News — Frozen yogurt TM YOGUMI. How to freeze yogurt - make homemade yogurt ice cream How to make frozen yogurt at home

Differs in variety. Storage conditions and optimal temperature conditions are indicated by manufacturers on product packaging. To ensure the long-term preservation of yogurt of its taste properties, these recommendations must be followed exactly.

Nuances of storing yogurt:

  • the expiration date, which is indicated on the packaging of yogurt, can only be taken into account for products with unopened packages;
  • yoghurts containing preservatives can be stored in almost any conditions, even at room temperature (it is important not to store products near heat sources and under direct sunlight);
  • natural yogurt can only be stored in the refrigerator;
  • a container with yogurt can be frozen (often this method is used to make “homemade” ice cream”);
  • under the influence of low temperatures the nutritional value and the taste characteristics of yogurt do not change;
  • it is impossible to freeze and defrost yogurt again (the consistency of the product will change dramatically, and the taste properties will deteriorate);
  • it is better to store yogurt in the refrigerator in glass jars (the product will spoil faster in a cardboard package);
  • “Live” yogurt cannot be stored at room temperature (such a product should only be stored chilled or frozen);
  • if liquid is separated from yogurt, then the product begins to deteriorate, and you should not eat it;
  • after buying yogurt, do not store it long time at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator (the product must be put in the refrigerator immediately, otherwise the drops temperature regime may shorten its shelf life).
  • if there is no lid for the container, then it is better to seal the jar of yogurt with foil (polyethylene is not recommended in this case);
  • if yogurt has been stored in a closed package for more than two weeks, then it is better to use it as an additional ingredient for pastries or desserts (if there are no signs indicating product spoilage);
  • if a plaque appears on the surface of the yogurt, then the product is spoiled, and it cannot be eaten even if it seems fresh when the mold is removed;
  • yogurts that have undergone heat treatment are not too susceptible to temperature conditions and their differences ( useful substances in such products is much less than in natural ones, so this nuance must be taken into account when buying them);
  • Frozen yogurt can be stored for several months.

How long and at what temperature to store yogurt

The shelf life depends not only on whether the package was opened or not, but also on some of the nuances of the composition. Traditionally, all types of this product are divided into two categories: yogurt made on the basis of sourdough and without this component. In the first case, the shelf life of yogurt will be 5-7 days, in the second case, the shelf life can be up to three months.

The relationship between temperature and shelf life of yogurt:

  • at a temperature of +4 to +6 degrees, yogurt is stored for 5-7 days, if the product is natural;
  • at any temperature, including room conditions, yogurt can be stored for 14-30 days if it is not natural (“yoghurt product”);
  • if yogurt is made independently on the basis of a special sourdough, then at a temperature of up to +7 degrees it can be stored for 6 days.

Shelf life different types yogurt in the fridge:

  • drinking yogurt is stored for a maximum of 10 days;
  • Plain yogurt and low fat foods keep for 1-2 weeks.
  • yogurt with pieces of fruit should be eaten within 7 days.

If the package of yogurt is opened, then regardless of the type of product, it can be stored for only 7 days. It is recommended to eat it during the first 5 days. An open container with yogurt should be stored only in the cold.

In the heat, I want ice cream, but the purchased one does not please me at all - fatty, oversweetened, with a long list of "chemistry" on the label. I found a replacement for him - frozen yogurt. Frozen yogurt is a delicious treat that has the rich, creamy flavor of ice cream, but with less sugar and calories.
Light, refreshing, with a pleasant sourness and texture, like ice cream. A real celebration of beneficial bacteria and proteins.
Ideal for those who are losing weight and those who follow the figure.

Let's see how to cook incredibly fast delicious dessert- strawberry frozen yogurt

In the USA, Canada and Europe, coffee shops with this trendy dessert (English frozen yogurt) are at every turn. With us you can try it only on occasion - in cinemas and large shopping centers. But it doesn't matter - frozen yogurt is easy to make at home with your own hands.

