Useful properties of garden strawberries. Strawberry wild-strawberry)

When we talk about strawberries, we often do not suspect that this is not at all the berry that we, for the most part, are used to imagining. Fragaria pineapple - garden strawberries, which we call so, are botanists of a different species. Real strawberries are less common: they are bright, very large and not as fragrant as the garden strawberries we know. The berry is incorrectly called literally everywhere: in the store, in the market, in cookbooks, even in school textbooks.

In order not to get completely confused, we will also call this berry - garden strawberries - strawberries. Its name means "fragrant" or "fragrant", although the wild strawberry is much more fragrant. Useful and nutritious substances in strawberries, however, are no less than in its forest sister.

Garden strawberries (strawberries) are grown throughout Russia: even in the northern regions - greenhouses are built for it, covered with foil and insulated in other ways, allowing one way or another to get a crop of juicy and sweet red berries with white pulp.

Fruit garden strawberries very tasty and rich in nutrients, and medicinal properties berries and strawberry leaves were well known to ancient physicians and traditional healers.

What are the benefits for the body

For our body, garden strawberries are a life-giving source of vitamins, minerals and other substances that exhibit biological activity, but there are very few calories in it - so you can even make yourself a very tasty strawberry diet. 100 g of strawberries contain about 40 kcal, there are proteins, fats and carbohydrates, organic acids and sugars, dietary fiber and some starch, but most of all it contains pure and healing water.

Rich medicinal composition

There are many vitamins in garden strawberries, and in considerable quantities: vitamins A, E, H, PP, group B, beta-carotene, but there is much more vitamin C than the rest. Of the minerals, potassium is the most, followed by calcium, magnesium, and sodium; further - chlorine, sulfur, iron, iodine, zinc, manganese, copper, boron, fluorine, silicon, molybdenum, vanadium, cobalt, chromium, nickel.

Medicinal properties of strawberries

When eating strawberries, digestion improves, as well as appetite, the work of the excretory systems of the body improves. Due to the large amount of antioxidants, eating strawberries can slow down the aging process - of course, for this you need to try to use it regularly, but in our country this is a problem. Therefore, in the season when strawberries ripen in your area, you should eat it as often as possible - at least a glass a day, and harvest it for future use, using sparing methods that allow you to save vitamins.

Who and what is useful

Garden strawberries are very useful for the elderly. It improves sleep, the work of the stomach and intestines, kidneys and heart, delays the deterioration of vision. It takes only one week to try to be treated with garden strawberries, as well-being improves, pain decreases, shortness of breath and arrhythmia go away. Strawberries (garden strawberries) have a mild diuretic effect, normalize the condition of the liver and prevent the accumulation of "bad" cholesterol.

Strawberries (garden strawberries) are also very useful for children, but an individual approach is needed here, as it can cause them a rash or other allergic reactions.

In diabetic patients, after eating garden strawberries, blood glucose levels may decrease; it contains a lot of calcium, and almost all of it is absorbed by the body; strawberries and an infusion of its berries can be used as an antipyretic.

Application in traditional medicine

Traditional medicine used strawberries as a tonic for hypovitaminosis, anemia, uterine bleeding, gout, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

Eating strawberries, as well as drinking an infusion of its berries and leaves, is recommended for diseases caused by iodine deficiency, metabolic disorders, obesity, intestinal infections and influenza - it “defeats” viruses and bacteria due to the high content of vitamin C.

Strawberries are an aphrodisiac

Strawberries (garden strawberries) are also considered an aphrodisiac, but it is not always explained why they should cause sexual desire. It even comes to the point that strawberries are compared with a well-known drug - Viagra, which certainly has no basis. Let's try to understand this interesting question.
Some sexologists believe that the action of most aphrodisiacs is based on the placebo effect. When a person believes that this is so, and evokes certain romantic feelings in himself, which are also supported by the appropriate environment (candles, strawberries, champagne), then the body gets the set, and everything works out as it should.

In addition, garden strawberries (strawberries) by their very appearance evoke romantic feelings; it contains antioxidants and endorphins - hormones of joy and pleasure. Antioxidants stimulate the reproductive system, maintain a high energy level of the body; and the zinc contained in it is an important component of male sperm. So all the properties of this amazing berry matter here: its beauty, aroma, taste and usefulness.

