Does the halva spoil. Halva and how to store it at home

Halva is a sweet and relatively safe delicacy familiar to many since childhood. The advantages of halva are obvious: despite the high calorie content, it consists of natural ingredients, so almost everyone can enjoy it within reasonable limits.

This sweet has positive points, it helps to normalize metabolism and, due to its composition, lowers cholesterol levels, but in order to beneficial features have not been lost, you need to know how to store halva.

You need to know not only how to store halva, but also how to choose it, otherwise you will not be able to enjoy tasting it. Halva should be dry, slightly crumbly and without oil droplets on the surface.

The performance of the latter means that the store has a very remote idea of ​​how to store halva, and it was kept warm. But too dry, windy layer is also not good.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that halva should not contain impurities, skins from seeds or nuts, which indicates a low quality product.

It all depends on what kind of packaging the product has and for how long it is planned to eat it. If the piece is small, then you should not bother with the topic of how to store halva, in principle. Under normal conditions, it will lie quite calmly on a table or in a vase. But it is better that it be covered, otherwise it will wind.

At the same time, the temperature in the storage room should not exceed 18 degrees Celsius. Such in the kitchen can only be found on the winter windowsill, so the easiest way is to put halva in the refrigerator.

You can store it there for two months, but only in a situation where there is no doubt that the product is fresh. This is how long the shelf life of halva is, if it is not made for the inhabitants of the Arctic.

There, the shelf life can reach 6 months. In fairness, it can be noted that if readers manage to find a store where halva is stored in the refrigerator, we can assume that they are lucky. In most retail outlets, sellers do not bother with such details.

02/15/2017 admin 3812

Halva and how to store it at home.

A good housewife should know many useful things: how to make a spin for the winter, and how to cook meat in French, and how to use sour milk so as not to throw it away. And for those who love sweets in the family, it will also be useful to learn how to store halva, which is an almost natural delicacy that has many useful properties, they do not disappear only if it is stored properly.

If the well-known oriental sweetness for tea was bought by everyone, then you need to know what its expiration date should be and what places are suitable for storing halva at home without losing taste and useful properties. First of all, you need to know what a delicacy, like many others, is afraid of moisture. It must be excluded if you intend to properly store halvah.

When buying a packaged product, you can determine its shelf life by the date on the briquette, but if halva was purchased by weight, then it is better not to leave it for longer than two months. Instead of storing halva longer, it is worth buying it in small pieces so that it does not have time to stale. If it is not planned that the treat will lie long time, it is enough to store halva in a vase, covering it with a napkin so that it does not get weathered and dust does not stick to it.

It is necessary to store halva in any quantities in a room where the temperature does not fluctuate, exceeding +18 degrees Celsius. If you are sure that you bought the product fresh, you can safely take two months of sweetness for safe storage. Since the oriental delicacy requires a relatively cool place, it is better to store halva in a refrigerator. This the best place where it will be protected from sunlight and temperature changes. If the halva does not have packaging, then it is recommended to cover it with a thin cloth, then it will not dry out.

You can not store halva in a plastic bag, in which moisture is easily formed, which is detrimental to delicacy. Damp halva not only becomes an unpleasant texture and taste, but no useful substances remain in such a product at all. In addition, under such storage conditions, the taste may change so that it, in principle, cannot be eaten ...

In addition to storing halva in the refrigerator and without a plastic film, it is good to place it in a glass jar. A container with a closed lid can also be stored outside the refrigerator, but in a dark, dry place. It should be noted that if halva is stored correctly, then useful phytosterol molecules will enter the body along with it, which will remove bad cholesterol from the body, which is why this sweetness is considered so useful.

    • Not only do you need to properly store halva, but you also need to be able to choose it. When buying a treat in a package, it is necessary to study its expiration date, and the longer the period of its storage, the more harmful preservatives it contains. If we are talking about loose halva, then you can ask her to try. There will be no oil drops on the surface of fresh and good halva, and the product itself will be slightly crumbly and dry...

We have known this oriental sweetness since early childhood. And its history goes back many centuries. Even now, on the territory of modern Afghanistan and Iran, it is made by hand, and there are extremely many recipes for making it, and each type differs in its taste. Minerals, vitamins, phytosterol contained in halva help to get rid of bad cholesterol, sharply lowering its level, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and plaque formation in blood vessels.

Halva Golden Age ( can be sesame, it contains the largest amount of phytosterol, then, in descending order, this valuable vegetable cholesterol is found in peanut and sunflower.