The basis of all recipes is natural yogurt. This means - not fat-free and without fruit and other additives, due to which there are more starch and sugar in this product than milk proteins and beneficial bacteria.
The easiest way to buy natural yogurt. Here are a few proven options: Auchan (French brand of the same name, sold on the Auchan network), Russian Bio Max, Bio Miracle Yogurt, Bifilin-M, Bio yogurt from goat milk(brand "Useful products").
The most natural yogurt is Greek.

To make your own frozen yogurt, you will need some yogurt, a few other ingredients such as fruit, sugar, cocoa, or chocolate chips.

Here are some popular recipes for you.

Homemade chocolate yogurt

Chocolate frozen yogurt
This recipe will appeal to lovers of rich cocoa, and those who prefer more delicate milk chocolate. Incredibly, the dessert combines both tastes.

Servings: 3


  • 300 g natural yoghurt
  • 100 g chocolate good quality(cocoa content of at least 70%)
  • 100 g low fat sour cream (15%)
  • 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 tsp natural vanilla extract
  • a pinch of sea salt

Melt the chocolate in a steam bath. Stir as you go so that the chocolate melts evenly.
Meanwhile, put the sour cream in a deep bowl.
Separately mix cocoa powder and salt.
When the chocolate is melted, beat it into the sour cream and combine the resulting mixture with salt and cocoa. Add vanilla extract yogurt and mix everything well in a blender.

Strawberry frozen yogurt
If you want, you can use mango instead of strawberries or make a mix of berries and fruit.

Servings Per Container: 2-3


  • 450 g strawberries, washed and de-tailed
  • 240 g natural yoghurt
  • 130 g granulated cane sugar
  • 1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 tsp vodka or kirsch (optional)

Cut strawberries into small slices. Mix in a bowl with sugar and vodka/kirsch (if using) until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cover with cling film and leave at room temperature for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Place the strawberry mixture in a blender or food processor. Add yogurt and lemon juice. Whisk until pureed. Close the container and leave in the refrigerator for an hour. Shake again and freeze for 4-5 hours.

Vanilla frozen yogurt
Cane sugar gives this yogurt a caramel and Irish ale flavor.

Servings: 6


  • 370 g natural yoghurt
  • 150 g granulated cane sugar
  • 1 tsp natural vanilla extract

Combine yogurt, sugar, vanilla extract in a blender. Whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Close the container and leave in the refrigerator for an hour. Shake again and freeze for 4-5 hours.

Frozen yogurt with fruit
To prepare this healthy dessert, you can take completely different fruits. Choose the ones you like the most and combine them with each other. For example, you can make frozen yogurt with the following recipe:

  • 1 banana, apple and peach;
  • a cup of natural yogurt;
  • a couple of spoons of liquid honey.

Finely chop the fruit. Mix yogurt with honey and beat it with a mixer.
Add fruit to the resulting mass, then fill cupcake molds or paper cups with it and send it to the freezer for six hours.

There is another recipe for making yogurt with fruit. Fruits that freeze well, such as mango, kiwi, banana and strawberries, are suitable for it.

In addition to these, you will need

  • half a glass of yogurt
  • honey spoon
  • products suitable for topping: grated chocolate, chopped nuts, coconut flakes, small colored caramels, etc.

Mix honey with yogurt and place the mixture in the refrigerator for five minutes to thicken it a little.
Cut the fruit into large pieces (leave the strawberries whole) and put each piece on a skewer.
Spoon the yogurt over the piece of fruit and sprinkle with sprinkles. Do the same with the rest of the fruits.
Put the processed pieces of fruit on a tray lined with parchment paper, and put them for a couple of hours in freezer.

Frozen yogurt with nuts and coffee

Aromatic coffee lovers will definitely like the recipe for frozen yogurt with nuts and coffee. To prepare this dessert you will need:

  • coffee (preferably instant) - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • yogurt - 600 grams;
  • boiling water - 120 milliliters;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • hazelnut;
  • White chocolate;
  • honey to taste.

Pour boiling water over coffee, after the drink has cooled, strain it through a strainer.
Then mix coffee with vanilla sugar, honey and yogurt.
Place the resulting mixture in the freezer, wait until it freezes a little and add chopped hazelnuts and grated chocolate to it.
Shake and put back in the freezer until thickened.

