Grow exotic fruits at home. Exotics from the stone, or how to grow overseas fruits on your windowsill

On the growing moon, all the nutrients and plant juices rush up - from the roots to the crown. During this period, leaves, flowers, fruits develop well. Serious work with the crown on the growing moon leads to a weakening of the plant. You can not do pruning, wounds do not heal for a long time, they can rot. On the growing moon, it is good to carry out top dressing, including foliar, plant, replant, and also divide overgrown specimens. This time is most successful for grafting, transshipment, grafting, sowing seeds. During this period, it is recommended to plant green crops.

IN I quarter (phase) growing moon, - planting annuals that give an above-ground crop in the form of leafy greens, all those plants in which parts that do not contain seeds are consumed for food: cabbage, parsley, lettuce, celery, asparagus, etc. You should also plant melons, cucumbers. Flowers are also best planted on a growing moon, then they are more fragrant and give a lot of seeds.

It is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers.
In II quarter (phase) growing moon - annuals are planted, yielding a crop in the form of fleshy fruits with seeds inside: zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, pumpkins, as well as beans and peas, all creeping, creeping crops. Before the full moon, you should plant trees (if you need to transplant old trees, it is best to do this before the full moon), replant large compact plants.

The crown is saturated with moisture and nutrients, and the roots and root system feel a lack of energy and a weakening of biopotential. It is not recommended to plant and transplant plants, especially perennials, because during this period the survival rate and viability of the root system are reduced, immunity is lowered. On the full moon, you can not cut and pinch plants. But on the other hand, it is good to thin out seedlings, carry out weeding, collect seeds and root crops for seeds.
This is the best time for processing berries and fruits, because they are saturated with useful elements and vitamins to the maximum extent. During the full moon, the above-ground parts of plants develop intensively.

On the waning moon , there is a reverse process - the juices flow from top to bottom. During this period, the underground part of the plants develops well. Therefore, any damage to the roots can be detrimental to plants. But with the aerial part (branches, leaves, flowers) you can work without fear. It is good to carry out pruning, pinching, forming a crown. Planting bulbous and tuberous plants will be successful. On the waning moon, plants with a weakened root system can be transplanted, this renews and strengthens it, stimulates the active growth of roots. During this period, it is recommended to plant root crops.
IN 3rd quarter (phase) waning moon - biennials and perennials are planted, as well as those annuals that produce tubers and root crops: swede, carrots, rhubarb, radishes, turnips, beets, black radishes, asparagus and winter wheat. Potatoes for food are best planted a few days after the full moon. All autumn and winter plantings, as well as planting trees, shrubs, grapes, are best done in this quarter - the root system is developing well.

It is recommended to trim trees and shrubs. With a waning moon, the vital activity of the root system is activated, it needs more soluble nutrients - watering is required.
IN IV quarter (phase) waning moon - a favorable time for planting plants and laying vegetables for storage and unfavorable - for the division of roots and bulbs and their reproduction. Seeds planted on the waning moon are programmed for a more active development of the underground part - roots, root crops, tubers. It is good at this time to harvest vegetables that are growing long time(they will last longer).

During this period, all biological processes in the aerial part are inhibited. The period is unfavorable for contact with plants, especially if the new moon coincides with a solar eclipse. It is better not to interfere with the life of plants a day or two before the new moon and the same amount after. On the days of the new moon, it is recommended to engage in weeding, destruction of weeds, and removal of dried branches of fruit trees.

Our planet Earth is filled with beautiful plants that not only nourish us, but also delight our eyes, bring aesthetic pleasure, and peace of mind. Plants, as part of the world around us, are very sensitive to external manifestations, not only natural, but also to how a person treats them. It is important to take into account everything when interacting with them - the seasons, the weather, the position of the Moon and the signs of the zodiac, what force is manifested in nature, rising or falling, and even more importantly, with what thoughts we interact with them. The love given to the plant will return to you with double strength, they will thank you for your care with their fruits and the beauty of flowering. Keep this in mind and then Lunar advice will have additional strength and your harvest will be the best, and the flowers the most beautiful. Good luck))).



