Cowberry roll. Biscuit roll with lingonberry soufflé

Sausages are a product loved by many. But just boiled or fried sausages are not very interesting. Now we will tell you how to cook grilled sausages. It comes out very quickly, tasty and original. And you can serve them with almost any side dish. Although, of course, baked potatoes or mashed potatoes are best suited for them.

Grilled sausages in the microwave


  • sausages - 8 pcs.;
  • - 250 g;
  • hard cheese - 120 g.


Cut sausages lengthwise into 2 parts. We put a little grated hard cheese in the cuts and wrap each sausage in a slice of smoked brisket. We fasten the sausages with toothpicks and put them on a dish. We cook in the microwave, covering the dish with a special lid, at maximum power for 2 minutes.

Grilled sausages in the oven


  • sausages - 6 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • dill greens, red cayenne pepper - to taste.


We clean the sausages from the films (if the casing is natural, then it does not need to be removed) and cut it in half lengthwise. We heat the oven to 180 ° C and in the "Grill" mode we cook sausages until they are slightly browned and open. After that, we take out sausages and stuff them with grated cheese. Sprinkle red pepper on top and send back to the oven. Cook until cheese is completely melted. We decorate the dish with dill sprigs and serve hot to the table.

Grilled sausages in a pan


  • creamy sausages - 1 pack;
  • puff yeast dough- 500 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.


Sprinkle a work surface with flour and roll out the dough into a thin layer. We cut it into strips, which is equal to the number of sausages and wrap each of them with dough. Lubricate the sausages in the dough with a beaten egg and put on a grill pan. Cook until golden brown.

Grilled sausages in air grill



We use the air fryer tray as a frying pan and grease it with vegetable oil. Remove the film from the sausages, break the eggs and mix the sausages with the eggs. Salt to taste. You can add tomato slices if you like. At the bottom of the air grill we place a low grate and put a tray on it. At a temperature of 200 ° C, cook for 15 minutes.

Also in the air grill you can cook sausages without a baking sheet and fat. To do this, put the low grate on a pallet and cook in the same mode for 10 minutes.

For many home cooks National dishes neighboring countries are a kind of exotic mystery. This is especially true for semi-finished products found in our stores, the preparation of which can lead a novice cook to a dead end and raise a number of questions, for example, how much to fry kupaty in a pan. Today we will just look for an answer to this question, and we will also figure out how else you can cook this dish.

So, if you have never seen or tried such a dish as kupaty, then here is a little information about what this dish is. In fact, these are large sausages in a natural casing, which are made from minced meat with the addition of a large number of various spices.

In our stores, you can find two varieties of this meat dish - chilled and frozen kupaty. We will now discuss the latter in more detail.

Do I need to defrost kupaty and how to prepare them for frying

Frozen kupaty are stored longer, and therefore it is in this form that this product can be found most often. Before cooking, they must be thawed.

  • If you want to keep the juiciness and structure of the meat, then shift the kupaty from freezer refrigerator in its main compartment. So the defrosting process will go smoothly, so that all the taste properties of the product will remain unchanged.
  • More fast way- Defrost kupaty at room temperature. This usually takes several hours. This option is optimal.
  • Express defrosting involves immersion in warm water. So they can be cooked quite quickly, but often in this case the product loses its taste.

You should pay special attention to the fact that you should not cook a frozen product without first defrosting, just as you should not use a microwave. The fact is that the natural shell most often does not withstand sudden changes in temperature and bursts.

How long does it take to fry kupaty in a pan

So, after your product has gone through the defrosting process, it should be cooked. The most convenient way to do this, of course, is to use a frying pan, although initially kupaty are intended for cooking on a barbecue or a fire.

There are also several options here, which we will talk about in a little more detail.

