Sea foam tubes. genuine block meerschaum meerschaum pipes

My friend and I decided to sell our small collection of meerschaum pipes, or as they are also called, sepiolite pipes. For those interested in our offer, I provide a short overview. So what are these tubes?

Meerschaum pipes appeared in Austria in 1723. Foam - a very light porous mineral, the fossilized remains of marine mollusks, has both lightness and whiteness, mined in Turkey, East Africa, Spain and Morocco at great depths. Nowadays, sea foam for the manufacture of smoking pipes is mined only in Turkey, namely, in the vicinity of Eskishir (Eskishir from Turkish - “ Old city”). Penka is one of the most porous minerals in nature (its other names are aphrodite, sepiolite). Heat resistance and ease of processing make it almost indispensable in the manufacture of pipes with cool and dry smoke. Due to the high absorbent properties, the foam acts as a filter that absorbs moisture and resins, which makes smoking more enjoyable. At the same time, meerschaum tubes turn into rich honey-brown tones over time, the surface becomes beautiful and the taste of the tube improves.

Raw foam is mined at a depth of 200-300 meters. In Turkey, foam is mined at a shallow depth of 10-70 meters. The average size extractable block approximately the size of an orange. The extracted foam is washed and sorted into five quality categories. Each of them is then divided into 12 grades depending on color, porosity and uniformity. The meerschaum tubes are cut exclusively by hand. The first step of the master carver is the selection best block mineral in size, density and color. Then the optimal split lines are determined and the workpieces are immersed in the input for 20 - 30 minutes to achieve the cheese consistency. Working with soft material, the approximate shape of the tube is selected, then, after finishing, the tube is placed in an oven to remove all moisture from the mineral. The tube is then polished and wax is applied to the surface of the tube. Melted discolored wax is used. The very subtle color nuances of the new pipe are achieved by applying multiple layers of wax and polishing. Since each piece of the mineral is unique in itself, each pipe acquires unpredictable shades over time. Its color is influenced by factors such as the intensity of smoking and the type of tobacco.

Foam tube care

Do not take the meerschaum pipe with bare hands, it quickly gets dirty, use a special glove for this, and when smoking, hold it by the mouthpiece. A meerschaum pipe does not require carbon build-up, so clean your tobacco bowl whenever possible. After each smoke, the pipe should be cleaned with a soft cloth soaked in vodka or alcohol (toilet water, perfume, etc. is not good, ruin the pipe), gently remove dirt from the tobacco chamber until the cloth is clean. This should only be done when the tube is completely cool, never wash the tube in hot water and do not scrape its outer surface, do not tap the pipe on a hard surface to knock out the ashes, otherwise it will break in you. When you clean the bottom of the tobacco chamber at the junction of the smoke channel, be careful, because immediately after smoking the foam in this place is moist and soft. Also, be careful when you remove the mouthpiece from the pipe. Hold the pipe with your fingers on the stem and gently pull the mouthpiece towards you while turning it clockwise.

Some subtleties

When you smoke a meerschaum pipe slowly “cold smoking” and it starts to overheat in you, then you need to thoroughly clean it before the next smoking

The meerschaum pipe is very fragile and you can’t drag it with you, it’s not for nothing that it is called the “home pipe”. It will not fit a pouch like a briar pipe. Turkish manufacturers usually sell the handset along with a special case

If you want your pipe to color faster, blow smoke on it while smoking - microscopic smoke particles will be absorbed into the surface of the foam, changing its color.

Personal impression.

I use both a regular bariar tube and a foam tube. To be honest, I didn't notice much of a difference. However, unlike the bariar tube, the meerschaum tube also provides aesthetic pleasure. It is made in a peculiar and nice way, as you can see from the photos. I prefer regular tobacco - my favorite mac barencherry.

Source of valuable information:

Attention! If you are interested in the offer, then leave your contacts either in the comments or in private messages and I will contact you. My mail: [email protected]

meerschaum tubes(Meerschaum pipes), according to some reports, appeared in 1723 year. Word Meerschaum of German origin and is translated very romantically - "sea foam". And this perfectly conveys such characteristics of the mineral as its lightness and whiteness. Foam, one of the most porous minerals in nature (Hydrous Magnesium Silicate or "aphrodite", "sepiolite"), in chemical composition it is magnesium oxide, silica, carbon and water. Heat resistance and ease of processing make foam an extremely suitable material for making pipes with cool and dry smoke. Due to the high absorbent properties, the foam acts as a filter that absorbs moisture and tar, which, of course, adds to the pleasure of smoking. Because of these same qualities, over time meerschaum tubes turn into rich honey-brown tones, making the surface more beautiful and at the same time improving the palatability. Foam pipes, "aristocrats" among all smoking pipes. Smokers know and appreciate the incomparable pleasure they get from smoking.


