Elderly people can take folic acid. Benefits of folic acid for women

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 7 minutes


Every creature on the planet needs vitamins. These organic compounds are produced by the body or come from food. Despite the huge role in metabolism, vitamins are characterized by zero calorie content and are not built into the structure of bodily tissues. Science has studied them well enough, but for ordinary people, vitamins are still a mystery. I will answer the question what is folic acid, why women and men need it, I will consider how to use it and where it is contained.

What is folic acid

Folic acid (vitamin B9) is a water-soluble vitamin that promotes the growth and development of the immune system and the circulatory system. Vitamins also include produced substances - diglutamates, triglutamates and polyglutamates. Together with folic acid, everything is called folacin.

The human body does not synthesize folic acid, but receives it from food or through the synthesis of microorganisms living in the intestines. Vitamin B9 is found in large quantities in yeast, green vegetables and bread. In some countries, bakeries deliberately fortify grains with folic acid.

Lucy Wills, a famous doctor from England, studied methods of treating anemia in girls in position in 1931. She found that yeast or animal liver extract cured anemia. So, by the end of the 30s, scientists identified folic acid. By 1941, the substance was obtained from spinach, and four years later it was synthesized by a chemical method.

Vitamin B9 is important for the body, and during pregnancy, the need for it doubles. Folic acid deficiency leads to anemia nervous system.

How to take folic acid for adults and children

Our body does not produce certain substances, and they have to be replenished with food or medicines. Among these substances is vitamin B9. The issue of taking folic acid is of interest to many, because the dosage is determined by age and health. Doses are per day.


  • Dosage per day for an adult is 0.4 mg. Gender differences are not significant. The exception is pregnant women.
  • With a deficiency of folic acid in men, the dosage reaches 1 mg. The lack of vitamin badly affects the quality of the seed, which is fraught with birth defects in children.
  • Oral contraceptives prevent the full absorption of vitamin B9. Therefore, doctors prescribe doses of 0.5 mg to girls taking contraceptives. At elevated level estrogens cannot be taken.

Video instructions for use


At the initial stage of life, the baby receives folic acid in the required amount with mother's milk. In the future, the need of a developing organism gradually increases. Only a doctor prescribes a drug to a child.

  • 1-3 years - 0.07 mg.
  • 4-6 years - 0.1 mg.
  • 7-10 years - 0.15 mg.
  • 11-14 years - 0.2 mg.
  • 15-18 years - 0.3 mg.

The indicated dosages are suitable for children without individual intolerance or contraindications. Be sure to check with your pediatrician before taking.

Aged people

The standard dose for the elderly is 0.4 mg per day. Folic acid deficiency in the elderly leads to cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. For problems with the digestive system, the doctor increases the dose. With hearing loss, the dose reaches 1 mg per day.

Folic acid during pregnancy and lactation

Vitamin B9 is prescribed from the moment of planning pregnancy until the end of lactation.

Half a month after fertilization, the brain and nervous system begin to form in the embryo. Thanks to folic acid, cells divide properly. Deficiency leads to birth defects, including:

If you ignore the recommendations of the gynecologist and do not take the vitamin, the likelihood of premature birth, placental abruption or stillbirth will increase significantly. Scientists have proven that taking vitamin B9 prevents the development of deplorable events.

Weakness, apathy, depression are the result of folic acid deficiency in a woman's body weakened by childbirth. If you do not additionally introduce it, the quantity will decrease and the quality of mother's milk will deteriorate.

Video from the program Live healthy

When carrying a daily dose - 0.4 mg, and when feeding - 0.6 mg. The decision on doses is made by the gynecologist, guided by the results of the examination. The dosage is increased if:

  1. There is epilepsy or diabetes mellitus.
  2. There are congenital diseases in the family.
  3. The woman is forced to take medications that impede the absorption of acid.
  4. Previously, children were born with folic acid-dependent diseases.

The gynecologist determines the dosage of the vitamin during pregnancy. Self-selection"convenient" dose is prohibited and fraught with serious consequences. Healthy women are prescribed Pregnavit and Elevit. Girls who require higher doses are prescribed Apo-Folic or Folacin.

To find out how many tablets to take per day, it is enough to carefully study the instructions attached to the drug and consult a gynecologist.

What is folic acid for?

