Patterns of original pillows. Developing soft book-pillow

Sewing pillows with your own hands means not only saving on bedding, but also decorating your interior, giving it a personality with simple and inexpensive means. Looking at photos of homemade pillows on the Internet, it may seem that a lot of experience or innate talent is needed here. But the same tasks can be solved much easier, and certainly, while sewing pillows, there is an opportunity to go from simple to complex, eventually creating things worthy of prizes at exhibitions of amateur art. This article is intended to help readers overcome several stages of this path.

What you need to know right away

It is not always possible to sew original pillows as simple sleeping pillows, in the form of a base and pillowcases. So special attention should be paid to the choice of fabric and padding. The pillow is conducive to sleep, and someone will fall asleep on it sometime. Probably tired, with unwashed and unkempt hair; That is, the sheathing fabric should not only accept the finish well, but also be amenable to cleaning. And best of all, the stuffing can be removed and the cover washed without spoiling its decor. In addition, the stuffing itself should retain hygienic qualities, elasticity and be moderately pliable for as long as possible. We will return to pillow materials that meet these requirements, but for now we will discuss ways to decorate them from simple to complex, keeping the above in mind.

Pillow Decorating Methods


The easiest way to sew decorative pillows in the same way as ordinary sleeping pillows is to choose the color of the fabric. And the simplest of simple solution- several pillows of different colors, forming an ensemble inscribed in the interior. In this way, you can not only turn the boudoir of a cocotte into something similar to a soft fluffy cloud, but also express the individuality of laconic interior styles. Such work, I must say, is mentally very difficult, but technologically and financially elementary. For example, on the left in Fig. the sofa with a composition of pillows is not in vain placed against the backdrop of a window (picture?) with live greenery contrasting with the general tone, and the flower in a vase is placed to the right of the sofa for good reason.

In the center in Fig. method based on similar aesthetic principles, but not requiring a laconic interior and a special organization for the placement of its items. The point here is that the background of the upholstery of the furniture and the upholstery of the pillow is the same, as well as the tone and density of the pattern here and there, but the patterns of the patterns are somewhat different. And the pillow is highlighted with a wide, so-called. French, edging, the same as the general background, but darker in color; the color scheme is slightly lighter on the lower and side parts of the furniture upholstery.

Finally, on the right in Fig. shows a way to give the pillow a choice of fabric colors, as they say, aesthetic self-sufficiency, i.e. the ability to express the meaning inherent in it by the craftswoman in any situation. Imagine such a pillow in ... a garbage dump. Will she look worse? And the point here is not only and not so much in the choice of 2-3, no more, catchy flowers that make up a fairly large pattern, but also in the arrangement of stylized images of flowers on the visible surface of the thing.

Applications and printing

Only a little more technically, but no less expressive, can be decorating pillows with appliqués. Here, as before. case, the key to success is the artistic taste of the author and, preferably, the combination of at least 2 things in an ensemble, and, unlike the use of colors, its meaning can be absolutely clear up to frivolity, as on the left in a row of photos, but obscene morality healthy person in this composition will see no more than in normal marital relations.

A detailed, multi-valued composition of pillows with appliqués is technically more difficult to perform, and there is a risk of falling into flickering. However, today photo printing on fabric is affordable, and the images are durable and of the same quality as the texture of the material allows. So, when considering a multi-cushion group with pictures, first of all, it is worth considering the option of photo printing on blanks, in the center in the figure, especially since you can select / create pictures and simulate the entire ensemble in advance on a computer.

Note: modern technique of photo printing on fabric allows you to create images that are visually equivalent to embroideries. Patches with printed pictures can also form the basis of the application, on the right in fig.

Shape and Fragment

Most good designers prefer to work with form, considering it to be the root cause of the expressiveness of things, and color, texture and drawing/pattern as factors of the next orders. One-two-three-tone sofa cushions, the aesthetic value of which is achieved by the form, can also be technologically simple (item 1 in the figure) through the use modern materials, see below.

Working with the form, it becomes possible to apply a new approach to the meaningful decoration of things: modularity, pos. 2. Technologically, in this case, only the labor intensity increases monotonously without the appearance of fundamental difficulties, since all modules assembled into the product are structurally similar and simple. But in such cases, you need to think about how to clean it, unless there is a desire to completely redo it at least once every 1-2 years. A furniture vacuum cleaner and cleaning products for it are understandable, but it is necessary to use them less frequently.

The modular principle also allows, without a significant increase in labor intensity, to create sewn things of a simple form, in which the form nevertheless works for aesthetics. This is the so-called. patchwork technique; simply patchwork. Patchwork is not necessarily something deliberately rough, rough, even clumsy.

Decorative pillows using the patchwork technique can be sewn gracefully and neatly without painful reflections and looking at samples / sketches to the pain in the eyes, pos. 3 and 4. All you need is a key element (mainly in the center), which is in harmony with the overall design of the thing, but also stands out in something. At pos. 3 this is achieved by a pattern of the same tone, but much larger than that of the elements of one diagonal and at the same time, of course, smaller than the solid color fill of the squares of the other. And on pos. Key 4, on the contrary, is distinguished by its shape, small size and relief (bulge).

Key element

In general, a compact key element (elements) is able to give grace to a pillow made in any technique. For example, at pos. Fig. 1, the key is a simple button combined with a twist of patches of fabric with a trivial black and white geometric pattern, down to scraps of an old mattress. In the case of using a brighter and more colorful material instead of a button covered with fabric, a button with a round gathered bow, pos. 4.

At pos. 2 tassels and a button ennoble cushions in modestly colored fabric. This approach is attractive in that it is possible to use furniture upholstery and even technical fabrics that do not get dirty easily, clean well, but are not produced bright and shiny. And on pos. 3 is an example of how brushes add aesthetic value to a pillow with a pattern that is too small for this purpose. Perhaps the larger pattern did not suit the overall design, but the pillow still needed decorative self-sufficiency, so the brushes came to the rescue.

Note: a single brush on the corner of the pillow can play, without losing its aesthetic value, a purely utilitarian role, hiding the last seam, see below. In this case, it can be successfully replaced with a pom-pom. How to make a brush and a pompom with your own hands, see next. fig., but in general, with tassels and pompoms as numerous elements of the main decoration of pillows, you need to be more careful, see below.