During the growing moon, when the moon begins to gain strength and the juices rush up the stems, branches and fruits, there is an intensive growth of plants. Any intervention in the life of plants should be careful not to cut or transplant them. Favorable planting of flowering plants, "tops" (eggplants, beans, greens, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, strawberries, pumpkins, corn, sunflowers, etc.), as well as lawn and medicinal herbs, that is, plants that grow with the moon upwards and produce fruits and other edible parts above the soil surface.

As the full moon approaches, the most active phase of plant life begins.


The full moon is the time when the moon, filled to the brim with its power, transfers it to plants, this is the most active phase of their life, so it is advisable not to interfere in their growth, they can do everything themselves. Also, do not cut and transplant. The nutritional value of fruits and berries harvested at this time will be the highest. Therefore, harvest with joy and let it bring you a lot of pleasure.;)


The period when the moon goes to rest and plants rest. Their juices rush down to the roots. Since the slowdown in the vital activity of plants occurs, their activity decreases. Now the most favorable will be the assistance provided to them, you can do prevention, this is the most favorable time for transplants, pruning, vaccinations, fruit picking and other work. You can plant flowering, and decorative foliage plants. The waning of the moon is favorable for sowing and planting plants that produce fruits and other edible parts under the soil surface, the so-called "roots" (potatoes, carrots, radishes, beets, onions, Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, etc.), as well as most fruit trees and shrubs.

Closer to the new moon, it is good to weed the beds, destroy pests.


During this period, when the Moon has not yet begun to collect juices, it is not advisable to sow seeds, it will be difficult for them to germinate upwards. In addition, extra care should be taken when working with cutting and injuring garden tools.

On the days of eclipses, it is better to refrain from any work with plants.


When planting, sowing, and carrying out preventive work in the garden, vegetable garden, floriculture, the most important thing is to take into account the days of Roots, Leaves, Fruits and Flowers. Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a particular day:

Fruit Days are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. These days the Moon has a special influence on the fruits. They are ideal for sowing and planting leafy vegetables on a young moon. With a flawed moon, they are especially favorable for planting root crops.

Days of the Roots- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. These days are of particular importance for the roots. The power of the moon acts in such a way that if you fertilize the soil, then the roots will begin to grow especially quickly. Therefore, everything that grows down needs care.

Days of Flowers- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. At this time, it is especially useful to practice flowering plants. If the soil is fertilized on such a day, then the plants will have more flowers.

Leaf Days- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. In the days of the Leaves, the Moon acts with special force on deciduous plants. Therefore, it is very good to plant leafy vegetables.


The days of Fruits with rising power are the days of Aries.

Favorable in the days of Aries:

  • Plant everything that grows quickly and is intended for quick consumption;
  • With a young moon, twist fruit trees, sow grain;
  • Harvest grain and store grain for storage;
  • Plant fruit crops;
  • Fertilize cereals, fruit crops and vegetables (required for a debilitating moon or a full moon from April to September);
  • With a flawed Moon, cut fruit trees and shrubs;
  • Can be sprayed against diseases and pests;
  • Weeding recommended.


    Days of Roots with rising power are the days of Taurus.

    Taurus is one of the most fertile signs of the zodiac, it is suitable for planting any plants.

    Favorable in the days of Taurus:

  • Planting and transplanting all types of root crops (potatoes, beets, carrots, etc.), especially during the waning moon (if you did not have time to do this on the days of the Fruits). They are slow growing, but their fruits are especially good for long-term storage;
  • With the growing moon, sowing legumes, greens, cabbage, asparagus;
  • Plant trees, shrubs, hedges;
  • Formative pruning of fruit trees and shrubs;
  • Lay manure or compost in heaps (during the waning moon from May to October);
  • Fight pests that live in the ground;
  • Fertilize flowers with humus, especially those with an underdeveloped root system;
  • Make homemade preparations from root crops;
  • Harvest, it is stored for a long time.


    The days of Flowers, the transition point between rising and falling forces, are the days of Gemini.

