I take rigevidon and my periods don't stop. Bloody, brown and spotting discharge when taking birth control pills

Rigevidon is a contraceptive pill that contains a low dose of hormones and can be used as a method of contraception and the treatment of certain gynecological diseases.

WARNING: The drug has contraindications. Do not start using this drug without first talking to your doctor.

The composition of the tablets and packaging

Rigevidon belongs to the group of monophasic contraceptive pills. This means that all tablets in a package contain the same dose of hormones. One tablet of Rigevidon contains 30 micrograms of ethinylestradiol and 150 micrograms of levonorgestrel. One blister (plate) of Rigevidon contains 21 tablets, designed for 21 days of administration.

Rigevidon 21+7 contains 28 tablets in one blister (plate). White tablets have the same dosage of hormones as regular Rigevidon (30 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol and 150 micrograms of levonorgestrel), and reddish-brown tablets do not contain hormones, being essentially placebo pills, or dummies.

Benefits of Rigevidon

Contraceptive pills Rigevidon have a reliable contraceptive effect, and provided correct reception provide high protection against unwanted pregnancy. The contraceptive effect of Rigevidon is carried out by temporarily suppressing ovulation in the ovaries and increasing the viscosity of mucus in the cervical canal.

Taking Rigevidon for 3 consecutive months or more helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, reduce and reduce blood loss during menstruation. Against the background of taking OK Rigevidon, the risk of developing mastopathy, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and some other gynecological diseases is reduced.

The effect of the drug is reversible. Already in the first months after stopping Rigevidon, a woman becomes fertile again.

Rules for taking Rigevidon

Rigevidon is recommended to take one tablet per day, at any convenient time of the day, regardless of food intake. If you are concerned about the side effects of the drug (nausea, headache), then it is recommended to move the time of taking the tablets to the evening.

If you have not used any hormonal contraceptives in the past month

It is recommended to start taking Rigevidon on the first day of the menstrual cycle (on the first day of menstruation). After you start taking the pills, your periods may become more scanty, or they may stop altogether. This is normal. It is also possible that menstruation will not stop, but on the contrary, will drag on for 7-10 days or more. This is also normal.

Drink Rigevidon one tablet a day for 21 days in a row. After the tablets in the blister are over, take a 7-day break. In the 7-day break, you may start your period. Regardless of whether menstruation has ended, always start a new pack of Rigevidon on the 8th day after a week break.

If you are taking Rigevidon 21+7, then start taking the drug with white tablets and take one white tablet for 21 days. After the white pills are over, start taking the reddish-brown pills. You may have your period while taking the last seven tablets. Despite menstruation, continue to take the pills every day. After the end of the blister (taking the last reddish-brown tablet), start a new pack the next day, without interruption.

When will the contraceptive effect come?

The contraceptive effect of Rigevidon occurs immediately if you start taking pills on the first day of your period. In this case, you may not use additional methods of protection against pregnancy.

If you took the first pill of Rigevidon from the 2nd to the 5th day of your period, then you need to use another 7 days after you start taking the pills. The contraceptive effect will come after taking the eighth pill.

Will the contraceptive effect last in a week break?

If in the previous month you took the pills correctly (without gaps and without factors that reduce the effect of OK), then contraceptive effect Rigevidone is stored between packs and you do not need to use additional methods of contraception.

If you have had gaps, or the effect of the tablets could be reduced for other reasons (diarrhea, vomiting, drinking large doses of alcohol, taking medication), see the instructions in the relevant paragraphs.

How to switch to Rigevidon from other birth control pills?

If previous birth control pills contained 21 pills in a blister pack:

    you can start taking Rigevidon the next day after the last tablet of the previous OK, or

    on the eighth day after the end of the previous OK

If previous birth control pills contained 28 pills in a blister pack:

    you can start taking Rigevidon the next day after the last active pill, or

    the day after 28 tablets of the previous OK

If you did not have time to start taking Rigevidon within the specified time, then you should wait for the next menstruation and drink the first pill on the first day of menstruation. In order to avoid unwanted pregnancy, other methods of contraception should be used before taking the pills.

How to switch to Rigevidon from a vaginal ring or from a hormonal patch?

When switching to Rigevidon from the vaginal ring, the first tablet should be taken on the day the ring was removed, or on the day when a new ring had to be installed.

When switching to Rigevidon from the first tablet of the drug, you need to drink it on the day the patch is removed, or on the day when you would need to put a new patch.

How to switch to Rigevidon from an intrauterine device (IUD)?

Take the first tablet of Rigevidon on the day of removal intrauterine device. The contraceptive effect will come only after 7 days of taking Rigevidon, so use condoms or other methods of contraception up to the eighth tablet.

If you did not have time to start taking Rigevidon on time, then wait for the next menstruation and take the first tablet of the drug on the first day of menstruation. Before you start taking Rigevidon, use other methods of protection against pregnancy.

What should I do if I mixed up the procedure for taking Rigevidon?

If your pack of Rigevidon contains 21 tablets, then nothing bad will happen. All pills in the package have the same dose of hormones, so the body will not "notice" the difference. Continue to drink Rigevidon further as usual: one tablet per day until the end of the package.

If you are taking Rigevidon 21 + 7 (that is, Rigevidon contains 28 tablets in a package), then pay attention to which tablets you mixed up. If instead of one white pill you took another white pill, then nothing terrible will happen, since all white pills contain the same dose of hormones. If instead of a white pill you accidentally took a reddish-brown pill, then the contraceptive effect of Rigevidon may be reduced. In this case, you need to do the same as when skipping a pill (depending on its number).

What should I do if I miss a pill of Rigevidon?

If you forgot to take another pill of Rigevidon, count how many hours have passed since you took the last pill you took. If less than 36 hours have passed since taking the last pill, the contraceptive effect of the pills will not decrease. Take the missed tablet as soon as possible and continue taking the tablets as usual.

If more than 36 hours have passed since taking the last pill, the contraceptive effect of the pills may decrease. In this case, your next steps depend on the number of the missed tablet:

1 to 7 tablets (first week of use) : Take the missed tablet as soon as possible, even if you have to take two tablets at the same time. Another 7 days after the pass, the contraceptive effect of the pills will be reduced, so in case of sexual intercourse, use other methods of contraception.

