Homemade pickling of crispy gherkins for the winter. Simple recipes for pickled gherkins for the winter

Summer residents who grow gherkins on their plots try to pick them up to 5 cm in size. Such greens become a few days after the flowers appear. Gherkins canned for the winter usually turn out crispy, smell pleasantly with spices. Cucumbers are salted and pickled, put in salads, canned with spices, fruits and berries, served as an appetizer, added to first courses. Gherkins are rich in B and C vitamins. They contain iodine, iron, and trace elements in the form of calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

For rolling into jars, you need to choose fresh small greens. If they have long been plucked from the garden, they will not crunch. It is better to pour miniature cucumbers with boiling water several times than to sterilize them. Tomatoes, onions, apples, garlic give gherkins a pleasant aftertaste.

Pickled greens with vinegar, but since this preservative is harmful to people who have problems with the digestive organs, it can be replaced citric acid. It is more convenient to roll gherkins into jars of 0.5 or 0.75 liters.

Selection and preparation of the main ingredient

Cucumbers plucked from the garden or bought on the market must be carefully sorted out, putting aside fruits with dents and cracks. Greens are poured into a bowl of cool water, which will have to be poured several times. Washed gherkins are soaked for at least 3 hours, after which they are transferred to another bowl, which is filled with boiling water.

Preparation of containers for salting

The jars in which the cucumbers are placed are washed with soda and dried well. It is not necessary to sterilize dishes before salting. The lids need to be wiped and boiled in water for about 10 minutes. It is advisable not to use those that have already been rolled up, and if they are rusted, then they are definitely not suitable.

Methods for salting gherkins at home

Miniature cucumbers are salted with spices, pickled with vegetables and fruits. With any cooking technology, they delight with aroma and taste.

Canned gherkins can be spicy and spicy, crunchy and sour. Berries, currant leaves, herbs and tomatoes bring their unique notes.

Recipe for gherkins for the winter: step by step instructions

Pickling small cucumbers is no more difficult than large greens, but they turn out to be much tastier, they crunch nicely. To close in liter jar gherkins, you need to cook the marinade. For this you will need:

  • salt - 60 g;
  • vinegar - a quarter cup;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons.

Currant leaves, dill umbrellas are placed at the bottom of the container, then cucumbers are placed. Spices in the form of cloves and hot pepper will give them a spicy taste. Banks are filled with boiling water. When the liquid cools down a little, it is salted, boiled in a saucepan with sugar and a bite. Dishes with gherkins are filled with brine, hermetically twisted, covered with a blanket. Pickled greens are as tasty as from the store. Crispy cucumbers will be highly appreciated by both guests and household members.

Without sterilization with mustard

Miniature gherkins will delight you with a sharp, sweetish aroma if you use a culinary recipe in which cinnamon is one of the ingredients. A teaspoon is consumed per 3 liter jar of such powder. Salting for the winter does not take much time:

  1. Washed cucumbers are laid out in a prepared container.
  2. Boiling water is poured into the gherkins.
  3. The cooled water is heated again.
  4. 3 or 4 cloves of garlic, 5-6 peas of black pepper and a hot pod, cinnamon, 7 cloves are added to the jars, spices are poured out.
  5. Vegetables are filled with hot marinade and vinegar.

Zelentsy needs to be closed, turned over, insulated with a blanket. They take as many as will fit in a jar, usually about 3 kilograms. For such a number of cucumbers you need to take:

  • salt - 60 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1200 ml;
  • acetic acid - 1 teaspoon.

Spicy gherkins serve as a real table decoration. A spicy and spicy snack can surprise guests, please the whole family.

Recipe for a liter jar

So that the preservation is quickly eaten and does not lie in the refrigerator for a long time, it is convenient to pickle cucumbers in small containers. About 600 g of small gherkins goes to a liter jar. You will definitely need:

  • sugar - 20 g;
  • vinegar - 20 ml;
  • salt - 1 tsp

Cherry or currant leaves, a couple of cloves of garlic, dill, a piece of hot pepper, cucumbers are laid out in glassware. The container is filled with boiling water. When the water cools down, it is heated again. Spices are poured into the jar, vinegar is added, hot liquid is poured.

With oak leaves

Some women have gotten used to pickling gherkins so that they are no different from vegetables harvested in barrels. The brine owes its transparency and amazing aroma to horseradish and oak leaves.

