If the summer cottage is a peat bog. How to clean up a wetland

It happens that a summer resident gets a wetland for use. There is little joy in this, but do not despair, because many effective ways combat this shortcoming. Even the territory of the world-famous Versailles was once an impenetrable swamp, and many botanical gardens, for example, in Sukhumi, are located where even a hundred or two years ago it was impossible to even pass.

swampy areas

Many try to deal with excess moisture by filling the area with brought sand or earth - this is a gross mistake that will not bring results. The swamp is very tenacious, being the most resistant hydraulic system, so in just a year or two the land will again become swampy. For effective fight you need to resort to other, longer, more complex and costly technologies, but all the efforts are worth it.

First you need to decide on the type of swamp, because they are lowland and upland, and the differences between them are very significant, therefore the methods of struggle are different. Lowland swamps are located in relief depressions, excessive moisture is observed due to the close occurrence ground water. In such areas, the soil itself is very fertile, contains a large amount of nutrients and even peat, but plants, and especially fruit and berry bushes and trees, grow poorly, disappearing in just a couple of years, so in order to grow a real garden and vegetable garden, and not a flower bed with unpretentious annuals, you will have to put a lot of effort.

Pond in the garden

Plants disappear due to the fact that the moist earth does not allow enough oxygen to pass through, and the roots suffocate, and groundwater contributes to their decay. Also, toxic products (aluminum salt, nitrates, various types of gases, acids) are often formed in wet swampy soil, preventing plant growth.

Methods for draining lowland swamps

Drainage of lowland swamps is possible using the following methods:

Help from professionals

You can invite a team of specialists who, with the help of pumps, will almost instantly pump out all the excess water from the site, significant drainage can be observed on the same day. But it is quite expensive, and sometimes the problem of waterlogging comes back.


The introduction of sand in equal proportions with the parent rock improves the quality of the soil, and air exchange is also enhanced. In order to improve the yield of the resulting soil, it is recommended to add humus to it, which will allow you to grow vegetables and herbs on the site.


In order to effectively and permanently drain a swampy area, all experts recommend making drains or drainage. It is best done with a plastic pipe system with small holes in the walls. They should be laid in specially dug ditches with a depth of about 60-70 cm for clay, 75-85 for loam and up to a meter for sandy areas. Drains must be pulled out with a slope, so the water in them will not stagnate, but will be able to drain into a sewer, well or pond, this should be the lowest point of the site.

Trees in the swamp

The most efficient way is to use a herringbone system, in which small pipes collect excess moisture from the entire area and carry it to the main pipe, which removes water from the area. In swampy garden farms, as a rule, there is already a common drainage ditch, in case of its absence, water can be diverted to the nearest reservoir. You can also dig a well, the lower boundary of which will be below the groundwater level, fill it with rubble, water will flow into it. With such an integrated approach, the drainage of the site will be noticeable in a couple of days - a week. The drains themselves can be covered with earth, but to facilitate their care, they can be covered with gravel or crushed stone.

open ditches

To remove excess moisture directly from the surface of the earth, open ditches can be made, the edges of which should be beveled by about 20 degrees to avoid shedding, but this method is not used in sandy areas, since the ditches quickly collapse and the sand is washed out. This method of drying is very common, it can be seen in almost every garden. The disadvantage of this method is the gradual sprinkling, clogging of the watercourse with plant particles and debris, and water blooming, so these structures must be regularly cleaned with a conventional shovel.

French ditches

In France, the drainage of wetlands is carried out using deep ditches covered with rubble. For the system to be effective, you must either dig trenches and lead them into a well, or dig ditches to a layer of sand that will let water through. Such ditches are more aesthetic, do not clog and do not bloom, but when they are clogged with earth, cleaning is very complicated. But the ditch can be disguised as a path, strewn with pebbles, rubble, or laid out wooden slices on top.


The technology of their work is similar to ditches, for this it is necessary to dig holes a meter deep, about half a meter in diameter at the bottom point and up to two at the top. They should be dug at the lowest points of the site, and then covered with rubble. All excess water will drain into such wells.

dig a pond

After the construction of a decorative pond, excess water will drain into it and evaporate, and soon there will be a significant draining of the site. For these purposes, the Cross Canal was built a long time ago in the French residence of the monarchs of Versailles - the effectiveness of the method is obvious.

