Types of alcohol addiction. Types of alcoholism: names and characteristics

Many people use alcohol, as they put it, "to keep warm." Indeed, under the influence of alcohol, the vessels expand, and a pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body. But, having warmed up quickly, you can freeze just as quickly, so you need to be careful with alcohol, especially in winter time outdoors.

When drinking large amounts of alcohol, you can also face another problem - dehydration, which is accompanied by headaches, nausea and weakness. To understand that you or your loved ones suffer from alcoholism, you need to know the causes of its occurrence, the types and stages of the disease.

Alcoholism refers to the physical and psychological cravings for alcoholic beverages. Alcoholics drink in order to achieve a pleasant and relaxed state - intoxication. The impact of alcohol on the body depends on the characteristics of a person - his gender, weight, stage of alcoholism and, of course, on the strength and dose of alcoholic beverages drunk. Exceeding the normal dose leads to loss of coordination, memory lapses and unpleasant physical sensations.

Types of alcoholism

From the point of view of doctors, an alcoholic is not the man we are used to with alcohol, barely standing on his feet. Any person can suffer from addiction to drinking, regardless of gender, age and income level. If a person constantly consumes alcohol and cannot imagine his life without it, this type of alcoholism is called chronic. Acute alcoholism refers to severe poisoning with alcoholic beverages in the case of a single use of them. As a rule, low-drinking people who accidentally "grabbed too much" during a feast face acute intoxication.

Chronic alcoholism

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages begins imperceptibly, but soon very quickly tightens the person. Almost always, chronic alcoholism is not a secret to others, since the alcoholic does not hide this and constantly comes up with reasons for drinking. The end of the work week, the paycheck, the meeting with an old friend - all this is an excuse to get drunk again. The dependence of chronic alcoholics is psychological in nature, and therefore it must be treated appropriately, protecting a person from his usual way of life.

Chronic alcoholism can be recognized by the following signs:

  • The appearance of a hangover syndrome;
  • Outbursts of aggression and loss of self-control;
  • The appearance of mental disorders;
  • Increasing the amount of alcohol you drink.

A hangover, the most well-known sign of chronic alcoholism, is reminiscent of a rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, and a low mood.

Ways to treat alcohol addiction

Since chronic alcoholism appears due to various reasons, its treatment methods are also divided into several groups:

  • Treatment with medicines and preparations;
  • Psychotherapy;
  • Social rehabilitation;
  • Detoxification;
  • As well as complex methods that include elements of the listed groups.

The first group of methods is aimed at eliminating the physiological causes of alcoholism. A drug that is incompatible with alcohol is injected into the patient's body. If at the time of treatment a person drinks a little, he will experience severe poisoning. The fear of repeating these same sensations makes a person give up alcohol. Since a severe overdose of alcohol can have severe consequences, even death, treatment with such methods is carried out only with the consent of the patient.

The work of psychotherapists is to consolidate in the mind of the patient a negative attitude towards drinking, and the realization of the fact that a person no longer drinks gives him even more strength and vitality. Social rehabilitation is no less important than the use of drugs, since it depends on it how a person will communicate with people after returning to normal life. In order for yesterday’s alcoholic to “not be dragged out” again, control by relatives and psychologists is very important during the rehabilitation period.

Alcohol detoxification is used to relieve a hangover and is not an independent treatment for alcoholism. During detoxification, alcohol is replaced with similar chemical properties substances, but less dangerous to the body. Comprehensive methods include all of the listed treatment options.

Drunken alcoholism

A binge is the use of alcohol for several days or weeks in a row, followed by periods of "sobriety". If a person drinks a little and not every day, it's still alcoholism, but don't drink yet. When the use of alcoholic beverages continues for many days in a row (and sometimes months), this is a reason to sound the alarm. Having coped with the binge (as a rule, with the help of doctors, since it is very difficult to do it on your own), the alcoholic lives an ordinary life for some time, but then again takes up the old. The onset of binge is called psychological reasons, and then “chemistry” takes over - the body requires one serving of alcohol after another, painfully reacting to their absence.

Binges treatment

First of all, it is necessary to find out for what reasons a person began to drink non-stop - this will help in
further, when the body is cleansed of toxins, and a psychologist will talk to the patient. Then it should be taken directly for the patient: he must be sobered up, waiting until he falls asleep. Be careful: sometimes this may require sleeping pills, so trust the treatment only to a narcologist. This is followed by the elimination of toxins. The patient is prescribed special preparations for oral administration, and in case of complications - droppers with saline. Sobering up a person and cleansing the body takes 3-4 days.

Hidden and beer alcoholism

Often people do not want others to know about their addiction to the bottle. Usually women and successful wealthy people carefully hide their alcoholism, for whom craving for alcohol is a stain on their reputation. But, unfortunately, for them, everything secret becomes clear: after some time, it is no longer possible to hide negative changes in appearance and character from relatives and work colleagues. Not wanting to reveal themselves, secret alcoholics go for new tricks - they drink either rarely, but a lot, or switch to low-alcohol drinks and beer.

Drinking beer, despite the outward harmlessness, is much more dangerous than other types of alcoholism. With beer alcoholism, a person drinks almost every day, and the average dose rarely drops below one liter. At first, it does not affect human health in any way, but the attachment to beer is much stronger than, for example, to wine or vodka. In the future, the use of beer leads to the transition to stronger drinks, hard drinking and serious diseases of the internal organs. According to the strength and volume of alcohol consumed, alcoholism is divided into:

  • Daily use of mild alcohol;
  • Rare use of weak alcohol;
  • Extremely rare use of strong alcohol and in large doses.

Women's and children's alcoholism

Women's alcoholism is much more dangerous than men's, since the weaker sex quickly gets used to alcohol, and refuses it with great effort. Alcohol in a short time affects the organs and systems of the body, which complicates the treatment process. As a rule, women develop diseases of the liver and pancreas the fastest. Also, alcohol is an indirect cause of sexually transmitted diseases, since alcohol lovers often lead a promiscuous sex life.

Over time, female alcoholism can turn into serious mental disorders that make women nervous and aggressive. It is more difficult to treat it, since women are afraid to admit to themselves that they have a problem and, therefore, do not make contact with a doctor. Female alcoholism is caused by a number of reasons:

  • Problems of a socio-economic nature (small salary, poor relations with colleagues, etc.);
  • Dating with drinking people;
  • stress;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Work in an alcoholic or other dysfunctional field.