Half a kilogram of fresh small greens is soaked for 4 hours. Then they are placed in jars along with herbs, garlic cloves, and peppercorns. To prepare the marinade, water is boiled together with sugar and salt, acetic acid is added. Slightly cooled liquid is poured into vegetables. The container is sterilized for about 6 minutes, very tasty gherkins come out.

With citric acid

Cucumbers can be closed for the winter, using not only essence or vinegar as a preservative, adding various ingredients in the form of vegetables and root crops.

Spicy and fragrant gherkins are obtained with citric acid, if you add bitter and allspice to them.

Seasoning, carrots, garlic cloves are placed in a jar, cucumbers are folded. The container is filled to the top with water. After 15 minutes, the liquid is poured into a saucepan, sugar and salt are poured into the same place. When the marinade boils, they are seasoned with gherkins, citric acid is added.

with ketchup

Sharp and crispy miniature cucumbers, many women got the hang of salting according to their culinary recipes. To use one of them, you need to take:

  • chili ketchup - 0.5 l;
  • tomato paste - 2 liters;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • vinegar - 20 ml;
  • salt - 60 g.

From 2 liters of water, spices and sauce, it is necessary to cook the marinade, with which to fill the gherkins folded in a jar, sterilize for 20 minutes.

With onions and carrots

An unusual sweetish taste is given to cucumbers by root crops. Before pickling, greens are dipped in boiling water, and then placed in cold water, after which they are pierced with a sharp object and left to salt out overnight. To prepare for the winter, you will need:

  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • 2 onions;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dill and garlic;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • vinegar - 5 mg;
  • peppercorns.

The root crop is cut into rings and, together with onions, is kept in hot water for a couple of minutes. Greens, garlic cloves and carrots are placed in jars. The brine is boiled, spices, seasonings are poured into the water, vinegar is poured. Ready marinade fill vegetables. Sterilized containers are rolled up with tin lids.

with apples

Sweet and sour cucumbers are obtained by canning them with fruit. Gherkins are poured, having cooked a marinade from spices, plain water and vinegar. To close a liter jar of greens, a teaspoon of salt, 5 g of sugar, seasonings are used. Slices of peeled apples, small cucumbers are laid out in the dishes. It is first filled with water, and then with marinade, screwed with a lid.

with gooseberries

Gherkins are surprisingly combined with unripe berries, which give the workpiece a sour, but very pleasant aftertaste. Some women pickle greens with gooseberries; very little vinegar is added to the brine.

Many people love store-bought pickled gherkins, but few people know that making them at home is very easy. The main advantage of home preservation is the absence of chemical additives and the ability to use your favorite spices and herbs. For this recipe, the size of the cucumbers is important: they must be very small.


pickled gherkins recipe

  1. Rinse the gherkins thoroughly running water. Pour them cold water and leave to soak for 2 hours.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut into slices.
  3. Peel the horseradish root and cut into medium-sized cubes.
  4. Divide sprigs of dill seeds into small inflorescences.
  5. Drain water from gherkins. Spread them in layers in sterilized jars, lightly tamping and adding garlic, horseradish and dill seeds to each layer.
  6. Pour boiling water into jars with cucumbers. Cover with lids and let it brew for half an hour.
  7. Drain the marinade from the jars into a small saucepan. Boil. Add mustard seeds, salt, sugar and allspice. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Pour the finished marinade back into the jars with cucumbers.
  8. Roll up jars with lids, cover with a towel and leave to cool upside down.

Pickled gherkins are cucumbers small size, which in Lately began to enjoy great popularity. They began to be included both in the daily menu and in the festive one. Gherkins can be pickled for the winter on their own at home.

Pickled gherkins, the recipe of which I want to offer you, are very tasty, as if they were bought in a store. For pickling, you need to choose only freshly picked small fruits of cucumbers. Sort them out and soak them in cold water for four hours. We will pickle gherkins in half-liter and liter jars.

So, we begin to pickle cucumbers gherkins. For pickling for one liter of water we need:
two tablespoons of salt
four tablespoons of granulated sugar,
three tablespoons of vinegar 9%,
seven peas of black pepper,
three carnations,
two bay leaves
garlic, currant leaves, grapes or raspberries - optional;
gherkins - how much will go into the jar.
Everything needed has been prepared. Now pickle gherkins for the winter.

1. We sort out the gherkins and rinse well under cold running water.

2. Pour water into the pan, put on fire and bring to a boil. At the same time, we sterilize the iron lids in another dish. Banks are thoroughly washed and sterilized.