There is a belief that foam is petrified white wave crests. In fact, these are just fossilized shells of the smallest sea creatures that fell to the bottom many millions of years ago. Today, top-quality foam deposits cannot be found near the sea. Foam is mined in only one place - in Turkey, in the vicinity of the city of Eskisehir, located in 200 kilometers from Istanbul. Sea foam is extracted from depth to 120 meters. The lower the mineral deposits, the denser, more homogeneous in composition, the better it can be processed and, accordingly, the more expensive it is. Therefore, often a large piece of a mineral, but with large inclusions and looser, costs less than a small block extracted from a great depth. The extraction of meerschaum is a difficult trade, and only a few families have been engaged in this for several generations. The average size of a extracted block is approximately the size of a grapefruit. The extracted raw materials are washed and sorted into five quality categories. Each of the 5 categories is further divided into 12 grades depending on color, porosity and uniformity. In the 80s stuff kindred" meerschaum" was discovered in South Africa - it was called Manx Meerschaum, it is heavier, but less dense and less porous than Turkish foam. Unlike foam from Turkey, which simply dries, Manx Meerschaum requires fixing by heating in oil, and from this the tubes look as if they had been smoked for a long time.


Sea foam is an excellent "smoking" material: it certainly heats up, but not as much as clay and porcelain (and it is not as fragile), and unlike pipes made from plant materials, it does not burn. In addition, it has good hygroscopicity, perfectly absorbing moisture and resins. The first meerschaum pipe was carved about 300 years ago. IN 1723 the year of the Austrian count Andrassi In Turkey, he was presented with a piece of a mineral that seemed to him similar to the clay from which his pipe was made, and he ordered a new copy from this material from the Austrian master Karl Kovat. But the master saved money and made a second pipe for himself. Some time after smoking his pipe all the time, it's like " tanned"- nicotine juices gave the sea foam a completely unique deep color. They began to pay attention to a beautiful and interesting pipe, and they gained a certain popularity. Now many "meerschaums" are artificially aged, passing them off as old ones. In Austria, Germany and England, they quickly acquired a huge popularity - the craftsmen carved the most incredible ancient scenes, portraits of rulers and historical figures on the pipe.The better and larger the piece of foam and the more complex the carving, the more valued the pipe.However, it is these criteria that determine the cost of pipes in our time.Today , like many years ago, meerschaum pipes are unique and inimitable works of art, because they are carved exclusively by hand.The first step of the master (carver) is to select the best mineral block.It is selected based on block size, density, color and saturation Then the carver must, having carefully studied each piece of the mineral, calculate, feel all the necessary imaginary, optimal split lines. The blanks split in this way are immersed in water for 15 -30 minutes to reach the consistency of the cheese. Working with soft material, the cutter selects the approximate, draft shape of the tube itself and the opening of the cup and shank. When the foam is well moistened (it can be processed only when soaked, then it can be easily processed), the material is so soft that the rough shape of the tube appears from a piece of foam literally within a couple of minutes. If you need a simple classically shaped tube, it can be made in ten minutes. But pipes with carvings on antique scenes, either freehands or with other ornaments, are usually valued. The final finishing of the pipe is a long business, and the quality depends on the skill of the carver. After thorough polishing with the finest abrasive, the foam is ready for waxing. Although there are many various kinds artificial wax, only natural beeswax is associated with the color of the most beautiful collectible pipes. For polishing, melted discolored wax is used. The very subtle nuances of color and tone of the new pipe are achieved by applying and polishing varying numbers of layers of wax, the way they are applied, etc. In addition to pipes, whose cup is completely made of sea foam, there is a classic model - calabash, so beloved by Mark Twain and the fictional character Sherlock Holmes. Calabash - a pipe made from a stone gourd with an insert in the cup of a cartridge made of meerschaum, which, in fact, is a chamber for tobacco. Today, many manufacturers also use meerschaum trims for their cheap models. This is very reasonable: a meerschaum tobacco chamber is quite stylish, and besides, it does not need to be smoked. In the last century, meerschaum pipes were cut not only in Turkey, but also in Germany, Austria, Hungary, France and other countries. Now well-known European firms place orders for the production of pipes in Turkey and sell them under their own name, only changing mouthpieces. This is due to the fact that the export of raw foam is prohibited, since it is a national treasure of Turkey. Most of the Turkish pipe makers who make decent pipes work almost exclusively for export. The main markets for meerschaum products are Germany, Japan, USA.


Due to the natural porosity of the mineral, when smoked, the pipe quickly changes its color from white to golden, cherry red or brown. And since each piece of the mineral is unique in itself, then each tube is painted for different time and in different, unpredictable shades. It is impossible to predict the coloring time in advance. It could be 2 month and 12 months. Staining is also influenced by factors such as the frequency and intensity of smoking, the type of tobacco. But to a greater extent, it is the frequency of smoking than tobacco.

