Sergey compatibility with female names. Sergey - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

What names are best to be friends with, communicate with, whom exactly does Sergey love? In culture, the opinion about the compatibility of the vibration of names has become widespread. Especially the compatibility of a male and female name causes the greatest interest. As if the names communicate with each other, and not people exchange energy and experience moments of happiness and anger together. Together they develop.

What is a name

The name is sound, meaning, associations. That is information and vibrations. Energy wave and information cell in the collective unconscious.

The whole amount of information with which a person identifies himself and which then presses/affects the unconscious/character/aura of a person.

The vibration-information code of the name is like a certain detail in the electrical circuit (unconscious programs and character structure). And if the part is chosen correctly, then the whole circuit becomes more powerful, it works faster.

The body no longer conducts 1 kW of energy of a certain quality, but let's say 5 kW or 10 kW. And if the name is chosen incorrectly, then the power of the whole organism is reduced to 0.5 kW, and the rate of development and achievement of goals slows down accordingly.

With the right approach to the issue, the name gives a person strength and support, it becomes a personal mantra. But the name does not speak about the whole electro-magnetic device, about me as a whole.

Name and fate

Not the name determines the fate. The name corrects in "+" or "-" the character given from birth. And either facilitates fate (improving character) or not. Therefore, for different people the same names do different things.

My name is an instrument that influences me. They call me by that name. I identify myself with the name. Etc.

Compare the comparable, not liters with volts. Compatibility is the interaction of character structures (date and place of birth, past life experience, crystallization of qualities). The name does not set the character, the name corrects the structure of the character of its owner according to unique program. Therefore, the question of the name and compatibility are questions from different planes.

Determining the number of the name

You can't tell who lives in a house by its number. Different people live there. Also behind the number of the name are hidden
dozens of names and millions of different people. On what basis can you draw a line and make a highly accurate generalization? After all, even people born on the same day and hour have different characters and destinies. And this has been proven time and time again.

And then, even if you have some observations of what qualities the carriers of one name have, you must always understand that one name paints each with its own color. A person is a multidimensional set of qualities, and it cannot be said that a person will strengthen you just by knowing his name. A clairvoyant person can determine this influence, but for him the name is just a starting point for analysis. complex design characters and auras, and not the final field of analysis.

Sergey and compatibility with female names. There are many people, but few names. The truth is even less.

It is very easy to give a general, abstract description that will contain the full potential of problems and relationships. Like the weekly horoscope in the papers. It is much more difficult to give a real assessment of the compatibility of people - what type, level, quality of compatibility.

Sergey and ANY female name - perhaps, maybe something will arise, in varying degrees of significance for you and after a while, something will change and there will already be something else. There is a possibility that this meeting will change your life or not affect it in any way.

Sergey and Adeline (noble)
Sergey and Alena (sunny)
Sergey and Alina (alien)
Sergey and Alla (selfish)
Sergei and Anastasia (resurrected)
Sergey and Angelina (angel)
Sergey and Angela (angelic)
Sergey and Anna (grace)
Sergey and Valentina (healthy)
Sergey and Valeria (strong)
Sergey and Veronica (bringing victory)
Sergey and Victoria (win)
Sergey and Galina (calm)
Sergey and Daria (winner)
Sergey and Diana (divine)
Sergei and Evgenia (noble)
Sergey and Ekaterina (immaculate)
Sergey and Elena (chosen one)
Sergei and Elizabeth (worshiping God)
Sergei and Jeanne (gift of God)
Sergey and Inna (stormy stream)
Sergey and Irina (peace)
Sergei and Christina (baptized)
Sergey and Ksenia (alien)
Sergey and Larisa (seagull)
Sergey and Lilia (flower)
Sergey and Love (love)
Sergey and Lyudmila (sweet people)
Sergey and Margarita (pearl)
Sergey and Marina (marine)
Sergei and Maria (bitter)
Sergey and Nadezhda (hope)
Sergey and Nastya (resurrected)
Sergey and Natalia (native)
Sergei and Nina (ruler)
Sergey and Oksana (hospitable)
Sergey and Olesya (masculine)
Sergei and Olga (saint)
Sergei and Polina (foreteller)
Sergey and Svetlana (light)
Sergey and Tatiana (founder)
Sergey and Julia (fluffy)
Sergei and Yana (goddess of the sun)

It is very easy to disguise the interpretation of the “compatibility” of any names under a general interpretation - perhaps, maybe something will arise, in varying degrees of significance for you and after a while, something will change and there will already be something else. There is a possibility that this meeting will change your life or not affect it in any way. (see Barnum effect)

Not a man for a name, but a name for a man. Man speaks to man

People feel sympathy not by the sound of the name. And unconsciously, by how comfortable you are, it is interesting together. What interchange of energies, qualities, actions takes place between you. What do you enhance in each other.

Look how many different people - with the same names. Also there are similar people - with different names.

Name compatibility is a huge misconception that erases all inner world man, his true nature. And it reduces to a simple number or one property, without studying the essence of this person. And what effect the name has on a particular person and how the name influences the character.

Where is real compatibility buried?

Compatibility of people must be sought in a bunch of designs of characters, auras. And when we come to the surface and want to reduce the relationship of people to the melodic / digital relationship of names, we don’t even think about what a person’s name reflects. How is the name and character of this person connected.

Name compatibility is a theater of false shadows. Which confuses and leads away from understanding the essence of human interaction into incorrect scenarios for the interaction of personal self-regulation tools (names).

How to check people for compatibility only by name?

As well as the compatibility of partners in marriage in terms of sock size. There will be so much common sense and even more in this, because we select socks for ourselves, comfort and convenience. And not because loving and ignorant people called us by a name, not knowing the consequences of the influence of this name on fate and character.

In order to really assess the compatibility of people, it is necessary to move away from superficial data taken from the “number of the name”, and begin to calculate the interaction by characters / auras / qualities

The Secret of Real Compatibility

It is necessary to begin to consider this question from the side of the individual construction of people.

A person has a certain bioenergetic structure, the form and content of which is determined by many factors such as:

Time, date and place of birth is the influence of astrology
Experience- this is the influence of the karma of this and past lives
Crystallization level– development of the chakra system of channels

It can be imagined that a person is a complex spatial-geometric figure, a kind of puzzle of a unique shape. This figure is incorrect in terms of symmetry and geometry - facets, surface, consistency, density vary within this figure. Accordingly, energy flows through different sections in different ways. Depending on the purity and degree of crystallization of the areas, the current can flow well, difficultly, or stop - clog. As a result, in general, such an individual design will conduct energy at a certain speed and of a certain quality.

