How to make a frame for a picture with your own hands? Picture frames - photo. We frame the embroidered work ourselves

Many needlewomen are interested in: how to make a photo frame from improvised materials? After all, this is a very necessary thing, but store frames made of plastic look exactly the same. Therefore, it will be very interesting and useful to learn how to make these things with your own hands, our today's MK for beginners will help you with this.

DIY photo frames from eggshells

These stylish items can be made from any old and unnecessary things. You just need to connect your imagination and not be afraid to create.

The basis for a photo frame is usually made of cardboard. In addition, you can use blanks sold in the store for this purpose.

How to decorate a cardboard base? Only your imagination can limit you here. We offer you to pay attention to the master class of the original product, decorated eggshell.

1) Cut out the base for a frame 4 cm wide from cardboard. The inner perimeter of the frame must match the size of the photo.

2) We make a stand for a photo frame. We cut out such a figure from cardboard.

3) From the rectangular uncut side, measure a two-centimeter strip and bend it.

4) Cut out a rectangle for the back wall of the frame. Glue the details.

5) Glue the leg. To do this, we spread the bent two-centimeter strip with glue and glue it to the middle of the back wall of the frame.

6) We begin the design. Cover the frame with blue acrylic paint.

7) Boil 5 eggs, peel them in large blocks. Paint it in different shades of blue paint.

8) When the paint is dry, grind the shell.

9) And now paste over the frame with eggshells in random order, but tightly to each other.

10) Here is what a successful decor turned out.

Instead of eggshells, you can use beaten seashells or other decor.

simple paper frame

It is very easy to make a photo frame out of paper, but always beautiful and embossed, for example, from wallpaper.

You will need:

  • wallpaper;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • mock knife;
  • stapler.


1) Draw two rectangles on the back of the wallpaper. The perimeter of the inner should be equal to the size of the photo. The width between the inner and outer perimeter should be 3 cm.

2) In the central rectangle, draw diagonal lines and mark 1.5 cm from them.

3) Draw another inner rectangle through these points.

4) Cut the inner rectangle along the diagonal lines with a craft knife.

5) Bend the corners inward.

6) Bend the side of the outer rectangle.

7) Fold the last three-centimeter strip in half.

8) There are small squares in each corner. Cut one fold.

9) Fold the frame into a box.

10) We chop off with a stapler.

11) Cut out a rectangle from cardboard and glue it to the frame. This is the back wall.

Making such a frame is simple, it will be very interesting for children.

Comfort and coziness

Homemade items for the home are a kind of amulet, a symbol of comfort and prosperity. Because the things in which a person has invested his labor and his love have a very strong positive energy.

Handmade gifts are especially valued all over the world. They will surely bring peace and warmth to the homes of your friends, loved ones and relatives. Your young man will certainly be delighted with your joint photo in the original frame. And the children will be simply delighted, having received a color photo in a bright frame as a gift.

Let's look at very simple and quick ways frame making.

DIY photo frames from toilet paper rolls

Make a three-dimensional base and paste over the details as you wish.

Cut the rolls into rings with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 cm, bend with a petal. Glue the petals together good glue, color in suitable color and the frame is ready!

Cut all the same rolls, connect them together, glue them with sequins or rhinestones and the royal frame is ready!

Making frames using the applique method

Literally all the materials that come to your hand can be used here: beads, coins, shells, coffee beans, etc. Details are best glued with a hot glue gun.

Embroidery- the oldest type of needlework. But it’s not enough to embroider the picture itself, you also need to make sure that it becomes an excellent decoration for your home.

Do-it-yourself framed embroidery is no less interesting than the process of creating a handmade picture.

Features of the frame for embroidery

The general style of housing is one of the most important factors to be guided in such situations. A few other important recommendations will not be superfluous.