Drainage of swampy areas

tree planting

Some tree species can save a wetland from waterlogging. The most useful for these purposes willow and birch, which can evaporate a large amount of moisture through the leaf blades. These trees qualitatively dry nearby soil areas, however, it may take several years to completely drain the area. You can think over the design of the site in advance, initially planting only moisture-loving crops, and when the trees have completed their task, move on to the desired plant species.

Raised beds

In order to be able to grow vegetables and herbs, wetland owners must make high beds, thus excess moisture will collect in the ditches between the beds, and the plots themselves will become noticeably drier. Moreover, there is such a pattern: the higher the site is raised, the more diverse crops can be grown on it. Many people think that farming is impossible in waterlogged areas, but one need only look at photographs of a Dutch or Finnish garden surrounded by a complex system of canals to be convinced of the effectiveness of the method. Indeed, in these countries, with the help of technology and labor, almost everything is grown, and they also make good money on it.

imported soil

It is possible to raise the level of the site with the help of additionally imported land, which, after plowing, will mix with fertile, but heavy marshy soils, as a result, the site will become suitable for growing crops and very fertile, experts note that cultivated marshy lands do not require fertilization for several more years.


It is not necessary to fight the swampy area, it can be interesting to beat the unusual moisture content of the summer cottage: dig a pond, plant it with moisture-loving plants, choosing the design of a traditional swamp corner. In such conditions, lingonberries, cranberries, iris, Volzhanka, hydrangea, rhododendron, spirea, thuja, chokeberry and cotoneaster feel great. Fern and girlish grapes will complement the beauty of the swamp garden. Perhaps you will like such beauty so much that you no longer want to change anything.

Arrangement of a reservoir

The raised swamp is formed on watersheds, that is, hills, and does not depend on the level of groundwater. Excess moisture in such areas is formed due to the fact that incoming precipitation is delayed, not being able to seep below due to the impermeable horizon, most often it is clay. The soil of raised bogs is not very fertile and rather acidic. To use such areas, it is necessary to reduce the acidity of the soil; dolomite flour, slaked lime and chalk are suitable for this. Also, fertile land and manure must be constantly brought to such places in order to get a plot suitable for growing vegetables in a couple of years.

Becoming the owner of a swampy area, do not despair, because if you know what and how to do it right, you can not only make this piece of land suitable for growing vegetables, berries and fruits, but also build on it country house. Just gotta get to it important business comprehensively, responsibly and intelligently. From the foregoing, we can conclude that there are a huge number of ways to deal with a wetland, but it may turn out that even these effective methods will not help, and then it remains only to accept and equip such a site in the country. For this, there are many different effective ways that will help even decorate such a site.

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It's no secret that the swampland is absolutely impossible to use in any way, besides, the swamp can be a source of potential threats, for example, various diseases. For these reasons, people should not settle, build structures, or establish farmland near wetlands. Also, do not forget that the swamp is a complex ecosystem and its drainage has an extremely negative effect on the environment. There is a violation of all natural processes, which can lead to partial or complete death of the surrounding fauna and flora. However, the drainage of swamps also brings undoubted benefits: the land becomes suitable for use, that is, construction can be carried out on this site, the soil is saturated with oxygen and mineralized due to sulfuric acid, which is obtained by oxidizing pyrite. Thus, one of the best soils for planting crops is created.
Drainage of swamps is usually carried out on an industrial scale, but summer residents in their backyards also face the problem of excessive humidity and high groundwater levels. Drainage systems are used to eliminate problems of this kind.

There are three ways to drain swamps - closed, open and combined.

Swamps hinder development greenhouse effect. They, no less than forests, can be called the "lungs of the planet." The fact is that the reaction of the formation of organic substances from carbon dioxide and water during photosynthesis, according to its total equation, is opposite to the oxidation reaction of organic substances during respiration, and therefore, during the decomposition of organic matter, carbon dioxide, previously bound by plants, is released back into the atmosphere (mainly due to the respiration of bacteria). One of the main processes that can reduce the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the burial of undecomposed organic matter, which happens in swamps that form deposits of peat, which then transforms into coal. (Other similar processes are the deposition of carbonates (CaCO 3) at the bottom of reservoirs and chemical reactions flowing in the earth's crust and mantle). Therefore, the practice of draining swamps, carried out in XIX-XX centuries, from the point of view of the environment is destructive.

On the other hand, swamps are one of the sources of bacterial methane (one of the greenhouse gases) in the atmosphere. In the near future, an increase in the volume of swamp methane in the atmosphere is expected due to the melting of swamps in the permafrost region.