    Favorable in the days of Gemini:

  • With a young moon, sow, plant and plant flowers and everything that curls, that is, gives a mustache;
  • Carry out weeding, spraying from diseases and pests;
  • Apply fertilizer to those flowers that do not bloom well.


    Days of Leaves with descending power are days of Cancer.

    Favorable in the days of Cancer:

    Planting moisture-loving (cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, Bell pepper, asparagus, cauliflower, white and red cabbage) and decorative leafy plants (lettuce, basil, tarragon, etc.), especially with the growing moon;

  • Planting currants, raspberries and gooseberries;
  • Grafting and formative pruning of fruit trees and shrubs, pruning plants and hedges if you want them to grow in breadth;
  • With the waning moon - planting potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • Sow or plant leafy vegetables (lettuce planted with a flawed moon has very good heads of cabbage!);
  • With a flawed Moon, fight pests living on earth;
  • Mowing lawns (best when the moon is young);
  • Water indoor and balcony plants.

    Not favorable in the days of Cancer:

  • For seed purposes;
  • Plant or sow plants that should become tall;
  • Trim dry branches from fruit trees and shrubs (with a young moon, especially in spring, but Cancer is especially harmful on a full moon!);
  • Make homework. Harvest plentiful, stored poorly.

    A LION

    Days of Fruits with descending power are the days of Leo.

    Leo is one of the most infertile signs, as it is the most "fiery", drying sign of the zodiac.

    Favorable in the days of Leo:

  • Collect heart herbs;
  • Trim dry branches from fruit trees and shrubs (with a flawed moon, for pruning in winter);
  • With a young moon, sow grain on wetlands, sow grass on lawns;
  • Sow and plant vegetables and fruits, but not water-loving (tomatoes, potatoes);
  • Plant perishable vegetables;
  • Move fruit trees (with a young moon in spring);
  • Recommended weeding, spraying from diseases and pests.

    Unfavorable in the days of Leo:

  • Use artificial fertilizers, as well as natural ones with dry soil;
  • Weed the weeds;
  • Salt cabbage (does not give the juice needed for sourdough).


    The days of the Roots with descending strength are the days of the Virgin.

    This sign plays special role in the garden, in the garden, in the field and in the forest. Since it is the best for planting and transplanting to a new place of almost any plant.

    Auspicious in the days of the Virgin:

  • To carry out landings - the earth at this time is such that everything rises wonderfully;
  • Plant individual trees for which crown height is important;
  • Plant shrubs and hedges that grow quickly;
  • Replant old trees (spring and autumn);
  • Replant and plant balcony and indoor plants, they will hurt less;
  • With a young moon, sow grass on lawns;
  • Plant cuttings (with a growing moon, in the fall - with a waning one);
  • With the waning moon, pile manure or compost in heaps;
  • Apply any type of fertilizer to the soil (with a flawed moon);
  • Fight pests living in the earth (in autumn, with a flawed moon);
  • A suitable period for tillage, weeding, hilling, loosening;
  • Spray against diseases and pests;
  • Carry out formative pruning of trees and shrubs;
  • With the growing moon, it is suitable for planting berry bushes, strawberries, perennial flowers and medicinal plants. Plants planted at this time will be less sick;
  • Fertilize flowers with an underdeveloped root system;
  • Take out manure;
  • Install a fence.

    Unfavorable in the days of Virgo:

  • Plant a head lettuce (it will all go into arrows);
  • Make homemade preparations and lay the crop for long-term storage;
  • It is better not to plant garden crops, as the harvest will be small.


    The days of Flowers with descending power are the days of Libra.

    In general, this is a neutral sign, it does not affect either positively or negatively any work in the garden.

    Favorable in the days of Libra:

  • Favorable transplantation of plants, picking seedlings;
  • With the growing moon good time for planting legumes (peas, beans, lentils, soybeans), as well as cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage;
  • Suitable for planting annual and perennial flowers, berry bushes, strawberries, as well as plums, cherries, apricots, pears and cherry plums;
  • With the waning moon, you can plant root crops and onions on a turnip;
  • High quality seeds;
  • Plant flowers and flowering medicinal herbs;
  • Fertilize plants that have begun to bloom poorly.


