoons of baking powder, vanillin. For the filling, four large sour apples and three tablespoons of sugar are taken. Grind the flour with butter and add all the ingredients for the dough. Send the dough for half an hour in the refrigerator. Cut apples into slices. Grease a baking dish with oil, and divide the dough into two parts. Put the first part in a mold, put the prepared apples and sprinkle them with sugar. Roll out the second part of the dough and cover the filling. Bake the cake for 25-30 minutes. Sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar before serving.

And a few more apple pies from our readers:
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Traditional pastries of the Austrians, which will also appeal to the Slavs. This pie is made in the form of a roll. It can be prepared as a lean apple pie because the dough and filling do not include eggs and dairy products. For the dough, you need 250 grams of flour and 150 grams of water, a little salt and a tablespoon of olive oil. For the filling you will need five apples, 100 grams of raisins, 60 grams of sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon, 50 grams of walnuts, zest and juice of one lemon. To prepare the dough, mix all the ingredients and just knead it. Cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for several hours. Soak raisins in water. Chop nuts and fry in a dry frying pan. Peel and cut the apples into quarters, then cut into thin strips. Add cinnamon and sugar, lemon zest and juice to apples. Mix everything and leave for a while. Now sprinkle a large kitchen towel well with flour and roll out the dough on it. Next, pull the dough in a circle so that it becomes transparent. Trim the edges of the dough and grease the dough itself olive oil and sprinkle with nuts. Add raisins to apples and spread the resulting filling on the dough in an even layer. Now roll up the roll. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 30-40 minutes. The roll should acquire a golden crust.

This apple pie recipe requires ingredients such as one egg, 50 grams of sugar, 30 grams of fresh yeast, half a glass of milk, 70 grams of butter, two tablespoons of sunflower oil and two cups of flour. For the filling, five apples, a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon are taken. To decorate the cake, you will need one egg (for lubrication) and a little powdered sugar. Knead the dough and leave it in a warm place to reach. At this time, prepare the fillings. Wash apples and cut into slices. Pour the apples into a saucepan, where a little water will be poured, so that the filling is not watery, you only need a couple of tablespoons of water. Stew the apples until soft, put the filling on a plate, trying to leave all the liquid in the pan. Add sugar and cinnamon, mix and let the filling cool. Yeast does not like heat (as well as cold), so you should not put hot or warm filling in the dough. Divide the finished dough into two parts. Roll out the first, larger part into a circle or rectangle (depending on the baking dish). Pour the dough into the mold, then lay out the filling. Roll up the edges of the dough. Roll out the smaller part of the dough and cut into strips. Make spikelets out of them, which are put on the cake in the form of a beautiful lattice. Place the pie in the oven and cook until the crust is dry. Brush the surface of the pie with beaten egg to make it brown. Return the dish to the oven for another three minutes.

We also invite you to try it.

Charlotte with apples

Quick apple pie "Meet the guests"

Guests are about to ring the doorbell, but have you completely forgotten about dessert? Everything is easy to fix. Search your refrigerator for juicy apple pie.
So, to prepare a quick pie, take the following products: apples (medium size) - 5 pieces, sugar (fine-crystalline) - 1.5 cups, flour (wheat) - 1.5 cups, eggs - 5 pieces, soda (quenched with vinegar) - on the tip of a knife, vanillin for a delicate aroma, sunflower or butter to lubricate the form.
To prepare a light and quick pie, first traditionally beat the eggs with sugar. Continue mixing until a rich foam appears. The next step is adding the yolks, vanillin, and then the soda, which was previously quenched in a tablespoon with vinegar. Introduce a little wheat flour. The flour should be enriched with oxygen, so sift it first. The dough will turn out to be about the same consistency as sour cream should be.
We set aside the finished dough, it's time to work on the filling. For the filling you need sweet and sour apples. We wash them carefully, cut off only the spoiled areas, it is not necessary to cut the skin. As we well know, it contains the mass useful substances. Slice thin slices of apples. To prevent the cake from burning, put parchment on the bottom of the mold. It must be lightly lubricated with any oil. First of all, we put apples on the bottom, and pour the dough evenly on top. We send our modest masterpiece into a very preheated oven for at least 20-30 minutes.