Wetlands are natural water filters and agroecosystem orderlies.

Valuable plants grow in the swamps (blueberries, cranberries, cloudberries).

Peat is used in medicine (mud treatment), as fuel, fertilizer in agriculture, feed for farm animals, raw materials for the chemical industry.

Peat bogs serve as a source of finds for paleobiology and archeology - well-preserved remains of plants, pollen, seeds, bodies of ancient people are found in them.

For the latter, swamp ore was a source for the manufacture of iron products.

Previously, the swamp was considered a disastrous place for humans. Cattle strayed from the herd died in the swamps. Because of the bites of malarial mosquitoes, entire villages died out. Vegetation in the swamps is sparse: light green moss, small rosemary shrubs, sedge, heather. The trees in the swamps are stunted. Gnarled lonely pines, birches and thickets of alder.

People sought to drain "dead places" and use the land for fields and pastures.

Draining swamps: full back!

("Deutsche Welle", Germany)

Draining swamps makes it possible to introduce vast territories into agricultural circulation, but at the same time, it sharply increases the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

There are few swamps left in Germany today. And there used to be a lot. But then the idea of ​​draining them and turning them into agricultural land triumphed. Only relatively recently, environmentalists and biologists managed to convey to the general public that a huge amount of carbon has been accumulated in peatlands, which is released in the process of draining swamps and goes into the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide, enhancing the greenhouse effect. Not to mention the fact that the drainage of swamps leads to the disappearance of unique biotopes with their unique flora and fauna.

Therefore, today in Germany, concepts are being actively developed for the regeneration of previously developed peatlands by re-watering them and restoring the former hydrological regime of former bogs. A number of such projects were presented at the recent annual session of the Ecological Society in Lüneburg.

^ Swamp VIP project

One of the projects is called VIP - but one should not think that we are talking about "a particularly important - or, if you like, a very eminent - person." “Nothing like that! This abbreviation means Vorpommern-Initiative Paludikultur - that is, the Western Pomeranian initiative for the reclamation of swamps. Palus means swamp in Latin,” explains Professor Michael Manthey, plant ecologist at the University of Greifswald.

Through this project, the scientists hope to find out whether swamps can serve as additional land for the cultivation of such industrial crops, which are used as renewable energy and biomass sources. Indeed, today the whole world, and Germany is no exception, is experiencing an acute shortage of such resources, and experts have long puzzled over this problem. “This is a solution if the marshes are not drained. But that's the rub," says Professor Mantai.

^ Back to the starting line

The use of wetlands as hay and pasture land has been practiced for a long time, however, peatlands are preliminarily drained, which is accompanied by the emission of a huge amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. And the artificial regeneration of swamps, that is, their secondary watering, starts the process of the formation of new peat, while carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is again absorbed and bound.

The only question is whether it is possible to continue to use the restored swamp for agricultural purposes? And if so, how? It is these questions that scientists are trying to find within the framework of the VIP project: after all, in the northeast of Germany, in the territory of Vorpommern, there are a lot of eutrophic, that is, shallow, well-warmed lowland bogs rich in nutrients and fed by groundwater.

^ Cane can also be a biofuel, ..

The idea, in fact, is to cultivate plants there that naturally prefer swampy soils. “This is, first of all, an ordinary reed,” says Professor Mantai. - It is also possible that reed canary grass is also suitable. But it can also be representatives of the forest flora, that is, trees. For example, red alder. Or mixed vegetation - say, reeds and various types of sedge.

Stems are of the greatest interest to experts. Now, in particular, research is underway to determine how suitable cane is as a raw material for biofuel production. “Current experiments are carried out in conjunction with high school in Stralsund, explains Prof. Mantai. “These experiments concern not only the properties that characterize the combustion of the reed, but also, say, its suitability for briquetting and granulation.”

...and an additive in building materials

However, the possibility of using marsh cereal grasses as an additive in building materials is also being considered, the scientist says: “Experiments are being made on the use of reed stems as a reinforcing filler in the production of fire-resistant wall panels for interior decoration buildings and premises by dry method.

For a long time, environmentalists have advocated the cessation of all agricultural activities in peat bogs. Now, such activities, apparently, will help restore the marshes to their original appearance and at the same time allow the production of a significant amount of valuable plant material.

