Brown discharge for 3 weeks in a row. Brown discharge during early pregnancy: causes and dangers

Pregnancy 3 weeks from conception is a very important and crucial time in the development of the embryo, since the process of histogenesis begins, which is characterized by the development and differentiation of cells, as a result of which tissues are formed, and later the organs of the whole organism. This process is initiated on the fifteenth to seventeenth day after the fertilization of the egg has occurred.

Histogenesis is influenced by a combination of endogenous and exogenous factors. Internal factors include heredity. To exogenous factors - the image and living conditions of a pregnant woman. The process of histogenesis refers to the second critical period in the development of the embryo (the first is in the second week of pregnancy).

Histogenesis - tissue differentiation of the germ layers is carried out in several directions.

  1. Ectoderm - a neural tube is formed from it, from which the spinal cord and brain will subsequently form, as well as a set of cells from which skin cells will originate.
  2. The mesoderm provides cell evolution in the following directions:
    • the formation of tissues of muscle, bone and cartilage types,
    • cells of the kidneys, liver, spleen and gonads are created,
    • the peritoneum and connective tissue membranes of the lungs (pleura) and heart (pericardium) are formed.
  3. Endoderm - from it develops the intestinal tube, and then - the digestive tract.

Histogenesis is usually completed by the twentieth day of the embryonic period. From the twentieth - twenty-first day of intrauterine development, the folds of the body and the chord begin to form in the embryo - the axial organ from which the spinal column will form. By the twenty-fifth day, the formation of the neural and intestinal tubes ends. Mesoderm cells intensively continue to differentiate, with the formation of tissues of future internal organs, and cells of smooth muscles and blood vessels, blood and lymphatic fluid also develop.

Pregnancy 3 weeks

The gestation period of 3 weeks is a very serious period of intrauterine development of the embryo. In this period of development of pregnancy, the psychological mood of the pregnant woman is very important and healthy eating. In this period, the germinal vesicle (blastocyst), which was formed from a fertilized egg, is implanted (fixed) in the endometrium of the uterus and develops intensively.

The blastocyst consists of two layers - the outer one, from which the placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic sac will form, and the inner one - the embryo will form. Given the laying and the beginning of the formation of the tissues of the future organs of the child, it is necessary to properly organize the daily routine, nutrition, abandon bad habits and take medications. That will ensure the health of the unborn child and the normal course of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at 3 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at 3 weeks of gestation is performed using a transvaginal probe. With the help of ultrasound, you can find out where the embryo was implanted (in the uterine cavity or ectopic - in the fallopian tubes), i.e. confirm uterine pregnancy and exclude ectopic, as well as evaluate the structure of the endometrium and myometrium of the uterus.

In addition, an early ultrasound examination makes it possible to exclude a disease such as hydatidiform mole, in which clinical and laboratory signs are noted as in pregnancy, but in the absence of an embryo in the uterus, and instead of it there are a large number of vesicles, the number of which is constantly growing.

In the case of uterine pregnancy during ultrasound at week 3, there is a thickening of the endometrium of the uterus, sometimes hyperplasia. The embryo is not yet visible at this stage, it can be seen as a tiny white dot in the cavity of the fetal egg in the uterus.

With ultrasound of the ovaries, the yellow body of pregnancy has a higher vascularization, this is due to the significant activity of hormones. Actually, the corpus luteum of pregnancy provides hormonal support for the course of pregnancy until the placenta is formed. At the 3rd week of pregnancy, the corpus luteum can be defined as a cyst on ultrasound.

fetus at 3 weeks pregnant

The fetus at the 3rd week of pregnancy is actively developing and represents a set of cells with certain genetic information. Although during this period it is called an embryo and daily becomes more complex. In the third week of pregnancy, the formation of the neural tube starts, from which the brain and spinal cord will subsequently form. From the bulge in the central region of the embryo, a heart is formed. During this period, the placenta begins to form, through which the embryo will receive the necessary nutrients from the mother.

At the 3rd week of pregnancy, the embryo is an ovoid formation and consists of a chorion, an amnion, a yolk sac, where the unborn child will form and grow.

On the twenty-first day, the brain and spinal cord begin to form, and the heart begins to beat.

The fetus consists of several hundred cells and as soon as the blastocyst takes place in the uterus; 3rd week of pregnancy - the beginning of the production of the hormone human choriongonadotropin, which stops the production of eggs by the ovaries and increases the production of estrogen and progesterone (which prevent fetal rejection and stimulate placental growth). Human gonadotropin is the hormone on which pregnancy tests are based. Get tested by the end of this week and it might come back positive! (If the test is negative and your period doesn't start in two or three days, try another test.)

Meanwhile, at 3 weeks pregnant, amniotic fluid begins to collect around the fetus. This liquid performs protective functions. Now the blastocyst receives oxygen and nutrients (and also removes waste products) through the primitive circulatory system. The placenta for this task will be sufficiently developed by the end of next week.

Fruit size

The size of the fetus (embryo) at 3 weeks of gestation is very small. Its weight is two to three micrograms, and its height is from 0.15-0.2 mm to 2-4 mm, and it consists of approximately 250 cells. Very soon, the size of the embryo will change, and will change constantly, as its cells continuously divide, grow, and the embryo itself grows, which will turn into a fetus, and then into a newborn child.

Signs of pregnancy at 3 weeks

Signs of pregnancy at week 3 may not subjectively be felt by a pregnant woman, but it can already be determined by ultrasound and by examining blood and / or urine for the presence of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). But the most important and sure sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. Some women also note changes in their well-being:

  • significant fatigue during normal physical exertion,
  • soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands,
  • exacerbation of susceptibility to various odors,
  • appetite disorder - increase or absence of it,
  • food preferences change
  • frequent urination,
  • nausea,
  • bowel dysfunction,
  • increase in basal temperature (not less than thirty-seven degrees),
  • possible pain of a pulling nature in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region,
  • discoloration of the discharge (may be brown or in the form of a small amount of blood, which is associated with the implantation of the egg).

All signs of pregnancy for 3 weeks that a pregnant woman can feel are associated with hormonal changes in her body.

Feelings at 3 weeks pregnant

Feelings at the 3rd week of pregnancy can be very diverse or absent altogether. Perhaps dizziness, mood changes, irritability, symptoms of early toxicosis (nausea). Sometimes there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, which may be associated with a shift in the center of gravity, and also contribute to frequent urination. Quite often there is an increase, engorgement and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

breasts at 3 weeks pregnant

The breast at the 3rd week of pregnancy undergoes changes almost the first thing, as it begins to prepare for feeding. The mammary glands increase in size, engorgement, their sensitivity increases and there is a slight soreness. Darkening of the areolas and nipples is sometimes noted, although this often occurs in the later stages of pregnancy. All changes in the mammary glands usually occur symmetrically.

uterus at 3 weeks pregnant

The uterus at the 3rd week of pregnancy is in the small pelvis, a significant increase and change in its consistency at this stage does not occur. Changes are noted in its inner layer - the endometrium, where its thickening or hyperplasia is noted.

