Update an old stool. How to restore an old chair with your own hands

Appearance furniture over time can become unpresentable. In addition, it sometimes breaks down and needs repair. Restoring a chair that can serve for many more years is not at all difficult. Sometimes you just need to update the surface - change the upholstery or make the seat more durable. There are many materials for restoration in the house - a piece of dense fabric, foam rubber, etc. The updated chair, covered with a beautiful varnish, looks no less neat than when you bought it.

The appearance of furniture over time can become unpresentable.

A home-restored chair can be designed better than it looked before. Restoration requires a minimum of materials and tools. Replacing a leaky or frayed upholstery is a matter of one hour.

If the chair is antique, then you need to restore it very carefully.

Can be cleaned by yourself wooden surface old furniture and cover with a transparent or tinted composition, add new elements to the decor. For example, a chair is made with carved legs or a back, and the seat is reinforced so that it can be used for its intended purpose for a long time.

There are many materials for restoration in the house - a piece of dense fabric, foam rubber, etc.

Restoration costs at home are minimal. Before buying a new chair, think about whether it is possible to restore the old one and save a lot at the same time. Restoration of antique furniture is especially expensive because it requires great care and exclusive materials. Updating furniture on your own will be much cheaper.

The updated chair, covered with a beautiful varnish, looks no less neat than when you bought it.

Restoration process: step by step instructions

If the "native" bolts connecting the supporting structure are loosened, then they are strengthened with an additional washer. For greater reliability, you can add a little universal glue to the grooves.

Replace the seagrass and horsehair used in the old days as fillers with foam rubber.

A leaky seat is updated by replacing the base with slats and / or completely restoring the upholstery. The worn surface is freed from the old material. The chair is being prepared for further restoration:

  • cut a piece of plywood to fit the seat;
  • stick foam rubber on the base (width - 3-4 cm);
  • fix plywood around the perimeter;
  • stretch the upholstery fabric on the finished base;
  • fix the material with a stapler and staples.

A home-restored chair can be designed better than it looked before.

You can completely replace the back with a figured one, if the design allows.

You can not bring the fabric to the outer sides of the seat. Then the upholstery is tucked around the perimeter inward. The seat frame will be visible.

The fabric is selected resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress, sufficiently dense.

Replacing a leaky or frayed upholstery is a matter of one hour.

When updating, you can use the most different materials. With a good carpentry skill, the restored chair acquires an individual style. This takes into account the material - wood species, density, texture.

You can independently clean the wooden surface of old furniture and cover it with a transparent or tinted composition, add new elements to the decor.

The chairs included in the set must be decorated in the same style.

If the chair is antique, then you need to restore it very carefully. Be sure to give time to dry the applied composition.

For an antique chair, choose a decorative material with embroidery.

For your information. Antique chairs often come with springs in the seat area, so you will need to find the same or similar ones, and remove the old, rusted and lost elasticity. Replace the seagrass and horsehair used in the old days as fillers with foam rubber.

Restoration costs at home are minimal.

Round the edges using a jigsaw, clean the edges with sandpaper.

Necessary materials and tools

To restore the chairs you will need the following:

  • quick-drying varnish (transparent or tinted);
  • dye;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • foam rubber;
  • plywood;
  • sandpaper;
  • metal washers and bolts (screws);
  • springs (for a specific type of chairs).

Sandpaper will be required in order to clean the surface of the furniture from bumps, chips and cracks in the varnish.

The fabric is selected resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress, sufficiently dense. Tapestry, flock, matting, etc. will do. For an antique chair, choose a decorative material with embroidery.

Updating furniture on your own will be much cheaper.

Select in advance the density, texture of the wooden base, cut it to size and use the template to draw the desired pattern.

Sandpaper will be required in order to clean the surface of the furniture from bumps, chips and cracks in the varnish. It is necessary to completely sand the chair ( wooden structure) for smooth application of the laminating compound.

For serious repairs, the chair can be disassembled, the broken parts replaced with new ones and fastened with bolts or screws.