8 to 14 tablets (second week of use) : Take the missed tablet as soon as possible, even if you have to take 2 tablets at once. The contraceptive effect of the pills will not decrease if you took the pills according to the rules in the previous 7 days before the miss. That is, if you have not skipped in the last week, then you do not need to use condoms or other additional methods of contraception. If you skipped in the last week, then you need to use additional contraception within 7 days after the skip.

15 to 21 tablets (third week of use) : take the missed pill of Rigevidon as soon as you remember the pass, even if you have to take two pills at the same time. Then continue to drink the tablets as usual until the end of the package. To prevent the contraceptive effect of the pills from decreasing and you do not have an unwanted pregnancy, you should skip the 7-day break. This means that after the end of the package, you need to start the next package of Rigevidon the next day (without a break).

You do not need to use additional contraceptives if you did not have other passes in the previous 7 days before the pass. If you have skipped in the last week, then you should use condoms for 7 more days after skipping.

Rigevidon 21+7

If your package of Rigevidon contains 28 tablets, then the instructions remain the same for the first and second weeks of administration (see above). The changes relate to the third week of taking the tablets:

15 to 21 tablets: take the missed pill of Rigevidon as soon as you remember the pass, even if you have to take two pills at the same time. Then continue to drink tablets as usual up to 21 tablets (until the last white tablet). Then discard the remaining red-brown tablets and start taking a new package the day after taking the last 21 tablets. You do not need to use additional contraceptives if you did not have other passes in the previous 7 days before the pass. If you have skipped in the last week, then you should use condoms for 7 more days after skipping.

22 to 28 tablets: these are inactive pills, so skipping them will not reduce the contraceptive effect. Throw away the missed tablet and continue to take the tablets as usual.

What should I do if I missed a few pills of Rigevidon?

When skipping two Rigevidon tablets in a row contraceptive effect may be reduced. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, you should follow the instructions.

Pay attention to the numbers of missed pills. If these are tablets of the first or second week of taking (from 1 to 14), then take 2 tablets as soon as you remembered the pass and 2 more tablets the next day. Then take one tablet of Rigevidon per day until the end of the package. Use 7 more days after skipping.

If the missed pills are from the third week of taking (from 15 to 21), then you should discard the current pack of pills and start taking a new pack with the first active (white) pill. A new package should be drunk to the end and only then take a 7-day break. If you did not have any other missed days in the previous 7 days before the pass, then you do not need to use condoms or other additional methods of contraception.

When skipping 3 tablets of Rigevidon in a row, discard the current pack of pills and start a new pack with the first active (white) pill. For another 7 days, use additional contraception. If you had unprotected intercourse at the time of the pass or shortly before the pass, then the risk of pregnancy will be increased. In this case, you should do it 3.5 weeks after the last unprotected intercourse, or take it 11 days after the last unprotected intercourse.

If you are not sure what to do in your situation, use additional contraceptives (for example,) until you consult a gynecologist.

What should I do if spotting or menstruation occurs while taking Rigevidon?

While taking the drug Rigevidon or Rigevidon 21+7, you may experience spotting of varying degrees of profusion (scanty spotting or discharge similar to menstruation).

Especially often spotting appears in the first 3 months of taking Rigevidon. As a rule, this is not dangerous, does not indicate pregnancy and does not require urgent medical attention.

Despite these discharges, continue taking the tablets as usual. Do not stop taking the tablets on your own without consulting your doctor, as this may increase bleeding.

If you haven't had any missed pills, then the contraceptive effect is maintained despite these discharges, so you can continue to have sex without fear of becoming pregnant.

If bleeding occurs as a result of missing one or more tablets, continue taking Rigevidon despite these discharges. Use additional contraceptives, as the contraceptive effect of Rigevidon could be reduced as a result of skipping pills.

How to postpone menstruation with Rigevidon?

You can delay unwanted menstruation with Rigevidon tablets.

To postpone your period, drink the current package of Rigevidon to the end and then, without taking a break, start a new package the next day. The second package must be drunk to the end and only then take a break.

Due to skipping the 7-day break, you may experience spotting in the middle of the second pack. It is not dangerous and does not require urgent medical attention. Despite these discharges, continue taking the tablets as usual until the end of the package.

Rigevidon 21+7

If your package contains 28 tablets, then in order to delay unwanted menstruation, you should finish the active white tablets (up to 21 tablets inclusive) and then discard the remaining red-brown (inactive) tablets. Start a new pack the day after taking your last active tablet. The second package must be drunk to the end (including inactive tablets).

What to do if menstruation did not come during the break of Rigevidon?

While taking Rigevidon tablets, menstruation may not come in a 7-day break. As a rule, this is not dangerous, but requires increased attention from you.

If you had passes last month, or had other possible reasons reduce the contraceptive effect (diarrhea, vomiting, alcohol or medication), then you should do and consult a gynecologist. Until pregnancy is ruled out, you should not start taking a new pack of Rigevidon.

What to do if pregnancy occurs while taking Rigevidon?

The drug Rigevidon provides a high degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy, but this protection cannot be considered one hundred percent. Within one year of taking Rigevidon tablets, one woman out of 2000 becomes pregnant.

As a rule, pregnancy is the result of missing pills, or exposure to other factors that reduce the contraceptive effect (see next paragraph). However, pregnancy can occur even if the pills are taken perfectly.

If you become pregnant while taking Rigevidon, stop taking the pills immediately and contact your gynecologist. Since this drug does not cause malformations in the embryo, pregnancy can be continued despite the fact of taking birth control pills.

In what cases can the effect of Rigevidon decrease?

The effectiveness of contraception may be reduced in the following cases:

  • If one or more tablets are missed
  • As a result
  • When used
  • When (certain antibiotics, phenobarbital, epilepsy drugs, drugs, St. John's wort, etc.)

What to do if the effect of Rigevidon could be lowered?

If you suspect that the contraceptive effect of Rigevidon could be reduced, use additional contraceptives (for example, condoms) within the next 7 days.

Do I need to take long breaks while taking Rigevidon?

Some women try to take long breaks in taking Rigevidon to give the body a break from the pills. You can read about whether this is really good for the body by clicking on the link:

How to stop taking Rigevidon?

If the need for contraception has disappeared, or if you are planning a pregnancy, you should stop taking Rigevidon birth control pills.

In order to avoid the side effects of cancellation and to restore your own menstrual cycle, listen to the following advice from gynecologists:

    Never stop taking your pills in the middle of a pack. Even if you decide to get pregnant as soon as possible, drink the current package to the end and only then stop taking the pills.

