Road sign caution children print. Russian traffic signs

In the next drawing lesson, we want to teach you how to draw signs traffic step by step. We have selected some of the most common road signs and analyzed them. Traffic signs can be useful to you if you decide to draw any lesson on the topic "Road Traffic" or "Rules of the Road". So let's get started.

How to draw road signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Children", "Traffic regulation", "Exit to the embankment", "Other dangers".

All these signs are inside the triangle, from which we will begin our drawing. This triangle is equilateral - draw it. Inside the triangle there should be a triangular frame, which is painted red on all such signs. Further - depending on which sign you have chosen, we proceed to drawing the central part of this sign. In the center of the first sign "Pedestrian crossing" draw a footpath and a person walking along it. The second sign - "Children" contains in its center two running people. A traffic light is drawn on the third sign, because this sign means "Traffic Light Regulation". Sign number 4 - the car falls into the water. Well, on the last sign called "Other dangers" we draw a large exclamation mark.

How to draw a sign "No turning", "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited", "Maximum speed limit", "Danger".

All these signs are circles with mini-pictures in the middle. They are called the same as in the title from left to right. We draw a circle, and then - there are two options - either a crossed out circle inside, or just a thick circle. In the pen character, behind the crossed out line, draw an arrow in reverse side, in the second - a walking person. And in the round frames we have two more characters, by choosing which you will have to write any number in large print “20”, “30”, “40”, “50”, etc., or, in the latter version, a rounded rectangle with the inscription "Danger" in two languages.

One of the main parts of the assimilation of traffic rules by children is the study of those road signs, the knowledge of which may be useful to them in everyday life. Lots of effective ways of this study is collected on the pages of this thematic section. Here you can find publications about home-made didactic games about road signs, ready-made scenarios for relevant activities, leisure activities and GCD, abstracts of conversations, quizzes, entertainment and holidays. The meaning of each of these events is the same: consolidating and clarifying knowledge of road signs and cultivating the habit of listening to their instructions.

We will help you make the "journey to the land of road signs" fun for the kids.

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All sections | Road signs

Didactic game according to traffic rules "Informational and prescriptive road signs" (older preschool age) Target: - to replenish the amount of knowledge about the rules traffic; - to develop the ability to distinguish road signs; - expand children's vocabulary road vocabulary; develop...

Didactic game according to traffic rules "Forbidding and warning road signs" (senior preschool age) Target: to form the ability to distinguish between prohibitive and warning road signs; improve knowledge of the rules traffic; expand children's vocabulary by...

Road signs - Leisure scenario according to traffic rules "Journey to the country of road signs" in the middle group

Publication "Leisure scenario according to traffic rules" Journey to the country of road signs "in..." Leisure scenario according to traffic rules "Journey to the country of road signs" in the middle group. Author: Bashkirova Galina Viktorovna, teacher of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 36", Saransk. Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge and observance of the rules of the road by children. Tasks: - to consolidate the ability to call friends ...

MAAM Pictures Library

Scenario of entertainment according to traffic rules "Holiday of Road Signs" Scenario of entertainment according to traffic rules: "HOLIDAY OF ROAD SIGNS". Integration of educational areas: - "Cognitive development" - "Social and communicative development" - "Artistic and aesthetic development" - "Physical development" Purpose: To form children's knowledge about the rules of safe ...

Synopsis of the GCD "Our Friends Road Signs" Synopsis of GCD Topic: "Our friends Road signs". Prepared by the teacher MBDOU kindergarten No. 3 Degtyareva E.N. Educational area: socio-communicative development Type of activity: direct educational activity Age group: middle group Target:...

Entertainment for children 5-6 years old "Journey to the Land of Road Signs" Tasks: to consolidate the knowledge of children about transport, to remember the rules learned with children and teach them to apply them in accordance with a given situation, to consolidate knowledge of road signs, what they mean and their meaning in human life. Develop speech, children's memory, logical thinking, ...

Road signs

Purpose: - to consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of the road, road signs, traffic signals; - educate a sense of responsibility and careful behavior on the streets. A dunno enters the group and sings a song: I'm going by car Wherever I want. And the steering wheel in my car I turn, where...

Abstract of an open lesson in the senior group on traffic rules "Journey to the country of road signs" Journey to the Land of Road Signs Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about road signs. Tasks: To give children an idea about the new road sign and its meaning. To consolidate children's ideas about road signs they already know. Teach children to be responsible for their own safety...