Let's look at the role of folic acid in the body, which is involved in the production of red blood cells and the synthesis of iron-containing protein.

Vitamin B9 promotes the production of nucleic acids with hereditary information, renewal, development and growth of cells. It is also involved in the formation of appetite and normalizes digestion.


The benefits of folic acid are described in every women's magazine. The pages of online publications regularly meet doctors' appointments during pregnancy, to maintain health and beauty. There is much less information on the intake of vitamin B9 by men.

Why do men need folic acid? What role does it play in the development of the male body?

  • It plays an important role during puberty. Promotes the development of sexual characteristics of a secondary nature: hairline on the face and body, growth, voice formation. Affects the development of the body and the reproductive function of men.
  • Deficiency adversely affects the synthesis of spermatozoa. The number of spermatozoa with the wrong set of chromosomes increases, which is fraught with hereditary diseases.
  • Folic acid and testosterone normalize the development of the male seed.


Migraine, depression, insomnia, weight loss, depression are signs of folic acid deficiency.

Vitamin B9 is involved in tissue regeneration, improves hair structure, reduces brittleness, strengthens nails, makes skin fresh and smooth. With a deficiency of the gums, eyelids and lips turn pale.

Folic acid normalizes hematopoietic processes, strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. For skin diseases, it is taken to enhance the effect of basic drugs.

Folic acid creates an optimal hormonal background, and:

  1. Reduces the likelihood of developing cancerous tumors.
  2. Normalizes menstrual cycle in adolescent girls.
  3. Delays menopause.
  4. Facilitates the conception of the fetus and helps proper development in the first trimester.
  5. Treats postpartum depression.


According to pediatricians, vitamin B9 in the child's body normalizes the digestive system, avoids problems with the intestines and stomach. Does not lead to a lack of a substance proper nutrition, incorrect interaction with drugs and poor penetration of vitamins through the intestines.

Gastroenterologists note that the vitamin promotes the creation and maintenance of new cells, prevents dangerous and harmful changes in the body that occur in DNA.

In general, parents from an early age should instill in their child the desire for healthy life, which provides for proper nutrition, visits to children's theaters, regular walks and sports.

Folic acid contraindications

Take vitamin B9 as a medicine as directed by your doctor. In small quantities, it is not dangerous, and an overdose can lead to increased excitability, digestive system disorders, and functional changes in the kidneys.


  1. Allergy.
  2. Intolerance.
  3. Asthma.
  4. Kidney disorders.
  5. Oncological diseases.
  6. Lack of vitamin B12.

The use of any vitamins or medications must be agreed with the doctor, especially during pregnancy.

What products contain?

The body is unable to cover the need for vitamin B9 on its own. help out vitamin complexes and consumption of products containing it.

  • Vegetables. Max content -- green salad, spinach, parsley, White cabbage and broccoli. Slightly less in cucumbers, pumpkins, carrots, beets and legumes.
  • Herbs. Included in nettle, mint and dandelion. Contained in birch, linden, raspberry and currant leaves.
  • Fruit. Apricots, bananas and oranges. The juice prepared from these fruits is a storehouse of folic acid.
  • Nuts and cereals . Peanuts and walnuts. A decent amount in barley groats and bread made from low-grade flour.
  • Animal Products . Present in salmon and tuna, beef and pork liver, chicken meat, eggs, cottage cheese and cheese.

For the normal functioning of the body, a little bit of vitamin B9 is required and proper nutrition replenishes it in the required amount.

Good day everyone! Or evenings, or mornings ... it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you are here! And look for the answer to your question. Today, I suspect, you are interested in what folic acid is, why women need this supplement and how to take it correctly.

We have already talked more than once about products and dietary supplements that allow you to maintain health. Here we will not deprive this useful drug of attention.

Essence and properties

Not everything that bears the name "acid" is scary and dangerous. For example, most recently I told you that ascorbic acid is, in a general sense, vitamin C, nicotinic acid is vitamin B3, and vitamin B9 is commonly called folic acid. Together with it, some of its derivatives, collectively called folates, are also considered vitamins.

Important! Folic acid is a necessary but deficient substance. A person receives the lion's share of it with food, but in a certain amount it is also synthesized by the intestinal microflora in the process of digestion of food.