Useful properties of halva

Our most common is sunflower halva. It contains vitamins of group B, PP, F1. Peanut halva contains a lot of vitamin D and linoleic acid. In the most common sesame halva in the countries of the Middle East, vitamins of group B, zinc, manganese, calcium, antioxidants are widely represented. In general, natural ingredients are used in the production of all types of halva, which is why it is so useful. But you need to know that halva is a high-calorie product, so it should be used as a sweet dessert, since it contains more than 500 kcal.

How to properly store halva

Halva industrial production, which we use, is sold in a retail network or in packaged or loose form. It is best to buy loose halva, as you can immediately see whether it is in normal condition or not. If the halvah is dry, has a fibrous-layered structure, then it can be bought. It is better not to buy halva that is too oily even in appearance, as the technology was violated during its production. A dark coating indicates that the shelf life of this product is coming to an end. If halva is packed in vacuum packaging, then it can be stored in this form for up to 6 months. In other cases, halva should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 12 degrees in a dry place with low humidity. The most common types of halva - sunflower, peanut, nut can retain all their useful properties for up to a month and a half. It can be stored in the refrigerator, but it is necessary that there are no strong-smelling foods nearby. The best thing is to put the halva in a glass container with a tight lid and its shelf life can be extended up to two months.

Halva is made by kneading the caramel mass, whipped with a foaming agent, and crushed fried walnut kernels, peanut, sesame or sunflower seeds.

Depending on the oil-containing kernels used, halva is divided into the following types: sesame (tahini), peanut, nut, sunflower, combined (with the simultaneous use of two or more types of oil seeds and nuts).

Assortment: they distinguish tahini chocolate, sunflower vanilla, Moskvoretskaya (in chocolate), Pleasure, etc.

Halva contains,%: proteins - 14-19, fat - 30-33, carbohydrates - 43-48, ash - 1.3-1.5, water - 3-4. Calorie content - 550 kcal / 100 g.

According to organoleptic indicators, halva is checked for taste and smell, color, consistency, surface of glazed halva, foreign inclusions. According to physical and chemical indicators: mass fraction of moisture, total sugar, fat, total ash, glaze in halvah.

Store halva in dry, clean, well-ventilated warehouses. Temperature - no higher than 12 ° C (without sharp fluctuations), relative humidity no more than 70%. Halva is well stored at low temperatures (up to - 20 ° C).

Shelf life for halva with sesame and glazed chocolate icing - 2 months; for walnut, peanut, sunflower and combined - 1.5 months.

Halva defects:

Moistening of the surface (unsatisfactory appearance). Causes of formation: high content of reducing substances, high air humidity during storage, sharp temperature fluctuations;

Darkening (deteriorating appearance and taste). Reasons for formation: long-term storage;

Rancidity and leakage of fat (unpleasant taste and smell). Reasons for education: fever storage.

Oriental sweets such as soft sweets, depending on the recipe and method of manufacture, are divided into: nougat, aerated delight, Turkish delight, kos-halva, oil, ala, alan, daima-oil, sherbet, chuch-hela, cream log, cream sausage, oriental fruit-based sweets.

According to organoleptic indicators, oriental sweets must correspond to the following indicators: taste and smell, color, shape and surface, structure and texture.

In terms of physico-chemical parameters, oriental sweets must correspond to the following indicators: humidity, mass fraction of total sugar, reducing substances, ash, acidity (for Turkish delight).

Oriental sweets should be stored in clean, well-ventilated, pest-free storage areas, at a temperature of 18 ° C (without sudden changes) and a relative humidity of not more than 75% and should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

The shelf life of oriental sweets such as soft candies is as follows:

  • 1 month - for nougat, chuch-hela, kos-halva, fruit-based oriental sweets, sherbet based on praline mass, Turkish delight by weight, oil, ala;
  • 2 months - for packed Turkish delight, nougat with the addition of soy concentrate;
  • 25 days - for cream log, cream sausage, whipped delight;
  • 10 days - for sherbet.
  • 4. In July, the canteen of the cooperative technical school received a batch of fresh red tomatoes of the 1st grade, in the amount of 70 kg, packed in boxes of 5 kg, of the Blagovest variety. When assessing the quality, it was revealed that tomatoes appearance, taste, smell, degree of maturity correspond to the indicators of GOST R 51810-2001. The fruit size is 5-6 cm. In the sample, tomatoes of adjacent maturity were found in the amount of 10 kg. Match the actual class listed in the accompanying document. Indicate the standard classification and additional labeling of tomatoes, conditions and shelf life of tomatoes.