    Having finished the current package of tablets to the end, just do not start a new package.

    Please note that after taking the last tablet of Rigevidon, the contraceptive effect of the tablets disappears. That is, you can become pregnant in the first 7 days after stopping the pills. If you are not yet planning a pregnancy, start using other methods of contraception as soon as you stop taking the pills.

How to get pregnant after taking Rigevidon?

If you want to get pregnant, start taking at least 1 month (and even better 3 months) before planning your pregnancy.

Please note that pregnancy can occur as early as the first month after the abolition of Rigevidon tablets. However, gynecologists recommend that you start trying to conceive no earlier than 3 months after stopping the pills.

Combined monophasic oral hormonal contraceptive drug. When taken orally, it inhibits the pituitary secretion of gonadotropic hormones. The contraceptive effect is associated with several mechanisms. As a progestogen component (progestin), it contains a derivative of 19-nortestosterone - levonorgestrel, which is superior in activity to the hormone of the corpus luteum progesterone (and the synthetic analogue of the latter - pregnin), acts at the receptor level without preliminary metabolic transformations. The estrogenic component is ethinylestradiol.

Under the influence of levonorgestrel, a blockade of the release of LH and FSH from the hypothalamus occurs, inhibition of the secretion of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland, which leads to inhibition of the maturation and release of an egg ready for fertilization (ovulation). The contraceptive effect is enhanced by ethinyl estradiol. Maintains high viscosity of cervical mucus (makes it difficult for spermatozoa to enter the uterine cavity). Along with the contraceptive effect, when taken regularly, it normalizes the menstrual cycle and helps prevent the development of a number of gynecological diseases, incl. tumor nature.



Ethinylestradiol is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the intestine. Ethinylestradiol undergoes a "first pass" effect through the liver, T max is 1.5 hours, T 1/2 is about 26 hours.

When administered orally, ethinylestradiol is excreted from the blood plasma within 12 hours, T 1/2 is 5.8 hours.

Ethinylestradiol is metabolized in the liver and intestines. Ethinyl estradiol metabolites, water-soluble sulfate or glucuronide conjugates, enter the intestine with bile, where they are disintegrated by intestinal bacteria.

Metabolized in the liver, T 1/2 is 2-7 hours.

Ethinylestradiol is excreted by the kidneys (40%) and through the intestines (60%).

It is allocated with breast milk.


After oral administration, levonorgestrel is rapidly absorbed (less than 4 hours). Levonorgestrel does not undergo a "first pass" effect through the liver. With the combined use of levonorgestrel with ethinyl estradiol, there is a relationship between dose and maximum plasma concentration. T max (time to reach maximum concentration) of levonorgestrel is 2 hours, T 1/2 - 8-30 hours (average 16 hours). Most of levonorgestrel binds in the blood to albumin and SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin). Metabolized in the liver.

Levonorgestrel is excreted by the kidneys (60%) and through the intestines (40%).

It is allocated with breast milk.

Release form

White film-coated tablets, round, biconvex.

Excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.275 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.55 mg, talc - 1.1 mg, corn starch - 19.895 mg, lactose monohydrate - 33 mg.

Shell composition: sucrose - 22.459 mg, talc - 6.826 mg, calcium carbonate - 3.006 mg, titanium dioxide - 1.706 mg, copovidone - 0.592 mg, macrogol 6000 - 0.148 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.146 mg, povidone - 0.088 mg, carmellose sodium - 0.029 mg.

21 pcs. - blisters (1) - packs of cardboard.
21 pcs. - blisters (3) - packs of cardboard.


The drug is taken orally, without chewing and with a small amount of liquid.

If during the previous menstrual cycle hormonal contraception was not carried out, then Rigevidon ® for the purpose of contraception is prescribed from the 1st day of menstruation daily, 1 tablet for 21 days. This is followed by a 7-day break, during which menstrual-like bleeding occurs. The next 21-day cycle of taking tablets from a new package containing 21 tablets must be started the day after the 7-day break, i.e. on the 8th day, even if the bleeding has not stopped. Thus, the start of taking the drug from each new package falls on the same day of the week.

When switching to Rigevidon from another lane oral contraceptive a similar scheme applies. The drug is taken for as long as there is a need for contraception.

After childbirth, the drug can be prescribed only to women who are not breastfeeding; you should start taking a contraceptive no earlier than the 1st day of menstruation. During lactation, the use of the drug is contraindicated.

The missed pill should be taken within the next 12 hours. If 36 hours have passed since the last pill was taken, then contraception is unreliable. In order to avoid intermenstrual bleeding, the drug should be continued from the already started package, with the exception of the missed tablet(s). In cases of missed tablets, it is recommended to additionally use another, non-hormonal method of contraception (for example, a barrier).

For therapeutic purposes, the doctor sets the dose of Rigevidon and the scheme of application in each case individually.


Cases of development of toxic effects due to overdose are unknown.


Barbiturates, some antiepileptic drugs (carbamazepine, phenytoin), sulfonamides, pyrazolone derivatives can increase the metabolism of the steroid hormones that make up the drug.

A decrease in contraceptive efficacy can also be observed when administered simultaneously with certain antimicrobial agents (including ampicillin, rifampicin, chloramphenicol, neomycin, polymyxin B, sulfonamides, tetracyclines), which is associated with a change in the intestinal microflora.

With simultaneous use with anticoagulants, coumarin or indandione derivatives, an additional determination of the prothrombin index and a change in the dose of the anticoagulant may be required.

When using tricyclic antidepressants, maprotiline, beta-blockers, their bioavailability and toxicity may increase.

When using oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin, it may be necessary to change their dose.

When combined with bromocriptine, its effectiveness is reduced.

When combined with drugs with a potential hepatotoxic effect, for example, with the drug dantrolene, an increase in hepatotoxicity is observed, especially in women over 35 years of age.

Side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated.

Possible side effects of a transient nature, spontaneously passing: nausea, vomiting, headache, breast engorgement, changes in body weight and libido, mood changes, acyclic spotting; in some cases - swelling of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, blurred vision, discomfort when wearing contact lenses (these phenomena are temporary and disappear after cancellation without prescribing any therapy).

With prolonged use, chloasma, hearing loss, generalized itching, jaundice, cramps of the calf muscles, and an increase in the frequency of epileptic seizures can very rarely occur.

