Do you know how to freeze yogurt? This healthy delicacy will become traditional on your table. Frozen yogurt - benefits and methods of preparation Frozen yogurt recipe at home

Before the finished yoghurt mixture enters the frozen yogurt maker (where it is cooled to -4C degrees), it must be prepared in a special way. Such a mixture is prepared from natural milk and the addition of encapsulated lactobacilli, after which the mixture must be infused. In the prepared state, the mixture for the preparation of frozen...

Danone has launched a "new category" of yogurts for Spanish consumers. The new product will give consumers the pleasure of ice cream while retaining the nutritional value of yogurt. The Danone brand has focused its attention on the Spanish dairy market, where the demand for yoghurts is very high. That is why the company...

Back in the 1800s, the process of making frozen sweets was simplified. And 48 years later, the first hand-held freezer was invented. From that moment on, yogurt began to actively travel around the world. But before becoming what it is now, frozen yogurt had to endure many experiments on taste and appearance. But, alas, such a product was not appreciated at all, and even ...

The global fashion for low-calorie products has also affected the ice cream market: more than fifty cafes specializing in fresh-frozen yogurts have opened in Russia. The strategies are different: Moscow-based Tutti Frutti acquired the franchise from the Americans, while Krasnodar-based Yogumi adapted the equipment and recipe itself. Moscow Tutti Frutti Fashion for frozen yogurt has come to Russia...

What is this frozen yogurt that costs a lot of money? That's right, it's made not only from milk and beneficial bacteria, but also from diamonds! The fact is that now jewelry can decorate not only beautiful ladies, but also culinary delights. For example, Tacori created a frozen yogurt, yes, with a real diamond ring! The Tacori brand comes from the USA, creates...

Imagine a frozen dessert, in which everything is only the most useful and nothing more. The product looks like soft ice cream familiar to everyone, but it has significant differences in taste! Frozen yogurt is a dessert made with skimmed milk, yogurt cultures and a minimal amount of...

The paparazzi are not asleep, but continue to shoot stars at the most unexpected moments. And those, in turn, walk about their business like ordinary people and ... gobble up frozen yogurt in front of the camera lenses. As soon as the first frozen yogurts appeared in Hollywood, celebrities immediately chose them. Especially this delicacy fell in love with the famous football player David Beckham and his...

Refreshing, but not ice cream, what is it? That's right, frozen yogurt is the new healthy dessert! Despite the fact that frozen yogurt is only gaining momentum in Russia, its history begins thousands of years ago in the East. There, the prototype of such yogurt was fruit ice cream - sorbet. If you turn your eyes towards Europe, you can read ...

Frozen yogurt is a frozen dessert made from skimmed milk with the addition of yoghurt cultures and lactobacilli. In appearance, the product resembles soft ice cream, but in terms of its taste it has significant differences. Due to the lower content of fat and sugar in the product, frozen yogurt is perceived as lighter, lower in calories, fresher...

If you have ever tried frozen yogurt from various brands and manufacturers, then you have probably noticed some differences in them. In fact, it is almost impossible to find frozen yogurt of different brands that are similar in their organoleptic characteristics. And this is due, first of all, to the fact that yogurt is a product requiring very ...

How can a love of frozen yogurt inspire you? Ask Berliner Matthias Schwach, who heard the news of the American frozen yogurt boom. Without thinking twice, he converted the three-wheeled car that served him for selling ice cream into a means of selling frozen yogurt! Every day, an enterprising businessman makes a healthy frozen dessert and...

The growing popularity of healthy natural products is a great incentive to open a yogurt bar. Moreover, the level of competition is still insignificant. Opening a yogurt bar is a stable business based on the successful experience of building a chain of yogurt bars in Russia and abroad. YOGUMI frozen yoghurts are a minimum of calories and a maximum of...

