Canned Gherkins: Top 5 Recipes. Crispy gherkins marinated for the winter



canned gherkins- one of the most popular factory-made preparations, which can be very easily purchased at the store, however, it can be just as easy to cook at home. It is about such a vegetable appetizer that will be discussed in this step-by-step photo recipe. Crispy canned homemade gherkins are the perfect appetizer, perfect for many dishes, they really taste like in the store. What is the difference between gherkins and ordinary pickled cucumbers? Yes, only the size is different. Pickles could be included in the same group, but if you look, then all gherkins are pickles, but not all pickles are gherkins.

We will preserve our today's small cucumbers in accordance with GOST in small half-liter jars. Traditionally, we add a small amount of spices to the workpiece to taste, without which the brine will not be brine at all, as well as grape or currant leaves. Our preparation will not do without garlic with bay leaf, so everything is according to the canon. There is a secret due to which gherkins do not soften during infusion and remain just as crispy, but you will learn more about this from the recipe itself. Let's start cooking canned gherkin cucumbers for the winter at home.



    First of all, we go for our main ingredient - cucumbers. Since we are preparing classic gherkins, we choose small fruits in length from 7 to 9 centimeters. It is this size of cucumber according to GOST that is considered the norm for canned gherkins. Thoroughly wash the cucumbers cold water and here is the promised secret of crispy gherkins: pour vegetables for 1-2 hours cold water, changing it periodically.

    Also don't forget to prepare the rest of the ingredients we'll need today for this hearty and juicy winter snack. It is not recommended to regulate the amount of certain ingredients, because then the original taste of the workpiece may change.

    At this stage, we bring clean filtered water to a boil, during the same period we send jars for sterilization along with lids. You can choose absolutely any method for preparing containers, the most convenient for you.

    We begin to fill the prepared dry jars with ingredients. To do this, we cover the bottom of each jar with several leaves of selected greens, we also lower a couple of dill umbrellas, one bay leaf, several fragrant black peppercorns and clove buds there. After that, we fill the jars with fairly densely washed crispy cucumbers as shown in the photo. Do not forget to spread dill umbrellas between vegetables. Pour cucumbers in a jar with boiling water from the pan, leave for 10 minutes and drain back.

    Once again, bring the liquid to a boil, repeat the manipulation with filling the jars and returning the liquid to the pan 1-2 more times. Each time we insist cucumbers in boiling water for no more than 10 minutes.

    When the boiling water was drained from the jar for the last time, we send the prepared amount of rock salt and sugar to it. Gently stir the ingredients so that the salt and sugar are evenly dispersed in the brine and completely dissolved in it, boil the liquid again, at the end add the volume of vinegar indicated in the ingredients.

    Now we fill the jar with gherkins to the very top with the already prepared marinade and roll them up hermetically using a special key. We turn the preservation upside down until it cools completely, and then put it in the pantry for storage. Crispy canned gherkins, closed like in a store, are ready for the winter.

    Bon Appetit!

Gherkins for the winter homemade are sure to delight you and your family with their unsurpassed taste. They turn out very crispy and fragrant, and you can use them both as a snack, and add them to salads or any other dishes.

To close crispy gherkins for the winter like from a store, you need to know one trick: cucumbers will retain their dense structure if they are soaked in ice water for several hours. You can even add ice cubes to it. After lying in such water, the gherkins will remain as crispy as before conservation. In addition, since additional sterilization in this simple recipe is not required, vegetables also retain a huge part of their beneficial properties. Thanks to this, by canning gherkins for the winter, you will get a wonderful source of vitamins.

It is best to collect cucumbers on your site, as they contain the greatest amount of useful components, unlike store-bought gherkins, which are often watered with chemicals to speed up their growth.

If you have a problem with gherkins, you may well pick ordinary cucumbers that are still in the process of growing. To taste, they are no different from gherkins, except that the texture is slightly different. But it will help you save on purchased cucumbers. In order to pickle crispy delicious gherkins at home like from a store, you need to carefully read our recipe with step by step photos and follow all his recommendations. This will help you quickly and easily prepare delicious gherkins for the winter that you and your family, as well as your guests, will love.


  • Gherkins 2 kg
  • 500 g
  • 3 pcs.
  • 4 things.
  • 1 bunch
  • 4-8 pcs.
  • 20 pcs.
  • taste
  • 4 things.
  • or beans, to taste
  • 1 pinch
  • 1 pinch
  • 1 pinch
  • beans, 1 pinch
  • taste
  • 1.5 tsp with a slide
  • 2 tsp with a slide
  • 1 tsp


    To start, collect gherkins or ordinary small cucumbers . For comfortable canning, vegetables should be no more than a little finger in length and no thicker than two little fingers in width. In this case, they will turn out crispy and firm.

