Reception zhenale after ovulation. emergency contraception

Today, there are a lot of contraceptives, protection against sexual infections, so every woman can choose suitable option for yourself, without harm to the body.

And in Lately The contraceptive pills "Zhenale" began to gain particular popularity, which are distinguished by their effectiveness, sparing effect on the girl's body, even at an early age.

Although before starting a course of taking pills, it is better to consult a doctor and pass the necessary tests.

pharmachologic effect

Most patients are interested in the question of how the drug "Zhenale" works, since some similar pills can harm the reproductive system, hormones and the menstrual cycle.

Tablets are steroid antiprogestogen drugs of synthetic origin, which block the interaction of progesterone and receptors.

The main task of the tablets is to increase the contractility of the myometrium, as a result of which the fetal egg is excreted, the ovulation process is inhibited, and the implantation of the fertilized cell into the uterus is complicated.

Also in tablets "Genale" there are additional substances, according to the type:

  1. potato starch;
  2. lactose monohydrate;
  3. povidone;
  4. magnesium stearate.

The drug belongs to the group of estargens, gestagens, can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Composition and form of release

The main active ingredient of the drug "Genale" is mefipristone, which is a synthetic steroid that increases the sensitivity of the myometrium to Pg.

To enhance the effect, gestagens, homologues and antagonists are added.

Also the composition of the drug includes:

  1. starch;
  2. povidone;
  3. stearate;
  4. estrogen;
  5. monohydrate.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, pills of a rounded shape, yellow-green hue with a shell.

Each pack contains 10 mg and may be offered in a blister pack or jar.

Indications for use

There may be several indications for the use of Zhenale tablets, but they are all established after the doctor's recommendations, testing and diagnosis.

  • to terminate a uterine pregnancy early dates, tablets of 200 mg;
  • to prepare for childbirth during normal pregnancy;
  • when making a diagnosis - uterine leiomyoma up to 10 weeks in size;
  • for emergency contraception in the next 72 hours, if the means and methods of contraception were previously used incorrectly.

Sometimes a drug can be prescribed to very young girls for the treatment of acne, seborrhea, hormonal disorders and for the prevention of oncology.

Although then the course of taking the tablets will be different, it is usually shorter and combined with other medications.


There are a number of contraindications when using Zhenale tablets, which must be taken into account, to do tests for personal tolerance of some components.

Usually it is about:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • kidney failure, intestinal diseases;
  • liver failure;
  • porphyria;
  • inflammation and infections on the female genital organs;
  • problems with hemostasis;
  • smokers and women over 40;
  • for termination of pregnancy ectopic pregnancy, with a delay in menstruation for more than 40 weeks;
  • uterine myoma;
  • with a delayed or premature pregnancy;
  • ovarian tumors;
  • the period of breastfeeding;

If at least one of the contraindications is present, then it is better not to use the Zhenale drug, to find an alternative.

The same applies to cases where the disease was found after the start of the course of taking the pills.

Side effects and consequences

Almost every woman, after starting the course with Zhenale tablets, may experience side effects that appear after a few hours and can last up to a week.

So most patients are faced not only with a delay in menstruation, bleeding after the drug, but also other troubles:

  • pain in the abdomen or during sexual intercourse;
  • weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea, indigestion;
  • bleeding, vaginal discharge;
  • infections and inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • anemia, decreased hemoglobin.

Usually, the consequences pass a few days after the start of taking the Zhenale tablets, but if the situation worsens, then you need to consult a doctor for testing, treatment and replacement of the tablets.

drug interaction

You should not take Zhenale tablets with menopause drugs, antibiotics, drugs for the treatment of epilepsy and tuberculosis.

It is also better to avoid concomitant use with NSAIDs for the next 10 days after the introduction of mifepristone.

Regarding alcohol, the effectiveness of the active ingredient of the drug "Zhenale" is not reduced, although a woman may suffer from dizziness, nausea and spasms.

Genale and alcohol

If you have kidney, liver or intestinal tract, digestion may worsen, there is a sharp jump in weight, diarrhea, indigestion, vomiting and nausea.

