Appointment responsible aps sowe organization. PPR

Published on the site: 03/23/2013 at 02:06.
Object: The building of the plant named after Ya.M. Sverdlov.
Project developer: LLC "Architect"
Developer site: — .
Year of project release: 2012.
Systems: Access control, Notification, Burglar alarm, Fire alarm

FKP "Plant named after Ya.M. Sverdlov". Building for the 9th department

System description:

Automatic installation fire alarm (APS) Automatic fire alarm installation is designed for early detection seat of fire with the issuance of all necessary information to the Security Post and the Fire Dispatch Service. The APS system is designed in full compliance with SP 5.13130-2009, SP 3.13130-2009. The central equipment of the APS system consists of:
  • S2000M – Control and management panel
  • Signal-10 - Fire and security control panel for 10 loops (SHS);
The type of automatic fire detectors is selected in accordance with Appendix M, Tab. M1, SP 5.13130-2009 (according to the purpose of the premises) and clause 13.1 of SP 5.13130-2009 (according to the main combustion factor: smoke). The premises of the building provide for the installation of:
  • Smoke fire detectors IP212-141M;
  • Manual fire detectors IPR-3SUM;
The number and location of fire detectors in the room and along the escape routes meets the requirements of paragraphs 13.3, 14 of SP 5.13130-2009 and the passport data of the detectors. Manual fire detectors are mounted on the walls near the emergency exits at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level. Project documentation the fire alarm system is provided for by the logical scheme "AND". In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law Russian Federation dated July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on the requirements fire safety» in terms of article 82 (clause 2, clause 8), article 84 (clause 7), article 103 (clause 2), as well as regulatory documents GOST R 53315-2009, SP 3.13130.2009, SP 5.13130.2009 , SP 6.13130.2009, fire alarm loops are made with fire-resistant cable KPSEng-FRLS (1x2x0.5mm). Fire alarm lines are laid openly along building structures taking into account the location of lighting equipment. Transmission of alarm messages from the system are transmitted to the post of the Fire Dispatch Service via the communication lines existing at the design object. Warning and evacuation management system in case of fire (SOUE) The warning and evacuation management system in case of fire (SOUE) is designed in accordance with clause 17 in Table 2 of SP 3.13130-2009 according to the 2nd type. The warning and evacuation control system in case of fire consists of:
  • Light warning systems - Scoreboard "EXIT";
  • Sound warning systems - Sirens;
The light warning system is built on the basis of light annunciators - "Lux-12", which are connected to the "Signal-10" control panel. The sound warning system is built on the basis of sound annunciators "PKI-1 Ivolga". Light annunciators are also turned on, the “Exit” display in the “blinking” mode. The alarms are installed on the walls. The number and placement of annunciators comply with the requirements of paragraphs. 4.4, 4.7, 4.8 SP 3.13130-2009 and the passport data of the annunciators. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" in terms of Article 82 (clause 2, clause 8), Article 84 (clause 7), Article 103 ( 2), as well as regulatory documents GOST R 53315-2009, SP 3.13130.2009, SP 5.13130.2009, SP 6.13130.2009, loops of the warning and evacuation control system in case of fire are made with a fire-resistant cable KPSEng-FRLS 1x2x0.75 sq. mm . Warning lines are laid openly along building structures, taking into account the location of lighting equipment. System burglar alarm The burglar alarm system is controlled from the Control Panel “Signal-10” and the S2000M remote control. Carry out the laying of security alarm cables in accordance with the PUE, and RD 78.145-93. Lay the cables of the security alarm in the premises in cable ducts and openly behind suspended ceilings. Cable passages through the walls should be made in segments of plastic pipes ∅20x3.2. In the initial state (standby), the Signal-10 device monitors the status of its alarm loops, periodically interrogates the detectors, and records in its memory all changes in the situation at the facility. When a person enters the protected premises, security detectors send a signal to the device, which analyzes it and issues an “Alarm” signal to the guard post. To disarm one of the device's loops, it is programmed with a delay in issuing an alarm for the time required to turn off the device (determined and set during system setup). For arming, the detectors of this loop are placed in the standby state, the device is armed, but the arming of this loop will occur after a set time, while violation of the integrity of the loop is not perceived by the device as an alarm. After the set time has elapsed, the device will automatically arm the loop. All this information is transmitted via the RS-485 interface to the S2000M control panel, stored in memory and displayed on the station display. When the main 220V power supply fails, the backup power supply connects the batteries and all devices are powered from them. In the event of a short circuit in the loop or a break in its device, the device also analyzes the event and generates a malfunction signal. Access control and management system The access control system is controlled from the S2000-2 controller and the S2000M console. The access control system is equipped with: Entrance door and an iron grate on the 1st floor. The system includes an electronic lock, a proximity reader, an EXIT button. Laying the cables of the access control system should be carried out in accordance with the PUE, and RD 78.145-93. Cable passages through the walls should be made in segments of plastic pipes ∅20x3.2. Controlled entry to office premises is made using contactless plastic HID cards. To do this, each employee in this building is provided with an individual, contactless HID access card, upon presentation of which, the Lock Controller automatically identifies the presented card, compares it with the list of allowed cards and the time of allowed passage. If the presented card satisfies all the conditions, then the electromagnetic lock opens automatically and all information is recorded in the event protocol. If at least one of the conditions is violated, then the electromagnetic lock does not open, and information about unauthorized access is also recorded in the event log. The return exit from the premises is controlled by the CD system. In addition, the Lock Controller provides autonomous guarding of the controlled door with the corresponding powers of the presented card.