Rarely observed hypertriglyceridemia, hyperglycemia, reduced glucose tolerance, increased blood pressure, thrombosis and venous thromboembolism, jaundice, skin rashes, changes in the nature of vaginal secretion, candidiasis, fatigue, diarrhea.


  • oral contraception;
  • functional disorders of the menstrual cycle (including dysmenorrhea without an organic cause, dysfunctional metrorrhagia);
  • premenstrual tension syndrome.


  • severe liver disease;
  • congenital hyperbilirubinemia (Gilbert's syndrome, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor's syndrome);
  • cholecystitis;
  • the presence or indication of a history of severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases;
  • thromboembolism and predisposition to them;
  • malignant tumors (primarily breast or endometrial cancer);
  • liver tumors;
  • familial forms of hyperlipidemia;
  • severe forms of arterial hypertension;
  • endocrine diseases (including severe forms of diabetes);
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • chronic hemolytic anemia;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • cystic skid;
  • migraine;
  • otosclerosis;
  • idiopathic jaundice of pregnant women in history;
  • severe itching during pregnancy;
  • herpes of pregnant women;
  • age over 40;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The drug should be used with caution in diseases of the liver and gallbladder, epilepsy, depression, ulcerative colitis, uterine myoma, mastopathy, tuberculosis, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, impaired renal function, varicose veins, phlebitis, otosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, chorea minor, intermittent porphyria, latent tetany, bronchial asthma, in adolescence (without regular ovulatory cycles).

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Application for violations of liver function

Use is contraindicated in severe liver diseases (including congenital hyperbilirubinemia - Gilbert, Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes; liver tumors).

Application for violations of kidney function

Caution is required when prescribing the drug to patients with impaired renal function.

Use in elderly patients

Contraindicated in people over 40 years of age.

special instructions

Before starting the use of hormonal contraception and subsequently every 6 months, a general medical and gynecological examination is recommended, including a cytological analysis of a smear from the cervix, an assessment of the condition of the mammary glands, determination of blood glucose, cholesterol and other indicators of liver function, blood pressure control, urinalysis.

The appointment of Rigevidon for women with thromboembolic diseases at a young age and an increase in blood coagulation in a family history is not recommended.

The use of oral contraception is allowed no earlier than 6 months after viral hepatitis, subject to the normalization of liver function.

With the appearance of sharp pains in the upper abdomen, hepatomegaly and signs of intra-abdominal bleeding, a liver tumor may be suspected. If necessary, the drug should be discontinued.

If there is a violation of liver function while taking Rigevidon, a consultation with a therapist is necessary.

With the appearance of acyclic (intermenstrual) bleeding, Rigevidon should be continued, because. in most cases, these bleedings stop spontaneously. If acyclic (intermenstrual) bleeding does not disappear or recurs, a medical examination should be carried out to rule out organic pathology of the reproductive system.

In case of vomiting or diarrhea, the drug should be continued using another, non-hormonal method of contraception.

Women who smoke and take hormonal contraceptives, there is an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases with serious consequences (myocardial infarction, stroke). The risk increases with age and with the number of cigarettes smoked (especially in women over 35).

The drug should be discontinued in the following cases:

  • when migraine-like headache appears for the first time or increases;
  • with the appearance of an unusually severe headache;
  • with the appearance of early signs of phlebitis or phlebothrombosis (unaccustomed pain or swelling of the veins in the legs);
  • in the event of jaundice or hepatitis without jaundice;
  • with cerebrovascular disorders;
  • with the appearance of stabbing pains of unclear etiology when breathing or coughing, pain and a feeling of tightness in the chest;
  • with acute deterioration of visual acuity;
  • with suspicion of thrombosis or heart attack;
  • with a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • in case of generalized itching;
  • with an increase in epileptic seizures;
  • 3 months before the planned pregnancy;
  • approximately 6 weeks before the planned surgical intervention;
  • with prolonged immobilization;
  • during the onset of pregnancy.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Taking the drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and to control other mechanisms, work with which is associated with an increased risk of injury.



Bleeding while taking birth control pills can normally occur in the first months after starting to use these drugs. If the woman is chosen correctly, then after a while the bloody daub will stop, and only regular menstrual-like discharge will occur. In cases where the latter persist for more than three months, the doctor will determine the cause and select another contraceptive.

If heavy bleeding appears in the middle of the cycle, then you need to contact the doctor in the near future. Allocations while taking contraceptives are different. They occur both normally and indicate that the selected drug is not suitable for a woman.

Adaptation bleeding

The maturation of eggs, ovulation and rejection of the endometrium during menstruation are regulated by the hormones of the female reproductive system. In the first phase of the cycle, the action of estrogens predominates, which stimulate the maturation of the follicle. A mature egg comes out of the follicle in the middle of the cycle, i.e. ovulation occurs. In the second phase, the level of estrogen and progesterone is increased, which prepares the walls of the uterus for possible implantation of the embryo.

The concentration of sex hormones in birth control pills is always less than the content of these active substances in a woman's body. Therefore, it takes a certain time to adapt to the action of the drug used.

Normally, for 2-3 months there may be spotting when taking contraceptives. They stop on their own after getting used to low doses of hormones. If spotting is insignificant, and the use of several daily pads is sufficient for hygiene, then no additional action is necessary. Brown discharge has this color due to the fact that a small amount of blood is mixed with vaginal mucus.

Cancellation of the drug or its replacement with another during this period is not required. The contraceptive effect is not reduced if the drug is taken on time.

When bleeding does not stop, becomes profuse and is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

In every fourth woman, adaptation bleeding persists for 3-6 months. If after this period of time they do not disappear, and attempts to pick up another OK do not succeed, then this method of contraception should be abandoned.

menstrual flow

It should be understood that with this method of preventing pregnancy, it is not true menstruation that occurs, but withdrawal bleeding when taking OK. They are also called menstrual-like. It is these discharges that are normal when taking birth control pills.

Most contraceptives are taken within 21 days, and then necessary seven day break . For example, such a mode of reception of Regulon. A woman should wait for the appearance of menstruation 2-3 days after the last pill from the pack has been drunk.

Sometimes, during a break between packs, a girl worries that her period has not gone. If a woman regularly took OK in the previous month and did not delay taking the pill compared to the prescribed time for more than 12 hours, then on the 8th day you should start drinking the next pack of the contraceptive. It is not necessary to wait for the onset of menstrual discharge.