  1. The subject matter must be taken into account. IN wooden frame still lifes, animals, historical subjects look perfect. Plastic products should be done for marine images. Additionally, you can decorate with shells. A cardboard frame is a good addition for children's drawings.
  2. You should not forget about the shape of the product either. It depends on embroidery directly. It is good if the silhouette completely repeats the composition. The shape of the frame is allowed round, square, rectangular, oval.
  3. It is important to correctly select the size of the frame when designing. An indent of more than two centimeters is a good solution for small compositions. The frame should not touch the edges of the image.
  4. The color scheme should correspond to the shades prevailing in the image itself.

Passe-partout design

It is necessary to stretch the embroidery on a passe-partout with your own hands before placing it in a frame. It is enough to use a simple cardboard and cut it to the size of the picture. Lay the embroidery face down on a flat surface. We place the cardboard base in the center.

We bend the edges of the embroidery with our own hands onto the base. We tighten the opposite edges of the fabric so that the material lies flat on the surface of the base. It remains to place the product inside the frame. From the wrong side, we close everything with a plywood sheet. Small nails will help secure the entire structure. Accuracy and caution are required, otherwise the passe-partout may be damaged.

Sometimes the cardboard is left visible. For the entire composition, it becomes the background. In this case, colored cardboard is used. We cut out the silhouette according to the size of the picture with our own hands in the middle of the cardboard base. On top of the embroidery itself, we lay the resulting cardboard frame.

Mandatory nuances

Pictures in a frame are located strictly in the center, avoid distortions in any direction.

A good option would be to use glass to decorate the frame with your own hands. It protects the product from dust and dirt. Glass will help keep the richness of colors from fading.

It is important to leave a small distance between the picture and the glass so that the embroidered image does not deform.

We glue a frame made of wood, chipboard

Docking curly profiles in the "mustache" is one of the most important steps that must be done scrupulously.

  1. The edges of the part are cut with their own hands at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. It is necessary to use special clamps, then the product will become more durable.

There are several ways to glue wooden frames.

  • Corner connection with clamps. The method is not without certain drawbacks. Not always and not everyone has the right tool.
  • The second option did not receive wide distribution. Use rubber tape to connect the parts. The tape itself is tied with a loop. Some skill is required to successfully complete these activities. It is important to observe the accuracy of the angle when sawing the ends.

Detailed description

Thick plywood or chipboardperfect option, which will help to make and arrange a flat area without deviations in size and geometry. We use self-tapping screws to fix the support bars, they are fixed along the edges.

Relative to each other, the bars are located at an angle of 90 degrees. A metal square will help to achieve maximum accuracy in work.

Next, we take the prepared parts, file the ends. We apply glue on them corresponding to the workpiece, most often it is PVA carpentry glue. Having connected the corners of the frame, we tighten the structure with clamps. The corners of the frames should be tightened tightly, without shifts in different directions, make sure that the structure is horizontal. Clamps are removed after the glue has completely dried, usually it takes about a day.

Rubber band and rope

We create a base with four bars, they play the role of the base. In the previous case, we needed only two such details.

The rubber band on the inside will tighten the corners of the frame. The use of a cable or rope is allowed.

Corner tightening with one bolt - classic version. We install stop corners on 4 rails. Creating the structure for tightening is the most difficult moment. This construction can be used later, when other frames are created.

Skirting board frame

It is easy to do without expensive materials and special skills if you need to design this option.

For work you will need:

  1. Line with a marker.
  2. Substance with a coloring effect.
  3. Miter box.
  4. Stationery knife.
  5. adhesive solution. Without it, all the details cannot be glued together. Great option- the material with which the ceiling tiles are glued.
  6. Plinth. Polystyrene or foam.

It is necessary to carefully measure the embroidery itself in order to make a frame that is ideal in size. A ruler and a marker will help to apply the necessary dimensions to the work surfaces. It is necessary to put all the parts together before you start gluing. The ends are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, the miter box provides maximum accuracy.

What other options are available?

Contacting a framing workshop is the most affordable way but not in terms of cost. It is better to ask in advance how the workers pull the embroidery onto the substrate. Stretch from the inside out with threads - the most reliable option. The embroidery is placed on a substrate in a suitable color. On the reverse side, the edges are bent. The fabric shrinks evenly, due to which the product is durable. The decor is luxurious.