    Days of Leaves with descending strength are days of Scorpio.

    Favorable in the days of Scorpio:

  • Plant, collect and dry medicinal herbs;
  • Fight snails (with the growing moon, using eggshells);
  • Favorable pick;
  • Plant leafy vegetables;
  • Mow lawns;
  • Water indoor and balcony flowers;
  • Fertilize flowers and meadows;
  • With a growing moon, it is suitable for planting tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbages and other moisture-loving plants, as well as peppers, eggplants, greens;
  • To graft fruit trees and shrubs;
  • With the waning moon, plant garlic, radishes, radishes, onion sets, potatoes, bulbous flowers;
  • Rejuvenating pruning of old trees has a good effect;
  • The harvest is good. Long stored;
  • High quality seeds.

    Unfavorable in the days of Scorpio:

  • Fertilize vegetables;
  • Trim fruit trees and shrubs (especially in spring with a young moon);
  • Chop trees (high chance of bugs).


    Days of Fruits - days of Sagittarius.

    A turning point between rising and falling forces.

    Favorable in the days of Sagittarius:

  • Sow and plant fruits and tall vegetables (barley, beans, hops, etc.), as well as single trees that should grow quickly.
  • Trim fruit trees and shrubs (with a flawed moon in the spring);
  • Sow cereals;
  • In the spring, fertilize cereals, vegetables and fruits (required for a debilitating moon or a full moon!);
  • Fight pests living on the ground.

    Not favorable in the days of Sagittarius:

  • Loosen the ground and weed (weeds appear again);
  • Plant lettuce (arrows appear);
  • In general, it is better to refrain from landing.


    The days of the Roots with rising power are the days of Capricorn.

    Favorable in the days of Capricorn:

  • Weeding weeds (with a flawed moon);
  • pave garden paths and put up fences (with a flawed moon);
  • Plant or sow root crops and winter vegetables;
  • Uproot, clear the edges and plant hedges (with a flawed moon);
  • Lay heaps in manure or compost (with a flawed moon);
  • Fight pests that live in the ground;
  • Feed and water flowers with a weak root system;
  • Preserve root crops (with a flawed moon, you can pickle cabbage; with a young moon, the fermentation process proceeds very quickly);
  • Carry out picking seedlings;
  • A good sign for planting before winter, as well as for planting perennials, trees, shrubs;
  • With the waning moon, it is recommended to plant root crops, onions on turnips, radishes, parsley, celery (root), bulbous flowers;
  • With the growing moon, plant greens, cabbage and legumes;
  • Suitable for grafting fruit trees, pruning;
  • Good transplants;
  • The harvest is not bad, it is well stored;
  • High quality seeds.


    The days of Flowers with rising power are the days of Aquarius.

    One of the most infertile signs. It is better to limit yourself to the most necessary things these days.

    Favorable in the days of Aquarius:

  • Pest control;
  • Spraying against diseases and pests;
  • Loosen the ground for weeding (weeds should be left for humus);

    Not favorable in the days of Aquarius:

  • Carry out a pick, because the transplanted plants will not take root;
  • Boarding is not recommended.


    The days of the Leaves with the strength of the rising Moon are the days of Pisces.

    One of the most fertile signs.

    The harvest that you have gathered in the days of Pisces must be used immediately.

    Favorable in the days of Pisces:

  • Plant leafy vegetables;
  • Water indoor and balcony plants;
  • Mow lawns;
  • Fertilize flowers;
  • Plant potatoes with a flawed moon;
  • With the growing moon, a good time for planting cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, horseradish, zucchini, pumpkins, cabbage, herbs, and raspberries;
  • With the waning moon - it is good to plant onions on turnips, radishes, carrots, bulbous flowers;

    Unfavorable on the days of Pisces:

  • Planting and pruning fruit trees and shrubs (with a young moon, especially in spring);
  • Make homemade preparations (use the entire crop at once). Harvest plentiful, stored poorly;
  • Do not use for seed purposes.
  • Garden work by moon

    General rules for working on the moon

    The general principle of planting, depending on the type of plant and the phase of the moon.