When a girl drinks contraceptives irregularly and is sexually active, and menstruation has not begun, then it is necessary to exclude the presence of pregnancy. Until then, it is not worth resuming the use of OK.

Some OK drink for 28 days, after which they immediately begin to drink tablets from a new package, without taking breaks. The release of blood will occur when taking those pills that do not contain hormones, that is, they are a placebo.

If menstruation before taking OK was regular, then after the abolition of contraceptives they remain stable. Sometimes periods are restored within 2-3 cycles. In cases where this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.

What do blood discharges indicate at the beginning and end of the reception

If the time of the adaptation period has passed, but the brown discharge in the form of a daub persists, then this may mean that the selected contraceptive is not suitable for the woman. In such a situation, it is necessary to replace the drug used with another one.

When a girl takes pills from the beginning or middle of the package, and spotting brown discharge occurs, this indicates an insufficient concentration of estrogen in the drug. In such a situation, it is necessary to select OK with a higher content of this hormone. For example, if similar discharges are found when taking a microdose contraceptive Jess, a drug from the low-dose group (Yarina) is prescribed.

If bleeding occurs in the middle of the cycle or when taking the last pills from the package, this may mean that the woman does not have enough progestogen content. In such a case, a drug with some other progestogen is prescribed.

Profuse bleeding

If, while taking contraceptive pills, profuse bleeding appeared, which are similar to menstrual-like, it indicates the occurrence of breakthrough bleeding. This is typical for the case when, after the influence of progesterone, the endometrium begins to be rejected, and the estrogen content in the taken OK is not enough to stop the uterine bleeding that has arisen.

In this case, you need to contact a specialist. But there may be situations when it is not possible to immediately go to an appointment with a gynecologist. Then doctors recommend taking a double daily dose of a contraceptive (1 tablet in the morning and evening). It is necessary to drink the drug in this mode daily until the bleeding stops.

Later, it is important to visit a gynecologist so that he finds out why this situation arose. Then he will recommend another drug. For example, if bleeding occurs while taking the microdose contraceptive Jess, the doctor will prescribe a low-dose OK (Yarin tablets or any other drug from this group).

Breakthrough bleeding can also occur when:

  • the scheme of using an oral contraceptive is violated, i.e. the woman forgot to take another pill;
  • diarrhea or vomiting occurred, which worsened the absorption of the contraceptive;
  • a woman takes antibiotics or drugs that affect the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • agents containing St. John's wort are used;
  • the contraceptive regimen is prolonged (in this case, OK are taken for 63 days, followed by a break for 7 days, and then the pills are resumed).

Bleeding after emergency contraception

Such contraception is aimed at preventing pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse or with the ineffective use of other means. The drugs in this group include:

  • gestagenic preparations (Postinor, Escapel);
  • antihistamines (Ginepriston).

These funds must be used within 2 or 3 days after unprotected sexual contact. Drugs cause significant impairment hormonal background which prevents possible pregnancy.

Most common side effect emergency contraception- bleeding, which may begin a few days after taking the drug. In some girls, the use of such measures leads to violations of the cycle.

Allocations when taking OCs of a bloody nature occur both in normal conditions and in various disorders. Therefore, if the adaptation period has passed, and the discharge persists, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Also, urgent help is needed in cases where bleeding is profuse, regardless of the duration of the drug. During the examination, the doctor will find out what caused the bleeding, stop it, and then decide which contraceptives the woman can take next.

Application instruction to Rigevidon

Registration number:

P N012676/02

Tradename: RIGEVIDON ®

International non-proprietary name or grouping name: Ethinylestradiol + Levonorgestrel

Dosage form:

coated tablets

Active substances:
Ethinylestradiol: 0.03 mg
Levonorgestrel; 0.15 mg
- in the tablet core: colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, talc, corn starch, lactose monohydrate;
- in a tablet shell: sucrose, talc, calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide, copovidone, macrogol 6000, colloidal silicon dioxide, povidone, carmellose sodium.

White, round, biconvex film-coated tablets.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

contraceptive (estrogen + gestagen)

ATC code: G03AA07.

Rigevidon is an oral monophasic combined estrogen-progestin contraceptive drug.
When taken orally, it inhibits the pituitary secretion of gonadotropic hormones.
The contraceptive effect is associated with several mechanisms. As a progestogen component (progestin), it contains a derivative of 19-nortestosterone - levonorgestrel, which is superior in activity to the hormone of the corpus luteum progesterone (and the synthetic analogue of the latter - pregnin), acts at the receptor level without preliminary metabolic transformations. The estrogenic component is ethinylestradiol. Under the influence of levonorgestrel, a blockade of the release of releasing hormones (LH and FSH) of the hypothalamus occurs, inhibition of the secretion of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland, which leads to inhibition of the maturation and release of an egg ready for fertilization (ovulation). The contraceptive effect is enhanced by ethinyl estradiol. Maintains high viscosity of cervical mucus (makes it difficult for spermatozoa to enter the uterine cavity). Along with the contraceptive effect, when taken regularly, it normalizes the menstrual cycle and helps prevent the development of a number of gynecological diseases, incl. tumor nature.
Levonorgestrel is rapidly absorbed (less than 4 hours). Levonorgestrel does not have a first pass effect through the liver. With the combined use of levonorgestrel with ethinyl estradiol, there is a relationship between dose and maximum plasma concentration. TC max (time to reach maximum concentration) of levonorgestrel is 2 hours, T 1/2 (half-life) - 8-30 hours. (average 16 hours). Most of levonorgestrel binds in the blood to albumin and SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin).
Ethinylestradiol is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the intestine. Ethinyl estradiol is characterized by the effect of the primary passage through the liver, TC max is 1.5 hours, the half-life is about 26 hours.
When administered orally, ethinylestradiol is excreted from the blood plasma within 12 hours, the elimination half-life is 5.8 hours.
The metabolism of ethinylestradiol is carried out in the liver and intestines. Ethinyl estradiol metabolites are water-soluble products of sulfate or glucuronide conjugation, enter the intestine with bile, where they are disintegrated by intestinal bacteria.
Both components (levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol) are excreted in breast milk. Active substances are metabolized in the liver, T 1/2 is 2-7 hours.
excretion of levonorgestrel is carried out by the kidneys (60%) and through the intestines (40%); ethinylestradiol - by the kidneys (40%) and through the intestines (60%).