Didactic game on traffic rules for older preschoolers "Road signs"

Netkacheva Elena Sergeevna, educator, MBDOU Kindergarten No. 34 "Bell", Mozdok, North Ossetia-Alania.
Description: given didactic game will be useful to educators, parents for studying and fixing road signs.
Age: The playbook is made for preschool children.
Goal and tasks: Teach and reinforce knowledge of road signs in children. Develop attention, thinking, memory.
Material: The game consists of cards and elements of road signs. Each card has a road sign with its silhouette below the sign.
Game progress:
The game can be played by one, two or more people. The leader conducts the game. The facilitator talks about the meaning of each sign, or invites the children to remember and talk about them. Shows, explains their shape, color, name, purpose.
After explaining all the signs, the leader distributes the cards.
Then the presenter shows an element of the road sign and asks: "Which sign has the same element?", "What is the name of this sign?".
If the answer is correct, the element becomes on the game card. The game is considered over if all the participants in the game have their cards filled.

In order to make it easier for the players during the game process, cards with signs can be cut.

During the game, you can use the material of Olesya Emelyanova "Poems about road signs." This will bring more interest to the game.

No entry sign:
The sign of the drivers is intimidating,
No cars allowed!
Don't try rashly
Drive past the brick!

No overtaking sign:
Overtaking sign
In this place, it's immediately clear
Overtaking others is dangerous!

Sign "Pedestrian crossing":
There's a ground crossing here
People walk all day long.
You, the driver, do not be sad,
Pass the pedestrian!

Sign "Movement without stopping is prohibited":
You, driver, take your time
You see the sign, stop!
Before we continue on our way,
Don't forget to take a look.

Sign "Movement of pedestrians is prohibited":
Rain and clear weather
There are no pedestrians here.
One sign tells them:
"You're not allowed to go!"

Sign "Underground pedestrian crossing":
Every pedestrian knows
About this underground passage.
He does not decorate the city,
But the cars do not interfere!

Bus stop sign
trolleybus, tram and taxi":

In this place the pedestrian
The transport is waiting patiently.
He was tired of walking
Wants to be a passenger.

Sign "Sound signal is prohibited":
Hey driver, don't hoot
Don't wake the sleepers with noise.
Do not frighten passers-by with a whistle,
After all, you yourself will go deaf too.

Sign "Point of First Aid":
If someone breaks a leg,
Doctors are always here to help.
First aid will be provided
Where to be treated further, they will say.

Traffic lights:
Everyone should know the driver
What is the most important of all traffic lights:
If he looks with a red eye,
Stop immediately.
If a yellow eye flares up,
Wait, he will change now.
And the green eye will ignite -
Feel free to move forward!

Road signs perform the function of ensuring road safety and are standardized graphic images. Road signs are installed along the edges of the carriageway. They are designed to inform drivers as well as pedestrians necessary information relevant for a particular section of traffic.

Road signs in different countries often differ significantly from each other, despite the fact that in most countries they general principles match. There are two main systems of road signs: Anglo-Saxon and European. In our country, as well as in European and many other countries, the signs and signals used are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Vienna Convention.

Road signs used on the roads of Russia are established by the SDA. The latest changes regarding road signs and symbols have been made to this document since 2006. 24 new signs appeared in the Rules, as well as 18 varieties of signs that already existed before.

There are the following groups:

  • 1.Warning signs.
  • 2. Signs of priority.
  • 3. Prohibiting (limiting) signs.
  • 4. Mandatory signs.
  • 5. Signs of special regulations.
  • 6. Information signs.
  • 7. Service marks.
  • 8. Signs of additional information.

Every driver is obliged to know what road signs mean. But if you rarely see any signs while driving, they begin to be forgotten. Therefore, it is best to have a table of road signs at hand, as well as periodically repeat the information contained in it.

Warning traffic signs pictures with explanations

They perform the function of informing drivers that there is a dangerous road ahead, and when driving on it, it is necessary to take appropriate safety measures. Basically, these signs are made in the form of white triangles, the top of which is directed upwards, and the sides have a red border.

Road traffic priority signs pictures with explanations

These images establish the order in which vehicles must pass intersections (intersections, narrow road sections). These signs are characterized special form that distinguishes them from all others.

Prohibition traffic signs pictures with explanations

These images introduce (or, conversely, cancel) traffic restrictions. Most of them are made in the form of a white circle, which is framed by a red border.

Mandatory traffic signs pictures with explanations.

Installed near the place where this or that prescription is valid. If necessary, they can be repeated.

5. Signs of special traffic regulations pictures with explanations

They introduce (cancel) certain modes in which the movement should be carried out.

