Repairs are being or are being made. Current repair - what is it and what does it include? Necessary tools and materials

Now it's 18:13. At this time, you can make repairs related to noise. It must be completed at 19:00 (after 00 hours 46 minutes). If the repair is in a new building, then the work on general rule you can continue until 23:00.

See below for other exceptions!

7. Noise Fixing Order

Exceeding the maximum permissible noise level as a violation of the norms aimed at ensuring the sanitary well-being of the population should be fixed properly (a measurement protocol was drawn up by the laboratory of Rospotrebnadzor, and on its basis - a conclusion). Such a conclusion drawn up by an authorized organization within of the relevant case of an administrative offense, is the basis for bringing the guilty person to administrative responsibility in connection with the violation of sanitary legislation (see above - the procedure for bringing to administrative responsibility). And here certain difficulties arise. As you know, the Methodological Guidelines (MUK 4.3.2194-07) “Noise level control in residential areas, in residential and public buildings and premises” (PDF) are currently in force. Particular attention should be paid to paragraph 1.19 of the document. According to the paragraph mentioned:

Methodical instructions. MUK 4.3.2194-07. Extract.

“1.19. The procedure for sanitary and epidemiological expertise (assessment) does not apply and measurements are not carried out in relation to noise caused by:

Natural and accidental phenomena;
- the behavior of people, their violation of silence and public peace in residential buildings and on the adjacent territory (the operation of sound-reproducing equipment; playing on musical instruments; the use of pyrotechnics; loud speech and singing; performance by citizens of any domestic work; carrying out manual loading and unloading operations; abrupt closing of doors in the absence of a closer, etc.);
- giving of sound signals and operation of sound security and alarm;
- emergency rescue and emergency repair work, work to prevent and eliminate the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and other emergencies that are not of a regular or planned nature, including when removing snow and ice;
- normal life activity of people, including noise penetrating from other premises;
- holding mass events (rallies, street processions, demonstrations, etc.);
- holding divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies within the framework of the canonical requirements of the respective confessions.

It seems that when the source of noise during the repair work in daytime are the cases mentioned in paragraph 1. 19, fixing the relevant violation, taking into account the totality circumstances maybe be carried out by the competent authorities on an "as is" basis with the involvement of witnesses and be qualified as a violation of public order (the competence of the police), and not the norms aimed at ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population (the competence of Rospotrebnadzor), which, as can be understood, is largely measure complicates the fight against noise during the daytime, to say the least, does not leave much chance for attempts to counteract its adverse effects during the daytime. Agree, it is difficult to prove that such noise is, for example, a manifestation of disrespect for society that took place in public place.

In other words, this kind of limitation virtually eliminates the possibility of attributing intermittent "noise from repairs" to a violation sanitary legislation.

By clicking on the link you can get acquainted with the "remarkable" experience of the application of the capital's law on silence at night by the police.

8. Law of the Moscow region on silence - 2016

12/01/2016 — On December 1, during the 9th meeting, the Moscow Regional Duma adopted in the third reading amendments to the Law “On Ensuring Peace and Quiet for Citizens on the Territory of the Moscow Region”.

According to the adopted changes, it will be prohibited to carry out noisy repair work and redevelopment of premises from 19.00 to 9.00. And on Sundays and holidays, you can’t do high-profile repairs around the clock.

At the same time, norms have been in force in the region until now, according to which it is forbidden to make noise on weekdays from 21.00 to 8.00 - it was about any kind of noise. The changes adopted today relate specifically to the noise from the repair - singing or watching TV at high volume, etc. are not included in the set time frames.

The law also establishes a “grace period of silence” for new buildings: here, repair work according to the “old” norms (that is, from 8.00 to 21.00) can be carried out within six months after the delivery of the house.

The Law also specifies the composition of actions related to the redevelopment of premises that violate the peace and quiet of citizens. Such actions are proposed to include work in non-residential premises that are not the common property of the owners in an apartment building.

Amendments to the law of the Moscow Region on silence were officially published on the portal of the Government of the Moscow Region on December 14, 2016 (law card). They come into force 10 days after their publication. Thus, the new rules apply in the Moscow region starting from December 25, 2016. Until this date, the following provisions apply:

From March 22, 2014, the issues of protecting the peace and quiet of citizens in the Moscow region are regulated by two legislative acts: a new law 2014 of the year (), which answers questions, what And when should be protected, and the old law 2008 year (), which in the new edition sets sanctions for violations of the provisions of the first and the procedure for their application. In the new edition, it was called "On administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of ensuring peace and quiet of citizens on the territory of the Moscow Region.

