This is the only thing that men want more than carnal pleasures. But they never talk about it! How to excite a man with words: let's work with the tongue What to say to a man during


“It” just happened. Partners, satisfied, lean back on the pillows, and there is an awkward pause - what to do next? How to behave, what to talk about and whether to talk at all?

From biology, we know that after sex, the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for sleep and relaxation, is released into the human blood. The reaction to serotonin in women and men is different - the former are overwhelmed with emotions, the latter are tired, they write "Women's Passions".

When a woman relieves the accumulated tension (by the way, not only after sex), she feels the need to share emotions, personal experiences, tenderness and love. To a man who has just undergone considerable physical activity needed to restore the lost strength.

Most simple ways exercise is to eat and sleep. Scientists believe that men also have a need for communication after sex. Unfortunately, sleep cannot replace it.

Let's turn to the Kama Sutra. An ancient Indian text says that after making love, a woman should become her man's "mother and take care of him." Men, on the other hand, need to be attentive to what a woman says. On one of the nights, a woman should let her husband sleep blissfully, and on another, a man should overcome himself and chat. This will improve the relationship and intimacy will always be desired.

How to start communication?

It will be easier to communicate if you exchange words during sex. Of course, in a fit of passion there is no time for talking, but there are ways to express your emotions by growling, rumbling, moaning, gentle or rude words (as you like). Don't skimp on compliments. As soon as everything is over, you should hug your partner and start a conversation.

What to talk about?

Women always want to hear the words that everything was perfect. They need sincere compliments, which they heard before love games. It is important for them to feel that they also like you, that nothing has changed for the worse after sex. This is directly related to women's self-esteem and confidence in their attractiveness.

For the realization of sexual desire, men need more strength and energy than women, since they are more active during lovemaking. To recover faster after sex, they need food and sleep.

Communication is also equally important for a man. They have emotions and complexes, which they like to hide due to natural features. In fact, it is important for a man to know that he has no equal in bed, this gives him confidence, provides an excellent mood and a burst of energy.

Any dialogue in bed is individual. If your man is a cynic, you should not arrange romantic confessions for him, talk about how long you have been waiting for him and this night, ask when he will finally marry you. No need to decorate the bed with flower petals, arrange scented candles everywhere, light aroma sticks - such “romanticism” seems “childish” to cynics.

In the bed of a cynic, it makes no sense to ask to be gentler or rougher with you. It is better to firmly indicate which way you like best and ask you not to deviate from the course. After sex, a cynic can talk, some people love it very much. To communicate was mutually enjoyable, watch your emotions, speak clearly and to the point. From excessive romanticism: “So you want to give birth to a baby who looks like an angel,” cynics are ready to hang themselves.

If your man is a romantic, after sex with him, you can talk about everything - about the feelings that overwhelm you, about how long you have been looking for him in a crowd of other people, peering intently and waiting for your heart to beat in a special way.

What to talk about after sex

It is necessary to say how quivering and sensual he is in bed, how caring and attentive. You can mention that you are destined for him from above and it was fate itself that brought you together. Romantic men love it when a woman confidingly puts her head on his shoulder and has touching conversations.

With a romantic man, there will be no problems in choosing a topic for conversation, they like to throw up topics themselves. In no case should you talk about the romance of your past relationships with men, mention their quantity and quality, talk about everyday problems, for example, how house prices have risen, Kindergarten etc.

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If your man is notorious or has little sexual experience, but despite this you are ready to continue the relationship, you should not focus on his mistakes, inability and failures. Even if he accidentally knocked you in the ribs with his knee ...

During sex, be calm, say little, use affirmative phrases: “yes, dear”, “everything is right, dear”. You need to talk with such a man after sex: in this way, you can remove some of the complexes from him.

If a man is an inveterate bachelor and does not want to get rid of this status, try to avoid the words “pregnancy”, “I want a child from you”, “family is great”, “love to the grave”, “close relationships are responsibility”, etc. .d. If you want to give such a man a compliment, avoid the word "mine", as they may perceive this as an infringement on personal freedom.