Vitamin B9 is necessary for everyone, regardless of age, health status and gender. So why exactly do women and men need folic acid?

  • participates in the creation and growth of new cells;
  • plays a significant role in DNA replication;
  • responsible for the production of red blood cells;
  • in hemoglobin helps to synthesize a protein containing iron;
  • helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • ensures normal digestion.

Our today's heroine is especially important for a growing organism during its intrauterine development. Then there is a rapid formation of new cells and, accordingly, the laying of organs.

In adulthood, vitamin deficiency can become one of the factors provoking the formation of cancerous tumors. Men need it to develop normal sperm, and women need it to conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy.

Interesting! The consumption of folic acid is higher during the period of active growth of the child, with high sports loads, as well as after injuries and surgical interventions.

Where to look for vitamin B9

The role of vitamin B9 in the biochemical processes of the human body is difficult to overestimate. Getting it in the right amount is quite simple, especially since daily rate is less than 1 milligram. However, according to practitioners and scientists, most people suffer from a deficiency of this substance. And in some regions, its deficiency is observed in 100% of the population.

Where can you get folic acid from? There is no need to look for exotic products. The main source of this substance is "hidden" in its very name acidum folicum. Folium is Latin for "leaf".

It is easy to guess that some amount of the component we need is contained in leafy green vegetables. These are spinach, lettuce, parsley, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi cabbage ... But contrary to expectations, the maximum concentration of vitamin B9 was found in products that are by no means of plant origin.

So, in descending order, this substance is found in:

  • beef liver;
  • cod fish liver;
  • spinach;
  • walnuts and hazelnuts;
  • and white mushrooms;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and cheese;
  • buckwheat and barley groats;
  • cabbage, rye and wheat bread.

Even less of the substance we need is found in raw tomatoes, bell pepper, green onions, eggplant, peas, pumpkin ...

To understand how much per day you need to eat this or that product to maintain the desired level of folic acid, you will have to work hard. This substance is unstable to heat treatment, and therefore is rapidly destroyed during the preparation of products for consumption.

  • no more than 30% of folic acid remains in vegetables and meat after cooking;
  • only 5% retain meat and offal after roasting;
  • half of the original amount of the substance is destroyed in boiled eggs.

So it turns out that raw green leafy vegetables and nuts are the best source of folic acid. Yes, even pills, but about them later.

Why you need to take folic acid

Here, perhaps, it is worth noting direct testimony and popular tricks. So, the instructions for use say that the vitamin we need should be taken in such cases:

  • with megaloblastic anemia and anemia caused by surgery or medication;
  • in violation of the absorption of nutrients from the intestine;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Nevertheless, graduates prescribe this drug for menopause to relieve its symptoms. Also, with the help of folic acid, ovulation is usually stimulated. The intake of this vitamin is absolutely justified for those who play sports. I propose to watch the authoritative opinion of the doctor about his admission in this video:

People often use vitamin B9 to achieve the most unexpected goals. For example, there is an opinion that men should drink vitamin B9 to increase potency. Scientists do not confirm this hypothesis, but recommend its use in the case when a couple cannot conceive a child for a long time.

Interesting! There is a popular opinion among ladies that folic acid is effective for weight loss. So far, this assertion has not been scientifically substantiated.

Women are trying to use a miracle remedy to improve the condition of their hair. I'm sorry - there is no direct relationship again. But if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which are solved by taking vitamin B9, then, of course, after their elimination, your face, hair, and nails will look better.

The use of our heroine for the skin is also popular. There are many recipes for face masks based on it on the Web. I'll be honest scientific facts, speaking in favor of vitamin B9 in cosmetology, as a remedy for acne or rosacea, I did not find. Taking folic acid for wrinkles or simply as an anti-aging agent will have some effect, which is explained by the stimulation of cell renewal.

When planning and carrying a pregnancy

The role of folic acid in the most important period for a woman should be discussed separately. Considering that this vitamin promotes conception, doctors recommend drinking it at the planning stage - throughout three months before conception and always in the first trimester of pregnancy. How to take our heroine in order to get pregnant, the doctor will tell. But

  • usually, during preparation for pregnancy, a dose of 400 mcg per day is recommended - the usual rate for women of childbearing age;
  • after fertilization, the dosage is increased to 600 mcg;
  • during lactation, the intake of 500 mcg of the vitamin is indicated.

