Do-it-yourself paper crafts. DIY paper crafts

One of the most common materials for children's creativity is paper. Paper crafts for kids is one of the fun activities for both kids and parents. Joint creativity unites and develops creative abilities.

Paper handling:

  • develops in children fine motor skills;
  • promotes concentration;
  • develops imagination;
  • forms artistic taste;
  • develops an eye;
  • stimulates the development of memory;
  • activates thought processes;
  • develops patience;
  • contributes to the creation of game situations.

There are various techniques for working with paper:

  • Application. It can be broken or cut, flat or voluminous, made of paper or napkins.
  • Quilling is one of the types of appliqué. A drawing is applied to the base of thick paper. The image is filled with elements from narrow strips of paper twisted in a special way.
  • Mosaic (from French: folded from pieces) - an application made from geometric shapes.
  • Paper plastic - artistic modeling from paper.

You will find even more articles with instructions for creating all kinds of crafts with your own hands on the site -

Paper crafts for preschool children

From a very early age, children like to perform easy DIY crafts especially from paper.


Butterfly 1

To cope with such a craft and two year old. Of course, we can't do without your help. Fold a sheet of white paper in half and draw half a butterfly. You can choose any shape and size of wings. It is advisable to make a big butterfly.

Then the butterfly needs cut and unfold. Give your child some finger paints and have them color one side of the butterfly. Before the paint dries, fold the butterfly so that the unpainted part lies on the painted one. Press and unfold the butterfly, let it dry.

Such a paper masterpiece can decorate your baby's room.

Butterfly 2

Can you make a butterfly baby handprints. This craft can be done with a child 3-6 years old. For this you will need the following materials:

  • sheets of colored paper;
  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • marker, felt-tip pens, sequins, stickers and other elements for decorating a butterfly.

On a colored sheet of paper, with a simple pencil, circle the contours of the right and then the left palm of the baby. Cut out the resulting patterns twice. Get four wings palms of different colors.

Stick on White list cardboard cut out wings. On colored paper, draw an oval for the butterfly's body. Let the child carefully cut it out with scissors and glue it to the junction of the wings. Butterfly eyes can be made in a different way: draw with a felt-tip pen or stick two small white circles, in the center of which put dots with a marker. You can also stick ready-made eyes. Draw the mustache and mouth.

Have your child decorate the butterfly wings. Let the kid show his imagination. For decoration, you can use glitter, stickers, or just paint with felt-tip pens.

Mom will definitely keep this paper butterfly with the palms of her beloved child.

Butterfly 3

To make this beautiful, paper, airy butterfly with your own hands, you need the following materials:

  • paper (thin or napkins, regular color or origami, you can use sheets from a glossy magazine);
  • wire or thread;
  • scissors;
  • glitter or other materials for decoration.

Draw on paper two squares 10x10 cm and 8x8 cm. In the future, you can make any sizes of the squares. To make the butterfly look beautiful, make the square for the upper wings 2–3 cm larger than the square for lower wings.

Have your child cut out these squares.

You will fold one square diagonally with an "accordion", and let the child do it with the second. You can choose any width of the folds, the narrower the folds, the more magnificent the butterfly will turn out.

Press the resulting wing blanks with the centers to each other and secure by bandaging them thread or wire.

The abdomen, head and antennae can be made from paper, wire or beads. You can round off the wings with scissors. The resulting butterfly is an elegant craft that can decorate a baby's room. It will look even more impressive if it is decorated with sequins or other decorative materials. The craft is suitable for any competition in kindergarten.

Mosaic Application

This type of craft will be interesting for children of any age, although a three-year-old child will cope with this work. To create a mosaic applique, you will need the following materials:

  • a rectangular sheet of white cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil;

On a white sheet of cardboard, draw with a simple pencil the outlines of a fish, mushroom, sun, or other simple object that would have enough space inside for gluing mosaic elements.

From colored paper, cut strips about 2 cm wide. Then ask your child to cut out small squares, triangles or other geometric shapes from these strips. With the resulting mosaic elements, let the child glue inner space drawn figure. At the same time, it is necessary to glue the elements of the paper mosaic close to each other. This craft can be an original gift for mom or grandmother.

Volume application ladybug

This craft can be done by a child of 4-5 years. The main thing is to correctly tell the baby the sequence of actions. It’s even better if you do this craft with him, showing you how to perform each action correctly.

First, prepare circle templates with diameters of 10 cm, 5 cm and 1 cm, colored paper, a white sheet of cardboard and glue.

Have the child use the template to draw two large circles on a piece of red paper. On a black sheet of paper, circle one large circle, one smaller and 6 small circles.

With your own hands, with the help of scissors, let him cut out all the circles drawn.

Now in the middle of the white cardboard will stick a large black circle - the torso. The circle, which is smaller, needs to be glued so that it goes a little on the big one. This will be the head.

Now let him decorate the wings with black small circles, gluing them with glue.

Having learned how to make such a craft, a child can diversify his work by placing a ladybug on a leaf or flower.

Paper crafts for primary school children

Nosed bookmarks

This craft is very easy to do. A preschooler will also cope with it, but it will be especially pleasant for a first grader to make such a bookmark for his first textbooks.

This will require the following materials:

  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • chenille (fluffy) wire;
  • glue;
  • eyes.

Cut out a 6x12 cm rectangle from a sheet of colored cardboard.

Step back from the sides one and a half centimeters and draw two parallel segments 8 cm long. Make a cut with scissors along the marked lines.