The task of man from the point of view of evolution is the perfect transformation of his structure. With the aim of passing the figure of divine energy without any difficulty and resistance. Such a goal is impossible in the presence of serious "roughness and unevenness" of this figure in comparison with its originally conceived divine unique form.

To implement this task, it is necessary to “finish”, compact the desired part of the figure, or remove, clean. It can be solved different ways self-development: practices, meditations, prayers, austerities, reading and understanding the necessary literature, lithotherapy, medicine, neurolinguistic programming, introspection, self-discipline, working with a master, the use of weak currents and others technical means, use of compatibility, etc. In this context, the use of compatibility will be considered.

In the context of our metaphor, the description of a person's structure, compatibility manifests itself when two people are in the same space, whose structures are the most suitable and dock with each other, as if multidimensional puzzles that fit each other. That is, one or more faces of one design maximally or ideally complement some part of another design, compensating other people's dips with their bulges or smoothing out other people's bulges with their dips.

Compatibility levels. Mutuality and variety of compatibility

Compatibility can be at different levels:

On a sensory level- there is joy, confidence, inspiration.
On the physical level- for example, expressed in sex
On a mental level– smart channel opens

There are various levels of compatibility, varying in quality and benefits.

Compatibility can be two-way and unidirectional, it can be mutually beneficial to an equal, greater or lesser extent, it can be harmful. It all depends on individual designs.

complementarity- ideal compatibility, subject to equal benefits. In general, people feel more harmonious together than each of them individually. A kind of "plugging" of each other's holes.

Generation of one or more qualities, states (automatic) - when 2 people are in each other's field, a certain quality or state is automatically generated.

Anticompatibility- damage to both structures up to destruction. The interaction of structures destroys, suppresses development. The solution in this situation is to break up, move away from each other physically and remove attunement. Sometimes, at the behest of love feelings or the duty of the family, as well as work, the question arises of the need to communicate incongruous people. In this case, you need to contact good specialists on the selection of amulets, exercises (in terms of Castaneda - magical passes, in yogic terms - assan, kriya), mandalas, stones and other external additional objects that smoothed out incompatibilities. But it is still better to limit the interaction, no matter how difficult it may seem.

Unilateral compatibility- only one is beneficial interaction. Distinguish:
with harm for one of the couple - the other interaction is harmful.
without harm to anyone - no benefit to another person, a waste of time in terms of energy growth.
In the first (and ideally, in both cases), the solution and the way out is to break off and no longer keep in touch.

Group compatibility- Compatibility for 3 or more people.

Karmic compatibility- Communication for the repayment of debt, which gives birth and delivers "joy" and leads to a lighter state.

Channel opening- If one person has a certain channel open, then when another compatible person interacts with him, energy also begins to flow through the latter, as if he himself has this channel open. One, without harm to himself, pumps up the second.

Elaboration of qualities- If one has worked out and developed some quality, then he can put pressure on the other with this quality, and the latter begins to process the development of the same aspect that was not previously developed.

Characteristics of the name Sergey

Summer Sergey characterized by stiffness, indecision and uncertainty. Often he is in captivity of prejudices, which prevents him from making decisions in accordance with his desires and capabilities. At the same time, summer Sergey is accommodating and accommodating. In family life, an affectionate and gentle partner will make an ideal couple for him.

Winter Sergey passionate and emotional, although he prefers to behave with restraint in public. Jealousy can destroy his personal life. He is reasonable and purposeful, which helps him make a successful career.

Autumn Sergey rational and fair, he prefers to be guided in making any decisions by reason, while emotions and feelings in his life play a minimal role. It is not surprising that the dryness of autumn Sergei repels women.

Spring Sergey - nature is ironic, cheerful and fickle. It is important for him to live in harmony with his inner experiences and feelings. His emotionality and openness attract women, but the frivolity of the spring Sergey eventually leads to a break in relations.

Stone - talisman

The talisman stone for Sergei is pearl - a symbol of family happiness, prosperity, fertility, faith, immortality, purity, virginity, sublimity, perfection, health, as well as secret knowledge.

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Since ancient times, the pearl has been associated with the Truth, lurking among lies and deceit, but to know it, you need to work hard (first get the shell from the bottom of the sea, and then make an effort to open it).

It is believed that pearls can protect from the evil eye, damage and any other negative influence. In addition, this stone treats eye diseases and depression.


Lucky colors for Sergey are blue-green, red and lilac (for more details on the listed colors, see the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of a name on a person's life").



Sergey is patronized by the planet Venus (more about this planet can be found in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in human life").

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The animal is a symbol

Symbolic animals for Sergei are the nightingale and the hare.

The singing of a nightingale can symbolize both freedom and love ecstasy, as well as longing for a lost paradise, for the loss of love.

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In Antiquity, the nightingale was the personification of a complaining mother mourning her child.

In the Christian tradition, this bird is a condemner of fools who worship idols created by themselves.

A nightingale teaching its chicks to sing is a symbol of mentorship and parental love.

This animal personifies rebirth and return, sacrifice, fertility and fertility, wisdom, speed and agility, timidity and at the same time depravity.

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From time immemorial, a hare's foot or head has served as a talisman against witches.

In general, the hare is a symbol of dawn, the beginning of a new life, recovery and periodicity.


Plants that patronize Sergei are birch, heather and wheat.

Among the Slavs, birch has a dual meaning, since it was with the help of this plant that communication was made with the souls of the dead (for example, on the one hand, birch was revered as a symbol of ancestors, and on the other, as a symbol of evil spirits). It is in the birch branches, according to popular beliefs, that mermaids live, and witches fly on brooms from this tree. At the same time, the charmed birch has long been considered among the Slavic peoples as a talisman that prevents evil spirits from entering the house.

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Birch also symbolizes girlhood, femininity, purity.

This is a symbol of loneliness and solitude, so heather serves as a talisman and talisman for wanderers and travelers looking for the meaning of life.

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In Christianity, wheat is a symbol of communion (Jesus, eating bread at the Last Supper, said that bread is his body).

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Gold is considered to be a favorable metal for Sergey. This noble metal symbolizes divinity, immortality, glory, wealth, chosenness, wisdom and purity.

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In addition, gold represents esoteric knowledge, dignity, greatness, royalty and strength.

auspicious day


The most favorable time of the year for Sergey is autumn.