Lace, knitting and embroidery

All these ways of decorating pillows (see fig.) have in common that things, on the one hand, are laborious and difficult to perform (unless ready-made lace or organdy is used). On the other hand, lace and knitted cushions on the sofa provide not only a magnificent aesthetic effect, but also respect with prestige: a complex quality work speaks for itself. Moreover, all such things are cleaned and washed many times: people have been weaving lace and knitting for centuries; both craftsmanship is quite adapted to washing much more harshly than in a modern washing machine with synthetic detergents.

Knitted sofa cushions have another advantage: the last seam is masked without any difficulties, see below. And by the way, thanks to the same circumstance, knitted decorative pillows can be very easy to make if you sew them from old sweaters, as on the right in Fig.

About knitwear

Knitwear as a material for covering the pillow retains all the advantages of knitted items, incl. the ability to conduct a hidden facial seam. It also has its own special merits. Firstly, the softness of the surface - wool sometimes “bites” the face, and knitting from mohair or down is more difficult. Secondly, accessibility: who hasn’t had to guess what to do with a grown-up child’s sweaters-blouses? Stuff with holofiber (see below), sew up the armholes, embellish a little - and in an hour and a half a good original pillow made from improvised materials is ready, see fig. Whether it fits in the living room is a matter of general design, but as a pillow in the nursery it will be quite in its place. You can also sleep on it without risking button prints on your cheek: turn it over, and that's it.

About embroidery on pillows

For those who know how to embroider, a pillow is a fertile canvas in all respects, see fig.:

If you want to embroider over the entire field, you will need a special hoop in the form of a frame; the canvas in it is stretched (unhoisted) with harsh threads. Drawing, pattern - everything is at your discretion and skill, but there are some features compared to embroidery of other things:

  1. No need to embroider with beads, it will be unhygienic and uncomfortable. It is impossible to completely remove particles of dirt from the holes in the beads using any known methods of cleaning pillows, and lying down on the beaded surface is also not very pleasant;
  2. Cross-stitch: satin stitch embroidery under the head/body quickly gets dirty and slips, and wrinkles when washed;
  3. When embroidering all over the field, make a continuous wide edging: it is just as easy to hide the last seam in it as in a knitted pillow.


Embossed decor: fringes, bows, frills, puffs, intarsia, weaving, voluminous applications (patches), quilting, etc., etc., see fig. - widely used for finishing pillows, because. allows you to achieve stunning aesthetic effects. However, when starting your first (or next) masterpiece, keep in mind, firstly, that to create beauty by the method “I want a lot of everything! And more!”, is not true in principle. You need to understand what you feel, what you want, and express it in the means available to you. Which do not necessarily have to be tricky and intricate.

Secondly, remember - you are not the trusted seamstress of the Marquise Pompadour or the Countess de Monsoreau. The charm created by your own hands, inexpressible to you once and erased. And the point is not only whether this thing will withstand washing, but also whether the machine will withstand washing such a thing. Not that, the hour is uneven, you will have to master interesting ones, but in no way simple ways repair washing machines. Tassel fringe can still be torn off and sewn on again, but for a soiled, labor-intensive pom-pom pillow, it’s hard to think of something better than throwing it away and making a new one. If the spirit is enough for it after such an opportunity.

However, to dissuade people from striving for beauty is meaningless, and worthless. So about every case in Fig. above - 2 ways to make roses from felt or cotton pads. Such flowers, if necessary, are easy to rip, and then re-sew. Or just make new ones to replace worn ones.

And in fig. on the right - advice about bows: take the same principle of conciseness as a basis, it will never fail, and make bows simple so that they can be untied and tied to take care of the pillow. That pillow is made of burlap, but does it look?

About puffs

Puffs on a suitable fabric, smooth and glossy, are another matter. Properly made, they can be vacuumed and washed by hand without any problems. And to make all this splendor is not at all as difficult as it seems. First you need to learn how to read the schemes for assembling puffs (assembling them, as the sewers say).

For an example, schemes for assembling simple puffs are given in fig. below. All puff schemes are built on an orthogonal-diagonal grid, the module of which (the side of the square) is 2-7 cm, depending on the size of the product and the density of the fabric. The grid in the diagram can be shown explicitly, as on the right in the figure, or its nodes are only marked with dots, as on the left. The mesh is applied to the inside of the workpiece with a textile marker in a mirror image.

Further, the areas that are pulled together (collected, collected) into a puff are marked either with converging arrows (on the left) or red lines (on the right), and those that are not pulled together are marked with simple thin lines. You can collect puffs either with one thread or separately. The first way is for the lazy, because a web of threads is formed from the inside. In any case, each puff is assembled with at least 3 stitches 4-5 mm wide, unless otherwise indicated in the notes to the diagram.

Then, the assembly sequence. It is produced horizontally or vertical rows, again, unless otherwise specified in the circuit description. In the case when the rows are indicated explicitly (on the left), they are displayed in the order of numbering and puffs in the row are also collected by numbers; here - Row1 1-2, 3-4, etc., then the same Row2 and so on. In the absence of an explicit indication of the rows (on the right), the puffs will be assembled simply in the order of numbering; according to the diagram on the right - 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, etc.

Try to collect any piece of fabric in puffs according to these entry-level schemes, and you will see that it will take a little time, even if you collect one at a time. And then watching a selection of master classes on making pillows with puffs that are much more spectacular and complex will not seem like a nightmarish horror:

Video: do-it-yourself puff pillows, master classes

About figurine pillows

The principle “You don’t need a lot of things! And sooner!” especially appropriate for decorative pillows, aesthetically working primarily in form. They are often sewn according to patterns for soft toys, forgetting that a sewn cat cannot wash itself under its tail. And he will have to take on not only room dust, but also grease. Perhaps, especially when it comes to children's pillows, so to speak, salvo emissions of pollution of biogenic origin.

On children's pillows, in addition, not only jump and ride on them; they not only fight and throw them, they also sleep on them. And a dream, leaning sideways, with a head that has moved to one side, is in no way useful to the emerging skeleton. This should be especially taken into account when sewing a children's toy pillow; For example, we give patterns in Fig.

On the left is a fish pillow. The shape and technique of execution seem to be chosen correctly: it is quite subject to care, the last seam can be covered with a tail or fins. But - the head of a sleeping person can slide to one side, a shoulder will stretch behind it and it turns out that we are sleeping crouched. An owl pillow is free from this drawback, at the top right: the “ears” will be held. Whoever tosses and turns in a dream is better to put such a pillow with a deflection between the “ears” to the neck; this pattern is easy to adapt for a cat pillow, only without a tail. In either case, for better ergonomics, it is desirable to make a diagonal cut as a bedding, see below.