The middle stripe will serve as the nose. At the bottom of it with a simple pencil, draw a rounding and cut it out with scissors.

Now glue the eyes (if not ready, you can draw them).

Make one or two holes at the top of the head with a hole punch. Pass the chenille wire through them and give it the shape of horns or antennae.

Having shown imagination, the child will be able to make bookmarks with his own hands different forms and sizes, as well as decorate them at your discretion. The main thing should remain unchanged - this is a long nose at the bookmark.

Particular delight among younger students is caused by voluminous toys made of paper. It's easy to make them. You need to print the templates, cut them out and glue them. The kids love it. And then they are happy to play with toys that they made with their own hands.

Here are some diagrams of your favorite papercraft cartoon characters.

Papercraft schemes

Paper crafts for middle school children

For children of middle school age, it will be interesting to make a puppet toy with their own hands. To make one toy you will need:

  • roll off toilet paper;
  • rope or twine;
  • two caps from a plastic bottle;
  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • wand (control bar);
  • acrylic paint;
  • fishing line.

To make this craft you need:

  1. Paint the lids and toilet paper roll orange.
  2. For arms and legs, make four holes on the sides of the roll with an awl.
  3. Make a hole in the center of each cap with an awl.

Cut two small ropes of the same length. Tie a knot at the end of each. WITH inside thread the free ends of the ropes into the hole for the hands and tie knots at the ends. The handles are ready.

Do the same for the legs. Only the ropes need to be cut longer and the ends threaded into the hole in the lids, fixing them with a knot.

On a piece of paper you need to draw the head and tail of the fox. If you don’t know how to draw, you can use the template, decorate them with paints and cut them out. After that, glue them to the roll-torso.

Now it remains to tie to the legs and head (roll) along the fishing line and fix them on the control bar.

origami lotus

Children can give this simple and original DIY craft to their mother or grandmother. You can easily make it both at home and at school.

To make a lotus, you will need green, white and yellow origami paper. Scissors and strong thread or wire.

Cut out 5 rectangles 7.5x15 cm in green and 10 of the same rectangles in white, as well as 3 rectangles 4x10 cm in yellow.

Let's figure out how to assemble a lotus flower step by step - this wonderful paper craft.

Fold the green rectangle in half along the long side. Unfold the paper and fold the triangles to the center on one side and the other.

Alternately bend both long sides to the center.

Make 5 green blanks in this way.

Now fold the white rectangle in half along the long side. Turn it upside down and fold the triangles as you folded in the green rectangle.

Bend the long sides to the center, then bend in half. Should be a boat.

Repeat all steps with the remaining white leaves.

Fold the yellow rectangle in half lengthwise and again across.

Cut with scissors into narrow strips, but not completely, so that you get a fringe. These will be the stamens. There will be three such blanks.

The video shows step by step how these fakes are made.

Now you can collect the flower. The green blank is folded in half and we alternately put two white blanks on it. We attach a yellow stamen on top. Repeat these steps two more times. As a result, you will receive three sets, each of which consists of green, two white blanks and stamens.

Assemble the two remaining sets in the same way, but without stamens. Now assemble the blanks. First take a set with stamens, then without yellow stamens, again with stamens. Place the resulting sets on top of each other, alternating sets with and without stamens. Take the set with yellow stamens first. Tie all these blanks in the middle with threads or wire. Now bend the blanks to the sides.

Start collecting the flower from the stamens. In those petals where there are stamens, we bend them so that the “tails” look up. Now lift up and spread the white petals through one. Get the first row of petals. Assemble the second row. The remaining petals also lift up through one. Perform the third row in the same way as the first and second.

Raise up the last row of petals. And finally, straighten the green leaves. So your original lotus is ready.

As you know, light paper crafts are very useful for children of any age. The first interest arises in the baby as early as the age of 1 year, it is during this period that you can begin to teach him how to make simple crafts from various materials.

Important! It is worth noting that such creativity develops fine motor skills in a baby, it positively affects the perception of the world around us and the ability to think creatively.

Of course, in order for the baby's talents to develop successfully, parents should understand how to properly teach their child to perform a particular task.

paper butterfly

The first rule that every parent should remember is that during the period of development, only those tasks should be given to the child that will be within his power. For example, easy DIY paper crafts will be very interesting and simple for a child. In this case, it must be borne in mind that the baby himself must do the bulk of the work, otherwise there will be no benefit from such an activity.

There are many interesting master classes that tell you how to make easy craft from paper with your own hands and, at the same time, spend a minimum of time on this lesson.

Christmas trees made of paper

Some of them will be given below, and it will also be told about which craft is best for what age.

As mentioned above, light paper crafts are suitable not only for older children, but also for the smallest. So, for example, kids under the age of 2 years willingly participate in this process. True, in this case it is important to remember that such an activity should not take more than 10 minutes, otherwise the baby will get tired of everything and he will abandon this business. You need to monitor the behavior of the crumbs during this task. For example, if he begins to lose all interest, then it is clear that such a task turned out to be either too difficult for him or, on the contrary, very simple.

Easy paper crafts are suitable not only for older children, but also for the little ones.

If we talk about tasks for children of this age, then they can be divided into several groups:

  1. Easy paper crafts, the essence of which is that you need to cut out certain figures and stick them on a blank sheet of paper. In other words, the chaotic fastening of individual pieces of paper to each other.
  2. Crafts that are based on the fact that the pieces must be attached in a chaotic manner.
  3. The type of crafts is when individual figures must be attached to a pre-designated place.