Name Popularity

The name Sergey is considered traditional for residents of Russia and the CIS countries, it is also common in the Far East. Today this name is among the ten most popular names.

origin of the name Sergei

Name translation

The name Sergey is translated from Latin as "high", "venerable", "highly esteemed", "clear".

Name history

The name Sergei is derived from the Roman Sergius, and only representatives of the nobility were called by this name.

In church tradition, this name is pronounced as Sergius.

The legend of the name Sergei

There is a legend about St. Sergius of Radonezh, who, even in his childhood, was distinguished by piety and the strictest abstinence, manifested by fervent prayer, eating only bread and water, and also refusing to play.

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Subsequently, Sergius of Radonezh founded the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in which he became hegumen. The fame of the holiness of his life, as well as the miracles he performed, attracted many disciples to him.

St. Sergius earned respect and veneration not only because of his deeds, but also because of his character. He was a highly moral, cordial, insightful and disinterested man who was meek in soul and firm in faith. His main weapon was the word of God, which he brought to people, urging them to avoid any manifestation of violence.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most commonly used forms of the name Sergey are: Serega, Serezha, Serenya, Gray, Sergeyka, Serge, Sergunya.

The secret of the name Sergei

name patrons

  • Saint Sergius of Valaam, who founded the Valaam Monastery on Lake Ladoga.
  • Reverend Sergius of Obnorsk.
  • Recluse Sergius Pechersky.
  • Abbot Sergius of Radonezh.
  • Martyr Sergius the Roman (or Rosafsky).
  • Venerable Martyr Sergius Savvait.
  • Archimandrite and Hieromartyr Sergius of Petrograd.
  • Venerable Martyr Sergius of Sinai.
  • Schemamonk Sergius Shukhtomsky.

Angel Day (name day)

January: 18th, 27th and 31st.

February: 17th and 21st.

March: 5th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 22nd and 25th.

April: 2nd, 5th, 14th and 25th.

May: 7th, 8th, 10th and 26th.

June: 1 number.

July: 1st, 11th, 18th and 20th.

August: 2nd and 25th.

September: 10th, 22nd, 24th and 29th.

October: 1st, 7th, 8th, 10th, 20th and 31st.

November: 1st, 3rd, 13th, 14th, 16th, 27th and 29th.

December: 2nd, 10th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 30th and 31st.

Famous people

Famous composers named Sergei:

  • Sergei Rachmaninov;
  • Sergei Taneev;
  • Sergei Prokofiev.

Famous film directors named Sergei:

  • Sergei Mikhalkov;
  • Sergei Eisenstein;
  • Sergey Bondarchuk.

Famous actors named Sergei:

  • Sergey Bezrukov;
  • Sergei Shakurov;
  • Sergey Zhigunov.

Famous singers named Sergey:

  • Sergei Krylov;
  • Sergei Penkin;
  • Sergey Lazarev.

Famous writers and poets named Sergei:

  • Sergey Yesenin;
  • Sergei Aksakov.

Sergei Botkin - Russian therapist and personal doctor of the royal family.

Sergei Korolev - scientist, developer of rocket and space systems.

The meaning of the name Sergei

For a child

If not for poor health, Serezha would not have given his parents any trouble, because this child is caring, obedient and capable of empathy. Little Seryozha conscientiously fulfills the tasks entrusted to him, while making a promise, he will do everything to fulfill it.

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He rarely shows his feelings, because already in childhood he controls his emotions, preferring to show his attitude towards people through actions. Because of his restraint and reticence, it is difficult for him to get along with children, so he has few friends.

Seryozha does not enter into conflicts, as he is afraid to offend a person with a word, although it is very easy to offend the boy himself, but he will not show his feelings to anyone.

In general, little Serezha can be called a resilient optimist, although he also has mood swings.

At school, the boy studies well, because he has an analytical mindset and an excellent memory.

For teenager

Having matured and matured, Sergey still does not differ in emotionality, although he retains such qualities of character as good nature, cordiality and empathy.

His compulsion is appreciated by both teachers and classmates (fellow students), so often it is Sergey who becomes the headman.

Resentment often prevents him from looking objectively at certain things. But Sergei cannot be called vindictive - he quickly forgives his offenders, preferring peaceful coexistence to a cold war.

In dealing with the opposite sex, Sergei can be both shy and timid, and loose (it all depends on what kind of girl he planned to seduce).

For a man

Adult Sergey stoically endures all the hardships and hardships, without losing heart and finding solutions in the most difficult situations. And his rationalism contributes to this (it is also important that Sergey knows how to control his emotions).

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Sergey's life bears little resemblance to an exciting action with frequent changes of scenery, on the contrary, he lives in an ordinary and measured way, which sometimes depresses him. But still, in his fate there are bright ups that feed him with vital energy.

Sergey's good nature and complaisance end where the pressure on him begins: he will not tolerate a superficial or dictatorial attitude towards himself.

The main disadvantage of Sergei is his susceptibility to other people's influence, which is why he is mistakenly considered weak-willed. This quality can negatively affect not only Sergey's work, but also his personal life: for example, an unloved, but persistent woman can easily marry an insecure Sergey.

Description of the name Sergey


Traditional moral and moral norms often seem too strict to Sergey, because they infringe on his freedom. creative nature requiring inspiration in the form of a muse. It is interesting that the women with whom Sergey breaks up rarely remember him in a bad way, because this man knows how to part beautifully - without tantrums and mutual accusations.

Weak in childhood, Seryozha grows up to be a strong enough man, especially if he plays sports. Its weak point is nervous system, therefore, in order to preserve and strengthen it, it is necessary, firstly, to avoid stress, and secondly, to give vent to your emotions.

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The genitourinary system, bronchi and lungs deserve special attention from the side of health.


Sergei will give his boundless love, affection and tenderness only to a spiritually and intellectually developed woman who will understand and share his "creative" views on life. But the appearance of the chosen one does not play a significant role for him.

For Sergei, it is extremely important to look in the eyes of his beloved woman as that strong and noble man who will protect her from all adversity and worldly storms. This position leads to the fact that women flock to him like butterflies to a fire. But his chosen one must remember that this is not the person who will arrange romantic dates.


Through marriage, Sergei connects himself with gentle, calm, feminine and affectionate women, for whom the family comes first, and not career and entertainment (often there are several marriages, especially if Sergei marries early). Sergei's chosen one must remember that he is very jealous.

