What can be done so that the lilies do not smell? Peony - healing and magical properties The smell of peonies causes.

Peony evasive or Maryin root- This is a representative of the perennial family, which is found in the steppe area. The plant has a developed root system and grows mostly in bushes. The petals of the flower have a bright crimson or lilac color, and the leaves are divided into long lobes. The flower is often used not only in gardening, but also in therapy, because it has a strong medicinal composition.

Peony evasive is used in folk medicine for a long time. Preparations from the plant are used to prepare decoctions and tinctures, but modern pharmacology offers an evasive peony tincture, which can be bought at a pharmacy. To prepare the tincture, peony roots, flowers, leaves and stems are used. The beneficial properties of the flower are extracted using ethyl alcohol with a 40% strength.

Pharmaceutical indications for the use of the drug: for neurological disorders and sleep disorders, however, the medicinal properties of the flower are also indispensable in the treatment of many diseases.

Composition of peony evasive

Peony evasive has a huge amount useful substances. The root contains the greatest amount of biologically active components. The medicinal properties that the flower possesses are due to the unique composition, which includes:

  1. Essential oils - have a calming effect.
  2. Fatty acids - restore estrogen levels during menopause.
  3. Tannin - relieves inflammation.
  4. Benzoic acid - has an antiseptic effect.
  5. Minerals.

Peony tincture is also rich in antioxidants, tannins and alkaloids. The composition of the plant has not yet been fully studied. As a raw material for harvesting, the peony root is used in crushed and dried form.

The root contains a concentrated amount of all useful substances and is the poisonous part of the flower. Since the drug is intended for use for medicinal purposes, the proportions are strictly maintained in it, therefore, with the correct use of the tincture of the evading peony, it will not cause harm to the body.

Properties of tincture of peony evading

Peony evasive is used in folk medicine as a sedative. The medicinal properties of peony have not yet been fully studied, but today peony tincture is used to treat diseases of the central nervous system and as a prevention of pathologies. nervous system. The drug, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, has a sedative, sedative, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The medicinal properties of the tincture also have other effects:

  • painkillers;
  • oncoprotective;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • tranquilizing;
  • neuroleptic;
  • soothing.

What does the plant look like

Useful properties of the plant are used to correct the course of diseases of the central nervous system and in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of the drug is recommended in case of:

  • neurosis, insomnia, stress, nervous excitability, unreasonable fear and anxiety;
  • depressive state;
  • pathologies of the heart;
  • skin diseases that have arisen on a nervous basis;
  • gastritis and ulcers.

Useful properties of buckwheat

The medicinal properties that the tincture possesses have found application in gynecology to eliminate the symptoms of menopause and regulate the menstrual cycle. The flower is effective in the treatment of polycystosis, cervical erosion and for the complex therapy of internal hemorrhages. The tincture is used as a general tonic in case of a decrease in the protective function of the immune system and as a prevention of viral infections.

It is necessary to use the evading peony in combination with medications, since otherwise, in order to achieve a positive effect, it will be necessary to extend the course of treatment. A strengthening peony is able to enhance the sedative properties of drugs, so it is recommended to consult a specialist before taking the tincture.

Peony tincture at home

The drug is sold in a pharmacy, but for those who believe that all the beneficial properties that a flower contains are not saved there, there is a simple recipe for how to prepare a tincture at home.

It is recommended to take care of the preparation of the preparation in advance and prepare the root. It must be dug up, cleaned and washed. The pure root must be dried, ground in a meat grinder and leaves added there. Mix the root and leaves in proportions of 2: 1. Peony root should be poured with alcohol: approximately 10 ml of alcohol per 1 gram of root. The finished mixture should be placed in a glass bowl in a dark place. for 14 days, then remove the root and strain from the sediment. Take exactly the same as a pharmacy tincture. In order not to harm health, it is recommended not to abuse the plant.

Application of tincture

Peony roots in tincture must be used in accordance with the instructions. The plant contains a large amount of sedatives, so the standard dose is 15-20 drops. The use of the drug is permissible for children from 12 years old - then the dose of drops is 10 - 15.