    Soak the gherkins before preservation for at least six hours in ice water, and then, gradually removing the cucumbers from the bowl, cut off their tips.

    Now wash the horseradish root and then peel it. After that, it must be cut into small slices and folded into a separate container.

    Next, take the heads of garlic, divide them into cloves and peel them. You can take exactly the number of cloves as you need. In this recipe, garlic, like many other spices, is added to taste.

    Also prepare currant leaves: one on the floor liter jar. Try not to overdo it with these herbs, as too much currant leaves will speed up fermentation and jars of gherkins may explode.

    Sterilize jars in which you will preserve crispy delicious gherkins, and then put the required amount of spices and herbs on the bottom. Try not to put too many of them, and also be guided by the fact that the amount of ingredients is indicated for four half-liter jars of pickled gherkins.

    Now you can put your cucumbers in a jar of spices. Try to leave as little free space as possible in the jar, but you should not tamp the gherkins too much. In the meantime, put a pot of water on the fire..

    Before pouring the brine into jars, it is necessary to pour the required amount of sugar and salt into them. You need to pour them on top so that, together with boiling water, they are evenly distributed over the vegetables.

    When the water in the pan boils, pour it over the cucumbers with spices, cover with lids and let stand for ten minutes, after which the water will need to be drained back into the pan and brought to a boil again.

    Before filling a jar of cucumbers with brine, add the required amount of mustard seeds. This will add piquancy and spiciness to the gherkins, as well as enhance their flavor. Pour the finished brine into the jar almost to the very top.

    Add the required amount of vinegar essence to the jars with gherkins, then roll them up with lids as tightly as possible. Additional sterilization is not needed, so cover the jars with a warm blanket, turning them upside down, and leave to infuse until morning. In the morning, you can transfer the gherkins canned for the winter to the cellar or pantry..

    Bon Appetit!

Tiny crispy cucumbers gherkins are not only nice to put in a salad, but also pickled for the winter in jars. It is clear that no one wants to mess around for a long time and troublesome. But if pickled gherkins are prepared without sterilization in a simple way quick recipe, then it’s a sin not to prepare a few jars for your family. So, right after we start preparing another roll.

Ingredients for pickled gherkins for the winter (for 5 liter jars):

  • Gherkin cucumbers - 1.5 kg;
  • Horseradish (leaves) - 2 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pack;
  • Hot red pepper (in pods) - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 5 heads (medium size);
  • Allspice - 1 pack;
  • Currant leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • Black peppercorns - 1 pack;
  • Salt - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Dill color - 5 branches;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 5 pods (medium size);
  • Sugar - 10 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar - 15 tbsp. l.;
  • Dry mustard seeds - 1 pack;
  • Coriander peas - 1 pack;
  • Cherry leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • Garlic - several heads.

How to preserve pickled gherkins for the winter:

1. The first step is to soak the cucumbers. It is important that this be done in advance. If the gherkins are too small, then 3 hours is enough, but no less. Basically, you need to soak for 5 hours or more.

2. Since we have a cucumber recipe without sterilization, it means that we will have to sterilize the jars. How to do this, we have already described in the recipe for the winter. The dishes must be washed with soda and rinsed with water. Then we set the container with the neck down on the double boiler and hold it over the steam for 10 minutes. We sterilize the lids in the same way.

3. Turn the sterile container over onto an absorbent surface such as tissue paper, towels, soft cotton cloth. Although it is not necessary, before pouring spices, drain the water that remains after sterilization.

4. We begin to put gherkins in jars, and spices are necessary for pickling them for the winter. We count on 1 jar of volume per liter:

5. Also put onion, cut into large slices, and 2 peeled garlic cloves at the bottom. free the pods bell pepper from the seeds and cut it into strips no larger than gherkins. Add a few strips to the jar.

6. Then feel free to place cucumbers in sterile containers. And if you forgot to put something from spices, do not worry! Spices can be poured on top. They will still be below.

7. Pour boiling water over the jars of gherkins to the very top and wait 15 minutes, having previously covered with lids. After fifteen minutes, completely drain the cooled water from the cucumbers and pour boiling water again in the same way, and for the same time. That is, we repeat the step. Water does not have to be poured into one bowl and boiled again. To make the brine transparent, pour boiling water into the washbasin and fill it again with new one.