Easy craft for little ones

For example, if we are talking about the first option, then here the task has a simple essence. Some figures or pieces are cut out of colored paper, and then they are glued onto another sheet. In this task, it is very important to initially teach the baby how to use glue. He must understand how the leaves are glued together, how to attach them correctly, whether it is necessary to press one part of the application to another, and so on. In other words, this is a variant of getting to know the crumbs with paper and glue.

Important! The task of an adult is to teach the baby to properly hold the glue in his hands, show how to spread it on paper, and do not forget to show that when the glue is smeared on the base, the sheet itself must be held with the left hand.

In this case, the pencil should be strictly perpendicular to the sheet. This is very important, because if, when getting acquainted with stationery, you do not explain to the child all the basics of the creative process, then it will be very difficult to retrain him later. And, accordingly, he will perform all subsequent tasks incorrectly.

Dandelions from paper and napkins

Of course, you need to give the crumbs the opportunity to independently complete the entire task from start to finish. Some parents, fearing that the baby will do something wrong, perform the task themselves. But this is absolutely wrong.

The second stage of acquaintance with paper and glue

After the child has learned to perform elementary operations with paper and glue, you should show him the very technique of creating various pictures and postcards. Of course, even the lightest paper crafts will be insanely interesting for the baby. Of course, if adults make every effort to do so.

The second stage of creating simple crafts is that the child must learn how to properly arrange the various details on a piece of paper. Of course, at this stage he will not need to create any specific drawings or lines. He just has to learn how to glue various figures wherever he wants. Now it is very important that he himself learns to decide how his future work will look better. Adults can only say what figure to get as a result, and the baby decides for himself where exactly to glue the different parts of the craft.

Paper craft - chamomile

If you really want to intervene in this process, then you can simply suggest why it would be better, and where exactly you need to stick this piece of paper. But you can’t put pressure on the child, at this stage he is only learning to create his future masterpieces.

During such crafts, you can create figures in the form of a sun, a cloud, a house, a flower and other very simple objects.

Easy craft options

The last step in creating beautiful and original crafts lies in the fact that the baby begins to realize for himself where it is correct to glue the various parts of the figure. To do this, you should prepare in advance all the necessary tools for the implementation of a creative idea. Most often, such creative masterpieces are made from two or three types of colored paper, as well as a white sheet. Do not forget that you will need glue and scissors. If the parent does not want the child to pick up scissors, you can first make a blank and cut out the necessary figures from colored paper yourself. To make really light and beautiful paper crafts, you should use at least 3 or even more colors.

Christmas decorations from paper

For example, if you make a Christmas tree with balls, then you should initially glue the Christmas tree itself, then the balls, and at the end an asterisk. To make the final picture brighter, you can use more flowers and make many different jewelry blanks for the forest beauty in advance.

Paper crocodile

Below is a list of basic crafts that will be of interest to children:

  • a tree on which apples grow;
  • a hedgehog with apples and mushrooms on its thorns;
  • a basket with many berries;
  • jar with vitamins;
  • a tree from which leaves fall;
  • fish that swim in the aquarium.

Application - fish

By the way, to make the process of creating an application faster, you can print ready-made blanks of such figures as a Christmas tree, a hedgehog, a tree, a jar, a basket. As a result, the baby will need to glue only small figures.

paper tree

You can also watch tutorial videos, which are very numerous on the Internet, they talk about how to create easy paper crafts.

What is of particular interest to the child?

After the child learns how to create very easy paper crafts, they can be shown videos that show how to make a more complex application. Thus, it will turn out to develop the baby's imagination and skills. Of course, most often this happens already when the baby is at least 1.5 years old.

To begin with, an adult should draw on the base sheet the outlines of the figures that the child will glue. This will help him visually understand what kind of application should be the result. After he learns how to carefully glue the figures along the contours, you can proceed to creating crafts without drawing these same contours.

Multicolored paper caterpillar

In this way, you can create:

  • caterpillar;
  • snowman
  • dandelion;
  • a bunch of balloons;
  • a house that is built from blocks;
  • building with windows
  • machine and much more.

paper grapes

Of course, these are the main figures, it all depends on the skills of the baby and his patience. If he has perseverance, and he likes to create simple postcards and pictures, then you can choose more complicated figures. And if it lasts a maximum of 10 minutes, then it is better to choose something simpler.

Craft - paper hedgehog

Some parents also experiment with different magazines and newspapers. They simply cut them into pieces, and then glue them back together with the kids. For example, if a traffic light is drawn in the picture, it can be cut out and then glued back.

paper snowman

Important! Easy paper crafts for kids are a great way to teach your child independence and develop the ability to think abstractly.

It is very important in this process to trust him, to give him as much freedom as possible. You should not limit him in his movements and constantly suggest what and how to do. Let him initially understand everything himself and learn how to create paper crafts easily and quickly, and after that you can start giving him more complex tasks. This is exactly what is described in the well-known Montessori method. The only thing to take care of in advance is to show the child that there are certain rules. For example, to tell that you can only glue at this table, the paper lies here, and you need to put it back here, and so on. Then the baby will grow up independent, but at the same time he will understand what can and cannot be done.

colored paper and thin cardboard - the first material from which children begin to make flat or three-dimensional figures. Children's paper crafts develop creativity, spatial thinking and fine motor skills of fingers. This is the simplest way to keep kids entertained in their free time. They will be carried away by the creative process at any time of the year, especially in inclement weather. The ideas, schemes, instructions and templates offered in the article can be used not only by teachers, but also by parents of preschoolers and children of primary school age.