Oral contraception, functional menstrual disorders (including dysmenorrhea without an organic cause, dysfunctional metrorrhagia, premenstrual syndrome).

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation, severe liver disease, congenital hyperbilirubinemia (Gilbert, Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes), cholecystitis, the presence or history of severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular changes, thromboembolism and predisposition to them , liver tumors, malignant tumors, especially breast or endometrial cancer; familial forms of hyperlipidemia, severe forms of arterial hypertension, severe forms of diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine glands, sickle cell anemia, chronic hemolytic anemia, hydatidiform drift, age over 40 years, vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology, migraine, otosclerosis; history of idiopathic jaundice of pregnant women, severe pruritus of pregnant women, herpes of pregnant women.

Liver and gallbladder diseases, epilepsy, depression, ulcerative colitis, uterine fibroids, mastopathy, tuberculosis, kidney disease, adolescence (without regular ovulatory cycles).
In the presence of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, impaired renal function, varicose veins veins, phlebitis, otosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chorea minor, intermittent porphyria, latent tetany, bronchial asthma prescribing the drug also requires caution.

During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is contraindicated.

Apply inside, without chewing and drinking a small amount of liquid.
If hormonal contraception was not performed during the previous menstrual cycle, contraception with Rigevidon is started from the first day of menstruation, taking 1 tablet daily for 21 days, at the same time of day.
This is followed by a 7-day break, during which menstrual-like bleeding occurs. The next 21-day tablet cycle from a new package containing 21 tablets must be started the day after the 7-day break, i.e. on the eighth day, even if the bleeding has not stopped. Thus, the start of taking the drug from each new package falls on the same day of the week.
When switching to taking Rigevidon from another oral contraceptive, a similar scheme is used. The drug is taken for as long as the need for contraception persists.
After an abortion, it is recommended to start taking the drug on the day of the abortion or the day after the operation.
After childbirth, the drug can be prescribed only to women who are not breastfeeding; you should start taking contraceptives no earlier than the first day of menstruation. During lactation, the use of the drug is contraindicated.
missed pills; the missed tablet should be taken within the next 12 hours. If 36 hours have passed since the last pill, contraception is unreliable. In order to avoid intermenstrual bleeding, the drug should be continued from the already started package, with the exception of the missed tablet(s). In cases of skipping pills, it is recommended to additionally use another, non-hormonal method of contraception (eg, barrier).
For medicinal purposes; the dose of Rigevidon and the scheme of application are selected by the doctor in each case individually.

The drug is usually well tolerated.
Possible side effects of a transient nature, spontaneously passing: nausea, vomiting, headache, breast engorgement, changes in body weight and libido, mood changes, acyclic spotting, in some cases - swelling of the eyelids, conjunctivitis, blurred vision, discomfort when wearing contact lenses (these phenomena are temporary and disappear after discontinuation without prescribing any therapy).
With prolonged use, chloasma, hearing loss, generalized itching, jaundice, cramps of the calf muscles, and an increase in the frequency of epileptic seizures can very rarely occur. Rarely, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperglycemia, decreased glucose tolerance, increased blood pressure (BP), thrombosis and venous thromboembolism, jaundice, skin rashes, changes in the nature of vaginal secretion, vaginal candidiasis, increased fatigue, diarrhea are noted.

Cases of development of toxic effects due to overdose are unknown.

Barbiturates, some antiepileptic drugs (carbamazepine, phenytoin), sulfonamides, pyrazolone derivatives can increase the metabolism of steroid hormones that make up the drug.
A decrease in contraceptive efficacy can also be observed when administered simultaneously with certain antimicrobial drugs (ampicillin, rifampicin, chloramphenicol, neomycin, polymyxin B, sulfonamides, tetracyclines), which is associated with a change in the microflora in the intestine.
When using anticoagulants, coumarin or indandione derivatives, it may be necessary to additionally determine the prothrombin index and change the dose of the anticoagulant.
When using tricyclic antidepressants, maprotiline, beta-blockers, their bioavailability and toxicity may increase.
When using oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin, it may be necessary to change their dose.
When combined with bromocriptine, the effectiveness of bromocriptine is reduced.
When combined with drugs with a potential hepatotoxic effect, for example, with the drug dantrolene, an increase in hepatotoxicity is observed, especially in women over 35 years of age.

Before starting contraception and, thereafter, every 6 months. a general medical and gynecological examination is recommended, including a cytological analysis of a smear from the cervix, an assessment of the condition of the mammary glands, determination of blood glucose, cholesterol and other indicators of liver function, blood pressure control, urinalysis).
The appointment of Rigevidon to women with thromboembolic diseases at a young age and an increase in blood clotting in a family history is not recommended.
The use of oral contraception is allowed no earlier than 6 months after viral hepatitis, subject to the normalization of hepatic functions.
With the appearance of sharp pains in the upper abdomen, hepatomegaly and signs of intra-abdominal bleeding, a liver tumor may be suspected. If necessary, the drug should be discontinued.
In case of deterioration of hepatic functions while taking Rigevidon, it is necessary to consult a therapist.
With the appearance of acyclic (intermenstrual) bleeding, Rigevidon should be continued, since in most cases these bleedings stop spontaneously. If acyclic (intermenstrual) bleeding does not disappear or recurs, a medical examination should be carried out to rule out organic pathology of the reproductive system.
In case of vomiting or diarrhea, the drug should be continued, additionally using another, non-hormonal method of contraception.
Smoking women taking hormonal contraceptives have an increased risk of developing vascular diseases with serious consequences (myocardial infarction, stroke). The risk increases with age and with the number of cigarettes smoked (especially in women over 35).
The drug should be discontinued in the following cases:
- when a migraine-like headache appears for the first time or increases, or an unusually severe headache appears;
- with the appearance of early signs of phlebitis or phlebothrombosis (unaccustomed pain or swelling of the veins in the legs);
- in case of jaundice or hepatitis without jaundice;
- with cerebrovascular disorders;
- with the appearance of stabbing pains of unclear etiology when breathing or coughing, pain and a feeling of tightness in the chest;
- with acute deterioration of visual acuity;
- in case of suspected thrombosis or infarction;
- with a sharp increase in blood pressure;
- in case of generalized itching;
- with an increase in epileptic seizures;
- 3 months before the planned pregnancy, approximately 6 weeks before the planned surgical intervention, with prolonged immobilization.
- in the presence of pregnancy.

