All about the drainage of the basement of the house: from choice to implementation. Basement drainage methods Basement drainage systems

Do-it-yourself external drainage of the basement is carried out in this way:

  • Prepare branch pipes with a diameter of 100-150 mm, place manholes at the corners of the system, prepare corner fittings, a tee, with which the device will be connected into a ring, geotextiles, gravel, sand and crushed stone.
  • Dismantle the foundation formwork.
  • Dig a trench, the width of which will be 40 cm, the depth is below the level of the sole of the house. Drain the trench with a drain pump Whirlwind of accumulated water. Level the bottom.
  • Cover the foundation walls with bitumen to provide additional waterproofing.
  • Lay the geotextile at the bottom of the trench itself.
  • Pour 10 cm of crushed stone onto the geotextile.

Be sure to allow for a height difference of 2 cm per meter.

  • Connect the corners of the pipelines with fittings, make manholes every 20 m. Lay the pipeline.
  • Place another layer of crushed stone and cover it with a second layer of geotextile.
  • Next, fill in a layer of soil, gravel and sand.
  • Mount the well 10-15 m from the basement itself. Bring the main trench to the well using a pipeline with a diameter of 150 mm. Fill the trench with sand.

As for the internal drainage of the basement, it is carried out as follows:

  • Remove the earth to the base of the foundation. Use a jackhammer to make trenches in concrete.
  • Install drainage piping and manholes around the perimeter of the basement.
  • The pipes themselves need to be covered with a layer of crushed stone and gravel.
  • Next, screed with concrete.
  • After you need to make a layer of waterproofing and mount a new floor.
  • Water will accumulate in the mounted tank and be discharged thanks to the Gileks drainage pump or another station to the outside.

You will also need a hydraulic level, a shovel, a bucket, bitumen-based coating material, geotextile, gravel, crushed stone, coarse sand. It is also worth figuring out in detail which crushed stone is better to use.

When snow melts, heavy rainfall occurs, or the groundwater level rises, the cellar or basement can be flooded. From constant dampness, food supplies deteriorate, foundations and walls, as well as other property, are destroyed. As a result, this leads to the destruction of the foundation and a decrease in the operating time of the entire building. Basement drainage drains water, preventing it from flooding. If the foundation is properly waterproofed, then all negative consequences are minimized. Integrated drainage provides for the creation of internal and external drainage systems.

Purpose and need for drainage

Drainage is done in order to remove water from the cellar, basement or from around land plot. With an abundance of precipitation, even the most reliable protective (waterproofing) coating is problematic to cope with their impact. This process is exacerbated if the facilities are located on clay types soil or with the presence of its layers located slightly below the foundation. Then natural water collectors are formed that accumulate moisture.

Drainage of the cellar or basement is necessary in the following cases:

  • when the house is built in a lowland, because plentiful streams will flow down from the slopes in spring and during rains, and groundwater often lies close to the surface there;
  • if seasonal flooding has occurred or the site with the building falls into the flood zone of the river;
  • when housing is located on clay or loamy soil type.

The need to create drainage in all the cases considered is due to the fact that waterproofing coatings cannot withstand the pressure of water. It flows through the cracks into the basements, flooding them.

You can save on the creation of drainage lines when:

  • near the house there are no rivers, reservoirs or marshes that overflow their banks when the flood period begins;
  • the site with the building is located on sandy soils, which easily pass liquid precipitation;
  • groundwater is deep enough, below the foundation.

The arrangement of the drainage system provides the following advantages:

  • water does not accumulate in clay (natural) reservoirs, but enters the well, from which it is sent to the sewer or special places intended for the discharge of wastewater;
  • the soil is drying up;
  • internal drainage saves cellars and basements from flooding.

It is recommended to equip the drainage system together with the waterproofing of the foundation in the presence of the considered risk factors. This avoids the accumulation of water near and inside courtyard buildings, which provides a significant increase in the comfort of living conditions and increases the service life of buildings.

System device

Basement drainage is a closed system. The drainage of water from the structure is done in 2 ways:

  • closed, when perforated pipes are laid underground for drainage;
  • open, in which trenches are dug and equipped in a special way, creating a semblance of trays.

Quite often, if you have to deal with significant volumes of water, especially on clay soils, both methods are used in combination.