In general, if Sergey marries for love, he will try to do everything for his relatives so that they feel loved and protected. If there are no feelings between him and his wife, then he can commit adultery, but he will not divorce his wife (at least, Sergey is extremely rare initiating a divorce, especially if there are children).

If love and harmony reign in the relationship between Sergey and his soulmate, then best husband it’s hard to imagine: he will help with the housework, take a walk with the children, and welcome friends. And his ability to smooth out conflict situations will help establish an excellent relationship with his mother-in-law (between his mother and wife, he will also try to build a model of behavior that will not infringe on anyone's interests).

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Sergey loves his children very much and always supports, for which the children pay him with sincere love and respect.

He does not pretend to be the head of the family, therefore leadership is easily inferior to his wife, although in important matters he relies primarily on his opinion.


Sergey's sexuality fully depends on the feelings that he has for his partner. If his chosen one is cold and intimately constrained, then very soon Sergey will stop feeling sexual attraction to her. But Sergey will give an unforgettable experience to a tender and passionate woman.

Mind (intelligence)

Sergey is the owner analytical mind, while he knows how to correctly classify the information received, synthesize it and use it in the right way. He is not afraid to put forward more and more new ideas, which he subsequently successfully implements. Fortitude, determination and pragmatism help him solve complex problems.

Sergey is able to achieve great heights in any profession due to such qualities of character as restraint, diligence, commitment, responsibility and scrupulousness. In addition, he does not accept conflicts and strife, knows how to find mutual language with any person.

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Sergey will feel more comfortable in the creative profession (he can become an excellent musician, painter, artist, writer, publisher, designer). But professions that involve risk, it is better for him not to choose.

Despite the fact that Sergey has all the qualities of a leader, he is wary of leadership positions, preferring to be responsible solely for his work and his actions.


Sergei has every chance of becoming a successful businessman, but on the condition that he learns to defend his point of view, regardless of whether the opponent likes it or not.


Sergei loves to enjoy life, and often cannot stop in time, which is why he can become addicted to alcohol. Among his favorite hobbies are music, cinema, theater. He devotes a lot of time to his physical development.

Character type

Sergey is an ambiguous nature, he can be sociable and open, or he can withdraw into himself for a long time. Such unpredictability of behavior is combined in this person with an incredible depth of feelings and the ability to empathize with other people.

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With Sergey it is always interesting, because he is open, witty and sociable. The main thing is not to openly criticize Seryozha, otherwise he will turn from a merry fellow into a dull, irritable and tough person.


Sergey's sixth sense is very developed, while he tends to listen to his intuition.

Horoscope named after Sergey

Sergei - Aries

This is a rather vain and unbalanced personality, prone to frequent mood swings, which leads to problems in relationships with loved ones, relatives, and colleagues. At the same time, Sergei-Aries does not seek to change either his behavior or attitude to life. Such inconstancy, oddly enough, attracts women, although not for a long time.

Sergei - Taurus

This is an impressionable nature, for which it is important to make a favorable impression on others.

Sergei-Taurus is impressionable and emotional, charming and romantic, which is why women like him who feel like elegant and feminine princesses next to him. His good nature often gets in the way of climbing the corporate ladder.

This man has artistic talent, he spares no time and money for his improvement, since his main goal is to live in harmony with himself.

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Sergey Gemini, despite his sociability and ostentatious openness, does not let anyone into his soul, therefore he has practically no friends. In marriage, he seeks peace and understanding.

Sergei - Cancer

Credulity, sentimentality and a certain degree of irresponsibility are inherent in the nature of Sergei-Rak, who prefers to live for today. The lack of a goal negatively affects his work, which Sergey-Rak performs without much enthusiasm (he is more attracted to romantic stories in which it is interesting to learn about his chosen one).

Sergey - Leo

This is a freedom-loving, spontaneous and rather loving man, for whom there are no obstacles on the way to winning the heart of his chosen one. Sergei-Leo is elegant and eloquent, has impeccable manners, which cannot but bribe a woman. But with their victories on the love front (as well as any other life achievements) he will not flaunt.

Sergei - Virgo

Tactful, prudent and prudent Sergey-Virgo will think seven times before doing it once. And the fault of everything is his indecision and self-doubt, because of which he has to go slowly towards his goal, albeit confidently. He will open his soul to his chosen one only after she has passed many tests.

Sergei, born under the sign of Libra, is distinguished by equanimity, peacefulness and good nature. He does not accept rudeness, rudeness, and even more so violence, preferring to solve all problems exclusively through peaceful negotiations.

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His beloved woman must be smart, wise, calm and educated (Sergei-Libra does not like Mexican passions).

Sergei - Scorpio

Impulsivity drives the actions of Sergei-Scorpio, who is extremely narcissistic and arrogant. He strives to ensure that everyone and everything admires him, exalts his merits and longs to enlist his favor, so often his entourage is flatterers and sycophants.

Sergey - Sagittarius

He is elegant, imposing and has his own original look at everything. Sergei-Sagittarius dreams of pure love. His life is easy and rich, but if his dreams are shattered by the realities of modern life, he falls into depression, from which only new love or a change of scenery can bring him out. But time passes, and Sergei-Sagittarius again goes into the world of illusions.

Sergey - Capricorn

This is a person with a subtle and incomprehensible mental organization around. He is unpredictable in his actions and impulsive. Despite this, Sergei-Capricorn is devoted to his family and his chosen one, he is attentive and caring, but he is not even ready to let his beloved into his ideal world.

The equanimity and calmness of Sergei-Aquarius can only be envied. His irony and wit help to easily find a common language with others, while he will never defend his positions and views on life to the bitter end.

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In relationships with women, he is calm and unemotional, so it is very difficult to win his heart.

Sergey - Pisces

This is a helpful and well-mannered man with a subtle mind, but often the insecurity of Sergei-Pisces plays against him (this is especially reflected in personal relationships). He does not lack female attention, but his novels are often short-lived: as soon as Sergei-Pisces begins to feel the power of a woman over himself, he leaves her without any explanation.

Sergey name compatibility with female names

Sergey and Olga

Passion, emotionality and ardor lead this couple. In addition, both Sergey and Olga are creative personalities who are connected by a love of life and a passion for travel. They are interested in discovering new facets of life together. But in the end, the passion of the relationship will be replaced by routine, which can destroy the relationship.

For creating harmonious relations you will have to work hard, but most often Sergey and Anna prefer to quietly and peacefully disperse.

