Birthday toast for a man. Short toasts to a man happy birthday are cool

It's hard to be a man
But you always manage
And you know, I'll say today
Years are coming your way!

I wish you joy, health,
And never lose heart
I want you to be rich
And don't put your hands down!

And I want to drink now
To be good every hour
So that you do not know sadness, evil,
And always be a man!

May you be lucky in business
The soul is not tormented by fear,
Let dreams come true
And with success be on "you"!

And you don't get sick
Don't get older, but younger
You are solid, yes
Let trouble not happen!

I drink for you today
I hasten to congratulate you
I wish you well
Be rich always!

As we all know, a man is like wine - years only make him better. I want to wish that all subsequent years make you not only better, but also richer, healthier, happier and more successful. Happy Birthday!

You won't believe it, but I don't even know what to wish you. You have everything: big and warm house, fast car, loving and strong family, stable job. So I wish you, perhaps, to keep the same course and not pay attention to the obstacles that you meet on the way. Be the same courageous, brave and hardworking.

If you want to become beautiful, you need to look at the beautiful. If you want to become smart, you need to listen to the smart. If you want to be cheerful - you need to sit at the same table with the cheerful. Let's drink to the birthday boy, thanks to which each of us will come home more beautiful, smarter and more fun than before!

Since ancient times, a great responsibility has been assigned to a man. He was responsible for the lives of the people of his tribe. He was a leader in the hunt, an example for other tribesmen, a thunderstorm for other tribes. He was feared and respected at the same time. Primitive times are gone. But the role and importance of men has not changed. Our birthday boy is equally good in many roles. He is a faithful husband and an exemplary family man, a strict but fair boss, an example for his friends and a headache for his enemies. Women admire him, men envy his success. Keep playing your part in this world. And the way you are always accompanied by luck, health and financial independence!

On this day, I wish you strong support - this is your wife; true friends - not behind your back, but next to you; joy in life - in their children. And, of course, health, like a healthy bull. Everything else good will follow.

Solid, beautiful, wise and prominent,
I'll raise a glass to your health
I congratulate you on your birthday
I want to wish you happiness.

More money, success, patience,
Let it be smooth and smooth in business,
And don't lose, look for inspiration
Keep good luck in your hands!

The well-known quatrain reads:
“If the wind is in your face, don’t rot!
If suddenly hard - be strong!
If your heart is happy - sing!
But always be yourself!
So let's drink on this man's birthday to the fact that he always, under any circumstances, remains himself!

Let there be wealth in the house
May you always be lucky
Let the bad recede
There will be friends for you!

There will be joy in your home
There will be happiness, life without troubles,
It didn't happen that bad
Long and happy years!

I will drink for your prosperity,
Always be with money
Be healthy and successful
Let the years be in joy!

Short toasts to a man happy birthday are cool

A large collection of original, funny toasts for congratulating men on their birthday.

French cognac! Belgian chocolate! Siberian health! Let the smile be Hollywood! Passion - Mexican! Dream - American! Quality of life - German!


May the stars always shine on you - the star of luck, the star of love, the stars of friendship and the stars of cognac.


Let's drink to your friends going to banquets and your enemies on crutches!

I proclaim this toast, on your birthday! It will be short, it will be simple - catch luck by the tail!


I wish you not big changes in anatomy... May you grow wings with happiness!

Let there be people in your life for whom you want to drink, and not those who make you want to get drunk!


Dear friend, I wish you always had a light heart and heavy pockets!


Drunkenness - fight! So let's drink before the fight!


So that your desires go nuts from your capabilities!


Be healthy for a hundred centuries!


To eat and drink, to want and be able, so that everywhere and everywhere there is someone and where!


All in your hands. Choose the best. Better yet, take EVERYTHING!


Desire a lot, and achieve even more!

On your birthday, I will become a cool athlete. Candidate master, In raising glasses!

I want you to always be given
Awards, honors, medals!
I want you to always stand
Glass filled with wine!
I want you to rise
And never went down
Your strong spirit of effort!
Such wishes today!


I wish you always had something to stick out your trousers!
(I mean wallet)


I wish you were always

Slightly drunk with happiness
And to have your wallet
Looks like a suitcase!


Not a step towards old age! Not an hour in sorrow! But only in joy! And only in vigor!


No, you can't sit in the basement, Counting the vain years, And on the costly Bucephalus To take women, power and cities!


So let's drink to the birthday boy, thanks to whom such wonderful people as we have gathered!!!

Let the money, huddled together in a flock, fly towards you like a hurricane, let them surround you, attack and climb into your pocket with impudence!


Birthday - that's revelry, drank ..., ate ..., fell asleep ... For you!


Man is the steel of the spring
The engine singing in the sky
A single formidable step of the squad,
Eagle scream in the mountains.
A man is a clot of pepper
A firm hand
And a woman-loving heart:
So let's drink to the man!


Have fun on your birthday, And have a blast, Be as carefree as in childhood, Eat cake, drink compote!


In each person, nature springs up either as cereals or as weeds. So let's drink to the timely watering of the first and exterminate the second! For that beautiful garden who raised a birthday boy in himself!


I wish on my birthday
You do not have a title, not a rank,
I wish to stay
The best of men!


I will say my toast with the words of Pythagoras: "Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and enemies become friends."


Be polite as a rhinoceros And clean as a pig Then I'll buy you a whistle And kiss your ear...


Why is birthday only once a year? Because the whole year must be prepared to congratulate you to the fullest. Congratulations!


Be happy like a cheese hamster, carefree like a spring moth!
Let the accounts swell in different banks, and the wallet will burst from the currency!


Goethe said: "In every artist a certain amount of courage is expressed, without which no talent can be conceived." For your brave talents!



They say that criticism is easy, creativity is difficult.
So let's drink to the hero of the occasion, a real creator who does not criticize anyone!


Life without turmoil
Good luck for no reason
wild fun,
Light hangover.
Happiness endless,
And health - eternal!


May you have as much money as your wife wishes for you, and as much health as your mother wishes for you. And if you do not come home late at night, let it be for the reason that your wife thinks, not your mother.


I propose to drink for our friend! He is such a bright personality that you want to put a lampshade on him.


I want all your dreams to stop teasing with unreality and show themselves in action! Let you get everything that gives pleasure and brings profit!


I wish you a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!


