The wife humiliates her husband. What to do if the husband constantly humiliates and insults? Wife insults her husband what to do - Legal assistance of a lawyer

Family relationships are multifaceted, it is foolish to believe that with the receipt of a marriage certificate you will find unlimited happiness and positive emotions. After the honeymoon, real life begins with problems, showdowns, disagreements on this or that issue, and other troubles that only loving and understanding people can handle.

Unfortunately, many husbands do not choose expressions in a showdown. Quarrels are getting tougher, words are more offensive. Why does a husband insult and humiliate his wife, psychology? Let's try to understand the intricacies of human destinies.

Psychologists believe that men begin to insult their wives because of domestic problems. When you have to solve many issues every day, irritation accumulates, which splashes out on the closest people.

Since some people do not know how to express their dissatisfaction in a cultural form, insults, offensive words are used, sometimes force is used. In solving daily problems, love and tenderness fade into the background. A man forgets that it was this woman who once caused him a storm of positive emotions, he wanted to spend his whole life with her.

Unreasonable insults and humiliation can come from a person who wants to end the relationship, but does not want to take responsibility for decision. Some husbands deliberately provoke their wives to break off relations, humiliating and hurting their pride in every possible way.

Often wives themselves are to blame for such an attitude towards them. The role of the victim, which they have chosen for themselves, causes nothing but pity. Husbands, thus, show contempt to women, and they meekly endure all the blows of fate.

Husbands often resort to insults when the wife does not follow and does not take care of herself. The once spectacular girl suddenly turns into a housewife who is mired in household chores and problems. An obligatory attribute of such a woman is considered to be an eternally dissatisfied face. men using hurtful words they try to reason with their wives, who are even more withdrawn into themselves, losing the last drops of pride.

Another reason for the aggressive behavior of the spouse is total control by the wife. Even the calmest man will lose his temper if you control his every step, check the phone, follow and encroach on his personal freedom in every possible way.

Do not miss a single insult. No one is telling you to get hung up on him, but it will be much more productive to find out why your husband allows such liberties towards you. If you manage to get him to talk, half the job is done.

Just keep in mind that the conversation should take place in a calm atmosphere, suppress negative emotions. Tell us how you feel when you hear hurtful words addressed to you.

Sometimes a man descends to humiliation in order to feel his own superiority. If you allow him to address in this form all the time, you risk forgetting your name. Such a person is unlikely to change and draw conclusions after the conversation. Do not resort to reciprocal insults, such tactics of behavior do not promise a happy future, rather, an unbearable present.

One of the main rules of a happy marriage is respect for the partner. If your husband offended you, do not rush to tell your friends and relatives about it. Perhaps he realizes his mistake, you make peace and forget about what happened, but loved ones will remember this for a long time. Solve your problems on your own, without involving strangers.

It also happens that a man does not want to listen to your advice, recommendations and continues to morally mock. All because he is sure that you will not go anywhere. His confidence in this should be shaken. If, after heart-to-heart talks, the husband did not heed your requests and recommendations, it is worth making cardinal changes in life, no matter how scary it may be.

To get started, ask your spouse to move out for a while or leave yourself. This advice is suitable for those women who have an alternate airfield, in the form of a parental home. Live separately for a while, think about whether it is worth returning to a husband who does not draw conclusions.

If insults to your spouse have become regular, you should take into account some recommendations.

  1. Do not think that the boorish attitude will change.
  2. Do not turn into a caring and affectionate wife when everything is raging inside with indignation. Such tactics will not bring positive results.
  3. Do not insult your husband in response to his humiliation.
  4. Don't go along with his desires if you don't like it.
  5. Please note that you can re-educate a man only when he himself wants it.
  6. Do not convince yourself that this is the norm of married life.

If the spouse continues to bend his line, at every opportunity, touching a nerve, leave this person, because you deserve better. For many women, such advice will seem unacceptable, because they love their husbands and are not ready to give them up under any circumstances. Well, in this case, you have to accept the situation as it is and not complain about fate.