Sergey and Elena

These relationships are built, first of all, on a material basis, so Sergey and Elena can easily engage in a joint business that will provide them with a comfortable existence. But love in such a union is a rather rare phenomenon, which can cause separation.

Sergey and Julia

Sergei and Yulia will not quarrel over who will cook dinner or wash the dishes today. On the contrary, always and in everything this couple will support each other.

Sergey and Anastasia

The relationship between Nastya and Sergey is multifaceted: either they quarrel before a divorce, or passionately reconcile, or they cannot spend even a minute without each other, or they long for freedom. Only love will help maintain this union (although if both partners are comfortable together, then the marriage of Sergei and Anastasia may well be based on friendship or business relations).

Sergey and Tatiana

This couple is not ready for compromises, because Tatyana wants to be a full-fledged leader in the family, while Sergey will not tolerate pressure from his wife. But if both partners sit down at the negotiating table and are able to share their areas of dominance, then such an alliance is quite possible.

This tandem is based on friendships that replace passion. For Sergey and Ekaterina, reliability, security, trust and stability are important in a relationship.

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At the same time, differences in the characters of partners will benefit these relationships.

Sergey and Natalia

This is a difficult union in which both partners feel not entirely comfortable, but at the same time they do not want to change their usual way of life. Both Sergey and Natalya do not like to sort things out, and therefore they silently endure insults, not giving vent to their emotions. But the moment comes when the patience of both comes to an end, and then the relationship is doomed.

Sergey and Irina

This couple lives in a world of understanding and tranquility, they are not characterized by passionate showdowns. Sometimes emotional Irina lacks sharpness in relationships and romance, she is annoyed by Sergei's rationality and pragmatism. But if there is love in a couple, then this problem will not become an obstacle to creating a strong family.

Sergei and Maria

This is a union, the creation of which Sergey and Maria approach responsibly: there is no place for momentary passion or love. If both do not feel a strong and reliable shoulder in their partner, they will easily break off relations. The basis of their relationship is the spiritual component.

Sergey and Svetlana

This couple has a life full of adventures, but, unfortunately, family happiness is not always built on the desire of partners to open new horizons. Sergey gravitates toward a quiet life, while Svetlana is attracted by unknown distances and new emotions. Such relationships are almost always doomed.

Sergey and Marina

Marina is a wonderful hostess who lives in the interests of her family, but her imperiousness unbalances Sergey, especially if she begins to teach her lover. If Marina loosens her grip a little, then this union can be strong.

Together they can achieve a lot, and all thanks to the support of each other. In their reliable union, only love is important.

Sergey and Victoria

This is a long, but not lasting union, in which a woman dominates, on which the "weather in the house" depends, only Sergey does not always agree with Victoria's forecast, which is why they family life looks like an active volcano.

Sergey and Ksenia

Hope does not like this position, so she may well initiate a divorce.

Sergey and Alina

Adventurism drives this couple, who strive to be in time everywhere and everywhere, forgetting that in order to create a family, it is necessary to lay a solid foundation. In the relationship between Sergei and Alina, passion is overflowing, but there is not enough stability and constancy, which can lead to a divorce.

Sergey and Diana

In this pair there is no struggle for power, and all forces are aimed at creating family happiness.

Sergey and Karina

Conservatism, loyalty to traditions, hard work and dedication unite this couple, which tends to a calm and measured life without scandals.

This is a very strong alliance in which both Sergey and Karina feel comfortable.

Sergey and Inna

This couple can build a strong relationship, but their foundation will be friendship and partnership, not love. Sergey and Inna have different views on life, so often their family life is similar to the cohabitation of two strangers.

Sergey and Valeria

If both learn to be more tolerant of each other, then this union is quite possible.

Sergey and Lilia

Frequent clarification of relationships can lead to a break.

Sergey and Sofia

Sergei and Sophia love each other, but the man's indecision leads the woman to take on the men's responsibilities. Sergei tries to resist this line of behavior of his beloved, because of which they often have conflicts. In general, this union has no future.

Sergey and Elvira

Both partners initially converge on the background of passion and sexual attraction. Over time, their feelings cool down, but Sergey and Elvira are in no hurry to break off relations, because they do not want to change anything in their usual way of life. Having learned to coexist in this format of relationships, they can count on a long life together.

Sergey and Albina

Albina's openness and naivety bribe Sergei, who falls in love with his tender and feminine chosen one day after day. Albina appreciates in her partner purposefulness and fortitude. Their union can become strong if love and understanding are present in the relationship.

The name Sergey is borrowed from the Latin language, in which it sounded like Sergius, which means “venerable” or “clear” in translation. In Russia, this name began to spread with the advent of Christianity, and initially only clergymen were baptized with it.

However, many names that came to us from ancient Rome sounded unusual for the Russian language and were incomprehensible in meaning. Therefore, over time, these names "run in" and changed, became simpler, clearer and easier to pronounce. This happened with the name Sergius, which eventually began to sound like Sergius, and then just Sergey. In church speech, the name was and is pronounced as Sergius.

The name Sergey has been extremely popular and loved by the people for many decades. All owners of this name can rightfully be proud of it as a unique monument of Russian history and culture. Among its owners there are famous people like composers Sergei Rachmaninov and Sergei Prokofiev, poets Sergei Yesenin and Sergei Aksakov, scientist Sergei Korolev, actors Sergei Bezrukov and Sergei Shakurov, doctor Sergei Botkin and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The most famous and revered saint, canonized by the Christian Church, is St. Sergius of Radonezh. According to legend, even before his birth, the mother of the future saint received a sign of the forthcoming birth of a “lamp for the world” and a servant of the Holy Trinity.

From early childhood, Sergius was distinguished by piety and the strictest abstinence, he prayed earnestly and ate only bread and water, and refused to play games. The young man grew into a highly moral, cordial, insightful person, meek in soul and firm in faith. He carried the word of God to people, urging them to refrain from any violence.

Subsequently, Sergius founded a monastic monastery - now the famous Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in which he became hegumen. The fame of his miracles and deeds attracted many students to him, whom he managed to convert to the Christian faith.

After his death, the Monk Sergius of Radonezh was canonized as the miracle worker of All Russia. The Russian Church canonized many more saints bearing the name Sergius - in total there are more than fifty of them. Therefore, all owners of the name Sergey can celebrate their name day on the day that coincides with the date of birth, or on the next day following the birthday.