Self-manufacturing simple crafts from paper - it's exciting and affordable. Every year, experts offer new ideas and work techniques that inspire exclusive decor in the interior.

Paper does not mean what can be done, thrown away and forgotten. If you prepare correctly and do everything extremely carefully, paper decor will not look cheap and trivial. From thin colored cardboard and thick office paper, you can make a lot of beautiful and useful household gizmos with your own hands. They are suitable for updating the design in the children's room or decorate the whole house for the holiday:

  • for the New Year;
  • for Easter;
  • by March 8;
  • for Valentine's Day;
  • for the birthday of each member of the family.

Designers use three-dimensional figurines for interior decor in various styles. For example, branches of delicate sakura with voluminous pink flowers made using the origami technique from modules - great idea for a Japanese-style bedroom.

Panel with three-dimensional butterflies, applications in the form of birds or autumn leaves, a tree with owls is a simple and unique decor for a country-style entryway or dining area.

Paper Christmas decorations are the best preparation for the long-awaited holiday.

Enthusiastically use all your boundless imagination:

  • openwork snowflakes on window glass planted on soap;
  • christmas angels;
  • moon and planets;
  • garlands with colored paper additions;
  • Santa Claus, snowmen, hares and other winter characters;
  • voluminous and flat Christmas toys.

The boys are willing to work different ages, girls and boys. Older students, having practice, on behalf of their mothers, become "instructors" for kids. They can make a complex base in the form of an accordion, fan, flower stem or supporting parts.

Tip: Teach your child to be careful when working with glue so as not to make stains and sagging. And before you cut something, let it measure with a ruler, mark and make marks with dots. The lines from the pencil should go into trim, and not into the main details. Under this condition, all work will be done masterfully, and not like beginners.

Knowing how to make spherical tulips, voluminous daffodils, roses and other flowers, older children are able to make a gift for their mother or grandmother with their own hands. One of the parents will give the child an idea and teach the basic skills of working with scissors, glue and thin cardboard.

A beautiful paper bouquet in an impromptu vase will stand on the window for more than one month, reminding you of the holiday. And for parents there will be another reason to praise their children for their patience and perseverance, to remind them when something does not work out.

It is better for beginners to master various techniques and craft according to the easiest schemes. Simplicity and affordability are the secret of the popularity of crafts made from the cheapest material.

You can start with children 3-4 years old or when the baby begins to show interest.

How to make interesting paper crafts with your own hands in various techniques, our experts will share their secrets.

Invite your students to watch a video tutorial on creating three-dimensional paper flowers.

How to make easy paper crafts using various techniques?

  1. Making cardboard toys according to a template is the easiest way, especially if the elders do the difficult work for the baby.

Hares in the grass is a simple toy, it can be made "animated" if the characters are not fixed, but made in slots on sticks.

  • Cut out one hare (head and shoulders) as a template and multiply with a child who can circle the cardboard blank with a pencil several times. Do not forget to teach your baby to save paper - apply templates tightly to each other.
  • These bunnies will need the plastic "moving eyes" that are sold in the craft department.
  • On the cut out faces, it remains to glue the eyes, finish the nose and mouth. If you depict them in different ways, you get bunnies with a different facial expression.
  • The length of the ears can be varied or even screwed onto a pencil to lower.
  • Next, you need a strip of cardboard with grass cut out in 1 or more rows.
  • Behind the grass, it is necessary to cut holes along the width of the hare's body so that they "sit" tightly there. And the bunnies themselves are best attached to sticks or paper tubes in order to control.

The toy is ready, now it can be used - the hares will tell the child a story before going to bed on the edge of the back of the bed. At the same time, mom will move these bunnies in turn. To complete the plot, you can make a wolf or a fox so that the bunnies hide in the grass (we lower or take out the templates).

In a similar technique, do-it-yourself any flat animated crafts made of colored paper. For example, in the window of a house carved according to a template. You can put a doll or a storyteller there. Stories or poems for children can be read at night by a grandfather and a woman with a samovar (other characters). Use an easy plot, understood by children, with famous fairy tale characters.

A dog and a whole family of puppies will look out of the booth, which are driven out by a cat or a rooster. If you manage to make a tower of a “stone” castle, let a princess and a dragon appear in the window with your dialogues - children love to watch this.

  1. Twisted paper figures are an easy way to add dimension to paper crafts. Experts suggest mastering this at an elementary level, and in a few weeks the baby will make a whole animal world in the children's room.

The easiest way to make paper rings and cylinders:

  • Bunny.
  • Curl bird.
  • Chicken.
  • Kitten.
  • Puppy.
  • Frog.
  • Owl.

The paper cylinder is the torso, depending on the design of the toy, it can be positioned horizontally or vertically. Attach the ponytail and paws cut out of paper to this base. It is most responsible to make a head or a muzzle - flat or voluminous (your choice).

If you make birds with a child, then it is better to open the beak. Use chicken feathers or down - this will make the chicken or cockerel more attractive. Eyes can be drawn or glued, for this use:

  • halves of peas or beans;
  • "shifting eyes";
  • black allspice;
  • flat beads;
  • black sequins.

In addition to the toy itself, it will be interesting for children to make the “habitat” of the character out of paper: grass, a lake, a house, a hollow, a tree, etc. If you are not too lazy, in a few days there will be many crafts on the same topic - a whole zoo or heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok" . This story can be memorized and shown in roles to guests on the child's birthday.