Vegan banana ice cream
As a consolation to those who do not want to bother with the purchase / preparation of yogurt. Quick and fantastically delicious dessert

Servings: 1-2


  • 2 1/2 bananas, frozen
  • 2 tbsp water (even better - almond milk)
  • a pinch of cocoa / grated chocolate, a handful of almonds (optional)

In a food processor or blender, blend the bananas and water to an ice cream consistency. Add a couple of ice cubes if needed. Garnish with nuts, sprinkle with chocolate/cinnamon, if desired, and serve immediately.

Helpful Hints

  • You can determine the “naturalness” of store-bought yogurt by carefully studying the composition. Ideally, such a product should contain only milk and live bacterial cultures. In no case should it contain all kinds of flavors, stabilizers, preservatives, thickeners and other chemicals. Please note the smaller the list
  • Frost slightly changes the taste and aroma of desserts. More precisely, they seem a little less sweet and a little less flavorful than they really are. Keep this in mind when tasting the mixture at room temperature - you may want to add a little more sugar or berries/fruits. all kinds of additional ingredients on the label, the better and healthier yogurt.
  • Yogurt in the freezer is prepared as follows: the dessert mixture is placed in any suitable container and placed in the freezer, then the mixture is vigorously mixed or whipped every 20-30 minutes until the yogurt thickens well. This will allow you to get a fairly plastic mass, reminiscent of ice cream in consistency.
  • Making yogurt in the freezer can be simplified. To do this, the dessert mixture is simply poured into molds and sent to the freezer for six hours. But keep in mind, such a delicacy is not plastic.

As you can see, everyone can make frozen yogurt at home. Such a dessert will be appropriate always and everywhere, it can also become a worthy decoration. holiday table and healthy treat for every day.
Based on materials

My friends,

Do you love ice cream as much as I do? That is, with all the strength of his soul, with all the enthusiasm, with all the frenzy that ardent youth is capable of?!

If yes, then my today's monologue about yogurt ice cream is for you.

Monologue about ice cream

You probably remember - I have already written 100 times how much I love ice cream and how it reciprocates, because it always turns out incomparable. Yes, and this despite the fact that I always cook it without an ice cream maker. Imagine what will happen if I buy it! It's scary to imagine.

Do you remember how in the American TV series, every time the heroine breaks up with her beloved Pinocchio, she takes out a huge bucket of fatty chocolate-vanilla ice cream from the refrigerator and eats it with a huge tablespoon, wiping her tears and drool. A good marketing ploy, I do not argue. Now imagine if we, weak defenseless creatures, every time we have misunderstandings with suitors, stress at work, problems with a girlfriend, every time we crush a bucket of such ice cream, what we will turn into.

For such cases, I came to your aid and brought easy recipes for yogurt ice cream, which you can shamelessly crush with buckets and not blush later in front of the mirror.

Well? So, let's say, I quarreled with my husband, screwed up apricot yogurt ice cream and walk happy and slim))) It really works, I answer.

By the way, I think that yogurt ice cream as a dessert is much tastier than creamy fat ice cream. Personally, after a full dinner, it’s much more pleasant for me to refresh myself with a light, non-calorie, slightly sour dessert with fresh berries, for example. By the way, the Greeks say that yogurt improves digestion and very often they serve it with fruit or jam as a compliment from the chef after dinner in their taverns. Yes, and nutritionists also recommend eating natural yogurt including in the evenings. So everything is fine.

In Greece, in general, now the epidemic began with this frozen yogurt. There were so many miniature shops with him that everyone had already lost count.

Brief historical background

Did you know that the first yogurt ice cream was launched in 1970 by the American company H.P. Hood somewhere in New England in the USA. But Americans didn't really like the sour taste of yogurt in ice cream, and the classic creamy sweet ice cream is back. When, in the mid-2000s, it became fashionable healthy diet and diets on an extraordinary scale, low-calorie frozen yogurt has become incredibly popular not only in America but throughout the world.

So, let's begin.