^ There are still many unresolved issues

Biology professor Volkmar Wolters, president of the Ecological Society, explains: “Over the next 40 years, we will have to increase the production of plant biomass by 60% compared to the current level, otherwise we will not be able to meet the needs of mankind. If we stop destroying nature with the production of biomass, if we learn, on the contrary, to regenerate it, especially such valuable biotopes as swamps, this will become a very important contribution to the overall concept of nature conservation.”

However, with one caveat, Professor Wolters adds: “Measures must be taken to ensure that the agricultural use of swamps is not too intensive. So that fertilizers or some other chemicals that disrupt the natural development of swamps do not suddenly start to be applied to peatlands.

^ What about methane?

And we still have to deal with the problem of methane, which, as you know, in the absence of oxygen is formed biogenically in waterlogged soils - it is not for nothing that it is called swamp gas. It is necessary to compare the amount of carbon dioxide that the regenerated swamps will absorb from the atmosphere with the amount of methane that the same swamps will release into the atmosphere. It is extremely important to take into account that the greenhouse activity of methane is 21 times higher than that of carbon dioxide. And if it turns out that the climate of our planet from the regeneration of swamps, in the end, is still more harm than good, then the VIP project and all other concepts similar to it will apparently have to be buried.

What does improper drainage of swamps lead to?


  1. The Great Encyclopedia of Oil and Gas http://www.ngpedia.ru/id225514p1.html

  2. P. Vvedensky "Guide to draining and cultivating swamps"

  3. Avakyan A. B., Shirokov V. M.: Rational use of water resources: Textbook for geogr. , biol. and builds. specialist. universities - Yekaterinburg, publishing house "Victor", 1994. - 320 p.

  4. Karlovsky VF : The impact of land reclamation on the environment. In book. Land reclamation and environmental protection. Collection of scientific papers. - Minsk, publishing house BelNIIMiVKh, 1989. 212 p.

Waterlogged soil on the site is always a problem. Unpleasant fumes, hordes of mosquitoes in summer, wetting of garden plants poison the life of lovers of country rest. The swamp needs to dry up. How can I do that?

First of all, you should understand the causes of stagnant water in the soil. Depending on this, develop a strategy to combat this unpleasant phenomenon.

Causes of waterlogging of the soil

It is not so easy for a specialist to figure out what caused the swamp to form. It is useful to inspect neighboring lands, to get acquainted with the surroundings. Here are 2 main reasons for excess soil moisture:

  • The site is located in a lowland near a natural reservoir, groundwater comes very close to the surface;
  • The natural flow of water after rains is disturbed.

The first reason is less likely to be true - people usually do not take building plots in a swamp. Problems with insufficient water drainage are much more common. The root of the problem could be:

  • the site has natural source, feeding the swamp, requiring clearing and drainage of water;
  • your garden plot is located below the neighboring ones, all the water after the rain flows down to you;
  • features of the structure of the layers and relief: a thick layer of clay is located close to the surface, which does not allow rainwater to be absorbed;

How to get rid of the swamp?

The first piece of advice you'll get is to fill the swamp with sand or soil. This is the easiest, cheapest and most wrong way. This method does not bring positive results, sooner or later the swamp returns to its former form. It is an unusually stable ecological system.

It is impossible to displace water by filling. It also won't work to pull it out. There is only one way to completely drain the swamp - to let the water leave this area. To do this, make drainage, through which water will flow. It’s good if she has somewhere to go, but it happens that the site is lower than the neighboring ones or there are obstacles in the way of the running water (building, road). In this case, it is useful to choose a compromise option.

Here are a few good ideas allowing to "dry" the marshy soil. Often these decisions are always the wisest.

Make a pond

Growing up, trees absorb and evaporate more and more water, acting as a constantly working pump. If the soil on the site is heavy, clayey, then the roots of the trees, penetrating it in different directions, gradually change its structure.

If the site is large enough, then planting such natural dehumidifiers along its perimeter will be effective, and the efficiency will increase every year.

Make a catchment well and drainage

If the site is small and there is no place for a pond, then you can make a water intake well. It is a construction of concrete rings or plastic container(this option is simpler and more practical). It is protected from clogging and silting with sprinkling and geotextiles. Drainage pipes are brought to the well to collect water from the site.

The water that is collected there can be used for irrigation during dry times or pumped out and discharged through pipes into a natural reservoir.