Real men should have "silver" in their temples, "gold" in their pockets, "diamond" in their eyes and steel in their pants. So let's drink to real men!

Grow big! - wished in childhood.
Now, perhaps it would be appropriate to wish:
Keep growing up!
Happy Birthday to You!


You will live up to two hundred years, and we will be witnesses!


I wish that everything breaks at the birthday man: the table - from treats, the wallet - from dollars and euros, and the bed - from pleasure.


They don't drink for happiness - they fight for it
They don’t drink for health - they pray for it
They don't drink for love - they do it
Let's drink to the dreams of our birthday boy - let them come true!


Live in such a way that all envious people turn green, friends admire, colleagues respect, and descendants are proud. Let the greens also be found in the wallet and allow you to live as you want, and not as you have to.


So that you do not pay doctors, I wrote you several prescriptions in advance:
(you can get printed forms)
"Votumora", "Negrustin" and "Rzhunemoglobin". Apply regularly! Be healthy, birthday boy!


Energy, power, speed! Take everything from life!


So that your life becomes like mathematics, two negative situations give one positive one, the bad one multiplies itself by zero, and everything beautiful and positive has the sign of infinity!


There are moments in life when a black streak covers us headlong, and therefore I propose to drink so that if you have such a streak, then it will definitely become a take-off!


I wish you have everything in life!
...AND EXPECTED amenities,
and pleasant surprises!


With all my heart, without verbosity, I wish you happiness and health.


Sorry I'm late! I hope that during the time that I was gone, no one had time to wish you that every day of yours was a holiday for which you would not be late, like me.


The glass is filled for you! I'll drain it to the core! Rumba on the table will perform, happy birthday! Hooray!

In one ancient Persian treatise it is said: “Four traits of a person lead to four consequences: stubbornness - to shame; irascibility - to repentance; slander - to enmity; laziness - to humiliation. » Dear birthday boy! Until now, these traits were not characteristic of your nature. So let's drink to the fact that they never appeared.


Who is this young man? - This is a man who gets out of bed to rest. So let's drink to a real man!


Everywhere I hear: a man owes this, a man owes that... Tired. Today, dear, you have only one thing - to be happy! Because the birthday, as Gena sang, is only once a year! So let this annual event become another bright and colorful day in the circle of loved ones and be remembered for a lifetime. Happy birthday!


Our life is like the sea. It is either calm and the sun is shining, then a strong wind and big waves. I wish you to always catch your wave, stay on it and never go under water.


A long time ago, well, or recently, well, or a long time ago. Okay ... In general ... lived ... well, or lived ... But what's the difference !? Let's drink to the birthday boy!


I want to become
Hero of today!
Multiply and save
All important values!

I wish to be for everyone around
Support and foundation
Reliable rear and shoulder,
A man with temper!


One of the wise men said - “it's time to collect stones”, so I raise a glass so that your stones are always diamond, and set in precious metals!


If you want to become beautiful, you need to look at the beautiful. If you want to become smart, you need to listen to the smart. If you want to be cheerful, you need to sit at the same table with the cheerful. Let's drink to the birthday boy, thanks to which each of us will come home more beautiful, smarter and more fun than before!


Let's drink to the fact that the birthday man lives better and better, no matter how disgusting his enemies are!


I often hear that life is like a zebra with black and white stripes, which, moreover, rushes in an incomprehensible direction. I wish you to saddle this beast and decorate it in bright colors so that you can decide for yourself where it will turn and what your every day will be like!


Let the car be healthy, let there be a million money! I raise my glass to you, that's it, the toast is over, now I'm drinking!


With whom does a man sleep in his life:
Up to 3 years - with a pacifier,
From 3 to 10 - with a bear,
From 10 to 20 - with a dream,
From 20 to 30 - with his wife,
From 30 to 40 - with a stranger,
From 40 to 50 - with any,
From 50 to 60 - with a heating pad,
From 60 to 70 - with a closed window.
So let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy never closes the window!


Let's drink today for the letter "k" in the life of our birthday. A man needs beauties, comfort, a career, a treasury and, of course, cool friends. For all this and your royal health, I raise a glass of high-quality cognac.


I wish you happiness personal, cash and non-cash!


Men, according to tradition, wish courage and strength. I, wish weakness and tenderness. After all, love for a wife and tenderness for children are wonderful masculine qualities. If you cry for happiness, cry for health. For the wonderful moments in your life when you can be a little softer and a little weaker.


Gentlemen, let's drink to the birthday boy! As they say ... we don't care what to drink for, but he is pleased!


Let's drink to your coffin ... which is made of oak ... which is a hundred years old, but which has not yet been born ...


Men are like children, they need different toys. So let's drink to the fact that you always have money for them, whether it's a new car or a private jet. And next to you, let there always be a beautiful, tender, and most importantly, loving you, doll! Happy birthday!


I wish such a bright life, so that in old age there is something to tell my beloved grandchildren and great-grandchildren


It's hard to be a man
But you always manage
And you know, I'll say today
Years are coming your way!


I wish you good luck and a summer cottage by the sea!


This wonderful man, on his birthday, I want to wish a lot. But I’ll drink to the correct behavior of the letter “D” in his life: so that money is in abundance, fools are far away, friends are wonderfully sincere, deeds are brought to achievements, longevity, kindness and a lot of love wildly.


They say that even the smallest good deed weighs more than huge promises. Therefore, I want to raise a toast to our birthday man and wish him that he would be surrounded by people who could appreciate all the kind and good deeds that he does for them!


With age, memory, vision begin to change, even a close person changes, and only old friends remain unchanged. For friends!


A man after a vacation comes to work and boasts:
- Had a great rest!
- Probably went to the sea? Tanned?
- No, my wife and mother-in-law went to the sea, and I rested at home.
... let after each vacation you have the brightest memories.


I want to raise a glass so that there are no bitter minutes in your life, but only hours of wild happiness! My toast to your sweet moments just like this wonderful birthday cake!


I want to make a toast now
So that you are happy every hour
So that you do not know sadness, evil,
And you were always a man!


On your birthday, I wish you health as a marathon runner, intelligence as an academician, and wealth as an Arab sheikh!


A birthday is like a summary of the year. And if the year was successful, then the celebration will be excellent, in a good mood and in good company. Judging by those gathered here, you were a fine fellow. So let's drink to the success of our birthday boy.