To update the chair, you need tools:

  • scissors;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw for wood (saw off excess plywood under the seat);
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver.

For greater reliability, you can add a little universal glue to the grooves.

For serious repairs, the chair can be disassembled, the broken parts replaced with new ones and fastened with bolts or screws. Seat frames also often require restoration.

Seat frames also often require restoration.

A Viennese chair or any other chair looks best in this design.

Important! It is necessary to use wood species close in density and texture so that the chair is functional and looks presentable.

A leaky seat is updated by replacing the base with slats and / or completely restoring the upholstery.

Restoration methods by decorating a chair

There are several options for designing the appearance of furniture. The chair can be updated in the following ways:

  • staining;
  • lamination;
  • decoupage.

It is necessary to use wood species close in density and texture so that the chair is functional and looks presentable.

As a decor, you can use both the upholstery itself, choosing a fabric of interesting colors like a tapestry, and other parts of the furniture, making them carved, figured.

You can not bring the fabric to the outer sides of the seat.

A plain seat is decorated with smooth embroidery or appliqué. This must be done before starting the plating.

A plain seat is decorated with smooth embroidery or appliqué.

The wooden surface of the supporting structure and the back are laminated, that is, they are coated with a resistant varnish in several layers. The tone of the coating is selected closer to the natural shade of the tree (light, dark or moderate). A Viennese chair or any other chair looks best in this design.

The restored chair can be additionally decorated - to make the wooden surface lighter or darker, to decorate the back or legs in a different way.

You can completely replace the back with a figured one, if the design allows. Select in advance the density, texture of the wooden base, cut it to size and use the template to draw the desired pattern. Round the edges using a jigsaw, clean the edges with sandpaper.

The wooden surface of the supporting structure and the back are laminated, that is, they are coated with a resistant varnish in several layers.

The chairs included in the kit must be designed in the same style so that they do not stand out from the overall picture - "various" furniture can look good in different rooms, but at a common table, for example, when celebrating a family celebration, it looks careless.

When updating, you can use a variety of materials.

VIDEO: Chair restoration: How to make a chair with your own hands. Master class from Katerina Sanina: design, interior

As a result of natural aging and mechanical influences, the furniture loses its qualities. Its restoration seems to many an impossible task. Reviewed in this article specific example shows how to quickly and easily repair an old wooden stool.

Old furniture is usually thrown away or taken to the garage, where it lies and gathers dust, and then inadvertently catches your eye. That's when the idea arises to give it a second life. By following the basic rules of restoration, you can repair old table, chest of drawers or closet. It also turned out to be unnecessary old stool. He lay for about a couple of decades. When the stool caught my eye once again, it was decided to repair it.

Restoration work consists of certain stages. The general condition of the product is preliminarily analyzed: the integrity of the structure, the quality of the wood and the paintwork. A decision is made on the feasibility of carrying out restoration work. Then the stages of restoration actions are planned.

In a particular case, an examination of the stool showed the following:

  • despite its simplicity, the stool was made of well-dried and high-quality wood;
  • all connections turned out to be loose, but intact (after disassembly, defects may appear);
  • there were no damaged parts.

That's what we need to restore this stool.


  1. Chisel.
  2. Drill.
  3. Drill for wood.
  4. Sanding machine.
  5. Sandpaper fine and coarse grit.
  6. Wood saw with fine teeth.
  7. Mallet.
  8. Tassel.
  9. Pulling tape.


  1. Waterproof wood glue D3.
  2. Stain.
  3. Lacquer on wood.
  4. Dye.
  5. Furniture dowels 6x30.

We start by disassembling the stool. Carefully pry up and remove the seat.

The master who made this stool did without nails. The spike connections were additionally reinforced with dowels, they could not be pulled out. Therefore, we drill - we take a drill on a tree with a central tip.

When disassembling, the main thing is not to confuse the elements of the connections. You can mark them, but it's easier to lay them out sequentially, as you can see in the photo below.

Now we take one part and sand it.

Immediately clean the grooves from the old glue and put the workpiece back in its place.

