What time will the monthly. Menstrual cycles in adolescent girls

An important stage of growing up is the first menstruation in girls. It is believed that modern teenagers are much more aware of the characteristics of their body than their parents, especially grandparents. In reality, the first day of menstruation can be a surprise for a girl, since children do not always have information about such an intimate process. To avoid the fears and worries associated with growing up, you should tell the child about what is happening in the body in connection with the onset. It is better to take care of this mother, who is obliged not to miss a single nuance. The girl should know that everything that happened to her is an absolute norm. At the same time, she needs to understand when to seek help from relatives or a doctor, how to behave during menstruation, and what to avoid.

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Harbingers of the first critical days

The first menstruation in girls. It depends on many factors:

  • Heredity. The earlier the mother's menstruation went, the more likely their appearance is the same period in the daughter;
  • Nationalities. Southern women mature earlier;
  • Transferred diseases that can slow down physical development;
  • lifestyle and nutrition;
  • Body type, physical development.

Despite the differences in the age of the onset of menstruation, there are features common to all, by which it is easy to understand when the menstruation will go for the first time. They appear about two years earlier than expected menarche. During this period, girls change physiologically:

  • The figure becomes more feminine, that is, the mammary glands are rounded, the hips are made wider;
  • Hair appears in the armpits and in the pubic area;
  • The sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, so the skin and hair become fatter, maybe on the face, chest, back.

Early critical days in adolescents also affect the character long before they begin. The girl can become more abrupt, naughty, whiny for no reason, even aggressive. This is due to the hormonal restructuring of the young organism, which lasts at least two years.

The first periods in girls are quite definite, bloody issues don't come suddenly. An attentive mother will notice herself and warn her daughter that menstruation is preceded by the following symptoms:

  • The nature of vaginal discharge changes. They become thicker. It is important not to confuse a healthy girl with mucus that occurs during inflammation. In the first case, the discharge is transparent or milky and odorless;
  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen. It can be combined with causeless headache, fatigue;
  • Mood change. Menstruation in adolescents in the emotional sphere differs little from what is happening with adult girls and women. Just yesterday, a cheerful and cheerful girl, shortly before the first menstruation, can become angry, capricious, touchy. Or she is thrown to the other extreme, she is seized by apathy and drowsiness.

If the girl has a figure, the secondary sexual characteristics are more clearly manifested and the listed circumstances are noticed, you can no doubt expect the imminent arrival of menstruation.

What should happen during the first menstruation

The released blood in girls normally does not exceed 50-150 ml. This is a small loss for the body, but since everything happens for the first time, it is accompanied by certain inconveniences:

  • For most girls, the first cycle of menstruation is quite painful. goes from 2 to 4 days. Pain sensations are localized in the lower triangle of the abdomen and lower back;
  • The first time is characterized by a breakdown, a headache, sometimes the process may be accompanied;
  • The emotional state of the girl, as a rule, is restless, she may or may not be unnaturally indifferent to everything.

How to behave during the first menstruation

It acquires the greatest importance. Of course, girls are taught from an early age to wash themselves and change their underwear every day. But ignoring the rules of hygiene, or even insufficient cleanliness when menstruation first began, can be costly to health and damage her future adult life. These days it is better to use pads with an outer layer of natural material. So it is easier to control the volume of secretions, protect the skin and mucous membranes from overheating, sweating and irritation. The gasket should be changed every 3 hours. It is better to wash not with soap, which dries out the mucous membranes and the surface of the skin, but with well-known products intended for intimate hygiene. You should not take a bath on critical days, a shower will be more useful. It is important to remember and instill in the girl that soiled linen is a source of an unpleasant odor, and most importantly, a favorable environment for microbes, a source of inflammatory diseases, which will then have to be eliminated for years.

The child should also be explained that heavy periods are unacceptable during menstruation. They are not only able to worsen well-being, but also cause irreversible harm in the future, negatively affect the ability to become a mother.