Dosage and overdose

To terminate a pregnancy, it is necessary to take 600 mg of the drug "Genale" in the hospital, only after a light breakfast, and drinking plenty of water.

The procedure is carried out once, two hours after a meal. When a woman is preparing for childbirth, you need to enter 200 mg of tablets once, and repeat the intake a day later.

As a means of contraception, Zhenale tablets are used only after the doctor's permission, 10 mg after or before meals, preferably within two hours.

If we are talking about unprotected sexual intercourse, then it is recommended to take the pills within 72 hours after fertilization.

If uterine leiomyoma is detected, the course of Zhenale tablets will last at least two to three months with a dose of 50 mg of the drug.

In other cases, with hormonal disorders or for the treatment of acne, the dosage may vary significantly, as well as the time of administration.

If we talk about an overdose, then patients are faced with symptoms of kidney failure, namely high temperature, abdominal pain, dizziness, swelling, pain when urinating. Treatment is symptomatic, depending on the tests and recommendations of the doctor.

Instructions for use

The dosage of the drug "Zhenale" is prescribed differently, depending on the diagnosis, the purpose of treatment and the age of the patient, often the doctor controls the intake of tablets.

Most often they drink tablets after a light breakfast-lunch or two hours before it, they do not need to be chewed, but it is better to drink 100 ml of water.

In most cases, patients undergo an ultrasound procedure through 30-40 hours after the first dose tablets "Zhenale", and then a week later.

This is done in cases of treatment of uterine leiomyoma, for termination of pregnancy or in the process of preparing for childbirth.

If we talk about contraception, then it is enough to drink 10 mg of the drug "Zhenale" every day before or after meals.

How often to take "Zhenale" can only be said by a doctor, so before starting the course, it is important to undergo a complete examination.

Storage of the drug

Store the drug "Zhenale" in a dry, dark place, with a temperature of no more than 25 degrees Celsius.

It is worth avoiding direct sunlight, interaction with liquid tinctures, water.

The main components retain their activity and effectiveness for no more than three years, after which the Zhenale tablets must be disposed of or thrown away.

Otherwise, the patient will face side effects, deterioration of well-being.

special instructions

It must be remembered that the course of tablets "Zhenale" does not depend on the menstrual period of a woman, does not protect against sexual infections and AIDS.

Despite its effectiveness, doctors recommend using the drug only in special occasions, for emergency contraception or to prepare for childbirth. Monthly - not recommended.

One tablet contains: active substance mifepristone – 10 mg + additional ingredients ( potato starch, sodium carboxymethyl starch, lactose monohydrate, povidone, magnesium stearate ).

Release form

The medicine is produced in the form of round, convex tablets. Color - yellow with green. In packs or jars, one tablet, in a pack of 1 or 2 tablets.

pharmachologic effect

Contraceptive , antiprogestogenic .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active substance of the drug - mifepristone - a steroid synthetic agent that significantly reduces sensitivity progestin receptors . The substance has no gestagenic activity , is an antagonist of glucocorticosteroids through a competitive mechanism.

The effect of the drug depends on the phase menstrual cycle during which it entered the body. The tool increases contractility myometrium and stimulates the exit interleukin-8 v choriodecidual cells, while the degree of sensitivity of the myometrium to significantly reduced.

As a result fertilized egg derived from decidua , ovulation does not occur, becomes thin and weak. And if there is already fertilized egg its implantation becomes impossible.

When taken orally, after 1.5 hours the drug reaches its maximum concentration in the blood, its bioavailability is approximately 70%. Almost 99% of the active substance binds to plasma proteins.

The excretion of the drug is carried out in two phases, at first slowly, then after 12-72 hours much faster. The half-life is 17 hours.

Indications for use

The tool is used as after an already completed sexual intercourse (unsuccessful interruption, torn condom, error in the calendar method, slipped condom, etc.). The maximum effective period of time when the drug will definitely work is 72 hours.