Here's how it should turn out.

After sanding all the blanks, we assemble the stool “dry”, check ourselves and the connections themselves. Lubricate the joints with glue. This should be done fairly quickly - until the glue has dried (usually 10-15 minutes).

We assemble the frame, if necessary - we help with light blows of the mallet through the lining. Wipe off excess glue immediately. Now we tighten around the perimeter with two ribbons.

We put it on a flat surface, check the right angles with a square.

While the glue dries (1-2 hours is enough for ours), we sand the stool seat.

We drill holes for dowels to a depth that takes into account the length of the dowel and the thickness of the stool cover (so that they do not crawl out through the seat). Immediately put the dowels on the glue.

We mark the places of the recesses on reverse side seats.

Lubricate the top of the frame with glue.

Set the seat in place.

Align the holes for the side dowels.

With a mallet we hammer the dowels to the stop and cut off the protruding parts.

We clean the traces of the hacksaw and glue.

We cover the seat of the stool with stain, after it dries - with varnish. We paint the bottom of the stool in 2 layers in gray. The stool is ready.

Vadim Kirkin, rmnt.ru

Time passes, and even good things wear out, lose their former gloss and simply break. But do not rush to send a shabby stool to the landfill, it can still become a stylish and functional piece of furniture. Restoration of the chair will take a lot of time and effort, but the result will exceed all expectations.

Before deciding how to restore an old chair with your own hands, you need to take care of its stability. At long-term operation the furniture is loosened: the wood dries out, and the glued spike connections cease to perform their function.

A stunning effect can be achieved simply by painting the chairs in different colours


  • First, the nodal connection is disassembled. Be careful not to damage it. The spike is swayed and at the same time tapped with a hammer on the knot.
  • The groove site is cleaned of old glue and dust. It is convenient to do this with a chisel or knife.
  • Then the spike and socket are evenly and thinly smeared with glue with a viscosity of 200.
  • After the knot is assembled and clamped in clamps. The product must be in the clamping device for at least three hours. The remains of the dispersion are removed with a damp cloth.

Important! If a bolted connection needs repair, place metal or plastic washers under the nuts and tighten the nuts.

  • If the wooden elements are not adjacent to the eyes, you can increase the missing volume with a thin piece of wood. Use casein or skin glue. The seal is left in a pressed state for 8-10 hours in a warm room. Professional craftsmen use a belt tie, which allows you to achieve the desired force when gluing.
  • If the spike is broken, it is better to replace the defective part with a new one. The leg is processed with a hacksaw and the nest is cut out with a chisel to a depth of 50 mm. After sawing out the insert right size and beat it with a hammer.

Advice. Use a PVA dispersion, it is non-toxic and non-degradable. Epoxy glue "Master" or "EDP" is also suitable.

You can securely fix the legs with wooden scarves. You will also need studs with nuts and washers

Removing the old coating

To get rid of the old coating, use sandpaper. It is not necessary to remove the entire top, it is important to create a smooth and even surface. Restoring chairs with your own hands will not seem too exhausting if you use a grinder.

Advice. You can remove the varnish with technical acetone. They moisten a napkin and wipe the product well. At the same time, the natural color of the wood remains.

Speed ​​up the process of removing the old layer Sander

Finishing: painting and varnishing

Since the tree absorbs liquid quite well, it is necessary to prime the surface before finishing, this will reduce material consumption. A colorless primer is suitable if the tree will only be varnished. In other cases, choose a white primer. Chairs in white or black look great with contrasting upholstery.

Important! Before work, put on a respirator and gloves.

  • Apply 1-2 coats of primer. When the chair is dry, go over it with a fine-grained sandpaper.
  • Now use a wax balm, it will give the surface a special shine. Then polish everything with a brush.
  • Paint the chair twice. The second layer is applied to a dry surface.
  • Apply a thin coat of varnish along the grain of the wood.

Advice. Use water-based paint It is easy to apply and dries quickly. You will also need a stencil if you want to decorate the chair with an original pattern.