It should be noted that there are three types of foam:
- natural, block foam;
- pressed, molded, made by pressing foam crumb;
- and artificial foam, made of polymeric materials.
One should not expect the same qualities from tubes made of artificial or pressed foam as from natural block foam. This applies both to the color and to the absorbent properties of the material and, accordingly, to the taste of the pipe when smoking. Actually, the last two types, that is, pressed and artificial foams, are, in fact, fakes. Artificial, polymer foam has a smoother, almost mirror-like surface. This is a very homogeneous mass, not as porous and brittle as natural block foam. Most likely, you can distinguish them if you just scrape the surface slightly with your fingernail, try to remove thin chips. Natural foam scratches more easily and its chips are fragile, crumble under the nail. Artificial, on the other hand, is more like plastic - elastic, denser, it is more difficult to scratch and the chips practically do not crumble. The pressed foam is much more granular than natural and due to the heterogeneity and lower viscosity of the structure when smoking, that is, rather sharp heating, it often crumbles and breaks in the hands. In short, try not to take a pipe made of artificial, pressed foam, regardless of the sometimes significant difference in prices. Natural foam tubes are now cut ONLY in Turkey. Some firms buy ready-made pipes there, and change the mouthpieces to their own. Usually, these pipes are stamped Block meerschaum. But also not always.


There are many misconceptions about meerschaum pipes. Remember that no two pipes are the same, no two smokers are the same. Do not be afraid to once again pick up a pipe, smoke it. This does not harm her at all. A meerschaum pipe, in addition to the usual pleasure of smoking, also gives additional pleasure with its color, shape, carving, and pattern. Having bought a meerschaum pipe, remember that your new purchase is very delicate and fragile. You can't drop it, you can't beat the ashes out of it. Ash must be removed with a spatula from your stompbox, and very carefully so as not to injure the inner surface of the chamber. Then the pipe will "grow old" beautifully, acquire a noble appearance and will bring joy to its owner for a long time to come. There is an erroneous opinion that Meerschaum pipes are not smoked and that they "do not acquire taste". Smoking meerschaum pipes in the sense that you smoke heather pipes is not really necessary - you can completely fill your cup the first time and enjoy your pipe without going through the painful (for some) procedure of smoking. A meerschaum pipe develops carbon deposits over time, in which it heats up less and due to which it acquires taste. Unlike briar pipes, which must be dried after each use, meerschaum pipes can be smoked many times a day due to the material's high absorption rate.


To clean the smoke channel in pipes, a cotton cloth is used, wound around a metal rod that runs through the entire pipe inside the stem and mouthpiece. Cleaners are quite inexpensive and are divided into two main types: soft and fluffy to remove moisture, and thin and flexible to remove solid sediment inside the smoke channel. If the pipe becomes dirty, take a cotton or any other soft cloth, drop a liquid containing a small amount of alcohol on it and gently wipe the tube until the contamination is removed. Just remember that this must be done without fail after the tube has completely cooled down. And it is desirable that the liquid does not have a pronounced odor. Therefore, lotions, toilet water and other perfumes are not suitable categorically. However, if you like Mac Baren with the refreshing Eau Sauvage fragrance from Dior, then the bottle is in your hands and full speed ahead. Freshener A liquid pipe cleaner that removes unpleasant odors and tar accumulated in the smoke channel, and also gives a pleasant and fresh smell to the pipe as a whole. Never wash the tube in hot water or scrub the outside of the tube. It should be noted that I read the following on one handbook for measles pipe smokers: "You should not boil your pipe, especially with cleaners and bleaches." It's strange that they didn't mention washing machine and an abrasive machine with Pobedite brushes for cleaning rocket nozzles from soot. Never bang the pipe against a hard surface to dislodge the ash. In the case of a meerschaum pipe, you will simply break it; in the case of a heather pipe, you will be considered a barbarian and a savage. Except when special pipe ashtrays with a cork "bit" are used. A meerschaum pipe does not require carbon inside the cup, like, say, a briar pipe. Therefore, as necessary, clean the cup of carbon deposits that have appeared. This should be done with a non-sharp, rounded tool. Be extremely careful when you clean the bottom of the cup at the exit of the smoke channel, because immediately after smoking, the foam in these places is moist and soft. Be careful when removing the mouthpiece from the tube. Be sure to hold the pipe with your fingers by the chubuk, and the mouthpiece itself is easy, without tension, pull towards you, while turning clockwise. Do the same when you insert it. It would not be an exaggeration to say that over hundreds of years, meerschaum pipes have gained a reputation as the most pleasant, comfortable to smoke. Also because each pipe is not only an ordinary smoking device, but also a unique one. piece of art handmade, made according to the traditions passed down by masters from generation to generation. Of course, this cannot but give the owner of such a pipe some additional pride and satisfaction from the mere consciousness of owning such a thing.

(Meerschaum pipes), according to some sources, appeared in 1723. The word Meerschaum is of German origin and is translated very romantically - "sea foam". And this perfectly conveys such characteristics of the mineral as its lightness and whiteness. Foam, one of the most porous minerals in nature (Hydrous Magnesium Silicate or "Aphrodite", "sepiolite"), in chemical composition it is magnesium oxide, silica, carbon and water.

Heat resistance and ease of processing make foam an extremely suitable material for making pipes with cool and dry smoke. Due to the high absorbent properties, the foam acts as a filter that absorbs moisture and tar, which, of course, adds to the pleasure of smoking. Because of these same qualities, over time meerschaum tubes are painted in rich honey-brown tones, making the surface more beautiful and at the same time improving taste. Foam pipes, "aristocrats" among all smoking pipes. Smokers know and appreciate the incomparable pleasure they get from smoking.