The pie is really simple. And more importantly, it is prepared from affordable inexpensive products that every housewife has at hand. You can bake it in a silicone or metal shallow mold. I would recommend silicone as it doesn't need to be lubricated and the cake won't be too greasy. But the final choice, of course, is yours.

An important nuance: apples for the pie should be very sweet. Choose soft, not very juicy varieties such as Golden Delicious.

Ingredients: 5 large apples, 6 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 100 g butter, 1 packet vanilla sugar, 1 pinch cinnamon, 2 cups flour, 1 tsp. baking powder.


Wash the apples thoroughly, remove the core. You can clean it up if you want, but it's not necessary at all.
Cut apples into small pieces. Sprinkle with sugar (leave a third of the sugar to add to the dough), add cinnamon. By the way, if you do not like this spice, you can do without it.
Whisk the eggs into a fluffy foam. Beat thoroughly, it depends on how soft and fluffy the cake will be. Pour the beaten eggs into a deep mixing bowl.
Melt butter and cool slightly. Pour into the bowl where you will prepare the dough. Add the remaining sugar and stir.
Mix the baking powder with flour and vanilla sugar, mix the dry ingredients with the liquid base and mix with a spoon into a smooth dough with the consistency of thick sour cream. If the dough is clearly runny, add more flour.
Put the pieces of apples into the dough, mix thoroughly so that the pieces are distributed throughout the volume.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Pour those dough into a mold (as I said, it is better to use silicone), place in the oven, reduce the temperature to 170 degrees and bake until done. This process usually takes about an hour, sometimes a little more if a small diameter mold is used and the cake is high. The thicker the layer, the more time it takes to bake.
On the surface of the cake during baking, an even golden brown crust should form. Also check how it is baked inside - this can be done with a regular toothpick.
If the toothpick is dry and the crust is beautifully browned, it's time to get the pie!
To avoid troubles like "the cake broke into pieces", let it cool right in the form. And then pull out, without turning the form over, transfer to a dish and serve. The easiest apple pie is ready!

Prepare many options so that your family and yourself can choose the most delicious apple pie. We can guarantee that every recipe in this article is original and delicious. But which recipe to stop at is up to you.

Apple pie is the pastry that every girl was taught to cook in technology classes. It is a pie with apples that will always come in handy if a tea party is planned, and every housewife has a recipe for “their own” apple pie.

How the apple pie recipe appeared is not known for certain, but quite a few versions are being put forward. Someone says that the birthplace of apple pie is Russia, someone claims that it was invented by French confectioners. The British are not far behind, but the fact remains that apple pies have won the hearts of gourmets all over the world!

Apple pie in the oven with puff pastry

How sometimes you want to cook something simple, but stunning and quickly. Has it happened? Then you are at the right place. Today we bake an apple pie from puff pastry - delicious and easy. Baking will be prepared even by a beginner who has never taken a rolling pin in his hands!

List of ingredients:

  • 3 kg of sour apples;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon;
  • finished puff pastry- you can use the usual fresh puff.

Cooking progress:

The first thing we do is stuffing. Wash apples, dry, remove peel and seeds. By the way, apples should be just sour, they should not have rot, holes. Then we cut them in half and cut into thin slices.

Now let's decide on the size. The number of ingredients is calculated on a baking sheet for 40 x 60, but if you are going to cook a pie 40 x 30, then we take half the ingredients. No, you don’t need to immediately rush for a centimeter and scrupulously measure everything. Errors are allowed 🙂

Set the apples aside for now and let's do the dough. It must be divided in half and rolled into a thin layer 5 mm thick, after sprinkling the table with flour. Again, all measurements are by eye.