Note: for kids - indefatigable sleepy little spinners on the right below, a pattern of a special pillow, on which the child learns to sleep on his back or on his side, freely stretched out.

Pillows in the form of letters (see Fig.) Moved even closer from pillows to soft toys than pillows-figures: there are many gaps in them, where to sleep there. It is believed that letter pillows are educational, developing, etc. Well, except for the coordination of movements and orientation in space, to climb between them big, like in a maze. As for the speedy learning to read and write, science has not yet been confirmed. Nevertheless, no harm from pillows in the form of letters was also noted, and fun for the child is already good for him.

Large letter cushions must hold their shape well and withstand the corresponding operational stresses, with which little users show amazing ingenuity. One of the variants of this kind of construction is shown in Fig.:

Foam 45 is the highest density furniture foam; we will talk about what holofiber is below. Of course, other ways of sewing letter pillows are also possible, see for example. next video.

Note: diagram in fig. also suitable for stuffing pillows, rolls, if you want to get their ends rounded.

Video: do-it-yourself letter pillows, manufacturing option

About puzzle pillows

Pillow in the form of elements of prefabricated mosaic paintings Puzzle is also quite popular. It is believed that if necessary, a mattress can be assembled from them. You can collect something, yes, yes. But anyone who has tried to sleep on such a mattress knows: it is impossible, it is spreading under you. Pillows, unlike puzzle pieces, are soft, pliable, otherwise not pillows, but some kind of bunks will turn out.

Materials and technique

The fact that when sewing it is necessary to give lapels of 20-30 mm, iron them, sew from the inside out and then turn the product inside out, etc., which is well known, we will not spread. Let's talk in this section about things that beginner seamstresses are not always aware of.


To properly sew a pillow without a pillowcase that is comfortable, hygienic, practical and durable, you need to choose the right fabric. Firstly, particles of dirt should not stick to its fibers so that they can be sucked out with a vacuum cleaner without the use of detergents. Secondly, the lining fabric should, as far as possible, prevent the migration of dirt into the packing, which is difficult to clean and change. Silk, satin, crepe-satin and their synthetic counterparts satisfy these conditions from light, smooth and bright textile materials. From light, but soft - coarse calico, baize and other linen fabrics. From rough, but very durable - any furniture upholstery materials. Also, depending on the style of execution, it is possible to use any technical fabrics, except, perhaps, propylene matting and the like - too slippery, but at the same time rough and harsh.

Warp and weft

When cutting a pillow, the orientation of the warp and weft threads of the fabric matters. Orthogonal (straight) orientation, when the warp and weft are oriented perpendicular (along) resp. sides, allows you to more accurately maintain the shape of the pillow according to the pattern. But, if a straight-cut pillow with sharp corners is stuffed with sufficiently dense material, its corners may be empty and sag, pos. 1 in fig.

In pillows with a diagonal cut (warp and weft - at 45 degrees to the sides), the corners will always be full, but a “waist” will appear larger than provided by the pattern, pos. 2. If the pillow is elongated, the thinnest "waist" will be on the long sides, pos. 3, which is not always desirable. In this case, the use of satin or twill weave fabric will help to give the pillow a pleasant fullness, pos. 4.


However, feather / down stuffing, firstly, is not elastic enough for decorative pillows; Secondly, small soft feathers and natural down for stuffing pillows are hard to reach. In the old days, the whole family collected feathers and down for the wedding featherbed (an indispensable attribute of the dowry) for the future bride.

Nowadays, almost ideal stuffing materials for pillows have been developed - syntepuh and holofiber. In terms of hygiene, they are not inferior to swan's down; however, not for the lifetime of generations, but up to 7-10 years. On the other hand, the pillow decor is no longer alive. But these materials have an undoubted advantage: they are moderately elastic and retain this quality for years.

In essence, sintepukh and holofiber are the same material based on the finest tangled polyester fibers; This is the same polyethylene terephthalate (PET) used to make food utensils and bottles. Sintepuh is produced in the form of fluffy granules (on the left in the figure), and holofiber undergoes additional molding and goes on sale in sheets (plates), on the right there.

Sheet holofiber keeps its shape no worse than the best furniture foam rubber. By the way, in letter pillows (see above), you can make the entire base out of it, but it will cost a lot: sheet holofiber is much more expensive than foam rubber, and the material waste in this case is large. But where sheet holofiber is indispensable, it is in the manufacture of cloud pillows, etc. correct form: the workpiece must be shredded with scissors, and then, without a pattern, covered with a cloth in place.

Another stuffing material particularly suitable for baby pillows is round silicone granules. They don't get wet, this time. Two - silicone granules can be poured into the cover through an armhole that is only 2-4 cm wide, which greatly simplifies the problem of the last seam. Three - the cover from them can be emptied through the same armhole, and the granules can be washed by hand in a basin. In the car - in no case, it will fail instantly! Washed and dried silicone granules can be put back into the same bag; the pillow will be the same as before.

Note: to expanded polystyrene granules, which fill frameless furniture, all of the above regarding the sanitary and hygienic properties of silicone granules does not apply.

Last seam...

... he is the most difficult. You probably already guessed that this is the very seam that needs to be sewn up from the face when the pillow is already inside out and stuffed. Usually for this it is recommended to sew a zipper in advance. With regard to, say, a pear chair or other frameless furniture, this is really the best option.

But the pillow does not have a bottom and a back, on which they never sit, do not sleep, do not lean on them, and waking up with the imprint of a fastener on your cheek is useless under any circumstances. As for the representatives of the stronger sex, a pillow with a zipper is able to cling to their mustache, beard and just 3-5 day stubble. The pillow sticking to the personality harmonizes perfectly with the rumpled physiognomy, but only in a comical sense.

There is no problem at all with knitted, knitted and embroidered pillows with edging, if the thread for the last seam is taken to match the material of the face: stitches of only 1-2 mm in this case are completely drawn into it and turn out to be quite strong. Good options are also a solid narrow textile piping in tone with the general color, see fig., lace or pleated border, inlay, etc. However, the universal solution for the last seam is a narrow, 2-4 cm, armhole in the corner. Through it, you can fill the pillow with sintepuh or silicone granules, and mask the front seam with a brush or pompom. Sintepukh, if necessary, is pulled out in shreds with a crochet hook. At first, silicone granules are simply squeezed out, like paste from a tube, and their remainder is removed from the inside-out cover.

