Scenario of the evening in Russian "idiom". Scenario of the evening of the Russian language on the theme "if people are friends, languages ​​are friends" Scenario of the evening of the Russian language for foreign students

Scenario of the evening on the theme "Idiom"

The kids are getting ready for the evening. A colorful announcement is posted at the school: “Get ready for Idiom Night! Memorize proverbs, sayings and winged expressions! During the week, each class prepares for the evening: publishes a newspaper about the Russian language, prepares a report on phraseological units and illustrates them.

The evening is in two parts. First, the teacher introduces the concept of "idiom" to those present, in the second part of the evening, two hosts dressed in buffoon costumes hold quizzes, attractions, and charades.

Teacher: Hello guys! I'm glad to see you at our party tonight. It seems to me that many of you want to find out as soon as possible what an idiom is, because you have not heard this word in Russian lessons.

You are all familiar with many expressions such as beat the buckets, work carelessly, run headlong, sit in a galosh, hold a stone in his bosom, and the like. These expressions are called idioms or phraseological units. An idiom is an indecomposable, stable combination of words that form a single whole, figurative and emotional. Idioms decorate speech, make it more expressive, flexible, beautiful, labeled. The presence of a large number of idioms in the language indicates its richness and development. Idioms, as a rule, are figurative in nature and are used in a figurative sense. Idioms include proverbs and sayings, for example: Live and learn; do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf; measure seven times, cut once, etc. This also includes popular expressions created by masters of the word - writers, for example: and Vaska listens and eats; evil tongues are worse than a gun, a man in a case, etc. Idioms contain folk wisdom, they decorate the language and testify to its wealth and strength.

Break. The music is playing and the kids can dance.

Second part of the evening.

First host: Each class receives the task: to determine the meaning of phraseological units. What word replaces the phraseological units of each group?

    Two pair of boots, smeared with the same world, made from the same dough, acorns from the same oak. The soul goes into the heels, the hamstrings are shaking, the hair stands on end, the blood runs cold.

    At the end of the world, in the middle of nowhere, God knows where, where the raven did not carry bones. The apple has nowhere to fall, nowhere to put the needle, nowhere to turn around, nowhere to stand up or sit down.

Second host: You prepared messages about the origin and meaning of the proposed phraseological units, to tell in your own words. (Go to the fire, run in; put a pig; tobacco business; Anika the Warrior and others). The guys are giving messages.

First presenter: What idioms do you know with the word UM? ( Take on the mind, out of your mind, survive out of the mind, in your mind, instruct the mind, it came to mind, spread the mind, go crazy, the mind goes beyond the mind; mind incomprehensible).

Who will be the last to name a phraseological unit with the word HEAD ( Hit in the head; take it to your head; get out of your head; lather your head; head is spinning; turn your head; like snow on the head; from a sick head to a healthy one; hang your head; puzzle over; from head to toes; to lose one's head, to be a head above, to give one's head to be cut off).

Second host: Read the joke dialogue. What is its feature?

Head to toe

Once I was with him on a short leg. But one day (he got up on his left foot, or what?) He climbed up to me to fight. I'm all the way home. Barely took his legs. But now not a foot to him. He won't have my leg anymore!

Yes, he is behaving badly. We should take it in our hands. And give him a hand. To know: do not let your hands free! And then - I will give my hand to cut off - he will immediately stop dissolving his hands.

No doubt - hot head! But if we agreed with him, on our own head, now we are responsible for his behavior with our head. I don't know yet what we should do first (my head is spinning), but I think it's not worth hanging your head. I vouch with my head that together we will always be able to lather his head!

(There are 22 phraseological units in this text with the words foot, hand, head).

First presenter: Replace the highlighted words with idioms.

At our Ivan Vasilievich's lesson be careful! Yura is the main teacher's assistant. "World of Adventures" all the time with the guys; passes from one to another. Seeing his comrade, Petya ran headlong towards him.

Reference: Keep your ears open. Right hand. From hand to hand. I break my head.

Second presenter: Find for each phraseological unit in the left column the opposite in meaning in the right.