It happens that separation helps a man understand that the world is not sweet without a wife. He reconsiders his attitude towards her and no longer allows such liberties. Not everyone comes to this decision all at once. Men who analyze their actions and words, appreciate their women and are interested in these relationships, can fix everything and no longer allow such treatment.

The article is useful to those women who at least once faced the humiliation coming from a loved one. Recommend to friends to read the material in in social networks. Do not allow this, appreciate and respect yourself, then others will treat you properly.

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The well-known truth is, "All that women really want is to be loved, and that's all, men really want to be respected." Not a single man is delighted with screams and reproaches, and even more so with insults. Abusive attitude of a wife towards her husband reduces his self-confidence and humiliates him as a man.

A wife will insult her husband only in one case - if she does not respect him.

What are the men - innocent - women's screams driven to?

When the wife constantly screams, then even the calmest man breaks down sooner or later, and they are already screaming at each other. That's just the wife in the end achieves that the husband leaves, and she remains alone. She did not achieve anything with her cries, she does not understand that the strength of a woman lies elsewhere. But a bunch of nerves to myself and ex-husband patted. Although he could have stayed, he definitely had or will have a mistress.

If a husband insults his wife

Developing a project about happiness in relationships, dating good people, I keep track of what is interesting, what topics are being searched for, what is important, what is not important. He drew attention to the following topic: “if a husband insults his wife”

“A husband should not say to his wife that she is not beautiful, and a wife should not say to her husband that he is stupid. If a wife says such words, then what is her intelligence if she married him? And a husband, if he points out the shortcomings of a woman, is not only stupid, but also dishonorable.

wife insults

1. Divorce on her initiative, as soon as she has a promising vasek. And she will tell you that she didn’t feel like a woman with you, that you don’t understand her, you don’t help, you don’t earn money, sex with you is a torment for her and in general you are a goat. 2. Divorce, again on her initiative, as a result of the measures you are taking to normalize the situation. Because such a situation will require rather drastic measures.

The wife saws her husband, one of the reasons for quarrels and partings.

Hello readers of the blog of the lost romance, the topic of today's article sounds like this: a wife nags her husband, one of the reasons for quarrels and partings. Why do women do this? How might this affect future relationships? And what should a man do in such a situation?

I have already touched on this issue a little in the article criticism in relationships. but I would like to consider it in detail separately in this post.

Keyhole: "My wife always insults me" Comments: 14

“My wife and I are very different,” Nikolai says. — I am calm and compromising. She is active and proud. I love her. Despite all the shortcomings, she is the best. Only one trait of her character does not allow us to stay together - she is very rude.

The wife is never shy in expressions. Even swearing is like native to her. And when necessary, she uses it. I tolerate it. I am terribly uncomfortable when someone swears.

Women often come to psychologists with complaints that their husband does not respect them. Disrespect can manifest itself in many ways - lack of courtesy, insults, or even physical violence. But remember, when you first met your husband, during the first meetings and romantic courtship, was there any respect on his part? Most likely, it was, otherwise you would hardly have married your spouse.

Husband insults me

I'm married. 2 years. 5 years older than my husband (I'm 28). She married for love. However, now I'm starting to doubt my feelings. I have a wonderful husband, but only in public. And on a single - home tyrant. In society, he is a golden man: quiet, modest, always showing me signs of attention, polite with others. But at home - rude, rude, constantly insults, humiliates, etc. As soon as we quarrel (this is sure to bring me to tears), and immediately everything becomes fine.

The husband constantly yells and insults. Why does a husband yell at his wife?

My husband constantly yells at me, - women complain to psychologists, not knowing what to do. And it is already considered normal that there are quarrels in the family. scandals and screams become an integral part of daily life. To cope with them there is no strength, no opportunity, no elementary understanding of how. Whether to accept as the norm that a husband constantly yells and insults his wife, or is it time to end such a relationship. despite the presence of a child and the inability to go anywhere?