HCG at 3 weeks pregnant

HCG at the 3rd week of pregnancy begins to be produced as soon as the implantation of the blastocyst has occurred in the endometrium of the uterus. hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin):

  • notifies the ovaries to stop producing eggs,
  • promotes increased production of hormones - progesterone and estrogen, due to which the process of rejection of the inner lining of the uterus is prevented, promotes the growth of the embryo and the formation of the placenta.

During this period, chorionic gonadotropin can be determined in the blood in a laboratory, and its content in the urine is usually two times lower, which can make it difficult to diagnose using test strips. But, today, there are highly sensitive test strips for hCG, which allows you to determine it in the urine and at such an early stage.

At this time, the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin increases every two to three days.

progesterone at 3 weeks pregnant

Progesterone in the 3rd week of pregnancy is produced in an increased amount by the corpus luteum of pregnancy until the placenta has formed. The function of progesterone in the occurrence and maintenance of pregnancy is great:

  • contributes to the thickening of the endometrium of the uterus, due to which the fertilized egg is firmly implanted,
  • stimulates uterine enlargement,
  • promotes relaxation of the uterine myometrium and prevents spontaneous miscarriage,
  • as a result of its action, subcutaneous fat accumulates, which will provide the pregnant woman and the fetus with the necessary nutrients,
  • reduces the function of the immune system, as a result of which the body of a pregnant woman does not reject the protein structure with the genetic information of a man,
  • prepares muscles and ligaments for labor,
  • enhances the development and growth of the mammary glands,
  • takes part in the development of some tissues in the embryo.

The level of progesterone in different laboratories is different and averages 15 Nmol / l. It is necessary to take an analysis to determine the level of progesterone in the blood on an empty stomach, not to take hormonal drugs, and also to exclude physical and emotional stress.

Period at 3 weeks pregnant

Menstruation at the 3rd week of pregnancy, when fertilization has occurred and egg implantation usually does not occur. But in the first weeks and months, when the placenta is just developing, insufficient production of hormones that suppress menstruation is possible, and spotting may occur at the required time. Also, the cause of bleeding, similar to menstruation, can be:

  • Normally, in some women, the implantation of the ovum into the endometrium of the uterus may be accompanied by slight bloody or brown discharge,
  • in the case of a missed pregnancy, there are meager and smearing discharges when the embryo does not develop (died),
  • bloody issues may be if implantation occurred in the fallopian tube,
  • the presence of erosion of the cervix, may also be accompanied by spotting,
  • A gynecological examination may cause a slight discharge, but this is not dangerous.

The occurrence of discharge similar to menstruation is an urgent reason for going to an obstetrician - gynecologist for a consultation and examination in order to prevent undesirable consequences for the pregnant woman and the child.

Bleeding at 3 weeks pregnant

Bleeding in the 3rd week of pregnancy should not be ignored. You should not be especially worried if the bleeding is not very heavy, short-lived, not accompanied by pain and does not contain tissue fragments. Bleeding that is not dangerous:

  • Bleeding resulting from implantation, since the integrity of the endometrium rich in blood vessels is violated.
  • There may be slight bleeding after intercourse, most often it is not dangerous.
  • A gynecological examination performed the day before may be accompanied by minor bleeding.

The bleeding should be disturbing, which is profuse, does not stop, is accompanied by pain or spasm, and also contains tissue fragments. The cause of this bleeding may be:

  • miscarriage,
  • ectopic pregnancy.

If bleeding occurs, it is urgent to seek medical help to identify its cause and eliminate it. Self-medication should not be done, because. it is dangerous for the health and life of a pregnant woman.

Discharge at 3 weeks pregnant

Allocations at the 3rd week of pregnancy, as a rule, are not plentiful, smearing in nature, and often may be absent. Allocations can be different color- pink, creamy, yellowish or brownish. Spotting may occur during this period due to the implantation of a fertilized egg.

brown discharge at 3 weeks pregnant

brown discharge at the 3rd week of pregnancy may occur due to the fixation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium of the uterus, in this case, such discharge is the norm and disappears after a few days. But the cause of brown discharge can also be an ectopic or missed pregnancy, bacterial sexual infections, cervical erosion. In any case, it is better to go for a consultation and examination with a doctor.

Spotting at 3 weeks pregnant

Spotting in the 3rd week of pregnancy may be the result of implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium of the uterus, which is normal and usually disappears after a few days, such discharge is not abundant, may be brownish or bloody and does not bring discomfort.

If the daub is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen and lower back, does not go away after a few days, but on the contrary, the general condition increases and worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor. Since this may indicate an ectopic or missed pregnancy, miscarriage, cervical erosion, or bacterial sexual infections.

Abdominal pain at 3 weeks pregnant

Why the stomach hurts at the 3rd week of pregnancy worries many women. The cause of abdominal pain can be:

  • The onset of ovulation often contributes to abdominal pain. Each woman has a different threshold for pain sensitivity - some feel a slight pain when the egg is released from the ovary, and some may pass out from the pain.
  • Intestinal dysfunction (constipation, malnutrition).
  • Implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium of the uterus can often be accompanied by abdominal pain.
  • Diseases of the urinary system (for example, cystitis).
  • Surgical diseases (for example, appendicitis).
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • The threat of spontaneous miscarriage.

Minor abdominal pains that are not accompanied by heavy bleeding should not bother you much, but it will not hurt to go to the doctor for a consultation.

If the stomach pulls at 3 weeks of gestation

Pulls the stomach for 3 weeks of pregnancy for many reasons. The most likely cause of what pulls the stomach is the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. In addition, the restructuring of the hormonal background of a woman can be accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen. You should pay attention to the fact that the stomach can pull:

  • after performing physical exertion, even minor,
  • due to the threat of abortion,
  • at ectopic pregnancy,
  • inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity or small pelvis.

The stomach can be pulled constantly or periodically, depending on the problem. If the pulling pain intensifies, does not go away long time and is accompanied by spotting, you need to urgently go to the doctor.

Lower back pain at 3 weeks pregnant

The lower back hurts at the 3rd week of pregnancy for various reasons, both due to physiological processes that occur in the bone and ligament apparatus during pregnancy, and due to pathological processes. Causes of pain can be:

  • From the moment of conception, the ligamentous apparatus of the bone skeleton and internal organs begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. The hormone relaxin begins to be produced, due to which the connective tissue structures become loose and more extensible, which makes the pelvic bones more mobile. As a result of such changes, lower back pain is possible.
  • Possible weight gain creates an additional load on the spine, which can contribute to pain in the lumbar region, especially if the pregnant woman has a pathology of the spinal column (osteochondrosis, scoliosis).
  • Kidney disease (eg, pyelonephritis). But in this case, fever, impaired urination, and swelling join the pain in the lower back.