Wear on your hands

With an open mind

Live with your hump

Keep a stone in your bosom

To sit on someone else's neck

Keep tight-lipped

Lasy to sharpen

Get water in your mouth

Keep eyes open

Hands down

Sit in one's hands

Take in hand

Get out of hand

Fifth to tenth

Shout all over Ivanovskaya

Keep your mouth shut

First presenter: Each class prepared small scenes depicting the content of an idiom that the audience would have to guess. Each idiom should be represented by three scenes: one shows its use, the other shows its figurative character, and the third shows its origin. ( Work carelessly, stun someone, it's in the bag, pull the gimp, shout at the whole Ivanovo, on the thief and the hat is on fire, and others).

Second host: This hand-drawn letter was sent to their grandmother by a seven-year-old brother and sister. The letter has very strange drawings. What do you think?

Dear grandmother! Come and help us, we don't know what to do. Yesterday the teacher told my mother that Goga and I had completely screwed up. I - tear off your head, and Goga is lame in mathematics. Olga Ivanovna also said that this is because the parents have let go of the reins, and we are undermining their authority. But the teacher opened her parents' eyes, and she told us to pull ourselves up and pull ourselves together. We decided to straighten both of us and uproot our shortcomings. Grandma, what will happen now? Come! Lelya and Goga.

First host: And so our evening came to an end. Count your tokens received in contests. Congratulations to the winners!

(The most active participants are awarded sweet prizes).

We hope that tonight at the evening you learned a lot about phraseological units, memorized them and enriched your speech. We look forward to seeing you all next evening. See you soon!

Development of an extracurricular event in the Russian language

"Evening of the Russian language"

Theme night: "I love my native language

Performed: Brykova L.N.,

teacher of Russian language

and literature

MBOU "Mineevskaya OOSh".

Explanatory note.

Linguistic KVN "I love my native language!" is a report of the Russian language circle about its work. Students in grades 5-6 can participate.

Preparation is divided into four stages:

1) choose the name of the team and the motto;

2) prepare a greeting to the jury, fans, teacher.

4) choose a team captain.

Linguistic KVN consists of such competitions: “Show the sentence”, “Etymological dictionary”, “Add a syllable to the word”, “ Plural”, “Name a couple”, “Patters”, “Telegram”, “Story with one letter”, “Synonyms and antonyms”, competition of captains.

KVN duration- 30 - 40 minutes.

This scenario was compiled on the basis of the material from the book "Subject Week of the Russian Language at School" by S.V. Vodolazskaya.

I believe that extracurricular work in the Russian language is an integral part of all educational work at school and is subordinated to the general goals of education and upbringing of students. It is necessary to understand the need to strengthen the role of the Russian language in the assimilation of all knowledge by students in general, to strengthen its fundamental significance for general education and development. On the part of the schoolchildren themselves, there is also a growing interest in the word, the desire to correctly and expressively build their speech. After all modern society we need active, quick-witted, sane, resourceful people capable of non-standard solutions, of compromises. Students must be able to cope with life's problems. This event should arouse children's interest in the Russian language, contribute to a better assimilation of the rules. I chose the form of conducting - (KVN), because I am sure that the material of the lesson is better remembered in the game. KVN is an exciting and widely educational event. KVN is prepared in advance and has a massive impact on students.

Target: to activate the mental activity of students.


1. deepen and expand the knowledge of students received in the classroom;

2. improve the general language culture;

3. arouse interest in the Russian language as an academic subject;

4. instill love for the great Russian language.

Methods: practical, playful, explanatory - reproductive, partially - search.

Cabinet layout: posters with the words of famous writers about the Russian language, computer presentation.

I love my mother tongue!

It is clear to everyone

He is melodious

He, like the Russian people, is many-sided,

He is the language of the moon and planets,

Our satellites and rockets...

Event plan:

introduction teachers.

Command presentation.

Holding contests.


Judging system: librarian, high school students.

Before the start of the KVN, tables and chairs for the participants must be set up.

It sounds like a beautiful tune. Guests pass through invitation cards, are seated.

Event progress.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Today we have an unusual evening. We hold KVN for young philologists. There are two teams: teams from 5-6 classes. They have a tough fight ahead of them. The team that does the best in all tasks wins.

(Teams are invited to the stage).

2. Presentation of teams, first competition.

In it, teams must submit the following:

Your name;


Team song;

Greetings to the teacher;

Greetings from the jury;

Greetings to opponents;

Greetings to the fans;

Warm up.