What can and cannot be talked about with a man after sex?

If you've met recently:

  • Don't talk about past relationships. Many men after sex like to start conversations: “Did you have someone before me?”, “Did you have many boyfriends?”. It is not necessary to openly answer such questions immediately after meeting. Naturally, they want to hear something like, “There was no one, you are the only one, and I have been waiting for you all my life.” You can answer evasively or move the conversation to another topic.
  • do not interrogate. If you, for your part, shy away from talking about your past lovers, it's only fair not to ask a man about his past relationships. At a minimum, it will be unpleasant for him, and at the maximum, he will think: “If she behaves like this, what will happen when we get married? She will deprive me of my precious freedom!”. Pretend to be sure that you are the only one, and the past does not exist.
  • don't ask for anything right after sex. In no case should you touch on issues of marriage, buying a fur coat, repairing a computer and other issues where you ask him to take part. Regardless of the form in which you presented it, such words will be inappropriate. A pleasant rest for a man will immediately turn into a coercion: “And now the hour of reckoning has come.” If you want to hint about marriage and further relationships, you can say an elegant phrase: “I don’t want to part with you. I want to wake up next to you." If he responds with something like that, then there is something to strive for.
  • if immediately after sex he is going home, you should not insult, throw tantrums and pour crocodile tears. This will harm the development of your relationship. Express your hope that you will see each other soon. Tell him that you will be glad to see him at a party and you will look forward to it. Your unobtrusive confidence will create a slight joyful feeling in him.

Preferred topics for conversation

  • praise, compliments increase self-esteem, improve relationships in a couple;
  • pleasant revelations help to believe in the reciprocity of love, to feel needed. For example, to questions like “How do you feel about me?”, “Did you feel good?” honest and detailed answers should be given. Leave the criticism for later;
  • other pleasant general topics are sports, travel, hobbies, etc. Questions, answers, reasoning, memories;
  • general jokes, anecdotes, funny stories. If the union exists long time, the couple may have favorite phrases, jokes that they like to exchange after sex. And this is logical. After all, laughter energizes and strengthens relationships in a couple.

Unwanted topics of conversation

  • a reminder of old mistakes, situations for which one of the spouses was very ashamed, he asked for forgiveness and was forgiven;
  • impartial reviews about the partner's friends;
  • mention of the partner's past relationships, as well as the mention of his children from past marriages;
  • belittling the importance of what is dear to your partner - hobbies, hobbies, work, etc.;
  • if you are angry with your partner for something, in no case should you say that he is weak in bed;
  • reminder of problems at work. It is especially worth excluding the phrase: “Everyone rides on you” from your vocabulary;
  • requests immediately after sex: “Buy me a fur coat”, “Divorce your wife”, etc. It will immediately come to a man’s mind that you are insincerely treating him;
  • discussing serious problems immediately after sex.

In other words, you should avoid discussing any problematic issues and complaints about life. They quickly destroy that feeling of euphoria that is usually present after sex.

Many women around only declare: All men only want sex! He's not interested in me at all." - “I only need him to satisfy! Animal!" - “Men are so primitive that they are not interested in anything in a woman but sex!”. Or maybe just the fair sex do not want to see anything else?

You may be surprised, but there is something what men want even more than sex (with the exception of the age of 15-19 years). Only their severity and pride does not allow to say about it. Today's editorial "So simple!" dispel main stereotype about men.

What to say to a man

Men absolutely do not want to offend women. Yes, they have a much stronger attraction to the opposite sex, but such is nature. But as has long been known, sex is only 50% of a happy relationship. After all, women want men to understand them, but for some reason they themselves do not want to look beyond the stereotype. And the males are so offended that, perhaps, women will never know the whole truth.