  • First and most best way- boil the kupaty a little before sending them to the pan. To do this, bring water to a boil in a saucepan, immerse kupaty in it and cook for about 5 minutes. After that, we take out the product with tongs (do not use a fork) and fry over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Then turn on the maximum heat and fry for a couple more minutes.
  • The second option is to cook kupaty directly in the pan. To do this, put the sausages in a bowl and pour quite a bit of water. We set the fire to medium and, turning the sausages all the time, we wait for the complete evaporation of the moisture. After that, pour in the oil and fry in the same way as the previous method.
  • Not a very good way, which, however, will save your time, is to make two punctures with a needle or a toothpick in a kupat shell. Such a product can be immediately spread on a frying pan with oil and fry for 10-15 minutes, constantly turning over. Part of the juice will be lost and the kupaty will turn out not so juicy.
  • Some chefs also cut kupaty into small pieces and fry them in this way. This option, of course, has the right to exist, but when it is used, the main feature of kupat is lost - their juiciness.

The need for pre-cooking lies in the fact that under the influence of boiling water, the shell adheres more tightly to the meat filling. This eliminates the possibility of damage to the natural casing during the frying process.

How many minutes are kupaty fried in a grill pan

Undoubtedly, at home, using a grill pan for cooking kupat is the most successful choice. Thanks to the cast-iron assistant, the sausages will be ready in a few minutes, and they will also acquire characteristic beautiful stripes.

To begin with, kupaty is dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes, while heating the pan over high heat. Then the sausages are taken out, blotted with a paper towel, greased with vegetable oil and spread in a pan.

After that, it is necessary to fry each sausage for 3-4 minutes on all sides, until characteristic brown stripes form.

How many kupats are prepared in other ways

Speaking of kupats, one cannot fail to mention other ways of preparing this dish, in addition to the frying pan.

  • If you are cooking sausages on a grill or a fire, then first you should lower the kupaty for half a minute in boiling water. After that, grease them a little with oil and fix them on the wire rack. Kupaty are fried over the coals for 15-25 minutes, at this time we must not forget that the sausages must be constantly turned over along with the grate.
  • Kupaty is cooked in the oven for about 20 minutes. The first 10-15 minutes on one side, then the sausages are turned over and baked on the other. If the stove is equipped with a grill, then in the last 5 minutes it is just used.
  • In the air grill, you can also cook kupaty, and it is very tasty to make it. It is necessary to set 180 degrees and cook the product for about half an hour.

Now you know how much to fry kupaty in a pan and not only. Remember that in the first 10-15 minutes our filling is prepared, and then, using maximum heat, we form a beautiful crust.

Good day, my dear friends. Have you ever eaten kupaty? Until recently, I didn't know what it was. From minced meat I cooked homemade cutlets or meatloaf in the oven. Now the diet of my men has replenished with new delicious dish. And this makes them very happy 🙂 Today I will tell you how to cook kupaty in a pan.

It is minced meat with lots of spices and garlic. The stuffing itself is placed in a natural casing. Outwardly, kupaty are very reminiscent of plump sausages - juicy, tender and unusually tasty. They are also called homemade sausages.

By the way, kupats come from Georgia. Here they are prepared as a worthy alternative to barbecue. But since there are adamant meat-eaters in every nation, many will like this dish. And you can make them from chicken, pork, lamb, etc.

The unique taste of kupat is given by hot spices. In addition to black pepper, suneli hops, garlic, cloves, cinnamon, cumin or cilantro are usually added here.

Another feature of true Georgian kupat is the use of pork intestine in the preparation of sausages. A collagen substitute will not work, for this you need only a natural product.

How much to fry kupaty in a pan

If you cook a frozen product, be sure to defrost it before heat treatment. To do this, transfer the "wieners" from the freezer to the refrigerator. And then hold for 30 minutes at room temperature. If you want to quickly defrost, then put them in a saucepan with lukewarm water.

How long to fry sausages depends largely on how they are cooked. Let's look at cooking options:

  1. So that the natural casing of the sausages does not burst and the kupaty acquire their characteristic shape, boil the delicacy first. It is enough to boil them for about 4 minutes. Just don't pierce! Otherwise, your juicy sausage will turn into a dry cutlet. And only then fry the kupaty over medium heat for about 10 minutes, periodically turning the sausages over.
  2. Another option is to first boil (that is, blanch) the delicacy in a pan over low heat. Add enough water to completely cover the bottom of the bowl. During the heat treatment, be sure to turn the sausages on one side or the other. When the water has completely evaporated, add a few tablespoons to the bowl. oils. Fry kupaty for 5 minutes on each side (the dish should be covered with a lid). And then cook for another 10 minutes without a lid.
  3. Frying sliced ​​​​kupats in sauce. In this case, the sauce can be the most diverse - to your taste.