The presence of pain in the lumbar region, especially acute, with fever and the occurrence of bloody discharge makes it necessary to urgently visit a doctor for examination and examination.

Temperature at 3 weeks pregnant

The temperature at the 3rd week of pregnancy can rise to 37.3 ° C and in the absence of other symptoms (cough, nasal congestion, etc.) should not bother. This often occurs in early pregnancy and occurs as a result of an acceleration of metabolism and an increase in the production of hormones that promote the growth and development of the fetus (in particular progesterone). This temperature usually goes away after a few weeks.

An increase in temperature above 37.8 ° C, with the presence of chills, weakness, pain of various localization and other symptoms, may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. It can be a cold or another disease of the internal organs (for example, appendicitis, pyelonephritis, etc.). In this situation, it is urgent to seek help from a doctor, since self-medication is extremely dangerous for both the pregnant woman and the unborn child.

High temperature (above 38 ° C), which does not go astray for a long time, can adversely affect the development of the embryo, since at the 3rd week all organs and systems (central nervous system, cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, musculoskeletal system, etc.) .d.). In addition, a high temperature can provoke a miscarriage.

Nausea at 3 weeks pregnant

Nausea at the 3rd week of pregnancy can occur in half of pregnant women during this period, after implantation of a fertilized egg has occurred. Usually nausea occurs in the morning on an empty stomach and disappears after eating, so such women are advised to eat a piece of bread and drink water in the morning without getting out of bed. For some, nausea can last half a day or all day, sometimes it may be accompanied by vomiting. Tips to help relieve nausea:

  • eat little and often
  • start breakfast without getting out of bed, and then lie down for about fifteen minutes,
  • take high-calorie food (but not fatty) and better chilled,
  • eat more solid food for breakfast
  • drink enough water per day in small amounts.

If nausea does not go away, but rather increases every day and is accompanied by constant vomiting, then you need to seek medical help.

Cold at 3 weeks pregnant

Cold at 3 weeks pregnant a rare thing, because on early dates pregnancy, there is a decrease in immunity. If you have a cold, it is better to immediately seek help from a doctor to prevent the progression of a viral infection and the occurrence of pregnancy complications. Self-medication is not worth it, since many drugs are not recommended during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, when organs are laid down.

As a rule, a cold that occurs without an increase in temperature is not dangerous, it becomes dangerous at a high temperature. Therefore, during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, you should protect yourself from the occurrence of a cold:

  • during the epidemic of respiratory viral infections, avoid large crowds of people,
  • if someone gets sick with ARVI in the immediate environment, you must wear a mask, but it is better to isolate this person in another room,
  • it is often necessary to ventilate the room where the pregnant woman is, especially during the epidemic season,
  • rinse the nasal passages with saline (Aqua-Maris, Humor),
  • maintain a sleep and wake schedule,
  • spend more time outdoors
  • nutrition should be balanced with a sufficient content of proteins, vegetables and fruits, micro and macro elements,
  • take, if necessary, vitamins for pregnant women (Pregnavit, Vitrum prenatal).

These measures can be performed not only for the prevention of a cold, but when it occurs.

Toxicosis at 3 weeks of gestation

Toxicosis at the 3rd week of pregnancy appears in some women after the fertilized egg is fixed in the endometrium of the uterus. Toxicosis is possible until the placenta is formed. Since the placenta is still absent at week 3, the woman's body is not protected from the entry of embryonic metabolic products into her blood, which causes intoxication in the woman. In addition, the cause of toxicosis is a change in the hormonal background of a woman and a genetic predisposition. Those. if the mother of a pregnant woman suffered from toxicosis, then she will also have toxicosis.

The occurrence of toxicosis during the first pregnancy is more likely, with each subsequent pregnancy its manifestations decrease or are absent.

Toxicosis is most often manifested by nausea and vomiting, and such signs as intolerance to certain odors and / or food are also not excluded. In the case of mild toxicosis, nausea disappears after breakfast or after half a day and is rarely accompanied by vomiting. In severe cases, nausea is constant, throughout the day, does not go away after eating and is accompanied by repeated vomiting. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help.

To alleviate toxicosis, you need to have breakfast with solid food before getting out of bed, eat fractional portions of high-calorie (but not fatty) more solid food during the day, it is better to eat chilled food and drink enough water.

Antibiotics at 3 weeks pregnant

Antibiotics at the 3rd week of pregnancy are highly undesirable and even dangerous for the unborn child, since at this time all organs and systems are being laid. The consequences of taking antibiotics can be severe, in particular, the birth of a sick child, because. it is not known that a violation of which organ or system can cause the use of an antibiotic.

Antibiotics in early pregnancy are prescribed strictly by a doctor, after assessing the possible risk to the embryo and its benefits to the pregnant woman. Antibacterial drugs at this time are prescribed in the case of:

  • pyelonephritis pregnant,
  • septic conditions and purulent processes of internal organs (pneumonia, abscess, etc.),
  • with bacterial sexual infections (trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia),
  • in case of complications of viral infections.

For the treatment of viral infections (in particular, colds, SARS, influenza), antibiotics are not used, since they are active against bacteria.

Of course, there are antibiotics that are allowed for pregnant women, but the 3rd week of pregnancy is an extremely unfavorable period for taking antibacterial drugs.

Ectopic pregnancy at 3 weeks

An ectopic pregnancy at week 3, as a rule, manifests itself with the same signs as a normal one (when the embryo is in the uterine cavity). Namely:

  • delayed menstruation,
  • increase in basal temperature,
  • engorgement and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands,
  • possible nausea, weakness,
  • mood swings, etc.

The causes of ectopic pregnancy are diseases of the reproductive system of a woman that interfere normal passage eggs through the fallopian tubes:

  • bacterial sexual infections (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.), which cause an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes, followed by narrowing of their lumen and deformation. As a result, a fertilized egg cannot enter the uterine cavity and is implanted in the fallopian tube, and as the embryo grows, it can break it, which is very dangerous for a woman,
  • previous surgical interventions on the organs of the abdominal cavity or pelvic organs, contributing to the development of the adhesive process.

The risk group for an ectopic pregnancy is:

  • women who smoke (the occurrence of an ectopic pregnancy in them is 3.5 times higher),
  • women who have a uterine spiral (one and a half times more likely to develop an ectopic pregnancy according to statistics),
  • age over 35 - 45 years (the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy is three to four times higher).

What should be alerted in case of ectopic pregnancy:

  • Sharp or severe pulling pain in the lower abdomen, possibly one-sided (right or left),
  • Bloody or brown discharge that does not look like menstruation
  • Painful intercourse.