There are Genale tablets containing 50 or 200 mg of active ingredient (for medical abortion ), they can only be used under the supervision of honey. employee and on the strict recommendation of a doctor.

The drug does not affect the reaction rate and concentration.

Before taking the drug, you should make sure that you are not pregnant. If pregnancy occurs after using the drug, it is better to interrupt it by any method recommended by the doctor. In the event that a woman decides to leave a child, it cannot be guaranteed that he will be born and grow up healthy.

The effectiveness of the drug directly depends on body weight, with excess weight, the effectiveness decreases.


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Genale or Escapelle - which is better?

Escapelle refers to preparations containing progestogens (). The tool, unlike the original, is effective only for the first 24-48 hours, after NPA . Also, when receiving an analogue, the probability increases. The cost of drugs is about the same.

Postinor or Genale - what to choose?

Postinor also contains progestogens . The effectiveness of the remedy is highly dependent on the body weight of the patient (in the original, this figure is lower). After taking an analogue, there is a greater likelihood of unwanted side effects- bleeding, general malaise, delay in the next menstruation. Both funds are in the same price category.

Reviews about Zhenal

Reviews of doctors

Experts believe that the drug is more effective than its predecessors containing progestogens . Reviews of gynecologists about Zhenal are positive, it is not a hormonal drug. Experts note high efficiency, regardless of the time elapsed after NPA (no later than 72 hours). but mifepristone more likely to delay menstruation.

Among women

Reviews of women, taking pills, good. Many write that there was no nausea, pain and spotting as with other drugs. However, some experienced minor irregularities in the menstrual cycle. One of the women, after taking the medicine, nevertheless became pregnant, but could not bear the child. If this emergency contraceptive fails, doctors recommend terminating the unwanted pregnancy.

Jenale price, where to buy

The price of Genale in a pharmacy is about 300 rubles per pack.

Author-compiler:- pharmacist, medical journalist Speciality: Pharmacist

Education: She graduated from the Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnitsa State medical University them. M.I. Pirogov and an internship based on it.

Experience: From 2003 to 2013 she worked as a pharmacist and head of a pharmacy kiosk. Awarded with certificates and distinctions for long-term and conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medicines in the course of treatment. Before medicine use Zhenale surely consult with the attending physician.

Alina | 12:34 | 26.05.2017

I took this drug 2 times, both times everything was fine, no nausea, no dizziness, menstruation came on time, no side effects. suits me

Most pregnancy protection methods only work if you take care to use them BEFORE intercourse. For example, it makes no sense to start taking birth control pills if sex has already happened. It's no smarter than putting on a condom after a man ejaculates.

Emergency contraception is a method of preventing pregnancy when unprotected intercourse has already taken place.

When will emergency contraception help?

Emergency contraception can help prevent unwanted pregnancy in the following situations:

  • If you have had unprotected sex
  • If during sex and you didn't notice it in time
  • If you missed 2 or more

Rules for emergency contraception

  • Almost any emergency contraceptive should be taken no later than 72 hours after intercourse. If more than 3 days have passed after sex, then the drug will be ineffective.
  • If 3-5 days have passed after sex, then you can contact a gynecologist who will put an intrauterine device. Intrauterine device is a device that is inserted into the uterine cavity and prevents pregnancy.
  • Before taking any emergency contraceptive, you should consult with your gynecologist.
  • Some diseases of the digestive system (such as Crohn's disease), as well as taking other medicines, can reduce the effectiveness of emergency contraception. These medicines are listed in the emergency contraceptive product label.

What pills will help not get pregnant after sex?

There are several drugs that are classified as emergency contraceptives. We will consider each of them separately.


Postinor is the oldest and most well-known emergency contraceptive among women. This drug contains a loading dose of the hormone levongestrel, which prevents the attachment of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

One tablet of Postinor contains 750 micrograms of levongestrel. In order for the effect of Postinor to be maximum, you need to drink 2 tablets with a difference of 12-16 hours.