There is a belief that the foam is the petrified white crests of the waves. In fact, these are just fossilized shells of the smallest sea creatures that fell to the bottom many millions of years ago. Today, top-quality foam deposits cannot be found near the sea. Foam is mined in only one place - in Turkey, in the vicinity of the city of Eskisehir, located 200 kilometers from Istanbul.

Sea foam is extracted from a depth of up to 120 meters. The lower the mineral deposits, the denser, more homogeneous in composition, the better it can be processed and, accordingly, the more expensive it is. Therefore, often a large piece of a mineral, but with large inclusions and looser, costs less than a small block extracted from a great depth. The extraction of meerschaum is a difficult trade, and only a few families have been engaged in this for several generations.

The average size of a extracted block is approximately the size of a grapefruit. The extracted raw materials are washed and sorted into five quality categories. Each of the 5 categories is further divided into 12 grades based on color, porosity and uniformity. In the 80s, a material related to "meerschaum" was discovered in South Africa - it was called Manx Meerschaum, it is heavier, but less dense and less porous than Turkish foam. Unlike foam from Turkey, which simply dries, Manx Meerschaum requires heat-setting in oil, which makes the pipes look like they've been smoked for a long time.


Sea foam is an excellent "smoking" material: it certainly heats up, but not as much as clay and porcelain (and it is not as fragile), and unlike pipes made from plant materials, it does not burn. In addition, it has good hygroscopicity, perfectly absorbing moisture and resins.

First meerschaum was carved about 300 years ago. In 1723, the Austrian Count Andrassi was presented in Turkey with a piece of a mineral that seemed to him similar to the clay from which his pipe was made, and he ordered a new copy from this material from the Austrian master Karl Kovat. But the master saved money and made a second pipe for himself. Some time later, after constant smoking, his pipe seemed to “tan” - nicotine juices gave the sea foam a completely unique deep color. Attention began to be paid to a beautiful and interesting pipe, and they gained a certain popularity.

Now many "meerschaums" are artificially aged, passing them off as old ones. In Austria, Germany and England, they quickly gained immense popularity - the craftsmen carved the most incredible ancient scenes, portraits of rulers and historical figures on the pipe. The better and larger the piece of foam was, and the more complex the carving, the more the pipe was valued. However, it is these criteria that determine the cost of tubes in our time. Today, like many years ago, meerschaum pipes are unique and unrepeatable works of art. cut exclusively by hand.

The first step of the master (carver) is the selection of the best block of the mineral. It is selected based on block size, density, color and saturation. Then the carver, having carefully studied each piece of the mineral, must calculate and feel all the necessary, optimal split lines. The blanks split in this way are immersed in water for 15-30 minutes to achieve the consistency of the cheese. Working with soft material, the cutter selects the approximate, draft shape of the tube itself and the opening of the cup and shank. When the foam is well moistened (it can be processed only when soaked, then it can be easily processed), the material is so soft that the rough shape of the tube appears from a piece of foam literally within a couple of minutes.

If you need a simple classic-shaped meerschaum pipe, it can be made in about ten minutes. But pipes with carvings on antique scenes, either freehands or with other ornaments, are usually valued. The final finishing of the pipe is a long process, and the quality depends on the skill of the carver. After thorough polishing with the finest abrasive, the foam is ready for waxing. Although there are many different types of artificial wax, only natural beeswax is associated with the color of the most beautiful collectible pipes. For polishing, melted discolored wax is used. The very subtle nuances of color and tone of the new pipe are achieved by applying and polishing varying numbers of layers of wax, the way they are applied, etc.

In addition to pipes, whose cup is entirely made of sea foam, there is a classic model - calabash, so beloved by Mark Twain and the fictional character Sherlock Holmes. Calabash is a pipe made from a stone gourd with a meerschaum cartridge inserted into the cup, which, in fact, is a chamber for tobacco. Today, many manufacturers also use meerschaum trims for their cheap models. This is very reasonable: a meerschaum tobacco chamber is quite stylish, and besides, it does not need to be smoked. In the last century, meerschaum pipes were cut not only in Turkey, but also in Germany, Austria, Hungary, France and other countries.

Now well-known European firms place orders for the production of pipes in Turkey and sell them under their own name, only changing mouthpieces. This is due to the fact that the export of raw foam is prohibited, since it is a national treasure of Turkey. Most of the Turkish pipe makers who make decent pipes work almost exclusively for export. The main markets for products from meerschaum are Germany, Japan, USA.


Due to the natural porosity of the mineral, when smoked, the pipe quickly changes its color from white to golden, cherry red or brown. And since each piece of the mineral is unique in itself, each tube is painted at different times and in different, unpredictable shades. It is impossible to predict the coloring time in advance. It can be 2 months or 12 months. Staining is also influenced by factors such as the frequency and intensity of smoking, the type of tobacco. But to a greater extent, it is the frequency of smoking than tobacco.