An ectopic pregnancy is a very dangerous condition, because it can cause a rupture of the tube, which is clinically manifested:

  • heavy bleeding
  • acute pain in the abdomen,
  • loss of consciousness
  • pallor of the skin.

Considering the formidable complications of an ectopic pregnancy, at the slightest suspicion of it, it is necessary to urgently go to the doctor.

  • many previous abortions.
  • At the 3rd week of pregnancy, it is difficult to determine the fading on your own, since the signs of pregnancy remain the same - the absence of menstruation, enlarged and sensitive mammary glands. A missed pregnancy may indicate:

    • blood secretions,
    • if you were already worried about toxicosis at a given time, then when it fades, it stops,
    • there were severe pains in the abdomen and lower back,
    • the temperature rose for no reason to high numbers.

    Therefore, if symptoms that are incomprehensible to a woman appear, an urgent need to consult a doctor and conduct an ultrasound examination, since only with its help can a missed pregnancy be determined. Signs of a missed pregnancy on ultrasound:

    • the presence of an empty fetal egg that does not have an embryo.

    Miscarriage at 3 weeks pregnant

    A miscarriage at the 3rd week of pregnancy is manifested by bloody discharge, abdominal pain, and a possible fever. The color of spotting can vary from bright red to dark brown. Women who were unaware of pregnancy may even confuse miscarriage with menstruation.

    The causes of early miscarriage are most often a violation of the development of the embryo at the genetic level, as well as due to bad habits of a woman and after stress or significant physical exertion.

    A miscarriage does not happen all at once, usually this process lasts for several hours, or even days. If a woman knows about her pregnancy, or if the condition suddenly worsens with the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract, it is necessary to immediately go to the doctor.

    How to terminate a pregnancy at 3 weeks?

    Some women who, for some reason, cannot maintain a pregnancy are interested in the question: how to terminate a pregnancy at 3 weeks? To terminate a pregnancy, it is necessary to seek medical advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist; it is not recommended to deal with this issue on your own. Since only an experienced specialist will be able to assess the condition of the pregnant woman and choose the method of abortion.

    As a rule, at this time, a medical abortion is offered, which is the safest and with minimal consequences for the woman's body. Holding medical abortion does not require a mandatory stay of a woman in a hospital, it is only necessary to pass the appropriate tests and undergo an ultrasound examination. Medical abortion is a serious procedure and should not be taken lightly. Only a doctor with experience can correctly calculate the dosage of the drug for a woman. Incorrect doses of the drug can lead to incomplete abortion or adversely affect the woman's health.

    For medical abortion, the following drugs are used - Mifolian, Mifeprex, Pencrofton, Mefigin, Mifepristone, Postinor. These drugs act directly on the fetal egg, which separates from the endometrium of the uterus and is released along with bleeding. After a medical abortion, a woman should undergo an additional examination in a day to rule out an incomplete abortion and receive the necessary recommendations for further medication and lifestyle.

    Taking drugs for medical abortion may be accompanied by nausea, weakness, headache, absent-mindedness. Some women do not feel anything, which depends on the individual tolerance of the drug.

    Termination of pregnancy in the early stages is also possible with the help of vacuum aspiration or surgically. But such methods are more dangerous for a woman, since more complications may occur, such as inflammation, abscess, infertility, etc.

    Postinor at 3 weeks pregnant

    Postinor at the 3rd week of pregnancy will be effective if the implantation of a fertilized egg has not yet occurred. If implantation has already occurred, then Postinor will not be effective. The manufacturer indicates that Postinor can terminate a pregnancy in 85% of cases before implantation. The earlier the drug was taken after unprotected intercourse, the higher its effectiveness. There was no negative effect of Postinor on the embryo.

    Sex at 3 weeks pregnant

    Sex at the 3rd week of pregnancy will even be useful, especially for the mental health of a woman, especially since sexual desire increases during this period. There is also a positive psychological component that can no longer be protected. It is very important to observe intimate hygiene before and after sex, this applies to both partners. Of course, if there is a threat of miscarriage, spotting, pain in the abdomen and lower back, then it is better to refrain from having sex until the condition of the pregnant woman stabilizes. In addition, the presence of bacterial genital infections in a partner is also a contraindication to having sex.

    3 weeks pregnant has arrived. What new will appear these days in a woman's life? What joys and anxieties are associated with this time? Most important points, information and advice - everything for expectant mothers.

    Two perspectives on time

    For convenience, any doctor will count from the first day of the woman's last menstruation. The concept of obstetric term is based on this system. According to another system (embryonic), the period is considered from the middle of the cycle. It is at this time that ovulation and conception most often occur.

    In obstetric practice, the third week is the period of fertilization. The egg is mature and moves to the uterine cavity. At some point, a spermatozoon penetrates into it, and then the zygote will continue to move. This new cell has a complete set of chromosomes and is capable of dividing very quickly.

    According to the embryonic method, once a single cell already develops vigorous activity and actively lives its own special, hidden life. And the expectant mother? If she does not yet know exactly about her pregnancy, then she probably guesses. After all, she has already delayed her period for about a week.

    In order not to get confused in the lines , (terms of pregnancy: obstetric and embryonic).

    From conjecture to certainty

    Three weeks after conception, a pharmacy test will show those same two strips. At the same time, the level of the hCG hormone in the woman's body will increase. An appropriate blood test will confirm pregnancy. But if we talk about the obstetric third week, the pregnancy has barely come and is still not determined in any way. Moreover, a woman can still have her period.

    According to medical research, 70-75% of fertilized eggs are rejected. by the female body even before fixing in the uterine cavity. This happens for a variety of reasons:

    • initial cellular defects;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • infectious diseases;
    • stress.

    Sometimes rejection occurs without any prerequisites at all. Since the embryo has not actually begun to develop, this phenomenon is not considered a miscarriage. A woman may, in principle, not know about what happened. For her, one day, another menstruation will simply come.

    The third week from conception is the time for making a decision if the pregnancy was not only not planned, but also not allowed. Everything happens in life. In fact, no method of contraception is 100% guaranteed. And sometimes partners treat this important issue carelessly.

    In any case, if you terminate an unwanted pregnancy, then right now. Only the decision to have an abortion should be considered and accepted with full responsibility. Any actions should take place under the instructions and under the supervision of a doctor. "Amateur" here can lead to the most adverse consequences.

    Feelings of a future mother

    In the third obstetric week for a woman, everything goes as usual. But three weeks after the conception of new experiences, there can be a lot.

    For example, a woman begins to accurately recognize the smell of dark and light grapes. Even if before she could not boast of a delicate sense of smell at all. And then she begins to be madly annoyed by the smell of the toilet water of her beloved man.