6. Information traffic signs pictures with explanations

They are installed in order to warn road users about the location of certain important objects (primarily settlements). In addition, they indicate in what mode the movement should be carried out on this section of the road.

7. Road traffic service signs pictures with explanations

These images indicate the presence of service facilities along the route (gas station, camping, etc.)

8. Signs of additional information (plates)

They are made in the form of plates, installed together with other signs and perform the function of clarification or limitation.

All parents want to protect their little ones from danger, and one of the most dangerous places for modern man is the road. Therefore, the ability to navigate in an area of ​​active traffic is one of the most important skills not only for drivers, but also for children. Of course, a child cannot learn all the rules of the road, but this is not necessary for him. Traffic signs for children with pictures will help them remember the main things and better understand what is happening on the road.

You need to teach children the simplest rules of the road from the moment they start crossing the road holding your hand. Draw the baby's attention to the "zebra" and the traffic light, say that only where there is a road crossing markings can you cross the road.

When you go on a trip by bus, explain to him what a stop is and how to behave on it. Just as gradually, he must learn the most important rules of the road, their effect and application in practice. At first, just point to the road signs you meet along the way and explain what they mean. And then little by little and teach the child the basic necessary traffic rules, looking at pictures with explanations. You can do this using poems, pictures, coloring pages, cards for the game.

It is hardly possible to learn all road signs with children. It is easier to draw the attention of children to their classification by type, because there are only eight groups and they are decorated in the same style and the same colors. Coloring books will help to pay attention to their color. When a child knows, for example, that all warning signs are triangular and prohibitory signs are round, it will be easier for him to guess what he means.

According to the traffic rules, which came into force in February 2016, depending on the tasks to be solved and the general meaning, the whole variety of signs is divided into 8 groups. Some of them are quite close, and it is more important for the driver to know them than for the child. Therefore, we will consider six main types of road signs - warning, priority, service, prohibiting, allowing, information.

Consider warning signs. According to the traffic rules, which is valid in 2016, their task is to warn the driver about dangerous places on this section of the road. The traffic rules clearly stipulate that they are all made in the form of a red triangle with a white background. Against this background, a symbol is drawn indicating the danger awaiting the driver or pedestrian. The sign warns of danger in advance so that the road user has time to take action.

For example, if in a warning triangle we see the figure of a child or an animal, then there is a forest or a school ahead, from where playing children or can run out onto the road. Therefore, the driver must slow down in advance. If a figure with a shovel is depicted in the triangle of the warning sign, it means that there are repair work. And if the markings are with a pedestrian, then there is a crossing ahead. Knowing about this will not hurt the child either.

Children are interested in looking at pictures with signs, trying to guess what they mean. If he takes coloring pages with warning signs, then it is enough for him to take 3 pencils - red, blue and black.

Priority signs

According to the traffic rules, which are valid in 2016, they are different forms- and triangles, and rhombuses, and circles. Their application is addressed to drivers. Therefore, it is best for children to memorize priority signs during the game, when they play the role of drivers.

The map of the roads along which they suggest the path will help to better understand the operation of these symbols and their application in practice. So, through action, they are more likely to remember and understand that the yellow diamond indicates the main road, and the symbols in the red triangle that look like a wide trunk with thin branches show the driver that here the main road meets a secondary one.

To color a picture with the image of all the symbols of this group, yellow will be added to the 3 named colors.

Priority signs SDA 2016 Road signs


For children, it is more important to know the prohibitory road signs. As their name implies, they warn road users about the ban on any action. All are designed the same. According to the traffic rules, which are valid in 2016, they are in the shape of a circle, almost all with a red border.

Prohibition signs are also primarily addressed to drivers, but there are also those whose use is important for all road users, or only pedestrians. Let's consider the most common ones.

  • "No entry"

It is the most striking and therefore easier to remember. It looks like a red circle with a white rectangle in the center. Warns drivers that entry here is prohibited for any car. "Stop, stop!" the sign says.

  • "Movement Prohibition"

This is also indicated by the red circle with an empty white background. The action of this sign determines the prohibition of movement of any vehicles in this place.

  • When a particular type of transport is drawn in a red circle on a white background, it means that the ban applies only to it. Boys will be especially interested in coloring pages with these symbols. Here, children need to remember the sign "Movement on bicycles is prohibited." A bicycle, placed on a white field in a red border, warns of the ban on riding mopeds and bicycles here. Here is a stop for cyclists. Then he will have to walk. As you can see, traffic rules are also used for children. After all, they are sometimes drivers of a vehicle, albeit a two-wheeled one.
  • The sign required for the education of children is "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited." A pedestrian figurine crossed out with a red stripe warns that pedestrians, wheelchairs or bicycles are not allowed to walk here.