Project drawings

(Serve for review. The project itself can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.).

  • Sound.
  • Light.
  • Combined.
  • Speech.

Types of warning systems

  1. The first and second types of alerts are light and sound alerts. That is, according to a signal from ASPS ( automatic system fire alarm) or ASPT (automatic fire extinguishing system), sirens (sound alarms), strobe lights or beacons (light alarms) or combined alarms (light and sound in one housing) are turned on.
  2. The third, fourth and fifth types of notifications are speech of varying degrees of complexity. That is, instead of a siren, a recorded message is broadcast at the facility. The third type of notification is the simplest voice notification, and the fifth type of notification is used on objects that are exclusive in complexity.

The choice of the type of SOUE depends on the purpose of the building, the number of storeys, the number of people arriving in it or the category of explosion and fire hazard (for industrial buildings).

SOUE structure

The warning and evacuation control system in case of fire consists of central equipment to which one or more warning loops are connected. Depending on the types of notification, either light-sound or voice annunciators are used in the loops. In the event of an alarm, that is, in the event of fire or smoke, the fire alarm system or AUPT issues a control signal to the central equipment of the SOUE. The central equipment generates a signal broadcast by annunciators.

Composition of SOUE

  • Text part.
  1. General data (General part; Main technical solutions; installation instructions).
  2. Electroacoustic calculation.
  3. Specification.
  • The grafical part.
  1. List of drawings.
  2. Structural diagram of SOUE.
  3. Scheme of external connections.
  4. Plan for the location of equipment and laying routes.
  5. The territory of a detached building.

What objects require

The main condition for ensuring the safety of people during fires and other natural disasters is their organized and prompt evacuation to safe areas, where the impact of hazardous physical factors is excluded. The fire warning and evacuation management system, SOUE, is called upon to implement this in modern conditions.

How the SOUE works and what it consists of, what requirements are put forward for warning systems, how they are classified - is described in this article.

The fire alarm system is integral part fire alarm, which, according to the law, any enterprise or organization, regardless of the form of ownership, must have in its buildings and structures. It is a set of technical means and measures, the purpose of which is to timely notify people in a building or on the territory of an object about a fire and to provide them with information about the procedure and ways out.

The principle of operation and composition of fire warning and evacuation systems

Management of evacuation in the event of a fire is thought out even when planning buildings, which must have such a spatial design that will ensure a quick exit from the zones affected by fire or combustion products.

Proper functionality is ensured by:

  • By giving light, sound signals, broadcasting records of specially composed texts with appeals and instructions on actions, directions of movement;
  • Switching on emergency lighting;
  • Accommodation in without fail illuminated fire safety signs on the routes of movement of people to safe areas;
  • The operation of remotely opened locking devices at the exits;
  • Establishing a connection between the dispatchers of the fire post and the warning zone;
  • Other methods.

Thus, the fire alarm and evacuation control systems include the following devices:

  • Annunciators;
  • Light boards;
  • Direction indicators, including light ones;
  • Acoustic communication systems for informing attendants and staff;
  • Access control electronics for opening locks;
  • SOUE control devices.

Our company offers to supply modern elements fire warning systems, develop and install and launch fire alarm systems of any complexity at various enterprises and organizations.