    Food tastes may also change. Sauerkraut or cucumbers become perhaps the most delicious foods, and your favorite kind of cheese suddenly causes disgust. Perhaps this is a prelude to taste quirks. Among future and accomplished fathers, there are whole legends about wives who ate herring with sour cream or demanded strawberries in February.

    And the most active and lively woman suddenly turns into a “sleeping beauty”. It seems to be a complete rest, and there is no overwork. But at the same time, more than anything else, I want to sleep.

    All such sensations arise in a woman due to hormonal and physical changes. The body is hardwired to work in a special mode.. Also, the expectant mother may note:

    • increased sensitivity of the breast, especially the nipples;
    • frequent visits to the toilet due to relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intestine and increased activity of the ureters;
    • periodic constipation;
    • nausea (which may result in vomiting).

    What will people around notice?

    There are no objective signs in the third obstetric week, but they can be very noticeable with the embryonic approach. A test or blood test must have been done, confirmation received. Thoughts about the baby can significantly affect the appearance of the expectant mother. She becomes more feminine, graceful and seems to bloom.

    However, at the same time, a woman can suddenly “break loose”, become irritated. Relatives or close people will see a noticeable increase or decrease in appetite.

    During a medical examination, the doctor will note specific symptoms: breast swelling and an increase in the size of the patient's uterus.

    Embryo or fetus? What's going on inside?

    From an obstetric point of view, a full pregnancy has not yet occurred in the third week. Meanwhile, the uterus is preparing to receive a fertilized egg.

    If the embryo has not yet settled in the uterine cavity, now it will definitely happen. The whole process is quite complicated, it takes about forty hours. First of all, the embryo produces a particularly important immunopressor protein. The fact is that half of the cells of the embryo are foreign to the mother's body - after all, they "came" from the father of the child. Without a special protein "signal", the uterus will never accept the future fetus - immunity will not allow it.

    The fixation of the embryo in the uterus gives rise to another important process. This placentation. Through it, the fetus in the womb receives all the necessary nutrients.

    What does the future baby look like? So far, it's pretty prosaic. The embryo is in the morula stage - a dense rounded lump of cells. The morula rapidly develops into a blastocyst. This means that a cavity with fetal fluid is formed inside the lump, in which the baby will then develop.

    The size of the fetus (embryo) is negligible. By the end of the third week after conception, it has a diameter of 0.1-0.2 mm, and its weight is 2-3 micrograms (mcg, one thousandth of a gram). And in this tiny grain of sand there are already about 250 living cells. Very soon, the formation and development of the main systems of the fetal body will begin, and the tiny heart will count its first beats.

    Moms take note!

    Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

    The term seems to speak for itself. Theoretically, in addition to the uterus, a fertilized egg can be fixed in other areas of the female reproductive system (for example, on the ovary or in the fallopian tube).

    The percentage of ectopic pregnancies is very small, but the sad possibility always exists. When to suspect something is wrong? Severe increasing pain is the first signal of possible violations. In this case, the stomach hurts not from below, but from the left or right. Usually this is the place of improper fixation of the embryo. The pain intensifies when the doctor performs palpation. The most experienced specialists can even determine the place of implantation.

    In our time, gentle methods have been developed to get rid of ectopic pregnancy. They do not give negative consequences and in the future do not interfere with motherhood.

    Spontaneous abortion

    A miscarriage is the rejection of a fetus that has already settled in the uterine cavity.. Many factors can provoke it. The main symptoms are bleeding or constant spotting, sharp pain and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back. The consequences depend on how quickly the woman herself and the doctors reacted.

    It is important for expectant mothers to remember that mild pain is common in early pregnancy. “Guilty” is the same hormonal restructuring. The body adapts to the new state, and the lower back and lower abdomen “respond” to this.

    In the gestation period of 3 weeks from the moment of conception, fading sometimes occurs. Then the test (both pharmacy and hCG) first confirms the pregnancy, and then as if it no longer “sees” it. However, menstruation does not occur. The detection of a missed pregnancy requires a careful approach and careful diagnosis.

    Should I do an ultrasound?

    In the normal course of pregnancy, ultrasound in the third obstetric week may be required to confirm that ovulation has occurred. Three weeks after conception, scanning during the normal course of pregnancy will be practically uninformative. The embryo will look like a small dot in the background of the uterine cavity.

    But if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, it is precisely according to the results of ultrasound that the place of attachment of the embryo will become clear and a decision will be made on further actions. For greater reliability, ultrasound can be performed transvaginally, that is, through the vagina. The procedure is carried out carefully, gently and does not cause discomfort.

    Will there be allocations?

    For the third week of pregnancy, any special discharge is uncharacteristic. In obstetric counting, relatively thick and dense mucus can normally be released. It protects the egg from external infections - what if conception happens or has it already happened?

    Strong mucous discharge, especially with an unpleasant odor, can be a signal of the disease. Better to check with a doctor.

    When the fetus is fixed, slight implantation bleeding may occur. It's just a faint brown discharge or pink or bloody smears.

    If the third week comes from conception, the pregnancy is confirmed, and suddenly the blood really started to flow, this may mean a miscarriage.

    Body temperature: the line between normal and disease

    If the embryonic period is three weeks, a slight increase in temperature (37.2 ° C) without signs of a cold is normal. However, 37.5 and more is already a danger signal.

    When contacting a doctor, a woman must necessarily warn him about a possible or confirmed pregnancy. The doctor will take this into account when choosing treatment methods.

    For many, a cold is a mild illness that can be treated on its own. Including antibiotics. For a pregnant woman, this is 100% unacceptable. Antibiotics, even topical ones, should only be prescribed by a doctor. And he can do this only in the most extreme and difficult cases. Side effects This group of drugs can cause many different complications in the embryo.

    3 weeks pregnant and sex

    The third obstetric week will not do without sex. When planning a conception, a couple's intimate life usually follows a certain schedule. Ideally, sex should be on the day of ovulation, 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after it. This improves the quality of spermatozoa and increases the likelihood of conception.

    In the third week after conception, the sex life of future parents may remain the same or change. Some women experience increased attraction to the father of the child. Others note a decrease in libido. Both are normal and should not cause concern.

    There is also a rather rare sign of pregnancy, which almost never occurs. After intercourse, a woman may feel a sharp, severe pain in the vagina and on the labia. In this case, intimate life gives the expectant mother inconvenience, even a feeling of fear. Luckily, these feelings will pass soon.

    If the intimate life of future parents threatens to deteriorate, it is important to take action in time. The main thing at this time is trust between a woman and her husband (partner). A man must be explained that there are changes in attraction, that he remains a loved and desired person. The future father will need patience and attention to his soul mate.

    Intimate life will have to be stopped completely if there is a threat of miscarriage.