Taking the drug does not affect the ability to drive a car and other mechanisms, work with which is associated with an increased risk of injury.

21 tablets in a blister made of PVC / PVDC film and aluminum foil;
1 or 3 blisters in a cardboard box with instructions for use.

At a temperature of 15-30 °C.
Keep the drug in a place inaccessible to children!

5 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

On prescription.

OJSC "Gedeon Richter",
1103 Budapest, st. Demrei, 19-21, Hungary.
Consumer claims should be sent to:
Moscow Representative Office of JSC "Gedeon Richter"

Regividon is the best solution!

Advantages: No side effects, reasonable price, compatibility with other drugs.

Cons: not found

After the birth of two wonderful toddlers, my husband and I thought about contraception. After consulting with my gynecologist, I decided to opt for Rigevidon. It is convenient that you can swallow them even without drinking water. The doctor immediately warned that you should take a pill every day at the same time and not skip doses in any case. Most of all, I was probably afraid that with taking pills and excess weight will come, but nothing like that happens to this day. The only thing was that at the very beginning of the reception there was a slight nausea, but then it passed. Menstruation comes without delay. I will say that I have been using Rigevidon for more than five years, occasionally taking small breaks to rest the body, and during all this time there were no problems. The drug works great.

No effect is worth the health spent, avoid

Benefits: Effective contraception, price

Disadvantages: Huge harm to health and strong side effects

She refused hormonal contraceptives, because she drank Rigevidon and found out for herself what harm they cause. Hormonal contraceptives are guaranteed to be effective, which is why they were so popular, and now people understand how harmful they are. I used them for a while, and was happy - the pills really work, they are very inexpensive, besides. But over time, I realized that a lot of the problems that I had were caused by this particular drug. We start with the mood - a hysterical vixen, who is irritated by everything and always, yells, cries all the time and behaves inappropriately - here's my portrait after 2 months of taking Rigevidon. And by nature, I’m rather even a phlegmatic person, I don’t suffer from emotionality at all. The second is weight. A painful question, because in 3 months of use I gained not a couple of kilograms, but 9.2 kg !!! I went to the gym, rocked, to no avail, I usually lose weight easily, but here my legs and arms are thinner (the muscles go away), and the fat on my stomach is nowhere. This is due to progesterone, the amount of which increases greatly when taken. hormonal pills. The third is the pressure, which has increased from my usual 110 to 150! So it won't take long to become hypertensive. Then there was a lot of everything else, I won’t paint, briefly: frequent thrush, terrible chest pains, painful periods and PMS with terrible discomfort, acne all over my face, and the highlight of the program is jaundice, which I never had. How do I know that drug cause? Analyzes, banal tests for hormones and an intelligent gynecologist. Then all these problems had to be eliminated for a very long time, because girls - treat yourself carefully and do not use such filth.

Strong hormonal drug

Advantages: reasonable price

Disadvantages: side effects, weight gain, irritability appears

A few months ago, my sister was diagnosed with fibromyoma and, after a while, she began to increase in size. The doctor she went to, after checking the hormonal levels and other tests, for some reason prescribed Rigevidon for her. The motivation was this: normalizes monthly cycle(which really went astray to her, there were blood smears), will be the prevention of unplanned pregnancies and will slow down the development of the fibromatous node. The drug itself is not bad, available in pharmacies, the price is reasonable. But, there is one significant downside. My sister and I saw each other after 2 months and I did not immediately recognize her. She gained 7 kg in 2 months! Then she said that her libido had weakened and she became nervous. As for fibroids, there was no noticeable result in 2 months. As a result, they refused Regividon, and my sister is taking another drug.

Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, GSMU, 2010)

Oral contraceptives contain hormones that are involved in the regulation of a woman's menstrual cycle. Discharge when taking birth control pills can be normal, signal the need to change the drug, or indicate a health problem.

When discharge should not cause concern

With the intake of contraceptive tablets according to the instructions, menstrual flow does not stop. They still make themselves felt every month, but their frequency becomes clear (28 days exactly), and the intensity is moderate.

A daub may be observed on any day of the cycle at the very beginning of taking contraceptives, indicating a restructuring of the body.

Natural acyclic bleeding should have the following characteristics:

  • duration of episodic discharge up to 3 months;
  • a small amount (2-3 daily pads per day);
  • brown or red color (see photo).

This phenomenon does not require the abolition of the course or the replacement of the contraceptive. It is enough to wait for the stabilization of the reproductive system and getting used to the new conditions.

The protective (contraceptive) function of the drug does not decrease if a woman periodically bleeds. It is important to stick to the pill regimen without missing a day, and then such secretion will not be considered a side effect.

Read in one of our articles what else could be the reasons.

How long can bleeding last?

When taking hormonal pills, obvious spotting occurs for the first three months in 40% of women. This secretion is a consequence of the contraceptive effect. This is how long it takes the reproductive system to adapt to changes in hormonal balance. And only 10% of the interviewed patients noted meager blood marks on daily routines for six months.

Material violations in the form of spotting after OK were diagnosed only in 5% of women. The secretion with the blood continued to persist even after multiple changes of drugs, so the pills had to be abandoned, and also undergo an examination in the hospital.

The duration of the adaptation period to oral contraceptives increases due to the following factors:

  • age;
  • instability of the hormonal background;
  • too low a dose of hormones;
  • the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • skipping pills;
  • violation of instructions;
  • various diseases of the reproductive system;
  • Wrong type OK.

Why does this symptom occur?

In each period of the monthly cycle, the body produces a certain amount of different sex hormones, the doses of which are responsible for various processes (ovulation, menstruation, etc.). Against the background of taking OK, synthetic hormonal components may simply not be enough to block the natural content of estrogens and progestogens. Therefore, the body needs several months to get used to such doses. While the adaptation period lasts, the endometrium is partially rejected, causing the appearance of spotting when taking hormonal contraceptives.

There are other reasons for the presence of blood in the vaginal fluid, which should be considered depending on:

  • cycle phases;
  • type of oral contraceptive;
  • serial number of the tablet (end, beginning of the package).

Influence of cycle time

When more than three months have passed since the start of the course, and when taking contraceptives, a specific period of the monthly cycle is noted, there is no need to immediately suspect a pathology. Minor bleeding may begin due to the peculiarities of the hormonal background or the tablets themselves.