It is necessary to use tincture before meals for 2 weeks. In case of a severe neurological disorder, the use of the drug can be extended. You can repeat the course of prevention or treatment of mild forms of neurosis after 2 months. With insomnia, the use of tincture is effective if you increase the number of drops to 40.

What are the medicinal properties of plantain?

The benefits of peony tincture

The benefit of the drug lies in its positive effect on the body as a whole. The use of the drug is indispensable in the complex fight against oncological diseases, in the fight against excess weight and in the restoration of hairline. The benefit of the remedy lies in a mild effect on the nerve endings: the active components stimulate the production of hormones, normalize the mental state and improve metabolism.

The benefits of the plant have found application in cosmetology. The tincture is used as a remedy for dandruff and for hair growth. Also, it is used to reduce the work of the sebaceous glands.

Contraindications to the use of tincture

The use of an evading peony has contraindications. This is due to the extensive composition of active substances in high concentrations, which, if abused, can harm the body. It is recommended to check with a specialist for contraindications before taking the drug. In addition to the indications in the instructions, there are contraindications in which the use of tincture is prohibited:

Also, there are contraindications to the use of the drug during activities that require excessive concentration. It is not recommended to abuse the drug, since an excessive amount of peony tincture can harm the body and provoke:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • apathy
  • headache.

The effect on the body of the drug is completely different, therefore, if you begin to feel discomfort, pain or notice a rash on the skin after taking the medicine, its use must be stopped, otherwise it will cause irreparable harm to the body. Before using the drug, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Recently, in an esoteric shop, I came across a bottle of peony oil. Inhaling its smell, I could not resist buying, because it magically reminded me of the happiest moments of my youth, graduation from school, studying at the university, the feeling of an endless holiday and relief after passing exams.

The product itself is a yellow oily liquid, transparent and fluid, with a characteristic and easily recognizable peony aroma, sweet, alluring, enveloping like the finest velvet, and evoking unforgettable associations with the June coolness.

The essential oil is extracted from the rhizomes of the elusive peony, its amount is only 1.6% of the total mass of plant materials. In ancient herbalists, there is another name for the plant - Maryin root or Peony Maryin-root.

Pure ether contains terpenes, sexviterpenes, lignans, phytosterols, phenols, thymol methyl ester, bornyl acetate and other volatile compounds.

Thanks to these compounds, peony oil has antimicrobial, antioxidant, analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, hypotensive and antifungal properties.

Esotericists claim that the aroma and the peony oil itself have magical properties. It is believed that the smell of flower petals attracts buyers and customers, so it is recommended for use in retail and office spaces by everyone involved in sales and transactions.

Etherol promotes business ventures and new projects, activating energy flows that stimulate making the right decisions. And the smell of a peony is a powerful magnet for attracting good luck, good fortune and well-being.

The odorous peony oil has found application in aromatherapy and cosmetology. Inhalation of healing esters helps to cope with nervous tension, neurosis, apathy, normalizes sleep, eliminates the effects of stress and allows you to fully relax after a hard day.

Aromatherapy procedures (inhalations, wearing an aroma pendant, general and local baths, massage) with etherol allow you to get rid of PMS, pain during menstruation, migraine pain caused by spasms of cerebral vessels.

Oil is often included in the composition of toothpastes, rinses and elixirs for teeth, as it dissolves plaque and stones, and also relieves inflammatory reactions in the oral cavity.

According to healers, the external use of products with peony oil has a therapeutic effect on dermatitis, psoriasis, acne vulgaris, eczema, lichen, seborrhea, dandruff and other dermatological pathologies. A fatty base with a few drops of peony ether eliminates pain in the joints and muscles, so the product is added to massage mixtures and compositions.

The main cosmetic and beneficial properties of peony oil for skin and hair:

  • due to the exfoliating, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, the application of products with ether improves the skin microflora and cleanses the epidermis of rashes;
  • the oil has whitening qualities, which makes it indispensable for removing freckles, age spots and for evening out the tone of the face;
  • enrichment of masks, shampoos and conditioners leads to strengthening of hair roots, cleansing of the scalp from dandruff, elimination of irritation of the epidermis;
  • powerful antioxidants in peony essential oil slow down the aging process, reduce the depth of wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new folds.