Child and adolescent alcoholism manifests itself before the age of 18. In addition to the obvious harm to health, alcoholism greatly affects the psyche of the child, since during this period its formation is not yet completed. Aggression in adolescent alcoholics is much more pronounced than in adults, and crimes during this period are more cruel and senseless. Features of child alcoholism:

  • Very fast addiction to alcohol;
  • The rapid development of the disease up to the stage of binges;
  • Drinking alcohol secretly, in large doses and of poor quality;
  • Low efficiency of treatment.

Adolescents begin to drink alcohol, trying to imitate their peers and adults: in this way they increase self-esteem and try to be "like everyone else." Having little experience in drinking alcohol, they often get drunk to a severe degree of intoxication, which, in turn, can lead to loss of consciousness or death. There are many causes of childhood alcoholism, to name just a few of them:

  • Attempts to assert themselves against the background of peers, unwillingness to be an outcast in the company;
  • Difficulties of adolescence, misunderstanding on the part of parents and others;
  • A living example of alcoholic parents;
  • The presence of money and the influence of a bad company.

Remember that it is necessary to fight not with the consequences of alcoholism, but with the causes of its occurrence. If you are unable to overcome alcohol cravings on your own, do not hesitate to seek medical help. Modern paid clinics effectively help people fight alcohol addiction and at the same time provide treatment anonymously.

One of the most popular products today is alcohol. Alcoholic beverages of all types and brands are in demand among the vast majority modern people and everyone, one way or another, consumes alcohol. Only the types of drinks consumed, the reasons for drinking them and the regularity of consumption are different.

Any alcoholic drink includes a certain proportion of ethyl alcohol (it is indicated on the container), or ethanol with the chemical formula C2H5 (OH). Ethyl alcohol is a powerful neuroparalytic poison, disrupting the functioning of the human nervous system and causing indelible damage to all groups of internal organs of their consumers. People voluntarily absorb poison with or without reason - and very often, excessive consumption of alcoholic products leads to a disease that is dangerous for physical and mental health - alcoholism.

Alcoholism is a mental illness, the excessive consumption of alcohol. As a result of constant intoxication, a person health deteriorates, working capacity, well-being and moral values ​​fall. Alcoholism is also characterized by the fact that a person becomes addicted to alcohol. Therefore, when there is no alcohol, the alcoholic suffers, and in order to alleviate his suffering, he repeats the intake of alcohol again and again. Alcoholism is incompatible with a healthy lifestyle.

Despite debate among experts over whether alcoholism should be considered a disease, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recognizes alcoholism as a disease. The risk of developing alcoholism is influenced by the genes of a person and his lifestyle with regards to the behavior of alcohol. Alcoholism is a chronic disease that lasts a lifetime. If it is diagnosed and treated in the early stages, then a complete cure and prevention of severe complications is possible. Chronic alcohol abuse increases the risk of developing serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cancer (especially the esophagus, mouth and throat), and pancreatitis.

About two million Russians suffer from liver damage caused by alcohol abuse. 10 to 20% of drinkers develop cirrhosis of the liver, which is characterized by scarring of the liver and causes permanent damage. leads to further deterioration of health and, ultimately, to death. In addition to cirrhosis, heavy drinkers suffer from chronic liver disease and alcoholic hepatitis.

Liver damage leads to level problems. When alcohol is present in the body, the liver processes it. Because the liver is busy metabolizing alcohol, it often unable to maintain blood sugar levels at the required level, which can lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). When this happens, the brain is unable to get the energy it needs to function, and symptoms such as hunger, weakness, headache, tremors, and even coma (in severe cases) occur.

Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to malnutrition. Chronic alcoholics do not eat enough food due to the high calorie content of alcohol. This prevents them from getting essential vitamins and minerals to maintain health. In addition, a large amount of alcohol makes it difficult or completely stops the digestion of food, since alcohol reduces the secretion of digestive enzymes from the pancreas. Alcohol also interferes with the transport of nutrients into the blood. These disorders of digestion and absorption over a long period of time can lead to exhaustion.

Alcohol is a universal poison that destroys all human systems and organs. With the growth of constant intoxication, a person loses a sense of proportion and control over alcohol consumed. As a result, the central nervous system is damaged, which leads to and.

The entire population can be divided into the following groups:

  • People who do not drink alcohol at all
  • Persons who consume alcohol in moderation
  • Persons who abuse alcohol

In turn, the group of people who abuse alcohol can be divided into 3 classes:

  • Persons suffering from chronic alcoholism.
  • Individuals who show signs of chronic alcoholism.
  • Persons suffering from chronic alcoholism in severe form.

Harm of alcoholism

The basis of any alcoholic beverage is ethyl alcohol. Ethyl alcohol itself is a highly toxic poison. Therefore, no matter what drink it is in - low-alcohol or strong, it has a detrimental effect on all internal organs of the body. Furthermore, Frequent drinking is addictive organism, which leads to a disease such as alcoholism.

Alcohol taken orally is very quickly absorbed by the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and enters the bloodstream after 5 minutes. Through the blood, alcohol enters the brain and liver, where its amount becomes greatest. The cerebral cortex begins to work less organized: concentration is disturbed, attention is disturbed, thoughts become incoherent. The capillaries under the skin expand, which increases blood flow to the skin, which leads to a feeling of warmth. But in fact, this feeling is deceptive, alcohol does not have a warming effect on the body. The impact on the center of the brain, which is responsible for the slow release of urine by the kidneys, leads to the fact that there is an acceleration of urine output. In large quantities, alcohol affects the cerebral cortex in such a way that coordination of movements, speech impairment, human behavior changes in the shortest periods of time.

In addition, alcohol has a detrimental effect on the gastric mucosa, destroying it. The constant destruction of the mucosa leads to serious diseases of the stomach, for example. The destruction of liver cells as a result of exposure to alcohol leads to diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and cancer. According to the results of examination of the body of people suffering from alcoholism, it was revealed that there is not a single organ on which alcohol would not have its harmful effects. In addition, prolonged alcohol intake leads to a long hangover that lasts several days and can lead to a mental disorder called delirium tremens.

Causes of alcoholism

One of the causes of alcoholism in poor people is low standard of living. First of all, these are difficult living conditions, poor nutrition, lack of cultural entertainment and simply hopelessness. These are the causes of alcoholism. However, there is a pattern in many modern developed countries that alcoholism is growing simultaneously with the growth of economic well-being.