Often, at the beginning of gestation, along with folic acid, doctors advise pregnant women to take vitamin E, and later - calcium.

If for some reason the body future mother insufficient folic acid is supplied, this can lead to serious violations of intrauterine development of the fetus:

  • defects in the formation of the neural tube with all the ensuing pathologies (often incompatible with the life of the baby);
  • underdevelopment of the digestive system;
  • after birth - to psychosis, mental retardation, etc.

Nevertheless, in a panic, you should not drink vitamin B9 in horse doses, since its excess leads to excessive weight gain in the fetus, affects the likelihood of developing diabetes, obesity and allergic reactions.


Good news. Even drug manufacturers unanimously claim that folic acid is allowed for everyone. Except in rare cases of hypersensitivity.

Important! If you are using anticonvulsants, talk to your doctor about how you should take the drug in question.

Concerning side effects, you can sometimes see:

  • temperature rise;
  • bronchospasm;
  • skin rashes.

Usually these are manifestations of allergies, which are stopped by histamines and the withdrawal of the drug or a decrease in its dosage.

Why is a deficit dangerous?

In the body, the reserves of the substance under discussion are contained in the liver and they are very small. Therefore, if it ceases to come from outside, the signs of hypovitaminosis develop rapidly - in the period from a week to a month.

Unfortunately, there are no specific symptoms of folic acid deficiency as such. Depending on the general condition of the body, the following symptoms may appear:

  • lack of appetite;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • pale skin;
  • indigestion;
  • irritability, etc.

With our lifestyle, most people will pay attention to such symptoms only after a week or two ... a third or fourth ... And in vain, because a lack of vitamin B9 provokes such disorders in the body:

  1. Megaloblastic anemia. A condition in which immature red blood cells form in the spinal cord and are unable to function normally.
  2. Problems during conception and pregnancy (placental abruption, spontaneous miscarriages).
  3. Neurological disorders of varying severity - from insomnia to severe forms of depression and unreasonable aggression.

Important! Today, you can determine the concentration of vitamin B9 in any decent laboratory. Analysis, traditionally, is given on an empty stomach. The results are usually ready in a day or three, depending on the conditions of the laboratory.

Interestingly, taking vitamin B9 can mask hypovitaminosis of vitamin B12, so tests are often done to determine the level of both indicators at once.

Risk group

Having dealt with what folic acid helps with, it is important to note that there are certain groups of people who are most prone to developing its deficiency. Among them:

  1. People after 50 years (due to a decrease in enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract that promote the absorption of the substance under discussion).
  2. Underweight pregnant women multiple pregnancy malnourished or conceived after 35 years.
  3. Persons with diseases of the digestive system of various etiologies.
  4. Women taking oral contraceptives for a long time.

If you are in any of these risk groups, it is better to periodically undergo a check-up with a doctor and donate blood for tests. According to the survey results, in the absence of obvious signs hypovitaminosis, a remedy in tablets is usually recommended to be taken simply as a prophylaxis for a monthly course.

In general, figuring out why women need folic acid so much, we found out that it is good for health, beauty, and just for psychological balance. So, it turns out, without her nowhere.

On the pharmacy shelves you can see a lot of different complexes for women. They, along with biologically active substances and minerals, contain vitamin B9. Why do women need it, where it is contained and how to take it, this article will tell.

Unique bioactivator

Refers folic acid to group B.

The role of this substance is unique:

  • maintains the health of the nervous system even in conditions of overload of the central nervous system, chronic stress;
  • stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves the performance of the heart, lungs;
  • improves the quality of genetic material, activates reproductive functions.

In addition, the positive effect of preparations with folic acid on the activity of almost all body systems has been experimentally proven, and its effectiveness has been officially confirmed by many experts. B9 reduces the risk of developing various pathologies from the period of prenatal development to old age.

The human body practically does not produce this substance. If there is not enough of it with food, the doctor may prescribe pills to make up for the deficiency. Instructions for use must be carefully followed, since hypervitaminosis (an overdose of vitamins) can be dangerous.

It is rich in dark green vegetables, red meat, eggs. You should carefully monitor the diet and consume as much as possible. raw vegetables, fruits, because B9 can simply be destroyed during heat treatment.