Be mobile but stable. Human, not omnipotent. I wanted to love you for your deeds and for your courage! So that health is not lost and victories along the way!


I raise this toast to your growth in life: so that incomes increase, money sticks by itself, there are more friends and happy days in life!


Some men take quality, others - quantity. So let's drink to someone who takes quality and in large quantities!


In the East they say that when a star falls, it is fortunate, and my toast today is for your life to be full of starfalls!

Caucasian Toast Happy Birthday

It's okay that a birthday only happens once a year. With our toasts, you can decorate any feast and create a holiday almost every day. There is always a reason to have fun. And with the help of a variety of toasts for every taste, you can create a festive atmosphere and give everyone present a great mood.

If you do not have enough imagination to come up with an original and funny congratulation on your own, do not despair! With our selection you will become famous merry fellow and cheerleader. In this article, we have collected for you toasts for a birthday, or any other holiday, that you can choose for a man and a woman for any feast:

  • Short;
  • In verse;
  • funny;
  • Cool;
  • Vulgar.

Happy birthday dear!

I wish you dough and more fools

To get rid of the shackles

Our life is difficult.

Fur coats, clubs, diamonds

And champagne by the river

To pour from the tap.

Didn't get up from the sofa.

Chocolates, marmalades

For breakfast and lunch.

All whims were fulfilled

And you didn't hear it.

For you my friend!

We drink martinis, where is the mug?

Pour it, my old lady!

One day a girl was walking through the desert with a bottle of drink.. And he sees in front of him a weakened guy who was almost at death's door. He was thirsty. In a weak, barely audible voice, he asked the woman for a drink, but she refused him. The girl wanders further and here is an oasis in front of her. She is very happy, splashing in the water, bathing. And then she remembers the poor guy she met along the way. The girl took some water for him and decided to give him a drink, she returns to the place where she met him, but he has already given up ... So let's drink to the fact that women and girls always give on time! This applies to the birthday girl as well. For you, friend!

A beautiful and slender, absolutely naked woman is walking through the desert and meets a beautiful young man. He is also naked, but the male genitals are covered with a hat. The woman wanted to see everything without a hat, came close to the guy and quickly removed her two hands. But the hat kept hanging. So let's drink to the indescribable beauty of a girl, which gives strength to hold the hat!

You are beautiful like a lama.

Graceful as a pava.

Appetizing like a bun

And smell like Chanel.

You demolish the tower worse than alcohol

I want to flirt with you.

Overhaul in your bed

Set up for a few weeks.

For you, my dear!

I myself drink and pour,

Raise this toast

And I stand up to my full height.

Happy birthday!

If you have small troubles in your life, be ironic. If there are huge troubles - laugh heartily. If they ask about your age - shamelessly lie! Happy holiday, girlfriend, you have become another year older! Happy birthday!

So that you are not jinxed,

So that you don't get off,

So that you always have something to wear

And there was always someone to get naked in front of!

Let's raise our faceted glasses so that the birthday girl has as much grief in her life as there is liquid left in our containers!

I wish you a lot of luck and a cottage by the sea. Happiness, health and all blah blah blah. Such are the things...

Let's drink to ensure that your desires about horseradish fell from my capabilities.

Girlish melodrama: “I didn’t have time to look back, as they stopped looking back.” Let's raise a glass to those who don't look back. For you, newborn!

Vulgar toasts for a cheerful company

And to put you in to jail for 100 years for the brutal rape of a young wife!

I want to get drunk for "ELK"!

To want

Fuck * ELK and live!

Let's raise our stacks for the ladies! After all, “I won’t give” is a bad phrase!

Let everything pass by you, of course, except for intimacy!

For the men! The women drink on their knees ... with the men!

A stray dog ​​is walking down the street, and a well-groomed lap dog is running towards him. -Hey! Who are you?” the dog asked. - I'm a beautiful lapdog. - She answered playfully. - And I just decided to pee ... I'll make a simple toast, like this stray dog. To always stand ... stopar and loot has always been found!

Funny birthday toasts for a man

A man is like good wine: every year he makes him better, wiser. And let's drink to healthier, more profitable and more successful!

Only heard on every corner: a man must do this, a man must do this ... Enough! Today you, my friend, should only one thing - to be happy! After all, the birthday, as the crocodile Gena sang in one children's song, is only once a year! So have fun and don't worry about debt!

You're tough like Bruce Willis. Handsome like Brad Pitt. Strong like Schwarzenegger. Gentle, like Dima Bilan. So let's drink to your split personality!

Guys are like little kids, honestly! They always need new beautiful cars and a lot to have their own airplanes and other toys. So let's drink to our stronger sex and their addictions, and so that they always have pretty dolls in their cars!

We always drink on days starting with the letter "C": on Wednesdays, Saturdays and today!

Once upon a time there was a very unhappy guy in this world. He did not see happiness, did not laugh and did not even smile. Everything about him was very bad. And so it went from day to day, from month to month, from year to year. But suddenly, one day, a miracle happened! Lady Fate herself appeared to him and offered one of the three royal gifts. She offered to choose between Love, Luck and Health. so let's raise our cups so that our dear friend never has to choose and all three of these gifts are present in the life of our birthday boy in abundance!

Cool short toasts

I am not a thirty-year-old lady, but a young 17-year-old girl with 13 years of experience!

The only wife - all right, a mistress - not bad. Two mistresses - perhaps, but several spouses - too much! Let's raise our glasses to a sense of proportion!

Such a treasure as an ideal woman cannot be found, it can only be created with your own hands, overwork, sweat and blood. So let's drink to the men who work tirelessly around the clock!

The girl is ready for absolutely anything for the sake of feeling love - and even make love. The guy is ready for a lot for the sake of just making love - and even falling in love. So let's drink to a wonderful and bright feeling!

Expensive! Alcohol makes you just gorgeous! But I didn't use it! - That's not the point, I used it! So let's raise our cups for female attractiveness!

Cool toasts in verse

To always stand with us

And you had ** yes.

To break the bed

The parties didn't end.

Let's drink to the girls!

So many bows, skirts.

Tights, ruffles, thongs, bodices

And so many go around myths!

There are many of them - all sorts of simpletons,

Aristocrats, po * yadushki,

Their legs will grow from their ears,

And we kiss them, Ukrainians.

They are so passionate and hot

And they love veal tenderness.

We drink vodka slowly

Girls, let your life be

Fresh, cute and good!