Drunken alcoholism is primarily a disease of the soul! The languor of the soul is the beginning of drunkenness. And the anguish of the soul begins with the awareness of total loneliness. Sometimes it happens unconsciously. Drunken alcoholism is preceded, as a rule, by a period of neuroses, phobias, and affects. A person is not yet aware of the reasons for his constant anxiety and enduring dissatisfaction with life. At first, dreams explode his consciousness at night. Vivid, disturbing dreams are the first symptom of a painful feeling of loneliness.

A person does not yet realize that he is alone everywhere - in the family, at work, in a crowded park, in a crowded stadium arena. Enduring longing begins to undermine him. A big city is a collection of loneliness. The metro, especially in the morning, is a prime example of this. Walk in there barefoot or in pajamas at night, and no one will even pay attention to you. Everyone is consumed by their own loneliness.

And as long as a person stumbles upon hopeless loneliness in a many-sided, bright, noisy city, he will return to the team of his own, already divided personality. And in this team, where he is himself and with himself a drinking buddy, he becomes comfortable. He gets warmer. In this team inner world he is understood, he is accepted, he is not alone here. You just need to drink to start a sincere dialogue of several personalities within the person himself. The hangover returns him from this spiritual company to an alien, hostile world of complex realities. Reality shames him. Reality tells him that he is a nonentity. And he returns to his company again. This state is called alcoholic.

As mentioned above, almost every modern person at least occasionally, but uses alcohol. However, not everyone is considered an alcoholic because of the occasional use of ethanol. The main and fundamental difference healthy person from an alcoholic is an addiction, first psychological, and then physical.

External signs the presence of this disease in a person can be called:

    being in a social nigredo (low level of social well-being due to lack of desire or ability to earn money through one's own labor);

    the presence of drunken periods (unsystematic consumption of alcohol for more than one calendar day);

    an increase in the threshold of alcohol rejection, the absence of vomiting when taking large doses of alcohol;

    increased tolerance to ethyl alcohol;

    the presence of withdrawal symptoms (in other words, a hangover);

    the presence of external pathologies, characterized in the complex by skin aging, an increase in the volume of veins and small bruises due to microruptures of capillaries.

Those who are prone to alcoholism at the most advanced stages practically do not get out of the state of intoxication, completely losing their social value and their own worldview. The speech of inveterate alcoholics becomes incoherent and incomprehensible due to damage to the nervous tissue at the cellular level and impaired muscle motility. Very often, alcoholism leads to the development of oncology of the digestive tract, cirrhosis or liver cancer and cardiovascular diseases (often fatal).

Stages of alcoholism

Modern medicine considers alcoholism as a disease of three stages of varying complexity, but it is quite possible to divide it into four. Alcoholism of the third and fourth stages is a kind of “point of no return”: having reached this point, the patient can no longer refuse alcohol on his own.

Stage 1 alcoholism

Stage 1 is characterized by the presence of a weak psychological dependence. If a person does not have access to alcohol, the dependence is slowly fading away, but if the funds are available, he will certainly get himself a dose of ethanol. There are no visible physical pathologies at the first stage of the disease - only a slight addiction, characterized by a desire to drink on the weekends, accompany a meeting of friends with alcohol, or dilute loneliness with a certain dose of alcohol.

In order to prevent the patient from taking ethyl alcohol, it is enough to divert his attention and fill his free time with a program that excludes the intake of alcohol. In this case, psychological dependence completely disappears within a short time. However, if this is not done, the intake of alcohol becomes less normalized and more frequent, and the patient becomes more and more dependent.

Stage 2 alcoholism

Stage 2 is characterized by an obsessive desire to drink alcohol. Psychological dependence becomes inescapable - even when distracted by work or other matters, the patient thinks about how nice it would be to drink (and often lives in anticipation of this moment).

Tolerance to alcohol increases - the dose from which natural nausea does not occur as a reaction to intoxication of the body becomes larger. The critical attitude towards alcoholism disappears; alcohol in everyday life becomes self-evident. Then comes what modern doctors tend to consider the transition to the third, most severe stage of the disease according to the standard classification (although this can be defined as a separate stage).

3rd stage of alcoholism

Stage 3 is characterized by the appearance of withdrawal symptoms in the drinker. Dependence on a psychological level develops into a physical one: the alcohol taken blocks the production of many natural hormones, which is why the patient can no longer stop drinking.

The patient reaches the so-called "alcohol tolerance plateau" - the dose of ethanol that can be consumed without vomiting increases several times higher than the safe norm. The elimination of a hangover by drinking new doses of alcohol develops into drunken alcoholism, causing irreparably harmful consequences to the human body. In an alcoholic, pathological changes in the nervous tissue begin, the liver begins to slowly degenerate into connective tissue - the beginnings of cirrhosis appear.

With the forced cessation of hard drinking, the patient develops symptoms resembling a narcotic “withdrawal” and characterized by a “refusal syndrome”. The behavior of the patient during the withdrawal syndrome becomes violent, unpredictable and actively aggressive.

4th stage of alcoholism

Stage 4 is characterized by a sharp decrease in alcohol tolerance due to the almost complete dysfunction of many vital important organs. There are pathological changes in the structure of blood vessels. The digestive tract and liver begin to suffer from the appearance of malignant tumors. The patient completely loses interest in the social side of life - the only problem is finding the next dose of ethyl alcohol.

Often there is a complete loss of intelligibility in alcoholic beverages: inveterate alcoholics drink alcohol, windshield wipers, and cologne with equal pleasure. Physical dependence becomes so strong that if the patient is forcibly removed from a drunken state, he may simply die.

Incoherent speech, a low level of coordination of movements, drying out of muscle tissue turn patients from people into creatures practically devoid of reason and meaning in life. Alcoholics completely lost the need for the reproductive function of the human body. The fourth stage of alcoholism in 95% of cases ends in painful death from cerebral hemorrhage or heart attack (ventricular fibrillation).

Despite the severe pathogenesis of the disease and its imperceptible progression up to severe stages, there are methods of treatment. Do not seriously rely on folk methods- they do not work with all types of alcoholism (beer, wine, vodka) and help only to some extent. When treating, use modern methods scientifically proven effectiveness.

    Aversive therapy - it helps a lot even in cases where the alcoholic does not want to admit that he is sick, and does not agree to undergo a course of treatment voluntarily. There are whole lists medications that cause disgust for alcohol by influencing the simplest human reflexes. Disulfiram can be distinguished from such drugs - it is harmless to non-drinkers, however, when mixed with alcohol, it causes symptoms, although not dangerous, but terribly unpleasant for the drinker. From folk remedies an analogue can be distinguished - a decoction - which, when mixed with ethanol, causes a strong one.