In fact, a man needs tenderness and a sense of peace. He wants to have a completely different personal world with a woman. A light touch of a beloved woman can not only improve your mood, but also relieve melancholy and motivate you to new achievements. But a man is afraid to ask about it, because it is, at first glance, so obvious. And yes, they are afraid to seem weak and soft in the eyes of their beloved.

A man must feel love. We are sure that every man wants to feel it. It's simple - female acceptance and approval. As you know, it is the woman who sets the emotion in the relationship. The second most important place after touch is occupied by words. They can give a man self-confidence that will soon change the world around you.

Men want to be interested. You don’t need to be smart about anything, just ask about how the day went, what was interesting, how this or that circumstance influenced it. But there is one nuance here: you should not arrange a real interrogation about a man’s work affairs, especially if he is an influential person or works in “interesting” services. There are things that a woman should not go into too much, especially if she likes to gossip with her friends.

Men also want to be appreciated for their efforts. Note verbally. Because he can't know what you thought. He is not you. So you need to express your thoughts and admiration. That's about what a man wants to hear.

  1. "I'm glad you brought us here, thank you".
  2. “You are such a good guy! You work so hard and try for our family.”.
  3. So that she touches my shoulder and whispers: “You are such a good father and husband. I love you for it".
  4. When I offered her my vacation option, she took my hand and said: "Damn it, I adore you!"
  5. When I come home from work, she meets me at the doorstep and says: "Hey! I'm so glad to see you". Ideally, if she does it with a smile, and if she also wears beautiful lingerie...
  6. So that when I feel bad, she just hugged me and said: "Everything will be fine". No extra words or questions.
  7. So that after intimacy she does not start immediately about everyday life, but says: "Wow! Well, you're still the beast!

Warm up a man before sex - tell him a compliment. © Shutterstock

If they tell you that men don't like compliments, don't believe it. A good sex compliment to a man during or after sex is the key to passionate and lasting sex. Because compliments inspire confidence, and in fact it is necessary for a man to be a good lover.

Even the most experienced Don Juan in the depths of his soul is worried that he may not please his partner in some way. That is why a sexual and erotic compliment will help a man open up in bed and be at his best.

4 rules for a good sex compliment to a man

1. Do not go too far, do not invent too much. The compliment should be simple but sincere. For example, you can simply say: "Today was somehow especially good." And the beloved will soar with happiness.

2. Do not compliment a man too often, otherwise he will suspect that you are simply flattering him. For example, the compliment "You are simply incomparable!" speak for really special "accomplishments" on the love front.

3. Do not overpraise! A very large number of compliments, any, even sexual or erotic, can simply cease to be perceived.

4. Give sex compliments to a man without sarcasm and irony, do not say ambiguous compliments. For example, the phrase "you have such an amazing kissing style" will make a man wonder what he is doing wrong.

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Before sex, praise his appearance

You look just gorgeous today!
- In these jeans you are a real macho!
Did you notice the way that girl looked at you?!
- Your scent intoxicates me!
- In a suit you are especially sexy!

For guys, looks are just as important as for girls. It's just that they often hide it, so a good sex compliment is a praise of appearance and image.

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Praise him during sex

I love the way you kiss!
Your hands are driving me crazy!
- You my hero!
- I love your cock!
- How big is he!
- I love it when you are in me!

If you want to give the best sex compliment to a man, praise his cock. After all, every man, at least a little, but worries about this.

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Give a passionate compliment after sex

You are the most gentle in the world!
- You were just great!
- I have never had such an orgasm!
- I felt something special!

Your sex compliments to a man will make him feel like a better sexual partner, an almost perfect lover. And just sex compliments can make a real Casanova out of an ordinary mediocre lover.

So go ahead, hone your skill in giving compliments. And do not skimp on gentle words and sighs during sex. Believe me, sex compliments to a man will create a real miracle from everyday intimacy.

Giving advice on how to love is, of course, stupid, To love right is just to love. But still I want to pay attention to the subtleties of the relationship between women and men.

Love brings great joy to the lives of each of us, but often our inner fears and unresolved problems turn the joy of love into suffering and everyday quarrels, into showdowns and mutual reproaches.