    Nutrition of the expectant mother

    1. Eating is fractional, 4-5 times a day.
    2. For the full presence of protein, lean meat is needed and, on the contrary, fatty fish varieties (it contains important acids), as well as legumes and dairy products. Mushrooms are also protein, but such food can be difficult for the stomach.
    3. Fresh vegetables and fruits - to provide vitamins and minerals. None pharmaceutical vitamin complex will not be truly effective if mom does not get natural vitamins from food.
    4. No colorful sodas! This is zero benefits and a large amount of calories.
    5. It is advisable to give up white buns and switch to coarse bread.

    Another nutritional recommendation will help expectant mothers with early toxicosis. An attack of nausea can catch everywhere: at work, on a walk, in public transport. Sometimes it "rolls" so that the forces literally leave the woman. In addition, vomiting in public places is a strong psychological stress. What to do?

    It is advisable to empirically find that “yummy” that will help suppress an attack of nausea. It could be anything. Bottle of soda mineral water it will save if the acidity of the stomach increases with nausea. Someone carries an apple in a plastic bag with them and bites off a little when nausea sets in. A piece of cheese, a cracker or something else can help - the expectant mother needs to carefully experiment.

    In case of sudden vomiting, it is still better to carry a special bag and wet wipes in your purse.

    Other Do's and Don'ts

    A mother-to-be can and should take care of herself and her future baby. This should be done in all cases: if pregnancy is planned, allowed or has already been detected. The main recommendations are the same as in the first or second week:

    • Taking vitamins. What kind of drugs are needed - the doctor must decide.
    • If, for some reason, alcohol and cigarettes are still present in a woman's life, they need to be "driven" immediately and for a long time. In the third week from conception, any negative factors are dangerous for the embryo.
    • Every effort must be made to avoid nervous shocks. Only positive emotions. But they should not be excessive either. Having experienced some kind of moral upsurge, the expectant mother may note with great surprise that she is very tired even from positive experiences.
    • You can not lift weights and perform difficult physical work. If the expectant mother goes in for sports, the load will have to be reconsidered, or even completely change the type of activity. Most often, expectant mothers are recommended swimming (for their own pleasure) and yoga.

    In the third week from conception, it is important for the expectant mother to remember: she is now not alone and shares with her baby everything that happens to her. Attention to yourself will make the third week of waiting joyful and happy.

    Video guide: 3rd week of pregnancy: sensations, discharge, signs, fetal development

    If this did not happen earlier, then it is at the beginning of the 3rd week that conception will take place. If your egg by this moment has already been fertilized by a sperm, then for about a week it moved through the fallopian tubes, continuously dividing and multiplying. And now, at the 3rd week of pregnancy, it will be fixed on the wall of the uterus, and from now on we will talk about the fact that pregnancy has occurred and the fetus is developing in your womb.

    The fetus at the 3rd week of pregnancy is so small that it is even hard to imagine: only 2-3 micrograms in weight and 0.15-0.2 mm in length. But by this point, it has grown disproportionately and increased in comparison with the egg. After fertilization, it became known as a zygote and began to divide rapidly, forming more and more new cells. The zygote resembles a mulberry, which is constantly increasing in size. On the 7-12th day of its journey through the fallopian tubes, the zygote reaches the uterus and begins to settle down for a permanent place of residence. And after that it will be called a blastocyst.

    The blastocyst is constantly in the process of development and growth. Very soon it becomes hollow inside and lengthens. Then an embryonic disk is formed in it, which by the end of 3 weeks will curl up into a cylinder with ends of different widths: a head will begin to form on one of them, and a tail on the other. Although the embryo is still very small and primitive, the main organs and systems are already being laid.

    At the 3rd week of pregnancy, the fetus is only trying to settle in your body, which so far perceives the little one as a stranger. There is something like a struggle between them, and if a compromise is found, then very soon you will find out about the onset of pregnancy.

    Signs and symptoms at 3 weeks pregnant

    In the meantime, you are just waiting for the onset of the next menstruation, so you perceive the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy at week 3 as premenstrual syndrome: nausea, changes in appetite and taste preferences, intolerance to smells, irritability, weakness, engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands, frequent urination, pulling pains below stomach - the vast majority of us experience these symptoms every month. Signs of pregnancy at 1 week can be the same, so most often at such an early date we do not even know what is happening.

    I have a stomachache

    Among other things, the woman already has a stomach ache (although not at all necessary): the lower abdomen sips, as before menstruation - the blastocyst prepares a place for landing, as if scraping cells from the uterine epithelium. Not everyone feels pain at the same time, but if your stomach hurts at the 3rd week of pregnancy, then you can only suspect the real cause if you strive for this for a very long time and try to look for signs of pregnancy in any changes.

    Otherwise, the woman is sure: the menstruation is about to begin, although this time, it seems, a little earlier than usual.


    The discharge at the 3rd week of pregnancy, which is called implantation bleeding, will also prompt her to such an idea. The implantation of the egg in the uterus does not pass without a trace, and in addition to pain in the lower abdomen, it gives itself out as bloody spotting at the 3rd week of pregnancy. This phenomenon should not cause you any concern. However, this often happens: a woman thinks that menstruation begins prematurely. And only after these discharges disappear at the 3rd week of pregnancy, and menstruation does not occur, she thinks about the fertilization that has probably occurred. The onset of menstruation and subsequent ovulation will be prevented by hormones - estrogen and progesterone - which, from the 3rd week of pregnancy, begin to be actively produced by the ovaries.

    Allocations at the 3rd week of pregnancy are very scarce, sometimes in the form of a few drops or a smear, or even completely absent. They can be creamy, yellowish, pink or brown, disappearing and reappearing at moments of greater activity of the "settler". But after 2 days, the "daub" should stop - the implantation period lasts about 40 hours.

    Breast at 3 weeks pregnant

    One of the earliest signs of pregnancy may be changes in the breasts, which is also observed at 3 weeks. The mammary glands become rough, the nipples become hypersensitive and react very painfully to any irritation. There is also breast enlargement. However, these symptoms are also characteristic of premenstrual syndrome, therefore, alone cannot indicate pregnancy.


    Another clue may be a change in libido at the 3rd week of pregnancy, and in any direction: you can both experience an increased desire for intimacy with your husband, and vice versa - noticeably get colder in this regard. Hormones, what can you do ... But if the pregnancy that just happened has awakened a woman in you, then enjoy it. There can be only two contraindications to sex at the 3rd week of pregnancy: the threat of her interruption and the reluctance of the woman.


    Some women say that they feel their pregnancy already now. Doctors do not exclude such an "intuitive providence", but they still believe that there are still no pronounced sensations at such an early stage. The described first signs and symptoms, as well as the changes in the body occurring at the 3rd week of pregnancy can be characteristic for each month at the end menstrual cycle. Of the most frequent sensations at the 3rd week of pregnancy, women distinguish nausea, dizziness, weakness, breast tenderness, changes in appetite. But most people don't feel anything at all.