It is necessary to take the first dose of Postinor in the first 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex. The sooner you take the first pill, the higher the likelihood that Postinor will help avoid pregnancy. So, on the first day after sex, the drug will work in 95% of cases, if the interval between sexual intercourse and taking Postinor was 24-48 hours, then in 85% of cases, and if more - only in 58% of cases. Taking Postinor later than 72 hours after intercourse will not bring any effect.

12-16 hours after taking the first tablet, you must definitely drink the second Postinor tablet. If you vomit a few hours after taking the first or second tablet, you need to take another tablet.

Postinor can cause menstrual irregularities, early or late menstruation, chest pain, spotting. The presence or absence of menstruation (or discharge) after taking Postinor does not indicate its effectiveness.

You can be sure that you are not pregnant only by making at least 3.5 weeks after intercourse. You can find out if there is a pregnancy before by passing. This can be done as early as 11 days after unprotected sex. Postinor does not distort the results of a pregnancy test or a blood test for hCG.

If the menstruation did not come on time and lasts more than 5 days, take a pregnancy test and consult a gynecologist.

If Postinor did not help?

If you took Postinor, but pregnancy still occurred, contact your gynecologist. Taking this drug increases the risk, so you need to get a test that will show where the fetus is located.

Taking Postinor, as a rule, does not adversely affect the development of the child, so there is no need to terminate the pregnancy (abortion). If you decide to have an abortion, let your doctor know.


WARNING: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first talking to your doctor.

Escapel, like Postinor, contains a large dose of the hormone levongestrel, which prevents the fertilized egg from gaining a foothold in the uterus. The only difference is that one tablet of Escapel contains 150 mg of levongestrel, and you need to take this drug only once.

Escapel should be taken no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse. The greatest efficiency is observed if the pill is drunk on the first day after unprotected sex.

Escapelle may cause nausea or vomiting. If you have vomited within 3 hours of taking the tablet, then you need to take another dose of Escapelle.

As a result of taking Exapel, there may be a failure of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of spotting, chest pain. If your period is more than 5 days late, a pregnancy test is recommended. Escapelle does not affect the result of a pregnancy test.

If Escapelle did not help?

If pregnancy still occurs, consult a gynecologist. The doctor will perform an ultrasound and specify where the fetus is located. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then there is no need to interrupt it, since taking Escapel does not affect the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. If you do decide to have an abortion, tell your gynecologist about it.

How often can I take Postinor and Escapel?

Postinor and Escapel are intended for emergency situations and cannot be used for regular contraception. However, these drugs can be taken as many times as necessary, even if the need arose a second time within the same menstrual cycle. There are no studies that would prove the unsafety of repeated use of Postinor or Escapel.

If you often need to take Postinor or Escapel, you need to seriously think about what is right for you.

How many days Postinor and Escapel protect against pregnancy?

Postinor and Escapel act only after sexual intercourse has taken place. Any subsequent unprotected intercourse may provoke pregnancy, even if you have recently taken Postinor or Escapelle.

What happens if you take Postinor or Escapel during pregnancy?

These drugs are ineffective if pregnancy has already occurred. Taking Postinor or Escapel during pregnancy will not lead to its termination.

Ginepristone and Genale

WARNING: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first talking to your doctor.

This modern facilities emergency contraception, which do not contain hormones, do not cause menstrual cycle failure and other side effects, while being highly effective.

Both of these drugs contain the same substance in the same dose. The only difference is the manufacturer. Ginepristone and Genale contain active substance Mifepristone at a dose of 10 mg. Mifepristone, unlike Postinor and Escapel, is not a hormone, but it also prevents pregnancy by preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine cavity.

Ginepriston or Genale tablets should be taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The sooner you take the drug, the more effective it will be. If the pill is taken in the first 12 hours after sex, then the effectiveness of the drug will be about 98%, if on the first day, then 95%, if later - 85-90%. These drugs are not effective if pregnancy has already occurred.