Any drainage system consists of the following elements:

  • water collectors created from pipes with holes or gutters;
  • drainage and manholes;
  • pipelines.

Initially, water enters perforated pipes, and from there to all wells. There it is absorbed by the soil or pumped out with a pump.

Types of drainage systems

Often, the basement drainage system of a private house is created when planning construction work. It is done both outside the building and from the inside.

The table below shows the characteristics of each option for arranging drainage.

Drainage inside basementExternal water drainage system
1 involves the installation of pipes on the floor or, if it is earthen, their slight penetration into the soilin this case, the drainage network is laid along the base outside the house, digging deeper trenches
2 purpose of internal drainage - removal of already penetrated waterdesigned to divert water from the base, in order to prevent its entry into the basement (cellar)
3 the creation is accompanied by smaller volumes of earthworksmore expensive than the first option and labor costs are higher
4 the floor will need to be raised by the diameter of the pipes or cut ditches in it under themcharacterized by greater performance than the internal method

In warm regions, external drainage is accompanied by lower labor and financial costs compared to cold ones. This is due to the fact that trenches dig shallow depths. If underground aquifers are deep from the surface, then even surface storm gutters can be dispensed with.

Arrangement of internal drainage

An internal dehydration system is often created when it is impossible or very problematic to organize external drainage. The arrangement of the drainage network of the basement from the inside is done in 2 ways:

  • pipes (perforated) are laid, connecting them to the well from the outside;
  • mount a vertical riser.

The first case implies that the do-it-yourself drainage system in the basement is created as follows:

  • the room is preliminarily drained and its walls are waterproofed;
  • along the perimeter of the room, trenches are dug in the earthen floor, having a depth of about 0.3 m, and grooves are created in the concrete using a perforator or chipper;
  • drain pipes are laid in the recesses, connecting them with a well;
  • fall asleep the mounted network with gravel or crushed stone;
  • make a concrete screed;
  • waterproofing the floor and laying a new one on top.

This drainage option assumes that the liquid will be collected inside the tank and pumped to the outside, or without it, when you can make a slope for the stack.

The second method is implemented if the geological conditions at the site allow. At the same time, water is diverted into a foundation pillow of sand. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • choosing any corner of the basement, they dig a pit there with dimensions of 0.3x0.3x0.3 m;
  • in its center a well is made with a diameter of 3–4 cm and a depth of 2–3 m;
  • a plastic tube is inserted inside, having holes on both sides.

Through the holes of the upper end, water enters the tube, and through the lower end into the sand.

The simplest option on how to make drainage in the basement of a house on your own is to install a pipe for drainage and install a barrel with a pump as a sump. The latter is necessary for pumping liquid into external wells.

Do-it-yourself drainage of a basement or cellar from the inside can be combined with external drainage. This increases the efficiency of the system made with the possibility of flooding with groundwater.

Creation of an external drainage system

The basement drainage in the house is laid outside, taking into account the fact that the water intake reservoir will be the lowest section. At the same time, water will drain due to the presence of a slope. The reservoirs are plastic containers or prefabricated concrete wells.

When performing work, the following materials are used:

  • crushed stone or gravel;
  • sand;
  • geotextile;
  • wells;
  • pipes with a cross section from 100 to 150 mm with holes and fittings.

For the manufacture of wells, pipes of large diameters, starting from 250 mm, can also be used.

Installation of the drainage system goes through a number of stages;

  • remove the formwork of the base;
  • trenches are dug along the foundation with a depth slightly below the base of the building and 0.4 m wide;
  • the recess is drained and its bottom is leveled;
  • apply a waterproofing coating to the foundation walls, and, if necessary, insulate them;
  • geotextiles are laid with a margin at the bottom of the trench;
  • from above, a backfill is made with a ten-centimeter layer of rubble, while creating with its help a slope in the right direction;
  • install a drainage line by installing manholes at an average distance of 20 m;
  • testing the system;
  • fall asleep pipes-drains with rubble;
  • all are closed with the left free edges of the geotextile;
  • make a mixture of sand, soil and gravel and fill it with a trench;
  • install a water intake at a distance of 10 m from the basement, placing it half a meter deeper than the drains are located;
  • connect the well to the drainage circuit, using a tee for this purpose, using a main pipe with a diameter of 150 mm;
  • the ditch is filled with the prepared mixture.