Name characteristic

A man named Sergei can commit many reckless and absurd acts in his life, but he will always strive for prudence and harmony. Usually he thinks over all his steps and words well, consults with people he trusts. This can take a lot of time, but once having made a decision, Sergey will not back down from him.

Sergei is a sensitive person, he is prone to depression and melancholy, often simply withdraws into himself, becomes silent and aloof. He restrainedly shows his emotions, preferring not to give out any thoughts or plans. Even in a fit of rage, he manages to control himself, but he always acts decisively and surely, never forgets or forgives anything. You should not expect inadequate actions from him, often he simply steps aside, stops communicating with an unpleasant person. Sergey is well versed in people, which helps him avoid many problems.

In the depths of his soul, Sergei is prone to empathy and sympathy, he will never offend a person just like that, especially a woman. Diligently avoids quarrels and any conflict situations, he can generally be called a master of compromises. However, his good nature ends where pressure on him begins - he will never tolerate dictatorship and disrespect. There is no aggression in this person, but eternal anxiety and suspiciousness are present.

Sergey stoically endures all the hardships and hardships in his life, never loses heart, always tries to support people close to him. Fate does not prepare big ups and downs for a man named Sergey, but he will solve all his difficulties on his own, without relying on anyone.


Little Seryozha is an affectionate, obedient and completely non-confrontational child. He is a big dreamer, he is not at all bored in the company of his fictional heroes and toys. Serezha grows up as a compassionate and sensitive boy, but he does not like to show his feelings and prefers to hide them behind energetic actions.

At school, Serezha can study well, but studying will not be easy for him. Teachers will quickly realize that you can always rely on the word of this student - he said, so he will do, no matter what it costs him. Restraint, self-control and secrecy will manifest themselves in the character of the boy quite early and will remain for life.

Sergei has few friends, but one or two devoted friends are sure to be there. Sergey will experience all his failures very hard, and at this time he will especially need parental support and love.

V adolescence a sane and rational Sergey will definitely understand the need for education, and will make every effort to enter a university. Most often, a young man combines work and study in order not to waste time and earn money for an independent life.


As a child, Seryozha, as a rule, often gets sick, but then a rather strong and hardy man grows out of him. Unfortunately, Sergei can be partial to alcohol, and he develops alcoholism rather quickly.

The nervous system is also a weak point, since a man very rarely gives vent to his emotions, preferring to accumulate them, often overstraining at work. To maintain spiritual harmony, Sergey needs a calm way of life.

Sergei often catches colds, as he is susceptible to different kind infections and viruses. Another problematic point is vision and teeth, especially in adulthood.


Sergey belongs to the type of men for whom love and sex are inseparable concepts. The feelings that he has for a woman completely control his sexual desires, so the lack of feelings inevitably leads to a decrease in desire.

Even feeling shy in front of the woman he likes, Sergey will still play the role of a strong and noble man, which is not far from the truth. He knows how to give a woman a sense of security, surround her with care and affection, but it is difficult to call him a romantic. He also does not accept any excesses in sex.

This person needs to be felt with soul and heart, then he will give his partner a sea of ​​tenderness and love. Sergei is one of those people who knows how to surrender to his feelings without a trace, but he will demand the same from his partner.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Most likely, not one marriage, but two or three will happen in Sergey's life. He treats children very well, knows how to find a common language with them, and therefore he will raise his wife's child as his own.

As his chosen one, Sergei wants to see a calm, feminine, affectionate woman, for which the family will come first, not a career. However, this should be an intellectually and spiritually developed person, equal to him in everything and sharing his interests.

Sergei, in turn, will do everything to make his family members feel loved and protected, including children from previous marriages. A man will not pretend to be the head of the family, but in all important matters he relies, first of all, on his opinion.

If there are good relations between the spouses, then it is difficult to imagine a better spouse than Sergey. He will take care of the children, help with the housework, and welcome guests with a warm welcome. But his wife must remember that her husband is vulnerable, touchy and jealous, and therefore, despite all his positive qualities, life with him will never be easy.

The most successful marriage is possible with women named Galina, Valentina, Daria, Elizabeth, Irina, Lyubov, Tatyana and Elena. Relationships with Alla, Vera, Larisa, Yana, Natalya and Anna should be avoided.

Business and career

Best of all, Sergey is given creative work, requiring a flight of thought and imagination. He can make an excellent teacher, writer, advertiser, actor, journalist or politician. Conscientious and responsible, always fulfilling his promises and obligations, this man in any profession can become successful and in demand.

Sergey is usually loved in the team, even if he occupies a leadership position. He is demanding of himself and others, but always fair and not picky. He is not afraid to express his opinion and put forward new ideas, but he tries to avoid conflicts.

It is also important for a man to have an incentive in the form of a good salary - this person will not work for a penny.

Talismans for Sergey

  • The ruling planet is Venus.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Libra. If a boy born under this zodiac sign is called Sergey, then fate will surely reward him with good luck.
  • The most favorable time of the year is autumn, the most favorable day of the week is Friday.
    Lucky color - green, red, lilac.
  • Totem animal - a hare and a nightingale. The hare has always been considered a symbol of prosperity, the beginning of a new life and recovery. The nightingale is a symbol of mentorship and parental love.
  • Totem plant - birch and heather. Birch has always been considered a powerful amulet that protects the house from evil spirits and unkind people. It also symbolizes innocence, tenderness and purity. Heather is a symbol of loneliness and solitude, as well as a symbol of the search for the meaning of life.
  • Talisman stone - pearls. This stone symbolizes family well-being, prosperity, purity and perfection. It is believed that pearls can protect from the evil eye and damage, help get rid of depression and insomnia.


Aries- nature is changeable, conceited and unbalanced. He is a born leader, self-confident, strong-willed, independent and unrestrained. Striving for dominance and authority, Sergey-Aries can be aggressive and selfish, as he lives according to the principle "the end justifies the means." He absolutely does not know how to listen to advice and learn from the mistakes of others, and therefore easily takes only those heights that surrender under the pressure of force and aggression, but not cunning and perseverance. Diplomacy and compromises are not for Sergei-Aries, a brave and noble man, but impulsive and impatient. The desire to lead and control everything is more important for him than any material wealth, he strives with all his might for authority and recognition. He knows how to make money, but even more likes to spend it. Sergei-Aries does not accept rivalry in the family either, and therefore a calm and passive woman who will never allow her devotion to be doubted is more suitable for him. At the same time, the man himself may well start a relationship on the side, especially if he becomes bored next to an overly practical and down-to-earth woman.