In the Moscow region, the violation of peace and quiet of citizens is not allowed:

  • from 21.00 before 8.00 hours in weekdays days (from Monday to Friday inclusive);
  • from 22.00 before 10.00 hours on weekends Saturday, Sunday) And non-working holidays days;
  • from 13.00 before 15.00 hours daily (" quiet time») — only in apartments and common areas in apartment buildings; residential buildings; living quarters and common areas in dormitories (art. 3, paragraph 1 of Law No. 16/2014-OZ), if such a violation is caused by the use sound reproducing and sound amplifying devices(Article 4, part 1, paragraph 1) or by carrying out work on repair and/or redevelopment(reconstruction) of residential premises (noise from the construction site does not fall under this restriction), (Article 4, Part 1, Clause 4).

see also: card of the law dated 07.03.2014 No. 16/2014-OZ on the website of the Moscow Regional Duma; official publication of the text of this law on the pages of the Internet portal of the Government of the Moscow Region (in MS Word format).

9. Final provisions (as of 12/24/2011)

So, let's summarize our research on the question of what time it is possible to make repairs in the apartment. Unless otherwise provided by the regulations in force in a particular house, → in the premises of the apartment, it is necessary to carry out all in all daily from 7.00 to 23.00, i.e. in the daytime (Moscow). Previous restrictions on the time for repairs during redevelopment (from 9 am to 7 pm, as well as a ban on work on weekends) from December 1, 2011 do not apply in connection with the introduction of a new regulation for coordinating the reorganization in Moscow - as a result, for cases of maintenance, the remainder is valid only the capital's "law on silence at night" (however, it is still possible to counteract illegal redevelopment, if any - see). In the daytime, exceeding the noise level should be attributed to a violation of sanitary legislation (until Moscow daytime noise not classified as an attack on peace and quiet). However, for its fixation and drawing up a conclusion, it is required that such noise has constant nature (for example, the operation of elevator or ventilation equipment), and the subject of the offense was the person specified in the sanitary rules. A short-term excess of the maximum noise levels (in particular, noise during the repair of an apartment) is not subject to fixation and, as a result, cannot be the basis for bringing to administrative responsibility (here: for Moscow; other rules apply in a number of regions of the Russian Federation). At present, it is possible to file a complaint in connection with the work involving increased noise to the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor (in case of violation of the regulations dignity. - epidemiological well-being), internal affairs ( disturbing peace and quiet), as well as the Department of Natural Resources.

If you have any questions - write! We will try to answer them.

Make repairs

Make repairs

repair, renovate, mend, mend, renovate, mend

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

See what "repair" is in other dictionaries:

    PRODUCE, I will produce, you will produce, past. temp. produced, produced; produced, sov. (to produce). 1. what. Do, do, do. Make experience. Make a calculation. Make repairs. Carry out excavations. Make an arrest... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    repair- 3.10 repair: A set of operations to restore serviceability and operability, restore the technical resource of the EPS or its constituent parts. Source: GOST R 52278 2004: Electric rolling stock mono ...

    produce- impress to make an action to make a favorable impression action to make a great impression action to impress action to make state registration action to make a replacement action ... ...

    repair- do repair action finish repair action, end repair action, indirect object repair action, indirect object, start repair action, subject to carry out overhaul action… … Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Repair of drainage facilities.- 4.02.4. Repair of drainage facilities. Heads and fast currents to be repaired should be cleaned of all foreign objects and then repair all leaks and damage to the structure. A source … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    produce- I lead /, you lead; produced, conducted /, lo /; produced/dshiy; produced; den, dena /, deno /; St. see also produce, produce, produce, produce… Dictionary of many expressions

    I lead, you lead; past produced, led, lo; incl. past produced; incl. suffering past produced, den, den, den; owl., transl. (non-sov. to produce). 1. Make, commit. Fire a shot. Make a calculation. Make experience. Produce… … Small Academic Dictionary

    Exist., m., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? repair what? repair, (see) what? repair what? renovation, what? about repair 1. Repair is the correction of damage, breakdowns, flaws in any structure, device, etc. Small, ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

In any apartment building there are such engineering systems as heating, water supply, sewerage, etc. And sooner or later there is a need to repair these systems. Repairing risers is a difficult, nerve-wracking, and expensive job that is best done as planned. But there are situations when it is necessary to carry out this work urgently. For example, if a pipe burst or a small leak appeared. And in such cases, a lot of questions arise, the answers to which need to be received as quickly as possible. These are questions about how legal side, for example: “At whose expense is the repair of the riser paid?”, And technical: “How are the pipes replaced?”.