If it were possible to follow all the advice in relations between men and women and it would be easy, there would probably be much more happy couples and people.

No advice will bring peace and harmony if these tips do not come from your depths.

If in your unconscious you do not respect a man and in your inner world he is already devalued, then no matter how hard you try to follow the advice and be RIGHT woman, there will be no result.

I think a great benefit in such advice is to know them and better understand your own weak spots, think about your inner feminine state, about your deep perception of men.

First of all, you need to understand that in relationships, external behavior is not so important as the internal state of each.

The man, oddly enough, loves first of all his condition next to a woman, depending on how he feels, will be his desire to be with her.

If he feels like a MAN next to a woman, then he will try to do everything possible for her.

A woman should also feel like a WOMAN next to a man, then she will see a MAN in him, but the main responsibility for the female condition lies with the woman. No one will take care of you more than you take care of yourself. Alas, it is.

Love is the first thing to do

take care of your inner state

, well-being and mood. Therefore, at the beginning about us, about women, and only then about our


What and how they love and how to love them correctly.

How do you actually take care of your inner state?

1. Do not turn your relationship with a man into only duties for yourself., do not deprive your relationship of life and joy.

If you work at 2-3 jobs, when you come home the whole house lies on you, then what kind of joy in a relationship can we talk about?

You should not be exhausted, tired, lack of sleep - all this leads to your energy exhaustion, lack of strength and loss of mood, which in turn affects all loved ones and, first of all, on.

2. Taking care of yourself and your condition includes the ability to hear yourself and your desires, very often, in the desire to help and please others, you forget about yourself.

It doesn’t matter if caring for others really brings you joy and you are recharged, then for God’s sake…

And if on the contrary, it exhausts you? So think

how to take care of yourself first


It can be right to distribute responsibilities between your family, learn to say NO, feel the boundaries of your personal space and generally have it, both in reality and internally.

3. To love correctly is

do not impose your love, do not choke a man with love

and do not demand love and attention from him.

A woman should take care of her inner world so that harmony and peace reign there.

If you are overcome by fears of being abandoned, of becoming unnecessary, it scares you


And you don't see the joy in life without

Whether you like it or not, you will ruin your relationship and your life.

To love correctly is not to lose yourself in a relationship, not to try to merge with a man into one whole, depriving yourself and his personal space.

You should have your own interesting life without a man. Do not leave your hobbies, do not stop communicating with friends and relatives, do not get hung up on a man as the most important, and most importantly, the ONLY interesting object for you.

Know how to dissolve in a man and lose yourself, forgetting about everything, and most importantly, do not forget to return to yourself again.

4. To take care of your condition is to be able to enjoy the process. When you cook, try to cook not for the result, anyhow there is something to eat, but try to cook in a way that you will enjoy during the cooking process.

Learn to enjoy everything you do. Take 15-20 minutes every morning to be alone with yourself, with a cup of your favorite tea or coffee, tune in to a pleasant wave of a new day.

It's right to loveIt's about being able to communicate properly.

It is difficult to do this when emotions take over you, you are upset and offended, therefore it is important to keep your inner world in order, deal with your grievances, the pain of the past. Get rid of all negative attitudes that interfere with life, then a wave of rage and anger will not overwhelm you, and you will be able to control yourself in a conversation and choose the right words.

When you are in pain, you save yourself from your pain by hurting a man, thereby burning bridges to further understanding of each other.

You need to be able to communicate with a man “I am messages”, talk about your feelings - “I am angry”, “I am angry”, “I am offended”, “I feel you do not need me.”

Then be sure to voice the reason why you feel all this, and then offer a solution that would suit you.

This is how you will maintain a man’s state in a man, because “You messages” in which you accuse him always have a very negative effect on a man and as a result you get nothing, only more pain and resentment.

You need to be able to calmly and correctly defend your position and desires.