    Psychological therapy is her carrying out such work is possible only if the alcoholic recognizes his alcoholism and wants to get rid of it in order to remain a person, maintain his position in society, family and other values ​​that are incompatible with the disease. Practice shows the high efficiency of the methods of modern psychological influence: 80% of patients undergoing psychotherapy begin to realize again the harm of ethanol and feel disgust for their eternally drunken ego. Relapses of alcoholism after careful psychological therapy are extremely rare.

    Detoxification of the body - according to the methodology, the method resembles a set of medical measures for severe food or drug poisoning. The purpose of the course is to save the patient from the harmful effects of alcohol breakdown products in the blood and digestive tract, cleanse the liver, remove metabolic products from the patient's body. The method is good for ridding the patient of physical dependence on alcoholic beverages, but does not suppress the desire to drink.

    Social adaptation- there are cases when even an inveterate alcoholic decides to take on his crumbling life and embark on the path of correction, but, not having such an opportunity, continues to drink from hopelessness. The social adaptation of such patients is often a fundamental factor in getting rid of alcoholism - however, it is completely useless for those who do not recognize themselves as alcoholics and do not want to follow the prescriptions of doctors.

alcoholism statistics

alcoholism statistics shows that addiction to alcohol in young people develops much faster than in adults. In adolescents who started drinking alcohol at 15-18 years old, full addiction occurs within 2-3 years, and in children who started drinking alcohol at 12-14 years old - in less than a year.

Alcoholism is not just one person's problem. This disease has long acquired universal proportions. And here effective way no fight yet. It remains to be hoped that soon medicine will find a way to relieve cravings for alcohol - an insidious killer that destroys everything in its path.

Drinking alcohol on special occasions is one of the traditions of the celebration. At the same time, sometimes it is worth stopping and being vigilant about the health of loved ones, paying attention to alarm signals. Many are interested in what alcoholism is and what are the methods of treating the disease, except for coding. By learning more about addiction, you will understand how to help a person with this disease.

Alcohol addiction

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) defines the disease. Alcoholism is a chronic disease characterized by the development of addiction to ethyl alcohol. Isolated cases of moderate consumption of strong and beer drinks are not a disease, but a person is able not to notice how cravings arise. Teenagers get used to alcohol faster than others. So, a child, having tried alcohol for the first time at 12-14 years old, is able to achieve complete dependence in less than a year.

Alcoholism and its stages do not develop in everyone who has tried alcohol, so the question arises about the causes of addiction. They are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Physical - these are the reasons due to the development and structure of the body: genetic predisposition, physical features that cause disruption of the brain.
  2. Social - drinking traditions, troubles in life, difficult economic conditions, poverty, lack of work, a person suffers from the loss of a loved one.
  3. Psychological - when a person does not inspire confidence in others, he does not find someone to talk to, experiences moral pressure, is not able to free himself from complexes. In such cases, he may use alcohol as a psychotropic drug.


Often this diagnosis is made to men, but a female, children's type is also distinguished. They are especially dangerous because they develop quickly. There are also these types:

  1. Chronic alcoholism is the regular abuse of any alcoholic beverages, both strong and beer, wine.
  2. Secret - characterized by the fact that a person is ashamed of his addiction, carefully hides it. It manifests itself in the form of drinking beer and low-alcohol drinks in small quantities or large doses of strong booze at a certain time.
  3. Drunken - when drunkenness lasts from 3-4 days to several weeks.
  4. Beer alcoholism is no less dangerous than the use of other drinks, it can lead to a chronic or drunken type.


Narcology distinguishes 4 degrees of the disease. At the 3rd stage, there is a point of no return, it is no longer possible to heal on your own, a person requires outside intervention:

  • the first stage of alcoholism is characterized by the presence of a weak psychological dependence, which can be independently suppressed;
  • the second degree includes increased craving for alcohol, greater tolerance of the body;
  • in the third stage of alcoholism, psychological dependence develops into physical dependence, the production of certain hormones is blocked;
  • the fourth degree is characterized by dysfunction of many organs, binges, brittle, acute craving for alcohol, trembling hands syndrome appears.


People can drink alcohol without being addicted to it. The disease is characterized by the presence of psychological cravings. The following signs of alcoholism will help to recognize the disease:

  1. Increase in doses of alcoholic beverages until intoxication appears.
  2. Greater tolerance of the body to alcohol. This symptom manifests itself as less rejection of strong drinks.
  3. Drinking alcohol for several days.
  4. Having a hangover.
  5. Decreased physical activity, desire to do something.

Harm of alcoholism

The basis of alcoholic beverages is ethyl alcohol, which harms the body, being a poison and causing poisoning. Alcohol intoxication affects the functioning of the brain, so frequent exposure can lead to cell damage. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract, where it is absorbed. This leads to malnutrition, the result is diabetes mellitus or cirrhosis. Psychological craving changes a person's behavior, makes him addicted.

Consequences of alcoholism

Dependence on alcoholic beverages leads to harmful things. The consequences of alcoholism are divided into 3 groups:

  • medical - ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on most organs;
  • social - a decrease in the health of the population, an increase in the level of drug addiction, mortality and crime;
  • socio-economic - a decrease in labor productivity leads to material damage.

Alcoholism treatment

Relatives, wanting to help a loved one, rely on the church and folk methods, locking a sick person in a monastery or hospital. They believe that limiting access to alcohol will help get rid of addiction. But curing alcoholism is possible only with the right approach. These are the methods of modern psychiatry, the help of a narcologist in the selection of drugs.


Relatives, faced with a problem, want to know what alcoholism is, what ways to treat it. Often a person himself is aware of the problem and wants to get rid of it. In such cases, medicine is used different methods therapy. If the patient is in a state of intoxication, then detoxification is needed. For this purpose, droppers are connected, which accelerate the withdrawal of alcohol. Medications that provoke rejection to alcohol may be prescribed.

Now there are anonymous centers and clinics that help fight alcoholism and drug addiction. Some of them offer free help.

Medical personnel work there, helping not only to stop drinking, but also to adapt socially. Help trips to a psychologist. Eliminating complexes, increasing self-esteem, acknowledging the problem and finding solutions helps to become stronger and cope with addiction.


Assumes this method to establish the rejection of the patient to alcohol. The body is able to code from taking medications. There is a laser method - this is the effect of rays on the cerebral cortex. You can also encode by influencing the subconscious of a patient who is in a hypnotic trance. Such services can only be provided by experienced psychologists, well-known specialists of the Dovzhenko Center.