B9 and youth

Apart from positive impact on the various systems human body, it is important to know how folic acid is useful for women. B9 significantly reduces the risk of developing varicose veins, thrombosis, maintains the optimal state of the vessels of the circulatory system, and strengthens the weakened natural defenses of the body.

This substance is actively involved in the process of cell regeneration, so it is sometimes called the "vitamin of youth." Taking a sufficient amount of vitamin B9 can slow down the manifestation of age-related changes and maintain a flowering appearance.

The condition of the skin and nails improves markedly if a woman regularly takes iron supplements in combination with B9. When choosing a complex with microelements, you should carefully study its composition and pay attention to which age group it is intended for.

Vitamin plays a huge role in maintaining the reproductive function of the female body. Especially important. Its use on early dates significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage. Despite the well-known benefits of B9 for expectant mothers, only the attending physician should prescribe all drugs.

B9 in the diet of mature women

Age-related changes associated with hormonal changes in the female body can cause some discomfort. Therefore, folic acid for women after 40 should become an indispensable element in the daily diet.

Receiving it allows you to solve the following problems:

  • hot flashes, sweating;
  • irritability, tearfulness, emotional instability;
  • external manifestations associated with change hormonal background- reduced skin tone, deterioration of complexion;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • shortness of breath, disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • memory impairment, distraction.

Folic acid is shown in menopause, as it slows down the process of menopause and makes it more gentle, allowing all body systems to gently adapt to the changing hormonal background.

The positive effect of the vitamin on the functioning of the cardiovascular system reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and stimulates blood circulation. Improvement of such mental processes, as attention and memory, is achieved due to the stimulating effect of folic acid on brain activity by increasing the intensity of oxygen transport.

Regular intake of vitamin B9 courses during menopause allows you to maintain efficiency, maintain a good mood, and improve the overall well-being of a woman.

Reception features

For young women, a daily dose of 40-50 mcg is sufficient. This amount of vitamin can be obtained with a balanced diet and the inclusion of foods rich in folic acid in the daily menu.

During pregnancy, the need for this valuable substance increases many times and can reach 400 mcg per day. In such cases, it is necessary that the specialist prescribe the dosage and regimen, as well as determine its duration. You can not take B9 drugs continuously, this can lead to negative consequences.

At any age, despite such impressive possibilities of vitamin B9, its intake should be prescribed and monitored by a doctor. This is especially important when other medications are required. It must be remembered that folacin is not combined with certain substances. This should be informed, which is attached to all pharmaceutical preparations without fail.

Contraindications for admission

Benefits and harms can go hand in hand, so you need to be aware of cases where taking B9 is contraindicated for a person.

Vitaminization with the use of this substance is prohibited:

  • in the presence of individual intolerance to vitamin B9;
  • a course of therapy with the use of antibiotics, antispasmodics, analgesics;
  • when using tobacco, alcohol-containing drinks.

You should not take risks if the instructions for using the drug are lost and it is not known how it interacts with folic acid. If you need to regularly take a medication that is incompatible with vitamin B9, your doctor will help you choose alternative bioactivators that will help you get the same effect.

Among all the methods of vitamin therapy, natural sources should be preferred. useful substances., folic acid is no exception, which requires a balanced diet that will allow women to get enough vitamin from fresh vegetables and fruits.

If necessary, you can drink vitamin B9 in the form of tablets or use complex preparations with its content, taking into account the dosage. When choosing a drug containing folic acid, you should not rely on advertising reviews or the recommendation of a pharmacist from a pharmacy. The appointment should be made only by the attending physician, who is aware of all the existing health problems in his patient.

The benefits of folic acid for women at any age are undeniable. A reasonable, varied diet, vitaminization is an important condition for youth, beauty and health, regardless of age. At the same time, we must not forget that this is a synthetic vitamin B9 - a medical preparation. Therefore, before you start taking it, the instructions for use should be carefully studied.

Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin. A small amount of vitamin B9 is produced in the intestines, but it is important for women to regularly replenish their reserves through the use of nutritional supplements and the use of certain foods. If within 3-6 months the important vitamin B9 does not enter the body, its reserves are depleted. What is the use of folic acid and why women need it, we will analyze in detail in the instructions for use, which are presented in understandable language in this article.