Taurus- an impressionable, friendly and self-confident man, who sometimes has a noticeable lack of intelligence. But this shortcoming is easily covered by the reliability, practicality and calmness of Sergei-Taurus, he is solid and stable as a rock. Usually laconic and unhurried, it is difficult to piss him off or surprise him with something, he tries never to argue or enter into conflicts. But do not try his patience - in anger this person is terrible. He fully trusts his perception of the world, his inner conviction based on feelings and rationalism. Do not put pressure on him, as stubbornness is another main character trait of this person. Whoever Sergey-Taurus works for, he will always treat the matter with a heightened sense of responsibility, bordering on pedantry. Money will always be his inseparable companions, as well as power. He knows how to build his empire slowly, on a grand scale, and, in the end, always achieves what he wants. As a rule, Sergey-Taurus is a very homely person who loves his chair and familiar environment, and any changes bring him down. His loyalty and devotion to the family is beyond doubt; for his wife and children, he will be an exceptionally malleable and compliant person.

Twins- a person who is pleasant in communication, harmonious and able to control himself, endowed with artistic abilities and impeccable manners. He is characterized by a superficial attitude to any business, he does not like to delve into the essence of things and human relations. At heart, he is an artist who plays for the public; for the poet, much in his life is ostentatious and feigned. Sergey Gemini loves non-standard moves, unexpected decisions, ambiguous situations, any surprises and vivid emotions. You should not rely on the word of this person, he easily forgets about his promises, just as it is easy to make new acquaintances and part with old friends. He easily overcomes difficulties without attaching too much importance to them. Sociability and a wide range of “necessary” acquaintances help Sergei Gemini to make a successful career. His financial affairs are usually unstable, since a man does not know how to control his expenses. Gemini Sergei does not like to be attached to anything at all, so a marriage union with him will not be stable. In addition, it is difficult to imagine a greater womanizer.

Crayfish- a sentimental, gullible and aloof person. He does not like to make plans, dream about the future, but he likes to regret and be sad about the past. Sergei-Rak is a peaceful, homely, shy, sympathetic and devoted person who has many feminine traits in his character. Sometimes he can be too restless, capricious, too critical of himself and others, unstable in feelings. He is very vulnerable and touchy, takes everything to heart, does not tolerate criticism. Sergei-Rak, like no one else, needs an atmosphere of love and goodwill, both in the team and in the family. He tries to avoid responsibility, but always performs the assigned work with the utmost diligence. It is extremely important for him to feel secure and confident in tomorrow, and therefore all instincts are directed to the domestic and material sphere. This person has a highly developed financial instinct, he knows how to save and save capital. In his personal life, a feature of Sergei-Cancer is inconstancy, he uses women in order to assert himself in his eyes. The strength of a man is the desire to protect his family, he treats his family and friends with great respect, loves his cozy house, appreciates the friendly atmosphere in the family.

a lion- direct and loving man, very faithful and generous, always ready to help. He loves to patronize, always stands up for the weak and offended, but subject to unconditional submission and respect. Sergei-Leo loves to splurge, and humility and humility will be a real test for him. The desire for power and glory is the driving force for this person. He loves to be the center of attention so much that he deliberately avoids a society where this would be impossible. Most of all, Sergei-lion loves when they turn to him for advice, he lives for the sake of praise, encouragement and recognition of his authority. As a worker, he is diligent and disciplined, and as a leader, he is generous, but if attention and love in his life are not enough, he can become a little Napoleon with exorbitant megalomania. The desire for luxury and ostentation often makes Sergey-Lev live beyond his means, get into huge debts, he is generally very careless about money, spends a lot on entertainment and gambling. Sergei-Leo is pathologically jealous, in the family he should be the unconditional dominant, but a smart and cunning woman will quickly realize that it is very easy to control this man.

Virgo- a tactful, cautious, extremely demanding personality. He is ruled by love for order and system, he does not accept chaos and spontaneity in any of its manifestations. This man knows how to clearly plan not only his day, but his whole life, which makes him an incredibly purposeful person. Sergei Virgo does not like publicity and does not try to be in the spotlight, but nothing will pass him unnoticed. He is calm and reasonable, posturing, demonstrativeness, rudeness and vulgarity are absolutely alien to him. Career success and material well-being come to this person solely due to his diligence, diligence and prudence. But excessive criticality and the inability to keep his mouth shut can bring him a lot of trouble. Romanticism is alien to him, since he lives completely on a practical material level, so you should not expect a violent manifestation of feelings from him. Sergei-Virgo may never marry at all and feel quite comfortable, but if he decides to marry, he will try to keep it for life.

scales- an imperturbable, amiable and peace-loving person who is disgusted by any rudeness and violence. He is endowed with a sharp mind and the ability to think logically, is always calm and reasonable, knows how to appreciate beauty and harmony in all its manifestations. By nature, he is not a leader, does not like responsibility and avoids it in every possible way. Sergey-Libra is distinguished by impracticality and excessive daydreaming, he is more inclined to reason rather than act. This man appreciates material wealth, strives for comfort and luxury, loves travel and delicious food. The desire for harmony and fear of conflicts can lead him to conciliation and the loss of his individuality. He constantly considers the interests of other people, sacrificing his own. Living and working next to such a person is very convenient - he can easily and unobtrusively create coziness and harmony in his environment. Sergey-Libra cannot live without love and family, but this is where the difficulties begin. He can be devoted to his wife with all his heart, but he will never lose interest in other women.

Scorpion- a pompous, feverish and narcissistic person, longing for universal admiration and love. He is distinguished by charisma and temperament, as well as the ability to lead people. Sergei-Scorpio is active and active, easily takes on new tasks, but if they become uninteresting to him, he can quit everything halfway. Sergei-Scorpio is extremely emotional, often guided by momentary desires and impulses, forgetting about the mind. He is very ambitious and ambitious, in order to achieve his goal he is ready to "go over his head", he can show cruelty and aggressiveness. He is not afraid of scandals and does not value his reputation, he does not care about public opinion. This is a man of mood - now he is sweet and friendly, and after a couple of hours he is caustic and angry. He will never allow himself to be humiliated, he knows his own worth very well and nothing will change his own opinion of himself. The income of Sergei-Scorpio is changeable, since his life is a series of ups and downs. Living next to such a person is very difficult - he is jealous, quick-tempered and touchy, he does not know how to compromise. Relations with this person are a real storm of passions and experiences.