Protecting the emotional state of the girl on critical days, it is necessary to provide her with psychological comfort, eliminate all annoying factors. At the same time, it is necessary to explain that the arrival of menstruation means the possibility of becoming pregnant if there is a partner. The child must be aware of the consequences of an early sexual life and methods of protection. Hypocrisy and shyness in this matter are costly for mothers and daughters.

Duration of the first menstruation

The first is usually 28 to 30 days. Menstruation itself can go 3-7 days. Minor deviations from these parameters do not mean anything. And a strong discrepancy with these numbers should be a reason to contact a gynecologist. Inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system have become much younger in the last few decades. Neoplasms of the ovaries are diagnosed even in those who did not have sexual relations girls. Problems with menstruation can signal one of these diseases, so it is important to monitor the timing, duration and intensity of the first menstruation.

Monthly the first year can be. Their cyclicity is set for 2 years. At this time, the intervals between menstruation can be from 1.5 to 3 months.

What to do if the first menstruation does not occur

If there are no objective reasons for this, then it is worth consulting with a gynecologist. The absence of menarche can be caused by hormonal failure, which is easier to correct if detected early.

  • Regular and adequate meals. Teenagers are often dissatisfied with their appearance and, wanting to quickly achieve perfection, torment the body with tough ones. One of these can cause the absence of menarche;
  • Unstable emotional background. Conflicts in the family and school, which keep the girl in constant tension, can exhaust the body so much that menstruation does not occur.

As a medicinal support, doctors prescribe the drug Duphaston. But you can take it only after making sure that any diseases are not involved in the absence of the first menstruation. And only after consulting a doctor.

When should you see a doctor during your first period?

Even with apparent health during puberty, adolescents are sometimes found to have medical problems. The first menstruation in girls, their character serves as a litmus test for the detection of previously hidden diseases. That is why it is important to know in what circumstances menstruation can be dangerous for a young body:

  • Break between periods for more than 3 months. Even in the first 2 years, when the cycle is just being formed, such a time period is abnormal. A break may indicate endocrinological problems, an inflammatory process, or pregnancy;
  • by the time of menstruation. If, after 9-10 days, spotting continues, it is urgent to show the girl to a teenage gynecologist. It may happen that this is no longer menstruation, but internal bleeding caused by inflammation;
  • Excessive amount of blood. You can determine this parameter by hygienic supplies. If a large or medium-sized pad becomes unusable after 3 hours of use, this should encourage you to contact a specialist. The girl in this case loses too much blood, which adds to her lethargy and drowsiness. Delaying a visit to the doctor can bring the body to such a state that a purge is needed to stop the bleeding;
  • Too much pain in the abdomen. Menstruation is not complete without such sensations, at least in the early days. But if they are unbearable and interfere with a normal life, you should check whether only the critical days are to blame.

The arrival of the first menstruation in every girl is a milestone event in life. It means the end of childhood and the onset of youth. The task of parents is to make sure that during this wonderful and difficult period their daughter feels the care and support of her loved ones. It is important to teach the girl to understand the significance of what is happening, and also not to be afraid and not afraid of a medical examination.

  • Date: 30-04-2019
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The question of when girls begin menstruation does not have a clear answer. Much depends on heredity, hormonal background, nationality, place of residence, lifestyle, emotional state and other important factors. No doctor can accurately determine the time of the onset of the first menstruation. Though external signs and can be harbingers of growing up, but each child has individual characteristics that play an important role.

Harbingers of a girl growing up

Parents of girls get used to the fact that their daughter plays with dolls, that she is small, but from about 8-9 years old, a period will begin when the girl changes her behavior dramatically. She becomes shy, a little thoughtful, looking for solitude. All this indicates that physiological processes begin to occur in the child's body, which prepare the body for the appearance of menstruation.

Approximately two years before the first menstruation begins, girls experience physical and emotional changes. Physical signs of puberty include:

  • feminine outlines of the figure;
  • the appearance of hair in the pubic and axillary areas;
  • enlargement of the external genitalia;
  • breast enlargement;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • frequent mood swings;
  • periodic pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.