Medicines and pills help to cope with addiction. Many not only cause rejection, but also help to remove toxic substances from the body, stimulating a speedy recovery. Against the background of the drugs Antabuse, Teturam, Esperal, rejection reactions to ethyl components are formed. Many drugs are sold without a prescription, but the appointment must be prescribed by a narcologist.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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- a disease in which there is a physical and mental dependence on alcohol. It is accompanied by increased craving for alcohol, inability to regulate the amount of alcohol consumed, a tendency to binge drinking, the occurrence of a pronounced withdrawal syndrome, a decrease in control over one's own behavior and motivations, progressive mental degradation and toxic damage to internal organs. Alcoholism is an irreversible condition, the patient can only completely stop drinking alcohol. The use of the smallest doses of alcohol, even after a long period of abstinence, causes a breakdown and further progression of the disease.

General information

Alcoholism is the most common type of substance abuse, mental and physical dependence on the intake of ethanol-containing drinks, accompanied by progressive degradation of the personality and a characteristic lesion of internal organs. Experts believe that the prevalence of alcoholism is directly related to an increase in the standard of living of the population. In recent decades, the number of patients with alcoholism has been growing, according to WHO, there are currently about 140 million alcoholics in the world.

The disease develops gradually. The likelihood of alcoholism depends on many factors, including the characteristics of the psyche, social environment, national and family traditions as well as genetic predisposition. Children of people suffering from alcoholism become alcoholics more often than children of non-drinking parents, which may be due to certain character traits, genetically determined metabolic characteristics and the formation of a negative life scenario. Non-drinking children of alcoholics often show a tendency to co-dependent behavior and form families with alcoholics. Treatment of alcoholism is carried out by specialists in the field of narcology.

Ethanol metabolism and dependence development

The main component of alcoholic beverages is ethanol. Small amounts of this chemical compound are part of the natural metabolic processes in the human body. Normally, the ethanol content is not more than 0.18 ppm. Exogenous (external) ethanol is rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract, enters the bloodstream and affects nerve cells. The maximum intoxication occurs 1.5-3 hours after drinking alcohol. When taking too much alcohol, a gag reflex occurs. As alcoholism develops, this reflex weakens.

About 90% of the alcohol taken is oxidized in the cells, broken down in the liver and excreted from the body as end products of metabolism. The remaining 10% is excreted unprocessed through the kidneys and lungs. Ethanol is excreted from the body within about a day. In chronic alcoholism, the intermediate products of ethanol breakdown remain in the body and have a negative effect on the activity of all organs.

The development of mental dependence in alcoholism is due to the effect of ethanol on the nervous system. After taking alcohol, a person feels euphoria. Anxiety is reduced, the level of self-confidence increases, it becomes easier to communicate. Basically, people are trying to use alcohol as a simple, affordable, fast-acting antidepressant and stress reliever. As a “one-time help”, this method sometimes really works - a person temporarily relieves tension, feels satisfied and relaxed.

However, the intake of alcohol is not natural and physiological. Over time, the need for alcohol increases. A person, who is not yet an alcoholic, begins to drink alcohol regularly, not noticing gradual changes: an increase in the required dose, the appearance of memory lapses, etc. When these changes become significant, it turns out that psychological dependence is already combined with physical dependence, and independently refuse drinking alcohol is very difficult or almost impossible.

Alcoholism is a disease closely related to social interactions. At the initial stage, people often drink alcohol due to family, national or corporate traditions. In a drinking environment, it is more difficult for a person to remain a teetotaler, since the concept of “normal behavior” is shifting. In socially prosperous patients, alcoholism may be due to a high level of stress at work, the tradition of "washing" successful transactions, etc. However, regardless of the root cause, the consequences of regular alcohol intake will be the same - alcoholism will occur with progressive mental degradation and deterioration in health.

Consequences of drinking alcohol

Alcohol has a depressant effect on the nervous system. At first, euphoria occurs, accompanied by some excitement, a decrease in criticism of one's own behavior and ongoing events, as well as a deterioration in coordination of movements and a slowdown in reaction. Subsequently, excitement is replaced by drowsiness. When taking large doses of alcohol, contact with the outside world is increasingly lost. There is a progressive distraction of attention in combination with a decrease in temperature and pain sensitivity.

The severity of movement disorders depends on the degree of intoxication. In severe intoxication, gross static and dynamic ataxia is observed - a person cannot maintain a vertical position of the body, his movements are highly uncoordinated. Violated control over the activity of the pelvic organs. When taking excessive doses of alcohol, weakening of breathing, cardiac disturbances, stupor and coma may occur. Possible fatal outcome.

In chronic alcoholism, typical lesions of the nervous system due to prolonged intoxication are noted. During the exit from hard drinking, alcoholic delirium (delirious tremens) may develop. Somewhat less frequently, patients suffering from alcoholism are diagnosed with alcoholic encephalopathy (hallucinosis, delusions), depression and alcoholic epilepsy. Unlike delirium tremens, these conditions are not necessarily associated with an abrupt cessation of drinking. In patients with alcoholism, gradual mental degradation, a narrowing of the range of interests, cognitive impairments, decreased intelligence, etc. are revealed. In the later stages of alcoholism, alcoholic polyneuropathy is often observed.

Typical disorders of the gastrointestinal tract include pain in the stomach, gastritis, erosion of the gastric mucosa, and atrophy of the intestinal mucosa. Acute complications are possible in the form of bleeding caused by gastric ulceration or violent vomiting with mucosal tears in the transitional section between the stomach and esophagus. Due to atrophic changes in the intestinal mucosa in patients with alcoholism, the absorption of vitamins and microelements worsens, metabolism is disturbed, and vitamin deficiency occurs.

Liver cells in alcoholism are replaced by connective tissue, liver cirrhosis develops. Acute pancreatitis, which occurred against the background of alcohol intake, is accompanied by severe endogenous intoxication, may be complicated by acute renal failure, cerebral edema and hypovolemic shock. Mortality in acute pancreatitis ranges from 7 to 70%. Characteristic disorders of other organs and systems in alcoholism include cardiomyopathy, alcoholic nephropathy, anemia, and immune disorders. Alcoholics are at increased risk of developing subarachnoid hemorrhages and some forms of cancer.