If you want to get a delicacy with a delicious crust, make the fire stronger a couple of minutes before cooking. You can also spread sausages with ketchup or your favorite sauce. From this they will acquire a spicy aftertaste.

How to fry kupaty in a grill pan

How to cook kupaty with potatoes in a pan in the oven

Pre-boil the sausages in salted water. Cooking time is a couple of minutes. Then the pan with kupat is placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. In this case, they must be wrapped in foil in advance. I advise you to wrap each sausage separately with a few pieces of potatoes. It will look like you put them in a bag. 🙂 Moreover, the edges of the "bag" should be at the top.

To make the delicacy delicious, I advise you to cook the “wieners” in foil for the first 15 minutes. Then open each aluminum "pouch" and continue to bake until done. Also periodically pour sausages with fat, which is secreted by baked kupaty. So they will turn out much juicier and more tender.

How to make kupaty at home

You can also cook purchased "wieners": today buying semi-finished products is not a problem. But you must admit, friends, that home-made food is much tastier. Therefore, I want to show you how to make them yourself.

The delicacy recipe is as follows:

  • 1.5 kilos of meat;
  • 300 gr fat;
  • 2 larger onions;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 2.5-3 m of pig intestine;
  • salt + spices to your taste.

Carefully inspect the pig intestines - they should be well scraped. Never clean your intestines with a knife blade. Perform this operation with the back of a kitchen knife. Only in this way the shell will remain intact.

Turn the shells inside out and carefully peel them with a knife. Then rinse the intestines, rub them inside and out with salt and rinse again. And then soak the natural shell in water and take care of the filling.

Salo with meat finely chopped kitchen knife or pass through a meat grinder. Only in the second case, use a larger nozzle. Chop onion and garlic too. Combine everything into one mixture. Salt and add spices. Then mix the components well, add water and mix the mass thoroughly again.

Next, tie one end of the intestine, and insert a funnel into the other or put it on a special nozzle. You can do it yourself. To do this, you need a plastic two-liter bottle. Cut off the bottom of such a container. Put on the prepared natural casing on the neck. And fill the bottle itself with minced meat. Then carefully fill the shell with minced meat. From time to time, poke the intestines - this is necessary to release excess air.

And yet, do not stuff the shell very tightly with minced meat. Otherwise, during the heat treatment, the sausage will burst, as balloon. Bandage the intestine every 15 cm and start stuffing a new sausage.

That's all: homemade semi-finished products are ready. Now they can either be fried or frozen to be cooked in the future.

What is the best way to serve ready-made kupaty

Serve hot sausages. Sprinkle them with chopped cilantro on top. It goes well with such a delicacy tkemali, satsebeli and spicy adjika. And salads from fresh vegetables and pickles. And obligatory lavash. Everything is as it should be according to the "Caucasian traditions".

My dear readers, I sincerely hope that today you have learned something new and useful. Subscribe to updates, and your knowledge will increase day by day. I say goodbye to you: until we meet again, friends!

Today we will cook awesome delicious recipe grilled sausages in the oven. Sausages are a fairly simple, even "bachelor" dish, few people think about how to diversify it. However, with the help spicy sauce and a fragrant side dish - you can create a real masterpiece from sausages using a regular grill in the oven!

Grilled sausages in the oven - cooking recipe


  • sausages;
  • Red onion;
  • egg;
  • gherkins;
  • garlic;
  • spicy sauce;
  • pepper;
  • mayonnaise - 150 gr;
  • tomato ketchup;
  • potatoes;
  • bacon;
  • salt;
  • cottage cheese;
  • Dill.