Transfer the puff pastry rolled to the desired length onto a baking sheet. The dough itself should be well sprinkled with flour so that nothing sticks together. How do we translate? This may seem incomprehensible to a beginner, so I’ll explain: carefully wind the dough on a rolling pin and unwind it on a baking sheet.

We spread the apple slices, covering the entire center. The edges must be left free. Mix granulated sugar with cinnamon and generously sprinkle apples.

Roll out the second piece of puff pastry. Then we fold it and make several oblique cuts along the folded side. If it's not entirely clear, then look at the photo.

Then we unfold this blank and close the apples with it. So that the edges are well fixed, before pinching them, moisten them a little with water.

The resulting cuts will be used to decorate the cake. We lift the first strip and lay it on the pie, pulling it back. The photo shows what kind of braid you should get in the end. Lubricate it with a beaten egg.

The apple pie is almost ready, it remains to put it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour. After cooking, wait for cooling and serve. Bon Appetit!

Apple kefir pie - a quick recipe

Apple kefir pie can be prepared very quickly. Actually, this is a recipe for hastily and is especially suitable if unexpected guests come to you. Baking will turn out delicious, and cook quickly.

List of ingredients:

  • two eggs (you can take three);
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • a little cinnamon;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of soda;
  • vegetable oil - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • about a kilogram of apples;
  • a little semolina - for sprinkling the form;
  • powdered sugar - for decoration.

Cooking progress:

  1. First, break two eggs into a separate bowl, add sugar and a pinch of salt. Then beat this mixture well to form a foam, add kefir there and mix again.
  2. Then add a pinch of vanilla and cinnamon to the mixture. Then add flour and soda and mix well. To make the dough elastic, pour vegetable oil into it and mix again.
  3. Peel apples and cut into thin slices.
  4. Lubricate the form with butter. Then the crust will turn out tastier, and the cake itself will be easier to take out. In addition, sprinkle it with semolina.
  5. We assemble the pie - put apples on the bottom of the mold and fill them with dough. We put the form in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Sprinkle the apple pie with icing sugar before serving. It will turn out beautifully, and add a little more sweetness to pastries.

Easy Apple Pie Recipe: Charlotte

Charlotte is the easiest apple pie to make. There are a minimum of components in it, but the pastries are incredibly tasty. Apple charlotte is attractive for its variability: the amount of ingredients can be changed at your discretion. More

List of ingredients:

  • 3 - 5 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 4 - 6 apples.

If you like cinnamon, then you can add it. You will need about one teaspoon of the powder.

Cooking progress:

  1. Before starting the collection of dough, preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  2. We break the eggs, and separate the yolks from the proteins. Now we beat everything separately: proteins - until a fluffy foam forms, we just beat the yolks.
  3. Let's go back to the proteins: beat them again, gradually adding sugar and cinnamon in small portions. Then pour out the yolks, add flour. Stir the mixture again with a mixer. The dough, the consistency of which should resemble thick sour cream, is ready.
  4. It's time for the stuffing. We clean the fruits, get rid of the seeds, remove the skin, cut into slices.
  5. The form must be greased with vegetable or butter. Pour the third part of the dough into it and lay apple slices on its surface. We close them with the rest of the dough and put the charlotte in the oven. This version of the apple pie is baked for about 30 minutes. Landmark - a beautiful crust.

Before serving, you can also sprinkle the pastry with powdered sugar.

Sour cream apple pie recipe

Apple pie on sour cream turns out to be tastier than classic charlotte, and it is also easy to prepare.


  • three eggs;
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 300 grams of fat sour cream;
  • good butter - 50 grams;
  • flour - 250 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - a bag;
  • baking powder dough - a bag;
  • two - three sweet apples;
  • raisins - 100 grams.