The main water intake well should be periodically drained so that the water in it is at a lower level than in the pipes. A pump equipped with appropriate sensors will simplify the whole process.

A variant of the drainage device in the basement is shown in the following video.

Effective basement drainage allows you to get rid of flooding, protect the foundation from destruction and extend the life of the structure. For the installation of a drainage system, you can attract specialists or do all the work yourself, which will save on construction. A variant of the drainage method is recommended to be determined at the design stage in order to avoid additional costs for rework and facilitate the process of creating a system.

If the cellar for vegetables is constantly damp, then the crop grown and harvested with difficulty will be lost in the blink of an eye. You can’t save food there, and it will always be dank on the first floor of the cottage in winter. It is necessary to do the drainage of the cellar with your own hands or with the involvement of hired workers. Only well-executed drainage in the basement will save food and save the house from dampness.

Getting rid of water in the cellar is difficult and difficult, but it is quite possible even with your own hands. Basement flooding occurs due to floods or heavy rains. There is a lot of moisture and it flows into the underground room, which is the lowest point on adjoining area.

Need a dry cellar in a house or garage - make drainage for it

As a result of such a flood, damage is caused not only to the products stored inside, but also to the foundation of the dwelling. Water can destroy the most reliable foundation. Be sure to take care of its removal and drying the basement. Without drainage in the cellar, the structure above it can lead.

No matter how carefully the basement walls and floor are sealed, water will still find its way. Even through small cracks in a couple of days it will accumulate a lot in the cellar. You will either have to constantly pump out moisture, or build a gravity drainage system around the cottage.

There are many points of water penetration into the cellar, they must first be sealed

Drainage from the house can be done in two ways:

  1. Open - surface, with the help of storm trays.
  2. Closed - underground, with perforated drainage pipes.

Often with large volumes of water and clay soils you have to combine both options. However, if the aquifers lie deep and do not create problems, then when arranging drainage in the cellar, surface storm sewers can be dispensed with.

Advice! If on personal plot the clay layer in the ground has a slope towards the house or garage, then even the most reliable waterproofing will not save the basement from flooding. Not without water supply.

Drainage scheme with water diversion into a street storm collector

Any drainage system consists of:

  • water collectors (perforated pipes or gutters);
  • drainage pipelines;
  • wells (inspection and drainage).

First, water is diverted from the foundation into the water intake wells, and then pumped out from there using pumps or drained into the ground.

How best to drain the cellar: outside or inside

The drainage system in the basement can be equipped both inside and outside the building. In the first case drainage pipes they are laid on the floor of the cellar, and in the second - on the street along the foundation.

The drainage system inside the basement is easier to make, there will be less excavation work. However, you will have to raise the floor by the thickness of the pipes, which will reduce the size of the room, or break the concrete floor slab. street option more expensive and more difficult to implement, but it is also more productive.

It should be clearly understood that the internal drainage in the cellar is able to collect only water that has already got inside. From high humidity and it will not protect the mold associated with it. But if it is supplemented with good exhaust ventilation, then the basement will definitely be dry.

Scheme of the internal drainage system in the cellar

Important point! In most situations, the internal drainage system will need to install a pump, and this is an additional expense and dependence on electricity.

Another significant difference between internal and external drainage is the level of laying pipes and wells. Inside, drainage pipelines, under any circumstances, will have to be mounted on the existing floor or, if it is earthen, go a little deeper into the ground. External catchment well at the same time, it will be necessary to dig in to a depth a little lower so that the water flows into it by gravity.

When laying drain pipes along the foundation outside the house, it is recommended to dig trenches below the freezing point of the soil. You will have to dig a lot. But in warm regions, they can be deepened by only half a meter, and these are completely different volumes of soil excavation and labor costs.

The technology of installing a drainage system in the cellar

Drainage in the basement can be done internal or external. In many ways, the construction process is the same, but there are certain features and nuances. In any case, it is necessary to carry out geodetic studies of the soil structure and draw up a draft drainage system. This should be done by a competent specialist, amateur performance here can be expensive. Earth and installation work a lot, and the result of unprofessional design will be zero.