Most often, workshops prefer to fix the fabric with double-sided tape, since the method described above is quite expensive and time-consuming. From the point of view of tissue safety, the option is not the worst. The main thing is to choose a quality adhesive tape that does not leave marks.

In good workshops, they offer to cover the embroidery with glass. But pictures embroidered with beads should not be closed like that. Then attractive and juicy appearance will be lost. Passe-partout should have the same tone as all embroidery. Sometimes they make a double passe-partout to emphasize certain details.

The color of the baguette should be combined not only with the picture, but also with the surrounding interior.

You can also purchase ready-made frames. Relevant for those who want to follow the path of least resistance. You can also be puzzled by the choice of a passe-partout in stores, if necessary.

Video gallery

Contemporary artists often sell unframed paintings. They believe that a person himself has the right to choose which frame to use, and whether it is necessary at all. In specialized stores, you can buy ready-made picture frames, but they are of a certain size. And if the canvas does not match them, then you have to somehow get out of the situation. Best Option Do it yourself, it's not hard. So the person will get a decent frame for the picture of the required size, as well as a design that, in his opinion, fits perfectly.

Now we will describe in detail how to make a frame for a picture with your own hands from wood. This is classic stuff. From it began to make the first frames even when art was just emerging. So let's start with it.

Choice and quality of material

First you need to pick up rails. The wood for their production is not kept in a certain way, therefore, in places where there are knots, cracks and bumps appear during the subsequent drying of the material. It is for this reason that it is necessary to carefully select material that does not have flaws. However, if in the frame design you need to show exactly the structure of the wood fibers, then it is better to make the slats for the baguette yourself. Such production of picture frames requires the presence of seasoned wood, only in it the knots do not have cracks, because it was dried using a special technology throughout the year.

How to create a frame profile

To turn the slats into a wooden baguette, from which the frames will be made, use milling machine. Curly cutters are sold especially for him, which are able to cut through any recesses and create the necessary pattern on the surface. The profile of the product can also be given with hand tools. To do this, use special planers, zenzubels, as well as moulds.

Tools for creating corners when cutting a baguette

Wooden picture frames must have right angles, unless, of course, their shape should be traditional. It is very difficult to cut a baguette and maintain exactly the degrees of its corners. To do this, it is better to use a special tool, such as a miter saw. It is not cheap, but the result justifies the money. But still, how to make a frame for a picture with your own hands without a special machine? If such production is not included in the plans, then it is not advisable to buy such an expensive tool. Therefore, it is better to purchase a miter box for sawing a baguette. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to cut the corners perfectly, then they can always be finalized on sandpaper. It will allow you to carefully sharpen the corner so that everything fits together.

Gluing the frame and the tools needed for this

Now the manufactured frame parts must be glued. Titebond II is ideal for this and has been tried and tested by many woodworkers. It is very important to tightly clamp all parts of the frame. To do this, use a special tool - tape clamps. They allow you to evenly and tightly tighten all parts of the frame, to maintain perfectly right angles. This simple device is easy to use, even if you make a picture frame from a baseboard. And it doesn't matter if it's plastic, foam or wood. The most important thing is to initially cut out even corners. You can fasten the frame without glue, for this you use metal corners, which are driven into the connection. However, such a fastening is not as reliable as gluing.

Finished product grinding

When the glue dries, you need to sand the entire surface of the frame to give a smooth and beautiful view. To do this, use the finest sandpaper, the basis of which is fabric. It is better to clean in small segments - it is easier to penetrate into the corners and profile relief.