In general, family conflicts are, unfortunately, the norm, without them as such, they will not work out, but the conflict should not turn into an aggressive and uncontrollable form, in which one of the partners allows himself regular insults and transitions to personalities.

This article will discuss the question that many women ask themselves: “My husband constantly insults and humiliates, what should I do?» .

Nowadays, people continue to use the phrase: "If it hits, then it loves". But how true is she? This proverb is absolutely wrong. When we love, for example, our cat, will we beat her? Love is not measured by the number of insults and humiliations.

In this regard, the question arises, why does the husband constantly insult and humiliate his wife?

Why does a husband constantly insult and humiliate: the nature of male sadism
“husband constantly insults and humiliates what to do”
When analyzing the reasons why a husband can humiliate and insult his wife, it seems that the statement of the Apostle "Let the wife be afraid of her husband" nowadays some men take it literally. After all, it is not about the fact that, at the sight of her husband, the wife does not know where to find a place for herself, but that the woman is not afraid to upset and upset her man with something.

Although many will say that the woman is to blame for everything, that she provokes a man to be rude, this is far from always the true reason. “I didn’t clean it, I didn’t wash it, I didn’t weld it” - all this is a reason for male nit-picking.

How can a man turn into a real despot who constantly insults and humiliates? Do you think this is a difficult question? Not! Usually such changes occur in men, for whom it is easier to be a despot than the head of the family. It is easier to use power than to start thinking and acting. Giving commands to your wife is easier than taking responsibility for decisions. And if a man at the same time has not learned to love the people he commands and be grateful to them, then he turns into a husband who constantly insults and humiliates.

If a husband constantly insults and humiliates, then he no longer wants to do what he is entrusted with, he only strives to rise above others.

A man who constantly insults and humiliates his wife is likely to have low self-esteem, complexes, and male failure. Insulting and humiliating, he seeks to raise his self-esteem by humiliating an accessible object, that is, his wife. Against the background of his wife, it seems to himself that he is no longer so limited.

A woman should understand that in a situation of humiliation there are two sides - her husband and she. If a woman stops playing the role of a victim, then the husband will cease to be a despot.

Such men do not succumb to persuasion, conversation, it is quite difficult to change them. It makes no sense to endure humiliation for years and wait for the husband to change. You need to start acting not from his changes, but from changes in yourself.

Husband constantly insults and humiliates because of the desire for self-assertion

The desire to humiliate his wife is observed in men who are lower in social status than their wives. Humiliation acts as an attempt to prove to himself that he is good for something, and she is nobody at all. “Admiring” his wife, who is in tears and upset, such men at some point cease to seem to themselves “ugly ducklings”.

The process of humiliating a strong woman gives them the opportunity not to look for a profitable job, to lie on the couch all day and drink beer, and why change something? The earner will come home, we will trample on her self-esteem, so that she does not even think to scold us. And then we will continue to luxuriate.

Remember that such a man is driven not by love, but by pride and anger.

Husband constantly insults and humiliates his wife because he is afraid of losing her

From such men, women hear only one thing: “Look at yourself, who needs you? You should be grateful that I live with you! If not for me, where would you be now! With such phrases, a man underestimates the self-esteem of his wife. And women believe in the words of their husband. They live in fear that he will leave them, and suffer humiliation.

"husband always insults"

The question is, is such a man something of himself? This type of man knows that no one but his wife will need. This is what gnaws at him. Instead of words of love, affection, he is only capable of insults. Such a man is driven by a sense of fear.

The husband constantly insults and humiliates his wife because of the complexes that have been going on since childhood

We all come from childhood. The influence of parents on the personality of the child is enormous. If the husband's father insulted and humiliated his mother, then there is a huge likelihood that in adulthood the husband will copy the behavior of his father. And he will do it completely unconsciously.

In destructive families, in which there is a negative psychological microclimate, children are formed with a mass of complexes and fears, which greatly affects adult life.

In this case, everything can be corrected with the help of psychotherapy.