It should be noted that there are three types of foam: - natural, blocky foam; - pressed, molded, made by pressing foam crumbs; - and artificial foam, made of polymeric materials. One should not expect the same qualities from tubes made of artificial or pressed foam as from natural block foam. This applies both to the color and to the absorbent properties of the material and, accordingly, to the taste of the pipe when smoking. Actually, the last two types, that is, pressed and artificial foams, are, in fact, fakes.

Artificial, polymer foam has a smoother, almost mirror-like surface. This is a very homogeneous mass, not as porous and brittle as natural block foam. Most likely, you can distinguish them if you just scrape the surface slightly with your fingernail, try to remove thin chips. Natural foam scratches more easily and its chips are fragile, crumble under the nail. Artificial, on the other hand, is more like plastic - elastic, denser, it is more difficult to scratch and the chips practically do not crumble. The pressed foam is much more granular than natural and due to the heterogeneity and lower viscosity of the structure when smoking, that is, rather sharp heating, it often crumbles and breaks in the hands.

In short, try not to take a pipe made of artificial, pressed foam, regardless of the sometimes significant difference in prices. Natural foam tubes are now cut ONLY in Turkey. Some firms buy ready-made pipes there, and change the mouthpieces to their own. Usually, these pipes are stamped Block meerschaum. But also not always.


In a relationship meerschaum pipes there are many different misconceptions. Remember that no two pipes are the same, no two smokers are the same. Do not be afraid to once again pick up a pipe, smoke it. This does not harm her at all. A meerschaum pipe, in addition to the usual pleasure of smoking, also gives additional pleasure with its color, shape, carving, and pattern.

Having bought meerschaum pipe, remember that your new acquisition is very delicate and fragile. You can't drop it, you can't beat the ashes out of it. Ash must be removed with a spatula from your stompbox, and very carefully so as not to injure the inner surface of the chamber. Then the pipe will “grow old” beautifully, acquire a noble appearance and will bring joy to its owner for a long time to come.

There is an erroneous opinion that Meerschaum pipes are not smoked and that they "do not acquire taste." Smoking meerschaum pipes in the sense that you smoke heather pipes is not really necessary - the first time you can completely fill the cup and enjoy your pipe without going through the painful (for some) procedure of smoking. At meerschaum tube over time, soot forms, in which it heats up less and due to which it acquires taste. Unlike briar pipes, which must be dried after each use, meerschaum pipes can be smoked many times a day due to the material's high absorption rate.


To clean the smoke channel in pipes, a cotton cloth is used, wound around a metal rod that runs through the entire pipe inside the stem and mouthpiece. Cleaners are quite inexpensive and are divided into two main types: soft and fluffy to remove moisture, and thin and flexible to remove solid sediment inside the smoke channel. If the pipe becomes dirty, take a cotton or any other soft cloth, drop a liquid containing a small amount of alcohol on it and gently wipe the tube until the contamination is removed. Just remember that this must be done without fail after the tube has completely cooled down. And it is desirable that the liquid does not have a pronounced odor. Therefore, lotions, toilet water and other perfumes are not suitable categorically.

However, if you like Mac Baren with the refreshing Eau Sauvage fragrance from Dior, then the bottle is in your hands and full speed ahead. Freshener A liquid pipe cleaner that removes unpleasant odors and tar accumulated in the smoke channel, and also gives a pleasant and fresh smell to the pipe as a whole. Never wash the tube in hot water or scrub the outside of the tube.

It should be noted that I read the following on one handout for measles pipe smokers: "You should not boil your pipe, especially with cleaners and bleaches." It is also strange that they did not mention a washing machine and an abrasive machine with pobedite brushes for cleaning rocket nozzles from carbon deposits. Never bang the pipe against a hard surface to dislodge the ash. In the case of a meerschaum pipe, you will simply break it; in the case of a heather pipe, you will be considered a barbarian and a savage. Except when using special tube ashtrays with a cork “bit”.

A meerschaum pipe does not require carbon inside the cup, like, say, a briar pipe. Therefore, as necessary, clean the cup of carbon deposits that have appeared. This should be done with a non-sharp, rounded tool. Be extremely careful when you clean the bottom of the cup at the exit of the smoke channel, because immediately after smoking, the foam in these places is moist and soft. Be careful when removing the mouthpiece from the tube. Be sure to hold the pipe with your fingers by the chubuk, and the mouthpiece itself is easy, without tension, pull towards you, while turning clockwise. Do the same when you insert it. It would not be an exaggeration to say that over hundreds of years, meerschaum pipes have gained a reputation as the most pleasant, comfortable to smoke. Also because each meerschaum pipe is not only an ordinary smoking device, but also a unique handmade work of art, made according to traditions passed down by craftsmen from generation to generation. Of course, this cannot but give the owner of such a pipe some additional pride and satisfaction from the mere consciousness of owning such a thing.

Easy, white porous material formed from the remains of prehistoric marine life. According to the chemical composition, these are magnesium oxide, silica, carbon and water.