In accordance with GOST R 51810 for fresh tomatoes sold in a retail distribution network, tomatoes are classified depending on:

Qualities are divided into three classes:

  • - extra;
  • - first;
  • - second.

Forms are classified into four main commodity types:

  • - rounded (including oval, with a spout on top of the fruit);
  • - flat (including ribbed);
  • - elongated (including cylindrical);
  • - cherry.

Growing method:

  • - open;
  • - protected ground.

Varieties for protected ground are used when growing tomatoes in winter greenhouses in the winter-spring period, they are distinguished by a low content of solids and vitamins.

Varieties for open ground divided according to maturation:

  • - early (85-120 days);
  • - medium (125-130 days);
  • - late-ripening (135-170 days).

In Russia, mainly early and mid-season varieties tomatoes.

Differ in size:

  • - large-fruited tomatoes - - weighing more than 100 g;
  • - medium-fetal - 60-100 g;
  • - small-fruited - up to 60 g.

Surface condition:

  • - smooth;
  • - ribbed.

By number of cameras:

  • - small-chamber (2-3 cameras);
  • - medium (4-8 chambers);
  • - multi-chamber (more than 9 cameras).

Better preserved tomatoes are small-fruited, small-chambered, with a smooth surface.

Large-fruited tomatoes are usually used for fresh consumption / 6 /, small-fruited and slightly cracking - for whole-fruit canning. In the production of tomato products, varieties with a high content of dry matter are used.

The quality of fresh tomatoes harvested, supplied and sold for fresh consumption, whole-fruit canning and pickling, is assessed according to GOST 1725-85 “Fresh tomatoes. Specifications" and GOST R 51810-2001 "Fresh tomatoes sold in a retail network". According to the specified standard, the quality of tomatoes depends on their purpose. An important role in determining the quality is played by the degree of maturity. The quality of tomatoes must meet the requirements and standards of GOST R 51810-2001.

The fruits of the green degree of maturity are fully formed tomatoes, green in color, with dense pulp and no signs of mucus. They are not subject to shipment, but are used in places of preparations for salting. The fruits of the milky degree of maturity have a light green color with a whitish tint, light green flesh and mucus around the seeds. The content of fruits of milk maturity in destinations in the summer should be no more than 10% of the batch weight.

Brown degree of maturity - fruits are dense, with a glossy sheen, with partial or completely brown spills on the surface of the fruit, with signs of a pink color at the top. The flesh of the fruit is whitish-brown with light pink spots. The seminal chamber is completely filled with placenta mucilaginous around the seeds.

Fruits of pink and red degree of maturity - fruits of the corresponding color, dense, with undisturbed seed chambers.

Overripe fruits are soft, with a whole skin, with broken seed chambers and freely moving pulp and seeds.

Small-fruited varieties of tomatoes have fruits weighing up to 60 g, medium- and large-fruited - 100 g and over 100 g, respectively.

Non-standard tomatoes in destinations include fruits (over allowable norms): milk degree of maturity; less than 4 cm in size along the largest transverse diameter (less than 3 cm for small-fruited and elongated varieties); with corky formations; ugly shape; with solar and earthen burns, occupying up to 1/4 of the surface of the fetus; milk shabby up to 1/3 of the surface of the fetus; brown worn more than 1/3 of the surface; with non-healed cracks and softened pulp (broken seed chamber); faded with wrinkling; damaged by agricultural pests.

Wastes include tomatoes: with solar and earthen burns more than 1/4 of the surface of the fruit; milk worn on the surface of more than 1/3 of the fetus; overripe; crushed; diseased; damaged by pests with the presence of live larvae and their excrement.

Radionuclides (Bq/kg): Cesium-137 - 120; Strontium-90 - 40.

Toxic elements (mg/kg): Lead - 0.5; arsenic - 0.2; cadmium - 0.03; mercury - 0.02.

Pesticides (mg/kg): hexachlorocyclohexane (b, c, d-isomers) - 0.5; DDT and its metabolites - 0.1.

Nitrates (mg/kg): 150; 300 (protected ground).

Consequently, the tomatoes received in the canteen of the cooperative technical school correspond to GOST R 51810-2001.