Symptoms and stages of alcoholism

There are three stages of alcoholism and a prodrome - a condition when the patient is not yet an alcoholic, but regularly consumes alcohol and is at risk of developing this disease. At the prodrome stage, a person willingly takes alcohol in the company and, as a rule, rarely drinks alone. The use of alcohol occurs in accordance with the circumstances (a celebration, a friendly meeting, a rather significant pleasant or unpleasant event, etc.). The patient can stop taking alcohol at any time without suffering any unpleasant consequences. He has no desire to continue drinking after the event is over and easily returns to normal sobriety.

The first stage of alcoholism accompanied by increased craving for alcohol. The need for alcohol resembles hunger or thirst and is exacerbated in adverse circumstances: quarrels with loved ones, problems at work, an increase in the overall level of stress, fatigue, etc. If an alcoholic patient does not manage to drink, he is distracted and cravings for alcohol temporarily decreases until the next adverse situation. If alcohol is available, the alcoholic drinks more than the prodrome. He tries to achieve a state of pronounced intoxication by drinking in company or drinking alcohol alone. It is more difficult for him to stop, he strives to continue the "holiday" and continues to drink even after the end of the event.

Characteristic features of this stage of alcoholism are the extinction of the gag reflex, aggressiveness, irritability and memory lapses. The patient takes alcohol irregularly, periods of absolute sobriety may alternate with isolated cases of alcohol consumption or be replaced by binges lasting several days. Criticism of one's own behavior is reduced even during the period of sobriety, a patient with alcoholism tries in every possible way to justify his need for alcohol, finds all sorts of "worthy reasons", shifts the responsibility for his drinking to others, etc.

The second stage of alcoholism manifested by an increase in the amount of alcohol consumed. A person takes more alcohol than before, while the ability to control the intake of ethanol-containing drinks disappears after the first dose. Against the background of a sharp refusal of alcohol, an abstinence syndrome occurs: tachycardia, increased blood pressure, sleep disturbances, trembling fingers, vomiting when taking liquids and food. Perhaps the development of delirium tremens, accompanied by fever, chills and hallucinations.

The third stage of alcoholism manifested by a decrease in tolerance to alcohol. To achieve intoxication, it is enough for a patient suffering from alcoholism to take a very small dose of alcohol (about one glass). When taking subsequent doses, the state of the patient with alcoholism practically does not change, despite the increase in the concentration of alcohol in the blood. There is an uncontrollable craving for alcohol. Drinking alcohol becomes constant, the duration of binges increases. When you refuse to take ethanol-containing drinks, delirium tremens often develops. Mental degradation is noted in combination with pronounced changes in internal organs.

Treatment and rehabilitation for alcoholism

Prognosis for alcoholism

The prognosis depends on the duration and intensity of alcohol intake. At the first stage of alcoholism, the chances of a cure are quite high, but at this stage, patients often do not consider themselves alcoholics, so they do not seek medical help. In the presence of physical dependence, remission for a year or more is observed in only 50-60% of patients. Narcologists note that the likelihood of long-term remission increases significantly with the active desire of the patient to refuse to take alcohol.

The life expectancy of patients suffering from alcoholism is 15 years less than the average for the population. The cause of death is typical chronic diseases and acute conditions: alcoholic delirium, stroke, cardiovascular insufficiency and cirrhosis of the liver. Alcoholics are more likely to have accidents and are more likely to commit suicide. Among this population group, there is a high level of early disability due to the consequences of injuries, organ pathology and severe metabolic disorders.

Alcoholism is a disease that develops against the background of frequent use of alcohol and the formation of a pathological craving for it, psychological, and after it physical. Alcohol disrupts metabolic processes in the body, the cumulative effect of alcohol poisoning provokes the development of psychoses. In the later stages of alcoholism, dementia develops.

The figures demonstrating the danger of alcoholism are disappointing:

  • For every 10 adults, there is one who has serious alcohol-related problems.
  • One third of ambulance calls are for alcohol intoxication.
  • In psychiatric hospitals, half of the patients are male alcoholics.
  • The cause of every two out of three deaths is alcohol poisoning.
  • Half of the deaths and serious injuries in road accidents are due to alcohol intoxication.
  • 50% of murders, 40% of robberies, 35% of rapes and 30% of suicides are due to someone's alcoholism.
  • The cause of 80% of fires is sleeping with a cigarette while intoxicated.
  • An increase in alcoholization was noted due to the consumption of beer, the introduction of women and adolescents.
  • Among adolescents, 88% of boys and 93% of girls drink alcohol. At this age, the maximum consumption of alcohol is noted.
  • 22 adolescents out of 100,000 are alcoholics, 827 adolescents suffer from psychological dependence.
  • In Russia, 3,500 people die from alcohol every year (as a result of "overdrinking").
  • Alcohol shortens life by an average of 10 years.
  • It has been proven that the tendency to drink alcohol is genetically transmitted. Even the conditions for raising children of alcoholics in a foster and prosperous family do not guarantee success.

Thus, alcohol itself is dangerous, but its socio-psychological consequences are even more dangerous. It is worth noting that alcoholism is different from domestic drunkenness. Drunkenness is the forerunner of alcoholism. Doesn't necessarily go into it, but it happens often. Drunkenness is not seen as a pathology and addiction. It's a drinking habit. Alcoholism is a disease that requires complex treatment, including medication.

Forms of alcoholism

According to the risks of the transition of drunkenness into alcoholism, G. V. Starshenbaum identified the following stages of alcoholization (1 dose - 30 g of vodka or 150-200 g of dry wine, or 300-500 g of beer):

  • One to two doses 6 to 8 times a year is low risk.
  • One to two doses 10-20 times a year is a moderate risk.
  • One to two doses 6-10 times a month or three to four doses 20-40 times a year is a dangerous level.
  • Three to four doses 6-10 times a month (beginning of alcoholism).

In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), alcoholism belongs to the code F10. Moreover, several alcohol disorders and disorders with stages characteristic of each have been identified.

Acute alcohol intoxication

Alcohol intoxication. It can be simple, complicated and pathological. In simple distinguish:

  • mild stage (euphoric arousal, or hypomania);
  • the middle stage (euphoria alternates with dysphoria, speech and motor coordination are disturbed, arousal is replaced by sleep with depression, headache and partial amnesia upon awakening);
  • severe stage (pronounced impaired coordination of movements, urinary and fecal incontinence, vomiting, grimacing, blue and icing of the extremities, unconsciousness, complete amnesia after waking up, loss of appetite and weakness).

A complicated form of intoxication is accompanied by a dysphoric, depressive or hysterical mood mixed with drowsiness:

  • With dysphoria, a person manifests (breaks things, bullies other people, loses self-control in fights, injures himself when alone).
  • In a depressed mood, a person cries, blames himself or reproaches others. Sometimes this turns into a gloomy mood, silence and unexpected suicide attempts.
  • The hysterical mood is manifested by "performance", "performances", suffering and hysterical fits.