About seamless pillows

Representatives of nomadic professions and residents of student hostels from times up to the middle of Khrushchev's have long been familiar with such people. beautiful scarf allows you to make decorative seamless pillows in just minutes; the basis can be either an ordinary pillow or a piece of foam rubber cut in shape or just a lump of rags. How this magnificent illustration of the saying “Need for inventions is cunning” is created is shown in the figure:

You can tie a curly knot or straighten its ends into a socket and grab it with threads; however, this will be a formal violation of the “seamless” principle. In this case, something like a rose from those described above will also fit in the center.

In Conclusion: Form Functionality

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Beautiful decorative pillows can revive even the most restrained interior. They bring an atmosphere of comfort, home warmth and allow you to relax. To decorate your home with them, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money, because you can create these cute decor elements yourself.

We have selected themed workshops for you, from which you will learn how to sew the pillow of your dreams. With step by step photos and detailed description even a beginner can handle it.

Volumetric heart of roses

A handmade pillow can be a wonderful gift. Armed with fantasy and a thread with a needle, it can even be turned into a unique Valentine. We are offering to you step by step master class making an unusual pillow with a voluminous heart.

For work you will need:

  • finished pillow of the desired size;
  • fabric for roses, which does not require overcasting;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread.
Cut out circles with a diameter of about 8 cm from the fabric, they may be slightly crooked and slightly different in size. This will only add volume and realism to the flowers.

Take a circle of fabric by the middle, gather it up, forming folds as in the photo. Fix the workpiece in the desired position with a couple of stitches.

Sew another circle of fabric on the bottom, forming a voluminous bud.

Continue sewing circles on the rosette until you get a flower right size.

Prepare the rest of the roses in the same way. Their number depends on the size of the flower heart.

Sew the flowers to the pillow starting from the outline of the heart.

Arrange the blanks close to each other so that there are no gaps between them. A magnificent heart is ready to conquer and win hearts.

Such a designer pillow will decorate the room of a capricious fashionista or will become a highlight of your living room. And she will cheer you up just by looking at her.

fluffy pillow

The original pillow with a fringe will successfully fit into any interior. Pleasant to the touch fleece will make it a favorite thing not only in the children's room.

For work you will need:

  • fleece for the base of the pillow and fringe;
  • filler;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • pins;
  • sewing machine.
From the fleece, cut two squares 40 by 40 cm.

For fringe, it is better to choose a fabric several colors of the same range- get a stylish transition between them. In our case, 10 strips of 37 * 10 cm in three shades of brown are used.

Fold each strip in half and cut the fringe.

Sew the first strip to the base of the pillow, stepping back 1 cm from the edges. This is the result you should get.

Next, fold the fringe to one side.

Sew next to the second strip at a distance of about 1.5 cm from the first.

Continue sewing on the fringe in the same way. Alternate dark stripes with light stripes in several rows, achieving a beautiful and smooth transition of colors.

Put a second square on top of the fringed blank and pin it around the edges with pins. Sew the pillow around the perimeter, leaving a small opening for stuffing.

Turn pillow inside out and stuff with filling. It is better to use a synthetic winterizer or holofiber. Natural materials such as cotton wool and fluff can clump over time and the product will lose its neat appearance.

Sew up the opening with a blind stitch.

It turns out very beautiful cushion which will create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home.

Pillow "Butterfly Wings"

We present to you detailed photo lesson on decorating an interior pillow. Even if sewing is not your forte, you can easily master it: you will need a ready-made pillow for work. Guided step by step instructions, you will turn an ordinary pillowcase into a masterpiece of art design.

Pillow-toy "Owl"

A funny and bright owl is a win-win gift option for both an adult and a child. When such a cute bird settles in your baby's bedroom, he will not only sleep with her, but also play with her.

For work you will need:

  • cotton in two colors;
  • felt for eyes and beak;
  • black buttons or beads for pupils;
  • bow ribbon;
  • crayon;
  • threads;
  • needle and pins for sewing;
  • scissors;
  • lace;
  • filler.
Transfer the owl pattern to paper in the desired size.

Attach the template to the fabric and cut out the necessary details, make an allowance of 1 centimeter for the body and wings.

To decorate the toy, lace, bows and a wooden flower button are used. If you are using a full-size pattern, then cut out an 8 * 16 cm rectangle and a 4.5 cm square for the bow, or change the size of these parts in proportion to the owl.

Sew on the beak and lace with a zigzag stitch. Lace is placed in the center of the body, between the wings.

Sew wings and eyes with the same seam. Attach the black pupil buttons by hand.

Fold the body parts of the owl right side inward, secure with pins and sew. Leave a hole at the bottom between the wings for further manipulations.

Turn the toy inside out, iron it and stuff it with stuffing. If you used ordinary scissors to cut out the details, before turning out, make neat notches near the ears and in all convex places so that the fabric does not shrink.

Sew up the opening with a blind stitch.

You can do decor. Fold the square for the bow into a strip and iron it.

Fold the rectangle in half right side inward and sew, leaving a 1 cm allowance.

Turn it inside out, gather in the middle and sew on the prepared strip, forming a bow. Sew it on the owl's ear.

Tie a bow from a small piece of ribbon, sew it and a wooden button to the body of the toy.

Such a cute owl will reliably guard your sleep.

Another idea for implementation is to sew a solid owl according to this pattern. It is enough just to show imagination and choose the appropriate color scheme and design for the toy.

Pillow with application "Cat in love"

An elegant pillow with a cool application is a wonderful gift for any occasion. With its help, you can confess your feelings or just cheer up your loved one.

For work you will need:

  • thick white pillowcase 35*35cm;
  • shreds of cotton 4 colors;
  • white interlining;
  • iron;
  • 3 green beads for the eyes;
  • threads to match the fabric;
  • decorative braid.

Cut out two rectangles 17*13cm- clouds around the cat and the fish. In our case, they are white with orange polka dots. You can choose the color of your choice.

The cat's body is a rectangle 16*12cm, orange with small white polka dots.

Cut a rectangle out of white fabric 20*11 cm. It will make the eyes and thoughts of a cat.

Cut out the rectangle 10*5cm from green fabric for the body of the fish.

Fold the interlining adhesive side with the wrong side of the rectangles and iron them so that they stick together. So it will be easier to cut small parts and they will not crumble.

Cut out blanks for the appliqué. You can use cardboard templates or immediately cut out the details from the fabric.

Arrange the elements on the pillowcase and achieve the desired picture. Mark the ground line with decorative tape. Choose the expression of the cat's loving eyes.

When you decide on the location of all the elements of the application, you can proceed to the last step. It remains to sew them to the pillowcase.