Benefits of Vitamin B9

Folic acid is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, molecules that store genetic information. Its presence is also necessary for protein biosynthesis. At the slightest failure in these processes, the work of the body is significantly disrupted.

Vitamin B9 is good for the reproductive system. The body of a pregnant woman needs folic acid the most. It is prescribed when planning pregnancy and during childbearing.

With the participation of vitamin B9, cell division occurs, in addition, there are such benefits for the female body:

  • positive effect on brain activity;
  • protection against anemia and depression;
  • normalization of homocysteine ​​levels;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing cancer in the mammary glands, pancreas, large intestine;
  • skin regeneration;
  • improving the condition of the hair;
  • production of a sufficient amount of glycine, serotonin, methionine, norepinephrine.

Poor appetite, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue, delayed puberty in girls, early appearance of gray hair and menopause - all these problems can be both signs of various diseases and a consequence of a lack of vitamin B9 in the body.

Folic acid intake is combined with vitamin B12 intake. Folacin deficiency can be avoided with a daily intake of at least 200 mg of the drug. During pregnancy and lactation, the dose of the drug is increased to 400-600 mcg.

Megaloblastic anemia due to folic acid deficiency

If there is not enough folic acid in the body, there is a risk of developing megaloblastic anemia. Women who have gone through menopause are most susceptible to the disease. However, this problem can be encountered at any age.

The development of the disease is evidenced by the presence of a large number of megaloblasts in the bone marrow and the appearance of such symptoms:

  • headache;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased heartbeat;
  • distraction of attention;
  • bright red color of the tongue.

Why do women need folic acid after 50 years: a feature of a mature organism

Why after 50 years it is necessary to maintain a sufficient level of vitamin B9 in the body?

Folic acid improves well-being during menopause. Having an estrogen-like effect, it reduces the severity of unpleasant symptoms. How else is this vitamin useful after 50 years?

Additional intake of folic acid is reflected in the state of the body as follows:

  • prevents the occurrence of hot flashes or reduces their severity;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • improves the state of the psyche;
  • reduces sweating;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • relieves the sensation of heat;
  • eliminates the increased heartbeat.

Folic acid not only has a positive effect on the body during menopause, but also protects against diseases such as macular degeneration. The disease is manifested by the destruction of the retina, which leads to a deterioration in visual acuity.

Folic acid absorption

A lack of vitamin B9 may be accompanied by some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, celiac disease, malabsorption. Vitamin is poorly absorbed when using glucocorticosteroids, nitrofurans, antacids, contraceptives.

Folic acid when planning pregnancy: dosage and indications

Change in homocysteine ​​levels under the influence of vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is needed by a woman's body in all periods of life, but is most important for the birth of a healthy child. The intake of folic acid from additional sources allows you to maintain normal level homocysteine, increases the likelihood of pregnancy, successful gestation. In cases where one of the spouses has a lack of vitamin B9, pregnancy is unlikely. Therefore, it is so important to drink folic acid when planning a pregnancy.

Folic acid (vitamin B9)- belongs to the group of water-soluble substances, synthesized in small quantities in gastrointestinal tract person. This element is involved in many processes, so it is necessary to regularly replenish its stocks - special nutritional supplements will help in this. This element is also present in plant products - asparagus, leafy and legume vegetables, all types of cabbage, citrus fruits.

Folic acid is very important for the human body

Release form, composition and price

Folic acid (folic acid) is produced in the form of tablets and capsules, which contain 1, 4, 5 mg of the active substance. Among other ingredients, the composition contains talc, sucrose, stearic acid, dextrose.

What does a vitamin B9 tablet look like? Flat, slightly elongated pill with a dividing strip in the middle, milky or yellow. They are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces, in a package there can be 20, 30, 50, 100 tablets. Plastic bottles containing 50 pills are also on sale. The average price is 40–70 rubles.

Vitamin B9 tablets

An overdose of vitamin B9 is just as dangerous as its lack. Take drugs with an increased dosage should only be prescribed by a specialist.

Pharmacological action of folic acid

Upon penetration into the body, vitamin B9 is transformed into tetrahydrofolate - this element is involved in biochemical processes, protein metabolism. As a result, the synthesis of proteins, amino acids, the process of cell division is activated, and the absorption of iron improves.