The scientific name for sea foam is SEPIOLITE(from sepia and Greek lithos- stone: named because of the similarity with the porous calcareous skeleton of cuttlefish - sepia), gunnbjarnite, a clay mineral from the silicate class with a complex, chain-layered structure. Chemical composition Mg 4 (OH) 2 Ї6H 2 O. Mg is replaced by Fe 2+ and Fe 3+, Ni, Al, Сu (varieties: ferrisepiolite, alumosepiolite, nickelsepiolite, etc.). It crystallizes in a rhombic (?) system, forming fibrous submicroscopic crystals. Its properties are similar to palygorskite. S. is also found in the form of dense or spongy and very light aggregates ("sea foam"). It is formed in soils in arid and semi-arid climates, in marine and brackish water basins, among sedimentary clay-carbonate rocks, as well as during the weathering of serpentinites. Nickel-rich varieties of nickel are included in silicate nickel ores. (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)

The only significant deposit of ornamental sepiolite is near the city of Eskisehir in Anatolia (Turkey). Sea foam is extracted from a depth of up to 120 meters. Moreover, the Turks do not export raw materials. Only a few families extract foam, from generation to generation engaged in this work. The lower the mineral deposits, the denser, more homogeneous in composition, the better it can be processed and, accordingly, the more expensive it is. Therefore, often a large piece of a mineral, but with large inclusions and looser, costs less than a small block extracted from a great depth.

Foam is one of the most porous minerals in nature, which also has heat resistance and ease of processing, which allows it to be made into smoking pipes which are highly valued all over the world. Usually pipes made of artificial foam and foam crumbs are classified as handicrafts, and to a certain extent this judgment is true. On pipes made from a single piece of foam, they usually put a special brand: Block, Genuine Block-Meerschaum, Hand Made or Finest Cultured Amber - depending on the company selling the pipes. According to historical data, the first meerschaum pipes appeared in 1723 , when the Austrian count Andrassi was presented in Turkey with a piece of a mineral that seemed to him similar to the clay from which his pipe was made, and he ordered a new copy from this material from the Austrian master Karl Kovat. Some time after constant smoking, his pipe seemed to "tan" - nicotine juices gave the sea foam a completely unique deep color; this is one of the wonderful properties of the meerschaum pipe - the ability to absorb tobacco tar, giving it a golden or brown color, thereby allowing it to "age nobly". Now many meerschaum pipes are artificially aged, passing them off as antique; if the manufacturer treats the surface of the tube with wax, the aging process will be more intense.

Liked to relax meerschaum pipe and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, moreover, he “handed over” such a pipe to Onegin: with a long chibouk, braided with beads, and an amber mouthpiece.

In the 80s, material related Meerschaum was discovered in South Africa - it was called Manx Meerschaum, it is heavier, does not differ in pure color, but is less dense and less porous than Turkish foam. Little can be said about the consumer properties of smoking such a pipe.

There is a misconception that Meerschaum pipes are not smoked and that they "do not acquire flavor". It is not really necessary to smoke meerschaum pipes in the sense in which heather pipes are smoked - from the first time you can completely fill the cup and enjoy your pipe, also the meerschaum pipe does not require a long rest after smoking, you can smoke it several times a day, thanks to the high absorbency of the material. A meerschaum pipe develops carbon deposits over time, in which it heats up less and due to which it acquires taste. However, the tube should not be too “overgrown” with soot either, because. it affects appearance and will interfere with the absorption of resins, and may also lead to damage to the tube. It is necessary to clean the tube very carefully and only when it has completely cooled down. Foam tubes are quite fragile and require special individual storage cases.

Most meerschaum pipes are made in Turkey, mostly directly in the small town where meerschaum is mined. An interesting fact is that the master carvers themselves are mostly non-smokers. Being at the master's shop and watching how he works is an interesting and very instructive occupation. When making a tube, the foam must first be well moistened (they process the sea foam only soaked), then the material becomes so soft that the outlines of the future tube appear from a piece of foam literally before your eyes within a couple of minutes. Then all excess moisture by placing it in the oven to dry. It will take about ten minutes to make a tube of a simple classical shape. But pipes with carvings on antique scenes, with portraits of celebrities, images of animals, or with other most complex ornaments, the production of which requires much more time and skill of the carver, are usually valued.

In addition to pipes, whose cup is completely made of sea foam, there is a classic model - calabash. Calabash - a pipe made from a special kind of gourd with an insert in the cup of a cartridge made of sea foam, which is the chamber for tobacco. Many manufacturers use meerschaum cuts for their pipe models, which is quite reasonable and economical: the meerschaum tobacco chamber is stylish, and besides, it does not need to be smoked.

When buying, you should avoid pipes made either from pressed crumbs or from modern polymers that are passed off as meerschaum pipes. They may look good, but they will not bring any joy when smoking. Fake foam obtained by pressing is easy to distinguish - it is granular, and when heated or if it is immersed in water, the tube made from it can literally crumble bit by bit. Polymer samples can be identified by touch. Real foam is very gentle - it can be scratched even with a fingernail, polymer materials are also not very durable, but the chips from scratches are clearly of artificial origin.