Sew with a small white zigzag the outline of a white cloud to a polka dot cloud.

Sew the contour of the fish to the prepared two-layer cloud with a green zigzag. Embroider the fish's fins and outline of the head. Attach an eye bead.

Sew the details of the cat with a small zigzag thread to match the fabric. Lastly, attach the eyes and embroider his mustache.

Embroidered paws will give the animal even more charm. You can add small flowers to the application to make the composition more expressive.

The finished pillow will definitely take the crown place on the sofa in the living room and will become the star of your interior.

Pillow-spyushka "Sleeping Kitten"

Want even more cats? We are offering to you interesting idea for creativity: sew a charming kitten, which, with its very appearance, evokes drowsiness and peace.

For work you will need:

  • cotton fabric 3 colors;
  • fleece;
  • interlining;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • filler;
  • chalk or a special marker for fabric;
  • floss threads;
  • 2 buttons;
  • pins;
  • pattern.
First of all, print on paper or manually redraw the kitten pattern. Cut out all elements.

Attach the patterns of the torso to the fabric, circle and cut it with an allowance of 1 cm. Place the part on the wrong side on the adhesive side of the interlining, secure with pins and cut it out. Prepare the second part of the fleece body in the same way.

Cut out the paws, ears and tail of the kitten.

Remove the pins and iron the two-layer parts of the body with an iron so that the cotton sticks to the interlining.

Fold the parts of the ears, paws and tail in pairs right side in and sew them on the machine, leaving holes for eversion. Cut the stitched blanks with curly scissors or make the notches normal.

Turn the parts inside out and iron them, fill with filler. Sew the holes in a zigzag pattern. Attach the resulting parts with pins to the front side of the front of the cat. Sew them to the body of the kitten in a zigzag.

Draw the cat's face with chalk.

Put the fleece part (back) on top and fix it with pins. Sew the blanks, leaving a small opening at the bottom for eversion. Trim the seam allowances with curly scissors or cut the notches normally.

Turn the workpiece out front side and iron it. Stuff the toy with filler and sew up the opening left earlier with a blind seam.

Sew upper legs and buttons to the body for decoration.

Embroider the nose and closed eyes with floss threads.

The soft splyushka cat is looking for its loving owner. Everyone will be happy with such a pet. He will be happy to settle both in the baby's crib and in the cozy living room.

Do you feel the strength and desire to create, but still consider yourself a beginner? We bring to your attention an informative video from which you will learn how to sew a funny cat pillow from a regular pillowcase. An original pattern, a minimum of action, a little decor and imagination - and you will get an elegant cat or a mischievous cat.

By the same principle, a cheerful hare will turn out, it is enough just to make the ears longer.

Download even more funny cat patterns to make your wildest ones come true. creative ideas. Such cute little animals will be a wonderful decor for your home or cottage, as well as an original present for your dear people.


Do you think that animals do not belong in the house? And here you are wrong. You can always get yourself an adorable pillow dog. A cheerful dachshund will gladly take his place on the sofa and will not cause you any trouble.

A detailed description is presented in our step-by-step master class.

According to this scheme, you will get both a small toy puppy and a solid adult dog. It all depends on the amount of materials at hand and your desire.

And if you have a lot of unclaimed pieces and shreds of fabric left, then you can sew a bright dog pillow out of them. This patchwork toy with a cute face, made in the technique of patchwork, will become a favorite character in the children's room.

This toy can be made together with children and have a fun and useful time. And your child will receive the first lessons of cutting and sewing.

Piggy bank of master classes on pillows + interesting ideas

Heart valentine pillow:

Original circles:

Checkered dog:

Romantic option:

In the form of a star:

A few more original pillows for inspiration:

Pillows for children: cats, bunnies, owls, dogs, bears:

Decorate pillowcases with plant prints

An original way to decorate a pillowcase with a floral ornament is to transfer prints of live fresh grass and leaves onto it. A product with such a design will be unique and one of a kind. It will also warm you on winter evenings with thoughts of a warm summer.

For work you will need:

  • natural light fabric;
  • freshly picked plants;
  • hammer;
  • scissors;
  • parchment, preferably siliconized for baking.

Fern, plantain, clover are perfect for prints. Tear off the plant you need, spread it on the fabric and cover with parchment. Beat it very hard with a hammer so that the juice stands out from the leaves, which is absorbed into the fabric and forms an imprint. Remember: you need to beat off the plants on a hard, flat surface.

Experiment with different leaves, stems and their arrangement to get the desired result.

Do-it-yourself decorative pillows, patterns, photos, patterns for the manufacture of which you can find in this article will help to refresh the interior without significant investments and give the room more comfort and warmth. There is nothing better than beautiful pillows that the mistress of the house worked on. They can become an excellent decoration of the room and a real pride.

There can be a lot of options on how to sew a decorative pillow for the home, it all depends on the imagination of the performer and on what materials are planned to be used in the work. In the manufacture of decorative pillows, various accessories are often used, so they turn out to be unusual and very beautiful.

Decorative pillows will help to refresh the interior without significant investments and give the room more comfort and warmth.

Do-it-yourself decorative pillow itself can be made ordinary and used as a filler synthetic winterizer or holofiber.

These materials are much better suited for decorative pillows, as they do not roll and keep their shape perfectly, unlike fluff or cotton wool. Moreover, these products are lightweight and comfortable. main element decorative pillow is a pillowcase. Much depends on how interesting it will be made. Sometimes it is pillows that make up an important part of the interior and give it originality.

Do-it-yourself decorative pillow itself can be made ordinary and used as a filler synthetic winterizer or holofiber

For example, in the Scandinavian style, where restraint in decor and colors is welcomed, you can dilute the atmosphere with bright decorative pillows. But not only in restrained minimalist styles, decorative pillows will be relevant. With their help, you can achieve a more interesting effect in other areas of the design of the room.

Also note the form. Pillows that will be used to decorate the room, and not for sleeping, can be absolutely anything. It is not at all necessary to make simple squares or rectangles. Both oval and round pillows look great, as well as products in the form of animals and letters. The latter option can be a good addition when decorating a children's room.

Sometimes it is pillows that make up an important part of the interior and give it originality.

If the master came up with the idea to decorate the interior of his room with decorative pillows, you must first determine the style. Only after the direction is chosen, you can think about the shape, color and material. DIY decorative pillows, photos of which can be found in this article, will be relevant for many styles. They perfectly emphasize the French country (Provence, retro style, romantic shabby chic with its excessive sophistication), and are also an excellent addition to the children's room.