    Pregnancy test

    A home pregnancy test at 3 weeks pregnant is unlikely to show you the real picture. The term is still too short to determine advanced level HCG, and the delay has not yet come. But in some cases, when you are expecting this pregnancy and ovulation was earlier than in the middle of the cycle, the hypersensitive test may show a weak second line. And even then it would rather mean confusion with the timing. It makes sense to carry out a pregnancy test only after a delay.

    HCG at 3 weeks pregnant

    At 3 weeks on home test it’s better not to hope: an increase in the level of hCG at the 3rd week of pregnancy can only be “detected” in the blood by passing an analysis for hCG no earlier than on the 12th day after conception or 2-3rd day after a missed period. The concentration of hCG in the blood in the early stages doubles every 2-3 days, but reaches a diagnosable level only by this time.

    For 3-4 obstetric weeks(or 1-2 weeks from conception) the level of hCG already reaches 25-156 mU / ml, but this concentration is in the blood serum, and in the urine it is much lower. Therefore, if hCG is determined at the 3rd week of pregnancy, then not with the help of a test, but with the help of laboratory analysis.


    If your pregnancy was diagnosed so early, then some examinations may be prescribed for you now. In particular, an analysis for hCG at the 3rd week of pregnancy will show how it develops (that is, whether it has come exactly), will help determine the gestational age and suggest the number of embryos - it proportionally affects the level of hCG in the blood serum.

    In addition to hCG, the corpus luteum continues to synthesize progesterone, also called the hormone of pregnancy. Progesterone prepares the uterus for the settlement of the embryo and affects the nervous system of the expectant mother, creating the most favorable conditions for the preservation and development of pregnancy, therefore, at the slightest risk or threat, the woman will be sent for this analysis.


    You can also have an ultrasound at 3 weeks pregnant if you are in doubt. At this time, the study is carried out with a transvaginal sensor. Ultrasound at the 3rd week of pregnancy can show (although not at all necessary) where the embryo settled (that is, the onset of pregnancy develops in the uterus or ectopic), and will also be able to assess the state of the muscular tissue of the uterus, which is of great prognostic significance.

    But in practice, the 3rd week of pregnancy for most women passes in the most usual way, like “pre-pregnancy” life: they expect the onset of the next menstruation and still don’t think about hCG and ultrasound.

    Periods and bleeding at 3 weeks pregnant

    It may happen that for some reason the blastocyst fails to attach itself to the wall of the uterus. If she is rejected, then the woman will simply start bleeding, which will mark the beginning of the next menstrual cycle, even if it is too early for the start of menstruation.

    In about 20-30% of cases, women continue to have spotting every month on the days of the expected period, despite an existing pregnancy. As a rule, in such cases, a woman does not even realize that a new life is developing inside her. This phenomenon is called the washing of the fetus or colored pregnancy.

    Often women mistake implantation bleeding for menstruation, which poses no threat. But if the spotting becomes more intense and bright in color, then you need to urgently go to the hospital if you already know about your pregnancy by this time. Most likely, we are talking about the threat of miscarriage.


    The fetal egg is a foreign body for the female body, primarily due to male cells. And he tries to get rid of him, as he would in any other case. However, nature is so wise that it has invented a special mechanism to prevent such an undesirable outcome of events: the blastocyst produces a special immunosuppressive protein that lowers the woman's immunity, and as a result, her body cannot fight the "occupier".

    But unfortunately, the embryo does not always win. There are a number of factors that can trigger a miscarriage at 3 weeks pregnant. And one of them is alcohol.


    3rd week of pregnancy is decisive for the fetal egg. It will either reach its intended goal, penetrate into the uterine cavity and live, or be rejected and die. Now the blastocyst is very vulnerable to external factors- natural selection occurs. It will survive if it is strong enough and of good quality, so to speak. Alcohol can speed up this test: a weak blastocyst is unlikely to withstand his blow. But if you took alcohol at the 3rd week of pregnancy, not knowing about its development, then you should not worry too much. If the embryo survived, then everything will be fine. Only in the future it is necessary to take care - after 3 weeks, the laying and formation of the most important organs and fetal systems, and the embryo itself will already depend on you in everything and receive all the substances that enter your body through the bloodstream. Alcohol (especially in large quantities) can cause the development of various anomalies and deformities.


    From the very first weeks of pregnancy, you should not only lead a healthy lifestyle, but pay increased attention to your health in general. Against the background of reduced immunity, you can easily catch a cold or get the flu. This is now highly undesirable. However, do not despair if you find out that you had a cold at 3 weeks of pregnancy. It is believed that for 18 days after conception, the unborn child is protected from the effects of harmful factors, including drugs. Only after successful implantation, the egg begins to feed from the mother, having exhausted its reserves by this time.

    If you already know about pregnancy at week 3, then do not rush to diagnose yourself with SARS. Perhaps this is how the first signs appear, among which there may be nasal congestion, coughing and even fever.

    Temperature at 3 weeks pregnant

    If you regularly measure your basal temperature, then by this time you know for sure about the onset of pregnancy: for more than 3 days in a row it rises above 37C. But sometimes you can also measure a low-grade temperature under your arm, wondering where it came from or thinking that you are starting to get sick, because weakness has appeared, and fatigue, and nausea, and a headache ... A slight increase in temperature in the first weeks of pregnancy is an absolute norm - so the body reacts to the changes that occur to it. Another thing is when you have a fever - about 38 degrees or even more. Try to do without the use of drugs - apply compresses, drink plenty of warm liquids. But if the high temperature persists and does not fall, then you need to act. This condition may not be safe for pregnancy and the fetus, so you should consult your doctor, but in no case should you take aspirin-containing drugs during pregnancy.

    Most important events 4 weeks pregnant– . The initiation of these processes can occur starting from 5-6 days after ovulation. Most - 10 days after leaving the egg. The implant itself takes about 40 hours.

    • Changes in the uterus
    • Fetal development
    • Risk of miscarriage
    • Baby development at 4 weeks
    • Symptoms and signs
    • Briefly about the discharge at week 4: bloody, brown, yellow
    • Nutrition

    Changes in the uterus

    While the blastocyst (this is the stage of embryo development) moves through the fallopian tube, the uterine lining continues to prepare to "accept" the embryo.

    It thickens, stores nutrients, loosens. Such changes in the uterus occur in every cycle. This is where discomfort occurs in the lower abdomen before menstruation. At the 4th week of pregnancy, abdominal pain is a common phenomenon. In general, the whole body prepares for the upcoming pregnancy every month. Signs and symptoms appear in the chest, nervous system, and other organs, to which we will return later.

    With successful implantation, the uterus at the 4th week of pregnancy increases and takes on the size of a chicken egg, which is not yet displayed on the size of the mother's belly. The cervix at the 4th week of pregnancy begins to change its structure and color, which can be ascertained by the gynecologist upon examination. This is a suspected symptom of pregnancy.