Let's start with a detailed consideration of the legal aspects.

Who and at whose expense should carry out the repair of the riser?

Planned replacement of risers should be carried out at least once every 25 - 35 years. Risers are part of the general house communication, if they have become unusable as a result of aging, then their repair and payment should be made by the management company, because the monthly rent includes the amount that should go to the maintenance of risers, pipes and other components of engineering systems. In the event that the tenants of an apartment decide, on their own whim or as a result of improper operation, to repair the riser, then they must pay at their own expense.

As for municipal houses, they are the property of the city administration, therefore, the repair of risers in municipal apartments is carried out at its expense. If repair work is necessary, you need to write an application and send it to the administration of the city or district, and they, in turn, send a request for repairs to the management company.

If engineering systems requiring repair are privatized, then this repair will have to be paid for by all residents of the house.

Well, and, of course, if the house is private, then no one except its owner should bear the cost of repairing any engineering systems. Therefore, the owner himself must look for workers who will carry out repairs and pay for their work.

If the persons responsible for the condition of the risers of a particular engineering system strive to evade their duties, then there are two ways to solve the repair problem:

  1. First, you can write a statement and send it to the management company, if there is no reaction to it, then you can send a complaint to the housing department. Most often, these measures are enough, but if the problem is still not resolved, then you can go to court. This process is quite long and requires a lot of patience and strong nerves.
  2. Buy necessary materials and pay for the work of a plumber out of “your own pocket”. This method is more expensive, but at the same time faster and easier.

Repair of risers in an apartment building

Necessary tools and materials


In order to determine what materials you will need to repair the risers, it is better to seek advice from the management company to which your house belongs. You should not choose the material yourself, as this can lead not only to unnecessary spending of your finances, but also to the occurrence of malfunctions in the system being repaired.


During the repair process, you will need the following set of tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • perforator;
  • nail puller;
  • polyethylene;
  • grinding machine;
  • protective equipment: gloves, goggles, mask;
  • building level.

Stages of work

Regardless of which engineering system relates to the riser, its repair will consist of the following steps:

  1. dismantling of old equipment;
  2. installation of a new one;
  3. wiring connection.

Let us consider in more detail the processes of changing risers of different engineering systems.

Heating riser repair

When repairing a heating riser, it is better to replace the entire span, that is, for neighbors from above and below. Repair is carried out in the following stages:

  1. The first step is to block the riser and drain the water.
  2. Next, the pipes are dismantled. This is done by cutting them out with a grinder, and then extracting them from the floor slabs.
  3. The next step is to install the batteries. To do this, on the wall indicate the place where they will be installed. Then, using the building level, they fix the battery in such a way that it stands perfectly level. Fastening is carried out using a perforator. The upper and lower parts of the battery are connected to the neighboring system.
  4. The next stage is the direct installation of the riser. The installation method depends entirely on the material from which the pipe is made. Most often, the welding method is used in the heating system.
  5. Next, the battery is connected to the pipe.

    Advice ! it would be useful to install a jumper, with which, in case of an emergency, you can block separate plot heating and do not turn off the entire system.

  6. The last step is to fill the system with water.

Water riser repair

Modern water supply systems most often consist of plastic polyethylene pipes, because they are easy to install, have a long service life and rarely become clogged.

Repair steps:

  1. Overlapping the riser and draining the water.
  2. Dismantling of the old system. Before starting work, it is worth drawing up a wiring diagram, otherwise, after the dismantling is completed, you will have to draw up a new pipe layout plan.
  3. Pipe preparation right size and marking their locations. Marks are made in the places where the mounting clips will be installed. Pipes are cut into pieces of the desired length. Docking places are cleaned and degreased.
  4. Joint welding. At this stage, a welding machine with a Teflon nozzle is needed, which must be heated to a temperature of 250 degrees. When welding, the fitting and pipes are simultaneously fitted, which are connected to the mark that was set in advance. All nodes are soldered in a similar way.
  5. Connection of the riser with neighbors using a coupling. If the pipe material in your apartment is different from the neighbor's, use a special adapter.

Repair of the riser of the sewer system

Repair of the sewer riser should be done with the passage of the floor between floors, because these places are the most vulnerable in this system. If this is not possible, then a tie-in is made from the ceiling to the floor.