External underground catchment along the foundation

To begin with, a trench up to half a meter wide is dug around the perimeter of the house. At its bottom, a cushion of sand with gravel (15–20 cm) is formed, on which geotextiles are spread. Then gravel (10 cm) is poured on it and perforated pipes are laid. Then they are sprinkled with rubble from the sides and top, and wrapped with geotextile.

Manholes and storage tanks are made using the same technology. A gravel-sand cushion is poured at the bottom, and plastic containers or reinforced concrete rings are installed on it.

Important! All drainage pipes should be laid at an angle of 2-3 degrees to the final storm pit. The water must flow in there.

Geotextiles should not be neglected, otherwise the perforation will quickly become clogged with silt, and the drainage will stop functioning properly. It is better to immediately purchase pipes wrapped with needle-punched geotextiles. The price will be more expensive, but you don’t have to mess around with wrapping.

Internal drainage: two options

Drainage inside the cellar can be done in two ways, by:

  • laying perforated pipes with water drainage into a well outside the building;
  • installation of a vertical drainage riser.

The first option is equipped, as well as external drainage. Only pipes are mounted inside the basement along the walls. If the floor is concreted, the drains are placed in the strobes punched in it. And in the case of an earthen one, you will have to dig a groove 30 cm deep around the perimeter of the room. The collected water is drained into an external well using a pipe laid in the basement wall or foundation.

Internal drainage of the basement in a private house

The second method involves the formation in one of the corners of the cellar a pit 20–30 cm deep and 30x30 cm in size, in the middle of which a well 3–4 cm thick is drilled. plastic pipe perforated at both ends. The upper holes will absorb the water that has flowed into the pit from the cellar floor, and the lower ones will drain it into the sand deep in the ground. In this case, the well will have to be buried by two to three meters so that it passes through the clay layer.

Drainage cellar in the garage

If the garage is insulated and landscaped, then it is better to organize drainage in the cellar by adopting one of the above methods. But for a regular viewing hole, you can choose a simpler option.

The easiest drainage option is a drain pipe and a barrel outside with a pump

The simplest drainage system in a garage is a drainage pipe from the bottom of the cellar to a recessed tank outside, from which water will be pumped out as needed using a submersible pump. Everything is basic and cheap.

Video: how to drain groundwater from the basement

Do not consider drainage for the cellar a whim and a waste of money. The basement drainage system allows you to save supplies for the winter and avoid the destruction of the foundation, it fully pays for itself. However, before proceeding with the laying of drainage pipes, a project should be prepared. And the main point here is the study of the characteristics of the soil, which only a specialist can competently analyze.

When building a house, you need to take care of arranging the drainage of the basement.

In some cases, this point can be missed, but it should be mandatory if:

Drainage well in basement

  • the land plot is located at the foot of the slope, along which rain or melt water constantly flows;
  • cases of flooding after snow melt or heavy rain are known;
  • the soil on which the house is located is loamy or clay, therefore, it prevents the penetration of water into the soil and its uniform distribution over the site.

Here, the drainage of the basement must be carried out without fail, otherwise it cannot be avoided by flooding.

What to do if there is groundwater in the basement

If you notice that water often accumulates in the basement of the house, the problem can be solved in several ways:

The first condition must be fulfilled.

But, waterproofing alone will not completely eliminate the re-flooding of the basement.

That is why it is necessary to additionally make internal or external drainage. Let's consider this question further.

The device of internal and external drainage in the basement

How is internal drainage done in the basement

Initially, it is worth noting that the internal drainage in the basement collects water that has already penetrated here, so it will not protect the room well from mold and fungus.

It should also be noted that when arranging such a system, the floor will have to be raised, sacrificing free space.

Disposal of water outside the building can also be accompanied by certain difficulties.

But, if you still decide to make internal drainage in the basement of the house, consider step by step instructions to its implementation.

Basement internal drainage

Before starting work, prepare the following tools and materials:

Now you can start to do the drainage of the basement with your own hands.

You will need to do the following work:

This way of arranging drainage in the basement will prevent its flooding. But, for more effective protection rooms from water should still be equipped with external drainage.

How is external basement drainage done?

External drainage in a garage or basement is considered more efficient.

For its arrangement, all the same materials will be needed as in the previous case, in addition, manholes will only be needed.