Guess which of the frozen desserts is at the peak of popularity in the US and Europe? You'll never guess, it's frozen yogurt! It is no less popular than McDonald's and is found there on every corner. Surprisingly, because Europeans and Americans love fast food, and here admiration for a healthy lifestyle is on the face. Whatever the weather, people prefer to buy...

V Lately frozen yogurt is on the rise healthy snack or an alternative to ice cream. The world first learned about frozen yogurt in the 1970s, but then consumers did not like it. Manufacturers did not give up and improved the cold dessert recipe.

In Europe and America, you can find cafes offering frozen yogurt. Now they appear in our country.

Benefits of frozen yogurt

Yogurt is quickly absorbed and helps other foods to be better absorbed. It normalizes the intestinal microflora and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol and saturates the body. useful substances, among which it is worth highlighting the protein, which is building material cells and calcium necessary for the skeletal system.

Yogurt does not cause reactions in people who are lactose intolerant. A similar effect is provided only by a natural living product, which does not contain chemical elements, for example, thickeners or colorants.

The benefits of frozen yogurt are somewhat less than fresh. It contains almost 1/3 less protein and less living bacteria. At the same time, frozen yogurt has more calories than fresh.

Benefits of cooked yoghurts industrial way, one can doubt. The benefit of the product lies in the content of probiotics, otherwise it differs little from ice cream. Store-bought frozen yogurts are high in sugar, fat, and chemical additives, so they're not healthy foods.

Frozen yogurt for weight loss

It will not become a panacea and will not dissolve fat deposits, but it can help in weight loss. Losing weight with yogurt is due to a decrease in the calorie content of the diet and the ability of the product to normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism.

This low-calorie sweet dish is perfect for those who can't resist cravings for sweets, but at the same time try to keep their figure. It will become a replacement for the usual snacks or even one of the meals - better than dinner. Frozen yogurt that does not contain can be a product for fasting days.

For frozen yogurt to help you lose weight and not lead to weight gain, it must be natural, low in calories and contain a minimum of sugars and fats. Only a home product can meet these requirements.

Diet frozen yogurt is better to cook on your own, only then you can be sure that the composition does not include thickeners and other harmful components.

Cooking methods

Making frozen yogurt at home does not take time and effort. The basis of desserts is natural yoghurt. You can make it yourself or buy it in the store. You can determine the "naturalness" of store-bought yogurt by examining the composition. Ideally, the product should contain only milk and live bacterial cultures. It should not contain flavors, stabilizers, preservatives, thickeners and other chemicals. The smaller the list of additional ingredients on the label, the better and healthier the yogurt.

Yogurt in freezer prepared as follows: the mixture for dessert is placed in any container and placed in the freezer. It is stirred or whipped every 20-30 minutes until the yogurt has thickened. This will allow you to get a plastic mass that resembles ice cream. But the mass will be denser than the one cooked in the ice cream maker.

Making yogurt in the freezer can be simplified. The mixture for dessert is poured into molds and sent to the freezer for 6 hours.

Easy Frozen Yogurt Recipes

  • Vanilla frozen yogurt. It will take 800 gr. yogurt, 60 ml liquid honey or syrup, 60 gr. sugar or honey, 1 tsp. vanillin. Cover the colander with gauze, put the yogurt and refrigerate for a couple of hours. Some of the whey will drain and the yogurt will become thick. Transfer the yogurt to a mixing bowl or bowl and whisk. When the mass becomes lush, add the rest of the ingredients to it and beat a little. Put the resulting mixture in an ice cream maker or send it to the freezer.
  • Cherry frozen yogurt. For 0.5 kg. natural yogurt you will need about 350 gr. pitted berries and 5 tbsp. Sahara. Place the cherries in a small container, add sugar and put on a small fire. Bring the berry mixture to a boil, stirring, remove the foam and remove from heat. Whip the cherries with a blender until the mixture is almost homogeneous - small pieces of berries will make the yogurt tastier. When the mass has cooled, add yogurt and beat lightly. Place the berry mixture in an ice cream maker or freezer.
  • Strawberry frozen yogurt. You will need 300 gr. yogurt, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 100 gr. sugar, 400 gr. strawberries. Mix the peeled and washed berries with sugar and grind with a blender into a puree. Add yogurt, lemon juice and place in a blender. Remove mixture to ice cream maker or freezer.
  1. Mix honey with yogurt and place the mixture in the refrigerator for 5 minutes to thicken it. Cut the fruit into large pieces, and leave the strawberries whole, and put each piece on a skewer.
  2. Spoon the yogurt over the piece of fruit and garnish with sprinkles. Do the same with the rest of the fruits.
  3. Put the processed pieces of fruit on a tray lined with parchment paper and put them in the freezer for a couple of hours.