1. What word consists of three syllables and indicates 33 letters? ( az - bu - ka).

2. Which words have a hundred consonants? (one hundred - l, one hundred - n, one hundred - g).

3. What part of the word can be found in the ground? (root).

4. In which verb is “no” heard a hundred times? (one hundred - no).

5. How big house make small? (add the suffix "ik": house-ik).

Contest "Show me an offer"

In each team, roles (members of the sentence) are distributed: one student is the subject, the other is the predicate, etc. Those who wish can be different parts of speech - adjective, adverb, punctuation marks. Each student should prepare a small table with the names of parts of speech or sentences. You have 30 seconds to make. Then you need to attach the plate to the clothes.

The facilitator opens the book and reads the phrase chosen from there. Both teams must "depict" this offer. The team that completes the phrase first wins. In this case, she is awarded a point. There are usually several phrases, so teams have the opportunity to score several points.

In this competition, memory and speed of reactions are trained, which directly depends on direct knowledge of the subject.

Homework. Game "Funny etymological dictionary".

Moderator: At home, our players tried themselves as real etymologists and compiled small dictionaries from the words they proposed. Let's hear what they did.

The first team is offered the words: astrology, bagel, merry fellow, bungler, jeans, dope, harvest, slut, chicken coop, industry, ice cream, baking sheet, shorthand, quartering, whatnot.

Second team: mediocrity, waver, rake, decanter, drape, jargon, title, monster, record player, sheet, seedling, nipple, swift, yarrow, chores.

Competition "Add a syllable to the word."

Players line up in two lines - opposite each other. The player of the first team says a syllable to the opponent standing opposite; the opponent, in turn, must complete the syllable to a word and say the syllable to the player from the first team. Then the second pair of players exchanges similar syllables and words, and so on down the chain.

The competition is for speed.

Teacher at the branch of MBOU Inyakinskaya sosh, located in the village of Tarnovo

This extra-curricular event can be held as a repetition of the Russian language course in grades 5-8, as well as a holiday dedicated to the Russian language.


Stimulate interest in learning the Russian language;

Create conditions for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills;

Raise respect for the Russian language.



Scene "Mysterious chest".

Vasya (enters the stage, holding a box with a parcel and shouting). Open up! Open up!

Masha: Why are you shouting Vasya?

Vasya: I'm not shouting, I'm choosing a word.

Masha: What is the word?

Vasya: What, what… Necessary!

Masha: Why do you need it?

Vasya: Why, why... To open the chest. It will not open without this word!

Masha: Why?

Vasya: Why, why... Because the chest is enchanted! My grandfather sent it to me. Didn't I tell you?

Masha: You didn't tell me anything.

Vasya: My grandfather lives in the Caucasus. Works in big - big orchard. So he sent me a chest of fruit. And the letter, and this is what is written in the letter. Listen!

She takes out a letter and reads:

“I am sending you, grandson, a wonderful chest,

In it you will find oranges, apples and tangerines.

But there is a lock on it. So that you can open it

You need to know a simple word, just say it - and you're done!

Roam in memory - maybe it will be remembered,

Just say it and the chest will open! »

Masha: Here's the thing! And you can't remember that one single word?

Vasya: Yes, I must have said a thousand words to him.

Masha: And it doesn't open?

Vasya: no way!

Masha: And you try again!

Vasya: I'll try! (To the chest) Chest, chest open quickly! Chest, chest, open immediately, this very minute! Open up, and then how ladies!

He hits the chest with his fist, hurts his hand.

Oh, oh, oh! .. Oh, you worthless piece of wood!

Masha: And I think I know what word to say in order for the chest to open.

Vasya: Why are you silent! Speak!

Masha: I'll tell you in your ear. (whispers)

Vasya: It can't be! Didn't I say that? I've said a million words.

Masha: I didn't say that. Try!

Vasya: Try? The word is something unusual for me. I didn't tell it to anyone. Well, I'll try, it wasn't... (to the chest) Chest, open... please, open! Oh, look - apples, oranges, tangerines!

Masha: You see how simple it is!

Vasya: Thank you, Masha, help yourself!

Masha: Thank you.

Leading: the word can be magical, the word can be affectionate, kind, or it can be evil and cold.

(Students reading the poem by V. Soloukhin “Word about words”)

When you want to speak a word

My friend, think, take your time.

It gets harsh

That is born from the warmth of the soul.

It curls like a lark

That copper mourning sings.

Until you weigh the word yourself,

Don't send him flying.