3. We take an umbrella of dill and a leaf of currant or raspberry, wash it under water and put it on the bottom of the jar. We also put black peppercorns, cloves and bay leaves. Now we lay out the gherkins on the banks. Boil water again in a saucepan and pour into prepared jars. We cover the jars with lids, cover with a towel on top and leave to brew for about ten minutes. Drain the water into a saucepan, boil again and pour into jars. We cover the jars and insist another ten minutes.

4. Carefully drain the water into the pan and add granulated sugar and salt. We mix everything until completely dissolved. Bring to a boil and add 9% vinegar.

5. Fill the jars with the finished marinade. Sterilized lids should be ready. Pour the marinade and immediately close with iron lids. Banks are turned upside down and wrapped. Leave it like this until it cools down completely.

    Summer is the time of the most active conservation. Most of the preparations fall on the seaming of cucumbers. Crispy, juicy and fragrant gherkins are very loved in winter time. The smaller fruits are eaten plain, while the larger ones are used in numerous salads and other complex dishes.
    The simplest and affordable way conservation - the method of three fillings.
    This versatile recipe is perfect for preserving fruit of any size. The flavor of the brine can also be given with other spices by putting horseradish or parsley root in jars, adding thyme grains, cloves or bay leaves. All proportions are indicated for 1 liter jar, but you can vary the amount of spices according to your taste.
    Based on this method of blocking, you can get a lot of tasty and crunchy cucumbers in winter, suitable for any use.

    Ingredients (per 1 liter jar):

  • Gherkins (small cucumbers) - about 600 g
  • Garlic - 2-4 teeth.
  • Dill umbrellas - 3-4 pcs.
  • Cherry leaves - 1-2 pcs.
  • Currant leaves - 3-4 pcs.
  • Horseradish leaves - 1/3 pcs.
  • Peppercorns black and allspice - 4-5 peas

For brine:

  • Salt - 2 tsp
  • Sugar - 3 tsp
  • Vinegar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water - 300-400 ml

  • Before plugging, prepare the leaves.

    Rinse in cold water and let the dill, horseradish, green cherries and currants drain.

  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, peeled and cut into thin slices.

  • Divide cucumbers in the washing process into 2 groups: medium-sized gherkins and small pickles. This will make it easier to pack them into jars.

    In washed jars, start putting spices and herbs for flavor. Place garlic cloves in each jar.

    Pick up dill umbrellas according to the volume of dishes.

    Arrange on a leaf of cherries: small ones - in jars of 0.5 liters, large ones - 1 liter or more.

    Do the same with currant leaves. Small leaves can be put on 2 pcs.

    Tear horseradish leaves with your hands.

  • Pack cucumbers tightly into jars. Start laying with larger ones.

    From above, under the very neck, lay the smallest in a tight row.

    Fill all jars with boiling water.

    Cover the jars with a lid without twisting it. Let stand 20-30 minutes.

  • Drain the water. And repeat the procedure with hot filling. This will allow you to save cucumbers and herbs from bitterness.

  • While the jars are sterilized with boiling water, prepare the brine.
    We measure all the necessary ingredients.

    IN hot water add sugar and salt. Let them dissolve completely.

  • Pour vinegar into boiling water. Once it boils for 1 minute, the brine is ready.

  • Before pouring the brine, put pepper in each jar. There will be enough fragrant 1 pea each, and black - 2 peas each.

  • Pour the brine into jars up to the very neck.
    Screw on the lids tightly.

  • To check the twist, you need to turn the cans upside down. If water does not seep anywhere, then everything is in order.

  • Put all the preservation with the lids down, wrap in a blanket. In this form, cucumbers should stand until completely cooled: a day or a half.

  • Cooled preservation can be hidden in pantries or a basement. After 5-6 days, it is better to check it for swelling of the lids.

  • Delicious preparations for the winter!

    Salted and pickled cucumbers can rightly be called a national Russian snack. This great option for preparing a wide variety of dishes. Everyone's favorite pickle, all kinds of salads, snacks. And simply, by themselves, they perfectly complement not only dinner table but also a festive feast. Moreover, such an appetizer is not only very tasty, but, moreover, also healthy! Not without reason, if we feel bad, unpleasantly nauseous, just eat one pickled cucumber and everything is removed as if by hand. This is especially known to women who have known the joy of motherhood.

    Pickled cucumbers promote appetite and good healthy digestion. In addition, it is a very low-calorie product. Its calorie content is only 11 kcal.