How to cook grilled sausages in the oven with sauce and potatoes:

Sausages themselves, a simple and rather "uninteresting" dish. But, delicious sauce will help bring out the flavor. The first thing we need is the sauce in which we will dip the sausages. In addition, we will prepare original potatoes for a side dish, and we will have a hearty and very tasty dinner!

Preparing Sausage Sauce:

  1. If necessary, red onions can be replaced with onions, but it is the red variety that will better emphasize the taste of the sauce for sausages. Chop the onion very finely and scald with boiling water so that it does not taste bitter.
  2. Hard boil the egg and finely chop it. Dry the gherkins from the marinade and cut into cubes, they will acidify our sauce. Peel the garlic cloves until white and mince with a garlic press.
  3. Mix the prepared and chopped ingredients, add a couple of drops hot sauce, freshly ground pepper, mayonnaise and a few tablespoons of ketchup. We shift the mass into a blender, beat thoroughly. In the process, you should try for salt and spiciness, gherkins give enough salt, but if you don’t have enough, you can add salt. It is advisable to brew the finished sauce for about an hour.

Cooking potatoes for a side dish:

  1. While the sauce is infusing, let's make a side dish. Boil the potatoes in their uniforms, peel and cut into slices no more than 1 cm thick. Add a little salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Spread a teaspoon of soft curd cheese on each circle, sprinkle with dill (optional) and wrap with a raw-smoked strip of bacon.
  3. Put the potatoes on the grill at 170 degrees, fry for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the bacon, frying, will "pull" the potatoes into the castle.
  4. You can simplify your task, cook the potatoes until half cooked, wrap another 2-3 slices of whole bacon. So cooking will take less time.

Cooking sausages on the grill in the oven:

  1. Grilled sausages choose the most delicious and without cheese filling. With it, you need to remove the top film and make small cuts along the entire length of the sausage.
  2. We will cook sausages on the grill in the oven at 170 degrees with indirect frying. Sausages are prepared in just a few minutes, it all depends on the variety you choose. The deeper the cuts on the sausages, the more and more evenly they will roast on the grill in the oven.

Ready grilled sausages with potatoes in bacon can be complemented with delicious fresh salad. Ideal for this combination is a spring salad from fresh cucumbers, radishes and cherry tomatoes. Cut the radishes and cucumbers into equal slices, cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Mix salad in a bowl, season with prepared sauce, add salt and pepper.

Put the grilled sausages on a plate, next to a side dish of potatoes in bacon, and serve with salad. In a separate container, put the sauce on a hundred, it will suit both grilled sausages and potatoes.

Grilled sausage recipe video

We make kupaty, sausages, sausages and sausages at home.
How to make sausages? Where can I get the right ingredients and casing?

We are already tired of the incoming endless questions "Where to get it?", "How to do it?", "How to fry it" from users who do not work in the meat industry, so we decided to make a topic in which we will answer all the questions of culinary experts, and the Internet will help us -shop for sausages "I eat sausages".

Where to buy intestines for sausages?
- Where can I get intestines for homemade sausage?
- Where can I get the right heart?
- What caliber of shell do you need?
- Where can I get a sausage attachment?
- Where can I get nitrite salt?
- How to fry sausages so that they do not burst?
What recipes do you recommend?
- How to fill minced meat in a shell?

Summer is the time for barbecues, barbecues and sausages.
With kebabs, everything is already simple and clear, with a barbecue it’s also not difficult, but sausages require both equipment and skill.
But the most important thing, without which you can’t do without it, is the intestinal membrane and nozzle.

To cook sausages we need:
Equipment: a meat grinder with a sausage attachment (zevka) or a sausage stuffer, which is much less common in kitchens.
Ingredients: Intestinal casing, meat, salt, spices (spices).

The cooking process is not complicated, but many housewives and cooks do not prepare such delicious and traditional dishes precisely because of the absence of either the tarsus or the intestinal membrane.