And, before proceeding, I will say that for ice cream it is best to use natural Greek yogurt, which is filtered from excess liquid.

If you can’t find Greek, then take ordinary natural yogurt WITHOUT ADDITIVES and separate the excess liquid by wrapping it in gauze or cloth and hanging it in the refrigerator overnight.

1. Classic yogurt ice cream - vanilla

This ice cream is best combined with fresh fruits and berries.

List of required products:

  • sugar - 280 gr.
  • vanilla essence - 2 tsp

Want a cool ice cream scoop like mine, order on ozone .

Cooking method:

  1. Beat cold yogurt with sugar and vanilla essence with a mixer until sugar is completely dissolved (grains should not be felt if you rub a little yogurt with your fingers).
  2. Transfer the yogurt to a deep plastic or metal bowl and place in the freezer for 45 minutes.
  3. After 45 minutes, check the ice cream: if it starts to freeze around the edges, break the ice crystals with a hand or submersible mixer. But you can get by with a regular fork.
  4. Return the ice cream to the freezer for another 30 minutes. If the ice cream has hardened, repeat the procedure. And so every half an hour for 2-3 hours (the more repetitions the better).
  5. We shift the ice cream into a rectangular container and cover with a lid or a sheet of parchment paper.

    You can start freezing yogurt right away in the container, but it will be inconvenient to whip in it.

2. Healthy fruit-filled yogurt ice cream

I'm in Lately Very often I make myself such ice cream in a matter of minutes. The main thing is to freeze fruit in advance. These can be peaches, apricots, nectarines, bananas, strawberries, raspberries, etc. But depending on the selected fruit, you need to adjust the amount of honey.

Grocery list:

  • any fruit or berries, pitted and (optionally) peeled - 500 gr.
  • honey - 2-3 tbsp.
  • natural yogurt, such as Greek - 100 gr.
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.


  1. We cut fruit into slices in advance (the berries do not need to be cut) and freeze for at least 4 hours (or overnight).
  2. We put fruits or berries in a blender, add all the other ingredients and beat for 5 minutes until a homogeneous mass is formed, until all the pieces are dissolved.
  3. We shift the resulting ice cream into a container and send it to the freezer for 1 hour.
    If you prefer soft ice cream, then you can eat it immediately after preparation.
  4. If serving ice cream the next day, thaw it for 15 minutes at room temperature.
  5. Apply such ice cream with a spoon, having previously lowered it into hot water.

3. Strawberry yogurt ice cream


  • strawberries - 140 gr.
  • condensed milk - 200 gr.
  • natural yogurt, such as Greek - 500 gr.


  1. Cut half of the strawberries into thin slices, and puree the other half in a blender or with an immersion mixer.
  2. Thoroughly mix strawberry puree with condensed milk, then add yogurt and gently mix again.
  3. At the end, add strawberry pieces and transfer the mass to a plastic or metal mold (it is convenient to use an oblong mold for cupcakes).
  4. Close the ice cream mold tightly with a lid or cover with a sheet of parchment and place in the freezer for several hours or overnight.
  5. Before serving, defrost ice cream at room temperature for 15-30 minutes and put it with a spoon, having previously lowered it into hot water.

If you have time, an hour after freezing, you can periodically stir the ice cream with a fork every 30-45 minutes to break up the ice crystals. Repeat mixing 5-6 times. This ice cream will be softer and more elastic.

4. Chocolate ice cream with yogurt

Required products:

  • dark chocolate - 50 gr.
  • natural yogurt, such as Greek - 500 gr.
  • condensed milk - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a water bath. When the chocolate turns into a smooth, shiny glaze, remove from heat and leave to cool.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix yogurt with condensed milk and beat with a mixer until an airy mass forms. Its consistency should be approximately like yogurt in its original form.
  3. After the chocolate reaches room temperature, add it to the yogurt cream and mix until smooth.
  4. Leave the ice cream in the refrigerator for 2 hours to cool completely.
  5. Then we transfer it to a container and, having covered it with a lid or a sheet of parchment, leave it to freeze for 4 hours.
  6. An hour after we put the ice cream in the freezer, take it out and break the ice crystals with a fork, immersion blender or hand mixer. We repeat the procedure every 35-40 minutes 5-6 times.