  1. Paper doll dress up is a popular game for girls. You can buy them ready-made or make your own. For those who do not know how to draw, it is easier to cut out Barbie in a swimsuit from the "coloring book" and stick it on a cardboard base.

Outfits are made from:

  • white paper and decorate with pencils or markers;
  • thin colored cardboard;
  • velvet paper;
  • foil;
  • magazines (illustrations with the texture of fabric or fur).

If a mother or a girl has artistic skills, then a fashionista doll can be drawn independently or copied from a sample you like. Such paper crafts are decorated with paper and fabric appliqué, feathers and flower herbarium. A little more difficult level - puffy dresses made of voluminous elements and pleated skirts made of folds like a fan.

Tip: Do not forget that each outfit should have holders (elements at the edges of the outfit) to cling to the shoulders and waist of the doll. An advanced level is to fix a flat magnet inside the cardboard template, and glue a light metal plate or a shoe stud without a hat under each outfit. Usually, for such help, they turn to dad or grandfather.

Add a Girlfriend and a Prince for the doll, a house or a whole street for walking. If we limit ourselves to only one "fashionista", she needs a box or cardboard box in any technique. It is no less interesting to weave a basket of twisted paper for a homemade doll and make a rug.

This is one of the most simple ways creating color patterns. Even a child of 3-4 years old will master the braided rug step by step.

With this technique, you can do:

  • basket;
  • bookmark for books;
  • patterned rug for paper toys.

Several color combinations have been developed. For those who are interested in what crafts can be made from paper, it is enough to master three:

  • monophonic weaving;
  • two-color;
  • multicolor patterns.

The lightest is braided, where stripes of two close or contrasting shades alternate.

For the doll rug you will need:

  • scissors,
  • glue;
  • ruler,
  • pencil;
  • 2 squares of colored paper.

We mark the back sides by 1-1.5 cm, but do not cut to the end - a centimeter border is needed along the edge. You should get one form with not completely cut edges on both sides, the second - on one side cut to the edge. These strips will simply run through the first pattern step by step. Then the ends need to be glued. Finish with a border, curly or openwork edges of a different color.

Rolled paper or newspaper toys

Another novelty for those who are not familiar with this technique.

True hand-made craftsmen use this technique to weave wicker and rattan furniture, and interior baskets from newspaper tubes. Easy crafts from twisted white paper start with blanks, then weave according to the pattern.

Rolled-up newspapers will also become products: after painting with an aerosol, letters and photos will not be visible, but the secondary material will become a useful decor for the apartment. By general scheme, for example, you can weave baskets under the old flower pots and flower pots that need updating.

One more interesting idea- basket for stationery computer desk to put small items there for general order.

Newspapers cut sharp knife and wound on a thin long knitting needle, after which you need to fix the edges with glue. From one sheet of newspaper you get 4 tubes, if you fold it in half twice and cut it into 4 identical parts.

It is proposed to weave:

  • A vase for dry flower arrangements or paper flowers.
  • The casket.
  • Plafond for the kitchen.
  • Frames for family photos.
  • Stands for hot glasses.
  • Interior inserts, etc.

In Russia, this type of needlework is not yet as popular as abroad, but the number of admirers of the technique of working with paper is growing rapidly. This is the twisting of long narrow strips to create three-dimensional images. They are combined into three-dimensional images or pasted on postcards.

The examples show how to make paper crafts using this technique.

To begin with, make the easiest patterns with your child - a bird or a flower. It will be something new and surprising for him, then his fantasy will develop. First, children need to be told the density of the twist and the need for creases in certain places. Soon they will begin to understand and make new models from "paper filigree" on their own.

In this technique, they make full-fledged souvenirs or decorate the base. Most popular:

  • postcards and invitations;
  • photo frames;
  • earrings;
  • gift packages;
  • Christmas tree decorations;
  • interior decor.

In needlework stores, you can find ready-made quilling kits, cut colored stripes for do-it-yourself paper crafts, diagrams and templates.


Another original way creating three-dimensional figures, which requires the same templates from soft paper. They are connected and unfolded, getting three-dimensional figures that can be used to decorate the interior or make a festive decor in the house.

Iris Folding

A new type of work with paper for Russia, which develops creative potential. In principle, nothing new - paper spirals are twisted in a special way, which are used to lay out patterns. If you carefully consider the pattern and shades, you get masterpieces that have a place in a frame on the wall.

Invite your daughter to make a young lady in puffy dress, but help to complete the most difficult stages of work.

Papier mache

This is the oldest technique that periodically comes into fashion and is forgotten again. To some, it will seem new, but to someone it is known for the surprise balls that are hung up for the holidays. They are filled with sweets and various sweets, and the birthday boy must knock down with a bat, releasing goodies.

A lot of interesting paper crafts were made by craftsmen from glue and torn newspapers. Translated from French, papier mâché is “torn” or “chewed” paper. Applying layer after layer of glue-based scraps, it is easy to get any shape.

The same "surprise ball" is easy to make by wrapping a large balloon, and applying layers of papier-mâché. When the layer is ready, the ball is blown off, and the form remains. It is filled with sweets, and the hole is closed with the same “chewed paper” on glue. Decorated with colored blocks, foil stars on top. This is a popular entertainment at Mexican-style parties.

If durable figures and sculptures are created, gypsum or starch is added to the base. In this technique, it is easy to do anything - from fake hats for a party to decor items in the interior.

Piggy bank in the form of a pig can be made in this simple technique under the original painting and varnished. It can be filled for years, and then broken, and with this money the family can go to the sea.