Important: in order for the drug to be as effective as possible, you should drink a Ginepriston or Genale tablet 2 hours after eating and do not eat for 2 hours after taking the tablet. Within a week after taking the pill, it is not recommended to take Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If Ginepriston or Genale did not help?

Genale is an antiprogestogen for internal use. In his chemical formula mifepristone, a steroid antiprogestogenic agent of synthetic origin, dominates, blocking the action of the hormone progesterone at the receptor level, while not possessing progestogenic activity.

Under the action of the Genale tablet, the excretion of the fetal egg is observed, which entails a change in the endometrium, a noticeable inhibition of ovulation and an obstacle to the implantation of a fertilized egg.

The maximum plasma concentration is noticeable after about an hour, and the half-life is 18 hours.

Excipients are lactose monohydrate, potato starch, povidone, sodium carboxymethyl starch and magnesium stearate.

Genele is produced in the form of round yellow tablets with a green tint.

Among the analogues, Postinor is known.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Genale

The use of Genale is appropriate if you need urgent contraception after unprotected or unplanned intercourse, but no later than 72 hours.

The list of contraindications is quite capacious, so it is better to read the instructions before using the tablets. So, taking Genale is not indicated for pathologies of the kidneys and liver, porphyria, anemia, adrenal insufficiency, pregnancy, lactation, as well as long-term therapy with glucocorticosteroid drugs. Also, restrictions apply to patients who experience hypersensitivity to the components of this contraceptive.

Side effects and overdose of Genale

Side effects after applying Genale can affect many vital important systems. So, in the reproductive system, blood discharge from the vagina, discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, as well as an exacerbation of the pathological processes of the appendages and uterus are possible. Indigestion is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and CNS disorders are represented by dizziness and migraine attacks. In addition, in some clinical pictures there are allergic reactions on the skin, in particular, urticaria, itching and swelling.

In cases of overdose of Genale, adrenal insufficiency may predominate.

Instructions for use Genale

The drug is taken orally. One tablet of Genale inside two hours or two hours after the usual meal, but no later than 72 hours after sex.

Features of the use of Zhenale tablets

Taking the drug does not depend on the menstrual cycle.

Genale does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases or AIDS.

This contraceptive is not a method of permanent contraception, and it is indicated to take it only in emergency cases. Do not take monthly or several times in one menstrual cycle.

In the future, choose a more reliable contraceptive for regular use.

In the event of the ineffectiveness of Zhenale's tablets and the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to terminate it with a surgical or medical method. If you want to keep the pregnancy, the risk of pathological development of the fetus increases, and the child will be born with serious pathologies.

The influence of Genale on the management of vehicles and other mechanisms is not observed.

Store in a cool place and use as directed.

drug interaction. For 8-12 days after taking Genale, do not use NSAIDs, but otherwise there are no restrictions.

Reviews about the drug Zhenale, price

Of course, many patients prefer Postinor, which has been tested for decades, as an emergency contraception, but the popularity of Genale is also growing every day.

Captivating is the fact that Genale contains only one pill, which protects against pregnancy, while Postinor's intake includes two pills, which should be taken according to a certain scheme. There is only one conclusion: Genale is easy to use.

Reviews about Zhenal are extremely positive, since the drug is a real lifesaver after thoughtless sexual contact. It gives a 99% guarantee that pregnancy will not occur in the future.

There are no negative reviews regarding the uselessness of Genale. It is extremely rare to find notes on the detection of side effects that are limited solely to nausea and dizziness.

The use of Genale does not require specialist advice, but it still does not hurt to read the instructions carefully before taking it. The drug is really highly effective, so many women use it with confidence.

The price of Zhenale 10mg tablet x1 is 305 rubles

01:31 Genale: instructions, application, reviews -

Unprotected intercourse often leads to a highly unwanted pregnancy, which is not in the plans of many women. That is why many ladies know firsthand about the Genale pills, which provide emergency contraception. General Description of Genale Tablets Genale is an antiprogestogen drug for internal use. Its chemical formula is dominated by mifepristone, a steroid antiprogestogenic drug of synthetic origin, which blocks the action [...]