5. Banana ice cream with yogurt

Mix this ice cream with crushed chocolate, drizzle with caramel and it will be one of the most delicious frozen yogurts you have ever tasted!

Required Ingredients:

  • bananas, overripe - 3-4 pcs. (total pulp weight 375 gr.)
  • natural yogurt, such as Greek - 500 gr.
  • condensed milk - 175 gr.
  • chocolate drops or chopped chocolate - optional
  • - optional

Keep in mind that the riper and even blacker your bananas are, the more fragrant and tastier your ice cream will be.


  1. In a blender, grind peeled bananas, yogurt and condensed milk until a homogeneous puree is formed.
  2. We shift the mass into a plastic or metal container and close the lid or cover tightly with parchment paper.
  3. We freeze ice cream in the freezer for several hours or overnight, breaking ice crystals every 30-45 minutes for the first 3 hours.
  4. At the last stirring, you can add chocolate and caramel, and mix thoroughly again. Caramel can also be poured over ice cream when serving.

6. Coffee and yogurt ice cream

For coffee and yogurt ice cream, we need:

  • milk - 240 gr.
  • brown sugar - 110 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp
  • instant coffee, granules or powder - 2 tbsp.
  • natural yogurt, such as Greek - 400 gr.
  • heavy cream, ≈35% - 110 gr.
  • vanilla extract - 3 tbsp

You need to put exactly 3 tablespoons of vanilla extract, otherwise the ice cream will be bitter.


  1. Put milk, sugar, cocoa and coffee in a mixer bowl and beat with a mixer for 2 minutes.
  2. Add yogurt, cream and vanilla extract and continue beating until smooth.
  3. We shift the ice cream into a plastic container or a metal oblong baking dish and place it in the freezer.
  4. After 45 minutes, break the ice crystals with a hand or submersible mixer, or with a regular fork.
  5. We return the ice cream to the freezer for another 30-45 minutes and repeat the procedure. And so every half an hour for 2-3 hours (the more repetitions the better).
  6. Leave the ice cream for 4 hours or overnight until completely solidified.

7. Strawberry Banana Sugar Free Yogurt Ice Cream

Grocery list:

  • frozen strawberries, peeled and cut in half - 500 gr.
  • frozen banana, peeled and cut into slices - 1 pc.
  • honey - 1 tbsp.
  • natural yogurt - 100 gr.


  1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth, about 5 minutes.
  2. Transfer to a plastic container or a metal oblong baking dish and place in the freezer for at least 1 hour.
    This ice cream does not require stirring during freezing.

If you don't have the patience to wait a few hours and stir your ice cream every half an hour, you can buy an ice cream maker and make your life easier and enjoy your summer vacation.

And I say goodbye until the next meeting online.

Good luck, love and patience.

The international network of cafes has more than a dozen addresses in Moscow. Here they know everything about the love for frozen yogurts and prepare more than 90 options for a refreshing treat. Fresh fruits, marshmallows and colored sprinkles are used as toppings. Cafes operate on a self-service system: you choose your own yogurt and toppings, and as much as you want, and then weigh, pay and enjoy the taste.

pr-d Teatralny, d. 5, building 1, sq. Kievsky railway station, 2, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 33, st. Kirovogradskaya, 13A, blvd. Khodynsky, 4


For a dessert that is good not only for your figure, but also for your Instagram, we go to Vitamin & Smoothie Bar Macadamia. The smoothie station is famous for its original packaging: drinks are bottled here in the form of LED light bulbs. In combination with the bright colors that natural fruits give, it turns out very pretty. Especially if you take something like "Thai Passion" with mango, passion fruit and coconut milk. Sugar and syrup are not added to desserts.

sq. Krasnaya, d. 3 (GUM, 2nd floor, 2nd line) st. Usacheva, 26 (Usachevsky market) st. Lesnaya, 20, building 3