This toast is a little simple,

But feelings are immeasurable in him.

Pour the third toast

And we drink to our girls!

As they say, the strong sex is weaker than the weak, due to the weakness of the stronger sex to the weak. How twisted! Let's drain our cups to the bottom!

Everywhere I hear: a man must do this, a man must do that ... Tired.
Today, dear, you have only one thing - to be happy! That's why
that birthday, as Gena sang, only once a year! So let it
annual event will be another bright and colorful day in the circle
close people and will be remembered for a lifetime. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! I wish to be happy and healthy.
May the sun always shine on your street and never meet
thunderstorms and disasters. All the very best to you.

And let's drink to the fact that our beloved birthday boy
always had worthy support, joy and inexhaustible strength. Let for
your shoulder will always be a worthy and beautiful woman, may you
you can never get enough of the success of your children and at the same time
never lose your health! Happy birthday!

One man was driving his brand new Ford and on the way he came across
voting girl. He picked up a fellow traveler, who, by the way, was
very pretty person, and decided to give her a ride with the breeze. Did not have time
he hit the gas as he was woken up by the ringing of the phone. Let's drink to
so that this year no one can tear you away from pleasant activities.

From the whole team
And from us personally,
We want your
Wishes were fulfilled.
family prosperity,
Both work and home.
We are all very proud
that you are familiar with.
Raise a glass
And once again we wish
For everything to work out
After all, success is expected.

I want to raise this glass to our birthday today. Let
his generous heart, kind speech and hard living will always be
a role model for others and cause pride among his relatives and
loved ones!

Today I drink for you
More precisely, for your years,
Male power do not lose it,
And never be discouraged!
I drink for your courage
And let everything be fine
You don't know bad people
Forget about failures!

Years suit you
I want to wish happiness
Today I drink for you
So that all things work!
You are a prominent, business man,
You always stay like this
And never in your power
Look, don't hesitate!

There is a wise saying that says that life
you need to live in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful for aimlessly
earned money. I propose to drink for our birthday boy, so that he
never had to regret what he might have done, but not
did! For confidence in your strengths and actions!

Friends! I propose how to drink for our birthday and
unanimously wish him not only banal happiness, health and love,
but also an amazing life full of adventures and leading to good
twists of fate!

Funny birthday toasts about men

A man, it is a man who makes a strong-willed, decisive character. He
strong and always thinks things through before doing anything. I wish
you always soberly assess your future actions. don't do
reckless decisions. Live to the fullest, try everything, and just
enjoy all the delights of life!

We wish you a happy birthday and wish that next to you
there were only true friends, but at home she always waited loving woman! WITH

I'll raise a glass to this day
In which one man was born
Who is not too lazy to help friends,
Who is not accustomed to looking for reasons!
Also for his health, and for success,
I'll drink to the bottom without grimacing,
To make your laugh sound
To go through life always laughing!

The most important thing that I want to wish you, birthday man, today is
it's love. Only such love that inspires and inspires to
something new, unknown. I wish you to love, and at the same time
to feel supported and this wonderful feeling in return. Don't be happy
only today, but every day, every minute.

Let's raise our glasses to the birthday boy! Let's drink to
him, for a real man, who is determined not by a set of qualities and
material wealth, but how he feels next to him
the opposite sex. For our hero of the occasion, let all of him
the best qualities, allow women to feel themselves
beautiful, loved and desired!

Men are a priori courageous and serious. But often even a strong
half is stagnation in deeds and thoughts. That's how it went anyway
excellent, but then suddenly, once and everything changed dramatically, as if something
lacks. Therefore, I want to wish you, dear birthday man, that
you always had this “something” in reserve. Yes, I'm talking about
self-confidence. Believe in yourself in any situation!

They say that in order to be happy, you need to give up
the desire to take something and replace it with the ability to give something. AND
then, what you gave up will definitely come back to you. I want to
raise this glass for our birthday boy, let him in his desires
be careful, because not all dreams can bring happiness, sometimes
happiness lies in the fact that they are not realized.

Today, raising this glass for our birthday, I want
wish him that he would always have that person in his thoughts,
whom not only he loves, but the one who loves him. And let it
will be the same person.

In achieving our goals, we often lack two things.
It is perseverance and perseverance. Like, you start a business, and it goes
well, but halfway through you seem to have been replaced. Everything fall out
hands and head exactly zero ideas. That is why, dear birthday boy, I
I raise a glass to you so that you always have the desire to complete
started. For your perseverance!

Today, raising this glass to our hero of the occasion, I want
wish him that he would always be himself, because to be for
no one can be good anyway! And so close and
loved ones will always understand this, and let enemies and envious people choke
with your opinion!

Cool toasts for the anniversary

What is time? Nobody knows for sure. Therefore, the anniversary is impossible
taken seriously, because it is just a thought in the human
consciousness, imagination. But it is known for sure that a person receives respect
not for age, but for their deeds, thoughts and words. And I'm glad that I can
raise a glass not just for the anniversary, but for the person sitting in front of us.
A man with a capital letter, who by his actions won my respect!
For you, (Name)!

We wish our hero of the occasion good Siberian health,
Caucasian longevity, Maltese happiness, Swiss wealth. WITH
anniversary! So let's drink to the fact that on your century in a beautiful
villa on the ocean, we drank a glass of expensive French

Today is not just a birthday, but an anniversary - a beautiful date. A
it means that the person in whose honor we raise our glasses,
a beautiful life begins. And let it be beautiful for real: in
good home, a prosperous country and surrounded by dedicated people! Per
beautiful life!

An anniversary is a special birthday. He is always more
exciting, and such a holiday is celebrated on a special scale. That's why
I want to wish today only the most special: good
days, pleasant minutes, joyful and cheerful seconds, developing into
long, happy life.

As the Rabbit used to say in the well-known cartoon about Winnie the Pooh:
“It is not very polite to leave the guests as soon as you have eaten.” I AM
I propose to drink for our hero of the day and wish him such friends,
who will not leave him not only for festive table, but also in
difficult life situation!

There was once an incredibly lucky man. Thanks to its
good luck he had everything his heart could desire. He was asked in
what is the secret of such luck? He replied: "I have a talisman -
coin". Indeed, he showed an ordinary round coin. I propose
Raise your glasses to make this round date your personal
a talisman for good luck and luck!