Husband constantly insults and humiliates when a woman provokes

It is not necessary to discard this reason completely. Any person can be pissed off. And if such manipulations are carried out on a quick-tempered man, with hung aggressiveness, then the matter may end in insults.

Women sometimes ask for rudeness from their husbands. As they say, the stronger the blow, the more painful the answer. In response to insulting his wife, the husband may also insult.

The husband constantly insults and humiliates: what to do, how much more to endure?

What to do to a woman who is constantly insulted and humiliated by her husband?

Remember that there is always a choice, it may not always be pleasant, but it is!

If you understand why your husband constantly insults and humiliates, then you can choose a strategy for further behavior for yourself. What a woman can do:

Do you think a wait-and-see attitude will help you? If yes, ok. Be patient and wait for a miracle. But if you are already asking yourself the question, the husband constantly insults and humiliates what to do, then this option is unlikely for you. Although there are women who have lived with such husbands all their lives. But the question is, are you happy? They answer in the negative.

husband constantly humiliates what to do

Many put up with this state of affairs, because they were financially dependent on their husbands, worried that they themselves would not be able to cope with raising children, etc.

Listen to the expression:

Those who do not want it have many reasons, and those who want it have many opportunities.

Gain financial independence, give up the role of the victim. Take care of your own education, career.

Seeing your changes, perhaps the husband himself will begin to change.

You can try to talk to your husband

An open and honest conversation can make a big difference in a relationship. If you start to put into practice daily friendly conversations, then there is a chance to change your relationship. Conversation is the secret to a successful marriage.

It is the dialogue that matters here, not the monologue. If you take the first step, and your husband will remain silent and avoid establishing contact, you will become a real pursuer for him, which again will cause a surge of anger and irritability.

It is impossible for the problem to disappear every minute. You need to try to prevent your husband from breaking down. Pressure and force cannot force him to stop insulting him. He should feel your love, not indifference and ignorance.

If you feel that the tension is growing, do not inflame it further, do not treat your husband like a child who needs to be scolded and educated. Begin to perceive him as an adult full-fledged person.

If you change your image, perhaps the husband will stop insulting and humiliating

Changes in appearance pushes people to internal transformations. Having done your hair, makeup, wearing neat clothes, straightening your back, you. Believe me, the husband will definitely notice these changes. If you love your body, then your husband's attitude towards you will also change.

The appearance of a person affects the attitude towards him

With such changes, you can stop insulting and humiliating your husband and return passion to the relationship.

If the husband insults and humiliates, you can file for divorce

If you fought for your family happiness with all your might and stumbled upon your husband’s unwillingness to change, then divorce will be the logical way out of the situation. Live through separation from husband It will be easier than enduring constant insults. If you have children, then most likely a divorce from your husband will be both for you and for them a breath of fresh air. If there are no children yet, think about what example this man will give them?

Try to figure out in what period did your husband begin to insult and humiliate you?

If at the beginning of the relationship everything was fine, and then everything went bad and the husband began to insult and humiliate you, remember what prompted him to do this? Perhaps there was some event after which he changed his attitude towards you? If you figure out what went wrong, perhaps fix the situation.

If your husband has been like this since you met, then ask yourself why are you still with him? What do you benefit from such a relationship? Maybe in your family there were cases of insults by the father of the mother? Have you carried these behaviors into your adult life?

To understand if you have a victim mindset, answer the following questions for yourself:

Are you afraid of your husband's irritability and temper?

Do you give in to your husband out of fear of his wrath?

Do you have a strong desire to do everything for your husband if he gets into unpleasant situations?

Do you justify your husband to yourself and others?

If your partner pushes you or raises his hand in a fit of anger, do you tolerate it?

Are decisions about your life, work, friends affected by your husband's reaction?

If your answers were in the affirmative, you show the traits of a victim.