Polishing and painting is best done outdoors.

Dismantling and hauling the seat

You will need: a furniture stapler, staples, a screwdriver with nozzles, foam rubber 5 cm thick (or two pieces 2-3 cm thick), thick fabric for the backing and upholstery fabric for the top. A synthetic winterizer, batting, foam rubber can serve as a filler for seats.

  • First, remove the seat and upholstery. Don't throw away the solid wood base.
  • Turn the chair over and remove all fasteners that hold the seat. Remove factory staples.
  • Pull out the spring frame. Free it from the remnants of the filler.
  • Cut out a rectangle of thick fabric according to the size of the seat, cut out the upholstery with a margin. The allowance should be 6-8 cm.
  • Place a thick fabric backing on the spring. Attach the fabric to the frame with a stapler.
  • Lay a layer of filler on top. The optimal thickness for the seat is 4-5 cm.
  • Then install the upholstery material, it is most convenient to do this with an assistant. Upholstery can be a special textile material, as well as linen and leather.

The fabric at the corners can be fixed in this way

Creative solutions for exclusive design

  • First, the chair is painted with two paints of different colors, for example, turquoise (1st layer) and white (2nd layer). Then the surface of the back and legs is carefully treated with fine-grained sandpaper so that the “worn” effect appears. The color of the upholstery material must be in harmony with the color of the painted part.
  • To give the chairs a vintage flair, they are painted in cream, blue, pink colors. After that, the entire chair or only part of it is decorated with a painting. Then individual parts are isolated with gold paint or craquelure varnish is applied to the entire surface. Small cracks will create the effect of antiquity.

Also a curious vintage

  • If you want to recreate the Empire style, choose milky satin with a floral print. Cover the frame with gold paint.
  • Make a chair cover, it will not only protect the furniture from dirt, but also change its design.

Sewing a cover will take a couple of hours of time, even a novice seamstress can cope with such work.

  • The seat can be upholstered with 30 different colored leather straps. They are intertwined with each other according to the “basket” principle and are fixed from below with self-tapping screws.

Seat strapping

Patchwork - patchwork upholstery for a "bright" mood

Often there are things in the closet that have not been worn for a long time. An old shirt and worn jeans are quite suitable as "raw materials" for the upholstery of country chairs. If suitable shreds were found, you need to choose shades and cut out the constituent elements.

Tip: Do not use elastic materials. At first, choose simple, uncomplicated drawing schemes.

Bright accents will dilute the strict monotony

We decorate a stool using decoupage technique

Do you want to update your kitchen in an inexpensive way? Decoupage is able to make the most nondescript furniture original and attractive. You will need napkins or fabric with a suitable pattern, leather applications are also suitable.

On sale you can find special cards for decoupage

  1. After processing with sandpaper, the cracks are sealed with putty, the product is primed and coated with a water-based emulsion.
  2. Then a suitable picture is cut out from a napkin, the surface of the chair is smeared with glue and the pattern is carefully applied. Moving from the center to the edges, smooth it out.
  3. Absolutely dry surface is varnished.

You can decorate in this way the seat, back or legs. Decoupage is ideal for furniture in the nursery or in the kitchen

Great solution for transforming an old stool

Video master class: renovating old furniture

An unstable chair irritates with its creak and carries a potential danger - at any moment it can fall apart under the weight of a person sitting on it. If you have experience, you can strengthen the structure, repaint the base and drag the seat yourself. But if you do not know the secrets of carpentry, you should turn to professionals who know how to restore an old chair, and therefore they will carry out repairs efficiently and quickly.

Photos of chairs before and after the transformation

Unfortunately, over time, chairs, however, like all other furniture, deteriorate, scratch, rub and generally lose their appearance. The swaying legs, the creaking seat, and the worn upholstery - an oil painting, isn't it? But often you don’t want to throw away furniture at all. And there are enough reasons for that. Do not despair if your favorite chair "let us down". Restoring a chair with your own hands will help bring it back to life.