They can add joy

And poison people's joy,

They can melt ice in winter

And crush the stone into crumbs.

It will bestow or rob,

Let it be inadvertently, let it be joking.

Think how not to hurt them

The one who listens to you.

Host: Russian language. Russia. Russia. How much depth in these concepts! How many declarations of love are devoted to them! Here is one of them.

Artistic miniature "RUS"

Russia. Short - in one syllable of everything! - and what a spacious and mysterious word! It came to us from hoary antiquity and has remained with us forever. Scientists have expressed many considerations what it means: and which of the scientists is right and who is not, I do not know. Hand on heart, I believe that the word "Rus" has many meanings, like a great river has many tributaries.

Russia. Russians. Russia. Russians.

It does not seem to me alone that these words are related to the word "channel" (the bed of the river along which it flows).

"Mermaid" - a fabulous inhabitant of rivers and lakes with a beautiful face and a fish tail.

"Dew" and the word "dew" derived from it - abundant, "thick" dew lying in the morning on grasses or trees.

In other words, Russia is a country where there are many rivers, lakes, and a Russian is a person who lives near the water.

The word "Rus" has one more meaning, which I did not read in books, but heard them firsthand, from a living person. In the north, behind the forests, beyond the swamps, there are villages where old people speak in the old way, almost the same as a thousand years ago.

Quietly - quietly, I lived in such a village and "caught" old words.

My mistress Anna Ivanovna somehow brought a pot with a red flower into the hut. She speaks, but her voice trembles with joy.

The flower died. I brought it to Russia - and it bloomed.

To Russia? I gasped.

To Russia, falcon, to Russia. To the most that neither is Russia.

I ask carefully:

Anna Ivanovna, what is Russia?

We call the bright place Rus. Where is the sun. Yes, everything is bright, read that's what we call. A blond boy, a blond girl. Light brown rye - ripe. It's time to clean up. Never heard of it, have you?

I can't utter a word.

Russia is a bright place! Russia is a country of light.

My dear, luminous Russia, Motherland, my parent!






Game theme message. Presentation of participants. Representation of the panel of judges (in Latin - "Areopagus"). Announcement of the terms of the game.

The game consists of a prologue, several nominations and an epilogue. Team game. There are 3 tables on the playing field: green, yellow and red. The following categories are presented in the game:


Phraseology Proverbs Dictionaries




Part of Speech Names Darkroom






1 competition "Speak correctly"

Task: correct the mistakes in the poem

By the way

He said, among other things,

"More beautiful", "We want it that way",

"Leisure, driver, interest, loan,

"Above the plan we carry out",

The agent has been calling all day.

V. Mass, M. Chervinsky

Time - 1 minute.

The jury evaluates the correctness of the task (Max. - 3 points)

The facilitator reads the correct answer.

By the way

He said, among other things,

“More beautiful”, “We want it that way”,

"Leisure, driver, interest, loan,

Quarter, portfolio, bulletin,

"Above the plan we carry out",

"The agent has been calling all day."

2 competition "Eloquence Competition"

The game participants had homework: prepare a congratulation on Defender of the Fatherland Day or International Women's Day.

Criteria: originality, brevity, conciseness, expressiveness, emotionality and not in verse. (Max. - 3 points).


Vocabulary is a section of the science of language that studies the vocabulary of the Russian language.


Say in one word

· In all spirit. (Fast)

· Give a hand. (Close)

· I break my head. (Fast)

· Bite your tongue. (Shut up)

For each correct answer - 1 point (Max. 4 points)

Assignment to the audience "Tell the idiom"

1. More friendly than these two guys

You won't find it in the world.

They are usually referred to as:

... (“You won’t spill it with water”).

2. We started the town

Literally ... (along and across).

3. And we are so tired on the road,

What is barely ... (dragging their feet)

4. Fake, confuse words,

They sing ... (some in the forest, some for firewood)

5. Your friend asks furtively

Copy the answer from your notebook.

No need! After all, this is you friend

You will do ... (a disservice).


Proverbs are not in vain they say,

You can't live without them!

They are great helpers.

And true friends in life.

Sometimes they guide us

The wise give advice

Sometimes they teach

And save us from trouble.

The proverb will never break -

After all, grief is not a problem with her.

And our speech is red with a proverb!

So let's get started, gentlemen.

And now we begin the competition of experts in folk wisdom.