Sagittarius- an elegant, imposing man, with a lofty outlook on life. At heart, he is a dreamer, sociable and friendly, but sometimes too straightforward. Behind his tactlessness, a sharp mind and high moral qualities are hidden, there is absolutely no cunning and deceit in him. Sergey-Sagittarius is distinguished by an optimistic outlook on life, he strives for new impressions and acquaintances, and boredom and monotony terrify him. He can be called a darling of fate, since any undertaking is given to this person easily and effortlessly, he often takes risks, but in a strange way his risk is justified and brings good dividends. Sergey-Sagittarius is restless and restless, he is real perpetual motion machine and generator of new ideas. Such a man is hard not to notice, so there are always a lot of friends and just acquaintances around him. The desire for something new and the unwillingness to bind oneself with any obligations make this man not the most reliable life partner, he will constantly look for new sensations and impressions. Sergey-Sagittarius values ​​his freedom more than anything in the world, so his wife will have to use all the wisdom and ingenuity so as not to bore her restless husband.

Capricorn- nature is subtle, elusive and mysterious, often not understood by others. His life motto is forward and only forward. But he does not act assertively and swiftly, but cunningly, slowly and surely. He loves success, respect and power, more successful people cause him envy and admiration, but not condemnation. Sergei-Capricorn is a practical and down-to-earth person who does not live in a world of ghostly illusions, who knows how to call a spade a spade and demands the same from others. He knows how to subordinate his emotions to the voice of reason, he considers the manifestation of cunning, deceit and meanness below his dignity. Sergey-Capricorn is focused on a successful career, often to the detriment of his personal life. He knows how to stubbornly go to the top, despite the obstacles, he usually achieves success after 40 years. In relation to women, Sergei-Capricorn prefers to choose the role of a patron and protector, he rarely makes beautiful gestures, but he is constant and reliable in everything.

Aquarius- a thoughtful and unflappable person, slightly ironic. He loves to challenge society, secretly he likes to shock people, so with this man you need to be prepared for any surprises. This is an ideological person who loves when his individuality is appreciated. He strives for originality in literally everything - from the way of life to the way of thinking. Weaknesses Sergei-Aquarius can be considered infantile, inability to complete the work begun, the desire to reject any authorities and social norms, a demonstration of one's dissimilarity to other people. A man treats work with full dedication, but only as long as conventions are not imposed on him and standard schemes. Sergei-Aquarius definitely needs companions who can restrain his non-standard and disagreement with the law, keeping him within the framework of social norms. Extravagance and revolutionism do not at all exclude a man's desire for a safe haven, and the fact of owning a beautiful and unusual woman will make him happy. If the spouse respects the individuality of Sergei-Aquarius, then their union has every chance of being happy and lasting.

Fishes- a helpful and well-mannered man, literate and intelligent, but with a slight tinge of self-abasement. His nature is changeable and unstable, he often lives in a world of his own illusions that have nothing to do with reality. I do not feel love and support, Sergei-Pisces easily falls into despondency and melancholy, any criticism is extremely painful for him and can unsettle him for a long time. He is ready to be deceived and perceive information in a form that does not injure his psyche. The main desire of this sensitive person is to see harmony and mutual understanding around him. By nature, he is an absolute introvert - phlegmatic, closed and vulnerable. Sergei-Pisces is prone to weaknesses that save him from mental pain, so the inability to withstand the blows of fate is his main problem. The desire to hide from problems can turn a man into a religious fanatic, make him plunge into the occult. The wife of Sergei-Pisces will have to learn to be careful with finances, as well as become support and support, support and give confidence to her husband in all his endeavors.

A name is a sound expression of information about a person, his energy. If the names have related information and energy structures, then people bearing these names experience love and sympathy. If they are mutually complementary, then the bearers of names, competing with each other, enrich themselves. And if the informational energy shells are incompatible, then the bearers of these names will experience mutual coldness and boredom.

Let's see what information and energy structure the name Sergey has, and how it interacts with other names.

The name Sergey is of Latin origin, which speaks of a high cultural tradition. The common origin of names helps their bearers to understand each other. There are many saints among celebrities named Sergei, which means Sergius has many name days.

The coincidence of such days suggests that people have a similar life purpose on earth. Sergius - highly respected, noble; another interpretation of this name is "servant of God."

Bearers of the name Sergey have a passionate character. But this does not mean that the name Sergey has compatibility in love with the names of all women. The stormy passion passes, and Sergey is already suffering from this connection. Sergei Yesenin, for example, confessed to a woman named Galina: “You are too good, you cannot be beaten. And if I marry, I will beat. Love is torture for me.

Love compatibility named after Sergey

Name compatibility Sergey and Natalya

We are exploring the compatibility of the names Sergey and Natalya, because at least three women with this name managed to live in marriage with Sergey until the end of their lives. At the heart of the union of Sergei and Natalia is not passion, but the commonality of the basic values ​​​​of life: worldview, family, leisure - they look at all things in approximately the same way.

An analysis of the origin gives 100% cultural compatibility of the names Sergey and Natalya. The Latin name Natalia means "Christmas", "birth", dear. Serezha and Natasha have a great coincidence in the dates of their name days, this also speaks of a great internal commonality, the similarity of life programs.

With the inevitable hobbies for a man named Sergey with other women, the unity of culture and outlook on life will allow Natasha to find words to keep her husband from rash acts dictated by momentary passion.

Independent Sergei feels good in the company of emotional, but not overbearing Natalia. She admires him, which gives him self-confidence. In times of depression, Natalia with her warmth, love and care will be able to pull Sergey out of her. Natasha's stubbornness is not an insurmountable obstacle for a compromise-prone, peace-loving husband.

So for Natalya and Sergey, compatibility in marriage ensures mutual complementation of each other. The marriages of S. Yursky and N. Tenyakova, Sergei and Natalia Rakhmaninov can be called happy. The writer Sergei Mikhalkov lived with his wife Natalia for 53 years, after her death he did not change his temperament and married a woman named Yulia 50 years younger than him.

Union of names Sergey and Yulia

At the heart of the union Sergey + Yulia is passion, and their relationship develops according to the type of "growth of passions". Romantic dates and eroticism, suffering in separation and ambitions at meetings are intertwined in one tangle. Over time, the passion only intensifies. Cultural compatibility of Sergey and Yulia is not very high.