Types of restoration

So, what to do if your favorite furniture is no longer pleasing to the eye? If you do not know the answer to this question, then this do-it-yourself chair restoration master class is designed specifically for you. In many ways, the restoration process is determined depending on the degree of damage to the chair, because the types of updates can be completely different. If it is loose, then it will be necessary to restore the cracked spike joints. In another case, when the places where the spike enters the groove are weakened, and the connecting elements are loosened to disgrace in the sockets, we can say that the chair actually requires rebirth, that is, it will need to be completely disassembled and reassembled. Updating the varnish coating will not require much effort and time, but it should be borne in mind that this is a painstaking task that requires care and accuracy on your part.

The easiest banal option for restoring old chairs with your own hands is to replace the upholstery. At the same time, the appearance changes almost beyond recognition, the updated fabric seems to “breathe” new life in furniture, in the end, there is no trace of abrasions. Today we will talk about all options and ways to restore your favorite chairs.

Preparatory work

First you will need to stock up on equipment and all necessary materials. To restore chairs with your own hands, the following will come in handy:

  • beautiful upholstery;
  • hammer;
  • wooden mallet;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws and screwdriver;
  • clamps;
  • paint, brushes, solvent;
  • clamps (metal);
  • synthetic winterizer (foam rubber, latex can be used);
  • stapler with brackets;
  • scissors, glue;

First of all, the chair must be washed and cleaned. This can be done with a brush and dishwashing detergent. We dilute the soap solution in a large amount of water, apply it with a brush to the chair. Gently remove dirt. Then wooden frame should be wiped off with a dry cloth. It is not necessary to carry out the “washing” procedure for an especially long time, as excessive contact with water can damage the stool. After drying, we disassemble into separate components.

Chair disassembly

Before you start restoring the chair with your own hands, you need to remove the backrest and the seat itself. This can be done easily by hand, without the use of any tools. After that, the chair needs to be thoroughly loosened and the bad connecting places are disconnected. If necessary, you can gently knock on the nests with a mallet. But if, nevertheless, the joint cannot be disassembled, leave it, which means that it is still able to serve you in good stead.

Viennese chairs

Do-it-yourself restoration of a Viennese chair is no different from the repair of any other. Such chairs are most often twisted with screws and screws. Therefore, unwinding them is not difficult. In case of difficulties, it is enough to drop technical oil on the “problem” thread. This will help unscrew the part. A little advice: if at the last stages of the repair you assemble a chair like a Lego constructor, you must initially sign all the details so that the final assembly of the product does not become a nightmare for you. Representatives of the "soviet" times are assembled using epoxy glue. In this case, help hot water. It is enough to hold the problem areas under the stream until the glue is completely dissolved.

At workshops for the restoration of Viennese chairs with your own hands, in the case when the old resin stubbornly holds back some unreliable flimsy element, it is advised to put a rubber hose with a small narrow tip (mostly metal) on the spout of the kettle and direct the steam flow to the joint that cannot be separated. Steam perfectly softens the resin, which contributes to the easy separation of individual parts. After this procedure, the stool must be properly dried.

Restoration of details

At the initial stage, all small defects should be immediately removed. Cracks, as well as places bitten by pets, need to be tightened with clamps, all other chips are perfectly removed with paper tape or putty from a mixture of sawdust and wood glue. If the glue gets on unnecessary parts of the chair, there is nothing to worry about. In the future, all flaws can be easily eliminated. For round elements, metal clamps must be used.

The glue must dry properly. It will take at least 48 hours, maybe even more. The next step is to sand all the elements of the chair. To do this, use sandpaper. You need to start with paper with a larger grain, gradually moving to the smallest. It is necessary to achieve an absolutely even surface of all parts. Otherwise, notches will remain on the chair, which clothes will cling to in the future.

Bonding mates

We wrap the damaged parts of the legs with a bandage, carefully applying glue to each layer of the winding. At the end of the leg, we cut out a recess for a couple of centimeters and drive a wooden wedge into it (any small piece of wood will do). After such processing, the leg will “sit down” tightly in the nest and will not stagger.