The drug is almost completely absorbed, absorption occurs in the small intestine and duodenum, after 3-6 hours its maximum concentration is observed in the blood.

Useful properties and indications

The main purpose of vitamin B9 is participation in the synthesis of DNA and RNA molecules that contain the genetic code. Even a slight failure in this process can cause serious disorders in the body. Folic acid helps to strengthen the protective functions of the body, normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels, participates in the process of hematopoiesis, and is useful for the liver and stomach.

Indications for use:

  • prevention of the development of fetal pathologies;
  • diet, pregnancy, smoking, long-term use of potent drugs, and other factors in which there is a lack of vitamin B9;
  • violation of the process of absorption of nutrients in the intestine;
  • megaloblastic anemia;
  • medicinal, radiation leukopenia;
  • intestinal tuberculosis;
  • nervous fatigue, attacks of aggression, depression;
  • chronic gastroenteritis.

Vitamin B9 is essential during pregnancy

To prevent the occurrence of a lack of vitamin B9, you need to take 100–200 mcg of this drug daily, during pregnancy and lactation, the dose should be increased to 400–1000 mcg.

Benefits for Women

Folic acid is required for the normal functioning of the reproductive system, it is prescribed to women during pregnancy planning, and it is also necessary when carrying a child. It is useful for teenagers, the elderly to reduce the manifestations of hormonal imbalance.

Effect on the female body:

  • improves brain function, helps to concentrate, eliminates signs of chronic fatigue;
  • during lactation, vitamin with mother's milk enters the baby's body, which helps to strengthen the child's immunity;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing anemia, cancer of the breast and pancreas, colon, depression;
  • normalizes the level of homocysteine;
  • activates the regeneration process in the cells of the epidermis;
  • prevents hair loss.

With a lack of vitamin B9, women can develop megaloblastic anemia, which manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath, migraine, fatigue, bright red tongue, rapid heartbeat and distracted attention. Most often, this pathology develops during menopause, after the birth of a child. The element increases the likelihood of conception, contributes to the successful bearing of a child - if one of the spouses has a chronic lack of this element, the probability of fertilization of the egg is reduced to zero.

With a lack of folic acid, frequent shortness of breath may occur.

It is important to take folic acid in the first trimester - it reduces the likelihood of developing neural tube defects, heart defects, anomalies of the limbs, palate, urinary tract in the fetus. With its deficiency in the body, the risk of miscarriage, premature delivery increases, often there is late toxicosis, placental abruption. Women who did not take vitamin B9 during childbearing are more likely to give birth to children with insufficient body weight, autistic disorders.

In addition to oral administration, vitamin B9 can be used in cosmetology - masks will help get rid of age spots, improve complexion, prevent wrinkles, strengthen nails and hair.

Lack of appetite, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, delayed puberty in adolescent girls, early gray hair and premature menopause are all consequences of chronic vitamin B9 deficiency.

Why is it necessary to take the drug after 40 years

Vitamin B9 helps delay or endure menopause more easily, eliminates many unpleasant symptoms, since it has the same effect on the body as estrogen does. Therefore, women aged 45–50 years should take folic acid regularly after a preliminary one.

The benefits of vitamin B9 in menopause:

  • reduces the likelihood of hot flashes, the development of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes;
  • eliminates anxiety, improves sleep quality;
  • normalizes sweating and blood pressure indicators;
  • prevents the occurrence of failures in the heart rhythm.

After 40 years, vitamin B9 is necessary for the normalization of pressure

Vitamin B9 protects a woman's body from macular degeneration - an ophthalmic pathology in which the tissues of the retina of the eye are destroyed, vision is greatly impaired.

Why do men need folic acid?

Vitamin B9 should be taken by men when planning pregnancy together - with a lack of this element, sperm synthesis is disrupted, the composition of seminal fluid worsens, and infertility develops. Poor-quality male germ cells often contain the wrong set of chromosomes, which can cause the development of Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and other congenital anomalies in the fetus.

Regular intake of 400 mg of folic acid improves potency, increases stress resistance, normalizes the digestive system, and improves brain function. This element is necessary for young men at puberty - it contributes to the formation of secondary sexual characteristics.