Adding the product to cosmetics, especially in combination with mosquito roses, is advisable in the care of mature aging skin, as well as to slow down the aging process of the epidermis. Ether, rich in bioactive compounds, allows you to diversify care and saturate the epidermis with irreplaceable components.

How to apply oil correctly?

A few drops of oil added to the aroma lamp before lighting a candle will purify the air in the room (no more than 15 sq.m.), fill it with medicinal components and a charming aroma. Just 15-20 minutes of staying in such a room will allow you to get rid of a headache and relax before going to bed.

Peony essential oil can be enriched with shampoos, conditioners, masks, creams and emulsions for face and body skin care, liquid detergents(soap, shower gel, bath bubbles), massage oil, tooth rinses.

The agent is added at the rate of 1-2 drops per 15 g of the base. It is desirable to prepare the composition immediately before application/application/washing, so that valuable volatile compounds do not volatilize during storage in finished cosmetics bottles.

Massage oil recipe for a relaxing massage. Take 20 ml of the following vegetable oils:, avocado, peach pits, pumpkin seeds and walnut, mix in a glass bottle, add 20 drops of peony essential oil. Apply all over the body during a massage or self-massage after a relaxing bath.

For general and local baths, it is advisable to introduce peony oil as part of an emulsifier, for example, sea ​​salt, honey, heavy cream or ready-made bath products. 5-6 drops of ether are added to a glass of salt or 30 ml of liquid emulsifier, after which the crystals or the composition are dissolved in warm water.

Peony ether goes well with other pure essential oils: rose, grapefruit, sandalwood, mandarin, cypress, vitex, neroli, patchouli, tea tree. If desired, you can make an original individual composition of them, in accordance with your own taste, in order to later use them as perfumes or to enrich care products.

Do you have peony oil in your aromatic first aid kit? If not, then I hope that the information received will allow you to decide on the choice and the need to purchase it. Beauty to you and eternal youth!

Peony gives beauty and tranquility

The peony plant, like the legendary Greek doctor, is endowed with the gift of healing. A tincture of the roots of this flower, which you can prepare yourself or buy at a pharmacy, helps to cope with insomnia, relieves fears and anxieties. In Russia, the peony was called Maryin root- girls who care about their beauty knew about its miraculous properties and therefore treated the plant with special love. From the decoction of the roots of the flower, they made lotions against acne and oily skin. And from the tincture of the roots they got an excellent hair care product - if you rub it into the scalp, you can accelerate hair growth, get rid of dandruff and make the braid thicker and shiny.

To take advantage healing properties peony, prepare the roots of the flower in advance. After the plant blooms and sheds seeds, dig up the roots, wash them thoroughly, dry them, cut them into small pieces, put them in a glass jar and close the lid. In this form, the peony root can be stored for several winters in a row.

Protects from evil spirits

A beautiful peony has quite strong magical properties. For example, in China, he is credited with the gift of attracting love into a person's life. Peony in this country is a symbol of decency and shyness. The Chinese believe that evil spirits disappear from those places where peonies are planted, since the fragrance of the flower is incompatible with the nature of the representatives of darkness - it depresses them.

The protective properties of the peony were also attributed in medieval England. The seeds and roots of this plant were strung on a thread and put on the child's neck to protect him from the machinations of evil spirits. Bracelets and beads, where, in addition to the roots of the plant, there were also corals or silicon, became the strongest amulet against the evil eye and damage.

Helps to meet the betrothed

According to feng shui, a vase or pot of peonies in the bedroom will bring married woman good luck in love: flowers will make her relationship with her husband more harmonious, and fidelity and sincerity will settle in their house for a long time. Peonies can play a fateful role in the life of an unmarried girl - flowers planted in the front garden will help her meet her betrothed and build a strong family.

Peonies are created in order to connect hearts in love - use their power. Describe the man you would like to meet on a piece of paper in as much detail as possible, create a portrait of the “hero of your novel”, and then put the note in a box decorated with a peony image. Keep this wish box in your bedroom under your bed - be sure magic flower bring the same man to you.