Frozen yogurt with nuts and coffee

You will need:

  • coffee, better instant - 1.5 tbsp;
  • yogurt - 600 gr;
  • boiling water - 120 ml;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • White chocolate;
  • honey to taste.


  1. Pour boiling water over coffee. When the drink has cooled, strain through a strainer.
  2. Mix coffee with vanilla sugar, honey and yogurt. Place the mixture in the freezer, wait until it freezes and add chopped hazelnuts and grated chocolate.
  3. Transfer the mass to the ice cream maker and prepare the dessert for 20-30 minutes. If you don't have an ice cream maker, you can make frozen yogurt at home in the freezer as described above.

You will need:

  • yogurt - 300 gr;
  • dark chocolate - 50 gr;
  • mint syrup - 4 tbsp.


Pour the syrup into the yogurt and beat with a mixer. Add chopped chocolate with a knife and stir. Place the mass for dessert in the ice cream maker for 30 minutes, transfer to special molds or paper cups and send to the freezer.

Everyone can make frozen yogurt at home. Dessert will be appropriate always and everywhere: it can become a decoration holiday table and healthy treat for every day.

My friends,

Do you love ice cream as much as I do? That is, with all the strength of his soul, with all the enthusiasm, with all the frenzy that ardent youth is capable of?!

If yes, then my today's monologue about yogurt ice cream is for you.

Monologue about ice cream

You probably remember - I have already written 100 times how much I love ice cream and how it reciprocates, because it always turns out incomparable. Yes, and this despite the fact that I always cook it without an ice cream maker. Imagine what will happen if I buy it! It's scary to imagine.

Do you remember how in the American TV series, every time the heroine breaks up with her beloved Pinocchio, she takes out a huge bucket of fatty chocolate-vanilla ice cream from the refrigerator and eats it with a huge tablespoon, wiping her tears and drool. A good marketing ploy, I do not argue. Now imagine if we, weak defenseless creatures, every time we have misunderstandings with suitors, stress at work, problems with a girlfriend, every time we crush a bucket of such ice cream, what we will turn into.

For such cases, I came to your aid and brought easy recipes for yogurt ice cream, which you can shamelessly crush with buckets and not blush later in front of the mirror.

Well? So, let's say, I quarreled with my husband, screwed up apricot yogurt ice cream and walk happy and slim))) It really works, I answer.

By the way, I think that yogurt ice cream as a dessert is much tastier than creamy fat ice cream. Personally, after a full dinner, it’s much more pleasant for me to refresh myself with a light, non-calorie, slightly sour dessert with fresh berries, for example. By the way, the Greeks say that yogurt improves digestion and very often they serve it with fruit or jam as a compliment from the chef after dinner in their taverns. Yes, and nutritionists also recommend eating natural yogurt including in the evenings. So everything is fine.

In Greece, in general, now the epidemic began with this frozen yogurt. There were so many miniature shops with him that everyone had already lost count.