Alcohol dependence syndrome, or A-addiction

Pathological use of alcohol, entailing violations of the social and professional functions of the individual. A person cannot stop drinking on his own, despite obvious somatic disorders. A person functions normally only if he regularly drinks small doses or goes into binges. Obviously, this is not welcomed by society in the family and at work.

About the addiction syndrome signals:

  • increase in alcohol tolerance (increasing the dose required to achieve the desired and previous effect);
  • withdrawal syndrome (hangover).

There are 4 types of hangovers (any of them signals an addiction syndrome):

  • Psychopathological: anxiety, vague fear, pessimism, dysphoria, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, self-blame, auditory and visual hallucinations.
  • Neurovegetative: insomnia and trouble falling asleep, edema, sweating, asthenia, thirst, hypertension and hypotension, decreased appetite, limb tremor, palpitations.
  • Cerebral: nausea, cephalgia, fainting, dizziness, seizures similar to epileptic.
  • Somatic: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, heart rhythm disturbance, bloating, colic, arrhythmia.

withdrawal syndrome

Manifested by alcoholic epilepsy or delirium tremens, occurs as a result of the complete cessation of alcohol consumption after prolonged use. Withdrawal syndrome is diagnosed when at least three of the following are present:

  • tremor of the fingers on outstretched hands or the tip of the nose, or eyelids;
  • sweating;
  • nausea and (or) vomiting;
  • high blood pressure or heart palpitations;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • malaise, general weakness;
  • hallucinations and illusions (auditory, visual, tactile);
  • convulsions and fainting.

Alcoholic delirium

Severe withdrawal syndrome. It is noted in alcoholics with at least five years of experience and frequent binges. Delirium occurs 2-7 days after the cessation of prolonged and intensive alcohol intake. In turn, the following violations make themselves known:

  • weak and frequent heartbeat;
  • increased sweating;
  • hypertension and hyperthermia;
  • insomnia;
  • motor excitation;
  • vague fears;
  • irritability;
  • tremor of the lips, tongue and hands, speech disorders;
  • convulsions and seizures;
  • bright visual and tactile hallucinations in the form of insects and animals dangerous to humans, anxiety and confusion of thoughts;
  • disorientation in time and place, confusion;

The last two points are typical signs of delirium. Symptoms continue for 3-7 days from the moment of the first manifestations, and after the patient falls into a long and deep sleep. After awakening, the symptoms disappear, only asthenia remains. Without treatment, delirium in 25% of cases ends in death.

Alcoholic hallucinosis

As a rule, it occurs in middle-aged alcoholics, with physical dependence, after prolonged binges. Manifested by auditory hallucinations. Consciousness remains clear, but already on the second day after drinking, the patient hears sounds, hails, calls, and later threats uttered by some voices. As a result, a delusion of persecution is formed with characteristic motor activity, psychomotor agitation and affects. The person becomes socially dangerous.

Hallucinations last from several hours to several weeks. Without treatment or under unfavorable circumstances, hallucinosis becomes chronic. The patient hears voices all the time, but they are neutral and do not make the person socially dangerous. The fear and excitement of the patient disappear.


Delusional state with a sense of persecution and defensive behavior. The patient everywhere hears threats and thoughts about his murder (finds this meaning in the words of others or suffers from auditory hallucinations). In order to protect the patient may go to the police or attack first. The duration of the condition is from a couple of hours to 2-3 weeks.

Delusional state accompanied by aggression. Most often zealous delirium. It is on the basis of paranoia that domestic murders occur. An alcoholic with paranoia is able to cause bodily harm to a partner, kill him or his relatives and friends. Characteristic features jealous paranoia:

  • distrust of the partner and disappointment in him;
  • quarrels that flare up under the influence of alcohol;
  • feeling of humiliation;
  • problems in relationships with others;
  • guilt;
  • increased sexual activity (need) against the background of reduced opportunities (impotence).

Jealousy takes on inadequate proportions. Own sense of inferiority is projected onto the partner. Without correction, regardless of the further frequency of alcohol intake, delirium becomes chronic.


Alcohol and suicide classic combination, occurs as often as murder on the basis of alcoholic jealousy. The specificity of the phenomenon is that depression and alcohol are interrelated, that is, just as depression can lead to alcoholism, alcoholism can cause decadent and self-deprecating motives, suicidal thoughts and actions.

Pathological intoxication

Delusional state. The alcoholic looks detached from the real world, shows senseless aggression and cruelty, runs aimlessly somewhere, acts alone and silently. It notes:

  • pallor of the face;
  • pupil dilation;
  • relatively adequate view (you can’t say that he was very drunk).

In the end, the person falls asleep soundly and really forgets about everything that happened. At the moment of delusional intoxication, consciousness changes, unexpected insights with erroneous interpretation occur, a person is tormented by fears and hallucinations (visual), illusions.

Types of alcohol addiction

German researcher Georg Jellinek identified several types of addiction:

  • Alpha addiction. Alcohol is used as a means of avoiding trouble, relieving stress, and improving mood. This type of dependence is formed quickly.
  • Beta addiction. A person drinks because of or when it is impossible to resist the temptation. Dependence is formed more slowly. Somatic changes are noted: vascular disorders, deterioration in the functioning of internal organs, decreased immunity, exhaustion ().
  • Gamma addiction. Combination of psychological and physical dependence. There is a withdrawal syndrome, tolerance to alcohol. The patient can do without alcohol for a long time, but if it "gets on the tongue", then it will not stop.
  • Delta dependency. Pronounced psychological and physical dependence. During the day, the patient maintains a constant concentration of alcohol in the blood. The withdrawal syndrome appears more often and easier, tolerance to alcohol increases.
  • Epsilon dependency. Binges with breaks up to several months. The beginning of the binge will coincide with the end of the week or month, the salary. The patient drinks alcohol for several days in a row in large quantities.

Stages of alcoholism

In total, it is customary to distinguish 3 stages of alcoholism.