Do-it-yourself restoration of old chairs will be complicated by the fact that in such models there are tsargs and crossbars under the seat. In this case, all parts are connected to each other with spikes and glue. If the seam is weakened, it is enough to drill a hole and pour glue into it, and if the spike fails, then when assembling, the sliver soaked in glue must be hammered into the nest. A completely loose leg must be disassembled and completely glued.

Chair assembly

Assembly - very important point in the restoration of wooden chairs with their own hands. It is necessary to assemble all the elements, be sure to take into account the correct angles between all the parts in order to avoid the formation possible distortions. "Spare parts" must be glued strictly under pressure. To do this, just pull them with laces.

Excess glue must be removed with a damp cloth. A basin of water placed on the seat of a chair can act as a weighting agent. Then all elements will be fastened directly under load. This whole process will take at least two days. And only after the glue and parts have completely dried, you should do decorative trim. If the glue is not allowed to dry properly, then there is a risk that it will simply break under the weight.

Chair upholstery

We continue our master class on the restoration of an old chair with our own hands. First, all wooden parts should be painted with paint, then apply a layer of varnish. Next, we leave our precious chair to dry again. In the meantime, we move on to finishing work: we will replace the upholstery.

List of follow-up steps for chair reupholstering:

  1. We remove the battered old upholstery. It is important to try to preserve the integrity of the tissue. She will act as a template. All the little things and shortcomings of the wooden seat must be eliminated first.
  2. We take the foam rubber, lean the seat against it and draw the contours with a marker as accurately as possible.
  3. Using ordinary scissors, we cut out the desired area on the foam rubber along the contours
  4. On the canvas of the future upholstery, using old version fabric as a template, in the same way we draw a seat with a marker, but already taking into account the allowances on the sides, three to four centimeters are enough.
  5. Next, add up a kind of "sandwich". To do this, we lay a new fabric “face down” on the table with the first layer, followed by foam rubber, and the third layer directly with the seat itself. We carefully straighten, align and stretch the fabric, tuck the hanging edges under the wooden base. We fix it with a stapler or small nails with wide hats.

If the back of the chair is as soft as the seat, then the above steps will need to be repeated with it. Upholstery fabric can be chosen in any color, the main thing is that the new chairs fit the overall interior design.

At the very end, we attach the seat to the chair frame itself. It is best to “plant” it on self-tapping screws using metal corners.


Actually, that's all. You have already noticed that your rarity has noticeably changed, revived and is ready to continue to serve you faithfully. Now that you know firsthand what a chair can be like before and after restoration, you may want to repair all the chairs in the house, as well as help all your friends and relatives.

You can also sell an updated version of your chair as an antique for a decent amount of money. Of course, this is a joke. In fact, you can take this seriously and use your new skills to create your own business, which can bring not only pleasure, but also material benefits. The popularity of original designer items is only gaining momentum. Now you know how to restore any chair. Perhaps, based on this article, someday you yourself will develop your own unique options for fixing other old furniture.

Almost all pieces of furniture are subject to wear and tear. Even with careful handling, time takes its toll, and the material from which this or that thing is made undergoes aging and loses its appearance, and in some cases already ceases to fulfill its main function. In the case of chairs, the seat of the chair, that is, its upholstery, wears out first. And also the legs often suffer due to the fact that they constantly have a load. They can break, loosen and eventually fall off completely, causing the chair to become unusable.

This is where the need for its restoration arises, because this process will not take much time and you will not spend as much money as if you bought a new chair. The process of restoring furniture is especially relevant if it is an expensive, old, rare thing or someone else's gift that you do not want to throw away.

Chair restoration

You need to know that old chairs are repaired for a number of reasons, which are characterized by certain damage. This may be an insignificant defect in the form of erasing the paintwork. Viennese chairs usually have such a defect. In this case, it is only necessary to clean the wooden surface and paint. There are more significant damage.:

  • breakage of wooden elements (legs, backs);
  • upholstery wear.