The most popular are natural materials, from which you can make decorative pillows for children, Provence-style bedrooms

After the master decides on the direction, you can move on to the material. For each style, the color and type of fabric should be special. The most popular are natural materials from which you can make decorative pillows for children, bedrooms in the style of Provence and the Scandinavian direction. Shabby chic or classic require more interesting solutions. Silk, satin, etc. may be relevant here.

Advice! If the pillows will decorate the room in country style, you can choose simple fabrics in natural colors and rough textures.

Fittings are welcome in romanticism and French rustic style

As for fittings, they are welcomed in romanticism and French rustic style. When decorating a room with pillows in the Scandinavian direction, you should not use buttons, stripes and various additions, since minimalism is welcomed here. The product can be bright, but without unnecessary details.

Hi-tech and minimalism do not welcome pillows at all. If the master still wants to decorate such an interior with soft decoration, you need to carefully choose colors and shapes. It is better to make an ordinary square decorative pillow with your own hands from artificial smooth fabric, for example, leatherette.

It is better to make an ordinary square decorative pillow with your own hands from artificial smooth fabric, for example, leatherette

It is a pleasure for a creative person to work with a children's room. Here you can let your imagination run wild and come up with something original that will delight the baby every day. One of the fairly new trends is decorating the interior of a children's room with letter pillows. From them you can collect a word, for example, the name of the baby. It is both useful and interesting, and very original. But not only letters and numbers will be suitable for a child's room. Decorative pillows in the form of animals or fruits look good. They are very easy to make according to the patterns that can be found at the end of the article.

It is a pleasure for a creative person to work with a children's room

In order to sew a decorative pillow with your own hands, you must follow certain rules.

First of all, they relate to the choice of material. It should be natural, not electrified and not cause allergies. Be very careful when using accessories. If the pillow is in the form of an animal, you should not make eyes out of buttons or glue false doll eyes. This can be very dangerous as small parts come off easily and can be swallowed or choked by a child. It is best to limit yourself to embroidery. It's both beautiful and safe.

If the craftswoman has enough free time, it is worth surprising loved ones with new bright and stylish accessories for home

How to make a pattern for a pillow?

If the question arose of how to sew a decorative pillow, then first you need to make a pattern. Firstly, it is convenient and also avoids mistakes, and secondly, you can make several exact copies of pillows that will perfectly match in size. This is important, as irregularities are sometimes very striking and can spoil the whole effect of the presence of pillows.

It is best to make a pattern of a decorative pillow with your own hands and immediately draw up a drawing for a pillowcase

It is best to make a pattern of a decorative pillow with your own hands and immediately draw up a drawing for a pillowcase. So it will be more convenient to work and make calculations, because the pillowcase should be several centimeters larger than the pillow itself.

Overlock is used to make a decorative pillow with your own hands

As for how to sew a decorative pillow with your own hands, it is worth noting that this does not require any special education or sophisticated equipment. Of course, it is much easier to work when there is a sewing machine and overlocker at home, but if they are not available, all the work can be done manually, although it will take much longer in time.

Sewing machine for making decorative pillows with your own hands

When drawing up a pattern, you need to determine the desired size of the pillow, make a square or rectangle on paper, and then add 1.5 cm to it for the seam. The pattern for a decorative pillow is transferred to a double fabric, everything is sewn up to a certain moment, and then turns out. It is important not to forget that the product will need to be filled with padding polyester. To do this, you need to leave a small opening. Through it, the blank for the pillow will turn out, and then it will be filled with synthetic filler. This opening is then neatly stitched on the front side.

Next, you can start making pillowcases. For her, you also need to make your own pattern based on the first one, but plus 2-3 cm. It is also unnecessary to forget that the pillowcase must have a special hole. If zippers or buttons are not used here, you need to leave a longer strip of fabric on one side, it will later need to be folded inward so that it holds the pillow and prevents it from falling out of the pillowcase.

On a note! Professional seamstresses use special seams in the manufacture of bed linen, including pillowcases.

They make products more durable, but this is not necessary for a decorative pillow. If possible, you can overlock the seams or simply sheathe them by hand.

Pillow shape

It is not at all necessary to make a decorative product of the correct form. The most popular are rectangles and squares, but the pillow can be oval, round or in the form of a letter and an animal.

The most popular are rectangles and squares, but the pillow can be oval, round or in the form of a letter and an animal

For each type, you must first take care of drawing up a pattern. For complex shapes you can find options in special editions, and simple ordinary do-it-yourself decorative pillows are easy to make according to your own drawings.

It is important to immediately think over not only the shape, but also the option of decorating the pillow. This is of great importance, otherwise the product will not look harmonious. The size of the pillow also needs to be selected carefully. For the living room, you should not use large pillows so that they do not litter the room. But for the nursery, you can sew a large flat pillow, on which it will be convenient for the baby to play, and parents will not worry that their child will freeze.

How to decorate a decorative pillow?

The decoration of the pillowcase must be approached responsibly. Even in cases where it is undesirable to use small accessories, you can decorate a decorative pillow with your own hands in a very original way so that it becomes a real highlight of the room. To do this, you can use traditional satin stitch or cross-stitch embroidery, as well as decoration with ribbons and yarn. Needlewomen use lace, sequins, appliqués, folds, puffs and much more to work on decorative pillows. The most patient can create whole embroidered pictures and use even small beads to create them.

Pillowcase decoration must be approached responsibly

One of the most interesting and low-cost versions is the creation of a pillowcase from puffs. This is the stitching of the surface of the fabric in a certain order, which gives the product a certain volume. The work is carried out in a strictly defined form and in a clear order. This allows you to get a very interesting drawing.

Puff pillows look very original, but keep in mind that such a pillowcase will take much more time than the standard version. This must be remembered when distributing tissue. The technique of creating puffs allows you to create various patterns. These pillows look best in classic interior or when decorating a room in the shabby chic style.

Embroidered pictures will make a decorative pillow not just a home decoration, but a work of art that will not leave guests indifferent

Ribbon embroidery will be no less interesting. Needlewomen know how to create real masterpieces from this simple material. Embroidered pictures will make a decorative pillow not just a home decoration, but a work of art that will not leave guests indifferent. Working with tapes is not difficult. Therefore, this option is well suited even for beginner craftswomen. It is better to work according to a pre-prepared scheme. Suitable option can be downloaded from the world wide web.

Advice! Another simple but interesting option decorations are appliqués for decorative pillows.