Starting from the age of 9, the girl's body is gradually formed. The figure becomes feminine. Many girls during this period may be embarrassed by their appearance, especially if classmates have not yet undergone such changes. Under the influence of hormones, hair begins to grow in intimate place. It is best for the mother to be open to communication during this special period and explain to her daughter all the nuances of growing up.

Before menstruation should begin, hormonal changes occur in the body, so acne appears not only on the face, but also on the back or chest. Hair becomes greasy and may fall out, dandruff often appears. A few months before the start of the first menstruation, vaginal discharge intensifies. Unlike infectious secretions, they are transparent and do not have an unpleasant odor. Do not be afraid if the girl started transparent selection from the chest. This can be observed in the period of growing up. Hair may also appear on the chin.

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physiological process

The word "menstruation" in Latin means mensis - month, menstruus - monthly. This expression means an absolutely natural physiological process when blood discharge appears from the vagina. Menstrual blood is not subject to clotting and has more dark color unlike venous blood. This phenomenon is explained by the presence of various enzymes in menstrual flow.

Such bleeding occurs every month, so another name for menstruation appeared - menstruation. The duration of the discharge is 3-7 days. Every woman develops her own menstrual cycle over time. Menstruation may be absent during pregnancy, menopause, during breastfeeding, hormonal disruptions or diseases of the genitourinary system.

The female reproductive system consists of the uterus, fallopian tubes, two ovaries, and the vagina. The work of these organs directly affects menstruation, its duration and the amount of blood released. The uterine cavity is lined with a uterine layer called the endometrium. It changes under the influence of various processes associated with the preparation of the body for fertilization.

The follicle matures in the ovary, and at the same time, the hormone estrogen is produced. The endometrium begins to actively grow, thicken, in order to accept the fertilized egg. During one of the phases of the menstrual cycle, the follicle bursts. There is a process called ovulation. In place of the follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, under the action of which progesterone is produced. This hormone stops the growth of the endometrium, and then secretory changes occur.

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The further process depends on whether the fertilization of the egg has occurred. If pregnancy occurs, then menstruation stops, and the fertilized egg reaches the uterus and attaches there. For 9 months, all the organs and systems of the unborn child are being formed. If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies and is released along with blood secretions. And the whole process starts all over again.

When to expect the first manifestations

The body of each girl is individual. But there are general rules by which it is determined at what age girls begin menstruation. The first menstruation is called menarche from the Greek μήν - month and ἀρχή - beginning. The first menstrual bleeding usually occurs after the first physical changes after 1.5-2 years. When menstruation begins, this does not indicate that the girl is already ready for pregnancy, but only that fertilization is possible.

To endure and give birth to a healthy child, the girl's body must be fully formed. The body of a girl with the onset of menarche is completely unprepared for pregnancy. Therefore, the mother should explain to the teenager all the dangers of early pregnancy.

The first menstruation can begin at 10-15 years of age. According to some studies, the age when the first period begins depends largely on when the mother's period began. This genetic factor affects not only the time of menarche, but also the establishment of the menstrual cycle.

Earlier puberty can trigger the first menstruation at 9 years old. If menstruation did not appear before the age of 17, this indicates a delay in sexual development. There can be many reasons for early or late puberty. The age at which menstruation begins is influenced by psychological condition child. In emotional, mobile children, puberty begins earlier. It has to do with the level of hormones in the body.

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Features of menarche

It is important not only at what age girls begin their first menstruation, but also the formation of the menstrual cycle and the amount of discharge. The first menstruation may be irregular, heavy or scanty. All this is natural at this age. The onset of menarche may be accompanied by brown discharge with mucus, rather than blood. In this case, severe pain in the suprapubic part of the abdomen or in the lower back is possible.

At first, menstruation can last 5-7 days and be accompanied by copious discharge, and for some girls it happens the other way around - blood discharge is very scarce and lasts only 2-3 days. On the first day, the discharge may be brown, and acquire a brighter red color on day 2-3. Menstruation also ends with brownish discharge. Moms should not worry too much if their periods are delayed or go ahead of schedule.