Classification of fire alarm systems and requirements for their work

Requirements for fire alarm systems are reflected in various regulatory documents. First of all, this is Federal Law N126 FZ, which is called "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements". In addition, the country has Fire Safety Standards (NBP), in particular NPB-104-63 and NBP 77-98, which also describe fairly strict requirements for warning systems.

To date, there is a certain classification of fire warning systems. Depending on the degree of autonomy of work, it can be autonomous or work as part of a larger system. There are also 5 types of SOUE, the choice of which is dictated by the number of floors in the building, the responsibility of the facility and other factors.

  • Type 1 is characterized by the presence of sound and light annunciators, signals, sirens, which are alarmed in all rooms where people can be. One line works, all annunciators turn on simultaneously.
  • Type 2 provides for the presence of the same technical means, as well as the installation of light indicators for the direction of movement during evacuation, light indicators "Exit".
  • Type 3 assumes the additional presence of repeaters of audio calls that will relay calls about evacuation routes and prevent panic among people at the facility. It is also assumed that warning lines will be switched on independently, two or more lines will work, warning zones will be created.
  • Type 4, in addition to all the above methods of notification and evacuation control on several independent lines, assumes the presence of a dispatcher's voice communication with warning zones. It is possible to implement various options for evacuation from building areas, manage personnel and evacuated people using feedback.
  • 5 is the most complex and modern, involves the introduction of full automation and various options for coordination and centralized management of the withdrawal of groups from a single post.

If you want to know what are the requirements of fire safety standards in this area, please contact our specialists by phone

Fire alarm - a set of technical means designed to detect a fire, process, transmit a fire notice in a given form, special information and (or) issue commands to turn on automatic fire extinguishing installations and turn on the actuating installations of smoke protection systems, technological and engineering equipment, as well as other devices fire protection.

Warning and evacuation management system - a set of organizational measures and technical means designed to timely inform people about the occurrence of a fire, the need to evacuate, ways and sequence of evacuation.

fire detector - a technical tool designed to generate a fire signal.

Fire alarm - a technical device designed to alert people about a fire.

Automatic fire alarm system.

The automatic fire alarm system (hereinafter APS) is divided into three main types:

Analog APS is able to determine the source of fire by the name of the fire alarm loop, which can contain up to several dozen fire detectors. This is a disadvantage of this system, since it is impossible to determine with great accuracy the immediate location of the fire. The advantage of this system is the low cost of equipment and system elements, ease of implementation commissioning as well as low maintenance costs. This type of alarm system is suitable for buildings with a small area and buildings with a small number of protected rooms.

Address threshold APS- uses addressing at the level of individual blocks (modules) of APS, which are installed close to the protected zones and interconnected by a two-wire line. Due to this, there is a reduction in the cost of cable products and the cost of implementation installation work. The advantage of this system is the definition of the service area by one APS loop with an individual address in the system.

Addressable analog APS- a system that provides the ability to adjust the operation of the system as a whole, depending on the characteristics of the object. The system is able to accurately indicate the source of fire in the building and collects and processes data on the state of the object and the system. These systems use detectors capable of providing information about the parameters that the detector controls and about its current state, such as smoke, dust, temperature, in real time. The advantages of this system include all the advantages of the APS threshold system, but with higher rates. The disadvantage of this system is the cost of the system components, but their number can be reduced by up to two times compared to analog systems. This system is suitable for buildings with a large area and number of storeys, as well as for a complex of buildings.

Addressable radio channel APS- a system that, in essence and functions, is an analog addressable APS, the only difference is that the detectors communicate with the control panel via radio channel lines. Suitable for buildings where installation cable channels on ceilings and walls are unacceptable, such as churches, museums and buildings of architectural and historical value.

Types of fire detectors

By way of actuation fire detectors (hereinafter PI) are divided into automatic and manual.

By type of controlled sign of fire automatic PIs are divided into the following types :

thermal - fire detector responding to a certain temperature value and (or) its rate of increase.

smoke - fire detector that reacts to particles of solid or liquid products of combustion and (or) pyrolysis in the atmosphere

flame - automatic fire detector that responds to electromagnetic radiation from a flame or a smoldering hearth.


gas - fire detector that reacts to gases released during smoldering or burning materials

combined - a fire detector that responds to two or more fire factors.


According to the configuration of the measuring zone smoke PI subdivided into:

point - fire detector reacting to fire factors in a compact area.

linear - fire detector responding to fire factors in an extended, linear zone.