    • If the plant develops and produces a crop above the ground, then it should be planted with the growing moon.
    • Vegetables and root crops that develop underground are planted, respectively, on the waning moon.

    If we simplify and generalize as much as possible the influence of the Moon on the life processes taking place on Earth, we can distinguish two main defining phases - the waxing and waning Moon.

    During the growth of the moon, there is an accumulation of vital forces and their careful expenditure, rest of organisms, accumulation of forces, a kind of "breath" of life. The waning of the moon is an “exhalation”, the maximum expenditure of what has been accumulated, liberation from all that is superfluous.

    • roses it is better to plant in the period from new moon to full moon, when the moon is in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.
    • These signs are good for hyacinths but only between the full moon and the new moon.
    • Gladiolus, peonies, daffodils plant between new moon and full moon under the sign of Cancer.
    • chrysanthemums plant exactly on the new moon when the moon is in Libra or Virgo.
    • Sunflower, including decorative, plant from full moon to new moon under the signs of Libra, Gemini, Leo and Virgo.
    • Root crops and everything that ripens underground, it is best to plant between two weeks before the full moon and three days before the new moon. Choose days when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces.
    • Vegetables ripening above the ground, all trees and shrubs they prefer the same signs as root vegetables, but from two days before the new moon to three days before the full moon.

    Works on the signs of the moon


    The day when the Moon is in the sign of Aries is considered the "day of the fetus." The Moon itself is rising these days (not to be confused with the growing one, this is not the same thing).

    On such a day, it is best to sow and plant only those crops that grow quickly and are immediately eaten, for example, lettuce, spinach, beans, tomatoes. If at the same time the Moon is also waning, then it is good to collect fruits and root crops. Plowing, spraying, weeding are fruitful these days.

    Very good to instill fruit trees, only you need to do this with the growing moon. You can plant and sow fruit crops. Aries is favorable for planting sugar beets and bush beans. They love this sign and cereals - cultivate them with the growing moon.

    If the moon is waning, fertilize crops, vegetables, and fruit trees. This is best done during the full moon, from April to September. Remove dried branches from fruit trees and bushes in the days of Aries, and also during the waning moon.


    This sign belongs to the "days of the root" and is favorable for planting crops intended for storage. Good for planting root crops (especially potatoes), bulbous and legume plants, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, turnips. In this sign, the Moon has a good effect on all herbs and greens. Plant trees and shrubs, especially honeysuckle and wild rose, hedges, especially with the growing moon. Whatever is planted in the days of Taurus will grow slowly but surely and will come out very hardy. Start making your compost heap when the moon begins to wan (between May and October). Successful on such days will be the fight against pests living in the earth.

    What to do on bad days?

    If it is undesirable to plant in an unproductive sign, then it is most easy to deal with weeds at this time. Their viability is reduced. The same applies to pest control: with the Moon in a barren sign, chemicals will be most effective against weakened "villains".


    This sign is unfavorable for planting or transplanting plants, except for strawberries, strawberries, climbing crops, roses and chrysanthemums - after all, such a day is called "flower day".

    Therefore, plant and sow flowers, and also fertilize them occasionally during these days. At this time, it is good to cultivate plants, plant forests and protective shrubs, and collect fruits and root crops.

    The sign of Gemini is very fond of plants with a mustache.

    Collect flowers, leaves and seeds of medicinal plants when the moon is waxing under the sign of Gemini, and the roots - when it is waning. It is good to deal with pests on the days of Gemini, as this is an unproductive sign.


    The days under the sign of Cancer are “leaf days”, so it is good to plant and sow leafy vegetables. Gourds will grow well - pumpkin, watermelon, melons. This is one of the most productive signs. Planting of undersized plants - root crops, sugar beet, radish, tomato - is especially successful. Onions, carrots, roses, potatoes, hyacinths, pansies will go well. If you harvest - use it immediately, it will be stored poorly. But the wines are good.