Come on, friends, let's raise our glasses. And let's all drink to the hero of the day!
May health and luck accompany you throughout your life.
way. Happy birthday! Happy anniversary!

Happy anniversary I want to congratulate this golden man. gold price
consistently high. Know that we appreciate you and love you forever. Drink
for your generosity and friendship. Long time to live.

Anniversary date round us today, here, gathered together. I AM
I wish that music, wonderful, kind words sounded in your heart.
Wishes were to be sincere and fulfilled without delay. And further,
Get the best enjoyment out of life.

On this beautiful day, you conquer a new stage of life.
We wish you to achieve good goals under the guidance of experience and wisdom,
implementation of bold plans, creative longevity, unconditional
luck, always delightful self-awareness and mood. For happiness
birthday boy!

The best birthday toasts for a man

A man is the support and support of a woman, a reliable keeper and protector
and finally a kind and devoted friend. On this day we wish you
fulfill all your innermost desires, may good luck always
will be on your side and you will never be upset. Happy birthday!

Birthday is a great occasion to sum up some results
past year of life. I want to raise a glass to our traitor
let there be more truly masculine in the list of his achievements

A birthday is like a summary of the year. And if the year was successful, then
the celebration will be excellent, in a good mood and in a good
companies. Judging by those gathered here, you were a fine fellow. So let's go
Let's drink to the success of our birthday boy.

The man is the support and support of the family, I wish you to stay
a strong and strong support for your family, I didn’t worry much about
failures, if any, forget about all the bad things and live bright and
interesting life, let your children take an example from you and become
just like you, happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday! I wish you resistance to everything: diseases,
stress, failures ... Let nothing be able to “knock you down”. Let in
You will always have a lot of fortitude, courage, courage and
confidence to fight back any life situation to your
life has never been able to overshadow. Be a winner in life.

Dear birthday boy! It's always hard to wish for a real man
which you surely are. You are so clever at reaching your
goals, and your masculinity can only be admired. Still I
I wish that in the series of your accomplishments, there is room for a simple
human happiness.

Let there be in you what bosses value - diligence, intelligence and
savvy, and these qualities will lead you to success in your career. Be
loyal, reliable and responsive, friends appreciate it, and let them
answer you the same. Let that woman be next to you, who
will appreciate in you courage and sincerity, and not muscles and a wallet. V
In general, all the very best to you. Happy birthday!

Our brave man
The breadwinner of the whole family.
Today is the name day
Completely yours.
Today you deserve
The warmest phrases.
Winged Wishes
From each of us.
God grant you health,
Strongest like you.
Let them be realized
All your dreams!

I wish you prosperity
I wish to live, not to lose heart,
I wish you happiness and good
I'll definitely drink to that!
I raise my glass
I wish you health
I want to be the head of the family
And so that you achieve success!

You are the strongest
The most courageous
Quite loving,
You are very skilled in business!
We congratulate you today
We want to always be like this!
We raise our glasses in unison:
- You be healthy, always love!

Happy birthday to a man funny and vulgar. Cool poems for a man's birthday

Happy birthday, congratulations
I shake my hand and pour.
That's just what I wish
To guess your thoughts?
Birthday is a bright holiday
But without money - sad ...
So be rich like an oilman
And sori "cabbage"!

What kind of joy is a birthday?
Wow day:
Table, snacks, congratulations!
So you are not alone.
Guests, chores, gifts,
Toasts, laughter ... on the road.
Lots of bright moments.
Know that you are not alone.

Our man's birthday is today!
And this is a bright occasion for joy, fun.
After all, age for a man is just a number,
It does not make adjustments to the craft.
Over the years, men become more valuable:
More mind, he is a storehouse for ideas,
And kidney stones are not simple, plus gold in the mouth,
And hair is expensive now (silver counts, doesn't it?)
I really want to congratulate this man.
Wish him all the best, according to his rank.
Do not notice insults, forgive obstinate ladies,
Take your wife at least to Amsterdam.
In conclusion, I want to add a couple of lines -
You are the most needed person in the world!
May you be lucky in everything
Big victories and chances of success.

Beloved man
Happy birthday
Yes, they won't give you a razor
And a pound of cookies.
Let friends present
Reading between the lines
So, a small cottage,
Or a cute boat.
In the middle of a noisy feast,
Where there is no end to the toasts
Let the glasses fill
And the joy of the heart.
Let it cover with happiness -
Wave after wave
And let troubles pass
By the other side.

Accept congratulations today
You are the best of men
Happy birthday to you
We'll all hurry today.
We want you to be on horseback
Always, everywhere and everywhere!
And so that in your big soul
There would be a place for a miracle.
You are the first on the job
Support and example in the family,
We wish, in terms of material,
Bill Gates to bypass doubly.

Man's birthday
It is very good.
Well, if such a
I would celebrate!
After all, you won’t find such for a long time,
All good, and wish
I would like to be quieter
For him to hear:
In bed - to be a dashing horse,
Actually, just keep going.
Such to be you and then,
And the rest - neither give nor take.
Almost forgot, I wanted to add:
To not envy you
Nobody, because such a life
And I would like myself.

If there is a man in the house,
There is a reason for the holiday.
Well, if the birthday boy -
Who then is his opponent?
It's worth taking care of everything
To load it
And all household chores
To take over.
Surround him with care
And cover with a feather.
To spend the day in comfort
And he wouldn't bother.
To strength and health
He could pick up for the future.
So that he is happy today
To not be alone.

Let in honor of you in the sky,
The rainbow will light up with a bright crown,
Let the birds in a stormy round dance,
Weaving will make life become hot.
Let the fanfare sing in your honor,
And you are like a knight on a white horse,
You will save the princess all bypassing nightmares
And she will kiss you in the moonlight.
May happiness protect you from grief
Wealth will fill your chests.
And the heart, like steel, will temper your will.
And smooth so that the path was contrary to everything.
May gifts await you everywhere.
And on your birthday, hearing the call,
Behind the door I saw your bright girlfriends
And never be alone!

On this sunny day, without hiding love,
I want to congratulate you my counterpart.
I wish you happy smiles to the roof,
In the fridge to keep mice out.
Every hour, let it be filled with warmth,
Never be your weak link.
And do not forget the health bag along the way,
Heading towards success, you just fly!