Brief historical background

Did you know that the first yogurt ice cream was launched in 1970 by the American company H.P. Hood somewhere in New England in the USA. But Americans didn't really like the sour taste of yogurt in ice cream, and the classic creamy sweet ice cream is back. When healthy eating and dieting on an extraordinary scale came into vogue in the mid-2000s, low-calorie frozen yogurt became incredibly popular not only in America but throughout the world.

So, let's begin.

And, before proceeding, I will say that for ice cream it is best to use natural Greek yogurt, which is filtered from excess liquid.

If you can’t find Greek, then take ordinary natural yogurt WITHOUT ADDITIVES and separate the excess liquid by wrapping it in gauze or cloth and hanging it in the refrigerator overnight.

1. Classic yogurt ice cream - vanilla

This ice cream is best combined with fresh fruits and berries.

List of required products:

  • sugar - 280 gr.
  • vanilla essence - 2 tsp

Want a cool ice cream scoop like mine, order on ozone .

Cooking method:

  1. Beat cold yogurt with sugar and vanilla essence with a mixer until sugar is completely dissolved (grains should not be felt if you rub a little yogurt with your fingers).
  2. Transfer the yogurt to a deep plastic or metal bowl and place in the freezer for 45 minutes.
  3. After 45 minutes, check the ice cream: if it starts to freeze around the edges, break the ice crystals with a hand or submersible mixer. But you can get by with a regular fork.
  4. Return the ice cream to the freezer for another 30 minutes. If the ice cream has hardened, repeat the procedure. And so every half an hour for 2-3 hours (the more repetitions the better).
  5. We shift the ice cream into a rectangular container and cover with a lid or a sheet of parchment paper.

    You can start freezing yogurt right away in the container, but it will be inconvenient to whip in it.

2. Healthy fruit-filled yogurt ice cream

Lately, I've been making ice cream like this for myself in a matter of minutes. The main thing is to freeze fruit in advance. These can be peaches, apricots, nectarines, bananas, strawberries, raspberries, etc. But depending on the selected fruit, you need to adjust the amount of honey.

Grocery list:

  • any fruit or berries, pitted and (optionally) peeled - 500 gr.
  • honey - 2-3 tbsp.
  • natural yogurt, such as Greek - 100 gr.
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.


  1. We cut fruit into slices in advance (the berries do not need to be cut) and freeze for at least 4 hours (or overnight).
  2. We put fruits or berries in a blender, add all the other ingredients and beat for 5 minutes until a homogeneous mass is formed, until all the pieces are dissolved.
  3. We shift the resulting ice cream into a container and send it to the freezer for 1 hour.
    If you prefer soft ice cream, then you can eat it immediately after preparation.
  4. If serving ice cream the next day, thaw it for 15 minutes at room temperature.
  5. Apply such ice cream with a spoon, having previously lowered it into hot water.

3. Strawberry yogurt ice cream


  • strawberries - 140 gr.
  • condensed milk - 200 gr.
  • natural yogurt, such as Greek - 500 gr.


  1. Cut half of the strawberries into thin slices, and puree the other half in a blender or with an immersion mixer.
  2. Thoroughly mix strawberry puree with condensed milk, then add yogurt and gently mix again.
  3. At the end, add strawberry pieces and transfer the mass to a plastic or metal mold (it is convenient to use an oblong mold for cupcakes).
  4. Close the ice cream mold tightly with a lid or cover with a sheet of parchment and place in the freezer for several hours or overnight.
  5. Before serving, defrost ice cream at room temperature for 15-30 minutes and put it with a spoon, having previously lowered it into hot water.

If you have time, an hour after freezing, you can periodically stir the ice cream with a fork every 30-45 minutes to break up the ice crystals. Repeat mixing 5-6 times. This ice cream will be softer and more elastic.