After menstruation

If a woman took a break after the blister (21 tablets) or ended taking the placebo pills (28 tablets per plate), then the uterus can be cleansed for two to three days. The blood clots remaining inside after menstruation come out and appear.

They also occur due to too low a dose of estrogen, which, unlike progesterone, stops the rejection of the uterine lining. It is necessary to choose another drug, but before that you should consult a doctor, you cannot drink other oral contraceptives of your own choice and desire.

At ovulation

The following factors can provoke when taking contraceptives:

  • lack of synthetic estrogens;
  • lack of gestagen;
  • natural processes.

When taking OCs ("mini-pills"), the egg develops and exits the follicular sac, causing a small amount of blood in the cervical fluid.

After ovulation

The most common cause of discharge with blood before menstruation after taking modern methods contraception is a lack of progestogen. It is still impossible to exclude pregnancy when the order of the pills was violated or a day was missed (bloody secretion on the 6-12th day after ovulation).

And there are also situations when a woman, instead of menstruation, notes brown discharge when taking OK. Natural progesterone rises after ovulation, preparing the body for expected menstrual bleeding. When the hormone is not enough, the endometrium is not rejected in time, causing a delay. But if you take Jess or other microdosed contraceptives, then instead of menstruation, pseudo-menses may appear. In the most neglected cases, the woman's cycle goes astray, so there is no monthly bleeding. Read about in the article at the link.

Bloody discharge when taking birth control pills can sometimes be observed by girls using contraceptives to prevent unwanted menstruation. A break before a new pack of pills, in this case, is not done, but the next plate starts immediately. In most cases, menstruation does not begin, however, spotting may occur. They are slightly larger in volume, but do not have signs of bleeding. You can understand this by feeling and laying. It can bleed so much that the hygienic product becomes unusable in an hour, weakness, dizziness are felt. This is a direct indication of a pathology or hormonal disorder.

Adaptation never ends

The cause of a prolonged daub against the background of taking OK may be a violation of the rules for using a contraceptive or the fact of an incorrectly selected remedy. This justifies the side effects. Oral contraceptives are considered safe for a woman's health, and a negative reaction in the form of blood secretions is caused by a lack of a dose of one or another hormone.

This situation is well seen on the example of a specific stage of the course:

  1. First tablets. At the beginning or half of the package, bleeding may be due to a lack of estrogen in the preparation. If you need to stop using OK, but it is advisable to consult a doctor and drink the plate to the end.
  2. Remaining packaging. From the middle of the total number of tablets to the end of the package, spotting may begin due to the too low content of the progestogen component. And also the gestagen itself may not be suitable, therefore, the selection of another oral contraceptive is required, but it is impossible to abruptly stop using the old remedy, otherwise there is a risk of bleeding and other side effects.

Course termination

The appearance of discharge after the abolition of contraceptives is allowed for several months. Everything will depend on the ability of the female body to restore its own hormonal levels. But bleeding should not be systematic, otherwise you can not do without a medical examination.

Read what should be in the article by clicking on the link.

After the end of the course, secretion with blood may appear in one or two days. It resembles a daub and does not cause a woman much discomfort. Sometimes a woman's body reacts more strongly to stopping the use of OK, so more abundant discharge due to a sharp drop in hormone levels is not ruled out.

After how many months after OK, the reproductive system will cease to allocate pseudo-monthly?

In almost half of the women who decide to cancel a course of contraception, the smearing vaginal secret with blood disappears after 10-14 days. The following factors influence the duration of adaptation:

  1. Age. The older the woman, the slower the state of the reproductive system stabilizes.
  2. Total admission time. The shorter the course, the faster the chance of getting pregnant appears. When contraceptives have been used for many years, there is a risk that the body will be destabilized within six months or even 12 months.

Effect on menstruation

If a woman decides to stop drinking oral contraceptives, then it is necessary to prepare for the fact that there will be no heavy periods in the first few months. Monthly bleeding will become more and more over time, until the situation finally normalizes. The presence of meager pregnancy is considered normal.

After canceling OK, spotting is normal and a slight delay is acceptable. It can be caused by the following processes in the body:

  1. Gradual normalization of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Stabilization of temporary atrophic changes in the uterine mucosa.
  3. Restoring the ability of the endometrium to implant.
  4. Changes in the microflora of the vagina.
  5. Decrease in the density of cervical mucus (after a mini-pill).

While all these processes continue, the menstrual cycle will not be able to become the same.

It is necessary to sound the alarm if menstruation is absent for several months, and against this background the general condition has worsened.

Danger of abrupt interruption

You can not abruptly stop taking birth control, otherwise serious health consequences cannot be avoided. Most often, there is a longer recovery period with spotting instead of menstruation. But the most dangerous consequence abrupt cessation of the course is uterine bleeding, which requires rapid hospitalization. Therefore, doctors advise taking all the pills from the package. The exception is the diagnosis of the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • imbalance of lipid metabolism;
  • a sharp drop in vision;
  • liver problems.

Therefore, if you want to quit oral contraceptives, you should consult with your doctor so that he can choose the optimal dose reduction scheme based on a specific drug (Silhouette and others). This is the only way to avoid the withdrawal syndrome with unpleasant side effects.

Causes of heavy bleeding when taking OK

The cause of breakthrough bleeding while taking OCs may be the following:

  • taking the dose incorrectly (missing a day);
  • two pills in one day;
  • digestive problems (reduced absorption of the active substance);
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • the use of drugs that affect the central nervous system;
  • taking phytopreparations with St. John's wort;
  • a course of 63 days followed by a week break.

Special preparations (and others) will help stop the bleeding, but it is undesirable to resort to such means without consulting a doctor, the same applies to brewing herbs and others. folk recipes.

What color is the secretion?

Most women complain about the occurrence brown discharge while taking birth control pills. Such secretion normally has a smearing character and a darker shade than that of ordinary menstruation. Pink or light red discharge is also allowed when there is more natural mucus than blood due to the influence of the oral contraceptive.

White discharge with a homogeneous consistency, odorless and unpleasant sensations should also not cause concern. Their appearance is especially important after the cancellation of OK, when the body shows that the recovery period is over. Yellow and allowed, but without itching and burning.

Briefly about the main

If you started taking contraceptives, then you should not immediately suspect pathological processes and serious hormonal disruptions. This is a natural reaction of the body in the first three months. The reason for going to the hospital is a protracted adaptation period, severe bleeding and a sharp deterioration in general well-being.