Going to a psychologist if you are a victim and your husband is a sadist

The psychologist helps in such situations. Turning to a psychologist, set yourself up for the fact that he does not have a ready-made pill for your problem. Working with a psychologist is lengthy and requires, first of all, your changes. Do not think that the psychologist will correct her husband, and you will sit on the sidelines. After all, such abnormal relationships, in which the husband constantly humiliates and insults his wife, were formed precisely with your participation, and part of the responsibility lies with you.

It happens that working with a psychologist, women begin to realize their mistakes, work on themselves, they begin to new life. But the husband remains the same despot who continues to offend. Only now he insults not the victim, but a self-confident woman who will not tolerate such a command.

The main thing to realize is the following:

If you don't do anything, it won't stop.

Husband constantly insults and humiliates what to do - advice from a psychologist


In this publication, we want to touch on the general psychology of the relationship between a man and a woman, humiliation in general. After all, this is the problem of our society, which each of us can face.

Types of humiliation over a woman.

Humiliation is a form of violence that involves constant insults that affect the dignity of a person, prohibitions on a normal lifestyle (work, communication with friends, and so on), financial pressure, intimidation and moral pressure on a person. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is faced by all social milestones of the population, regardless of income level or status in society.

Portrait of a humiliated victim.

Women who are constantly subjected to humiliation, most often have a markedly low self-esteem, are very imaginary, restless and insecure. Such a woman always tries to justify herself, constantly feeling guilty about herself. And the worst thing is that most women who find themselves in such a situation tend to believe that no one can help them, and they perceive the humiliation itself as a proper punishment for their so-called “negligence”. And in general, the woman herself begins to think about the belittled role of the weaker sex, not only in the family between a man and a woman, but also in society as a whole.

Portrait of a man capable of humiliating a woman.

This is most often a man - an aggressor, who himself has been humiliated more than once since childhood. This person suffers from low self-esteem (and in this way tries to raise it), has many complexes, is constantly free to blame someone in any situation. It happens that such people humiliate quite unconsciously. In public, these men, as a rule, are in good standing and few people know how they behave face-to-face with their wife. Such a man is able to constantly ask for forgiveness after his deed and, thus, easily enters into trust. Such is the psychology of the relationship between a male aggressor and a female victim. It is for this reason that many women, forgiving their husband, again "step on the same rake."

Humiliation and related factors.

The general characterization of such a concept as “humiliation in the family” carries with it a very complex psychological basis for the relationship of a husband and wife. Humiliation, as a clear manifestation of cruelty, can arise in any family, and this will not depend at all on its social status. The victims of this situation are often women themselves, who, at an early stage, allow a man to behave this way. And this is at a time when you can still avoid such relationships. But if you have already allowed such an attitude towards yourself, it still does not give a man the right to behave this way.

The psychology of many women is arranged in such a way that they intend to remain silent for many years about everything that happens to them, not taking out the "garbage from the hut." For a man, this “silence” is perceived as a signal of permissiveness and a guarantee that a woman will endure everything and once again forgive him. But, as you know, such relationships between people will not lead to good. In this situation best way out- is to leave, but women tend to forgive their "beloved" again and again. And all this, as psychology says, is due to the lady's obsessive fear of being left alone. In addition, financial dependence on a man emerges, the housing issue and children, who can be negatively affected by the divorce of their parents. Also here you can safely attribute the love and affection of a woman to a man. Among other things, a woman's insecurity in herself leads to a feeling of guilt towards a man and his behavior is regarded as well-deserved.

How to deal with humiliation in the family?

How, after all, to overcome humiliation in the family, if you are afraid that if you talk about your problems, you will be considered a weak person? It is always necessary to remember that a man who humiliates a woman (whether in public or in the family) is not a man. First of all, such a person is not able to control himself, and has many psychological complexes. Leave this man without looking back. Well, if you still want to maintain a relationship between you, then you need to try to talk to the man and explain to him that he is wrong. You should also avoid all situations that can make him want to humiliate you. Remember that in these conditions you are your own lifesaver. Consult a psychologist or, even better, go with your companion to his appointment. Read books on the topic of "psychology and humiliation" and learn how to use them to control the situation. By the way, there are a lot of such books now and they carry very valuable and instructive information.