    Successful under the sign of Cancer will be the fight against ground pests. You can mow lawns (especially with the growing moon), water and fertilize indoor flowers.

    Favorable for watering, grafting, planting and transplanting. But cutting dry branches on such days is not worth it, especially in spring, with the growing moon. The most dangerous day in this regard is the full moon under the sign of Cancer.

    a lion

    The days of Leo are the "days of fruition" and the Moon is ascending. This sign is unfavorable for landings. However, lawns, trees and shrubs can be planted.

    It is better to perform the opposite actions - cut branches from fruit trees and bushes, weed, cut down trees, collect fruits and root crops, pay attention to cereals during the growing moon.

    Do not use artificial fertilizers on such days.

    Can be planted under the sign of Leo vegetable crops, resistant to drought, plant fruit trees (in spring, on the growing moon).

    Be careful on such days with sharp tools - a pickaxe, a hoe, a knife, an ax, a shovel - injuries are possible.


    These are "root days". The usefulness of this sign for the garden will be discussed later, but for now, if you advise at all, today you can do any work. This sign favors ornamental plants: asters, crocuses, daffodils, dahlias, gladioli, irises, peonies will be especially good. Virgo "likes" rose hips and honeysuckle. Those ornamental plants are especially successful, from which fruits and berries are not expected - only beautiful flowers.

    But in this sign it is good to plow, cultivate, destroy weeds, hill and spray. You can apply any fertilizer and fight pests that live in the ground.

    Works with natural fertilizers themselves are also favorable - lay compost, take out manure. But this sign does not favor conservation.


    These are “flower days”, which are distinguished by their neutrality. Nothing much to mess up or do in at its best it will not work now.

    If the Moon is decreasing at the same time, the sign is suitable for tuberous and leguminous crops. The flowers are especially beautiful and fragrant.

    The sign forms a great softness of the fruit, gives a lot of seeds. With the growing Moon, the sign of Libra is favorable for planting trees and shrubs.

    Of the flowers, it is especially favorable for daffodils, dahlias, gladioli and sunflowers. It will benefit any flowers and healing herbs - sow them and sometimes fertilize under the sign of Libra.


    This is the second most productive sign of the "leaf days". On such a day, spicy plants, all kinds of medicinal herbs, leafy vegetables work well.

    Plant onion sets, leeks, radish and all melons - watermelons, melons, pumpkins. Tomatoes, flowers also love this sign. But it’s not worth digging up potatoes on this day, they will quickly deteriorate.

    It is not necessary under the sign of Scorpio to cut the branches of trees and shrubs (especially with the growing moon in the spring), to cut down trees.

    If the Moon is also decreasing at the same time - canned, make homemade preparations - it will be delicious.

    Successful will be the fight against snails. Mow lawns, water and fertilize flowers.


    In fact, it is considered a barren sign, although it brings "days of fruit."

    However, you can sow onions, garlic and herbs, and with a waning moon it is suitable for planting potatoes and root crops. Don't be afraid to plant pepper and radish seedlings as well.

    Cultivated plants under this sign do not cultivate, you can take up the land - plow, loosen.

    With the waning moon, you can collect fruits and root crops.

    The sign of Sagittarius is transitional between the rising and falling moon. Especially well on such a day grows what stretches up or curls (beans, grapes, hops).

    It is better not to process plants with sharp tools, but you can cut dry branches - in the spring with the growing moon. Plant corn, cereals, fertilize them. Successful will be the fight against pests living above the ground.


    These are "root days". With the waning Moon, Capricorn favors the planting of onions and winter sowing of vegetables, as well as weeding. In general, you can plant potatoes and root crops, legumes, cabbage, gooseberries, currants, sow radishes.

    Like the sign of Taurus, it gives plants the qualities necessary for storage. And the flowers will also be hardier.

    Fight underground pests under the sign of Capricorn, fertilize weak flowers, preserve and store vegetables, especially root crops.

    Good days for laying a compost heap during the waning moon, thinning plants, uprooting trees.