According to the configuration of the measuring zone, thermal PI subdivided into:

toche realfire engineth detector reacting to fire factors in a compact area.

many spectacles - then automatic detectors, sensesthe elements of which are a set of point sensors of discretetno located along the line.

lineare - (thermal cable)

Choice of fire detectors

The choice of fire detectors is carried out depending on the type and purpose of the protected premises and the type of fire load (see Table 1).

Table 1

The choice of types of fire detectors depending on the purpose of the protected premises and the type of fire load

List of characteristic premises of production, technological processes

Type of fire detector

1 Production buildings:

Smoke, heat, flame

1.1 With production and storage:

wood products, synthetic resins, synthetic fibers, polymeric materials, textile, textile haberdashery, clothing, footwear, leather, tobacco, fur and pulp and paper products, celluloid, rubber, rubber products, combustible x-ray and film films, cotton

varnishes, paints, solvents, flammable liquids, GZH, lubricants, chemicals, alcohol products

thermal, flame

alkali metals, metal powders


flour, compound feed, other products and materials with the release of dust

thermal, flame

1.2 With production:

Smoke, heat, flame

paper, cardboard, wallpaper, livestock and poultry products

1.3. With storage:

Smoke, heat, flame

non-combustible materials in combustible packaging, solid combustible materials

Premises with computers, radio equipment, automatic telephone exchanges


2 Special buildings:

Smoke, thermal

2.1 Premises for laying cables, for transformers and switchgears, switchboard

2.2 Rooms for equipment and pipelines for pumping flammable liquids and oils, for testing internal combustion engines and fuel equipment, filling cylinders with flammable gases

flame, thermal

2.3 Premises of car service enterprises

Smoke, heat, flame

3 Administrative, domestic and public buildings and structures:


3.1 Visual, rehearsal, lecture, reading and conference rooms, backstage, foyers, halls, corridors, dressing rooms, book depositories, archives, spaces behind false ceilings

3.2 Artistic, wardrobe, restoration workshops, film and light projection, hardware, photo laboratories

Smoke, heat, flame

3.3 Administrative and utility rooms, machine counting stations, control panels, living quarters

Smoke, thermal

3.4 Hospital wards, premises of trade enterprises, public catering, service rooms, living quarters of hotels and hostels

Smoke, thermal

3.5 Museum and exhibition spaces

Smoke, heat, flame

4 Buildings and premises with large volumes:


Atriums, production halls, warehouses, logistics centers, trading floors, passenger terminals, sports halls and stadiums, circuses, etc.

5 Premises with computer equipment, radio equipment, PBX, server, Data and Call centers, data processing centers


Warning and evacuation control system in case of fire (SOUE).

The main purpose of the warning system is to warn people in the building about a fire or other emergency, as well as to coordinate their actions during the evacuation. SOUE is a set of organizational measures and technical means designed to solve these problems.

Depending on the method of notification, the division of the building into warning zones and other characteristics, the SOUE is divided into 5 types.

Table number 2

Characteristics of various types of SOUE

SOUE characteristic

The presence of these characteristics in various types of SOUE

1 Notification methods:

sound (siren, tinted signal, etc.);

speech (transmission of special texts);


a) light flashing annunciators;

b) light annunciators "Exit";

c) evacuation fire safety signs indicating the direction of movement;

d) light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning

2 Dividing the building into fire warning zones

3 Feedback of fire warning zones with the fire control room

4 The possibility of implementing several options for evacuation from each fire warning zone

5 Coordinated management from one fire control room of all building systems related to ensuring the safety of people in case of fire


1 "+" - required; "*" - allowed; "-" - not required.

Thus, according to table No. 2:

1st type SOUE includes obligatory sirens (tinted signals), and also allows the use of light flashing annunciators and the "EXIT" display.

2nd type SOUE includes obligatory sirens (tinted signals) and the "EXIT" board, and also allows the use of light flashing annunciators andevacuation fire safety signs indicating the direction of movement.

3rd type SOUE transmission of special texts) and the board "EXIT",fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement, division of the building into fire warning zones, feedback of fire warning zones with the fire control room, and also allows the use of a siren (tinted signals), light flashing annunciators.

4th type of SOUE includes necessarily voice annunciators (transmission of special texts), board "EXIT",fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement, division of the building into fire warning zones, feedback of fire warning zones with the fire control room,and also allows the use of a siren (tinted signals), light flashing annunciators,light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning, the possibility of implementing several options for evacuation from each fire warning zone.