4. Chocolate ice cream with yogurt

Required products:

  • dark chocolate - 50 gr.
  • natural yogurt, such as Greek - 500 gr.
  • condensed milk - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a water bath. When the chocolate turns into a smooth, shiny glaze, remove from heat and leave to cool.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix yogurt with condensed milk and beat with a mixer until an airy mass forms. Its consistency should be approximately like yogurt in its original form.
  3. After the chocolate reaches room temperature, add it to the yogurt cream and mix until smooth.
  4. Leave the ice cream in the refrigerator for 2 hours to cool completely.
  5. Then we transfer it to a container and, having covered it with a lid or a sheet of parchment, leave it to freeze for 4 hours.
  6. An hour after we put the ice cream in the freezer, take it out and break the ice crystals with a fork, immersion blender or hand mixer. We repeat the procedure every 35-40 minutes 5-6 times.

5. Banana ice cream with yogurt

Mix this ice cream with crushed chocolate, drizzle with caramel and it will be one of the most delicious frozen yogurts you have ever tasted!

Required Ingredients:

  • bananas, overripe - 3-4 pcs. (total pulp weight 375 gr.)
  • natural yogurt, such as Greek - 500 gr.
  • condensed milk - 175 gr.
  • chocolate drops or chopped chocolate - optional
  • - optional

Keep in mind that the riper and even blacker your bananas are, the more fragrant and tastier your ice cream will be.


  1. In a blender, grind peeled bananas, yogurt and condensed milk until a homogeneous puree is formed.
  2. We shift the mass into a plastic or metal container and close the lid or cover tightly with parchment paper.
  3. We freeze ice cream in the freezer for several hours or overnight, breaking ice crystals every 30-45 minutes for the first 3 hours.
  4. At the last stirring, you can add chocolate and caramel, and mix thoroughly again. Caramel can also be poured over ice cream when serving.

6. Coffee and yogurt ice cream

For coffee and yogurt ice cream, we need:

  • milk - 240 gr.
  • brown sugar - 110 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp
  • instant coffee, granules or powder - 2 tbsp.
  • natural yogurt, such as Greek - 400 gr.
  • heavy cream, ≈35% - 110 gr.
  • vanilla extract - 3 tbsp

You need to put exactly 3 tablespoons of vanilla extract, otherwise the ice cream will be bitter.


  1. Put milk, sugar, cocoa and coffee in a mixer bowl and beat with a mixer for 2 minutes.
  2. Add yogurt, cream and vanilla extract and continue beating until smooth.
  3. We shift the ice cream into a plastic container or a metal oblong baking dish and place it in the freezer.
  4. After 45 minutes, break the ice crystals with a hand or submersible mixer, or with a regular fork.
  5. We return the ice cream to the freezer for another 30-45 minutes and repeat the procedure. And so every half an hour for 2-3 hours (the more repetitions the better).
  6. Leave the ice cream for 4 hours or overnight until completely solidified.

7. Strawberry Banana Sugar Free Yogurt Ice Cream

Grocery list:

  • frozen strawberries, peeled and cut in half - 500 gr.
  • frozen banana, peeled and cut into slices - 1 pc.
  • honey - 1 tbsp.
  • natural yogurt - 100 gr.


  1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth, about 5 minutes.
  2. Transfer to a plastic container or a metal oblong baking dish and place in the freezer for at least 1 hour.
    This ice cream does not require stirring during freezing.

If you don't have the patience to wait a few hours and stir your ice cream every half an hour, you can buy an ice cream maker and make your life easier and enjoy your summer vacation.

And I say goodbye until the next meeting online.

Good luck, love and patience.

In the summer heat, ice cream sales increase significantly, as people want to enjoy a sweet cold dessert. However, the quality and composition of the goods in the store often do not suit the buyer, who carefully monitors his health. A large amount of sugar and chemical additives indicated on the package do not add usefulness to the product. You can replace ice cream with a more healthy creamy treat - frozen yogurt.


Fresh yogurt is very useful product for the intestines, as it contains many active bacteria. Unfortunately, most of them die when frozen, however, freezer yogurt has several advantages over conventional cold desserts.