Layer-by-layer pasting of an object - “mashing”. To remove the finished papier-mâché, you need to carefully cut it, and close the seams using the same technique. Sometimes they make a liquid mass based on shredded paper, which is squeezed out and made into a shape.

Toys based on "accordion"

For children, this is a more difficult level, but a great base for the torso of crafts. Two strips of paper are placed in a square on top of each other alternately at a right angle until an elastic accordion comes out. It remains to glue the paws, tail and muzzle of funny animals to this base.

Try to make easy three-dimensional paper crafts with your child: a caterpillar, frogs, or a arched, yawning cat hiding in the grass.

Paper origami is the most popular technique for children's creativity

Many models do not involve working with glue and scissors - the figures are folded according to a certain pattern.

Advanced level - modular origami of triangular elements. Children with spatial imagination lay out entire zoos and cities in this way. Start with the simplest by watching a video tutorial on how to make paper crafts using the technique modular origami:

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, we propose to do:

Bud of paper (TULIP) step by step

  • Fold a square of red paper (preferably two-sided) diagonally.
  • Bend the second diagonal (see photo).
  • Collapse into a triangle.
  • Wrap the corners to the center and top, as well as from the back.
  • You like origami. Get excited about beautiful paper figures, but find it extremely difficult. Believe me, there is no need to engage in self-deception. Monks in ancient times figured out how to fold paper, special figures that were intended to decorate temples and conduct religious rites. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and today we will try to prove it to you.

    Work materials

    To begin with, it will be necessary to purchase a set of tools for our future work. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the choice of paper. An office one is best because it is quite tough. It is quite enough for any folding schemes. To connect small parts, you need paper glue, for example, PVA or a special glue stick. If you need to connect several blanks of different colors, aerosol glue will come to the rescue, when using it, you can create unique multi-colored figures.

    You can use other specialized masses of glue, especially those that do not leave any marks on the paper or are quite easy to remove. At the same time, it is convenient to fix with such glue both outside the product and inside. If the figurine is made of white or gray paper, then you can use spray paint to give the craft the desired color. Several types of scissors may be required. Sometimes a cutter comes in handy. This tool performs alignment of slices. Be very careful, the blade can be very sharp, otherwise you will not get a smooth and beautiful cut.

    Buy several different lines. They are useful for making a craft scheme, tracking the desired angle during assembly, applying the main part and correctly placing the product based on the panel. Regular pencils or a special pencil will come in handy. Experienced origami makers use rhinestones, various ribbons, pieces of fabric, unnecessary beads, beads, the remains of other decorations, and much more in their work. All this is suitable for creating unique and original figurines.

    The right approach to paper selection

    To get the result, the choice of paper should be approached with full responsibility. After all, the creation of figures mainly involves bending and folding paper sheets. A lot, if not all, depends on its quality. The list below will allow you to understand which material is best suited for origami, and which is not suitable at all:

    1. Office paper is quite thick, tough and quite cheap. The first steps in creating figures must be done with the help of it. When connecting a piece of paper, it is very good to hold on, and if the workpiece is damaged, it is absolutely not a pity to throw it away.
    2. Multi-colored office paper - has the same advantages as plain office paper and does not appear spots and white stripes on the folds, great for modular origami.
    3. Stickers - great for multi-colored figurines, most often used in modular origami and kusudami.
    4. Colored paper for school - 100% not suitable for this hobby. Thin, not dense, torn quite easily, light stripes remain at the folds.
    5. Foil paper - very dense, almost impossible to tear, more often used for making complex schemes and models. If you straighten the fold, there will be hard, dense stripes.
    6. Glossy magazine pages - perfectly retain their shape and fold, quite dense.
    7. Banknotes - good strength, show themselves well on the folds. Perfect for creating small exclusive gifts.
    8. Paper intended for origami - has several types (double-sided, monotonous, and so on), occurs in the form of sets.
    9. Tracing paper - suitable for those who take the first steps decided to test their strength.
    10. Different variations of expensive paper - have both advantages and disadvantages and are used only for certain products.

    What are the types of origami

    There are several types of origami that help you have a great time, learn how to create jewelry with your own hands, improving your skills and abilities over time. In addition to the well-known origami techniques of the so-called classical direction, there are several alternatives:

    1. Ordinary (simple) origami - suitable for those who decide to try themselves in a new business. Assembling the figurines does not require special skills, the folds must be made towards oneself in the so-called valley or away from oneself as a mountain. A good example is the figurine of a crane.
    2. Modular origami (blanks from modules). The connection is carried out from several identical parts, called modules, which are formed according to the laws of ordinary origami from a single sheet. Connected by simple folding. Do not crumble due to the force of friction between the individual modules.
    3. Aerogami is a name that speaks for itself. The art of creating aircraft figures.
    4. Kusudami - origami using volume, modules are assembled using glue or thread. Most often, crafts are made in the form of a ball.
    5. Kirigami - making various figurines with scissors. Suitable for making holiday cards.
    6. Raw or wet origami. Based on water-moistened paper to give products a more expressive shape, hardness and clarity of lines. More often found in the manufacture of figures of animals and unusual plants. The paper must contain water-soluble glue, otherwise the product will inevitably spread.

    Crane - origami

    One of the simplest models, it is believed that if you collect 1000 cranes, your most cherished desire will come true.