Treatment with berries and strawberry leaves

The leaves of garden strawberries contain essential oil and a lot of tannins, so their infusion is often used for sore throat, for gargling, as well as for stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

As for the treatment of diseases with the help of garden strawberries, then folk recipes quite a lot on this subject. Effective treatment and berries and strawberry leaves.

With neurosis, they drink an infusion of the collection: strawberry leaves and flowers, red clover flowers are taken in equal parts, mixed, poured 1 tbsp. l. raw materials with a glass of boiling water, insist, add honey and drink in warm form 2-3 times a day.

With coronary disease, they eat fresh berries with milk, 1 glass a day - you should try to do this all season.

In the initial stages of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, diluted juice of strawberries (garden strawberries) helps. It is necessary to mix the juice with water 1: 1, add 1 tsp. sugar and a few drops of lemon juice. This mild diuretic drink 2-3 times a day, before meals.

You can also prepare an infusion of fresh ripe garden strawberries: pour 2 tbsp. berries with a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos for half an hour and strain. Drink also before meals, as a diuretic and diaphoretic. You can gargle with the same infusion throat with angina.

With osteochondrosis, they drink the juice of garden strawberries (strawberries), mixing it with carrots in a ratio of 2: 1. A mixture of juices is drunk for a month, ½ cup 2 times a day, an hour after meals.

Chronic bronchitis is treated with garden strawberry juice mixed with hot milk. Every day they drink a glass of juice, adding ¼ tbsp. milk.

With sore throat and other diseases of the throat, strawberry honey helps well. Garden strawberries are dried in the sun until it wilts, then put in a jar, pour 0.5 liters of honey and insist. In winter, such honey can be used for all colds.

With insomnia, a decoction of valerian (1 tablespoon) is added to a glass of strawberry juice and drunk at night. To prepare the decoction, boil the valerian root for several minutes (1 tsp per glass of water).

For weeping wounds, ulcers, eczema, diathesis, rashes, a slurry of ripe mashed strawberries is applied to the affected areas for 20 minutes, applying it in a thick layer on a dense natural tissue.

With hemorrhoidal bleeding, an infusion of strawberry leaves, fresh or dry, is taken orally. Crushed leaves (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water, infused in a thermos for about 40 minutes, filtered and drunk throughout the day in small portions.

Garden strawberries for weight loss

Strawberry diet allows you to get rid of 3 kg in 4 days excess weight- this is a fairly quick result, and it is more difficult to achieve it with other diets. As soon as fresh strawberries (garden strawberries) appear, you can start a diet that is healthy and effective. Every day you need to eat 800 g of fresh garden strawberries.

Throughout the diet, you can not eat sweets and pastries; you can eat a little black bread.

Day 1 of the strawberry diet

On the first day for breakfast, you need to eat a salad: cut green apple, add a glass of strawberries, a glass of low-fat kefir, 1 tbsp. honey. Mix everything.
Lunch - salad with strawberries. Grind 2 fresh cucumber, Walnut, a bunch of greens, a piece of boiled chicken (50 g), a glass of strawberries, mix everything, add 1 tsp. vegetable oil and juice of ½ lemon.
For an afternoon snack - a glass of strawberries, a small piece of black bread.
Dinner: salad - boiled potatoes (100 g), a small onion, fat-free cottage cheese (50 g), a glass of strawberries, kefir (0.5 tbsp), juice of ½ lemon.

Second day

For breakfast - a small piece of rye bread and a glass of strawberries;
The second breakfast is a glass of pureed strawberries without sugar and fat-free kefir.
Lunch - 3 pancakes with strawberry filling.
Dinner - salad: a glass of garden strawberries, 100 g of fresh cabbage, vegetable oil (1 tsp).

The third day of the diet with garden strawberries

For breakfast it's the same. Instead of black bread, you can take toasted toast.
Lunch: a glass of strawberries, half a banana, 200 g pumpkin (you can steam it).
Snack - the same as on the first day.
Dinner - a salad of steamed vegetables: potatoes, carrots, cabbage - 70 g each.
Not later than 2 hours before bedtime, you can eat a glass of strawberries.