    Fetal development

    Embryo or future fetus at 4 weeks pregnant completes its journey to the uterus by passing through the fallopian tube, o. Due to this, it acquires the ability to stick to the wall of the uterus. Then its surface cells begin to intensively produce enzymes, with the help of which the embryo lyses (dissolves) the endometrial epithelium and blood vessels. This allows it to penetrate the uterine wall and "sprout".

    The first close contact with the mother's body appears. The secreted blood during the destruction of microvessels is the first nutrients received by the embryo from the female body. Up to this point, the embryo lived and developed on the "energy reserves of the egg." Since that time, all toxic substances, drugs, alcohol can freely enter the newly born organism. The fetus at the 4th week of pregnancy is very vulnerable and not protected.

    Risk of miscarriage

    In addition to exposure to toxic substances, the embryo is very sensitive to mood swings, hormonal imbalances, physical exertion, and stress.

    Therefore, for a period of four weeks, expectant mothers should avoid all kinds of stress, including psychological ones. At the 4th week of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage still dictated by the "habit" of the body. At the end of the fourth - the beginning of the fifth week of the cycle, menstruation began over and over again. The body is used to it. Therefore, this time is a critical period. The mechanism of menstruation, debugged over the years, can influence the development of a newly begun pregnancy. Crash in hormonal background, increased muscle tone of the uterus can interfere with the successful development of the embryo and the implantation process.

    To prevent the threat of miscarriage at the 4th week of pregnancy, drugs may be prescribed. These are hormonal agents that reduce the tone of the uterus and "support" pregnancy.

    Baby development at 4 weeks

    The unborn child at the 4th week of pregnancy is represented by a multi-layered cell disk and weighs less than 1 gram. Each of the layers of cells from this week through cellular interactions will perform a specific function. The outer layer, continuing its division, eventually transforms into the skin, the nervous system and its derivatives (sense organs). Medium - will become the musculoskeletal, circulatory, genitourinary system. The cells of the internal - will appear in the process of development of the respiratory and digestive organs.

    In addition, at the 4th week of pregnancy, the child begins the active development of extra-embryonic organs. They are essential for continued existence.

    The amniotic sac transforms into fetal membranes. They are needed for . Smooth chorion - will become a shell responsible for the metabolism between the embryo and the mother's body. In addition, the shell is designed to perform a protective function. The yolk sac is an organ that performs completely different functions at different stages of development. At first, it’s just a supply of nutrients, a source of alpha-fetoprotein and a “primary” liver. 18 days after fertilization, it will begin to produce primary forms of erythrocytes for the embryo and will become the "progenitor" of the entire circulatory system. And from the 28th day, it will begin to supply the embryo with the precursors of germ cells.

    Signs and symptoms

    All signs at 4 weeks of pregnancy are associated with hormonal changes. They are indirect and absolutely cannot confirm the onset of pregnancy. Symptoms at week 4 are most common in women who are sensitive to the approach of menstruation. In addition, they are very similar to the harbingers of the onset of menstruation.

    Indirect signs of pregnancy at week 4 are:

    • Puffy breasts, sensitive nipples.
    • Emotional instability. The brain begins to receive chemical, mechanical, sensory "signals" of the birth of intrauterine life. The formation of the dominant pregnancy starts. Therefore, the fourth week is characterized by irritability and mood swings of the expectant mother.
    • Changed food habits.
    • Increased fatigue.
    • Marked drowsiness. It should not be overcome by all means. Especially energy drinks.
    • Discomfort in the abdomen, in the projection of the uterus, from the side of the lower back.
    • Fever at 4 weeks pregnant caused by a rise in progesterone levels. May rise basal body temperature and increased urination. A rush of blood to the internal genital organs located in the small pelvis, and progesterone contribute to an increase in temperature to 37.3 ° C and frequent urges "in a small way."

    Discharge at 4 weeks pregnant: bloody, brown, yellow

    Changes in the nature of the discharge are always alarming and frightening. With the onset 4 weeks pregnant discharge may vary in size and color. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

    Bloody discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy, depending on the amount, duration, can be a good and bad symptom for pregnancy.

    A small amount (a couple of drops), short duration (several hours, sometimes a day) are characteristic of implantation bleeding. We've touched on this before. When the endometrial vessel is "dissolved" by the lysing enzymes of the embryo, blood can be released in a small volume.

    A constant increase in the amount, duration of spotting (more than a day) are signs of the onset of menstruation or detachment of the fetal egg. At this time, there is another danger, which may be indicated by spotting at 4 weeks of gestation. In combination with acute pain in the abdomen, bleeding is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

    Brown discharge at 4 weeks pregnant is one of the types of blood discharge. Passing through the genital tract, the blood mixes with the secret of the uterus, vagina and changes color. At week 4, the origin of brown discharge is the same as that of blood. This may indicate implantation or the onset of menstruation, it all depends on the volume and duration of the discharge.

    Yellow discharge at 4 weeks pregnant is a symptom of infections. More accurately, the addition of an unpleasant and uncharacteristic odor speaks of an infectious origin. At the 4th week of pregnancy, yellow discharge is caused by coccal flora (gonococci, staphylococci), E. coli or mixed infection, which is extremely unfavorable for pregnancy.

    But before you worry, consider whether you are using medications in the form of gels or vaginal tablets. Perhaps it is they who color the discharge yellow. Infectious origin is confirmed by other symptoms: itching, redness, pain when urinating.


    Sex in the 4th week of pregnancy has restrictions in case of a threatened miscarriage. In other cases, everything happens by mutual agreement of the couple. In some cases, during the formation of the dominant pregnancy, sexual desire decreases. This is aggravated by the appearance of abdominal pain, nausea, mood swings.


    Nutrition at 4 weeks of pregnancy - a guarantee of health for two - should be saturated with vitamins and consist of the "right" foods. Canned food, preserves, smoked meats should be excluded from the menu. Green leafy vegetables are especially useful at this time. They contain folic acid, which is indispensable for the organic formation of the fetal nervous system.

    Pay attention to the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Cottage cheese, fish, meat, cereals and soups are the basis of the daily menu. Diversify it with vegetables and fruits, and your food will become not only healthy, but also tasty.

    What you need to know about a cold at 4 weeks pregnant?

    Remember - a slight increase in temperature - the action of progesterone. Getting sick at four weeks is easier than ever. With the onset of pregnancy, immunity decreases. This is a protective mechanism that is activated during pregnancy. For the mother's body, the fetus is only half "own". The immune system women perceive it as a foreign organism. Therefore, the immune defense weakens for a while.

    Try to avoid hypothermia, public places and contact with people with a cold. It is very difficult to be treated without harming the embryo at this time. Be careful! It is impossible to use acetylsalicylic acid to lower the temperature. It can provoke an abortion.