5th type of SOUE includes necessarily voice annunciators (transmission of special texts), board "EXIT",division of the building into fire warning zones, feedback of fire warning zones with the fire control room, the possibility of implementing several options for evacuation from each fire warning zone, coordinated control from one fire control room of all building systems related to ensuring the safety of people in case of fire,and also allows the use of a siren (tinted signals),evacuation fire safety signs indicating the direction of movement,flashing lights,light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning.

a B C)

d) e)

Figure 1 "Fire alarms"

a) - sound annunciator; b) - board "EXIT"; c) - light (light-sound) annunciator; d) - voice annunciator; e) -fire safety evacuation sign indicating the direction of movement.

Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2009 N 173
"On approval of the set of rules "Fire protection systems. Warning system and management of evacuation of people in case of fires. fire safety requirements

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 30 (part 1), art. 3579), Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 11 July 2004 N 868 "Issues of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2004, N 28, Art. 2882; 2005, N 43, Art. 4376) and a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 N 858 "On the procedure for the development and approval of sets of rules" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, N 48, Art. 5608) I order:

Approve and put into effect from May 1, 2009 the attached set of rules "Fire protection systems. Warning system and management of evacuation of people in case of fire. Fire safety requirements".

S.K. Shoigu

Code of rules SP 3.13130.2009
"Fire protection systems. Warning and evacuation control system in case of fire. Fire safety requirements"
(approved and put into effect by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2009 N 173)

Systems of fire protection. System of annunciation and management of human evacuation at fire. Requirements of fire safety


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for applying sets of rules - by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for developing and approving sets of rules" of November 19, 2008 No. 858.

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This set of rules was developed in accordance with Article 84 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements", is a regulatory document on fire safety in the field of standardization of voluntary use and establishes fire safety requirements for warning systems and managing the evacuation of people in case of fires in buildings, structures and structures (hereinafter referred to as buildings).

1.2 This set of rules can be used in the development of special specifications for the design and construction of buildings.

2 Terms and definitions

In this set of rules, the following terms are adopted with their respective definitions.

2.1 automatic control: Activation of the warning system and control of the evacuation of people by a command signal from automatic fire alarm or fire extinguishing installations.

2.2 option for organizing evacuation from each fire warning zone: One of the possible scenarios for the movement of people to evacuation exits, depending on the location of the fire, the scheme for the spread of fire hazards, space-planning and constructive solutions building.

2.3 fire warning zone: A part of a building where a fire is notified simultaneously and in the same way to people.

2.4 semi-automatic control: Activation of the warning and evacuation control system by the dispatcher (operator) upon receipt of a command signal from automatic fire alarm or fire extinguishing installations.

2.5 warning and evacuation management system (SOUE): A set of organizational measures and technical means designed to timely inform people about the occurrence of a fire, the need to evacuate, ways and sequence of evacuation.

2.6 connecting lines: Wired and non-wired communication lines providing connection between fire automatics.

2.7 fire safety evacuation signs: Fire safety signs designed to regulate the behavior of people in case of fire in order to ensure their safe evacuation, including light fire alarms.

3 Fire safety requirements for the warning and evacuation control system in case of fire

3.1 SOUE should be designed to ensure the safe evacuation of people in case of fire.

3.2 The information transmitted by the fire warning and evacuation management systems must comply with the information contained in the evacuation plans developed and placed on each floor of the buildings.

3.3 SOUE should turn on automatically from a command signal generated by an automatic fire alarm or fire extinguishing installation, with the exception of the cases listed below.

Remote, manual and local activation of the SOUE can be used if, in accordance with the fire safety regulations for this type of building, it is not required to equip automatic fire extinguishing installations and (or) automatic fire alarms. In this case, the starting elements must be made and placed in accordance with the requirements for manual fire detectors.

In SOUE types 3-5, semi-automatic control, as well as manual, remote and local switching, is allowed to be used only in separate warning zones.

The choice of the type of control is determined by the design organization, depending on the functional purpose, structural and space-planning solutions of the building and based on the conditions for ensuring the safe evacuation of people in case of fire.

3.4 Cables, wires of the SOUE and methods of their laying should ensure the operability of connecting lines in a fire during the time necessary for the complete evacuation of people to a safe area.

Radio channel connecting lines, as well as connecting lines in the SOUE with voice notification, must be provided, in addition, with an automatic control system for their performance.