The high content of calcium has positive influence on the body. The element is useful for the bone skeleton, the health of teeth, nails and hair. Moreover, latest research proved the importance of a regular intake of calcium in the fight against oncological diseases. It helps to reduce growth cancer cells in the region of the large intestine. One serving of frozen yogurt can contain 100 to 180 milligrams of calcium.

Chocolate and sweets are very tasty, but they do not nourish the body, but only give a large dose of sugar to the blood. Frozen yogurt, unlike classic ice cream, contains a large amount of protein. One serving contains about 25 g of protein, which are the main building material for the muscular corset of any person. It is especially useful for children and adolescents who are in the phase of active growth.

Yogurt, compared to ice cream, contains half the fat, which makes the former almost a dietary dessert. It can be used by those who are overweight, but do not find the strength to give up sweets. Use instead of a store product homemade yogurt, prepared with your own hands, will occasionally allow you to enjoy a cold snack even for people suffering from diabetes.

Calorie content and composition

The nutritional value frozen yogurt depends on which product was frozen. Undoubtedly, the number of calories in homemade natural yogurt will be lower than in a sweet store-bought dessert with various fillings, and the content of healthy protein will be higher. So, regular fruit yogurt is much healthier than the one in which puffed rice, biscuit pieces or chocolate chips are added.

It is best to freeze a natural product prepared by yourself or choose more low-fat products without fillers. After all, yogurt is rich not only in beneficial bacteria, but also contains vitamins and beneficial trace elements that do not disappear anywhere during the heat treatment of the product.

  • Vitamins A and C increase immunity and body resistance to various diseases. And a number of B group vitamins help fight excess weight, brittle nails and hair, and stress. Fermented milk products containing B vitamins are especially useful for women during menopause.
  • Saturated fatty acid useful for the stomach and intestines, and the monosaccharides and disaccharides contained in the natural product will serve as an excellent source of energy.
  • A large number of various macro- and microelements contribute to the production of various hormones and increase the protective properties of the body. In the composition you can find phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, calcium and potassium, chlorine, iron and sulfur. The high iodine content in some types of yogurt will help keep your thyroid healthy.

simple recipes

In order to prepare a frozen dessert, you will first need to prepare the yogurt itself. It is best to use a special device for this, which is called a “yogurt maker”, but you can get by with a regular set of dishes. You only need two ingredients to make it.

  • 2 liters of milk of any fat content. It is best to take natural rather than pasteurized milk.
  • 150 g of any ready-made yogurt. It is impossible to obtain lactic acid bacteria directly in milk. For their "breeding" you will need a little finished product. For the first time, you can use the product purchased in the store, and for subsequent preparations, the remains of the product that was made by yourself.

The preparation itself is so simple that even a beginner can handle it. Milk is boiled and cooled to a temperature of 38-40 degrees to cleanse it of harmful bacteria. Rinse glass or plastic containers thoroughly and hold for several minutes over hot steam. Pour milk into it, add ready-made yogurt to it and leave it in a warm and humid place to ripen for 12 hours. In order to create the most comfortable conditions for bacteria, you can put an open pan or a jar of warm water next to the milk and cover both containers with a blanket.

Frozen yogurt at home is no more difficult to prepare than regular yogurt. To do this, you need to decompose the finished fermented milk product into portioned containers and place it in the freezer for several hours. Every 20-30 minutes you can take them out and mix the contents thoroughly. This will break up the nascent ice crystals and make the mass more homogeneous and airy, similar to regular ice cream.

If it is possible to purchase an ice cream maker, then it is better to cook a delicacy in it, since the device itself mixes and whips the cooling mass. The finished product is delicious on its own, and if you add various fruits and spices to the recipe, you get real sweet ice cream.