Fourth day

Breakfast - a glass of strawberries with hard cheese (50 g).
Lunch - salad: small onion, boiled fish (100 g), green salad, a glass of garden strawberries, vegetable oil (1 tsp).
Dinner - the same salad as on the second day.

Pros and Cons of the Strawberry Diet

The strawberry diet, like any other, has its pros and cons. The pluses include the fact that it is fast and tasty, although the combination of products may seem unusual at first.

Cons: The strawberry diet is not suitable for people with certain chronic conditions and is low in energy-producing substances such as fat. Therefore, it is better to start a diet for weight loss on vacation, or on weekends, when the load is reduced. You can repeat this diet no earlier than after 2 months.

There are contraindications

With all the benefits, garden strawberries also have a number of contraindications. Who is not recommended to eat strawberries (strawberries)? People suffering from stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastritis, inflammatory diseases of the joints: strawberries (garden strawberries) irritate the gastric mucosa, and can aggravate the problem of gout.

Some blood pressure medications can put strain on the kidneys when combined with strawberries, so you should check with your doctor before starting a diet.

People prone to allergies should be aware that strawberries (strawberries) accumulate pollen because they are porous. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the berries well, and it is best to eat them with milk or cream.

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Before the wide distribution of large-fruited varieties of cultivated strawberries, gardeners willingly cultivated wild species of this berry. Then the garden strawberries were bred by selection from the forest. That's why the chemical composition garden strawberry very close to wild (see the article "Forest Strawberry").

Garden strawberries: useful properties of garden strawberries

Despite the fact that only wild strawberry leaves are used as medicinal raw materials in medical practice, nevertheless, no one disputes the presence of nutritional and useful substances the fruits also contain garden strawberries. As for cooking, here from garden strawberries they prepare a variety of desserts: mousses, creams, raw jams, jellies, cocktails, etc.


1. It is recommended to use strawberries for kidney diseases, kidney stones, liver and biliary ailments (except for dyskinesia), as well as for all types of stomach catarrhs ​​and spleen diseases.

2. The composition of strawberries includes: acids (malic, citric, ascorbic, quinic), tannins, pigments, sugars, volatile oils, vitamins (including C and B1), many iron salts, phosphorus, copper, chromium, manganese , carotene, phytoncides, traces of alkaloids, fragarin glycoside and anthocyanin compounds. Fruit seeds are rich in fatty oil (up to 19%).

3. Infusion of fruits and leaves of strawberries are effective as a diuretic for gout, kidney stones and biliary tract; and infusion and decoctions - with scurvy and other types of beriberi.

4. Fresh strawberries are a valuable dietary remedy.

5. In traditional medicine fruits and leaves of strawberries are used for sore throat, jaundice, laryngitis, hemorrhoids, general loss of strength, uterine bleeding and childhood diarrhea. 6. Strawberries stimulate appetite and quench thirst.

7. Strawberries lower the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland and have an antisteroidal effect.

8. In Belarusian folk medicine, strawberries are used to reduce high blood pressure and expand the lumen of peripheral vessels, as well as to improve heart function, increase uterine muscle tone and urinary incontinence.

9. Strawberries are especially useful for colds, accompanied by high fever and cough.

10. The famous Russian general practitioner G. I. Zakharyin recommended long-term use strawberry tea for gout. Indeed, it is known that the famous Swedish botanist and physician Carl Linnaeus was cured of gout with strawberries.

11. From the point of view of cosmetics, strawberry juice and fruit pulp are a good remedy for whitening and cleansing the skin.

12. Strawberries are used for anemia and internal bleeding.

14. In Siberia and the Urals, fresh strawberries are used for anacid gastritis, asthma, and cancer of the larynx.

15. In Khakassia, strawberry leaves and fruits are used for obesity, insomnia, heavy menstruation and diabetes, and in Karelia - for pulmonary tuberculosis, anuria, neurosis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and bad breath.

16. Tea from berries and strawberry leaves is taken as a diaphoretic and diuretic for pneumonia and headaches.

17. Fresh strawberries are used as an antihelminthic (in ancient information it is mentioned that tapeworms, pinworms and roundworms can be expelled with berries if you first eat herring with onions, and then immediately eat about three kilograms of ripe strawberries).