    This is an infertile sign that brings "flower days", and nothing can be planted on such a day. Seedlings will not give roots, the seeds will germinate in a minimal amount. Do only the best necessary work. If you don’t want to rest, do cultivation, pest control - they are especially weak and passive on such a day. Weeding the beds and destroying weeds will also give good results.

    Even if you do not completely cut the weed on the day of Aquarius, it is unlikely to take root, even if it was sprinkled with earth. Loosen the soil, sometimes fertilize the flowers. You can also collect flowers, leaves and seeds of medicinal herbs if the moon is growing, and if it is decreasing, collect root crops.


    This is a productive sign, "leaf days". As well as under the sign of Cancer, leafy vegetables and berries work well, especially raspberries and strawberries. On such a day, it is good to sow lettuce, parsley, spinach, cucumbers, radishes, pumpkin. When the moon is waning, plant potatoes.

    It is better not to harvest the harvest - the safety of the harvested will be low, vegetables and fruits acquire an unpleasant odor and quickly deteriorate - try to eat them as soon as possible. But this sign gives abundance to flowers. Water and fertilize them under the sign of Pisces.

    However, it is better not to prune fruit trees on such days, especially with the growing moon in the spring.

    Pisces is good for making wine, especially when the moon is waning, closer to the new moon.

    Many people have tried to plant the seeds or seeds of those fruits or berries that they bought in the store. And what a joy when, after some time, a sprout sprouts from this seed! After that, some people begin to get carried away too much and throw into the ground all the seeds that come to hand. Of course, it is much more interesting to grow something edible yourself than to buy a fruit or a cutting in a store.

    Level - beginner, fruit - citrus.

    Everyone's favorite fragrant various citruses can always be bought at the nearest store or market. And these fruits are well suited for the first experiments in growing exotic plants from the stone. For sowing, fresh seeds are needed. Every day the risk that they will not sprout is constantly growing. Therefore, you need to either immediately clamp it, or make sure that they are wet.

    Recommendations for planting: first, the seeds are washed, and then they need to be planted in a special soil for citrus fruits, or you can make a mixture of garden soil, peat and river sand. But the soil must be moistened before planting! After the sprouts germinate, they should have the first leaves - only then they can be planted. It is advisable to immediately plant the seeds in separate cups.

    Interestingly, seeds, especially hybrids, do not always retain the variety of their parents. From the bones planted at home, wild animals grow, which next years ten will not produce their harvest. But you can not wait, and after a year and a half buy a fruitful stalk and graft your sprouts to it.

    The most adapted to the home environment are lemons, oranges and grapefruits. More capricious and difficult to grow are tangerines and other hybrids. Each citrus grows differently: someone sprouts quickly, someone is undemanding to the soil, everyone has a different duration of flowering and fruiting. But what citrus fruits have in common is intolerance to dry air, spider mite, aphids and others. The most popular citrus to grow was and still is the lemon.

    "Divine" fruit at home.

    Another fruit that is not difficult to grow at home is persimmon. It is taken to grow very rarely, since the persimmon is still capricious.

    Recommendations for planting are as follows: the seeds need to be washed and dried, then they should be planted in moist soil and create a greenhouse using a film or plastic bottle. The soil must be regularly opened and ventilated, and do not forget to moisten. If after a couple of weeks sprouts do not appear, then they will not germinate. But that rarely happens.

    The root system of persimmons grows very quickly, so if several sprouts have appeared, then they need to be planted. At first, the persimmon will have to be transplanted 2-3 times. You also need to remember to regularly water and spray the sprout so that there is no overdrying or overflow.

    People who have dealt with persimmons are advised to feed the plant with fertilizer a couple of times a month. You can form a persimmon bush when it reaches a height of 20-30 cm. In summer, persimmon can be safely left outside, but in winter it needs a temperature not higher than +10 ° C. If you leave a persimmon in the apartment in winter, then it will most likely die.

    In an apartment, a persimmon can grow up to 1.5 meters, but it will not bear fruit soon, only if a cutting of a fruitful tree is grafted onto it.

    dried fruit palm

    It turns out that even a real palm tree can grow from dried dates. During drying, the dates are not subjected to heat treatment.