First stage

At the first stage, there are:

  • vivid and positive memories of alcohol;
  • transition to strong drinks;
  • difficulty of refusal and constant readiness to drink;
  • drinking in one gulp;
  • loss of control;
  • use impulsively, secretly, for physical relaxation, before and after a responsible business;
  • avoiding talking about alcohol;
  • thrifty attitude to alcohol (there is always something at hand);
  • canceling plans for a drink;
  • the gag reflex and the need to eat disappear;
  • tolerance increases;
  • euphoria is increasingly difficult to achieve (after a long time and (or) after large doses);
  • light sleep, frequent awakenings in a state of asthenia;
  • discomfort without drinking;
  • “dose collapse” (adequate state after the first dose and a state of deep sharp intoxication after a second dose).

Later there are memory lapses and mild amnesia the next day. A person has fears that he will do something undesirable while intoxicated. Symptoms develop gradually, in the above sequence.

Second stage

The second stage is characterized by false binges or constant alcohol abuse. Physical dependence is formed. There is a withdrawal syndrome, while the craving for alcohol increases. In addition, it is noted:

  • loss of appetite;
  • general weakness;
  • impotence and decreased libido;
  • jealousy on this basis;
  • justification of alcoholism (search for causes);
  • disguising the source of alcohol intake;
  • lies about everything related to alcohol;
  • drunkenness alone, neglect of social contacts;
  • the distinctive personality traits that prevail before the disease are sharpened;
  • aggression, resentment, attempts to impress and earn authority, to be impressive;
  • job loss or frequent job changes;
  • guilt.

The more problems a person accumulates, the greater his desire to regain control over alcohol. Attempts to abstinence, control the volume and frequency of admission begin. Often there are thoughts about changing the place of residence (“from scratch”). Of course, changing the external conditions will not solve the problem.

Third stage

Constant alcohol abuse persists, but tolerance decreases. As a result, the patient switches to low-alcohol drinks, smaller doses and surrogates. Together with that:

  • personal degradation is observed (immorality, weakness of memory and intellect, strengthening of the lower ones);
  • euphoria with black, coarse and vulgar;
  • dysphoria abruptly replacing euphoria with aggression and delinquency;
  • health deteriorates;
  • performance decreases;
  • there is alcohol consumption in the morning;
  • drinking with people of low social level and status;
  • loss of job, family, friends.

The patient experiences remorse, he is tormented by uncertain and, but he does not recognize the existence of a problem (alcoholism). A person needs treatment in a narcological hospital.

Alcoholic personality change

This is an independent diagnosis, which is assigned the code F07.0 in the ICD-10. In fact, this is a personal degradation, which was mentioned above. Alcoholic personality change is diagnosed when at least two of the following are present:

  • a noticeable decrease in the ability to purposefully, especially with a delayed result;
  • emotional swings (euphoria and emotional flexibility, inadequate humor interspersed with irritability, anger, aggression or apathy);
  • satisfaction of needs and desires in any way, disregard for norms and consequences;
  • suspiciousness or paranoia, preoccupation with one narrow and abstract topic;
  • change in the pace and speed of speech, random associations, hypergraphia;
  • changes in sexual behavior (activity, passivity, promiscuity, change in preferences).

Features of alcoholics

Psychological aspects of alcoholism, features of future and present alcoholics have been studied for a long time. The main idea that researchers agree on is that alcohol is an analogue of a family. Alcohol gives a feeling of confidence, security, warmth, peace, that is, it performs functions.

Alcoholism is more prone to:

  • personality with antisocial;
  • infantile and immature;
  • suggestible;
  • people with dysthymia;
  • insecure;
  • with an increased need for power;
  • anxious;
  • dependent or demonstratively independent;
  • personalities with figurative meager ability for abstractions and analytical thinking;
  • with an unsatisfied need for affection and care, love.

Often alcoholism is an unconscious revenge on parents. It arises as a result of a destructive parenting style.

Games of alcoholics

Alcoholism is often considered within the framework. Its founder, Eric Berne, described the game of an alcoholic in this way:

  • The goal of the game is torture by a state of hangover and self-flagellation.
  • The psychological reward is drinking. She is a rebellion and consolation, a pleasant procedure, a substitute for sexual and emotional intimacy.
  • A quarrel with a wife or loved ones, which is biologically (according to the reactions of the body and hormones) identical to anger and love, and existentially reinforces the alcoholic’s attitude “no one understands me, everyone is against me.”
  • Shame, guilt (the beginning of the game).

If we consider the involvement in the process of alcoholization of the three I of the personality (child, parent, adult), then we can distinguish the following patterns:

  • The position of an adult is always skillfully ignored or it is simply not developed initially. A person cannot adequately evaluate himself, his life and the problem.
  • The child is ruled by the fear of alcohol and the feeling of joy from taking it, the removal of barriers and prohibitions, the fulfillment of all desires, euphoria. The position of the child prevails at the first stage of use.
  • The parent criticizes the behavior, shames, forbids. This position is noticeable at the second stage of alcoholization. The position of a parent is often contradictory, depending on the patterns and authorities learned in childhood.

Alcoholism treatment

Treatment of alcoholism is possible only in conditions integrated work with a narcologist and a psychologist. It is important to understand that even under professional control, relapses occur in 75% of cases. But a qualified doctor is able to recognize the impending breakdown and prevent it. There is an extensive classification of criteria for an approaching breakdown, which is used by experts.

Alcoholism is a disease, not. It is impossible to get rid of it on your own. Psychotherapy is selected strictly individually, taking into account the conditions and characteristics of alcoholism, individual and personal characteristics of the patient. Depending on the case, rational psychotherapy is used, directive, social, mediated or psychological:

  • Rational psychotherapy is indicated for patients with (the cause of alcoholism), who do not understand their problem, have an inferiority complex, and are skeptical about treatment.
  • Directive psychotherapy is prescribed for people without demands and claims, incapable of reflection, infantile, obeying orders and third-party influence.
  • Social psychotherapy is used in the treatment of people in need of social activity (seeking recognition, prone to), a change in social circle, a change in social status (profession, place of residence, family, business and friendly relationships).
  • Mediated psychotherapy is indicated for gullible, suggestible and fearful patients, anxious, infantile and pedantic personalities who need direction and accompaniment in life.
  • Psychological therapy is prescribed for people who need self-education and pedagogical correction, self-improvement, distraction, switching attention (change of direction of activity).

In addition, aversive therapy and suggestive, autogenic training, muscle relaxation, neurolinguistic programming, supportive therapy (assistance in social recovery), correction of noted personality disorders, family psychotherapy are used. Group therapy is used, the most popular methods of which are:

  • affective counterattribution;
  • collective emotional stress therapy Rozhnov;
  • Dovzhenko encoding;
  • mass emotional and aesthetic psychotherapy;
  • creative self-expression therapy;
  • group of anonymous alcoholics.