For sprinkling:

  • butter - 20 g;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar with a slide;
  • 3 tablespoons of sifted flour;

Cooking progress:

  1. We break the eggs into a deep bowl, and pour sugar there. Beat with an immersion mixer until fluffy. On the top speed 5-6 minutes is enough.
  2. After, without turning off the device, add sour cream in small portions. Then add the melted butter to the mixture and beat it for a few more minutes. Next add flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar. We mix everything well. The dough should be thick and sticky, but without lumps.
  3. Now let's take a look at the raisins: pour it over and leave it with boiling water for 10 minutes. Then drain the water. Wash apples and peel. Then cut into slices.
  4. Lubricate the baking dish with oil so that the cake does not burn. Then we sprinkle the walls and bottom with semolina.
  5. Pour three parts of the dough and spread the apple over it. Pour the prepared raisins and close everything with the rest of the dough.
  6. Now we need to prepare the dressing. We mix all the ingredients - softened butter, granulated sugar and flour - and grind them with our hands to make a crumb.

Sprinkle the top of the apple pie with the resulting crumb and put it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. It will bake for about 40 minutes, but periodically the cake must be taken out and checked for readiness.

Delicious apple pie with sour cream filling

Apple pie with sour cream filling resembles a French tart, but unlike it, it is baked in one go. As a result, you will get a thin crust and a juicy filling. It turns out like a cross between apple soufflé and buttercream.

Dough Ingredients:
  • flour - 250 grams;
  • butter - 150 grams;
  • baking powder - a teaspoon without a slide;
  • fat sour cream - 110 grams;
  • cold water - three tablespoons.
  • apples - 800 grams;
  • cinnamon powder - half a teaspoon;
  • sour cream - 300 grams;
  • flour - two tablespoons;
  • egg;
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - a teaspoon.


Pour flour and baking powder into a deep bowl. Then add the softened butter cut into pieces. Now knead the flour with butter to make crumbs.

After that, you can add sour cream and water. Knead the dough quickly. It must be collected in a lump, wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator so that it becomes cold.

We clean the apples, cut into slices. Put them in a separate bowl and sprinkle with cinnamon. We mix.

Now we need to fill. To do this, mix all the ingredients and beat them with a mixer so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. It should have the consistency of pancake batter.

We take out the cooled dough and put it in the mold. Then knead it with your fingers over the entire surface. Be sure to form the sides. Prick the dough with a fork so that it does not rise during baking.

And put apples in it in a circle. The final touch is to fill the filling with sour cream filling. We put our apple pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake it for 1 hour.

The filling of such an apple pie is moist and if served hot, it will spread. When cold, it becomes more dense. Before serving, the cake can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

And in conclusion, I suggest you look at the recipe for Tsvetaevsky apple pie

Bon appetit and see you for new recipes!

The next post, that is, this one, will be devoted to the wonderful and delicious topic of APPLE PIE and how to make pie dough.

Apple pie is a classic of the genre. There is hardly a person who has never tried apple pie and there is hardly anyone who does not like it. In cooking different countries there are recipes for this pastry. Charlotte and Tatin, who came to us from France. Strudel - popular in Austria, Hungary, Germany and the Czech Republic and many more options.

But whatever they are called, in my opinion, which you, of course, have the right to disagree with, in the end it is, by and large, an apple pie. The difference is only in the method of preparation and the finished appearance.

I dare to suggest that in Russia a large number of pies were baked during the Apple Spas. This is a Christian holiday, which is celebrated on August 19 and actually has pagan roots. The holiday is dedicated to the new harvest of apples. On this day, all believers brought fruits and honey to the church for consecration. It was even believed that apples should not be eaten before the Apple Savior. Here is a micro-excursion into history for you.

There are no problems with apples these days. In modern supermarkets, they can be bought all year round, and the product is presented in at least five types. And with thrifty gardeners, winter varieties are stored, almost until spring next year. So if you want to bake an apple pie, there will be no problems.

The main thing that distinguishes the apple pie is the RECIPE, which is very simple and even the most inexperienced cook can do it.
Now, with your permission, I will make the dough for the pie. It is known to be the foundation. No dough, no pie. The apple pie itself will not be purely apple, in addition to fresh apples, we will add apple jam and dried apricots (dried apricots) to the filling.