Before bringing a bouquet of peonies home, find out the symbolism of the color of the plant. If you want to fill the relationship with romance, put in a vase pink flowers, passion - red, confidence and sincerity - white, cream and yellowish. Calmness and tranquility in the house will attract dark peonies - purple and blue. It is best to put a vase of flowers or hang a picture with her image on the wall in the southwestern sector of the apartment.

Attracts good luck in business

In Russia, under Peter I, the peony was called the pan flower - the plant was the favorite of all successful, wealthy people of that time. According to tradition, every person who achieved fame and money had to plant a peony in his garden - as a token of gratitude to fate for such generous gifts. Today, this tradition has become a sign - it is believed that a bush of peonies in the front garden will bring good prosperity and success to the owner of the site.

A bouquet of these elegant flowers can decorate a negotiating table or office. To improve cash flow and attract good luck in a career, it is better if a vase or a pot of peony stands in the northern sector of the room. If you do not like peonies, and you would prefer to decorate the garden and apartment with other plants, then you should not plant a pan flower just because it brings good luck and love. Peony very subtly feels how a person treats him. In response to your hostility, you risk receiving a wave of negative energy from him. With love, the peony answers only love.

As a child, a flower bed of peonies grew in our yard. When they bloomed, I ran up to them, leaned over and stuck my nose into the delicately sweet-smelling petals.
Since then, I have moved many times. And I haven't seen these beautiful flowers for a long time. Sad. Because I associate their smell with these most beautiful, most carefree days in my life. Summer, holidays, peonies… What could be more beautiful?
But this summer, someone from above took pity on me (and, probably, not only me))) and a new collection of cosmetics was brought to our Loccitane brand store.
Unfortunately, the decorative product that I expected so much did not appear, but I really “got hooked” on body milk.
Here's what the official website says about it:

Loccitane Beauty Body Milk Peony
Enriched with oil grape seeds and shea butter, Beauty Milk moisturizes the skin of the body and gives it exquisite tenderness. Due to the light texture of the fluid, the milk is quickly absorbed. Envelopes the skin with a delicate floral scent of peony. Contains peony extract from the Drôme region (France).

- shea butter (1%);
- grape seed oil (4%);
- glycerin (5%);
- extract of peonies from the Drome region (France).
I subscribe to every word. The milk melts gently on the skin, although it is rather liquid (not surprising for a milk). Perfectly moisturizes the skin, absorbs quickly and is not greasy at all! In the morning, the hands are tender, the legs are silk))

Got my second can today. I used the first one in 3 months. So it is quite economical. When I came to the store today, I saw that my favorite product was not on the shelf. I told the cons that I would shoot myself if he wasn't there. a joke, of course, I'm a pacifist, but it's clear that it had an effect on her and she got it for me from the showcase from the bins

Rating: 5- (minus for a not very convenient dispenser, but I got used to it)
My main indicator that the product smells delicious and not harmful is my cat)) No, I don’t experiment on it, it’s just that he loves the smell of this product very much, even tries to lick it off his hands :)) But, of course, I don’t allow . before, none of my products was honored with such love from my cat

Today I could not resist and bought another little thing with my favorite peony smell.

Loccitane Eau de Parfum Roll-On Peony

An innovative product - a more intense version of eau de toilette in a convenient roll-on format. A simple and elegant gesture to renew your favorite fragrance at any time of the day or night - simply apply the fragrance to the pulse points (neck, wrists, décolleté).

It conveys a delicate aura of flowers in a noble aroma full of green freshness. Contains peony extract from the Drôme region (France).
Aroma Pyramid:

Top notes: Bergamot, Grapefruit, Green freshness

Middle notes: Rose, Peony

Base Notes: Sandalwood, White Musk

Delicious and delicate scent. It's convenient to carry in your purse(haven't tried it yet as I just bought it)
Rating: 5. I like everything so far, but I haven’t tested the durability yet.
Product information taken from the website

Peony is a perennial subshrub or shrub that has rough stems with separate, compound leaves. The plant does not grow more than 1 meter. The rhizome of the peony is powerful with strong and thickened roots. The leaves of the plant can have wide or narrow lobes, they come in various colors, ranging from dark green to dark purple.