Frame surface finish

How to make a frame for a picture with our own hands, we understood in detail, and now, as for its decoration and coating with a protective compound. To do this, use stain and varnish. If you need to achieve dark color, covered with stain, and then with varnish. When they want to leave the natural color of the wood, they take a transparent varnish - then all the fibers seem to stand out a little, create an excellent look. If you want to add color to the frame, for example, make the tree pinkish, then you can add a little potassium permanganate to the varnish. All compositions that are applied must be of the highest quality. If you take cheap ones, you can easily ruin the frame. If everything is applied to the surface with a spray gun or airbrush, then the risk of damage to the product is reduced due to the smallest spray.

carved frames

Making carved picture frames will require special tools. Such work cannot be automated, so practical skills in wood carving are needed here. Masters for this craft use a variety of cutters, chisels of various shapes and sizes. This is very fine work, where not only skills are needed, but also an understanding of the structure of wood fibers. Therefore, creating such a frame is much more difficult.

Creating a carved frame

First of all, on the workpiece they draw or translate the image that is going to be cut out. After that, it is cut with a jigsaw. Well, then they start the most difficult part - woodcarving. This process cannot be described in words, it can only be comprehended in practice. It is better to start with simple drawings and gradually move on to more complex ones. Now as for the tree. For carving, only seasoned material from soft rocks (for example, lindens) is taken. All other processes are identical with the above.

The presented picture frames, the photos of which clearly display all types of their coatings, as well as the main forms, look simply amazing. The main thing is to want and try.

We fully understood how to make a frame for a picture with our own hands, now it remains to assemble all its parts. To do this, you need to lay the frame face down on a clean surface and insert everything in the following sequence:

  • glass;
  • painting;
  • piece of cardboard.

After that, everything must be fixed with carnations driven into the frame. This is a fairly responsible process, so it is worth dwelling on it in detail. To successfully fix the picture in the frame, you need to be careful and accurate. After all, making picture frames is a rather time-consuming process, not to mention painting canvases, so you need to do everything perfectly.

We bait the carnation on the frame with light blows. It should press the cardboard, picture and glass tightly enough. Then a ruler is slipped under this baited nail. A hammer head is placed on top and, gently sliding over the surface, they strike until the nail is hammered deep enough so that it can hold everything tightly. Thus, all the nails that are necessary to tightly hold all parts of the picture are hammered.

In this article, we have analyzed in detail how to make a frame for a picture with our own hands and assemble it. It remains only to do everything in a practical way and get what you want.

In our ever-rushing digital age, sometimes you want to stop, sit in your favorite chair and just relax. It is at such moments that many of us pick up a large one with photographs. When looking at any picture, the thought suddenly arises that it would be nice to put it on a shelf or hang it on the wall. But due to the fact that there is no suitable frame, we again send the photo to lie between the pages of the album. Wait, do not rush and hide the picture, you can create a frame from improvised material. What and how to make a frame? From cardboard. Yes, yes, ordinary cardboard, which can be found in every home.

Cardboard frame - a new activity

So, one cozy evening, flipping through the pages of the album, laughingly telling your child about how once upon a time you were a baby too, you suddenly wanted to leave a couple of pictures in plain sight, enclosing them in an original frame. Creating a paper and cardboard frame will help you pass the evening, besides, this is another great way to teach your child something new and interesting. Feel free to get down to business! Its production will not require large time and financial costs.

Cardboard frame: necessary materials

An elementary do-it-yourself cardboard frame is made using the most common materials, such as cardboard, ribbons, fabric, wallpaper residues, beads, shells brought from a summer vacation, and other items suitable for decor. You will also need scissors, a ruler, a pencil, An interesting solution for decoration, raw cereals can become - it can be peas, buckwheat, semolina or any other. How to make a cardboard frame using cereals will be described a little lower, no doubt, many will like this decoration option.

simple frame

To make the simplest frame you will need:

White cardboard;

Decoration items (in this case, beads were used);


Two rectangular blanks are cut out of cardboard. For 10x15 they should be 13.5x18.5 cm. Now in one of them you need to cut out a window, which should be slightly smaller than the picture itself. On this window at will with reverse side you can attach a film, such as a piece from a transparent file, to protect the photo from dust. The picture must be fixed at the corners with thin strips of paper between the blanks, the image in the window. Now you can paste over the blanks with a cloth, decorate with beads. Do not forget to attach a stand to the back of the frame - a triangle cut out of cardboard or a loop to hang it on the wall. This is how easily and quickly a simple frame is made from Agree, even a child can handle it.