Having bought a meerschaum pipe, remember that your new purchase is very delicate and fragile. It must not be dropped on asphalt or a hard floor, and the ashes must not be knocked out of it. Ash must be removed with a spatula, and very carefully so as not to injure the inner surface of the chamber, because. even a simple scratch can lead to the death of the tube. Then the pipe will “grow old” beautifully, acquire a noble appearance and will bring joy to its owner for a long time.

Why do people like meerschaum pipes? This material does not require a filter - since the foam has good absorbent properties, when smoking, the pipe gradually acquires pleasant golden-brown tones, and, on a carved pipe, the pattern can be painted in the most amazing way. These are lightweight pipes with great heat resistance that can be smoked outdoors. Since foam is a fragile mineral, try to buy a pipe in a case. The foam, unlike wood, does not burn through, but when smoking it can get very hot. During manufacture, meerschaum pipes are often impregnated and polished with wax, which experienced smokers sometimes complain about: for some time, the smell and taste of wax are felt.

Caring for a meerschaum pipe is easy. You can smoke it several times a day, unlike briar. It is necessary to avoid the appearance of soot: the tube can simply split. They clean the meerschaum tubes (of course, already cooled down) with vodka or alcohol, using napkins, buttners, ruffs - whoever is more comfortable. The only condition is that the tool should not be sharp, otherwise you will scratch the bottom of the bowl. Under no circumstances should you wash a meerschaum pipe in hot water, and even more so, you should not scrape it, no matter how dirty it may be.

It is also unique and remarkable that meerschaum pipes, along with their usual use - smoking them, are a good decoration for home interiors.

Explanations for notes:

    if there are no notes - click "detailed information" and look at the description, select; tubes from stock can be sent by courier in Moscow or cash on delivery in Russia

    note "available to order" means that the tube is not in stock, but it is possible to order exactly the same tube as shown in the image for prepayment. Under the order, we can send the handset directly to the address of the customer from Turkey.

Production of a tube under the order is possible. The client can provide a template, the shape of the desired tube, the desired figure for the image on the tube, or the desired inscription.
All this will be implemented to the maximum in the ordered tube. Terms of execution of the order from making an advance payment to the moment of receipt - three to four weeks.

P.S. All smoking pipes made from Meerschaum ("sea foam") are sold in individual cases that repeat the shape of the pipe.

On the sites of their settlements, archaeologists have found ancient pipes depicting various subjects, animals, and people. What do modern smoking pipes look like? What types and types are they? What materials are they made of and is it possible to make a pipe with your own hands? You will learn about all this from this article.

Construction of a modern smoking pipe

To begin with, let's look at the design features of the smoking room consists of several parts that have a specific purpose.

The bowl is the rounded part of the pipe filled with tobacco. The size of this part can be different and depends on what kind of tobacco the pipe is intended for.

The tobacco chamber is a recess in the bowl designed to be filled with tobacco.

The chubuk is the part of the pipe that runs from the bowl to the mouthpiece. There may be several small holes in the chibouk that allow air to pass through. This makes smoking easier.

The smoke channel carries smoke from the bowl to the mouthpiece. The quality of the manufacture of the smoke channel largely depends on the properties of the smoking pipe.

The mouthpiece is hermetically connected to the shank. It can be straight or curved, flat or round hole smoke channel. In some types of pipes, the hole can be divided into two parts, such a mouthpiece will be called a two-channel.

Mouthpiece - the end of the mouthpiece, which is placed in the mouth, between the teeth and lips. Feelings during smoking largely depend on the quality and shape of this part of the pipe. Most often, the mouthpiece has a traditional shape, but in some cases the smoke hole is located in its upper part, so that the smoke, without touching the tongue, rises to the palate.

The neck connects the mouthpiece to the stem. It is made of silver or other materials.

The filter is designed to cool the smoke. It can be made from paper, cardboard, balsa wood, foam. The smoking pipe can be used without a filter. After smoking, the filter must be removed so that the pipe does not deteriorate. Many refuse to use a filter, as they believe that it hides some of the flavor of tobacco.

Now you know what elements the tube consists of. The material from which this accessory is made is also of great importance. Consider what tubes are made of.


Briar pipes are very popular. Briard is a root thickening of heather. A bowl with a chibouk is machined from it, the mouthpiece is made of other materials. Briar pipes are durable and do not get hot. They are easy to clean.

They can be of different quality and vary greatly in price. Cheap, low quality briar pipes can be puttyed. Over time, the putty will begin to stand out in color and may fly off.


Wooden pipes are also quite popular. The tube may be made from a single piece of wood or may be stacked. Only a bowl can be made of wood. For the manufacture of pipes, apple, pear, cherry, beech and precious woods are used. A tree with a pungent odor, resinous, coniferous is not suitable.

Wooden tubes burn out over time and have to be replaced. After use, such a tube requires a long drying time. Products are relatively cheap, with the exception of those made of precious wood.


Corn tubes are cut from the stalk, which is the core of the corn cob. The tube turns out to be very light, cheap, but short-lived. It is fragile and burns out quickly, so you will have to change it often, perhaps several times a year.