The menstrual cycle will be formed within 2-3 years. During this period, it is important to teach the daughter to properly relate to changes in the body. Girls need to make it a rule to keep a menstrual schedule. To do this, it is enough to mark the beginning and end of menstruation on the calendar. This will allow you to notice changes and, if necessary, consult a doctor. The volume of secretions ranges from 50 to 200 ml per day. In the normal process, the pad should be changed 1-2 times a day. If a girl changes pads more often than after 1-1.5 hours, this may indicate bleeding.

Premenstrual syndrome

For adult women, this question is not relevant, since they are already familiar with all the "charms" premenstrual syndrome. But for girls who have not experienced the consequences of all female processes, new sensations can be a real test. Therefore, it is very important to prepare the child emotionally for this event.

A week before the onset of menstruation, girls begin to have chest pains, pain in the abdomen and in the lumbar region may appear.

The daughter may complain to her mother about the appearance of nausea, headache, dizziness, drowsiness. Sometimes, before menstruation begins, there is an increased appetite, a desire to eat a lot of sweets, in particular chocolate. The mood becomes changeable, tearful, depressive. A teenage girl may be aggressive or desire privacy.

This is all due to hormonal changes. For some girls, school performance worsens, conflicts with teachers and classmates may arise. All this has an explanation: the child does not know how to control his violent emotions, does not understand his condition, and some sensations are completely new for him. If the girl is not explained what menstruation is and how to behave during this period, then the appearance of blood on her panties can scare or cause shame and embarrassment.

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Doing a little test

At what age menstruation begins is determined not only by physiological and emotional changes. Taking a small personal test will help a mother prepare for and help her daughter grow up. The test consists of answering the following questions:

  • how old is the child;
  • When did your mother or grandmother start menstruating?
  • At what age did breast enlargement begin?
  • whether hair appeared under the arms and pubis;
  • whether there was white discharge from the vagina;
  • Does acne appear?
  • How often does the mood change?

While these questions will help determine the timing of puberty, remember that every girl's body is different. Deviations from the generally accepted norm are possible. This test allows you to find out only the approximate time of the first menstruation. However, there are situations when you need to see a doctor.

By the age of 19, girls have a regular menstrual interval. Any deviation from the norm should alert. If there is a delay that is not provoked by pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and an endocrinologist. If the delay in menstruation occurs due to stress, overwork, moving, taking medication, then the condition stabilizes after these causes are eliminated. But there are serious gynecological diseases in which a violation of the menstrual cycle is possible.

Hygiene procedures

To avoid unnecessary problems, the girl should be explained the basic principles of hygiene on critical days. At the first menstruation, it is better to use pads with a cotton layer. Synthetic pads can cause irritation, sweating, which contributes to the rapid multiplication of pathogens.

It is necessary to change the hygiene product every 3-4 hours. If you do not change the pad within 6 hours, a dangerous phenomenon called toxic shock syndrome can occur. Wash your hands with soap and water before and after changing pads. Do not buy the girl hygiene products that are impregnated with fragrances, as there is a high risk of an allergic reaction. Do not store pads in the bathroom, as there is high humidity.

It is better to buy cotton underwear for your daughter. It is contraindicated to wear thongs due to the fact that they cause infectious and inflammatory processes. In adolescence, immunity is weakened, and violation of hygiene rules or poor-quality underwear will only add to the daughter's problems. During menstruation, you can not take a bath, but you can wash in the shower.

It is necessary to wash the genitals with each change of pads, but it is not recommended to use gel or soap every time, as this causes dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane. During menstruation, you should not play sports. It is important at this time to provide a teenager with a calm environment. Girls need to keep track of when their period is due and take pads to school to avoid embarrassing situations.