A simple frame decorated with groats

Creating such a frame is not at all difficult. The principle of its manufacture is the same as in the previous description. Only the way of decorating changes. Groats are glued to the front blank with the help of PVA. If it is peas, then each pea is glued separately. You can even use semolina, millet, buckwheat. After the glue dries well, the grits must be varnished, allowed to dry, painted in any suitable color and again covered with a layer of varnish. It turns out a very unusual cardboard frame made in the “cereal” technique. Made by hand, it will delight your eyes for a long time.

Scrapbooking frame

This option is somewhat more difficult to perform than the previous ones, and will require a little more time and effort. A cardboard photo frame decorated with fabric looks stylish and rather unusual. To make such a thing you will need:

Scrap paper sheet 30x30 cm;

A piece of scrap paper 10.5x15.5 cm;

Brads (carnations or buttons with a decorative hat);

A small piece of synthetic winterizer;

- Moment Crystal.

To make such a cardboard frame, you need to cut out several details: the front and back sides (24x18.7 and 18.5x13.5 cm in size), the leg (16 cm). The window in the frame is cut out based on the size of the image. The frame cover is cut out of fabric. When cutting, do not forget to make a small (approx. 1.5 cm) indent from the edge for bends. The front part is cut out of the synthetic winterizer, the one with the window. You can start to form the frame itself. To do this, the front side must be lubricated with a thin layer of glue and the synthetic winterizer is fixed, a prepared fabric is applied on top of it, which must be glued, bending the material to the reverse side, starting from the corners. It should look like a pillow. Now you need to make the middle of the frame, that is, the same window. Carefully, not forgetting about small indents, a rectangle of the required size is cut out, the fabric is folded, glued. To make the frame even more attractive, you can sew its edges on sewing machine. To decorate the scrap frame, you can use ribbon bows, brads, beads and other small items for decoration. The back side is glued with scrap paper, in turn, a leg is attached to it for stability.

Scrapbooking cardboard photo frames are distinguished from all others by their delicate, extremely attractive design and can serve as a great gift.

Cardboard coffee frame, master class

Necessary materials:

Thick cardboard;

Coffee beans;

Acrylic lacquer;


1. We prepare the basis for the frame. To do this, rectangles, front and back sides are cut out of cardboard. In the front part, depending on the size of the picture, a window is made.

2. Front side pasted over with a suitable color material.

3. The window for the picture is carefully formed.

5. Coffee beans are glued to the fabric. For this purpose, it is better to use Moment Crystal or liquid nails.

6. After all the grains are glued, you can cover them with two or three layers of varnish with intermediate drying of each layer.

7. A variety of little things can serve as decoration for the frame - such as satin ribbons tied into beautiful bows, figures of coffee cups and spoons.

8. The desired photo is fixed in the window.

9. The front and back are glued together.

10. A rectangle cut out of cardboard will serve as a support for the frame, which is fixed on the back of the product.

Frame with eggshell

You can also decorate the cut out base for the photo frame with eggshells.
It turns out a certain effect of aging with cracks, or a mosaic. Before sticking the shell on the cardboard, it must be properly prepared. First, rinse thoroughly. Secondly, remove all internal films. Thirdly, dry well. Only after such preparation can the shells be painted acrylic paints in any colors, let the paint dry and break the shell into small pieces.

The front side of the future frame must also be painted in a suitable color. It is not necessary to use paint of the same shade. For example, bright pink, bright blue, raspberry and white colors are perfectly combined with each other. Playing on their contrast gives a stunningly beautiful result. Shell fragments are glued to the front side in random order, folding into a kind of mosaic. In such a simple way, using improvised material, a do-it-yourself cardboard frame is made.

Good luck with your ideas and success!