8. When we pour the water for the third time, add one full tablespoon of salt, two full tablespoons of sugar with a slide and three tablespoons of vinegar (in ascending order) to each liter jar.

Then pour boiling water over the cucumbers gherkins to the very top. We cork jars with rubber or screw caps.

According to today's proposed recipe, pickled gherkins must be turned over until completely cooled. And all in order to dissolve the sugar and salt. Wrap preservation, as it is not necessary. But this will not harm the sunset.

Well, who doesn't love small, crispy cucumbers with a sweetish taste called gherkins. They appeared in our gardens not so long ago, but the hostesses managed to appreciate them. Pickled gherkins have become a decoration of any table because of their unique taste, crispy texture and unusually small size.

Gherkins - it is a special kind of cucumber, the size of which is not more than 8 cm. Such miniature greens look very nice in blanks for the winter. Salads are made from pickled cucumbers, they are added to various dishes, and also consumed as an independent snack.

Growing gherkins is no more difficult than ordinary cucumbers. They grow wonderfully both in the garden bed and in greenhouses. It is advisable to collect finished products daily as it stimulates the growth of new fruits. You need to process the vegetable immediately so that it remains elastic and crispy.

In addition to being actively used in cooking, gherkins are also gained popularity in cosmetology. Thanks to their useful properties, this product has a beneficial effect on the skin, maintaining its elasticity and youth, as well as making it fresh. In addition, it perfectly relieves fatigue. To do this, either cucumber gruel is used in the form of masks, or juice is squeezed out, which is used to wipe the skin of the face.

Canning miniature cucumbers for the winter

There are many recipes for marinating gherkins for long-term storage. To select one or more suitable options definitely need to try them out. It is best to cook such an appetizer in small jars. This is both practical, and the harvested crop can be processed at any time, and not wait until the vegetables are collected in a large container.

Despite the huge popularity among lovers of pickled cucumbers, this product also has its contraindications. Use it categorically forbidden to people with problems gastrointestinal tract . Acetic acid, which is part of the marinade, can cause an exacerbation of the disease.

The classic way of harvesting greens

Homemade recipe for pickled gherkins makes this product not only tasty, but also healthy. Cucumbers are obtained almost lightly salted, and the acid is not felt at all. Plucked and washed fruits must be soaked in ice water for 6-7 hours. While the cucumbers are being prepared, you can prepare clean containers for harvesting and marinade. To do this, take one liter container:

Put all products for brine in cold water and put on fire. The liquid should boil for 5-7 minutes. Put the cucumbers ready for pickling in a jar and pour boiling water over them. This procedure must be done at least two times. Vegetables will warm up well, and jars of cucumbers will not need to be sterilized. Then pour the marinade into each prepared container and tightly close the lids.

Mini pickles with spicy spices

Recipes for miniature cucumbers are not much different from zucchini, squash or ordinary cucumbers. The presence of spicy spices in the marinade makes this product spicy and spicy, which allows him to be a welcome guest on any table.

Required Ingredients:

If the vegetable is freshly picked, then it does not need to be soaked in cold water. Simply rinse thoroughly. If more than a day has passed after harvesting, then the soaking procedure must be done.

In clean jars, chop the garlic and a little horseradish. Fold cucumbers tightly into a container, add all the spices. Dissolve salt, vinegar and sugar in water. Pour the contents of the jars with the resulting solution and sterilize, then roll up, wrap and remove to cool. Such a blank is stored in a cold dark place.

Cucumbers with carrots and onions

An excellent preparation for the winter can be made using other seasonal vegetables paired with cucumbers.

When the gherkins ripen, young carrots and onion heads are already tied. From these vegetables you can cook a delicious and fragrant snack.

Necessary products for assorted vegetables:

  • Fresh gherkins - 3 kg.
  • Young carrot - 0.5 kg.
  • Small onion heads - 0.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 3 heads.
  • Dill seed caps - to taste.
  • Peppercorns - 20-25 pcs.
  • Noble laurel leaf - 5 pcs.
  • Salt rock - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar essence - 1 tbsp. l.

Put young cucumbers in clean jars, shifting them with garlic, onions and carrots, pour boiling water and leave to cool the liquid. Repeat the procedure twice. For half a liter of water, add one dessert spoon of salt and all the necessary spices. Boil the solution. At the end, add one teaspoon of vinegar. Pour jars with marinade and seal. Wrap in a blanket until cold. Then take it to the basement.