The sequence of work looks like this:

External basement drainage

  • dismantle the foundation formwork, impregnate with a waterproofing solution and paste over with slab insulation;
  • dig a ditch around the perimeter of the building. Its depth should be about 50-70 cm from the level of the base;

    Ditch along the perimeter of the building

  • dig a hole for a drainage well at a distance of 10-15 meters;
  • lay a layer of geotextile at the bottom of the trench for drainage pipes - so that its edges can cover the drainage layer;

    Geotextile layer at the bottom of the ditch and rubble

  • a layer of crushed stone of 10 cm is poured onto the geotextile, with its help a slope is made - 1-2 cm per meter. The slope is arranged in the direction of the drainage well;
  • lay drainage pipes with a diameter of 110 mm in trenches. Connect the corners of the products with special fittings;
  • make manholes on the corner joints of the pipes. Make sure that the wells are located no more than at a distance of 20 meters from each other;

    This is what a viewing well looks like

  • check the strength of all connections;
  • pour a layer of rubble on top;
  • cover the drainage with the free edges of the geotextile. It is advisable to connect them with a strong synthetic twine that is resistant to decay;
  • fill the trench with sand or gravel from above, then with soil;
  • next, you need to dig a trench for the main pipe, which will connect the system to the drainage well. This trench should be 20-50 cm deeper than the ring trench, this will help to make the necessary slope;

    Trench for main pipe

  • lay a layer of crushed stone at the bottom of the trench, level it, taking into account the required slope indicators;
  • lay a drainage pipe with a diameter of 150 mm, wrapped with geofabric;
  • pour a layer of sand and soil on top.

We fall asleep a drainage ditch

The work on the arrangement of external drainage can be considered completed. Now you can not be afraid of flooding the basement or cellar.

How to dry out a garage cellar

If water accumulates in the garage cellar, then the problem can be solved very simply.

To do this, you don’t even have to drain the cellar in the garage, you can use a simpler and more effective method.

To do this, do the following:

This method is suitable for an unimproved basement, when drainage in the garage It is impractical to perform due to the higher cost of materials and work. But the submersible pump will do its job perfectly, it will automatically turn on and off when the permissible position of the float is violated.

External garage drain

Of course, if the garage is well-maintained, equipped with valuable equipment, then it is best to do the drainage in the garage with your own hands, choosing one of the above schemes.

It is better to make an external version of the drainage or in combination with an internal one.

So water will not flow into the room, all things will remain safe and sound. The garage will always remain dry.


Many developers decide to build a house with a basement. The cost of building a basement is comparable to the cost of building a conventional floor.

In the basement, only non-residential, auxiliary premises can be located - laundry, gym, sauna, boiler room, workshop, pantry, etc. All these rooms with better comfort and convenience would be placed on an ordinary floor or attic.

In the recent past, it was customary to build houses on deep strip foundations. The arrangement of a basement in such a house was really beneficial - the foundation served as the outer walls of the basement rooms.

Application in modern low-rise construction of lightweight structures and makes the device in the basement house unprofitable.

Nevertheless, lovers of tradition and solidity often choose a house with a basement on strip foundation deep laying. To comfortably use the premises in the basement, the basement must be protected from ground moisture.

How to protect the basement or basement from water and dampness

present constantly. The level of groundwater, the amount of perched water, soil moisture on the site change according to the seasons of the year and depend on the structure and properties of the soil, the amount of precipitation, the terrain and the type of coverage on the site.

If the house is located on a slope, then, as a rule, it is necessary to divert water flowing down the slope from the house. Water flows down the slope both along the surface and underground horizons.

To protect the basement from water, two lines of defense are arranged:

  1. Annular drainage around the house, at the level of the sole of the foundation, which intercepts and diverts from the walls of the basement most of the water tending to flood the basement.
  2. Waterproofing of basement walls and floors, designed mainly to protect against capillary soil moisture.

Only basement waterproofing, without a drainage device, leads to the fact that water still finds a hole. If not immediately, then in a few years. Damp basement - money down the drain.

If you decide to make a basement or basement in the house, then wall drainage is recommended to be done, you will not regret.

Wall drainage is done simultaneously with the foundation. Its cost is minimal., compared to the cost of protecting an already flooded or damp basement from water.

If you want to take a chance, save on a drainage device and abandon its device, then conduct a thorough research. Assess seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels at the site. Does it appear in the spring Ask your neighbors if they have drainage, if their basement heats up.