3.5 The control of the SOUE should be carried out from the premises of the fire post, control room or other special premises that meet the fire safety requirements for these premises.

4 Fire safety requirements for sound and voice warning and evacuation management

4.1 Sound signals of the SOUE should provide a total sound level (the sound level of constant noise together with all signals produced by annunciators) of at least 75 dBA at a distance of 3 m from the annunciator, but not more than 120 dBA at any point of the protected premises.

4.2 Sound signals of the SOUE should provide a sound level of at least 15 dBA above the permissible sound level of constant noise in the protected room. Sound level measurement should be carried out at a distance of 1.5 m from the floor level.

4.3 In sleeping quarters, sound signals of the SOUE should have a sound level of at least 15 dBA higher than the sound level of constant noise in the protected room, but not less than 70 dBA. Measurements should be taken at the level of the sleeping person's head.

4.4 Wall-mounted sound and voice annunciators should be located in such a way that their upper part is at least 2.3 m from the floor level, but the distance from the ceiling to the top of the annunciator must be at least 150 mm.

4.5 In protected premises where people are in noise protection equipment, as well as in protected premises with a noise level of more than 95 dBA, sound annunciators must be combined with light annunciators. The use of light flashing annunciators is allowed.

4.6 Voice annunciators must reproduce normally audible frequencies in the range from 200 to 5000 Hz. The sound level of information from voice alarms must comply with the standards of this set of rules in relation to sound fire alarms.

4.7 Installation of loudspeakers and other voice annunciators in protected premises should exclude concentration and uneven distribution of reflected sound.

4.8 The number of sound and speech fire alarms, their placement and power must ensure the sound level in all places of permanent or temporary stay of people in accordance with the rules of this set of rules.

5 Fire safety requirements for light warning and evacuation management

5.1 Evacuation fire safety signs, the principle of operation of which is based on work from electrical network, must be switched on simultaneously with the main working lighting fixtures.

In the SOUE of the 5th type, a different procedure for including the indicated fire safety evacuation signs may be provided.

5.2 Light annunciators "Exit" in the visual, demonstration, exhibition and other halls should be switched on for the duration of people's stay in them.

5.3 Light annunciators "Exit" should be installed:

in visual, demonstration, exhibition and other halls (regardless of the number of people in them), as well as in rooms with a simultaneous stay of 50 or more people - above emergency exits;

above emergency exits from the floors of the building, directly outside or leading to a safe area;

in other places, at the discretion of the design organization, if, in accordance with the provisions of this set of rules, the installation of "Exit" light annunciators is required in the building.

5.4 Evacuation fire safety signs indicating the direction of movement should be installed:

in corridors longer than 50 m, as well as in the corridors of hostels with a capacity of more than 50 people per floor. At the same time, fire safety evacuation signs should be installed along the length of the corridors at a distance of no more than 25 m from each other, as well as at the places where the corridors turn;

in smoke-free staircases;

in other places, at the discretion of the design organization, if, in accordance with the provisions of this set of rules, the installation of fire safety evacuation signs is required in the building.

5.5 Evacuation fire safety signs indicating the direction of movement should be installed at a height of at least 2 m.

6 Classification of warning systems and management of evacuation of people in case of fires in buildings

Depending on the notification method, the division of the building into warning zones and other characteristics, the SOUE is divided into 5 types shown in Table 1.

Table 1

SOUE characteristic

The presence of these characteristics in various types of SOUE

1. Notification methods:

sound (siren, tinted signal, etc.);

speech (transmission of special texts);


a) light flashing annunciators;

b) light annunciators "Exit";

c) evacuation fire safety signs indicating the direction of movement;

d) light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning

2. Division of the building into fire warning zones

3. Feedback of fire warning zones with the fire control room

4. The possibility of implementing several options for evacuation from each fire warning zone

5. Coordinated management from one fire control room of all building systems related to ensuring the safety of people in case of fire

Notes :

1. "+" - required; "*" - allowed; "-" - not required.

2. It is allowed to use the sound notification method for 3-5 types of fire warning systems in separate fire warning zones (technical floors, attics, basements, closed ramps of parking lots and other premises not intended for permanent residence of people).

3. In buildings with permanent residence of people with handicapped according to hearing and vision, flashing light annunciators or specialized annunciators should be used (including specialized notification systems that provide the issuance of sound signals of a certain frequency and light pulse signals of increased brightness, as well as other technical means individual notification of people). The choice of the type of annunciators is determined by the design organization, depending on the physical condition of the people in the building. At the same time, these annunciators must exclude the possibility of a negative impact on human health and life support devices.