Pickled Crispy Joy

Those wishing to surprise their loved ones and guests with yummy winter time year, you should definitely cook such a crispy and fragrant dish as gherkins in tomato juice. This recipe appeared recently, but has already become a favorite for many housewives.

For cooking gherkins tomato sauce you will need:

  • Mini cucumbers - 5 kg.
  • Small onion - 1 kg.
  • Garlic - to taste.
  • Cherry tree leaves -15 pcs.
  • Leaves black currant-15 pcs.
  • Raspberry leaves -15 pcs.
  • Ready tomato juice - 2 liters.
  • Salt rock - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.
  • Vinegar essence -1 tbsp. l.

Prepare all the ingredients: sort the gherkins and wash well, peel the onion and garlic. Wash and dry all leaves and herbs. Prepare marinade: tomato juice combine with salt, sugar, pepper and put to boil. The liquid should boil for 5 minutes. At the end add vinegar.

In prepared jars, put one leaf, chopped onion, garlic, dill. Then fold the cucumbers tightly. Pour the containers with hot tomato brine and sterilize for 15 minutes. Then close the blanks with lids, turn over and leave to cool.

These snacks keep well for several months.

As you can see, the preparations of gherkins are almost no different from any others. Having prepared several jars of tasty and crispy cucumbers for the winter, you can be sure that guests will not take you by surprise.

Everyone will love this appetizer. Well, with what to use it, with potatoes or with a glass, everyone decides for himself.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Many people love store-bought gherkins in jars! I propose to prepare the same and even better with my own hands! Gherkins do not linger on the table and "fly away" instantly!
Salted gherkins for the winter - we cook together.

For salting gherkins we need:
- gherkins (small cucumbers from 4 cm to 10 cm);
- spring or filtered water;
- universal seasoning for canning cucumbers and tomatoes;
- Carnation;
- dill rosettes;
- liter jars;
- vinegar;
- salt;
- sugar;
- closing key;
- coverlet;
- metal caps for twisting.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Soak the gherkins for the winter in cold water for 3-5 hours and put them in a cool place.

Drain water from cucumbers and rinse thoroughly. running water every cucumber. We cut off the "ass" from the gherkins.

Other .

Liter jars need to be sterilized. I'm in Lately sterilized in the microwave. Very convenient and takes less time. Jars with pickles are perfectly stored, do not become cloudy and do not explode.

To do this, we wash the cans with baking soda - this is reliable and verified. The main thing after soda, rinse the jar several times with cold water. Pour into a jar of water with "two fingers" and put in the microwave oven. We set the maximum power, and the time for a liter jar is 5 minutes. We take out the jar and drain the remaining water. Boil the lids in water for 2-3 minutes. We add a universal seasoning for salting to the jar, which contains almost everything you need at once: bay leaf, mustard seed, black peppercorns, garlic, carrots.

Very good condiment. We put the gherkins tightly in jars.

Rinse the dill seed sockets and place in jars. You can add cloves if you wish. We boil spring water and pour it into jars with cucumbers.

Leave jars of water for 16-20 minutes. Next, you need to drain the water from the cans into the pan. For this there is a special cover with holes. We put it on a jar and drain the water.

We are preparing a marinade for pickling gherkins for the winter: for 1 liter jar of cucumbers - add 1 tbsp to the water. l. salt and 3 tbsp. l. Sahara. Since we have two cans, we add 2 tbsp. salt and 6 tbsp. Sahara.

We wait until the marinade boils, and pour the finished marinade back into the jars. The final touch is to add 1 dessert spoon of vinegar to each jar.

We close the banks using the seaming key.

After seaming, we make sure that the can does not let air through, otherwise the can will explode. Turn the jar on its side and run your finger under the lid. Under the lid should be dry. If it is dry, then a jar of cucumbers can be safely sent under the covers until it cools completely.

Salted gherkins until winter are best stored in the cellar where vegetables are stored. Excellent for the "winter" table is ready!


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10.11.2014 / 00:54


We preserve cucumbers every year at the end of summer. We close a lot of cans. So nice to crunch them in the winter. This is a great appetizer for anyone. festive table. They go great as an independent dish, and in many salads. Our recipe is very similar to the author's recipe. Only we pour a little less vinegar. Sometimes we add cherry leaves or parsley to the usual set of spices.

26.01.2015 / 16:19

the guest

Good afternoon! Can you please tell me what kind of vinegar (percentage) do you use?