Are you seriously old?
Well, you give, old man!
Do you remember what I said?
Carry your wig...
Now, I pull ... "no fear",
Wig me yours "not suddenly."
I'm behind your ears - bend down,
Friendly, my friend
I want to raise you in the eyes!
So that the ladies say: "Ah!" -
The boys proudly penetrated
And the man kept silent: "Man!".
From old grandmothers
Apple pear pie.
From a passer-by girl
Hint - frost on the skin!
In short, guy: do not get sick,
Don't yell at strangers.
And what else ... "not in the eyebrow but in the eye",
Always be only "AS" in everything.

Cool birthday toasts

Our life is a ladder, and every year we climb up
one more step. This is an inevitable process, everyone knows it.
Therefore, you need to learn to pay attention to various little things around.
us that make us happy and make us smile. In that,
Perhaps this is the whole meaning of life. For you, birthday boy!
Fill your life with unforgettable moments!

They say that in life you need to treat everything with a share of indifference.
AND the best way out of any situation is the ability to forget
all the bad and keep in mind all the positive, tell all your
thanks to the offenders for the invaluable experience and just go on with high
raised head. I want to raise this glass to our culprit
celebrations and wish him exactly as much indifference as necessary,
in order not to notice human stupidity and malice. And just as much
mindfulness to always notice good and positive deeds!

I propose to drink not easy for a birthday, but for the fact that in your
life was full of pleasant moments, happy days and surprises.
Do not stop rejoicing in the little things, because the little things, in fact, make up
our mood. So that everything always works out for you, only
the way you want it!

They say that a birthday is a sad holiday, because years
fly, and you become one more older. But for me, age is
only numbers. It doesn't matter how old you are, what matters is how you are
feel. I wish you always feel eighteen! For this and
let's drink! For your eternal youth, ageless heart and soul!

Long ago, God created the earth. And He endowed every living creature
the same life expectancy - all for 30 years. plowed plowed
the horse is 60 years old, she felt sorry for herself, she decided: “I will give ten years
of his life to a person. During this time he will grow wiser, invent a tractor, and
my life will be easier." No sooner said than done. The dog thinks: "I'm a friend
person or not? And she also gave her 10 years. Here is the monkey
says: “I read somewhere that the man and I are distant relatives.
So I'll give him a dozen years too. So it turns out that lives
person 60 years old: 30 years old is normal, 10 years old works like a horse, 10 years old
runs like a dog and shrunk like a monkey for another 10 years. Let's drink
for the fact that our birthday boy lived another 100 years, but lived them

Let's raise our glasses to our birthday boy, passing
crazy intersection, I saw signs on the roads: the way to the right is to
fortunately, the path to the left is to health, forward to wealth, back to
good! And so that you go around this intersection up and down!

They say that the most important thing in life is health. It seems to me that this is not
so. There are also healthy whiners. I think the most important thing these days is
good spirits and optimism. Therefore, I wish you to look at everything in life
with a smile, and then all the hardships of life will be on your shoulder!

Often we are ruined even by our thoughts, because they are material. Much
depends on positive attitude. I wish you, birthday boy, look at
everything is only through the prism of optimism, then all things will be done
faster. Take life easy, it's really not like that
complex as it seems. Live and enjoy the people who love you
surround, and events!

We all know the fable about the industrious ant and the frivolous
dragonfly. So let's drink to ensure that our birthday boy skillfully
combined the qualities of both of these characters. For your ability to work
have fun!

Happy Birthday! Good luck,
Happiness, joy, kindness,
To make life beautiful
I drink for you today!
May you be lucky everywhere and everywhere
Let your soul sing
I won't wish for much
Hello to you!

We wish that dreams come true.
Health, joy, luck,
Love, hope, kindness!
Please accept our congratulations.

Let the sun shine all year round.
Let bad weather go around your house.
At this festive table
We wish you a lot of happiness!

They say that in life you need to treat everything with a share of indifference. And the best way out of any situation is the ability to forget everything bad and keep everything positive in your memory, thank all your offenders for the invaluable experience and just move on with your head held high. I want to raise this glass to our hero of the occasion and wish him exactly as much indifference as necessary so as not to notice human stupidity and malice. And the same attentiveness to always notice good and positive deeds!

Dear birthday boy, we wish you a sea of ​​smiles and greetings, a sea of ​​flowers and fans, a sea of ​​joyful meetings, happy minutes and the Canary Islands during your holidays! For the birthday boy!

Once upon a time there were two people: one poor, the other rich. The poor man loved flowers, friends, he loved to call guests, and it was always fun at his house. And the rich only thought how to increase his pile of money, he did not invite guests, he did not have fun. When their souls went to the next world, the apostle Paul says to the poor: "You lived like a poet, spiritually, go to paradise." And to the rich, he says: "You lived like a fool, go to hell." The culprit of today's volleys of champagne lives like a poet, and the spiritual is dearer to him than all money. I heartily drink to this character trait that adorns our lives. Let us wish him many years of life, full of happy moments and appreciation of others, we wish the love of women and strong friendship of men.

I wish the dear birthday man to always keep spiritual youth, because youth is a delightful state of expectation of the beautiful, it is a unique feeling that everything is possible, everything is within our power. I wish you health, happiness, may luck and success accompany everything, and happiness, prosperity and good mood are always ahead!

I propose to drink and wish the birthday man to place his life under a waterfall of good luck, joy and prosperity. And so that this waterfall is not inferior in size to the largest waterfall in Central Asia.

A real man is a man who remembers a woman's birthday exactly and never knows how old she is. And a man who never remembers a woman's birthday, but knows exactly how old she is - this is her real husband. Let's raise our glasses to real men!

I want to drink so that you absolutely do not have enough time in your life: so that there is no time to be sad, upset and offended. So that minutes refuse to be spent on negative events, counting only positive ones. For your good mood.

Every day, the wife baked a delicious bun for her husband, cut it in half at breakfast, spread it with butter, gave the top part to her husband, and took the bottom one for herself. But today was her birthday, and she decided she could afford to eat the top. She wanted it so much, but she never did it to please her husband.

The husband took the lower part and said: you gave me a very big gift! I haven't eaten the bottom half of the bun that I love for so many years because I thought it was rightfully yours!"

Let's drink so that complete understanding and love reign in your family, and so that you and your spouse can talk and share things that are important to you with each other.