Lack of drainage, as a rule, will require strengthening the waterproofing of the foundation and increasing the cost of its installation.

The design of the wall drainage is adapted solely to protect the basement or basement from the water. If it is necessary to solve other problems, for example, lower the groundwater level throughout the site or reduce water saturation, then other types of drainage are used.

The device of wall drainage around the basement, as a rule, is mandatory:

  • With a constant or seasonal rise in the groundwater level above the base of the foundation.
  • If perched water appears on the site in the spring.
  • For a house located on a slope, from the side of the water running up the slope.
  • If the site has a waterproof layer of soil.

The last condition is caused by this. The soil cushion of the foundation and the sinuses of the foundation pit are usually covered with permeable soil to reduce the forces of frost heaving. If the soil on the site is waterproof, then the surface water will seep into the permeable backfill of the foundation and accumulate there.

Where to send water from the roof

Water flowing from the roof through the downpipes should not seep into the ground next to the walls of the house.

You can find a description of the device of the drainage system, which directs water from the roof into the wall drainage pipes. Wall drainage pipes in this case have a dual purpose - they serve both to collect groundwater around the foundation and to transport water from the roof.

Using leaky wall drainage pipes to also move water from the roof is quite risky, and usually ends up flooding the basement during heavy rain.

It is best to carry out a separate drainage system to drain water from the roof and surface runoff from the sites on the site.

Wall drainage around the foundation of the house in the context

(click on picture to enlarge)

Scheme of the ring wall drainage of the basement of the house

Drainage pipes - drains, are laid along the walls of the foundation and create a protective ring around the house. At the corners, the ring of drains breaks in the drainage wells. The water collected by drains is discharged into a storage, collection well.

Water can be removed from a prefabricated storage well in several directions:

  • Used on the site for household needs and watering plantings.
  • Drop on terrain outside the site.
  • Filter into the underlying soil layers.
  • Go to the central sewer of the village.

The method of using drainage water is chosen based on local conditions and the desires of the owner of the house.

In order to discharge drainage water into the central sewerage of the village, according to the rules, the permission of the owner of the sewerage network and payment for services for the reception and transportation of wastewater are required.

In drainage wells, soil particles settle, settle to the bottom and accumulate carried by water in drains. In addition, through the wells, the proper operation of the drainage system is monitored and periodically, as necessary, the drain area is washed with a jet of water from the deposits accumulated there.

Drainage wells are installed at the corners of the route, when the slope or difference in height changes, as well as on straight sections every 40-50 meters. It is not necessary to install a well at the corners of the turn if the distance from the corner to the nearest well is not more than 20 meters. The absence of wells at two corners of rotation in a row is not allowed.

Drain pipe slope

The length of the drain section between adjacent drainage wells should be no more than 50 meters. Drains are laid with a slope of more than 0.5% (0.5 cm per 1 meter of pipe length) towards the collection well.

The angle of inclination is selected so that at the lower mark of the drainage ring around the house, the lower edge of the drain is placed at 20 cm(to the height of the gravel bed) above the base of the foundation. At the upper mark of the ring, the bottom of the drain should be located at 20 cm. below floor level in the basement.

It is not allowed to deepen wall drainage (including gravel bedding) into the sand cushion of the foundation, so as not to reduce the bearing capacity of the pillow and foundation.

To place pipes with the required slope sometimes it is required to increase the distance between the sole of the foundation and the level of the floor in the basement more than is required for design reasons. This increases the cost of building a foundation.

In this case it can be beneficial to abandon the construction of wall drainage and perform remote drainage. Remote drainage pipes are laid at a distance of 1-3 m. from the foundation. In this case, the lower mark of the drains in height may be lower than the base of the foundation.

Remote drainage can also be beneficial to protect an already built house with a basement.

Ring wall drainage device

How to make wall drainage with your own hands is clear from the drawings, which show the whole process step by step.


Geotextile is a synthetic fabric specially designed for laying in the ground. The material allows water to pass through, but retains soil particles. In the design of the drainage, it prevents silting of the filter bed, drainage plates and pipes with soil particles.