    They are also useful in that they help cleanse the body of harmful toxins and toxins. Improve motor skills gastrointestinal tract help to cope with constipation.

    To make cucumbers not only tasty and fragrant, but also pleasantly crispy, you need to know some of the nuances of their preservation:

    1. The most important thing is to choose the right vegetables. They should be small, fresh (prickly), not overripe (no yellowness), not too dark, elastic. For pickles, only varieties with pimples are suitable. Smooth ones won't fit.
    2. Water is a very important ingredient. Ideal spring and well. But you can take an ordinary peeled one. Just not chlorinated. Such water must be settled for a day.
    3. Before canning, cucumbers must be poured with cold water for 8-12 hours. After that, wash them well.
    4. All greens should also be thoroughly washed.

    Probably, every housewife at least once in her life faced an unpleasant situation when her jar of conservation exploded or the products inside were spoiled. To prevent this from happening, you need to pay careful attention to sterilization and use the following tips:

    Back to soaking again. It not only helps cucumbers retain their hardness after heat treatment, but also nourishes them with the necessary moisture. Therefore, they will not so actively absorb the brine. Because they ate a lot of free space in the bank, it will be occupied by air, which can subsequently provoke an explosion. To avoid this, follow these simple rules:

    1. Wash vegetables and herbs very well. Wash lids and jars before sterilizing them.
    2. It is very important to hermetically seal everything.
    3. The use of acid is mandatory. She acts as a preservative.
    4. It takes a long time to cool cans with preservation. To do this, turn them over on the lid and wrap them well for a day. This will prolong pasteurization and will kill all microorganisms.
  • Rate the recipe



    canned gherkins- one of the most popular factory-made preparations, which can be very easily purchased at the store, however, it can be just as easy to cook at home. It is about such a vegetable snack that will be discussed in this step by step photo prescription. Crispy canned gherkins homemade will be the finest appetizer, ideal for many dishes, they really will taste like in the store. What is the difference between gherkins and ordinary pickled cucumbers? Yes, only the size is different. Pickles could be included in the same group, but if you look, then all gherkins are pickles, but not all pickles are gherkins.

    We will preserve our today's small cucumbers in accordance with GOST in small half-liter jars. Traditionally, we add a small amount of spices to the workpiece to taste, without which the brine will not be brine at all, as well as grape or currant leaves. Our preparation will not do without garlic with bay leaf, so everything is according to the canon. There is a secret due to which gherkins do not soften during infusion and remain just as crispy, but you will learn more about this from the recipe itself. Let's start cooking canned gherkin cucumbers for the winter at home.



      First of all, we go for our main ingredient - cucumbers. Since we are preparing classic gherkins, we choose small fruits in length from 7 to 9 centimeters. It is this size of cucumber according to GOST that is considered the norm for canned gherkins. We thoroughly wash the cucumbers in cold water and here is the promised secret of crispy gherkins: pour vegetables with cold water for 1-2 hours, changing it periodically.

      Also don't forget to prepare the rest of the ingredients we'll need today for this hearty and juicy winter snack. It is not recommended to regulate the amount of certain ingredients, because then the original taste of the workpiece may change.

      At this stage, we bring clean filtered water to a boil, during the same period we send jars for sterilization along with lids. You can choose absolutely any method for preparing containers, the most convenient for you.

      We begin to fill the prepared dry jars with ingredients. To do this, we cover the bottom of each jar with several leaves of selected greens, we also lower a couple of dill umbrellas, one bay leaf, several fragrant black peppercorns and clove buds there. After that, we fill the jars with fairly densely washed crispy cucumbers as shown in the photo. Do not forget to spread dill umbrellas between vegetables. Pour cucumbers in a jar with boiling water from the pan, leave for 10 minutes and drain back.

      Once again, bring the liquid to a boil, repeat the manipulation with filling the jars and returning the liquid to the pan 1-2 more times. Each time we insist cucumbers in boiling water for no more than 10 minutes.

      When the boiling water was drained from the jar for the last time, we send the prepared amount of rock salt and sugar to it. Gently stir the ingredients so that the salt and sugar are evenly dispersed in the brine and completely dissolved in it, boil the liquid again, at the end add the volume of vinegar indicated in the ingredients.

      Now we fill the jar with gherkins to the very top with the already prepared marinade and roll them up hermetically using a special key. We turn the preservation upside down until it cools completely, and then put it in the pantry for storage. Crispy canned gherkins, closed like in a store, are ready for the winter.

      Bon Appetit!