Critical days are a regular, monthly and common occurrence for women. But once the regulations come for the first time - in youth. Menstruation in girls begins at a relatively early age of 11-15 years and marks the beginning of puberty. The start of a new "adult" life can come earlier or later than the prescribed age, and this can be explained by many factors. The precursors of menstruation will always be other changes in the body and appearance of the girl, which will mark the imminent onset of menstruation. How to prepare a child for a new stage of life, and what accompanying symptoms can be expected - we will analyze the points.

How to prepare a girl

Every attentive and caring mother will always notice changes in her child's life. Menstruation comes for the first time in the period from 10 to 16 years, and in rare cases, these periods can stretch from 8 to 19 years. Early or late start critical days a large number of reasons can influence, but, in any case, the upcoming menstruation will have previous changes in the girl's appearance and her inner well-being. The duty of every mother of a daughter will be to mentally prepare the child for the onset of menstruation. It is necessary to explain what menstruation is, why they begin and for what purpose they exist.

The onset of menstruation is the main sign of the onset of puberty in adolescents. This is a kind of renewal of the female genital organs, which occurs every month in order to prepare the female body for future pregnancy. With the onset of puberty, there is an intensive production of female hormones, which alternately change their concentration depending on the onset of the cycle. You should convince the child not to be afraid of these changes, and explain that this means a special growing up and “transformation” from a girl to a girl.

During this period, the figure changes, the breast grows, hair appears in places where it was not there before, and problems of excessive glandular activity (sweating, dandruff and rapid head pollution, acne and blackheads) are possible. The arrival of menstruation is often accompanied by malaise and abdominal pain, this should also be anticipated and stocked with safe painkillers. All this the mother should clearly explain to her daughter, but before the conversation, be sure to familiarize yourself in detail with all the processes of the female body itself.

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What determines the duration of the appearance of menstruation

When a girl's period starts is influenced by many factors. The main ones are the physical and physiological characteristics of the body. The normal age for the onset of menstruation is considered to be 11-16 years, but deviations up or down are possible.

Factors that can contribute to the shift of the first menstruation:

  • hereditary features;
  • previous illnesses;
  • race;
  • physical exercise;
  • nutrition;
  • emotional condition;
  • mode of life;
  • pathology or disease in the body.

If a girl in early childhood suffered serious illnesses and long time hosted medical preparations, then menstruation may come later. Also, the reason for the delay in menstruation can be a small body weight and thinness of the child. The arrival of critical days too early, as well as the late one, is always affected hormonal background or disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system.

What should be the first menstruation

When the production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones begins in the pituitary and hypothalamus, the ovaries begin to function and the first menstruation comes. During this period, there is an intensive development of the reproductive organs, the maturation of eggs and the growth of the endometrial layer in the uterus. The first menstruation is the beginning of the menstrual cycles, which will occur regularly until menopause (45-50 years).

Menstrual bleeding is the shedding of the upper layer of the uterine lining, which occurs under the action of hormones if fertilization has not occurred. During this period, dark red blood of a mucous consistency comes out of the genital organs, in volume it is about 50-100 ml. On the first day of bleeding, the discharge is not too abundant, and their peak occurs more often on the second day, after which the amount of discharge blood is coming on the decline. Critical days last individually, but must fit into a period of 3 to 8 days.

The very first periods may be shorter in duration and not too plentiful. The first months after the onset of menstruation, the cycle may be irregular, but later it is established, and the regularity of critical days appears. Usually the cycle is from 28 to 35 days, but there are also deviations depending on individual characteristics and hormonal levels.

Signs of the approach of the first menstruation

So that the onset of menstruation does not come as a surprise and does not mislead the girl, you should prepare her in advance and inform about the upcoming changes. The first menstruation does not start suddenly, it will always have preceding symptoms, which will manifest itself in the form of changes in the appearance, condition or behavior of the girl. An attentive parent will always notice these changes.

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Signs of approaching menstruation in girls:

  • breasts begin to grow
  • weight gain occurs;
  • hair growth begins on the pubis, under the arms, on the legs and arms;
  • whitish vaginal discharge;
  • mood changes;
  • intense secretion of glands (sweat, sebaceous);
  • PMS in all its manifestations.