5. The RAIPO store received dried vanilla from premium flour in the amount of 14 kg, packaged in bags of 280 gr. When checking the quality, it turned out that the shape, surface and color of the dryers corresponded to GOST 7128-91. In each package, there were 1-2 pieces of broken products, the internal condition meets the requirements of the standard. The quality certificate indicates humidity - 8.5%, acidity - 3%, sugar - 17%, fat - 4.5%. Check quality compliance with standard requirements

Humidity, acidity, the amount of sugar crackers are within normal limits. Rusks are packed in plastic bags weighing 280 g, in the amount of 14 kg, which also meets the standards. The amount of scrap in also corresponds to the norm.

Thus, these crackers are vanilla rich crackers of the highest grade.

Crackers are stored separately from bakery products in dry, clean, well-ventilated areas, not infected with pests of grain stocks, at a temperature of 20--22 ° C and a relative humidity of 65--75%. It is not allowed to store together with products with a specific smell.

Shelf life of rich wheat crackers from the date of manufacture (per day), packed in boxes, cardboard boxes or packaged in packs: 15 - special crackers, 45 - mustard, with poppy seeds, tourist, dairy, creamy, anniversary, nut; 60 - crackers of all other items; 30 - crackers, packaged in plastic bags, of all kinds.

The shelf life of simple rye crackers, rye-wheat wallpaper - 24 months, wheat from flour of the 1st, 2nd grades and wallpaper - 12 months. When the temperature drops to 8 °C and below, the shelf life is extended to 36 and 24 months, respectively.

Linseed oil for hair

Application linseed oil for hair
Due to its unique composition, linseed oil is extremely beneficial for hair. In women who regularly use this remedy, the following improvements are observed: hair loss is reduced, hair becomes stronger, the fat balance of the scalp is normalized, and dandruff disappears.
Flaxseed for hair can be taken internally or used as a mask. We offer recipes effective masks from linseed oil for hair:
Linen mask for dry hair. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of flax oil, 1.5 tablespoons of alcohol or vodka. The ingredients for the mask must be mixed, applied to wet hair and rubbed into the scalp for 10 minutes. After that, wrap a towel around your head for 30 minutes, then rinse your hair well with shampoo and warm water. The mask should be applied once a week. After 3-5 weeks, the hair becomes stronger, hair loss decreases, shine appears.
Linen mask for severely damaged hair. Weakened, split ends and hair prone to falling out need long-term treatment. Linseed oil hair masks can significantly improve the situation if they are applied for 6-8 hours, preferably at night. Flaxseed oil should be rubbed in its pure form into the roots of the hair. Per night useful material from flax seeds will be absorbed into the scalp and provide a more effective treatment.
Linen mask for hair growth. Ingredients: 2 tablespoons linseed oil, 2 tablespoons grated onion, 1 tablespoon honey. All components of the mask must be mixed well and applied to the hair. After 30 minutes, rinse your hair well with shampoo and conditioner to get rid of the onion smell.
How to choose linseed oil?

Flaxseed oil can be purchased at a pharmacy, in the market and in a supermarket. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:
color. Fresh and high-quality linseed oil is distinguished by its yellow color without turbidity and impurities;
smell. Quality flaxseed oil is practically odorless. If there is any bitterness in the smell, this indicates its low quality;
best before date. Flaxseed oil should have a good shelf life margin. Products with suitable dates should not be purchased.
Before you buy linseed oil, you need to make sure that the manufacturer has a good reputation. Its effectiveness directly depends on the quality of linseed oil.
Modern women are increasingly turning to the recipes of nature in search of beauty. These include hair masks from such an amazing product as flax oil. And it is not difficult to use it for the benefit of the beauty of your curls, especially if you listen to our advice.

Walnut halva
Ingredients for making walnut halvah:

250 g honey
- half a kg of walnuts

Preparation of halvah from walnuts:

In order to prepare walnut halva, we fry the peeled nuts, peel them, rubbing them with our hands. We melt the honey. You can check the readiness of honey like this: cold water pour in a drop of honey, if it thickens, then the honey is ready. Remove honey from heat, add nuts, mix. While the halvah is hot, quickly put it in a bowl, after greasing it with oil.
Walnut halva is ready!

SOFT AND NOURISHING TONIC with milk and cucumber will help your eyes get rid of dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.
Cucumber 1 piece
Milk 100 ml
Essential oil 2 drops
Cooking method:
1. Boil milk.
2. Cut the cucumber into thin slices.
3.Put them into boiling milk.
4.Bring to a boil.
5. Cool the mixture.
6. Beat with a blender
7. Add rosemary oil.
8. Mix thoroughly.
-- Apply toner every morning and evening before bed. Shelf life: 7 days --


Cosmetics should be stored only in a cool, dry place, next to the battery - in no case, therefore, the window sill will not work in any way, the cooler, the better, again, of course, it does not belong in the refrigerator. What trouble can happen, for example, with lipstick near the battery - will it melt? Not only! The composition of preservatives and dyes is changing.
Remember one thing, heat + humidity = germs.
Never leave your cosmetic bag in a closed car in the summer and do not take cosmetics to the beach with you, extreme heat destroys its composition in the same way as strong cold.