By tradition, the entire article will be accompanied by photographs of each stage of preparation and, of course, a video at the end of the article. You know, every time I take photos and record videos, I worry not to miss anything. To make it clear to you dear readers. And I am extremely happy when I receive real comments, such as from Vova, on: “Yes ... it turned out not just delicious, but super))) ...”
Remark: the cake that you see in all the photos and videos is made from ½ of all the ingredients needed for the dough. But the recipe itself is given in its original form, i.e. full.

Pie dough: ingredients

For the test we need:
- eggs - 2 pcs.;
- sugar - 2.5 tablespoons;
- salt - ½ teaspoon;
- flour - 3 cups (maybe a little less or more, how much the dough will take);
- vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
- melted butter - 100 grams;
- warm milk - 1 glass (200 ml.);
- dry yeast - 3 teaspoons (without a slide);

The procedure for preparing the dough

Step 1. Pour some water into a glass and pour the yeast into it, while we mix the rest of the ingredients, the yeast will dissolve. I always dissolve them in water, even if the recipe doesn't call for it. Firstly, they dissolve faster in water than, for example, in milk. And secondly, it is better to knead the dough in which the yeast is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume than when they remain granules.

Step 2 Slightly heat the milk, melt the butter and combine everything in a bowl in which we will knead the dough.

Step 3 We break the eggs there and pour vegetable oil.

Step 4 Then add sugar and salt.

Step 5 All, as it should, mix with a whisk until foam forms and pour the dissolved yeast into it.

Step 6 Sift the flour and gradually introduce into our dough. It is not necessary to pour out everything at once, it may turn out to be a lot, and the dough will turn out to be very steep.

Step 7 Knead soft dough. Lubricate a clean bowl with vegetable oil, place the dough in it and cover with cling film. In this state, we send for an hour and a half in the refrigerator. NOT IN THE FREEZER!!!

In the meantime, while the pie dough is in the refrigerator, prepare the filling. Above, I said that I make my pie with a filling of fresh apples, apple jam and dried apricots. Therefore, pre-soaked in hot water I cut dried apricots into parts of us. I also cut fresh apples and mix everything with apple jam. The proportions are completely arbitrary.

If you are making your pie with only apples, then cut them into wedges and sprinkle with sugar. Apples, of course, are best cut just before the bookmark. Otherwise they will turn black. There is another option, sprinkle apples with lemon or orange juice, then they will not turn black and will calmly wait for their turn.

Recipe: making a pie with dried apricots and apples

Meanwhile, an hour and a half has passed, the dough is ready, the filling is ready. Let's get started:
Step 1. We divide the dough into 2 parts. One is bigger, the other is smaller. The one that is larger is the base, which will be the smaller upper part. We roll out the base so that it is enough for the sides of the form in which we will bake. I have a round one. You can have a rectangular or any other.

Step 2 We spread the filling on the base, cover with the second part of the dough, which was also rolled out beforehand. The diameter of the “lid”, let's call it so, is smaller than the base and approximately equal to the diameter of your form.
We connect the edges of the two layers of dough (upper and lower parts) and weave the same braid as on. But before that, cut off the excess dough around the edges, it will come in handy for decorations. Don't forget to make a small hole or cut in the center of the pie. This is done so that it does not tear during baking.

We cover the finished decorated apple pie with a napkin and leave it in a warm place for 30 minutes to come up. Before baking, grease with an egg, you can only use the yolk, and send it to the oven. Baking time about 20 minutes at 180˚C. We check the readiness with a toothpick, piercing the pie in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe edges, where the dough is thicker.

We leave the finished apple pie in the mold to cool slightly and only then take it out of the mold. I hope this apple pie recipe, which I described, will be a great decoration for your table.

Bon Appetit!

Related videos

Dear friends, if something is not clear in the photo recipe, be sure to watch the video, I hope you will find the answer there.

Looking forward to your feedback and comments!
Sincerely, Evgenia Ponomareva.