18. Strawberries are also a medicinal product for sclerosis, hypochromic anemia, atonic constipation, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hepatitis, spleen diseases, for resorption of hemorrhages, cystitis, kidney stone and cholelithiasis, leukemia (leukemia), bronchial asthma. In addition to all of the above, strawberries are used as food to improve metabolism and heart function.

19. Strawberries - a proven remedy for eczema. A thick layer of crushed ripe (!) strawberries applied to a linen rag is applied to the sore spot. This method of treatment already in the first three or four days clears eczema from scabs and even dries it a little. Further, eczema can be treated with strawberry lotions, which, as the people say, “should draw out the heat”; and then ointments.)

20. In folk medicine, fresh and dried strawberry leaves, roots and berries are used as a diuretic, which promotes the release of salts from the body, in some diseases of the joints.

21. Strawberry juice and berries are indicated for beriberi, lipid and mineral metabolism disorders, as well as for atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, neurasthenia.

22. Externally, strawberries are used to treat acne, age spots, bleeding and purulent wounds.


1. Preparations containing strawberries, as well as strawberries themselves, are contraindicated in:

Well, who among us has not enjoyed delicious and fragrant strawberries? These red eyes can be found in a forest clearing or in a field - strawberries love open places in the sun. Wild berry not only pleases with its unique taste, but also has an incredibly valuable composition. The entire vitamin palette is collected in strawberries, it contains a lot of amino acids, various trace elements, pectins and flavonoids. Berries are consumed fresh, dried, frozen and even pickled. Strawberries are used to make jam, marshmallow, jam, marmalade and many, many other desserts. In this article, we will talk about the beneficial properties of strawberry berries and leaves. You will learn to whom strawberries are contraindicated and how to collect and store them over the winter.

Useful properties of strawberries

The first mention of strawberries dates back to the 15th-16th century, even then people pampered themselves with this sweet berry. At the height of summer, red fruits saturate the body with vitamins to prepare a person for a long and cold winter. What are useful strawberries and how to use them for human health, let's try to figure it out.

Strawberries are very beneficial for older people who suffer from knee and elbow pain. It is believed that the active components of this berry contribute to the production of cartilage lubrication.

Strawberries are very useful for the work of the heart and blood vessels. It reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels, relieves atherosclerosis, improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

The berry is very useful against various oncological formations. Strawberries do not completely suppress the tumor, but significantly slow down its growth and development of metastases.

The red berry is very useful for digestion - it improves appetite, promotes better digestion of food, and increases the absorption of foods. In Russia, strawberry jam was the best end to a meal, it relieved the symptoms of overeating and indigestion.

The rich vitamin composition of the fruit allows the use of strawberries as the best remedy from avitaminosis. Strawberries allow you to recover from serious illnesses, exhaustion, prolonged starvation.

Strawberries are widely used not only for food, but also as a cosmetic. The crushed pulp of the fruit is the best face mask, even without additional components. Strawberry juice soothes, relieves irritation and inflammation, relieves the manifestations of eczema, depriving, allergic rash. If you mix strawberries with cottage cheese, you get an effective whitening face mask.

Strawberries are very beneficial for men because they contain a lot of zinc, which stimulates the production of testosterone.

If you want to quit smoking, strawberries will certainly help you with this. It helps to remove toxins from the body, improves metabolic processes, and reduces cravings for cigarettes.

Strawberries have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the body. If you eat a handful of strawberries every day, it will help increase stress resistance, improve memory and concentration, and increase efficiency. And the bright color of the fruit and the crazy aroma will simply cheer you up.

Strawberries can be eaten when losing weight - it will replace high-calorie sweets and saturate the body with vitamins during a period of strict food restrictions. But remember that during weight loss, strawberries can only be eaten in the morning - these are, nevertheless, carbohydrates. Can do fasting days on strawberries - eat only red berries during the day, and drink green tea. This will help get rid of excess water in the body and a couple of centimeters in the waist. It is convenient to carry out such an emergency diet on vacation, when there are fertile berry fields around.

Many people wonder - is it possible to eat strawberries during pregnancy? Well, of course, you can, because it is a natural berry, healthy and tasty. But in everything you need to know the measure. Strawberries, like strawberries, are quite an allergenic product, so overeating them during pregnancy is fraught with the development of allergies in the fetus. That is, no more than one mug of berries at a time is permissible, no more than 3 times a week. But you should not drink a decoction and tea with strawberry leaves, this can cause uterine tone, and on early term cause a miscarriage. Although in other cases, a decoction can be very useful and effective.

In folk medicine, strawberry leaves are used very widely, raw materials have many useful properties. As a rule, a decoction of strawberry leaves is most often used, it is not difficult to prepare it. If the leaves are fresh, they should be washed and put into a jar, about a handful of leaves per liter of boiling water. Pour hot water, close the container with a lid, wrap and let it brew for an hour and a half. After that, the broth should be filtered and taken according to the recipe. Store the decoction for no longer than three days in the refrigerator.

A decoction of strawberry leaves is very useful for various diseases of the urinary system, for kidney diseases. The decoction removes salts well, is effective for removing urea in case of gout. The decoction can be used both internally and externally in the treatment of cystitis. Prepare a strong decoction of strawberry leaves, pour it into a wide container of hot water, sit in the water with a basin. This will warm up and relieve inflammation, relieve the frequent urge to urinate.

Strawberries have been noted to be beneficial for arthritis. However, the leaves can also be used externally. To do this, mix dry leaves with petroleum jelly, you get a thick ointment, which should be rubbed into the knees and elbows.

A decoction of leaves has an antiseptic effect - they can wash wounds and cuts, you can gargle with sore throat and oral cavity with stomatitis.

Strawberry leaves are always added to tea to increase immunity, protect yourself from colds, and simply increase your vitality.

A decoction of strawberry leaves is an excellent expectorant that dilutes sputum and brings it out. A decoction will help cure bronchitis, and an ointment based on strawberry leaves should be applied externally to the chest to warm the bronchial area.

A prepared remedy from strawberry leaves can be drunk by women with various problems reproductive system. Decoction normalizes menstrual cycle, improves the production of hormones, eliminates uterine bleeding.

Few people know, but a decoction of the leaves gently and effectively relieves spasms. This allows you to get rid of a headache or menstrual pain.

Since the decoction favorably affects the functioning of the kidneys, it can be used as a diuretic. This allows you to get rid of swelling and bags under the eyes.

This is far from full list useful properties of strawberry decoction. But it often happens that the medicine is needed here and now, there is no time to wait for the decoction to cook and cool down. In this case, the tincture will help, which is stored for a long time and can always help in emergency situations. Strawberry leaf tincture is prepared only from fresh leaves collected the day before. The leaves must be crushed and put in a bottle, preferably dark or green glass. After filling the bottle with leaves, fill the container with alcohol or vodka, close and leave in a dark and cool place for 3 weeks. During all this time, you need to shake the bottle regularly to make the tincture more concentrated. After that, the composition must be filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Take 10-15 drops.

Who Shouldn't Eat Strawberries

Strawberries are very tasty, but quite controversial. Strawberries, along with strawberries, eggs and chocolate, are among the most common food allergies in adults and especially children. Therefore, people with a penchant for allergies can only eat strawberries in small portions. For children under two years old, such a berry is also not recommended. In addition to the fact that it can cause allergies, the strawberry pulp contains tiny bones and villi that irritate the gastric mucosa. For the same reason, strawberries are contraindicated for people with gastritis and ulcers. If you are taking drugs for hypertension, you need to give up strawberries for a while, because this combination puts a serious strain on the kidneys. Any, even the most delicious product, can be medicine and poison, depending on how much it is used.

Strawberries are harvested in mid-July, when they turn red and fill with juice. It is best to pick a berry with a stalk, so it is stored longer, it is easier to transport. But after rain, you should not pick berries - they become watery, the shelf life is sharply reduced. After picking the berries, you can wash them and make jam, jam, jam or marshmallow from them according to your taste. classic recipe. But remember, under the influence high temperatures most of the useful elements are lost, the product becomes less valuable. It is better to save strawberries according to the following recipe. Berries should be washed and crushed. It is better not to do this with a blender, but to slightly mash with your hands - this way whole pieces of berries will remain in the mass, which in winter will delight you with taste and aroma. Sprinkle the mass with sugar, but do not boil, but immediately pour into clean plastic bottles send to the freezer. In winter, healthy jam should be thawed in the refrigerator.

It is better to collect leaves early, during flowering. During this period, they collected the maximum amount of useful substances. It is better to choose clearings for collection, located away from highways and large cities. The leaves are cut without petioles, rinsed in a colander and dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated place. For tea, large leaves can be rolled into a tube, so it is more convenient to use them in winter. Stir the composition periodically so that all raw materials dry well, otherwise it may begin to mold during storage. Store dried strawberry leaves in a canvas bag or in a glass jar.

Strawberries are an amazing berry, which in France was considered a real aphrodisiac. Newlyweds were always served a soup of cream, strawberries and powdered sugar. It has long been believed that the one who finds a double berry will certainly find happiness in love. The berry is named strawberry because the red beads lean very low to the ground, practically lie on it. In the villages, it was believed that only those who bowed to Mother Earth a hundred times would come home with a full basket of strawberries. It is true - the berries are hidden by leaves, they need to be found. Eat this amazing gift of nature, use the leaves in the treatment to maintain health for many years!

Video: useful properties of strawberry leaves

Strawberries are the very first natural berry that opens the vitamin summer season. We love her for her taste, aroma and for the fact that she has “a lot of vitamins” that our body needs after the winter-spring period. Popular wisdom says that to be healthy for a whole year, while strawberries bear fruit, eat at least a handful of them a day.

A bit of history

Strawberries are a direct "descendant" of the well-known wild strawberries, the taste and medicinal qualities of which have been known since ancient times. In the writings of Pliny the Elder, this plant is mentioned as wild, but suitable for human consumption. The ancient Romans were the first to learn how to harvest strawberries by pickling, and the Spaniards domesticated and began to grow them in their gardens. Starting from the 15th century, the plant began to be considered a berry crop, but it was not very popular due to small size berries.

At the beginning of the 18th century, several bushes of unusual large strawberries were brought from Chile to France, from that moment the history of the already well-known strawberries begins. Now this delicious berry It is distributed all over the world and is widely used in cooking and food industry, cosmetology and chemical industry, in traditional and folk medicine.

What is useful summer berry

Strawberries are extremely rich in substances required for the normal functioning of our body. This is a generous source of useful elements that strengthen the immune system, increase vitality, as well as mental and physical activity. This berry contains:

  • macronutrients - calcium, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, chlorine and sodium;
  • trace elements - boron, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, chromium and others;
  • a whole set of useful organic acids, including malic, oxalic, citric and others;
  • fructose and glucose;
  • dyes and tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins C, A, E, groups B, H, K and PP.

Strawberry is dietary product, her the energy value is only 37 kcal per 100 g of weight. But with such a low calorie content, the berry contains a lot of fiber, which improves digestion processes, frees gastrointestinal tract and lymph from toxins. Anthocyanins, which give strawberries their rich red color, stimulate memory, and serve as an excellent fat burner. Flavonoids and antioxidants are good for the cardiovascular system, prolong youth and rid the body of free radicals. Magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin K strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and the rest of the minerals are indispensable for the full functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, brain activity, and are responsible for good mood and performance.

Strawberries increase immunity, have a tonic effect, have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is widely used in the treatment of colds.

Despite the high percentage of carbohydrates, blood sugar levels practically do not rise, which makes this product indispensable in the diet of people with diabetes.

Possessing good diuretic qualities, the berry is recommended for diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as to relieve swelling.

Due to the presence of acids and biologically active substances, strawberries have the ability to dissolve and remove excess salt from the body, so it is useful to use it for arthritis and gout.

The regular presence of this fruit in the diet strengthens the blood vessels and muscles of the heart, which significantly reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiac problems.

A number of elements in the composition of strawberries have a beneficial effect on the visual organs, reducing eye pressure, and have a good effect on the retina and lens.

This berry is considered a good aphrodisiac, that is, it stimulates and enhances sexual desire, helps both men and women to relax and get real pleasure from intimacy.

Strawberries have an excellent antitumor effect, and this has been proven by practitioners and scientists. The use of this product significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer cells.

Despite a number of positive qualities, strawberries have some contraindications for use. It is better to refrain from buying early berries in the markets. Like everyone else herbal products, the maturation of which occurs in an unnatural way, it is treated with chemicals and instead of benefit, you can get serious poisoning.

Strawberries are a strong allergen, so people who are hypersensitive to the substances contained in this product should stop eating. For the same reason, nursing mothers should be wary of strawberries; pediatricians do not advise using juices and purees from it as part of artificial complementary foods.

Pregnant women should not abuse the berries, because the tonic properties can lead to uterine hypertonicity, which will lead to premature birth.

You will have to give up tasty treats with gastritis, an ulcer (including the duodenum), as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A high content of organic acids irritates the gastric mucosa and can provoke an exacerbation.

When combined with hypertension medications, strawberries can cause an increased burden on the kidneys, which will negatively affect their functioning.

In other cases, it is necessary to eat a strawberry berry and it is very useful, of course, while observing the measure. It is recommended to eat 400-500 g per day during the season, and for the whole year your body will be stocked with vitamins and other useful elements.

Application in cosmetology

Aroma and rich chemical composition make strawberries a popular ingredient in the production of perfumes, the manufacture of various shampoos, gels, scrubs, its fruit acids are widely used as natural raw materials for professional peels.

With great success, this berry is also used in home cosmetology. Even in ancient times, women knew about its healing and rejuvenating features in skin care. The presence of salicylic acid makes strawberries an excellent bleaching agent, “extinguishes” inflammation, fights excess sweating, tightens pores, and copes well with acne problems. Freshly squeezed juice helps with skin pigmentation and freckles (it is necessary to wipe problem areas with it daily).

Useful substances present in strawberries slow down aging, eliminate early wrinkles, make the skin smooth, supple and attractive.

The easiest option with which you can quickly refresh and moisturize your face is to rub half of the cut strawberries into the skin with gentle movements, leave for 20-25 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Homemade masks with the addition of sour cream, cottage cheese, honey and white clay can boast a very good effect. But for the desired result, you should always strictly adhere to the recipe.

Dessert Queen

Thanks to its excellent taste, strawberries are a desirable product in the culinary arts. All sorts of mousses, delicious desserts, various pastries sometimes cannot do without this ingredient, and beautiful red berries serve as a wonderful decoration for cakes and pastries. It is better to use it fresh, as the delicate structure loses its attractiveness with prolonged heat treatment. The only exceptions are preparations for the winter - jams, jams and syrups. And you can also freeze strawberries, so more vitamins are stored, and on cold frosty evenings, please yourself with a fragrant yummy.

No wonder strawberries are called the berry queen. With unique properties, wonderful smell, sweet and juicy pulp, it is a universal favorite, and everyone is looking forward to the beginning of summer, when again you can enjoy a delicious and healthy berry.

Video: useful properties and vitamins of strawberries

Garden strawberries are delicious with whipped cream, ice cream or shortbread cookies. But this berry has a more serious purpose, as new medical research proves its many beneficial properties.

Garden strawberries are used in the treatment of intestinal disorders, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease), diseases thyroid gland, anemia, renal colic.

In some cases, salicylic acid contained in berries can cope with chronic inflammation of the skin. If no other remedy for eczema has worked for you, try strawberries. And the fresh strawberry mask is gorgeous natural remedy from age spots.

The antimicrobial substances that make up this wonderful berry successfully fight against dangerous microorganisms, including the flu virus and E. coli.

Strawberries are also useful for diabetics - its intake lowers blood sugar levels. Strawberry juice is used to treat cholelithiasis. The recommended dose is ¼ cup of juice in the morning before meals. And strawberries remove excess water from the body better than many chemical preparations.

Nutritionists advise eating strawberries during the berry season (about 3 weeks) in unlimited quantities. 1-1.5 kg per day will be enough to energize the body for the entire next year. The advice does not apply to people suffering from berry allergies.