These symptoms may appear singly or in combination. Almost all changes are associated with the beginning of the production of female sex hormones, which begin their intensive work in the body of a teenage girl. Immediately 1-2 days before the onset of bleeding, the girl may be disturbed by discomfort in the lower abdomen and in the chest.

How is the first menstruation and how to prepare the child

The duration and abundance of the first menstruation is most often individual and manifests itself differently in everyone. Menstruation can last from 3 to 8 days, with the most abundant discharge in the first 2-3 days. The first and second days of menstruation are often accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which are considered normal. After the signs of approaching menstruation have been noticed, the girl should always carry personal hygiene products and pads with her.

After the appearance of menstruation, the process starts with the maturation of eggs, ovulation occurs, which means that it becomes possible to become pregnant. You should explain to the child that the onset of menstruation means puberty, and talk about sexual relations and safe sex. It is important to familiarize the daughter with the rules of necessary hygiene during menstruation, since blood is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

early menstruation

Early menstruation is considered menstrual bleeding that began before the age of 11 years. These periods can be considered normal if the girl has such a genetic feature in the family. In cases where premature menstruation is not associated with hereditary characteristics, you should contact a gynecologist to find out the cause of this anomaly.

late menstruation

Late menstruation is considered to be menstruation, which began after 15 years. A delay in menstruation can occur for many reasons, including: lifestyle, diseases, physical condition and psycho-emotional background. Late menstruation is possible in girls who are actively involved in sports or have a small body weight. In any case, the arrival of menstruation too late should be a concern and a reason to visit a doctor.

And in their company, the girls were embarrassed to discuss such issues. As a result, many girls, when they had their first period, were too scared. They developed despair, panic and fear that they were seriously ill or might bleed to death. Not every girl dared to tell her mother about everything, and because of this, menstruation for a fragile psyche became a severe test.

Today, virtually any girl by puberty already has knowledge of what menstruation is. And as a result, the first menstruation, as a rule, is not too deep a shock for them. But this does not mean that a mother should not talk with her daughter about puberty and the occurrence of menstruation. It is very important that your girl learns about all the features of the female body from you, and not from her girlfriends.

What is menstruation, the first signs of menstruation, when menstruation appears for the first time, what can be their first delay? In our article you can find answers to these and many other pressing questions.

Menstruation (menstruation) is a special phase of the monthly cycle, during which the functional layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus is detached, and blood discharge from the vagina occurs. During each monthly cycle, the female body prepares for the onset of pregnancy: the blood supply to the uterus improves, the endometrium begins to thicken in order to make it easier for the fertilized egg to attach. The first signs of a delay in menstruation are the non-occurrence of menstruation on time. The occurrence of menstruation indicates that pregnancy did not occur in this month.

The onset of the first menstruation in adolescent girls is not evidence of the body's complete readiness for pregnancy, it is most likely a sign that pregnancy is possible from now on.

Age of first menstruation

The first menses occur at about 12 to 16 years of age. Gynecologists have such a definition as "gynecological age". And the first menstruation is just the beginning of the gynecological age. This age is determined by the number of years that have passed since the first cycle of menstruation began. In addition, it is the occurrence of the first menstruation that speaks of the formation of the monthly cycle and puberty.

If the girl's first menstruation appears at the age of eight or nine, or is absent at the age of 17, parents should seek help from a pediatric gynecologist. This deviation from the norm in some cases may be only a physiological feature of the girl.

The timing of the appearance of the first menstruation in girls will depend on:

  • diseases transferred in childhood;
  • physiological development;
  • diet;
  • hereditary factor;
  • nationality and place of residence;

In addition, emotional stress can delay or bring closer the onset of menstruation for a long time, and cause an already established cycle to fail. In no case should this factor be neglected. An interesting fact is that often the first menstruation occurs in girls in autumn or winter period. Scientists believe that this is facilitated by a winter diet, which is based on meat products, marinades and pickles.

The reasons that a girl’s menstruation begins at the age of 17-20 may be the following: hormonal imbalances, malnutrition, endocrine system disorders, disorders nervous system etc.