Vanilla yogurt ice cream

For cooking, you need 800 g fermented milk product, 60 g of sugar, 60 ml of any syrup and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Unsweetened yogurt should be allowed to drain slightly in a colander lined with cheesecloth to thicken the mixture. Mix the mass with all other ingredients and beat thoroughly with a mixer. Put the resulting dessert in the freezer until it hardens.

Yoghurt ice cream with fruits

To make ice cream, you need to take 500 g of a fermented milk product, 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 350 g of any filler. It can be strawberries, raspberries, cherries, bananas, pears or apples. And you can make a more exotic option by adding avocado, young carrot or Bell pepper. The main difference between different fillers is that some freeze well in sliced ​​form, while others must be pre-processed. So, the mixture of berries and sugar must first be kneaded and boiled, and it is enough to cut the banana or avocado into small cubes and mix into the whipped yogurt mass.

Yogurt ice cream with nuts and chocolate

For cooking, you will need 600 g of a fermented milk product, crushed nuts, 1.5 tablespoons of cocoa or a dry mixture of hot chocolate. The yogurt mass is whipped with cocoa, after which crushed pistachios or hazelnuts are gently mixed into it. The resulting mixture is laid out in forms and sent to the freezer for 6-8 hours. If you insert wooden or plastic sticks into the soft mass, then after freezing you get a real popsicle that can be dipped in melted chocolate, sprinkled with grated chocolate and candied fruits, or rolled in coconut flakes.

The shelf life of frozen yogurt is much longer than usual. If the latter can be stored in the refrigerator for about 1-2 weeks, then solid ice cream can lie in the freezer for at least a month. However, thawing and re-freezing yogurt is not recommended. In this case, he will finally lose all his beneficial bacteria and become an ordinary sweet dessert. Yoghurt ice cream will perfectly replace boring cakes and pastries at a summer holiday.

It can be used by both adults and children. And for the smallest, natural yogurt ice cream without sweet additives is perfect.

For how to make frozen mango and strawberry yogurt, see the following video.

Frozen yogurt is a dream, not a dessert! Surprisingly tasty, healthy, natural, dietary, and at the same time so easy to prepare that even a child can handle it.

First known as a low-calorie substitute for ice cream, frozen yogurt has captivated not only healthy lifestyle advocates, but also millions of sweet teeth around the world. Creamy, tender, refreshing and incredibly tasty - how can you resist it?!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

The base of the dessert is, of course, yogurt. In principle, any high-quality yogurt with good composition, but the best choice- Greek yogurt, ideally -. Greek yogurt is not only more healthy and dietary in composition, but also has a deeper creamy taste and creamy texture, which is especially pleasant in the finished dessert.

Fruits / berries and sweeteners can be selected to your taste. My version: berries grated with sugar, honey and green tea. V summer time- puree from fresh berries and fruits.

To make frozen yogurt, measure out a serving of yogurt and add mashed berries, fruit, or other toppings to taste.

I add a few teaspoons of sugared raspberries and currants. I mix another part of the yogurt with honey and add a few drops of vanilla essence or powdered green tea (matcha).

Mix the ingredients, taste and adjust the amount to your taste. Honey, berries, green tea and any other flavoring additives should be added in such quantity that their taste is a little more saturated than you are used to - in this case, when chilled, it will taste just right.

Our dessert is almost ready, and it remains only to freeze it. At this stage, you can experiment endlessly.

For example, pour yogurt into a pastry bag or syringe, deposit on a baking sheet in the form of drops of arbitrary size - you will get very tasty yogurt sweets.

In this case, pre-place the baking sheet in the freezer for 15-20 minutes - the sweets will “grab” on the chilled baking sheet and will better keep the desired shape.

You can use ice cream molds.

Or pour the yogurt into one large airtight mold, freeze and serve in cups or waffle cones.

Pour into serving bowls and garnish with berries. I have silicone molds.

Once the mixture has set and cooled, the frozen yogurt is ready!

Dessert can be served immediately or stored in the freezer for up to 1 month, enjoying it according to your mood.