A network of healthy food and culinary stores for those who prefer conscious eating. In addition to milk and yoghurts, vegetable gastronomy, bread, cereals and other natural products, a wide range of desserts is presented here. Raw sweets, sugar-free and gluten-free cannoli tubes with raspberry, mango, chocolate and lemon-vanilla cream are waiting for you, as well as a variety of muffins, cookies and even a keto donut that contains only one gram of carbohydrates.

emb. Presnenskaya, 2, per. Bolshoy Patriarchy, 12, Ave. Michurinsky, d. 5, Ave. Kutuzovsky, 32, st. Mytnaya, 74 (Danilovsky market)


An ideal dessert for those who follow their figure is prepared in Yogumi yogurt bars. In addition to being a basically healthy treat, frozen yogurt also contains probiotics, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and other goodies. The jars look extremely attractive: yogurt is applied with a slide, and generously sprinkled with nuts, berries or sweets on top.

st. Porechnaya, 10


If you still have doubts about the taste of vegetarian desserts, start with the vegan version of Snickers at the Taste & Color Cafe. Inside - peanuts, thick caramel and natural chocolate. If not abused, you get a worthy alternative to the famous bar. It is also worth trying the green-cake (a raw-food version of Charlotte) with delicate notes of cashew nuts and coconut and the yeast-free Sinless Napoleon with a layer of coconut cream and fresh berries.

st. Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya, 36, building 6 (Flacon design factory)

Cafe "Jagannath" 0+

The dessert display at Jagannath is an excuse to stay longer and try a few desserts. The range includes vegan versions of popular cakes such as Napoleon or Bird's Milk, raw food candies and photogenic pink coffee that can be made with alternative milk (it is said to taste like drinking a rose). And, of course, you can take a whole bunch of healthy goodies with you, including glazed curds, halva and sherbet.

st. Kuznetsky Most, 11, st. 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 13, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 24/30, Ave. Mira, 31, Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya st., 9, lit. A, st. Maroseyka, 4, st. Gruzinsky Val, 28/45, blvd. Autumn, d. 10, building. one


What do you like more - Italian gelato or frozen yogurt? This time you won't have to choose, because the Mr.Tutti network will prepare both for you. All in best traditions: weighty portions that can be safely divided for two, as well as many different toppings. At the same time, you can grab a sorbet or a milkshake.

sh. Leningradskoye, 16A, building 4 (Metropolis shopping center) sq. Kievsky railway station, 2 (SEC "European") Ave. Ryazansky, d. 2, building. 2


Once upon a time, you had to go to the Rumyantsevo metro station to get their desserts, but now there are Seeds on Derbenevskaya embankment. There are brownies and peanut cookies, and sweets made from nuts and dried fruits, as well as a light cheesecake and carrot cake. Pair them with a vitamin smoothie.

emb. Derbenevskaya, d. 7, building 10 sh. Kievskoe, d. 6., building 1 (BC "KomCity")


A network of coffee houses with juicy and tasty sweets without sugar. The menu is completely made up of products of plant origin under the supervision of a professional nutritionist, so you can safely eat healthy Snickers, chia pudding, homemade chocolate, tender syrniki and blueberry tarts. Coffee here is brewed with the addition of farm cow's milk or, if you wish, with alternative vegetable (oatmeal, rice, almond).

st. Malaya Bronnaya, 28 st. Maroseyka, 4/15


"Yagoda Raspberry" is a company for ordering and delivering a wide variety of natural desserts without sugar, gluten, preservatives and animal products. You want to order juicy and bright holiday cakes without any reason, and low-calorie desserts with fresh fruits and berries or sweets made from lime, dried apricots, raspberries and figs deserve to appear on your table every day. Delivery cost - from 350 rubles.

emb. Luzhnetskaya, 10A, building 10

Surely you have already seen bright boxes for sale that contain yogurt for freezing. In terms of composition, this is ordinary yogurt, but its price is much higher than that of any other. In order not to overpay and please the child with delicious and healthy desserts, let's try to freeze yogurt ourselves.