They are well suited for both the living room and the children's room, the main thing is to choose the right motive. The easiest option would be applications in the form of emoticons or circles. The stripes in the form of letters and animals also look interesting. In a classic style, flowers and artsy patterns will look best.

An interesting decoration option is applications for decorative pillows.

If the master knows several design techniques, you can combine them. This will create the most interesting options.

Shabby chic

This style should be given special attention, since it is here that decorative pillows will be most relevant. For shabby chic, puffs are ideal in all options. Embroidery and lace are also welcome here. Lace pillowcases are very easy to sew and look great in combination with other options.

Puffs in all possible variants are ideal for shabby chic

Sizes of pillows for shabby chic style can be different. You can make several small products, and a couple of large ones, and it’s also unnecessary to forget about cushion covers for stools, which will perfectly complement the exquisite design. Buttons, braid and light colors are integral parts of the design of decorative pillows in a romantic style.

Children's products

In the kids' room, pillows can be toys at the same time. Making them is very easy if you choose the right materials and pattern. Animals and birds are best suited for decorating a children's room. Owls, cats and dogs are very popular with needlewomen. But it is quite possible that the child will give preference to other living creatures.

In the kids' room, pillows can be toys at the same time.

Pillows in the form of numbers and letters will help to teach the baby from an early age to read and math. They are comfortable and look nice. The main rule is to respect the proportion and work according to a predetermined scheme.

DIY decorative pillows great option in order to decorate the room and add originality to it, but do not spend a lot of money.

DIY decorative pillows are a great option to decorate the room and add originality to it, but without spending a lot of money. If the craftswoman has enough free time, it is worth surprising her loved ones with new bright and stylish home accessories.

Pillows in the form of numbers and letters will help your child learn to read and math from an early age.

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Do-it-yourself pillow book “Look-feel-rattle-rustle”

Master class from Natalia Nichepurenko

Recently, my youngest daughter Dasha turned 6 months old, she no longer wants to lie in one place, for example, in a play center - a rug with arches. It is problematic to study pictures in books on your own, as everything turns out to be in your mouth or torn. Then I decided to sew for her an exclusive book that performs the maximum of functions:
- allows you to get acquainted with various textures by touch
- teaches basic skills (unbuttoning, zippers, lacing, Velcro, ties)
- shows a variety of colors
- makes various sounds (rattles, rustles, cracks)
- familiarizes with the objects around us
- can be used as a pillow during the game
Having gathered together swarming ideas, all suitable materials (mostly natural: cotton, linen, leather) and patience (I must say, this is a rather painstaking task), I started making a small “masterpiece”.
I cut out 12 pages of 22x30 cm of different colors from cotton, duplicated them with interlining.
Almost all applications are sewn with a zigzag stitch with a step width close to 0.
The soft looped part of the contact tape (Velcro) is sewn on the details of the pages, Velcro with tenacious hooks - on the underside of the removable parts.
Details of appliqués and removable items are glued with serpyanka or doubler.
For rustling details, a layer of bags is inserted between the layers of fabric (like from pasta).

1) On the cover there is an octopus, the voluminous head of which is stuffed with padding polyester and a rattler is also inserted there (a box from Kinder Surprise with buckwheat). Tentacles - 8 strips of 25x5 cm, in finished form 25x2 cm, into which pieces of elastic tape of 13 cm are threaded.
You can rattle, pull the "legs".

2) Pocket, fastened with a large flat button, where you can put the crop from the next page.

3) A tree with Velcro flowers that you can attach apples and even a pear to! The grass is made with a fringe of flax scraps, releasing longitudinal threads.

4) The ladybug teaches how to handle a zipper, the wings are double, sewn only at the top, the antennae from the hat gum can also be pulled.

5) The semi-flower has a soft (stuffed with padding polyester) core and rustling, unfolding petals.

6) The boot is cut out of a piece of leather and needs to be laced up.

7) A house with an opening door and a window, behind which little animals hide.

8) Butterfly-cracker is attached with a tenacious belly to the place of the caterpillar dancing on the flower (the petals fly off, rustle).

9) The boat is a pocket, the sail is fastened with a button on the leg, the fish is fastened with Velcro.

10) A Christmas tree in the snow (made of soft Velcro) turns into a New Year's beauty. Ribbons are tied with a bow on the gift.

11) Terrycloth mitten, where you can stick a pen or hide Christmas decorations from the previous page.

12) The sun with rays of satin ribbons is attached to 2 pieces of Velcro.

When all the pages were ready, I sewed them in pairs: 12 and 1, 2 and 11, 10 and 3, 4 and 9, 8 and 5, 6 and 7. I cut out 6 rectangles of 42x30 cm from the synthetic winterizer. inserting inside 2 layers of synthetic winterizer. I framed 3 double sheets with a satin ribbon, cut along the oblique, placing 4 tie ribbons under it on the cover.
Then it was necessary to assemble the book and stitch it in the center. But I am in no hurry to do this operation, since it is not convenient for a child lying on his tummy to leaf through a voluminous book. While the daughter plays with three mini-rugs, but as soon as she fits well, it will be possible to finish the job.

How to make decorative pillow patterns and sew these products? Currently, decorative pillows are a very fashionable, bright element of the interior. They are used to create a color composition, to give the interior a special style. You can make patterns of decorative pillows, sew models from them with your own hands.

Hand-sewn decorative pillows are currently a fashionable addition to the interior style.

Cushion with trim

Such a model can be sewn using a needle and thread.

Materials and tools:

  • fabric with satin sheen;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • buttons;
  • synthetic winterizer filler;

To get a pattern, the fabric is pulled together in the center of the rhombus and pinched with a needle.

You need to pre-treat the fabric so that in the future it does not shrink. To do this, it is soaked in hot water. The fabric must then dry. She needs to be stroked.

After that, patterns of decorative pillows are made, a circle of the required diameter is drawn, plus an additional 3 cm for the seams.

Product radius 35 cm plus 3 cm for seams. Then determine the direction in which the fabric will not stretch. Make 4 marks on the fabric. Mark the center of the circle. To make the drapery beautiful, you need to adjust the circumference.

In the middle of each of the arcs, the radius is reduced by 1 cm, the points are connected with a smooth line. Get a circle. Then cut out the workpiece, sheathe the edges with an overlock. After that, markup for finishing is performed.

The arc between the marked points is divided in half, then again in half, until the segment is 5 cm. Marks are made on the front side with chalk. Then it can be easily removed. After that pinches are pinned with pins.

It is not necessary to sew a pillow strictly according to the pattern, you can change the location of geometric shapes and get a new ornament.