Well, what if you nevertheless came to decision that you should leave, you can contact special trust services, where they can give you valuable advice on how to do it painlessly for you. Never threaten a man that you will leave him. By doing this, you can provoke him to take more decisive action. Tell your family about this, who should certainly support and protect you at this moment.

Remember that humiliation is a form of violence. Therefore, all verbal, moral, physical coercion and insults should not intimidate you and drive you into a “blind corner”. After all, verbal humiliation can always turn into beatings, and this is much worse. So do not take it to such extremes and always remain a strong and strong-willed woman who, for the sake of her well-being, is ready to overcome everything and radically change her life.

Many men are humiliated by their soul mates, although they are not ready to admit it even to their closest associates. If such a relationship continues for years, it seems impossible to break this vicious circle: the wife is used to raising her voice, and the husband is used to dutifully pulling his head into his shoulders and agreeing with the most unfair accusations. But psychology can help in solving even such a problem - there are several proven ways with which you can change the situation in the family and make your wife respect her husband.

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Why is my wife behaving like this?

To change a person's attitude, you first need to try to understand the reasons why he behaves aggressively. If a wife constantly raises her voice and insults her husband, then there may be the following reasons for this:

  • The wife is used to doing this. If at the very beginning of the relationship a man was silent, when his wife first humiliated him, then it became fixed in her mind that he allowed such behavior. Even in a dialogue with the closest person, you need to immediately respond to humiliation. A man should openly make it clear that he is categorically against such an attitude.
  • The husband did not indicate his dominant or at least equal position with his wife in family hierarchy. The reasons may be different, for example, if the wife earns much more than her husband, so she considers herself entitled to humiliate him. According to many women, if a man does not cope with his role as a provider, he does not deserve respect.
  • The wife has too many responsibilities that she cannot physically handle. There are families where a woman works on an equal footing with a man, does household chores, takes care of the children, and the man does not consider it necessary to help her. In this case, it is not surprising that the wife reacts negatively to the inaction of her husband and insults against him are the result of banal overwork. A similar situation can also arise if the spouse cannot cope with the load at work, so she “lets off steam”, breaking down on her loved ones.
  • The husband stopped seeing a woman in his wife. If a wife has not received affection and compliments from her husband for a long time, she may be trying to get the missing attention by screaming and swearing. Men are unlikely to be able to understand how you can achieve love in such a strange way. But women in such a situation behave like children who, being capricious and disobedient, try to attract the attention of their parents.
  • In the parental family of the wife there was a similar model of behavior. If the wife grew up in a house where the mother of the family constantly insulted and humiliated her father, then she can, without hesitation, copy such relationships in her own adult life.
  • The wife is jealous of the children to her husband. If the spouse is a very strict and domineering woman, then the children, as a rule, are more drawn to the weak-willed and complaisant father. A woman, seeing that her own offspring are afraid of her and avoid her, will begin to take it out on her husband, deliberately humiliating and insulting him in the presence of children. As a rule, after such scenes, any child will feel sorry for and love the unjustly offended father even more, which will greatly increase the wife's negative attitude towards her husband.
  • Health problems. Women Health is usually very fragile, and pregnancy and childbirth can further undermine it. A woman may begin hormonal disruptions, problems with being overweight, toxicosis and postpartum depression. All these violations often cause unreasonable mood swings and unreasonable aggression against the closest people.

How to behave if the spouse humiliates and insults her husband

When dealing with an angry spouse, you should remain calm and friendly. The wife will “cool down” faster if she sees that her husband cannot be provoked into an open conflict.

In no case should one stoop to reciprocal abuse and assault - in this way it will only be possible to destroy the family and inflict psychological trauma on children.