4. The choice of the type of fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement of people in case of fire (photoluminescent fire safety signs, light fire alarms, other fire safety evacuation signs) is carried out by the design organization.

7 Fire safety requirements for equipping buildings (structures) various types warning and evacuation control systems in case of fire

Buildings (structures) must be equipped with an appropriate type of SOUE in accordance with Table 2. It is allowed to use a higher type of SOUE for buildings (structures) subject to the condition of ensuring the safe evacuation of people.

table 2

Buildings (name of the normative indicator)

The value of the standard indicator

Most floors


1. Children's preschool educational institutions (number of places)

V preschool institutions when using the 3rd type of SOUE and higher, only employees of institutions are notified using a special notification text. Such text should not contain words that can cause panic

2. Sleeping buildings of educational institutions of boarding type and children's institutions (number of places in the building)

3. Hospitals, nursing homes for the elderly and disabled (number of beds)

When using the 3rd type of SOUE and above, only employees of institutions are notified using a special notification text. Such text should not contain words that can cause panic

60 and over

3.1. Psychiatric hospitals

Only employees of institutions are notified using a special notification text. Such text should not contain words that can cause panic

60 and over

4. Hotels, hostels, dormitories of sanatoriums and general rest houses, campsites, motels and boarding houses (capacity, people)

5. Residential buildings:

In SOUE with sound annunciators, it is possible to use a sound signal increasing in time, as well as to periodically turn off the sound signal for "silence pauses", which should not exceed 1 minute

sectional type

corridor type

6. Theatres, cinemas, concert halls, clubs, circuses, sports facilities with stands, libraries and other similar institutions with an estimated number of seats for visitors in enclosed spaces (hall capacity, people)

6.1. Theaters, cinemas, concert halls, clubs, circuses, sports facilities with stands and other similar institutions with an estimated number of seats for visitors in the open air (hall capacity, people)

7. Museums, exhibitions, dance halls and other similar indoor establishments (number of visitors)

8. Trade organizations (floor area of ​​the fire compartment, m2)

8.1. Trading floors without natural lighting (sales area, m2)

9. Public catering organizations (capacity, people)

9.1. Catering organizations located in the basement or basement (capacity, people)

10. Stations

11. Polyclinics and outpatient clinics (visits per shift, pers.)

90 and over

12. Organizations of consumer and communal services with an off-design number of seats for visitors (fire compartment area, m2)

13. Sports and recreation complexes and sports and training facilities with premises without stands for spectators, amenity premises, baths (number of visitors)

14. General educational institutions, educational institutions of additional education for children, educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education(number of places)

15. Educational institutions higher professional education and additional professional education of specialists

16. Institutions of governing bodies, design organizations, information and editorial and publishing organizations, scientific organizations, banks, offices

17. Production and storage buildings, parking lots, archives, book depositories (building category for explosion and fire hazard)


The 1st type of SOUE is allowed to be combined with intercom. SOUE of buildings with categories A and B must be interlocked with technological or fire automation

Notes :

1. The required type of SOUE is determined by the value of the standard indicator. If the number of floors is more than the given type of SOUE for buildings of a given functional purpose, or there is no value of the standard indicator in Table 2, then the required type of SOUE is determined by the number of floors of the building.

2. The normative indicator of the area of ​​the fire compartment in these standards is understood as the floor area between the fire walls.

3. At the objects of protection, where, in accordance with Table 2, building equipment of the SOUE type 4 or 5 is required, the final decision on the choice of the SOUE is made by the design organization.

4. In the premises and buildings where there are (work, live, spend leisure time) people with impaired hearing or vision, the SOUE must take into account these features.

5. For buildings of categories A and B for explosion and fire hazard, in which a type 3 COUE device is provided, in addition to voice fire alarms installed inside buildings, installation of voice fire alarms outside these buildings should be provided. The method of laying the connecting lines of the SOUE and the arrangement of fire alarms outside the buildings is determined by the design organization.

6. In institutions where notification is required only for service personnel, the placement of voice annunciators should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this set of rules.

7. One-story warehouse and industrial buildings, consisting of one room (explosion and fire hazard categories B4, D, D) with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot more than 50 without permanent jobs or constant presence of people, it is allowed not to equip the SOUE.