The corn pipe is easy to care for, filters smoke well and absorbs moisture.


They were once widespread, but today they are most often used as an original gift or souvenir. The pipe can be made entirely of clay or have only a clay bowl.

It is not very convenient to use a clay pipe for its intended purpose, because it is fragile, cracks from temperature changes (it cannot be smoked in the cold), and it gets very hot. But clay pipes decorated with carvings and various ornaments look great as an element of the collection.


Foam is rare natural material, consisting of the smallest compressed shells. The foam is strong and durable. It absorbs moisture well, does not heat up and does not fade, and is easy to clean. The foam pipe is rightfully considered one of the best.

But all these advantages apply only to tubes cut from a single block of foam! If pressed chips are used to make an accessory, then the quality of the product drops significantly, it loses all its advantages and becomes extremely fragile. In order not to purchase such a fake, you need to remember that the meerschaum pipe is expensive and you can not buy it in every store.


A very rare and valuable material for making a pipe is gourd. The tobacco chamber of such pipes is made of foam or porcelain. But it is not easy to get a natural pumpkin, most often the gourd is imitated using other materials.

Tube shapes

How do smoking pipes differ in shape? The photos show that there is a great variety in the shapes and types of tubes. The shape and height of the bowl, the bend differ. There are several classifications of smoking pipes, we will consider several main types.

Types of smoking pipes by shape:

  • Billiards - the most widespread group of forms. Nearly cylindrical shank and bowl. The chubuk and mouthpiece assembly are a bit like a cue stick, hence the name of the shape.
  • Chimney - reminiscent of billiards with a deep tobacco chamber and a high bowl. Such a pipe is intended for an experienced smoker, as it is smoked for several hours and the tobacco may die out.
  • Liverpool - billiards with a long shank and a short mouthpiece.
  • Lovat - reminiscent of Liverpool with a saddle mouthpiece.
  • Canadian - has a long flattened shank with an oval section and a short mouthpiece.
  • Bulldog - has a bowl consisting of two cones with a diamond-shaped shank in proportion.
  • Dublin is a conical bowl, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.
  • Poker - has a flat bottom, so that the tube can be placed on the table.
  • Sweat - the bowl resembles a pot, the tube is massive, with thick walls.
  • Prince - low bowl, curved mouthpiece.
  • An apple is a very popular shape with a spherical bowl.
  • Tomato - has an oval bowl.
  • Brandy - the bowl repeats the shape of the glass for the drink of the same name.
  • Egg - accordingly, the bowl is shaped like an egg.
  • Freehands are non-canonical smoking pipes.

How to choose a handset

In a store with a wide assortment, a beginner can simply get confused - such an abundance of sizes, shapes, materials. Is it possible to just buy a tube you like or is it necessary to pay attention to its characteristics? The choice of the first such thing is important, since it depends on it whether you will enjoy smoking and whether you will become a person who loves smoking pipes. How to choose a pipe for a beginner? There are several points to which you need to pay attention.

The first thing to decide is the shape of the tube. It is better to choose a simple classic cylindrical shape. The fact is that some pipes require more attention when smoking, they can go out, etc. The product should be pleasant and comfortable to lie in the hand.

The next choice is a curved or straight tube. Very often, beginners are attracted to models with a strong bend. But handling such a tube requires some experience. For the first time, straight lines or with a slight bend are best.

One of the most controversial questions is "do I need a filter in the tube." It somewhat softens and hides the taste of tobacco. Each smoker decides for himself which pipe to choose.

The pipe filter does not affect the quality of smoking, so here you can be guided by your own preferences.

How to make a pipe with your own hands

The smoking pipe is a skillful and elegant item. Only a master can make a good pipe. For the initial processing, tools, a machine tool and a drill are used, and the final refinement is done only by hand. If you want to make a smoking pipe yourself, then you need not only to have the necessary knowledge and be able to work with your hands, but also to have tools. If you want to make a quality thing, then be prepared for the fact that a hand-made smoking pipe will cost more than buying a new one.

The fact is that it consists of rather thin details. Great importance has the quality of a smoke channel. It is quite difficult to cut and process the smoke channel and the tobacco chamber well. But if you still want to make a smoking pipe yourself, you can purchase a special blank, the so-called hobby block. made from a hobby block, requires a minimum of tools.

A hobby block is a piece of wood of a rectangular or cubic shape, in which a tobacco chamber and a smoke channel have already been made. A plastic mouthpiece is already attached to the workpiece. It turns out that all fine work, requiring special knowledge, has already been done, and the owner of the hobby block is left with the most interesting thing - to come up with the shape of a bowl and give these outlines to the blank. After cutting out the shape, the bowl needs to be sanded and polished.

The process of working with a hobby block is good because it is interesting, gives room for imagination and, what is very important, the result is a really high-quality smoking pipe. The choice of hobby blocks is quite wide, they differ in the shape of the mouthpiece, the diameter and height of the tobacco bowl. With the help of these blanks, you can make good and different smoking pipes at home.