  • posters,
  • phonograms with Russian folk songs,
  • posters with quotes from prominent people about the Russian language.

“Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this is a treasure, this is the property left to us by our predecessors.”


“The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and roomy.”

(A. Kuprin)

1st host:(reads the statement of I.S. Turgenev about the Russian language).

“In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people.”

2- leading:

Dear lovers of the Russian language!

Throughout the evening you will solve problems in the Russian language. They do not look like mathematical ones, but the solution is not easy to find. This is understandable: perfect knowledge of the native language is a difficult task.


1. Solve the charade.

Here is my condition
Replace E with E
Change the accent.
The dishes seem to sink into the water,
The weather will be clear.

(bucket - bucket).

2. In which three-letter word can four grammatical errors be made?

(Yeshe - ischo).

3. What is the eleven-letter word that all students and even teachers misspell?

(Not right).

I am a small figurine
The dot below me is big.
If you ask what are you going to
You won't get along without me.

(Question mark).

5. Place the letters in the correct order.

Spring + rock = ... (Russian poet),

Face + pen = ... (bird),

Volume + cotton wool = ... (weapon),

Bar + juices = ... (fruit).

(Nekrasov, pelican, automatic, apricot).

6. In the grid, horizontally write six words containing “goal”.

(Head, dove, needle, corner, goldeneye, dandy).

7. Which word has forty vowels? (Forty A).

8. Solve the charade.

With m fur I devour,
I am painful
Since the actor needs me,
C is important for a cook.

(Moth, pain, role, salt).

9. How can you turn the word “chalk” into a small place, “corner” into fuel, “pole” into a number? (It is necessary to soften the final vowels. It will turn out: stranded, coal, six).

10. Solve the double charade.

Write the words that make it up first from left to right, and then vice versa. In both cases, you must form the same word.

1. 2.

From left to right:

1. Construction for the construction and repair of ships.

2. A geometric body that approximates the shape of a lifebuoy.

From right to left:

2. Part of the face.

1. System of symbols. (From left to right: 1. Doc. 2. Tor.

From right to left:

1. Code. - Doctor).

11. Which words have a hundred consonants?

(Table, stack, groan).

12. What spelling rule was discussed in the children's program “Baby Monitor”:

The chicken performed in the circus
He played the cymbals
Traveled on a motorcycle
And he knew a lot of numbers.
He pulled out of the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers.
And only one did not know
Where and, and where are you.

(Here we are talking about the rule: “The letter and after c is written in the roots of words (exception: chicken, gypsy, tsyknut, on tiptoe) and in words on

Tsia. The letter s after c is written in endings and suffixes.

13. Which day of the week has a double consonant in its name?


14. What letter must be entered in the name of the boy so that it turns into the name of wooden sticks with pointed ends?

(Kolya - stakes).

15. In what female names is a dividing soft sign written?

(In such as Aksinya, Anisya, Natalya, Fedosya, Tatiana, Ulyana).

16. What stands in the middle of the earth?

(Letter M).

17. Name the words that begin with four consonants.

(Splash, look, meeting).

18. Guess the metagram:

With to in the fields you will find me,
You will sing romances with Mr.
Braid in pigtails.

19. What word belongs only to you, and is used more often by others than by you?

(Your name?).

20. Tricky joke questions:

How to turn a big house into a small one? (Add diminutive suffix –ik: house).

How to turn an ax into a handle? (Add tool suffix -search: ax handle).

21. In one of the poems, V. Mayakovsky addresses the sun:

Than so
to come in idle
to me
would you like tea?

How many verbs are in these lines?

22. Solve an anagram:

Lantern with reflector
To light the way
At night you
You can find.
But rearrange the letters -
At one moment
Find a musical

(Fara - harp).

23. Insert a word that would be the end of the first and the beginning of the second word.

1) ME (...) OLAD (shock)

2) PRIK (...) ya (lad)

3) DUCK (...) OROG (nose)

4) KAB (...) OSHKO (bow)

5) C (...) WINDOW (thol)

6) HA (…) ARON (poppy)

1st leader.

Dear experts of the Russian language!

The whole evening we were accompanied by folk music. For centuries, the Russian people have found in songs both their joy and their sorrow. The song helped him build, defend the country, raise children. Many songs are forgotten. But folk - never! I propose to sing a few Russian folk songs together.