Where can I get the intestinal lining?
This is the most difficult question. If you go to the market, you will find that pork or lamb casings just do not lie on the counter. Butchers do not sell guts - they buy ready-made half carcasses and simply butcher them. In order to trade intestines on the market, you need to obtain a lot of permits from veterinary services and comply, firstly, with the production of intestines and their trade, which is not easy, but simply unprofitable for the market. That's why they don't trade! You can negotiate with the butchers and ask them to bring the intestines and sell them "under the counter". Trust me - these will be artisanal guts with mucosal remnants that will not be calibrated in size (diameter). What will bring - such and will bring. There is little pleasure for a true culinary specialist from such purchases.
If professional sausage butchers from factories read me, then they can grin, remembering that the factory where they work is full of guts. I agree with them! But the removal of guts from production is a banal theft. Even 3-5 meters for friends. Yes Yes!
The most correct decision is to go to the online store of intestinal casings "I eat sausages", get acquainted with the assortment and place an order. The assortment allows you to purchase both guts and tarsals and spices, starter kits, and necessary components, which you lack to delight the household with delicious, traditional and natural food.

Which skin to choose?
The question is not simple. The choice of type and type of intestinal membrane is determined solely by the type of product that you want to receive. We will help you make the right choice!
For sausages such as "Hunting" or homemade sausages, lamb casings or an artificial protein shell in sleeves are suitable.
For sausages (kupat), pork casings of caliber are suitable, and for raw smoked or dry-cured products, beef casings.
For full-sized sausages, an artificial protein casing or natural beef or mutton bung is suitable.
I and "I eat sausages" will tell you about the types and types of casings and offer already turnkey solutions that will help diversify your table!

There is no time to twist sausages - buy ready-made ones with delivery to your home or country house (Moscow and Moscow Region).

Pork intestines are considered to be the most popular and popular type of natural casings. The thin walls of the casing make it possible not to peel the casing from sausages or homemade sausages and use it together with the product. This method is the most delicious.

Pork belly caliber 38/40
Classic natural casing for sausages (intestine), suitable for all cooking methods - frying, boiling, baking and grilling. The thin walls of this shell allow it to be eaten along with the product, fully conveying the taste of smoke and fragrant oil. Ideal for pork sausages for a picnic in nature.

You can read more about the worm at the link. Examples of recipes using this sausage casing - pork casing 38/40: recipe 1 (Simple German recipe), recipe 2 (Turkey sausages), recipe 3 (Liver pate), recipe 4 ("Ukrainian fried" sausage), recipe 5 (Chicken sausages "15 minutes"), recipe 6 (Belarusian homemade dried sausage), recipe 7 (grilled pork sausages), recipe 8 (grilled sausages with picnic cheese).

Pork belly caliber 40/42
This casing (intestine) is ideal for frying, baking, drying, grilling and boiling. This caliber is a classic in the production of sausages among most peoples of the world.
Minced meat capacity - 0.7-0.9 kg of minced meat per 1 meter of the casing.

You can read more about the worm at the link. Examples of recipes for sausages stuffed in this sausage casing - pork casing 40/42: recipe 1 (Bulgarian sausages on the grill), recipe 2 (Chicken smoked sausage with cheese), recipe 3 (Liver sausage).

Bladder pork caliber 20/25
This casing is ideal for boiled or dry-cured sausages. When drying, do not forget to use nitrite salt.

Beef casing (intestine) is the most durable type of natural casing. It is in them that home-made dry-cured sausages work best. Since ancient times, people have cooked sausages at home in beef intestines, this natural casing allows you to smoke and fry homemade sausages. From time immemorial, beef bung has been considered an ideal casing for sausages such as ham, brawn, saltison (soltison, zeldeson), and this natural casing is also considered a classic for boiled sausages (Doctor's, Amateur).

Beef casing caliber 38/40

You can read more about beef belly at the link. This shell (intestine) is optimal for dry-cured sausages, sujuk, oygos. The most durable shell of all natural. Maintains frying of sausages without preliminary blanching. An example of a sausage recipe prepared using this sausage casing - beef casing 38/40: recipe (Grilled lamb sausages).