Always try to wash and sanitize your brushes. For disinfection there is a special funds, but if you don’t have such a tool, then be sure to wash your brushes, because tomorrow you will definitely start to pick up shadows with them.
Do not be stingy and still get this special disinfectant, which brushes are cleaned and disinfected for literally 5 minutes, and at the same time remain dry. Then you will not need to wash your brushes every day and you will no longer have a serious headache. Pleasant surprise - sponges are a great breeding ground for germs if they are not washed. Be sure to wash them in warm soapy water after each use.

Never lend lipstick to a friend or anyone else, no one has yet canceled herpes, and even if a friend does not have it visually, this does not mean at all that it does not exist.

About the expiration date.
Here are some reactions to expired products:

Lipstick: redness, peeling of the labial mucosa, dryness, itching.
- Eyeshadow: eyelid eczema.
- Nail polishes: eczema on the eyelids, chin, neck, mouth (where there is direct contact of the fingers with the face).
- Mascara, pencils, blush: dermatitis of the eyelids and cheeks.

About how much you need to store a particular product.
Firstly, the rule that is indicated here is not common to everyone, you yourself must necessarily adjust the term in accordance with how the smell, color, texture of the product changes during use. Any changes indicate that the product is sent on a further journey to the trash.

Eye shadow, blush, concealer - 12 to 24 months
- Pencils, eyeliner, lipsticks - 9 to 12 months
- Foundation, fluids, bases - approximately 6 months
- Powder - approximately 9 months
- Mascara - 3 months maximum (due to being used directly near the eyes)

herbal tooth powder
This powder perfectly cleans plaque and helps with periodontal disease and bleeding gums.

Dip a wet brush into the powder, massage your teeth and gums.

Ingredients: chamomile flowers, marigold flowers, peppermint, nettle leaves, horsetail, yarrow inflorescences, wood ash, white clay.

Shelf life: at least a year

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How to choose the right products?

Milk. On the counter: you need to distinguish between several types of milk in order to choose the one that suits you best in the store.

Pasteurized milk - its preparation involves heating the milk to 60-70 ° C for 15-30 minutes. At the same time, all beneficial microorganisms are preserved, but the fermentation process is restrained. The shelf life of pasteurized milk is short - only 36 hours.

Sterilized milk is mechanically processed under pressure and heated to a temperature of 115-135°C. With this treatment, vitamins are preserved, but live spores and bacteria, including those useful for the body, die. For this reason, sterilized milk is much more valuable and healthier than powdered milk, but to a large extent loses to pasteurized milk.

Baked milk is a feature of its production in heat treatment (heating to 95-99 ° C), which determines the color and taste of the product: the taste and smell are clean, without foreign impurities that are not characteristic of fresh milk, with a pronounced aftertaste of pasteurization. The color is white with a cream tint.

When buying milk, it is easy to determine whether water has been added to it or not. Put a drop of this milk on your nail thumb and observe: if the drop immediately spreads, then there is water in the milk, if it is held by a whole drop, then the milk was not diluted.

Sour cream on the counter: when choosing sour cream, you should pay attention to the expiration date and shelf life of the product. Natural sour cream in sealed packaging can be stored for 5-7 days at a temperature of +2 to +6 degrees, and in unsealed (for example, in a plastic cup with a lid) - 72 hours. And the less natural ingredients in the product, the longer the shelf life (2-4 weeks) and the higher the storage temperature (from +2 to +20 °C).
At home: should have a homogeneous mass of even white color, without sour smell, watery layers and hard lumps. The presence of liquid on the surface of sour cream indicates a violation of the technology of its production.

Cheeses that have cracks, covered, albeit partially, with mold, can be classified as substandard products. Exceptions are cheeses, in which such signs indicate maturity (for example, Roquefort-type white cheese with mold) and good quality.

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7 important rules storage of medicines that every housewife should know!

3. Medicines in liquid consistency should not be frozen during storage. Storage in the refrigerator should be only on the recommendation of the instructions for the medicinal product.