The first signs of the onset of menstruation

Two years before the first menstruation (menarche), the girl experiences cardinal changes in her physical condition, behavior and emotional mood. The figure takes on a more feminine form. The hair in the armpits and in the pubic area becomes dark and hard, the external genitalia increase slightly in size. In connection with hormonal changes, the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands intensifies, and as a result, acne appears on the face, chest, and back of the girl, the hair roots grow fat faster.

3-4 months before the first menstruation, vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) changes significantly. They become plentiful and can be both liquid and viscous in consistency. The main difference between such whites and discharges that appear with infections of the genitourinary system is a white or transparent color and the absence of an unpleasant odor.

Before the onset of menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen may disturb. They can be both minor and strong. A few months before the first menstruation, the girl has manifestations of PMS: causeless headaches, severe mood swings (tearfulness, aggression, apathy), fatigue, drowsiness.

Duration of the first menstruation

The first time menstruation, as a rule, go from three to seven days. The duration of the cycle of menstruation is 21-35 days, while the beginning of the menstrual cycle is considered the first day of menstruation. The menstrual cycle for a year after the first period can be unstable. The delay after the first menstruation can be from one and a half to three months. You should not worry about this, this is because in adolescents, the hormonal background is only being established.

The amount of blood lost during menstruation and the intensity of pain depend on hereditary factors and the individual characteristics of the organism. For example, if a mother has heavy and painful periods, it is likely that her daughter will have the same pattern.

You should seek medical help if:

  • after three years after the onset of the first signs of puberty, menarche did not appear;
  • the monthly cycle has not stabilized after a year after the first menstruation;
  • thirteen-year-old girls do not show signs of puberty;
  • the girl had hair on her body and face;
  • the first menstruation is heavy and accompanied by severe pain (the cause may be various infections, inflammatory processes in the body, imbalance of hormones);
  • the first delay in menstruation is 3 months or more;
  • failures occur in monthly cycle, after it has stabilized;
  • menstruation lasts more than seven days;
  • menarche are absent, but there were severe pains in the lower abdomen.

Moderate pain during menstruation should not be a cause for concern, they may appear due to the fact that the hymen interferes with the normal flow of blood, or due to intense sports.

Despite the fact that a correctly inserted tampon in the vagina has no effect on the integrity hymen, which has high elasticity, does not, medical experts still recommend using sanitary pads during the first menstruation. They allow you to visually control the volume and nature of blood secretions.

Execution general rules personal hygiene is the first thing a mother should talk about with her daughter. During menstruation, the girl should bathe at least twice a day, change pads regularly, not allowing them to be completely saturated with menstrual blood. After all, blood is a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

How to prepare a teenage girl for her period

All girls during puberty should definitely visit a pediatric gynecologist. medical specialist tell the girl about all the features of the menstrual cycle and prepare her for the first menstruation.

Mothers play an important role. They are obliged to prepare their daughters for the appearance of the first menstruation and tell them in detail about the monthly cycle, what danger early sexual intercourse can carry, about what are the first signs of a delay in menstruation, how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. It is very important that the conversation be friendly, and not reminiscent of moralizing, so that the girl does not withdraw into herself.

Parents should become support and support for their child and learn to see in him a person who is worthy of respect in order to avoid difficulties. adolescence appearing with the first menses.

The first menstruation in girls, scientifically called menarche, is an exciting period. At this point, the lack of knowledge in this area is alarming. Simple questions arise, and they need answers. How to understand that “guests will arrive in a red car”, what are the symptoms, what you need to be able to do before and during menstruation, what is the duration, and so on. Now we will try to answer these questions.

As a rule, they occur in adolescents from 11 to 14 years. But every body is different. Processes proceed in different organisms differently. This leads to the fact that someone will start at 10 or 11 years old, and for someone later, at 15. Many things affect this. Weight, activity, lifestyle, nutrition, climate, etc. This event shows that the reproductive function of the organism is ready for reproduction. Don't worry, everything has its time. But no one can stop you from talking about it with your mother or consulting a pediatric gynecologist.