The water well is considered the best option for a site under which a layer of clay lies, and a layer of fertile soil on top of it is small. Rainwater in such a place does not go deep, so in the spring and during the rains there is a swamp here, in the summer heat the soil dries up. Mosquitoes, silt, the smell of rotting mud - these are the charms of such a site. Growing anything is hard. What does not dry out in the spring will dry up in the summer, but there is no benefit.

You can build a drainage system, including a water intake well and grooves for collecting water, and you can do it yourself. The cost of such a structure is small, and the benefits can be invaluable.

In the event that these measures do not help get rid of the swamp, then only a specialist can help solve the problem. A full-fledged drainage system with all the work is not cheap, but only this way will get rid of the waterlogging of the soil.

years ago I started learning
inherited land on a peat bog. This case turned out to be not simple.
(I had to study the relevant literature) and very laborious. I'll tell you how
drain the swamp in the summer cottage. Maybe my experience to someone
come in handy." Here is a letter sent to our website by Gennady Veselov from
Leningrad region. Here is his story.

Peaty-marshy soils are little cultivated in our country. Together with
so they can bring good yields. Naturally, when they should
processed in a manner. The disadvantages of a summer cottage on a peat bog are known. This
methane saturation in the soil of swamp gas and lack of oxygen, as well as
proximity to the surface of groundwater. Therefore, to the question, a plot on a peat bog - what to do, the answer is
the correct solution to the problem is simple: enriching the soil with oxygen, getting rid of
methane and a decrease in the level of groundwater.

drain the swamp in the country, where to start? I had the first summer to dig drainage
ditches 50 cm wide and 70 to 140 cm deep. They must be dug with a slope of approximately
in 1 cm for one running meter. Brushwood was laid at the bottom of the ditches. Branches covered
old roofing felt, which remained with me after re-roofing. On the
roofing felt laid dry grass, which
mowed before the appearance of seeds, so that country cottage area not overgrown with weeds. This grass
fell asleep with crushed dry peat, and laid the excavated soil on top, so that
turned out to be a small hill. After its precipitation, bedding was almost not required.
The arrangement of such drainage ditches in a summer cottage made it possible to make the land more
loose, get rid of methane gas and lower the water table.

How to drain a swamp to make beds in a country house

Peat is known to be a source of nitrogen needed for plant development. But
while it lies in a compressed layer, there is no benefit from it. However, it cost
dig it up and grind it, as, having taken a sip of oxygen, bacteria have earned,
turning peat into land suitable for planting. Of course, and here it was necessary
work hard. After all, in order to get good harvests, at their summer cottage
draining the swamp is not enough. Necessary
clay, sawdust from a cow farm and sand were introduced into the soil. The first few
years had to feed our peat bog also mineral fertilizers with additives
trace elements.

retains moisture well and is an excellent mulch. Its top layer (3-5 cm)
must be kept dry. This will save your garden from pests and diseases, and the garden from
tedious weeding. In addition, peat soils freeze and thaw.
slowly and do not freeze deeply. Therefore, in our beds, in place of the drained
swamps, plants have never frozen even during winters with little snow and frost.

Thus, having drained the swamp at the dacha, I managed to
create here in a few years fertile soil, which is suitable for
cultivation of most agricultural crops. Moreover, by ennobling
plot, planted on it plums, apple trees, cherries, pears, sea buckthorn and chokeberry
mountain ash, which began to give abundant harvests. So the garden plot on
peat bog - this is quite feasible. You just need to put your hands on it.

It is well known that the wetlands are unpromising: it is impossible to grow or build anything on it, it can cause flooding of cellars or vegetable gardens located in the neighborhood, and, in addition, often becomes a breeding ground for various diseases.
Therefore, for a long time wetlands were deserted, and now people try not to build anything near such territories.
In addition, the swamp is a complex ecosystem, and its drainage negatively affects the environment, because the natural processes occurring in this place are disrupted, plants and animals die.

Modern rates of drainage of swamps

Despite this, the drainage of swamps is beneficial to man, so he is actively engaged in this. The drained lands can be used for crops, they are saturated with oxygen and mineralized due to the sulfuric acid produced by the oxidation of pyrite. Any agricultural crops take root and grow well on enriched soil. Construction can also be carried out on drained lands.

In fact, the reclamation of marshy lands is carried out in several main areas:
extraction of peat and other minerals;
land preparation for Agriculture;
beautification of park areas, construction of football and golf fields;

construction dewatering before the start of excavation for the arrangement of foundations and engineering networks;
restoration of territories subjected to industrial swamping, which occurred during the construction of roads, embankments, etc.;
improvement of private construction sites and adjacent territories.