    A step-by-step instruction for making an origami crane looks like this:

    1. We bend the paper sheet diagonally.
    2. We take scissors and cut off all unnecessary, as a result, a triangle should remain.
    3. We make one more fold.
    4. From the resulting triangle, (One because there are 2 of them), we make a square by straightening. On the other hand, we repeat the procedure.
    5. We take the edges from above and gently bend them towards the center.
    6. Bend the triangle located on top.
    7. We unbend, we form a contour.
    8. Bend the bottom corner horizontally.
    9. We fold the edges to the center, until we get a rhombus. We repeat all the steps on the other side.
    10. We take it by the bottom and bend along the inner counter. Got a neck.
    11. We also make a tail.
    12. At the neck, gently bend the beginning to get a beak.
    13. We bend the wings using a small angle.

    The crane is ready, you can color it if you wish.

    paper rose

    One of the most popular models is the origami rose. Making it is quite simple:

    1. We bend a sheet in half, preferably red. We make one more fold.
    2. We make the opening of the top layer and flatten the top a little.
    3. Turn to the other side, turn over.
    4. We repeat the second step.
    5. Take both corners and fold to the top corner.
    6. The resulting triangle, bend in half until you get the fold lines.
    7. Pull the corners down a little flattening and open the triangles.
    8. We take the pockets by the upper part, and very carefully bend down.
    9. On the other hand, repeat steps 5-8.
    10. We bend the top corner.
    11. Like a notebook, open the bottom.
    12. Stretch and flatten until two triangles are obtained.
    13. I put the workpiece on the other side.
    14. Raise the triangle up.
    15. The lower square located to the right bends strictly diagonally from top to bottom.
    16. Rotate the workpiece 180 degrees and repeat the previous step.
    17. Transferring the product to left hand, gently take the fingers of the other hand behind the walls of the product and twist clockwise until we get a rose. We bend the petals with a handle.

    Volumetric origami - flower ball

    Do beautiful origami in the form of a flower ball is very simple, the main thing is to be patient and follow the instructions:

    1. Fold the note paper in half to form a triangle.
    2. We bend the edges and press them very strongly.
    3. Fold the right corner back.
    4. We bend the left side of the triangle, folding in half.
    5. We do the same with the right.
    6. Then fold the whole piece in half.
    7. The triangle below is folded in half again.
    8. In this case, the larger figure should be on top of the smaller one.
    9. We fold the part of the protruding triangle and bend it inward.
    10. One module is ready, we do the same with 4 more sheets. They must all be completely identical.
    11. We glue the modules or put them on adhesive tape.
    12. The first flower is ready, we do the rest in the same way.
    13. It will take about 11 of these flowers, we connect them together, with glue until we get a ball.

    Origami in the shape of an Easter egg

    To create an egg, you need to make about 1000 modules. They will be fastened with grooves. Colors and patterns are limited by your imagination. The assembly starts from the top, take 8 modules of the same color and make a circle out of them, add another module between the rows. It turns out two rows of 8 modules. In the next row, two blanks are added between the rows. To increase the volume, it is necessary to add modules in each subsequent row. There should be 32 modules in the middle. The bottom is assembled in exactly the same way, but the number of modules will decrease.

    After the egg is ready, you can start making the stand. We take 18 modules and form a circle from them. Modules are inserted into the unoccupied gaps of the row. We come up with a pattern by selecting blanks by color. Details for the central axis of the stand consist of two rows of 12 pieces. To start row number 3, you need to move the modules towards the center, twisting them a little. We lay out the finished parts up. We have a column. In the middle of the stand there will be 7 rows of modules. The top is assembled in the same way as the bottom.

    Modular origami in the form of a white swan

    Step-by-step instructions for creating a modular origami in the form of a beautiful volumetric swan:

    1. We make 458 blanks from plain paper in the form of a triangle. For the beak we make one red.
    2. We insert two modules with corners into the pocket of the third.
    3. We add 2 more. We fasten the corners into pockets.
    4. We prepare 3 rows in the same way, 30 blanks will be needed for each, we close the circle.
    5. We also put on modules for 4 and 5 circles.
    6. We hold the product with our fingers and press on the center, gradually turning it out.
    7. We bend the edges of our future swan to the top.
    8. We make the 6th row, observing the staggered order of the arrangement of the blanks.
    9. We are preparing blanks for the wings in the seventh row, for which we put on twelve modules, skipping 2 corners, we fasten another 12. There will be a neck on the left narrow place, on the expanded tail.
    10. In the eighth row, the number of modules in the krill is reduced by one.
    11. Then we also do with each row until one triangle remains.
    12. The tail is made by decreasing by a module in each row.
    13. The head and neck are assembled from 10 ordinary and one colored blanks, red or yellow. The corners of the colored blank must be glued so that the beak does not fork. We collect the neck, inserting the corners into the pockets of the blanks, then gradually arching.
    14. We put the neck in place.

    The swan is ready.

    Anyone can learn origami more fully, you need to have a little free time and desire, and you will succeed.

    99 new photo paper origami ideas

    Helpful Hints

    paper crafts with kids great way to spend free time with family.

    Engage in various crafts with children, and everyone will be very pleased, not only with the result, but also with the process itself.

    Take advantage of our advice and ideas to improve your DIY skills and acquire new ones.

    DIY paper crafts. Woven heart.

    Such a beautiful heart is very easy to make. It can serve as both a decoration tool and a beautiful addition to a gift, especially if you made it for a loved one.