The peony stands out for its large single flowers with a leathery remaining calyx and beautiful petals. The flower is at the top of the stem and has many stamens and up to 8 pistils. The fruit of a peony is a multi-leaf of complex composition, having a star-shaped shape. Each fruit contains several large seeds. Seeds can be either round or oval, both black and black-brown.

Peony is grown throughout Russia, it is preferred to be planted in gardens and parks. In addition to decorative purposes, peony is also grown for medicinal use.

Reproduction of peony officinalis

Peony is most often propagated by dividing the rhizomes. For this method, spring and late summer are most suitable. In peonies, the underground part grows slowly, therefore, to divide the rhizomes, you need to select plants that are more than three years old. With such plants, there will be no problem when digging and dividing their rhizomes. So, we select a peony and cut off its stems, removing all the soil around the bush. Carefully separate the rhizome without damaging the adventitious thin roots. Next, the separated rhizome is placed for two days in dark room with dry air for drying. During this period of time, the rhizome will become stronger and cleared of dirt.

Now you have to take sharp knife and divide the rhizome, while ensuring that each plot has as many buds as roots. The cut must be processed with crushed coal. We leave the plot for two days in a cool room. After this time, the plots are planted in prepared fertile soil.

Peony is also propagated using root cuttings. To do this, in the spring you need to separate adventitious roots 1 cm long. They are planted in loose soil. Throughout the summer you need to water the stalk well. After 2–4 years, renewal buds form on the roots.

Peony can be propagated by pruning. It is necessary to dig up the plant so that the rhizome is on the surface, and with a sharp shovel cut off all the tops. The plots that were obtained in this way must be planted on the garden bed and grown, after which they are transplanted into the ground. The cut on the plant must be treated with wood ash. After processing the cut, the plant must be covered with clean soil. Peony will be able to recover only after 2 years.

Peony care

Caring for peonies does not require much effort and knowledge. The main condition is the removal of weeds, loosening the soil and regular watering. The plant responds well to top dressing and various measures to protect it. Peony prefers nitrogen and potash fertilizers. You need to water the plant as the soil dries. The peony needs watering in the spring, as at this time it is at the budding stage and blooms. After watering has been done, it is necessary to loosen the soil. After the flowering period should be applied mineral fertilizer. Peony needs cutting, which must be done carefully and carefully, leaving at least 50% of all green leaves on the plant.

Useful properties of peony

Useful properties have rhizomes and seeds of the plant. Due to the fact that peony contains tannins, flavonoids and other useful components, preparations from this plant have sedative, choleretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Peony has anticonvulsant and hemostatic effects. The rhizomes of the plant are used as a pain reliever, and they also have useful properties, which help with cancer, diabetes, nephritis and gynecological diseases.

The seeds of the plant have an effect on the body, due to which the peristalsis of the stomach and intestinal tract increases.

The use of peony officinalis

Peony is not very widespread in folk medicine, but still it is used in the treatment of many diseases and to eliminate ailments. For example, with a broken menstrual cycle a decoction of peony rhizomes will help to cope. Mothers who produce insufficient milk in the breast are also recommended a decoction of the rhizomes of the plant.

Peony has expectorant, diuretic and appetite-enhancing properties. It is recommended for use in stomach ulcers, stomach cancer or spastic colitis. A decoction of the rhizomes of the plant helps in the treatment of tuberculosis, colds, pneumonia and bronchitis. Peony preparations are used as a diaphoretic and disinfectant. From the roots make a powder, which is part of the ointments for healing wounds and treating broken bones.

Peony decoction for epilepsy. Take 30 grams of dry rhizomes of the plant and grind them. Next, pour the powder from the roots with 4 cups of water, put on fire until boiling, then remove from heat and strain. When chilled, the decoction is taken 100 ml three times a day. The same medicine can be treated in case of convulsions of the digestive tract, gout and nervous excitability. The course of treatment is 30 days, after which they take a break for 15–20 days and repeat the course again.

Peony tincture. To prepare it, you need to take 10 grams of the rhizomes of the plant and pour them with 100 ml of vodka. We leave the composition to infuse for 2 weeks. After straining the finished tincture, it is taken 30 or 40 drops, diluted with a small amount of water, three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of peony

Preparations prepared from peony must be used in the correct doses, since a large dose of their use can lead to poisoning.