Filtering, draining layer on the foundation wall

On the foundation wall drainage slabs or drainage mats are placed on top of the waterproofing. Special permeable slabs or mats made of polymeric material intercept water that seeps to the foundation wall. Through channels in slabs or mats, water descends to the gravel and then enters the drainage pipes.

In addition, drainage slabs or mats protect the waterproofing from mechanical damage.

The drainage slab is separated from the soil with a layer of geotextile. Manufacturers produce drainage mats with a layer of geotextile already attached to their surface.

Drainage slabs can be easily made by hand. Plates are cast from Expanded clay of the largest and lightest fractions (20-40 mm and more), Slabs of this material will not only drain water, but also serve as a basement wall insulation. Plates with a thickness of at least 100 mm. lay out dry with dressing along the basement wall and cover with a geotextile sheet.

For insulation of basement walls, instead of drainage boards on the waterproofing of the foundation, insulation boards are spot-glued - extruded polystyrene foam 100 thick mm A profiled plastic membrane and geotextiles are fixed on top of the insulation boards.

On sale are membranes with a geotextile sheet already attached to their surface. Through the channels of the membrane, the water that has seeped through the geotextile flows down to the gravel sprinkling of the drainage pipe. The membrane also protects the insulation from soil damage.

Drainage pipes

On sale in the construction market there are drainage corrugated plastic perforated pipes with holes evenly spaced on the surface. Outside, the pipes are covered with a layer of geotextile, which protects the pipes from clogging with soil particles.

For wall drainage, pipes with a diameter of at least 100 mm.

Pipes are joined together with the help of special couplings. At the angles of rotation, it is recommended to join the pipes with two fittings with a rotation angle other than 90 degrees. As a result, the rotation of the pipe will be smoother.

Drainage wells

Drainage wells are assembled from ready-made plastic sections with a diameter of about 300 mm.

You can use any other pipes of approximately the specified size. The bottom of the well should be below the level of the drainage pipes by 200-500 mm.

Every two to three years, the wells are cleaned and the drainage pipes are washed with a jet of water.

Prefabricated storage well

The water collected by the drainage system is discharged into a collection well. A well is a reservoir where some amount of drainage water accumulates. From the reservoir, using a submersible drainage pump, water is periodically pumped out in a certain direction, for example, into a surface drain and further to the relief outside the site.

The capacity of the well - the volume from the bottom to the supply pipe, is chosen large enough, so that the frequency of pumping water is not burdensome for the owners.

If the pumping process is automated, then the volume of the well and the degree of concern of the owners can be significantly reduced. To do this, a stationary drainage pump equipped with a float switch is installed in the well and electricity is supplied.

In the latter case, for the device of a collection well of small volume it is convenient to use the same design as for the drainage well. In order to increase the volume and ensure the operation of the pump, the collection well is made deeper than the drainage one.

It is necessary to follow that the water level in the collection well did not rise above the level of the drainage pipes.

Drainage water from a collection well can be pumped into an underground tank, where it is accumulated and used for watering plantings, washing cars and other household needs. This is beneficial if in the same container direct the water of the surface drain from the roof of the house and from the sites on the site.

The device of the storage tank, similar to the design of a septic tank autonomous sewerage. For example, such a well-shaped tank, like a septic tank, is made from. You can also use plastic containers.

Water from the roof and from the surface drainage system under no circumstances should it fall into drainage system. Drainage will not cope with the removal of large amounts of water during a rainstorm and rainwater through the drainage can flood the basement. Pipes and wells of drainage and drainage systems must be isolated from each other.

If on site low level groundwater, and the bottom layer of soil in the area is permeable, then the prefabricated well can be made in the form. Water from the well will seep into the permeable layer of soil. The depth of the well should be such that the filtration zone is in a permeable soil layer.

Frost protection of the drainage system

Drainage system - drains, wells at the level of drains and below, in winter should be in a non-freezing layer of soil. It is known that in spring water appears on the surface of the earth much earlier than the soil frozen at depth thaws. Frozen drainage will not be able to keep water away from the foundation.

The soil surrounding the drainage may freeze if located higher. For example, for the Moscow region, the estimated depth will be 0.7 m. This development is especially likely if the basement of the house is not heated or well insulated.

In case of danger of freezing, the soil is insulated, laying under the blind area of ​​the building a slab of PSB 35 foam or extruded polystyrene foam 100 thick mm.