    You will need:

    2 sheets of A4 paper (colors: blue and red)




    1. Fold the sheets in half and cut them into 2 halves (the cut should be made perpendicular to the bend).

    2. Take each halves and make 2 or 3 cuts from the side of the fold.

    3. Start weaving a paper heart.

    Insert the blue strip into the red and the red into the blue.

    Alternate all strips to the end.

    Trim the ends to give the blank a heart shape.

    4. Glue a strip to the paper heart so you can hang it.

    * The simplest option this is a heart of two stripes on each leaflet. The more cuts, the longer weaving, but the craft itself will look more beautiful and interesting.

    * You can put sweets, a card or other surprise in your heart.

    Paper crafts for kids. Toys.

    You'll need:

    Old newspaper or paper

    PVA glue

    Paints (gouache)

    1. First prepare the newspaper and shred it. Children can help you with this, and such an activity will be interesting even for the smallest. Do not cut newspaper with scissors.

    2. Pour a mass of crumpled newspapers hot water and leave for a few minutes.

    3. Now knead the paper pieces into a homogeneous mass. If you want to speed up the process, you can use a mixer.

    4. Drain excess water and wring out paper pulp. You should get a wad of wet newspaper from which you can sculpt figures.

    5. To start sculpting from a lump, you must first make it elastic.

    For this:

    Prepare the glue and gradually start adding it to the mass, remembering to mix thoroughly

    The process of adding glue and mixing must be continued until the mass begins to resemble plasticine.

    * It is worth noting that you do not need to overdo it with glue so that the mass does not turn out to be very liquid.

    6. Now you have your sculpting material. You can, for example, sculpt cars and airplanes for boys or dishes for dolls for girls.

    7. After you have molded the desired toy, leave it to dry.

    8. When the toy is dry, you can start painting it.

    Crafts from colored paper. Cylinder hat.

    You will need:

    Colored cardboard (or colored thick paper)

    colored paper


    PVA glue

    1. Place a large plate on paper and trace around it. Cut out the circle.

    2. Put a small plate in the middle and circle. Cut out the middle. It is desirable that the circumference of a small plate is approximately equal to the circumference of your head.

    3. Prepare a large sheet of paper (or glue several small ones together) and cut it out so that its circumference roughly coincides with the circumference of the head. Next, make a few cuts along the edges.

    4. Roll the sheet into a tube and glue.

    5. Insert the pipe into the fields and attach it to the circle by folding back the edges and gluing them.

    6. Glue the small circle that you cut out earlier to the top of the future hat (ie, to the top of the tube).

    How to make paper craft. An apple with a worm.

    You will need:

    colored paper



    1. First you need to think about what color you will have an apple (yellow, red or green).

    2. When you have decided on the color, you need to crumple a sheet of newspaper into a tight lump, and then wrap it in a sheet of the color that you have chosen.

    * To prevent your apple from unfolding, apply glue to the protruding edges of the paper.

    3. Prepare a small rectangular brown leaf and roll it into a tube to make an apple tail.

    4. Prepare a green sheet of paper and fold it in half, then cut out the blanks for the apple leaf.

    5. Using a pencil, make a hole in the apple. After that, you can glue the tail and leaves.

    6. Prepare black paper and crush 6-7 small balls out of it, from which you will then make a worm. Make one ball larger than the rest - this will be the head.

    7. Start sticking balloons on the apple. First, it is advisable to apply glue and wait a bit, then press the balls.

    Crafts from cardboard and paper. Magic castle.

    This fabulous castle is made using cardboard and toilet paper cylinders. The author of this project is Australian and mother of two kids. She is the author of several books, the main theme of which is paper crafts.

    You will need:

    8 cardboard cylinders from toilet paper

    Cardboard box

    4 straws

    colored cardboard


    felt-tip pens

    1. Preparing the main building of the castle

    Prepare the box and cut off the top flaps from it. Next, along the perimeter, cut the teeth of the lock.

    2. Making towers

    To the corner of the box, you need to attach a paper cylinder (aka "tower") so that it (the corner) is approximately in the middle.

    Use a marker pen to mark the places where your castle walls meet the edge of the "tower".

    In the marked places, make shallow cuts - about 3 cm.

    Repeat the process with the other three castle towers.

    3. Hanging the flags on the towers

    Prepare colored cardboard and cut triangles out of it. Next, glue the triangles to the straws using tape. After that, glue (also with adhesive tape) the straws to the towers.

    4. Making windows and doors

    For windows and doors, you will need paint - just draw windows and doors on colored cardboard and glue them to the facade of the castle (you can use glue or tape).

    5. Green environments

    Prepare a sheet of green cardboard and draw 4 tree crowns on it. Take 4 free cardboard cylinders from toilet paper and make two cuts - opposite each other, then insert the crowns into the trunks.

    That's all!

    DIY paper crafts for kids. Owl family.

    You just need a cardboard base from paper towels or toilet paper and paint.

    1. First, paint each cylinder in its own unique color. Leave to dry after painting.

    2. Bend the top of each blank as shown in the image, and you will get owl ears.

    3. You can draw eyes or glue plastic blanks.

    4. From paper of a different color, cut out wings and a beak, which are then glued to the body of an owl.

    Paper crafts (diagrams). snake.

    With the paper accordion method, you can make this cute snake.

    1. Prepare a sheet of paper and cut two strips of the same length.

    2. Fold these strips into a shape resembling the Latin letter L.

    3. Start folding one strip over the other one by one. In the end, you should get an elastic elongated accordion.

    4. On colored cardboard, draw a funny snake face and cut it out.

    5. Glue the muzzle to the end of the paper accordion.