Recipe basis

First of all, you need yogurt. By the way, it is not at all necessary to look for natural, with live bifidobacteria. They will all die in the freezer anyway. You just have to take any product of good quality, without chemicals and flavors. You can simply pour it into molds and put it in the freezer. In about three hours, you will have amazing ice cream, healthy and light. However, you can make it even tastier if you freeze yogurt with fruit.

Is it possible to replace yogurt with kefir

Judging by the reviews of those who have already tried this method of making homemade ice cream, you should not change the ingredients so drastically. The fact is that kefir stratifies when frozen, and at the output you get something completely different from what you would like. But to the question of whether it is possible to freeze yogurt, we boldly answer positively. But you should not choose its cheapest types, in which gelatin acts as a thickener.

Probably, the difference between yogurt and kefir in the first place is not even that they are created on the basis of different bacteria. In order to freeze yogurt, it is more important to choose a product with a high fat content, and kefir always loses in this.

Yogurt with additives

To diversify and shade the taste of the final product, you can use any fillers. You can freeze yogurt with berries and fruits, nuts and chocolate. Soft fruits, such as bananas, kiwi, and peaches, are best suited for these purposes. However, if you want to add apples and pears, then this can also be easily done if you first mash them. Mix your favorite fruits or berries with yogurt and place in the freezer. It is advisable to beat the mass with a blender every 30 minutes so that there are no ice crystals. Such homemade frozen yogurt will be and will please even the most fastidious child.

Isn't it easier to buy ice cream in the store

At first glance, yes, but do you know what is included in its composition? This is far from cream plus sugar, as many people used to think. It contains a huge amount of thickeners and flavors, stabilizers and other harmful substances. chemical substances. And, of course, it is not at all useful to feed a child with such a dessert, but children love it so much. What exit can be found? That's right, we cook yogurt at home.

If you are on a diet

For many women who are on a diet, the most difficult thing is to give up sweets. This is what causes breakdowns. However, by learning how to freeze different fruit and yogurt mixtures, you can provide yourself with healthy and light snacks. To do this, take a cup of plain yogurt without any additives, a spoonful of honey, mix these two ingredients. Now you need to finely chop a large apple and a large peach, 1 banana. Mix fruit with yogurt, pour into small molds and put in the freezer. Ready desserts can be transferred to a plastic container and stored for no more than one month. But the dessert turns out so tasty that it definitely won’t lie for so long. Some go even further and prepare real puff masterpieces. To do this, layers of fruit puree, berries and yogurt with honey are laid out in a large container. Then all this is frozen during the day.

Creamy dessert

This dessert is slightly higher in calories than the ones we talked about earlier, but it's definitely worth a try. To do this, take 200 g of heavy cream. The fatter the better. They should be beaten well, add 100 g of condensed milk and 100 g of unsweetened yogurt. Mix everything well and freeze in the freezer. This option is more suitable for those who are not afraid to get fat, but if you are on a diet, then you should not get carried away with such desserts. It remains to answer the last question: "How long does it take to freeze yogurt?" It depends primarily on how large the portion is to be frozen. The smaller the form, the faster this will happen. A small glass (40 ml of yogurt) will be ready in about 30 minutes. If you are preparing a large jar at once, from which you later plan to choose frozen yogurt balls, then prepare the mixture in the evening. By morning everything will be ready.

How many calories are in frozen yogurt

Everything is very simple here: look at which one you take as a basis, and add to it all the fillers that you use. In general, this variety per 100 g of regular frozen yogurt without fillers accounts for only 59 kcal. If you want to limit your calorie intake, then add cherries or raspberries, applesauce. But if calories do not bother you much, then you can please yourself with jam and chocolate, nuts. Such desserts can be used as snacks, they satisfy hunger well and interrupt the desire to eat another sweet, more high-calorie.

Summing up

If you haven't made frozen yogurt at home so far, now is the time to start. It is tasty and which can successfully replace cakes and sweets. This dessert is perfect as the end of a hot, summer day. Sometimes housewives experiment, cut fruits into slices, dip them in yogurt, lay them out on a sheet and freeze them in the freezer. It turns out an excellent dessert, tasty and light, which is great for children's day birthday and friendly party.