Funny toasts from the bottom of my heart to a strong man

Life is like mathematics ... And I wish that in your mathematics there are as many pluses, multiplications and percentages of happiness as possible

Let's drink to a four-stroke engine, because it is he who, in his 4 cycles, allows us to keep up with everything everywhere, buy and start toasting at the table on time!

Happy birthday! I wish you resistance to everything: illnesses, stresses, failures... Let nothing be able to “knock you down”. May you always have a lot of fortitude, courage, courage and confidence to fight back any life situation, so that nothing can overshadow your life. Be a winner in life.

This wonderful man, on his birthday, I want to wish a lot. But I’ll drink to the correct behavior of the letter “D” in his life: so that money is in abundance, fools are far away, friends are wonderfully sincere, deeds are brought to achievements, longevity, kindness and a lot of love.

I want to raise a glass so that there are no bitter minutes in your life, but only hours of wild happiness! My toast to your sweet moments just like this wonderful birthday cake!

In the East they say that when a star falls, it is fortunate, and my toast today is for your life to be full of starfalls!

A man's desire to love all women makes even his own wife laugh. For the funny desires of men who develop a sense of humor in women!

A naked girl is walking in the desert. A naked young man, but in a hat, walks towards her. He, seeing the beauty, took off his hat and covered his manhood. The girl approached him: first she removed one hand from her hat, then the other. And the hat did not fall, continued to hold on.
So let's drink to that feminine beauty that gives strength to men to keep this hat!!!

Two old friends were walking along the street. Suddenly a doctor meets them. Here one of the friends hid behind the second.
- What are you? his friend asks.
- Yes, you know, something ashamed. After all, I have never been sick and never once in my life have I turned to a doctor for help.
So let's drink to the fact that our birthday girl is always ashamed of meetings with doctors and forever forgets the way to hospitals and pharmacies! To the health of the birthday girl!

Today we will soar in the clouds: And may not only today, but always the sky above you be cloudless and clear! Happy holiday to you!

On a birthday, a person does not become one year older - it is another year replenished by such a wonderful person like you! Congratulations to you and this happy year!

When the sun shines brightly - the woman undresses to a bathing suit. So let's drink to make the eyes of men shine brighter than the sun!

At the age of 20, a man is such an instrument that plays without tuning.
At 35, it's a violin. It is tuned for 2-3 minutes and plays at the request of the tuner.
At 55, this is a piano: one tunes, the other plays.
So let's drink to the fact that we, men, play the violin until old age!

He was a quiet and reserved young man. Having stood for half an hour near the house where his beloved lived, he saw how the door suddenly opened and a woman appeared before him, giving him a stern look.
- Who are you waiting for here? she asked.
- In ... your daughter, - he answered frightened.
"In that case, you'd better get the hell out of here," she said. - You are not suitable for our daughter. When her father was courting me, and I suddenly didn’t show up for a date, he climbed over the garden fence, strangled the dog, put out the window, locked my father in the room, put a ring on my finger and said that we would get married right away. This is the kind of groom we would like for our daughter.
So let's raise our glasses to the brave and dexterous horsemen!

You have a birthday today
Truly masculine
After all, every moment of life
You decorate yourself!
At every point event
Worth both a stroke and a seal
Any step without overlap
What are you ready to answer?
Let the decisions be strong
Dreams come true in real life!
Let there be delicious joy
Slightly pleasant fatigue
In the evening, just before bed,
When work for later!

Comic congratulations to a man happy birthday with humor

The world is not perfect today
But there is a birthday in the world!
And that means the holiday is guaranteed
So accept congratulations!
You are a fusion of romance and style!
Generous and shy
But if the ladies are sad,
Your humor will be endless!
We will glorify you in congratulations,
Let it not be written in trochee.
And happy birthday congratulations
So raise your glass quickly!

They say that a losing streak sometimes turns out to be a take-off.
So let's drink to our joyful prospects on the runway!

It’s better to be full than hungry, it’s better to live in peace than in anger, it’s better to be needed than free - that’s what we’ll drink for, so that the birthday boy is full, in peace and needed!

Happy Birthday to You!
And in wonderful years
I wish you good luck
And goodness in addition!

Happiness, life without sorrow,
To surprise everyone around
There was money in the wallet
So that you are always lucky!

I wish that everything breaks at the birthday man: the table - from treats, the wallet - from dollars and euros, and the bed - from pleasure.

Once a decent husband returned
A little early from the trip.
Oh, it would be better if he went around a couple of puddles,
Slightly delayed along the way.
He comes in the door, and the wife is there with another,
He caresses and kisses him.
The poor man was not ready for such events
And I realized it will not lose.
Hit the lover with a hook in the stomach,
Wife same: \

Spaniards love to wish their friends and relatives good health on their birthday, Great love, beautiful women, and most importantly - longevity, in order to have time to enjoy it all. We wish the same to our birthday today!
Dear birthday boy, we wish you a sea of ​​smiles and greetings, a sea of ​​flowers and fans, a sea of ​​joyful meetings, happy minutes and the Canary Islands during your holidays!
Let's drink to our children having rich parents!

cool toast
Let's drink for honest and modest people!
Especially since there are so few of us left...

One magazine announced a competitive situation: “Imagine that you are sitting in a restaurant with a woman whom you have just met and whom you really like. You need to go to the toilet. How do you explain your absence to her, and so that it is true and decently sounded?

The first place went to this explanation: “Madame, I must go out to help my friend, whom I will introduce you to a little later.” So let's drink to the acquaintance and to the decent-sounding truth!

Funny beautiful toasts to a man congratulations on his anniversary

Two roses wandered through the desert for a long time, exhausted from the heat, finally reached an oasis with shady coolness and a silvery stream.
- Oh, the stream! Let us get drunk! whispered the roses.
“Well then,” said the brook, “the one of you who will allow me to enjoy her body will bathe in my waters as much as he wants.
The first rosette rejected the offer of the stream and dried up under the scorching rays of the sun. And the second rose did not tempt fate and gave herself to the stream. Having drunk, she blossomed and became even more beautiful ...
So let's drink to those who drink - and bloom!

Two thieves met: young and old. Old says:
- If you climb a tree and steal six eggs from under a sitting bird, then you will be on an equal footing with me.
The young thief took off his clothes and climbed the tree like a snake. He stretched out his hand to the nest, but the bird woke up and screamed. Then the old thief showed skill to the young one - he took off his clothes, climbed a tree and stole six eggs from a bird. When he descended from the tree, he did not see his clothes.
So let's drink to excellent students!