When the upholstery fabric is worn out, it is necessary to carry out such a restoration process as a hauling. It cannot be said that this is a very time-consuming work, rather simple, in contrast to the one when you need to restore the "backbone" of the chair when it is loosened.

old wooden chairs, chairs, stools and stools can be repaired with a certain set of tools and the necessary material.


  • coarse sandpaper;
  • fine-grained sandpaper;
  • different types of screwdrivers;
  • stapler;
  • mallet and hammer;
  • scissors;
  • tassel;
  • screwdriver;
  • clamps.


From materials, to repair wooden chairs with your own hands, you will need the following items:

Operating procedure

Repairing chairs with your own hands is not a difficult process. Many people have already gone through this and know all the nuances of how to restore an old chair with their own hands. All you need is to thoroughly study the master class on chair decoupage and other restoration techniques.


To start, refurbished chair needed properly clean from dust and dirt, applying to it also wet cleaning with a sponge. After waiting for the surface to dry completely, you can proceed to the next step.

Before proceeding directly to the restoration of the chair, it must be disassembled. There are two types of disassembly: complete and incomplete. Complete disassembly includes the dismantling of the entire structure of the chair. Of course, this option is more complex and time-consuming, and if you choose it, then you can give advice on how to do it. If the entire structure of the chair is fastened with screws, then this will not be difficult. In the case when the legs, backrest and all parts of the chair are held together thanks to the glue poured into the grooves, you will have to make a little effort to disassemble it.

As a rule, the seat and back are removed without difficulty. The difficult step in disassembly is the disassembly of the frame itself. Here it is necessary to apply a certain force to knock the parts out of the grooves. For these purposes, it is best to use a mallet (rubber or wooden), because a metal hammer can easily chip the components of the chair or form dents.

Removing old glue

In any case, when knocking out parts, you will need to get rid of the old dried glue (in some cases this may be epoxy resin). To do this, use a dampened sponge or some unnecessary rags. It must be applied at the attachment point of the two parts and left for a while so that the glue or epoxy gets wet. After that, the parts will easily move away from each other.

If it is difficult to get close to any place to remove the glue, you can use another method, which, by the way, is more effective. This method is based on the principle of removing glue with high pressure steam. Most likely, most people do not have special devices that create a targeted effect of hot steam under high pressure. . But there is a way out here too.. It is enough to find a piece of rubber hose about a meter long and put it on the spout of a kettle filled with water, which at that time is put on the stove. On the hose itself, you can pick up some kind of nozzle that narrows its diameter.

Recovery steps

Below we will consider the restoration of the chair at home with incomplete disassembly. The stages of stool recovery will be in the following order:

  1. Inspection of the coating and repair of cracks if necessary.
  2. Strengthening loose legs.
  3. Seat restoration.
  4. Creating covers.

The last stage is optional and is performed at the request of everyone. DIY chair covers will protect the chair and make it look newer. And also due to the fact that they can be changed, there is a factor of variability in the design.

So, first of all, you need to prepare the work surface and take care of hand protection and overalls. To protect your hands, use pharmaceutical rubber gloves and wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty. If you are restoring a chair outdoors, then there must be appropriate weather conditions for this (no wind or rain). If you do this at home, then you can lay oilcloth or large garbage bags on the floor under the chair.

After dismantling the seat, it must be removed from the old upholstery and fitted with a new one. Upholstery fabric can buy at any furniture store, with matching pattern and color. Upholstery can be glued or nailed. In the second case, you will need pliers. It is advisable to remove the old coating, and not fit a new one over it. The filler should also be removed. Then it needs to be sanded with medium grit sandpaper and, after wiping the dust with a damp cloth and waiting for it to dry, cover it twice with a primer.

The interval between coats of primer should ideally be 24 hours, but the manufacturer usually specifies a shorter time. The primer also has bactericidal properties, which is especially important for old furniture. When two coats of primer are applied, you can proceed to close-fitting.

Note: You can sheathe the seat with a special master. As a rule, such services are quite cheap, especially if you provide the master with your material for covering.