Beef casing caliber 40/43
The most durable type of natural casing (intestine). Usually, sujuk, blood and semi-smoked sausages are stuffed into this caliber.
Here is an example of recipes using this casing for sausage - beef casing 40/43: recipe 1 (Dried homemade sausage), recipe 2 (Dried "Chorizo").

bung beef
In German cuisine, saltison is stuffed into this shell, in Russian cuisine there is an analogue - gray and red brawns. In the classic Russian version of the recipe, brawn is consumed chilled with horseradish or mustard, as an excellent appetizer for bitters and vodka.

You can read more about beef bungee at the link. Here are examples of recipes for sausages prepared using beef bungs: recipe 1 (Ham (saltison) from pork knuckle). This recipe was also a success among professional technologists. Recipe 2 (Ham homemade marbled), recipe 3 (Ham beef, lean).

Lamb intestines or as butchers call them - lamb casings are great for cooking homemade sausages or hunting sausages, grilled sausages. Smoked, boiled sausages, brawns and saltisons are excellent in lamb bung. Mince capacity of mutton bungs - from 1 to 2.5 kg in 1 piece.

Lamb casing caliber 24/26
The best casing (intestine) for thin sausages of the "Hunting" type. For frying in a pan, they are usually folded into beautiful spirals. You can read more about lamb belly at the link.
Attention! Please note that for stuffing this casing, you must use a thin nozzle for lamb casings (nozzle for meat grinder) with a diameter of 18 mm. Manually - without a forearm, it is very difficult to do this.

Examples of sausage recipes prepared using this sausage casing - lamb belly: Recipe No. 1 (Grilled lamb sausages), Recipe No. 2 (Spiral sausages Festive). Only thin minced meat is stuffed through this lantern (nozzle for lamb and sausage casing) - loosened on a grate 3-8 mm, pieces of bacon should be no more than 5 mm, otherwise the minced meat will get stuck in the lantern during stuffing, "grind" in a meat grinder and appearance will be non-standard.

Lamb bung caliber 70+
Great for chicken rolls, rolls from chopped shank, sausages from minced meat, dry-cured sausages such as sujuk, flat dried sausages, steppe kazy, rolls.

An example of sausage recipes prepared using lamb bung: recipe 1 (chopped pork ham), recipe 2 (Royal sausages).

Collagen casings are the closest type of sausage casing to natural casings.
Collagen is a connective tissue protein. All sausage collagen casings are made from beef collagen obtained from split beef hides. Collagen casings are the closest to natural casings in terms of technological and organoleptic characteristics. Collagen is used to make any casing diameters - sausage (18-26 mm), sausage (28-34 mm), sausage (36-45 mm). These shells are divided into 2 types - straight and annular (they completely repeat the appearance of the casing). You can find sausage in a collagen casing of the Belkozin type in absolutely any store in a large assortment, which indicates the popularity of the casing.

Collagen casing for sausages
The casing is a seamless ring-shaped sleeve made from high-quality split leather of cattle. In fact, this perfect option for the production of sausages in the form of rings, half rings and loaves of arched shape. This type of casing is an analogue of natural circles and beef and pork casings, and has significant advantages over them, namely: caliber stability and bacterial purity.

Collagen casing for sausages

Sausage ring protein coat
This shell is an artificial analogue of a sheep's belly. For filling, they usually use a sausage nozzle.
Made from bovine collagen. Differs in thin walls, maximally repeating the annular shape of the natural shell.

Polyamide casing for sausages is made of impervious to gases and moisture, oriented multilayer polyamide. This is the most durable type of shell. Allows you to increase the shelf life of any sausages.

Cellulose sausage casing is characterized by vapor and smoke permeability and has been used in industry for more than 40 years.
We all remember examples of the use of this casing in Soviet GOST sausages (transparent three-layer casings on Doctor's and Amateur sausages).

Sausage cellulose casing

How about in a restaurant? What's going on in the restaurant?

We read further what fits under "does not apply":

It turns out that in a restaurant you can make any sausage-sausage without obeying the regatta. In other words. how the cook considered it necessary to add nitrite salt to the recipe - so he will put it in kupaty ??? Who controls it?