A turtle swims along the river, a poisonous snake sits on its back. The snake thinks: "I bite - it will drop." The turtle thinks: "If I drop it, it will bite." So let's drink to true female friendship, which can overcome any obstacles!

Fir-trees-sticks, dense forest,
Get fined for downtime!
Let's drink, brothers, for men
We are for no apparent reason!

Dear men, on behalf of women, we congratulate you on the holiday of the Russian Army, and therefore, on the holiday of our men. We love you, appreciate you and are ready to inspire you to deeds for the glory of the Fatherland. Long live the men!

One man was driving his brand new Ford and on the way he came across a voting girl. He picked up a fellow traveler, who, by the way, was a very pretty person, and decided to give her a ride with the breeze. Before he had time to press the gas, he was awakened by a ring on the phone. Let's drink to the fact that this year no one can tear you away from pleasant activities.

The name of the child is given by the parents. God appoints a guardian angel for everyone. From that moment on, the name of a person largely determines his fate.
It is important to keep your name in spiritual purity. And then the guardian angel will favor and support the person.
Happiness to you, our dear birthday man!

A man's birthday toast should be short, but not so short that everyone thinks he has nothing to say. He should be witty, but not so much that everyone laughed for 2 hours, and, finally, he should be smart, but not so smart that everyone loaded up and forgot to drink, in general, something like this: "For you, you are our nanotech!" .

In a distant village lived an old aksakal. And then one day he decided to go to another world. But suddenly a strong wind arose and brought a newspaper from somewhere. And then the aksakal's gaze stumbled upon a note telling that another aksakal lives in a neighboring village, who is 120 years old, and that he still feels great. Our aksakal felt offended, and he said:
- I will live longer than him, because I am only 119 years old.
So let's raise our glasses to the fact that the mail to the birthday boy always arrives on time.

On this day, I wish you strong support - this is your wife; true friends - not behind your back, but next to you; joy in life - in their children. And, of course, health, like a healthy bull. Everything else good will follow.

I want to wish you: a sea of ​​money, an ocean of love, and a lot of time to fully enjoy this happiness!

My toast is to your wisdom, generosity, kindness. And for your earthly simplicity. You are the best, dearest. I congratulate you with all my heart!

On your birthday, I wish you health as a marathon runner, intelligence as an academician, and wealth as an Arab sheikh!

Accept congratulations today, on your glorious birthday! I also wish inspiration, and so that there is always love!

Funny toasts to a man in prose on the day of jam

Let it be so: children will become pride, love will become the norm, friends will become a support, money will be big, health will be iron, and life will be amazing. Let all aspirations come true, all doors open, fortune smiles kindly, dreams come true. For the birthday boy!

Long ago, God created the earth. And He endowed every living creature with the same life expectancy - everyone is 30 years old. The horse plowed and plowed for 60 years, she felt sorry for herself, she decided: “I will give ten years of my life to a man. During this time he will grow wiser, invent a tractor, and it will become easier for me to live. No sooner said than done. The dog thinks: “Am I a friend to man or not?”. And she also gave her 10 years. Here the monkey says: “I read somewhere that man and I are distant relatives. So I'll give him a dozen years too. So it turns out that a person lives 60 years: 30 years is normal, 10 years he works hard like a horse, 10 years he runs like a dog, and another 10 years shriveled like a monkey. Let's drink for our birthday boy to live another 100 years, but live them humanly.

You are worthy of praise and kind words,
Today it is a good occasion to say them.
You gathered us at the festive table,
We drink to keep you forever young

So that the years multiply your power,
So that the experience becomes wiser, but not spoiled.
Be happy, be ready to help your friends,
Be honest, be healthy and be free!

I draw your attention to the fact that the birthday boy was born in winter. What does it say? This suggests that there are no storks at this time, they are in the south ... Therefore, all the troubles with the birth of the birthday boy were forced to take on ... the parents! They successfully coped with their task. Therefore, I invite everyone to raise their glasses and drink to the health of the parents of the birthday boy!

They say that criticism is easy, creativity is difficult.
So let's drink to the hero of the occasion, a real creator who does not criticize anyone!

He will not drop the honor of his uniform, he is talented, cheerful and smart.
And in the role of a ladies' idol, he seems to be unsurpassed.
And, celebrating a birthday, it is impossible not to pay tribute to him,
Raising a glass without delay, salute him with champagne!

“They say that life is like a zebra, it is the same black and white and rushes without taking apart the road. I want to wish the birthday boy to tame and saddle this zebra, paint it in bright colors and make it follow only in the right direction!”

Male happiness - somewhere inside the female. For those men who have found their happiness!

They say that there are achievable goals, and there are unrealistic. Not true. If there is a desire to achieve something, then you need to act according to the principle: I see the goal, I see no obstacles. So what a wish!

Love is a feeling similar to the explosion of a supernova, from which a new universe begins, and I want to congratulate you, my love, that we had such an explosion and gave us a new universe of our happiness! And, of course, I want to drink to ensure that our feelings never cool down and turn into a black hole!

Dear you ours, listen to my toast - this is the time. Today good words for you it's two. Be always ahead - these are three. Live and do not swear with your family - this is four. To never lose heart, probably it will be - five! Let there be everything that is in life - it's six,

My birthday toast today! It portends you great luck. So that there is a lot of happiness in life, and bad weather is on the side!

On my birthday I raise a glass, I dedicate this toast to you! I wish to always be on a horse, on an iron, sports horse!

My dear, on this special day, I want to raise my glass to you! For how special, unique, sympathetic and kind you are. Also, I want to drink for days in which there will be no sadness and for moments filled with happiness, for success that will never leave you, for love that will never fade away and for our common future that will be amazing!

They say that with each birthday we become more experienced and wiser. I want to raise a glass for your wisdom, for the wonderful years, thanks to which you have become such a solid, businesslike man!

It is customary to compare a man with wine - that the years make him only better and more expensive. I want to wish you that your future life becomes better for you, and even richer, happier and more successful. To improve your taste, reduce problems, and improve your health! Happy Birthday!

It would be better to celebrate a birthday more than once a year, but every day, in order to list all the advantages of the birthday man during this long time! So let's drink to at least two of his main virtues - for the fact that he is, and for the fact that he is with us!