Drainage of marshes is usually carried out on a large industrial scale. A completely different situation is when people face the problem of waterlogging of the soil in their personal plots. This is where modern drainage systems come to the rescue, presented various types pipes, wells and other necessary equipment.

Types of drainage systems used to drain swamps

Three methods have been developed and are actively used for draining swamps: open, closed and combined.

open way- this is nothing more than a network of canals that drain excess soil and surface water from the developed area. Depending on the requirements for the territory, drainage trenches can be located:
along the perimeter - used for areas for building or landscape improvement;
over the entire surface - the main purpose: mining.
The open method is quite simple, but ineffective in winter and adjacent periods of the year. It is also necessary to understand that for the effective operation of the entire complex of canals, a large amount of earthwork is required, primarily related to excavation and the arrangement of slopes. The depth of the drainage trench must exceed the required level of dewatering by at least 1.5 meters.
Important note: roadside ditches are not a drainage system, their main purpose is to divert storm and flood waters.

More opportunities are provided by indoor drainage, the functionality of which is not limited to the seasons.
Closed way much more difficult and requires special equipment, while the main advantage is the almost 100% guarantee of drying both the surface and the entire soil layer above drainage pipes wires. For this reason, underground drainage is used in almost all facilities where reliable and constant drainage is required, regardless of the amount of precipitation or the season.
In the middle of the last century, pipes were made of cement, asbestos, ceramics or cast iron, but the development of technology has gradually made its own adjustments.
Currently, the best and most relevant material for drainage pipes is polypropylene and polyethylene. Remarkable in their properties are corrugated drainage pipes made of plastic, of different diameters, with additional protection from geotextiles and without it.
Usually, for a device drainage system single-walled or double-walled pipes are used, in which the outer layer is corrugated, and the inner one is smooth.

The very first step in any system is design.
When drawing up the project, such factors as the features of the relief, the scope of work, hydrological studies, the vertical layout of the site and the composition of the soil are taken into account. It is very important not to make a mistake with the choice of drainage pipes used, which primarily differ:
material - it can be like polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP) or classic concrete;
wall construction - single-walled with internal corrugated surface or double-walled corrugated outside and smooth inside;
type of delivery - pipes are supplied both in segments and bays;
ring stiffness class - from SN2 to SN16.

Important steps in the construction of a drainage system

After the approval of the project, you can proceed to the first stage of work - digging a trench for drains. The width of the trench is determined as follows: the diameter of the pipe plus 20-40 cm. The depth is determined depending on the diameter of the pipe, the expected result and the purposes for which the drained area will be used. So, trees require a maximum level of laying pipes no more than one and a half meters, shrubs - no more than 50-60 cm, lawn grass- no more than 20 cm. The deeper the drains are, the less moisture comes to the surface of the earth. The choice of the diameter of the drains is also important. The optimal diameter is 110mm, this size reduces the cost of installing the system.

The degree of slope depends on the diameter of the pipe: the larger the slope, the smaller the diameter. This connection is due to the fact that throughput pipes get bigger as the diameter increases. The less water is in the pipe, the more difficult it is for it to flow down the line. Minimum allowable slope for pipes (no matter what diameter) - at least 3 degrees. The average slope is 2-3 cm for every 10 m of pipe. Too much slope can cause gullies around the pipes, so you should be extremely careful when calculating.

So, the trench is ready. The next step is the laying of drainage pipes. First, a layer of sand is laid on the bottom of the trench, a layer of rubble is laid on it, then a pipe is laid. From above, the drain is filled up in the reverse order: first with rubble, then with sand. A layer of soil is poured over the sand, and, last but not least, a layer of turf. The arrangement of the layers should remain unchanged, since each of them plays a specific role. Due to the change in the order of layers of sand and gravel, the pipe may become unusable. Pipes must be laid at a depth that does not freeze during the cold season.

The network of drains is discharged into a natural reservoir or an artificial water collector. From the latter, it is subsequently pumped out by pumps or seeps into the lower layers of the soil if a filter is installed at the bottom of the catchment area.

If there are already buildings on the site, drainage should be laid at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the foundation.

The combined method of installing a drainage system is especially common in summer cottages and cottage areas. In fact, it is the best method for draining the soil and further regulating the level of moisture in it.