    Planting recommendations: before planting the seeds, it is better to soak them in water for a week, and change it daily, and then simply insert them into the ground vertically. A mixture of peat and sand is suitable as a soil. Be sure to moisten the soil so that it does not dry out. And a month later, date sprouts will grow.

    As a result, with proper care, a two-meter palm tree can grow. But it is unlikely that this palm tree will ever bear fruit. look after date palm not very difficult: it needs to be watered and sprayed in a timely manner, ventilated and provided with enough light, and also do not forget about the cool wintering. In the first five years, the palm tree must be periodically transplanted into larger pots.

    The most unusual plant that you can grow at home is mango. First you need to extract a huge bone from a ripe fruit and get its core. For cultivation, a light and loose substrate is recommended, and expanded clay drainage should be placed on the bottom of the pot.

    It’s good when the bone opens up on its own, or it can be easily pushed apart with your fingers, which means it is ripe and can be planted. But if this does not happen, then you need to soak the bone in water for a couple of weeks or wrap it in a damp towel, but at the same time make sure that it does not dry out.

    The emerging sprouts need regular moisture, and also do not forget about light and heat. The temperature comfortable for mangoes should be at least +18 ° C. If the plant feels good, then in 5-10 years it can bloom. But the fruit of this tree will still not be due to the complexity of its pollination.

    There are many other exotic plants that you can try to grow on your windowsill. But alas, it is unlikely that they will bear fruit. In this case, the growing process itself and pride in oneself when an exotic tree or palm tree turned out from an ordinary bone are interesting.

    A lot of types of exotic fruits can be grown at home, there would be a desire, a little patience and Internet access.

    Citrus fruits: we grow lemon, tangerine, grapefruit at home

    Citrus plants are the most popular. Since these plants require a lot of heat, they grow well and bear fruit in a garden that is reliably protected from the cold. Lemon, orange, grapefruit - all this you can easily grow at home. Caring for such plants does not require special gardening skills.

    How to grow avocados at home

    An avocado sprouts from a seed taken from the fruit. The stone with a blunt end is placed in the soil, and the tip is left to protrude above the surface. Before the leaves appear, the plant needs an air temperature of about 18 degrees, and in winter period avocados need to be kept at low temperatures.

    Grow pineapple at home

    To grow a pineapple, you need to cut off the top with a piece of pulp from its fruit and plant it in wet sand. Pineapple needs to be watered frequently. True, grown in conditions winter garden, this fruit will not always be able to produce truly fragrant fruits.

    Is it possible to grow bananas at home

    Growing bananas at home is a painstaking task, these plants require special care. Banana is propagated by offspring, and some species by seeds. The air temperature should be high - 24-28 degrees, and in winter not lower than 16. Banana needs abundant watering, as well as a regular supply of organic fertilizers. And this plant begins to bear fruit no earlier than the 3rd year.

    How to grow pomegranate at home

    Another plant that can be grown in the winter garden is punica. In other words, a room pomegranate. The tree can grow up to 1 meter tall and bloom every year. But it does not always give fruit, because in a winter garden it may experience a lack of heat. For the appearance of fruits, you should use the heating of the winter garden in the autumn, or sometimes transfer the plant to the room.

    Growing dates from seed

    A common plant among gardeners is the date. It successfully sprouts from the bone of a dried fruit at temperatures above 20 degrees. In winter, the temperature of the content of dates should drop to 12-14 degrees.

    Coffee and bay trees can be grown at home

    If you are a beginner gardener, then you may well start by growing coffee and bay trees. In a winter garden, these plants grow well and produce a crop. It is important to consider that in winter the temperature of their content should not exceed 10 degrees.

    If you have grown any exotic fruits and plants at home, please write to us what success you have achieved. Did your exotics bear fruit? Have you tried growing a pomegranate, tangerine, lemon or grapefruit from a seed? Share your experience, because it will help other readers to try themselves in this interesting and exciting business.

    Indoor plants from the stone at home, video