Stages of repair of a sewer riser:

  1. Dismantling: on each floor, a hole is made around the pipe, through which, starting from the top, the old pipes are pulled out.
  2. Next, install a new sewer system starting from the bottom.
  3. Sewer pipes are inserted into each other and fixed with a rubber ring, which compresses them tightly and prevents them from separating.
  4. The highest point of the sewer riser should be located in the attic.

Attention ! Do not repair the sewer riser in the apartment yourself, this can lead to damage to the entire sewer system of the house. This is especially true of cast-iron sewers, which are of considerable weight, which complicates the repair process. It is better to entrust this work to plumbers!

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the process of replacing risers in more detail by watching the video below:

Carrying out repairs in an apartment, as a rule, is accompanied by sounds from working with a hammer, puncher, drill and other necessary tools.

In order for the neighbors not to suffer from the noise generated, the owners of the premises being repaired in an apartment building must comply with the norms established by law.

After all, many urban residents have the opportunity to relax only in their own apartment. How, then, is it necessary to carry out repair work without creating discomfort for citizens living in neighboring apartments?

Definition of concepts

On average in the country during the daytime, the highest indicator of a short-term noise level should be no more than 60 decibels, at night - up to 45 decibels.

As for constant noise, during the day it can be equal to no more than forty, and at night - up to thirty decibels.

For example, the sound of a quiet whisper reaches thirty decibels, a car engine - forty, a working vacuum cleaner - seventy. The raised tones during a quarrel are seventy-five decibels; in a jet aircraft, the noise level corresponds to one hundred and forty decibels. For human hearing, sound from 120 to 130 dB is considered a pain threshold. The presence of people during such a sound for more than fifteen minutes can cause physical and mental disorders of their body.

A drill during operation reproduces a sound equal to at least ninety decibels, a hammer drill has a noise level of one hundred and ten or more decibels. The operation of these tools violates the rules regarding neighbors in an apartment building. Noise-suppressing devices are used to avoid causing discomfort to other residents of the house.

Legislative regulation of the issue

When carrying out repairs, legal regulations must be observed. According to the sanitary and epidemiological requirements governing the rules for living in apartment buildings, a certain sound level is allowed, and it must be no more than forty decibels. This condition provided for all regions of the Russian Federation.

IN Housing Code human rights are prescribed for the implementation of repair work. According to its legislative acts introduced time limits when it is possible to make repairs to premises in residential buildings.

The procedure for the implementation of such types of work governed by state regulations:

  1. Federal Law No. 52, which provides for permissible hours when an increase in the degree of sound is permissible.
  2. In accordance with Government Decree No. 354 and No. 58, indicating the limits of loudness in the construction and restoration of premises.
  3. Sanitary standards: 2.2.4 /
  4. The Civil Administrative Code establishes measures of violations and liability for repair work.

Time limits

In many subjects of the Russian state there are rules in relation to the noise level:

Continuous noisy operation should not last more than six hours. If much more time is required, for example, a day, be sure to enter a break, lasting from one hour.

For some regions of Russia, it is possible to carry out repairs in the apartment until eight o'clock in the evening, the use of combustible substances - only on weekdays until four in the afternoon. In certain cities of our country, it is formally allowed to carry out repair work on premises belonging to residential apartment buildings on Saturdays. But if such an activity creates a loud sound, it is allowed to be carried out only from nine o'clock in the morning.

By law, night hours start at 23.00 in the evening and end in the morning at seven o'clock. No noise is allowed during this time. Only a quiet conversation with a volume indicator not exceeding thirty decibels is allowed. Accordingly, at night, it is impossible to carry out repair work, assemble furniture, as well as other construction and reconstruction activities.

Measures applied to violators

Loud behavior in the apartment is suppressed by internal organs.

When the police officers establish the fact that the violator a fine is charged, the size of five hundred rubles. If the perpetrators for the second time do not comply with the rules of silence in a residential building established by law, they are penalized in an amount twice the previous one.

From an official collect one and a half thousand rubles, and for a repeated violation, the amount of the fine can be ten thousand rubles. Legal entities may face from ten to thirty thousand rubles forfeit.

On the organization, subject to evidence of a violation of silence, may impose a fine in the amount of ten to twenty thousand rubles or suspend activities for three months.

In conclusion, the article can summarize the results of the repair work in apartments located in an apartment building. Every individual or business should be aware of legal hours and noise levels before making repairs to the premises. In such cases, you should take into account the rest time of the neighbors, because it can be different: for the elderly, young children, working citizens. Residents nearby must be warned about the upcoming work, when and how they will be carried out, so as not to disturb their peace.

About the time of repair work in apartment buildings, see the following video: