Start-up work is underway. Four stages of commissioning

Performance commissioning is an important stage of construction before putting the facility into operation. In the process of carrying out the commissioning work, routine adjustment and testing of equipment to ensure its safe operation throughout its life.

Specialists of OOO "Neftegazinzhiniring" are experienced engineers in the field of adjustment of electrical equipment for various purposes. Thus, we carry out commissioning of the following facilities: boiler plants, heating points, heat power plants, oil and gas processing and separation plants, gas use and gas distribution facilities, autonomous gas supply, ventilation and heating systems, dosing devices for reagents, etc. For a complete list of properties, please call 8-800-333-95-62.

Commissioning can be performed as part of complex works for the design and installation of facilities, and separately on equipment not of our production and installation.

Stages of commissioning

Commissioning is a set of measures that allows you to put the facility into operation and without which it is impossible to check the coherence of all engineering systems after completion of construction installation work.

The task of the NDP are a comprehensive check of the correctness of the installation work, detection of factory defects in electrical equipment, setting up the operation of equipment in the maximum load mode and changing the technical parameters of electrical equipment to design consumer values. In case of detection of deficiencies in the installation performed by a non-construction and installation department of Neftegazengineering LLC, our specialists will select the most suitable equipment and, if necessary, correct the regime settings.

Diagnostics and adjustment of equipment guarantee the Customer reliability and uninterrupted operation of devices subsequently.

Commissioning begins with the preparation of an estimate for commissioning and the development of a commissioning program, which contains the entire scope of work required at a particular construction site.

V typical scope of work for commissioning includes the following types of work:

  • preparatory work on familiarization with the equipment, drawing up an estimate of commissioning and their list, checking the compliance of the technical parameters of the equipment with design requirements and values
  • trial run to check the operability and functionality of individual devices, equipment and block diagrams with their output to operational values
  • comprehensive testing and testing of equipment for testing performance characteristics electrical equipment at maximum load, equipment testing at idle and under simulated force majeure
  • regime adjustment and adjustment of the interaction of equipment and all engineering systems of the facility with the launch of a constant technological process, checking various operating modes

Basis for work

Agreements No. 15V1515 “idle”, No. 15V1515 “under load” dated 2015 concluded between CJSC Doninvest and LLC Profkarkasmontazh.

Tasks and purpose of the work

Carrying out commissioning of electrical equipment, 0.4 kV network for the purpose of putting it into operation.

Equipment and place of work

The technical solutions adopted in the working drawings comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire and other standards in force on the territory Russian Federation and ensure safe operation of the facility for the life and health of people, subject to the measures provided for by the working drawings.

Power supply to consumers at sites of telemechanics control room No. 1-10, BKES is carried out from the RUNN-0.4 kV block-packed power supply device of the BKES with a capacity of 40 kVA.

The project provides for outdoor lighting and grounding of sites and a reinforcing unit and grounding of sites of telemechanics control room No. 1-10

Outdoor lighting of the sites and the reinforcing unit is carried out by lamps ZhKU16-250.

According to the PUE (clause 1.7.3, edition 7), the project provides for the “TN-S” grounding system (zero protective PE and zero working N conductors are separated throughout).

In accordance with the requirements of VSN 012-88, all cables laid in the ground, as well as an external grounding device, are subject to intermediate acceptance with the preparation of an act for hidden work.

The equipment for power supply and control of the linear valve is located in the block-complete power supply device (hereinafter BKES-1) (see design materials EGI.BKES.005).

BKES-1 includes a complete transformer substation 10 / 0.4 kV with a dry transformer 40 kVA, a backup power source - a diesel generator (hereinafter DG) with a capacity of 35 kW, an automatic transfer device (hereinafter ATS), as well as equipment for auxiliary systems that ensure life ( heating, lighting, fire safety and burglar alarms).

BKES block-box consists of three modules (DG block-container, KTP and ECP block-container, TMiS block-container). Each block-container (for the KTP block-container, EHZ-each room) has an auxiliary switchboard (SCHSN) containing automatic switches for lighting, heating, module sockets. SCHSN and electrical equipment for own needs are selected by the manufacturer of the BKES. Installation of auxiliary equipment (lamps, sockets, heaters, switches) according to the manufacturer's project.

The ATS device provides the start of the diesel generator, blocking, which excludes the supply of voltage from the backup source to the supply line and the return of the circuit to its original state when voltage appears in the supply line. ATS functions in the RUNN cabinet are implemented by automatic circuit breakers with electromagnetic drives and mutual mechanical interlocking.

* equipment and materials, the type and brand of which are selected by the manufacturer of BKES-1. **For cable lengths, see the drawings according to the list of reference drawings of other kits on sheet 1 of this kit.

In the list of elements, the quantity is indicated for one BKES-1.

Type and length of cables *** from the SUR ignition control cabinet to the torch head, see drawings СР- These cables are part of the flare installation.

  1. The type and length of cables ***** from the BUZO obstruction lights control unit to the ZOM lights are selected by the communication tower supplier (see data sheet for the communication tower). Lay the cable from the BKES to the communication mast in the ground in metal pipe. Fastening the cable on the mast according to the documentation of the manufacturer of the communication mast.

Customer of works

CJSC "Doninvest"

Work executor

Profkarkasmontazh LLC

Terms and conditions of work

Commissioning works are carried out after the completion of construction and installation works at the facility, and transfer to the commissioning, issued by a 3rd party act.

  1. Work methodology

Commissioning of 0.4 kV networks includes the following types of work:

1.Preparatory work.

1.1 Before starting work, it is necessary (before leaving the site):

– Conduct organizational and engineering preparation, get acquainted with the design estimates, design and technical documentation, acts of incoming control, pre-installation preparation, etc.;

— Issue an order to LLC Profkarkasmontazh on the creation of a team for commissioning, with the appointment of a responsible manager of work on the facility;

— Perform safety measures before work, including obtaining all necessary permits, permits and approvals from regulatory organizations;

— Develop a commissioning program for the VLZ, coordinate it with the operating organization and CJSC Doninvest.

1.2. Preparatory work at the facility, assessment of readiness for the acceptance of commissioning equipment (at the facility):

– Checking the completeness of the mounted main components and parts, the availability of spare parts and accessories included in the delivery set;

– Visual inspection of the installed equipment, verification of compliance of the completed construction and installation works with the Design and Instructions (Installation Guides) of the manufacturer;

1.3 Drawing up an inspection report and a defective statement indicating the timing of the elimination of identified installation defects and equipment incompleteness.

The documentation is drawn up in three copies, of which one copy is transferred to the construction and installation organization, CJSC Doninvest, and LLC Profkarkasmontazh.

1.4 The work performed by CJSC Yamalgazinvest includes:

— Resupplying missing components and parts;

— Elimination of installation defects (by the forces of the construction and installation organization performing work under an agreement with CJSC Yamalgazinvest);

1.5 After the comments on the construction and assembly work, the assembly, according to the defective list, an act of acceptance of the VLZ in the commissioning work is drawn up. The act is coordinated with CJSC Yamalgazinvest and the Construction and Installation Organization.

  1. Stage I Commissioning.

Start-up and adjustment works, combined with electrical work, with voltage supply according to the time scheme. Combined work must be carried out in accordance with current safety regulations.

The start of commissioning work at this stage is determined by the degree of readiness of construction and installation works: in electrical rooms, all construction work, including finishing, must be completed, all openings, wells and cable channels must be closed, lighting, heating and ventilation have been completed, installation of electrical equipment has been completed and completed. grounding.

At this stage, the commissioning organization checks the installed electrical equipment with voltage applied from test circuits to individual devices and functional groups. Voltage supply to the electrical equipment being adjusted must be carried out only in the absence of electrical installation personnel in the adjustment area and subject to safety measures in accordance with the requirements of the current safety regulations.

Tests and measurements are carried out by ETL personnel according to the following methods:

  1. Testing of transformers up to 10 MVA.
  2. Transformer oil testing.
  3. Control of the state of power cable lines voltage up to 35 kV.
  4. High voltage test of industrial frequency of insulation of equipment, devices of prefabricated and connecting busbars with voltage up to 35 kV.
  5. Measurement of resistance of grounding devices.
  6. Loop resistance measurement phase-zero.
  7. Measurement of insulation resistance.
  8. Checking contact connections and metal connections of equipment with a grounding device.
  9. Testing of protective equipment with increased voltage in a stationary high-voltage laboratory.
  10. Testing valve arresters.
  11. Testing power paper-oil capacitors used to improve the power factor.
  12. Testing of circuit breakers up to 1000 V.
  13. Testing of high-voltage circuit breakers up to 35 kV.
  14. Testing and adjustment of relay protection devices, automation and secondary circuits of electrical equipment.
  15. Motor testing alternating current up to 10 kV.
  16. Testing of DC motors up to 0.4 kv.
  17. Testing of synchronous generators, compensators and collector exciters up to 5 MW.
  18. Testing of load switches up to 20 kV.
  19. Measuring the conformity of RCD parameters.

Also during the work are used:

— regulation on ETL LLC Profkarkasmontazh;

job descriptions;

- PUE, PTEEP, MPOT, additional instructions in force at the objects of work performed;

- passports for the used devices, installations and their electrical circuits;

- manufacturer's instructions.

  1. I I stage

At the second stage of commissioning, the customer must:
— provide temporary power supply in the area of ​​commissioning;

— provide re-preservation and, if necessary, pre-installation revision of electrical equipment;

— coordinate with the design organizations issues on the comments of the commissioning organization identified in the process of studying the project, as well as provide architectural supervision from the design organizations;

- ensure the replacement of rejected and the supply of missing electrical equipment;

- to ensure the verification and repair of electrical measuring instruments;

- ensure the elimination of defects in electrical equipment and installation, identified in the process of commissioning.

At the end of the second stage of commissioning and before the start of individual tests, the commissioning organization must transfer to the customer in one copy the protocols for testing electrical equipment with increased voltage, grounding and protection settings, as well as make changes to one copy of the circuit diagrams of power supply objects that are switched on under voltage.

The issue of the expediency of preliminary testing and adjustment of individual devices of electrical equipment, functional groups and control systems outside the installation area in order to reduce the time for putting the facility into operation should be decided by the commissioning organization together with the customer, while the customer must ensure the delivery of electrical equipment to the place of adjustment and upon completion of commissioning - to the place of its installation in the installation area.

  1. II I stage Individual tests.

At the third stage of commissioning, individual tests of electrical equipment are carried out.

Voltage is supplied according to a constant scheme, first to the secondary circuits (protection control circuits, alarms, etc.) to check under voltage in accordance with the rules for the installation of electrical installations of mounted circuits and the interaction of their elements. Then, voltage is supplied according to a constant scheme to the power and operational circuits.

The operating mode is introduced at this electrical installation, after which commissioning should be related to the work performed in existing electrical installations.

At this stage, the commissioning organization adjusts the parameters, protection settings and characteristics of electrical equipment, testing control circuits, protection and signaling, as well as idling electrical equipment in preparation for individual testing of process equipment.

The operation of the protection of electrical receivers up to 1000 V is checked for a power system with a solidly grounded neutral (checking the resistance of the “phase-zero” loop).

Participation of representatives of commissioning, electrical installation, mechanical installation organizations and the customer in individual tests is mandatory.

General requirements safety in the combined production of electrical installation and commissioning in accordance with the current Safety Rules is provided by the head of electrical installation work at the facility. The head of the commissioning personnel is responsible for ensuring the necessary safety measures, for their implementation directly in the area of ​​commissioning.

When carrying out commissioning works according to a combined schedule on individual devices and functional groups of the electrical installation, the work area for the production of works must be precisely defined and agreed with the head of the electrical work. The working area should be considered the space where the test circuit and electrical equipment are located, which can be energized from the test circuit. Persons who are not related to the production of commissioning are prohibited from accessing the working area.

In the case of combined work, the electrical installation and commissioning organizations jointly develop an action plan to ensure safety in the course of work and a schedule for combined work.

At the third stage of commissioning, maintenance of electrical equipment should be carried out by the customer, who, having ensured the deployment of operational personnel, assembly and disassembly of electrical circuits, and also carries out technical supervision of the state of electrical and technological equipment.

With the introduction of the operational mode, ensuring safety requirements, issuing work orders and admission to commissioning should be carried out by the customer.

After completion of individual testing of electrical equipment, individual testing of technological equipment is carried out. The commissioning organization during this period specifies the parameters, characteristics and settings of the protection of electrical installations.

After carrying out individual tests, the electrical equipment must be accepted by the working commission into operation with the execution of an act. At the same time, the commissioning organization transfers to the customer the protocols for testing electrical equipment with increased voltage, checking grounding and grounding devices, as well as executive circuit diagrams necessary for the operation of electrical equipment. The remaining protocols for the adjustment of electrical equipment are transferred in one copy to the customer within two months, and for technically complex objects - up to four months after the object has been accepted into operation.

Completion of commissioning at the third stage is documented by an act of technical readiness of electrical equipment for comprehensive testing.

  1. I V stage Comprehensive testing.

At the fourth stage of commissioning, a comprehensive testing of electrical equipment is carried out according to approved programs.

At this stage, commissioning should be carried out to set up the interaction of electrical circuits and electrical equipment systems in various modes. Part specified works includes:

- providing mutual connections, adjusting and setting the characteristics and parameters of individual devices and functional groups of the electrical installation in order to ensure the specified operating modes on it;

– testing of the electrical installation according to complete scheme at idle and under load in all operating modes to prepare for a comprehensive testing of process equipment.

During the period of complex testing, maintenance of electrical equipment is carried out by the customer.

Commissioning at the fourth stage is considered completed after the electric equipment receives the electrical parameters and modes provided for by the project, ensuring stable technological process release of the first batch of products in the amount established for the initial period of development of the design capacity of the facility.

The work of the commissioning organization is considered completed subject to the signing of the commissioning acceptance certificate.

  1. Requirements for industrial safety and environmental protection

Qualified personnel of Profkarkasmontazh LLC, who have studied the factory documentation, have undergone special theoretical training, practical training and knowledge testing of the general industrial safety requirements established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as special industrial safety requirements established in the following, are allowed to carry out commissioning works. normative documents:

  • "Safety rules in the oil and gas industry PB 03-440-02;
  • "Safety rules in the oil and gas industry". (PB 08-624-03);
  • "Rules for the protection of main pipelines". Fast. Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 22.04.92. No. 9;
  • "Safety Rules for the Operation of Main Gas Pipelines". Approved by Mingazprom on March 16, 1984;
  • "Unified Occupational Health and Safety Management System of OAO Gazprom". (VRD 39-1.14-021-2001)4
  • "Fire safety rules for enterprises and organizations of the gas industry". (VPPB 01-04-98);
  • "Regulations on the organization of technical supervision over compliance with design decisions and the quality of construction, overhaul and reconstruction at the facilities of main pipelines”. (RD 08-296-99);
  • GOST 12.2.063 “System of labor safety standards. Fittings industrial pipeline. General safety requirements"
  • STO Gazprom 2-3.5-454-2010 "Rules for the operation of main gas pipelines"

By order of Profkarkasmontazh LLC, a person must be appointed responsible for the performance of work and ensuring the requirements of labor protection, industrial and fire safety, compliance with labor and production discipline. When performing his duties, the work supervisor (lead engineer) is guided by the requirements of VRD 39-1.14-021-2001.

Commissioning (CPR) - a set of works on checking, setting up and testing electrical equipment. Their purpose is to provide electrical parameters and modes specified by the project. Commissioning of electrical devices is carried out in four stages (stages).

At the first (preparatory) stage:

the commissioning organization must:

Develop work program and a project for the production of commissioning works;

Submit comments on the project to the customer;

Prepare a fleet of measuring equipment, test equipment and fixtures;

the customer must:

Issue to the commissioning organization two sets of electrical and technological parts of the project approved for work, a set of operational documentation from manufacturers, relay protection settings;

Supply voltage to the workplaces of the adjustment personnel from temporary or permanent power supply networks;

Appoint responsible representatives for acceptance of commissioning works;

Coordinate with the commissioning organization the timing of the work;

Allocate premises for adjustment personnel at the facility and ensure the protection of these premises.

At the second stage:

commissioning organization should:

Carry out commissioning work combined with electrical installation work, with voltage supply according to a temporary scheme, checking the installed electrical equipment by applying voltage from test circuits to individual devices in the absence of electrical installation personnel in the adjustment area;

Transfer to the customer in one copy the protocols for testing electrical equipment with increased voltage, grounding and protection settings, as well as make changes to one copy of the circuit diagrams of power supply facilities that are switched on under voltage;

the customer must:

- approve with design organizations questions on the comments of the commissioning organization;

Temporary power supply in the production area of ​​the NDP, revision of electrical equipment;

Replacement of rejected and supply of missing electrical equipment;

Verification and repair of electrical measuring instruments;

Elimination of defects in electrical equipment and installation, identified in the process of commissioning;

Delivery of electrical equipment to the place of adjustment and upon completion of commissioning - to the place of its installation in the installation area.

At the third stage Commissioning activities are being carried out individual testing of electrical equipment. The beginning of this stage is the introduction of the operating mode at this electrical installation, after which the commissioning should be related to the work carried out in the DEU.

At this stage, the commissioning organization adjusts the parameters, protection settings and characteristics of electrical equipment, testing control circuits, protection and signaling, as well as idling electrical equipment in preparation for individual testing of process equipment.

During the production of commissioning works according to a combined schedule working area should be considered the space containing the test circuit and electrical equipment that can be energized from the test circuit. Persons who are not related to the production of commissioning are prohibited from accessing the working area.

At the third stage of commissioning, maintenance of electrical equipment, execution of work orders and admission to the production of commissioning works is carried out by the customer, who ensures the deployment of operational personnel, assembly and disassembly of electrical circuits, as well as technical supervision of the state of electrical and technological equipment.

After completion of individual testing of electrical equipment, individual testing of technological equipment is carried out. The commissioning organization during this period specifies the parameters, characteristics and settings of the protection of electrical installations.

After carrying out individual tests, electrical equipment is considered accepted for operation. At the same time, the commissioning organization transfers to the customer the protocols for testing electrical equipment with increased voltage, checking grounding and grounding devices, as well as executive circuit diagrams necessary for the operation of electrical equipment. The remaining protocols for the adjustment of electrical equipment are transferred in one copy to the customer within two months, and for technically complex objects - up to four months after the object has been accepted into operation.

Completion of commissioning at the third stage is documented by an act of technical readiness of electrical equipment for comprehensive testing.

At the fourth stage Commissioning under the approved programs is carried out comprehensive testing electrical equipment serviced by the customer. These works include:

Providing mutual connections, adjusting and setting the characteristics and parameters of individual devices and functional groups of the electrical installation in order to ensure the specified operating modes on it;

Testing of the electrical installation according to the full scheme at idle and under load in all modes of operation in order to prepare for a comprehensive testing of process equipment.

The commissioning at the fourth stage is considered completed after the receipt of the electrical parameters and modes provided for by the project on the electrical equipment, which ensure a stable technological process for the production of the first batch of products in the amount established for the initial period of development of the design capacity of the facility, and also subject to the signing of the commissioning acceptance certificate.

During the implementation of many projects, capital construction or reconstruction of buildings and structures is carried out with the installation of new equipment or specialized processes. Such works include the installation of fire extinguishing systems, power supply, air conditioning, ventilation, fire alarm. All of them require commissioning, for this, in Lately more and more often a program of PNR is being drawn up.

What is NDP and why they are carried out

According to SNiP, commissioning is a set of activities that are carried out during the preparation for the implementation of integrated testing and individual testing of installed equipment. This includes checking, testing and adjusting equipment to achieve design parameters.

The performance of all these manipulations is usually carried out on a contractual basis by specialized organizations that have the necessary permits and a staff of qualified specialists. The necessary conditions for their activities at the site (industrial sanitation, labor safety) are organized by the customer, he also pays for commissioning at the expense of the general estimate for putting the facility into operation. All operations must be carried out by instructed and certified for each specific case by the personnel of the commissioning organization under the supervision of a responsible representative on the part of the customer.

There are two main stages in the commissioning activities:

  • Individual tests are actions that are designed to ensure the fulfillment of the requirements that are provided for by the technical specifications, standards and working documentation for testing units, machines and mechanisms. The purpose of individual tests is to prepare for complex testing in the presence of a working commission.
  • Complex tests are actions carried out after the acceptance of the mechanisms by the working commission, and directly the complex testing itself. At the same time, the interconnected joint operation of all installed equipment is checked at idle, then under load, after which the technological regime provided for by the project is reached.

Although this is not prescribed by law, in recent years, more and more often, the customer requires that a commissioning program be drawn up for testing work. This gives confidence that not a single nuance will be missed, and the operation of all systems will comply with the approved standards and project documentation.

How is it compiled and what does the commissioning program include?

The commissioning program is a document that clearly describes the entire list of actions that will be carried out responsible organization. On the net, you can see discussions about whether it is worth including a commissioning methodology in the Program or whether it should be drawn up as a separate document. There are no clear requirements regarding this, so everything here depends on the agreements of the parties. A sample for each specific situation can be easily found on the Internet.

The program is drawn up and approved by a representative of the commissioning company and agreed by the customer, the signatures and seals of the parties are put in the header of the document. The following sections follow (as an example, let's take the preparation of a hotel heating system):

  • checking the correct installation, readiness and serviceability of the equipment in a visual mode (control devices, valves, filling the system with water), based on the results, a defective list is compiled;
  • commissioning tests in operating conditions, balance experiments (setting optimal modes, testing valve control in manual and automatic modes, checking automation settings, identifying shortcomings and working out proposals for their elimination), the result is an act of individual tests;
  • comprehensive testing (72 hours of continuous operation for all main equipment, 24 hours for heating networks), its beginning is considered to be the time when all systems are started at maximum load.

Some companies document all activities related directly to the preparation and testing of devices in a separate document - the Commissioning Methodology, which comes as an addition to the Program. In the Program, they include more general things of an organizational nature. That is, there is an actual division of the entire complex of works into organizational, legal and technical components. However, the Methodology is often an integral part of the main body of the approved Program.

An integral part of the Program may be such additional documents:

  • passports of ventilation, heating and hot water supply systems, as well as individual nodes of their connection;
  • the procedure for preparing and subsequent commissioning with a list of all operations, their start and end times;
  • list of stationary and portable measuring instruments (pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.);
  • list of control and stop valves, equipment (pumps, valves, heat exchangers, filters);
  • list of control points and measurement protocol for each of them;
  • a list of parameters that require clarification and adjustment (humidity and air temperature, pressure in pipes, coolant flow rates);
  • a method for measuring heat losses by building structures (a special act is drawn up and a certificate is issued).

After the completion of all commissioning works, comprehensive testing and regime tests, a commissioning act is drawn up with the relevant annexes (a list of mechanisms and equipment on which adjustment and testing was carried out).

The technical report of the involved specialized organization issues, as a rule, within one month.