Folic acid is necessary for men to maintain potency

Men who smoke, regularly drink alcohol, need to take 700-1100 mg of vitamin B9 per day - addictions provoke the rapid destruction of this substance.

What is useful for children

Vitamin B9 is prescribed for premature babies, newborns with low weight, children with diseases of the digestive system - it prevents the occurrence of anemia. This substance is useful for autism - it reduces the manifestation of the disease, improves speech and communication skills.

Benefits for children:

  • accelerates the process of hematopoiesis;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • regulates the processes of inhibition and excitation of the nervous system, facilitates social adaptation in the team;
  • improves brain activity, which contributes to high academic performance;
  • eliminates the manifestation of mental, emotional and physical overwork;
  • helps to more easily survive hormonal changes at puberty.

Vitamin B9 is important for a child's brain activity

It is difficult to correctly separate the necessary part from the whole tablet, which contains 1 mg of the active ingredient, it is easier to prepare a solution. Dissolve a quarter of the pill in 25 ml of cool water - 1 ml of liquid contains 10 mcg vitaminB9.

Instructions for use of folic acid

Taking vitamin B9 in doses that exceed daily requirement organism, is indicated for a pronounced manifestation of a lack of folic acid, the presence of facts that contribute to the rapid removal of this element from the body. Drink medicine should be taken during meals or immediately after meals.

In what cases is it required to take vitamin B9 in therapeutic doses:

  • taking combined oral contraceptives, anticonvulsants before conception;
  • long-term use of Maalox and Phosphalugel;
  • protein diet, insufficient amount of plant foods in the diet;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • severe toxicity.

Vitamin B9 is needed if the diet is low in plant foods

The therapeutic dose is 4–5 mg per day, the course of administration is 1–2 months. With anemia, to prevent its development, it is necessary to drink 1 mg of the drug daily for 60–90 days.

During pregnancy planning, in the first trimester it is necessary to take up to 2-3 mg of the drug per day. In such doses, the doctor prescribes a vitamin if a woman or her immediate family has a history of diabetes, epilepsy. The recommended dose for breastfeeding is 0.3 mg per day.

How to take the drug for various pathologies

Preparations based on vitamin B9 are included in complex therapy to eliminate the manifestations of many diseases.

Disease Dose of Vitamin B9
AtherosclerosisFor 14 days, 5 mg, then reduce the dose to 1 mg
aphthous5 mg three times a day for 4-6 months
Viral hepatitis5 mg 3 times a day for 10 days, then it is enough to take the drug every 24 hours
depressive states3–5 mg daily
OsteochondrosisOnce a day, 5 mg
Vitamin B9 is recommended for all people whose relatives had malignant neoplasms of the large intestine. Regular intake of 5 mg is indicated for epileptics.

Daily Intake of Vitamin B9 for Children

Children are allowed to be given folic acid from birth, because their bodies produce this substance in small doses.

Doses of the drug depending on the age of the child:

You can take folic acid almost from birth


Despite the great value for the body, taking vitamin B9 is contraindicated in some cases, all restrictions are described in detail in the annotation.

When should you not take folic acid?

  • individual intolerance to fructose;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • vitamin B12 malabsorption, cobalamin deficiency;
  • diagnosing disorders of iron metabolism;
  • excess hemosiderin.

Do not take folic acid in the presence of malignant neoplasms

Asthmatics should refrain from taking vitamin B9 - a severe attack, spasms may begin. It is not recommended to drink this drug for people with renal insufficiency, pyelonephritis - a large amount of folic acid provokes the growth of the epithelium of the renal tubules.

The harm of folic acid

Vitamin B9 is well tolerated by the body, slight excesses are excreted in the urine, no deterioration is observed. In case of an overdose, serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems can occur. In children, there is increased excitability, disorder of the stool. Adults suffer from chronic insomnia.

An overdose of vitamin B9 in a child may begin to upset the stool

Long-term use of folic acid in megaloblastic anemia is dangerous - the drug stops the signs of the disease, but does not stop the development of neurological pathologies that often develop against the background of the disease.

Possible adverse reactions - erythema, bronchospasm, fever, rash, redness of the skin, nausea, vomiting. Bitter taste in the mouth.

If the dosages of vitamin B9 are exceeded during pregnancy, the risk of having a child with a weakened immune system, a tendency to bronchial asthma.