4. It should be remembered that tinctures, tablets and ointments deteriorate under direct sunlight or under the influence of high temperatures.

5. You can not store tablets and capsules in paper packages in the bathroom, as dampness can lead to their destruction.

6. For storing medicines, a separate box should be allocated in a dry place, next to which there should not be any heat sources.

7. Medicines that have expired should be destroyed. To be safe, throw them down the drain.

How long after the expiration date can medicines retain their therapeutic effect?
According to research by the US Food and Drug Administration medicines, approximately 85% of medicines retain their therapeutic effect long after the expiration date - some up to 15 years. At the same time, their effectiveness may slightly decrease over time, but most of the original potential remains. Exceptions to this rule include nitroglycerin, insulin, and some liquid antibiotics.

How to choose milk chocolate?
In order not to be disappointed in your favorite delicacy since childhood.

Everyone loves chocolate, regardless of age. How to choose the right milk chocolate, we were told by the experts of the project " Test Purchase" .

Chocolate bars, sweets and cakes, looking at us from the windows of kiosks and shops, beckon us with their sweet taste. According to statistics, a person consumes an average of 7-8 kilograms of chocolate per year - and this is not surprising: in addition to its taste, it generally improves mood. However, the buyer can be very upset if it suddenly turns out that what he was sold under the brand name "milk chocolate" is not really such. Where to start choosing chocolate?

Price. This important point: if it is significantly lower than the price of similar products from other companies and the content of cocoa products is not indicated on the wrapper, it is useless to hope for the high quality of such chocolate.

Package. Chocolate is a delicate product, it easily absorbs odors and loses its pleasant aroma. That is why chocolate should not be stored near strong-smelling foods such as fish, meat or lemons. In addition, chocolate is susceptible to temperature changes, and oxidizes when exposed to air and light. So make sure that the treat is well packaged. Moreover, it is better if the tile is wrapped in foil, and only then - in a colorful cover.

Best before date. The rules clearly state that the expiration date for chocolate without filler is 6 months, chocolate with filler - 3 months. The shelf life of chocolate from foreign manufacturers is 12-18 months. However, a long shelf life is not an indicator of the poor quality of chocolate products and the presence of preservatives.
Natural cocoa butter is an antioxidant that prevents fat oxidation. Therefore, chocolate, which includes natural cocoa butter, can be stored for up to 2 years.

Appearance. Quality chocolate has a glossy, shiny surface. Haze is a sign of a product that contains cheap confectionery fat, which means that in front of you is not chocolate, but confectionery tiles, no matter what the manufacturer writes on the label. In addition, high-quality chocolate, when broken, produces a characteristic crunch and melts in the mouth. If the chocolate "turned gray", then the storage conditions were violated. But on the other hand, only natural chocolate behaves this way, you should not be afraid of a whitish coating.

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The cosmetic bag of many girls and women is bursting with ()

Little tricks for using cosmetics

The cosmetic bag of many girls and women is bursting with various lipsticks, glosses and shadows.
Most of them never even open - they exist as a fallback, "maybe needed."
First of all, remember: any eyeliner, liner or gloss has an expiration date. Therefore, you should not store such funds longer than the specified date. Below we list the shelf life of some makeup items, we hope these tips will help you further.
Foundation - up to 12 months.
Powder - about 2 years. Lotions and gels - up to 1 year.
Eyeliner - you should sharpen it regularly, then it will last you up to 3 years (however, there is a small caveat: there are various eye and eyebrow pencils, their shelf life varies, so you should pay attention to the label).
Brushes and sponges - should be changed every 3 months.
Makeup bases - the shelf life depends on the main composition, for example, a water-based product can be stored for up to 1 year, an oil-based product for up to 18 months. Remember that you may need two shades of the product: darker for the summer season and lighter for the spring-winter season. Little practical advice: If your water base has dried up before the expiration date, dilute it with a water-based tonic.
Lip pencil - up to 3 years. Some trick: save money on lip liner, the fact is that it does not have special properties, so it is not worth spending much. Saved money is better spent on a good tonal or corrective tool.
Lipstick - here the opinions of experts differ: some say that the shelf life is up to 2 years, others - up to 4. However, if you feel that its smell is rancid, you should get rid of such lipstick. In order for it to last you longer, you should store lipstick in the refrigerator.
Mascara is the most finicky remedy, besides, mascara should be stored for no more than 4 months. If you want to keep it dry ahead of time, do not keep the brush outdoors for a long time.
Nail polish - up to 12 months (depending on quality and frequency of use)

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