Road signs for kids! Prohibition signs!

prescriptive or permissive

If there are prohibition signs, then there are also permission signs that show road users that, according to the traffic rules, some action is allowed here or even desirable. According to the traffic rules, which are in force in 2016, prescriptive or permissive signs, as well as prohibitory ones, are mostly round, but their color is blue. The red bar indicates that the permission is ending here. Coloring books will help to consolidate this knowledge.

It is important for children to know the following prescriptive signs

  1. "Footpath". The white man in the blue circle speaks of the beginning of the path, which is only walked on foot. This does not mean that they play here or ride scooters, roller skates or sleds. Here the child must follow the rules for pedestrians: do not push, go to the right, do not interfere with anyone. Poems will help to learn the rules of behavior on the sidewalk and the road.
  2. "Bicycle lane". You will recognize him by the drawing of a white bicycle in a blue circle. It means that cars cannot enter this path, and people can walk along it when there is no sidewalk nearby.
  3. "Pedestrian and bicycle path with traffic separation." This prescriptive sign is placed on a path where there is a horizontal marking or other constructive separation of areas intended for the separate movement of cyclists and pedestrians.


The next group of signs is informational. According to the SDA, which came into force in 2016, they provide additional useful information. They are rectangular or square. When the kid takes the coloring pages with pictures of these signs, he learns that they are mostly solved in blue and white colors, green or yellow are occasionally used. Among them, it is important for children to remember the symbols indicating how and where they cross the road. It is useful to learn verses about this with children so that they better remember the rules.

  1. "Crosswalk". It is very easy to recognize him. A white triangle is placed on the blue square, inside of which there is a crossing marking and a pedestrian walking along it. This is how a child needs to act - to cross the road where there is a marking.
  2. Draw your child's attention to the fact that it looks like another "Crosswalk" warning sign. It has the same symbol, but placed in a red triangle on a white background. It is intended for drivers so that they slow down in advance and know that there are zebra markings ahead. Why is it important to bring this to the attention of children? Because the information sign is where the transition markings are. A warning at a distance from the transition. There is no markup, you can not go.
  3. "Elevated Pedestrian Crossing" and "Underground Pedestrian Crossing". They are outwardly similar. On the blue square is a white staircase with a little man walking along it. Only at the overpass the little man steps up, and at the underpass - down. They are placed before the corresponding transition. Children need to remember that in places where there is no special marking, it is impossible to cross the road.

It is also useful for the children to remember the signs indicating that there is a public transport stop here. They look the same. A white square is placed in the blue rectangle, on which the corresponding mode of transport is drawn.

  • Bus and (or) trolley bus stop I saw a bus symbol in a white square. So it's next to a stop.
  • Location of the tram stop Remind the children that the tram stop may be on the road and needs special attention.
  • Parking place for passenger taxis The taxi stop is not so important for a child, but it is easy to remember it.

Hopefully, children will not need to use the knowledge of the Emergency Exit and Direction to Emergency Exit symbols to indicate the direction, distance, or location of an emergency exit in a tunnel. But still, it doesn’t hurt to know what a white man running towards a white rectangle on a green background means.

It will be interesting for children to learn about the existence of signs that tell the name of the street or river that they see on a walk, how far it is to another city, and in what direction it is if you go along this road. He will find the application of this knowledge already at school.

Service marks

The traffic rules in force in 2016 define another type - service signs. They look the same as the information ones. This is natural, because they solve the same problem - they inform about services that are useful to people. Seeing them, everyone will understand that there is a hospital, a hotel, a telephone or a canteen nearby. It is also important for the child to know about these signs. If he gets lost, he can find any service department where they can help him.

Sign coloring pages

That's how many signs a baby needs to know. Giving explanations to him in words and showing the signs themselves is not enough for a strong memorization. Poems, pictures, games about traffic rules will help. Coloring pages, poems are easy to find and print. You will find a use for them both at home and in the classroom. kindergarten or school. But it is known that the best thing to remember is what a person does himself. Of course, a child cannot make a road sign, but he is quite capable of coloring it. That is, through the action of coloring, he will remember their features and color meaning.

You can download from the Internet and print coloring pages with explanations of the meaning of road signs. After the colorings have found color under the hands of a young artist, they can be used as cards for the game.