Synthetic foam rubber or batting is suitable for filler. When using batting, the number of layers is about 4, but more can be done, depending on how soft the seat you want to achieve. . Batting or foam rubber cut strictly to the size of the seat and fixed on its surface with a furniture stapler or small nails.

The upholstery material, the so-called seat cushion, should be fixed not only around the perimeter, but also in the middle. This will prevent the material from slipping during operation. Now, in order to fit our seat, we cut off the cape along the contour of the seat, stepping back about five centimeters from the edge. Having placed the filler, you can drag it, fixing each side with a stapler and overlapping the corners, which are also fixed. The reverse (invisible side) can not be covered.

How to make a chair

Perhaps, The easiest way, if there is a chainsaw and a grinder, make it using the usual acacia hemp or another tree with beautiful texture. It is done in the following way. cut off right size a stump, the diameter of which will vary from 25 to 30 cm. You choose the height yourself, focusing on the one that will be comfortable for you. The height can be determined by measuring some home stool. After that, an incision is made with a chainsaw in the form of a cross, about half the depth of the stump.

Then, with an ax, a small depression is made in the middle of the stump and a small amount of combustible material - gasoline or diesel fuel - is poured into it. In the process of burning inner part the stool will burn out, it is important to monitor this process and prevent the legs from becoming thin. The thickness of the legs should be at least five centimeters at the base and it expands towards the seat. All burnt wood is scraped off with an ax or knife and polished with a grinder. A special nozzle in the form of a brush with coarse bristles is put on it.

After cleaning the inner surface, using a grinder and a grinding disc, the edges of the legs and the seat are processed along the entire circumference . Then painting is done stain diluted to the desired shade and, after drying, varnish.


To make a simple stool, you need quite a bit of time and a minimal set of tools. Of these, you will need:

The diagram below shows with a dotted line the shape of the leg that you need to cut out in the amount of four pieces, as well as the required dimensions for the board. The shape may be different, it is shown here as an example.

Important: The base of the leg must be flat to give the stool stability.

After marking the workpiece, cut with a jigsaw strictly along the line. In the future, the resulting leg can be used as a layout simply by applying it to the material, circling and cutting it off. When all four legs are cut off, we proceed to their processing. You can clean the edges with a semicircular router, but if there is none, use ordinary sandpaper. True, it will take a little longer. The stool seat requires a board of the same section in the form of a square with a side of 320 mm. The edges of the seat need to be smoothed and made semicircular. The workpiece is also cleaned from all sides with a grinder.

Then, when all four legs and the seat of the stool are ready, provided that they are well processed with sandpaper, you can start connecting all four legs. First, we drill two holes in each leg in the upper part. The drill must be used with a slightly smaller diameter than the self-tapping screw, otherwise it will not hold. Then a small indentation is made with a drill of a larger diameter, so that when the screw is screwed in, its head is drowned and it can be safely primed in the future.

An approximate connection diagram is shown in the figure below, for this you need to attach one leg perpendicular to the other and connect with self-tapping screws.

In the same way, we connect the other two legs and fasten them to the rest. Such a connection is very reliable, since four screws hold one leg. When all four legs are connected, we apply the entire fastened structure to the stool cover and mark its contours with a pencil in order to know where to screw the screws when connecting the seat to the legs. Making holes in outside seat, not forgetting a small hole of a larger diameter to hide the heads of the screws. After tightening all the screws, it remains only to clean the places where the joints were and cover the entire surface of the stool with varnish and stain (if desired).

Covers and capes

Tools needed to make your own chair cover:

  • sewing machine;
  • scissors;
  • fabric and thread.

First of all, remove all marks from the chair: height, width, distance from the back to the seat, length of the legs. Alternative option to remove marks, marks can become directly on the fabric when you apply them to the chair.

The cover itself will consist of two capes. One of them will extend from the bottom of the legs to the back and throw over it. Another cape covers the side of the legs. The two capes are held together with bandages of the same material as the capes. The fabric is stitched on both sides sewing machine and bandages are sewn on by hand.