Depending on the reasons that prompt the wife to behave in an unworthy manner, the husband should adhere to a certain line of behavior:

  • If the wife is simply used to pouring all the accumulated negativity onto the man, he needs to clearly and clearly let her know that if such a situation repeats, she will lose him forever. In the future, when the wife tries to insult her husband, you can raise your voice at her (or bang your fist on the table) and remind her of the warning. In such a situation, it is very important to show masculine character traits (assertiveness, self-confidence) so that the spouse is imbued with respect.
  • If a wife humiliates her husband because of a small income or failures in life, you need to wait until you can talk to her calmly and in detail. In a conversation, you need to make it clear that marriage should be built on the principles of equality of both partners and respect for each other, and earnings should not play any role in this. The situation can change at any moment: the wife will lose her job or go on maternity leave, and her income will drop sharply, but she will not agree to be insulted and humiliated in this case.
  • If the wife gets tired doing all the chores around the house and taking on too many responsibilities at work, it makes sense to try to redistribute the load. From the day when the husband begins at least daily to wash the dishes, wash clothes or walk with the children (or take on some other business), the wife will feel tremendous relief. She will free up at least a little time that she can devote to relaxation or her favorite hobby. The wife will become a little happier and will stop taking out her anger caused by fatigue on her husband.
  • If a man has not hugged and kissed his wife for a long time, he needs to take care of it. You should not try to hug a woman when she is angry with her husband and expresses her claims - in this case, hugs will be regarded not as a sign of attention, but as an attempt to extinguish the conflict with the help of manipulation. In the future, you should pay more attention to your wife - celebrate a successful haircut or a well-fitting dress, gently hug when she passes by, kiss when meeting and parting, give a hand when leaving the transport. Such behavior will not go unnoticed - perhaps mutual feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, and all claims will be quickly forgotten. After all, for any woman there is nothing more offensive than the indifference of a beloved man. Therefore, the spouse must try to prevent the wife from even thinking about his indifference. You must always be courteous and attentive to a woman.
  • When aggression on the part of a woman is due to problems with her health, there is only one way out - to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is the husband who should notice dangerous changes in the behavior of his wife and make a timely decision to visit a specialist of the appropriate profile. It is not uncommon for prolonged depression and a constant negative attitude to end in a suicide attempt. The attention of the husband will help to notice the signs of a possible illness of the wife in time and prevent a disastrous outcome.
  • If the wife's behavior model is copied from the family of her parents, it will be quite difficult to cope with the situation. A woman may simply not understand that in a normal family there is no place for constant insults and humiliation against her husband. But it would be useful to try to talk to her - to tell her that her constant reproaches kill mutual love, since the ideal woman in the eyes of a man should be soft and accommodating, and not grumpy and quarrelsome. If the wife really values ​​the relationship, she will think about her behavior and try to change it. In the future, the husband will have to periodically remind her of this conversation if, out of habit, she again brings down a hail of insults and claims on his head.
  • When a couple practices sadomasochism intimately, it is not uncommon for the wife to try to dominate in other areas as well. If the husband is categorically not satisfied with this situation, you need to clearly and clearly make it clear to the wife that she should dominate only behind the closed doors of the bedroom, and in the presence of friends and relatives, you must respect each other. It is important to express your position in time so that aggressive behavior wife has not become a habit.
  • It is absolutely unacceptable for a woman to offend and insult her husband in the presence of children. In this case, it is necessary not only to constantly explain to the wife how inappropriate her behavior is, but also, if she continues to do so, to resort to the help of friends and relatives. If a couple is surrounded by a person whose opinion she values ​​\u200b\u200b(for example, a mother or older sister), then there is no need to be shy about telling him about the conflicts taking place in front of the children. Any person will be horrified when he finds out what kind of example is set for children, and will try to explain to a woman that in no case should one quarrel in the presence of a child. When the spouse realizes that everyone unanimously condemns her behavior, she most likely will no longer risk doing this.

If it is not possible to change unsatisfactory relationships on your own, it is advisable to contact a family psychologist. Modern psychology is able to answer many questions family life, in particular, to resolve conflicts and contribute to the establishment of harmonious relationships in marriage. Naturally, you should contact a specialist only if both partners are ready to work on the current situation.