Each tuck is fixed one to the other and ironed from the edge to the center with an iron. Thus, drapery is performed. Then each tuck is stitched with a needle. The workpiece is pulled together with a thread.

After that, fill with filler. Pull the thread. Secure it with a few stitches. Buttons are sheathed with fabric.

Then the product is sewn in the center of the workpiece. After that, a button is sewn to the center of the product. Then the thread is brought to reverse side model and sew the second button in the center.

The result was a spectacular pillow in the Baroque style. She will give classic style and effectively complement the interior of the surrounding objects: furniture, curtains, walls. It can be decorated with a lace frill.

In this case, before the buttons are sewn on, an additional part must be installed. First, measure the circumference of the product. They make a pattern of a rectangular-shaped part, with a length equal to the circumference of the product, a width of one third of the radius of the model.

Sheathe the edges of the part. Sew the part in the middle. One edge is decorated with lace, the other is pulled together with a thread. It turned out a lace rosette. It is applied to the pillow and stitched through the center. Then the buttons are sewn on. The product is ready.

Hexagon pillow

Materials and tools:

  • fabrics of different colors;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • buttons;
  • sewing machine.

This model is made using the patchwork technique from patches of various fabrics. Two different colors can be applied. Each sector can be done in a specific color.

You need to choose colors beautifully, so that they are in harmony with each other.

First you need to cut out a pattern template of the desired size from cardboard, transfer to fabric and cut into 7 elements for each side of the pillow.

First, make a pattern for twelve identical triangles. The pattern is first made on paper. Then transferred to the fabric. The triangles are stitched together. The top of the product is made from six triangles, the bottom of the exhibit is made from the remaining six triangles.

Then connect both sides, folding them face to face. Leave an unsewn area for filling with padding polyester. Then the product is turned inside out, the filler is inserted and the hole is sewn up. A button is sewn into the center of each side to make a recess. Previously, buttons with a large hat are sheathed with fabric. Now you can decorate the pillow with tassels. You can buy them at the haberdashery. Sew tassels to the corners.

Heart Pillow

The scheme of the pattern of the first half of the pillow-heart. One cell is equal to 5 cm.

Materials and tools:

  • fabrics for pillows and for decoration;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

Making patterns for decorative pillows. They make patterns of two squares, cut out the details of the usual model, adding 2 cm to the seams. The details are stitched together. The cover is filled with padding polyester.

Pattern for the second half of the heart pillow. One cell is equal to 5 cm.

Then proceed to the manufacture of decoration in the form of a heart. Make a small circle pattern. Cut out mugs from fabric the same size. The fabric should not crumble.

Fold the circles one on top of the other to make a flower, and sew them together. 10 such flowers are made. After that, flowers are sewn along the contour of the heart.

Then the flowers are sewn inside the contour. Flowers are sewn tightly to each other. For a heart, you can choose a delicate fabric Pink colour. When the heart is ready, fluff it up by rubbing it with your hands.

Pillow in the form of a roller

Materials and tools:

  • fabric 100x60 cm;
  • cord;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • sewing machine.

The pillow-roller will look much prettier if you sew it in the shape of an animal or just make an appliqué.

First, a rectangular pattern 100 cm long and 60 cm wide is made of paper. The product is cut out of fabric. From the edges of the long side of the rectangle, marks are made 7 cm from the edge. After that, they bend and iron inside out the 60 cm side at the 7 cm mark.

This is done on both sides. Straighten ironed folds. Bend the part face to face along the side of 100 cm. Sew the parts, leaving allowances for the seams. Turn inside out.

Bend the edges along the ironed line. Lay pins along the processed cut. Perform two lines at a distance of 2 cm and 1 cm from the edge. When performing the first line, a 1.5 cm segment is left unsewn. A cord is threaded here. Bottoms are sewn on.

The product is turned inside out. Fill the pillow with filler. Tighten 2 cords around the edges. A decorative ribbon is tied on the outside. The tape is sewn to the middle of the product. Pillow-roller is ready.

Cushion with piping

Materials and tools:

  • the cloth;
  • edging;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

To make a piping, the tape is folded in half, the rope is inserted inside and sewn.

Pillow with edging around the perimeter can be made with fringe, piping, lace or ruffle trim. First, two parts are cut out for a pillow 43x43 cm. The edges are processed with an overlock. The length of the piping is equal to the perimeter of the pillow plus 10 cm.

Kant can be bought ready-made or made by yourself. To do this, strips 5 cm wide are cut out of the fabric along an oblique line. The length of the tape is equal to the length of the strip. The tape is folded in half lengthwise. A cord is inserted into the fold. Sew the fabric to pull it on the cord.

Details are sewn along the perimeter of the pillow. Then the cord is sewn by hand with a nylon thread. After that, all the details of the pillow are sewn together. The product is turned on the front side, straightened, the filler is inserted. The model is ready.

Floor decorative pillows

Materials and tools:

  • durable fabric;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

Floor decorative pillows are designed not only for decorating the interior. They can be used, for example, as an ottoman or a stool.

You can sew a pillow for sitting on the floor with your own hands. The product will be sewn from triangular sectors. Sectors must be made of the same material, but in different colors.

Carry out a pattern of triangles. Then the required number of triangles is cut out of the fabric. They cut off the corners so that the pillow is voluminous.

The sectors of each side are sewn together. Connect the top and bottom sides of the pillow by folding them. Leave a hole for the filler. Turn out the product. Then fills it with padding polyester. The floor cushion is ready.

Children's decorative pillows

A child's pillow should be filled with safe and environmentally friendly filler.

Materials and tools:

  • fabrics for pillows and for appliqué;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

You can make models of children's pillows. Pillows-toys, models with applications are very popular.

Make the usual square model. Glue on it applications made from various fabrics.

First, a stencil is cut out of paper, for example, apples or pears. Then from fabric suitable color cut out applications and sew on the product.

You can make patterns and make applications of various fruits, birds, hearts and so on. Pillow toys are very popular with children.

They do not require complex patterns to make. The form is very simple. The resemblance to cartoon characters or animals is achieved through the color of the fabric and applications.

Pillows in the form of an owl, Mickey Mouse, kittens are very popular at the moment. Application, buttons, embroidery, you can make eyes, mouth, antennae of your favorite animals and cartoon characters.

You can make patterns and sew various types of decorative pillows with your own hands, using all your skill, creativity and imagination. Each model of a decorative pillow, the patterns of which were made by hand, will be original and exclusive, and will successfully complement the interior of any room.