How do you know if you're about to have your first period?

The maturation process proceeds gradually. 2-2.5 years before the onset of critical days, signs appear. The body becomes more feminine. The mammary glands are engorged and enlarged. They become sensitive. At this time, the girls are afraid to hook them, it is embarrassing to touch them, as this leads to pain.
Hair begins to appear on the pubic area and in the armpits.
Start to be more active sebaceous glands. The hair quickly becomes greasy, the skin becomes oily, an anke (an inflammatory skin disease, usually on the face in the form of large acne) may develop.
Six months before menstruation, leucorrhea begins to appear - discharge that does not lead to itching and discomfort. They are both milky and light mucous.
At this time, the girl becomes very emotional, tearful, reacts sharply to emerging situations, quickly takes offense, becomes irritable. It's all due to hormonal changes.
One to two weeks before the onset of menstruation, pulling pains in the lower abdomen appear. These pains occur without any signs of inflammatory processes. Some of them don't show up.
May appear in a few days liquid stool, dizziness, nausea, headaches, increased appetite, etc. - the so-called PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
Brown or red spots on your underwear will alert you to the onset of your period.

You need to mentally prepare yourself for this event. You don't need to be afraid of him. All women go through this.
Prepare and carry a spare panty set and padding. The beginning often happens at the most unexpected moment. You will not be able to control it, delay or speed it up. But you can be ready. When you notice or feel that everything has begun, do not panic. Go to the ladies' room, change your underwear if necessary. Glue the pad to clean panties.
If there was no gasket at hand, then use twists toilet paper or napkins. That is, take any improvised means that absorb moisture. Also, do not hesitate to contact the nurse at your school.
If you notice that your clothes are dirty, then you can tie a jacket, shirts or something else on your belt.
If pain overcomes you, then you can use a heating pad with cold water. But do not overdo it, do not overcool the internal organs.
You can also use medications to help relieve pain. But they must be used strictly on the advice of a doctor.

How many days do girls have their first period?

The duration of the presence of "friends in the red car" is also individual. The norm is 3-7 days. These numbers change from month to month. The menstrual cycle ideally lasts from 21 to 35 days. In 30% of girls, the second ones often begin in 28-30. It is usually irregular for a couple of years. This is fine. The body is adjusted. In the future, everything will even out. To control and track regularity, we recommend having a calendar. It will help you better navigate and understand your body.

Sometimes, there may be a situation that the second "these days" do not come for several months. This does not mean pregnancy. Most often it is associated with emotional, psychological or physical activity that fell on a teenager. Diet changes can also affect. Maybe she overdid it in physical education, or got nervous because of the grade or first love. Everything should be back to normal. But in case of such a failure, it is necessary to contact a doctor so that he can examine it. Most likely he will not find anything, but it will not be superfluous.

What does a girl's first period look like?

We can say that everything related to menstruation is individual. This also applies to appearance. The process is characterized by the withdrawal of blood from the vagina. But not only blood comes out, but also the mucous membranes of the uterus and vaginal discharge.

The color of the discharge may be red, brown or dark brown. This can be affected by hormonal background, hereditary characteristics.

The volume can also vary. It can reach 150 ml. If such blood loss leads to a deterioration in well-being, then it would be better to consult a specialist. It will never be redundant.

The standard for adolescents is this, menstruation begins with a small amount brown discharge. On the second and third days, bleeding begins, and then it decreases. On the sixth day, an ichor or a little daub remains. But this is not a panacea.

What should be of concern?

You should consult a gynecologist if the girl's first menstrual period:
Last very long, more than 7 days or more
Last one or two days, that is, less than 3
Appeared before age 11 or after age 16
Very plentiful. That is, you need to change the pads more often than after 2 hours.
They run very sharp. The girl faints from pain.

In any case, if you begin to notice any deviations from the norm, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. He will check your processes for compliance with your physiology. Recommend best options for you and will advise you on any acute issue that arises for you.