Not only berries have healing properties. A decoction of strawberry leaves is also very useful. It can bring blood pressure back to normal, improve metabolic processes and even serve as an excellent sleeping pill.

Doctors advise patients with anemia to include strawberries in the list of their favorite foods. Fresh berries improve blood formation, help with vascular fragility.

And strawberries are useful for schoolchildren and students. It contains a lot of active antioxidants (fisetin, etc.), which stimulate the thought process, improve memory and prevent the death of brain cells.

Only 150 g of strawberries eaten at a time can drive away depression, pacify hypochondria and drive out fears.

nutritional value

Strawberries have many benefits. except nutritional value its health benefits are undeniable. About 15% are fruit sugars. Strawberries contain fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C (more than 140% of the daily intake in just one cup of fresh berries), folic, citric, salicylic and malic acids, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, carotene and various pectins.

The undeniable fact is that strawberries contain phytonutrients that reduce the pain of arthritis, protect the heart from failure and prevent cancer. Another anti-cancer compound found in strawberries is ellagic acid. It can also be found in fresh grapes, cranberries, raspberries and some other berries.

frozen berries for cancer

Interesting data was obtained by scientists from Ohio University (USA). In people who received sublimated (frozen) strawberries with food for 6 months, the growth of dysplastic and precancerous lesions slowed down. 30 people took part in the study.

The experiment was designed to determine the effect of strawberries on esophageal cancer (the 6th leading cause of death among cancer patients in the world). According to the American Cancer Society, every year 16,000 new patients with this terrible disease appear in the world.

Tong Chen's group has long been studying foods that can fight or slow down cellular carcinoma of the esophagus. A previous experiment by these scientists was conducted on rats with esophageal cancer and proved the positive effect of taking freeze-dried strawberries.

Encouraged by early successes, the California Strawberry Commission agreed to fund further research. In China, 38 people were found with esophageal problems, with an average age of 55 years. Patients were given 30 g of freeze-dried strawberries dissolved in a glass of water, 2 times a day for 6 months. A positive effect, confirmed by biopsy results, was seen in 29 patients.

In frozen berries, the concentration of medicinal substances is 10 times higher than in fresh ones. But health benefits can also be derived from eating fresh strawberries, provided that they are present on the menu daily. By the way, it is still a mystery which component of strawberries kills cancer cells.

For weight loss

"The Fat Resistance Diet" - a new method of weight loss with strawberries. If you regularly eat fresh berries, blood sugar normalizes, appetite decreases and metabolism accelerates. Fats are not deposited, but are completely absorbed by the body.

The dietary properties of strawberries can be explained not only by the presence of various vitamins. It stimulates the production of the hormone adiponectin, which together with leptin is responsible for the normalization of fat metabolism. Scientists have proven that a low content of this hormone causes obesity.

For hangovers and stomach ulcers

By consuming fresh strawberries after heavy effusions, we reduce the harm that alcohol has caused to the gastric mucosa.
This was stated by a group of scientists from Serbia, Italy, Spain. They conducted a series of experiments on laboratory mice. Animals were given ethyl alcohol. The gastric mucosa of mice pumped up with alcohol practically did not suffer if they received 40 mg/kg of strawberry extract daily for 10 days before the forced feast.

Sarah Tulipani from the University of Barcelona commented on the results and explained the beneficial effect of strawberries not only by the presence of antioxidants and anthocyanins in it, but also by the ability of the berry to mobilize the body's defense system. Experts consider the data obtained a great success and are confident that they will help improve methods of treating gastric ulcers.

The authors of the study recommend a diet with an abundance of strawberries not only to neutralize the harmful effects of alcohol, but also to treat stomach ulcers and gastritis. These diseases are not always associated with the use of alcoholic beverages. The cause may be a viral infection, certain anti-inflammatory medications (such as aspirin overindulgence), and medications for the stomach spiral microbe.

Responsible for the experiment Maurizio Battino from the Polytechnic University in Italy confirms: in many cases, strawberries can reduce damage to the gastric mucosa. Nevertheless, the doctor emphasizes that the purpose of this study was to find methods to compensate for the effects of alcohol intoxication.