6. It is important to pay attention to your facial expressions and intonations when you are talking to a man. Without noticing it yourself, you can send signals to a man about your true attitude towards him, which is hidden deep inside you and often you yourself may not even know about your true attitude.

Attitude towards a man is formed not with a specific man with whom you live or meet, but from those attitudes that you have absorbed from your mother, from those relationships that you had in your family, from your mother's attitude to your father and men in general.

7. To love correctly is to be able to be open and talk about your feelings., experiences, desires directly, without hints. Men do not understand women's ornate conversations.

A self-confident woman will not hint, she will speak directly about her desires.

Very often women because of complexes and insecurity

they don't know how to ask

And they don't know how to accept.

For some reason, it seems to them that a man should guess everything himself, sometimes, forgetting simple things, ask to be heard. You need to be able to voice your requests and desires directly without hints.

You need to ask sincerely and at the same time always leave a place in your soul for refusal, but there is no doubt that the request may remain unfulfilled ... And you definitely need to have patience, each man has his own speed of perception, someone needs several days to fulfill your request and desire, someone a few months. They asked and forgot ... if this is very important, then write lists to him and attach them in a conspicuous place, periodically reminding him.

A self-confident woman will rarely think about rejecting her, and if she does, she will not be very upset, at least she will not connect it with the fact that she is not loved.

When a woman sincerely asks a man, he feels his need and need for her. This maintains his state of being a MAN.

8. Right to love is

be grateful

, to be able to sincerely thank and rejoice in what a man does, it is important to be able to see the good in his actions, and not focus on the shortcomings.

Living next to a man, we begin to treat him as our property, completely forgetting that he is a separate person. We begin to take everything coming from him for granted, as if all this should be, sometimes, not considering it necessary to say from the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU. Not an ordinary phrase, but a sincere thank you.

Receiving a little from unfamiliar people, we begin to warmly thank them, but we rarely indulge our man with our gratitude.

9. To love correctly is not to endure quarrels in public telling mom and girlfriends about what a monster he is.

First, you expose yourself not to best light You chose him and live with him.

And secondly, you undermine his authority and turn your loved ones against him, thereby cutting the branch on which you are sitting. In difficult times, when relationships are cracking, it is unlikely that after your stories, one of your loved ones will help you save them.

You will be able to hear only one piece of advice - why do you need it so much that it will not add your respect to him at all.

10. To love correctly is to know what language of love your man speaks, what is important for him - your hugs or a deliciously cooked dinner, a clean apartment or your praise, a little surprise.

You can clean the apartment carefully, and he will feel unnecessary and unloved, because you did not fry the delicious meatballs that his mother cooked for him.

Or vice versa, you cook him a dinner from overseas dishes, and he will pay attention to the scattered things in the house.

You don’t need to try to be perfect in everything, it’s enough just to understand when your man feels your love and care for himself.

11. To love correctly is also to respect a man, and respect has nothing to do with intimacy. Intimacy creates attraction to each other for no reason or reason, intimacy can also arise simply after a good relationship with you. good man, but this does not guarantee you respect for him.

Respect is always based on real achievements, not necessarily material, but also spiritual qualities that require no less work than material ones.

Any person has qualities, achievements for which he can be respected, it all depends on whether you see them or not.

To respect a man is to respect the boundaries of his personal space, his desires.

Men are very sensitive to any pressure, they immediately begin to show stubbornness.

A loving woman will not put pressure on a man, she will be able to express her desires in a respectful way, giving the man a choice.

12. To love a man correctly is to believe in him. Do not doubt him and his abilities. To believe is to see the potential, and if you don’t see and don’t believe in his abilities, don’t take YOUR things, leave it for another woman who will see in him what you didn’t see and not because you are bad or couldn’t see, you just have a different point of view.

Why is it so important for a woman

take care of yourself first

Because a man is very sensitive to a woman's mood, although he does not show it.

Everything that a man does, he does it only for the sake of a woman, family, children, and it is very important for him to see a woman contented and happy.

If a woman is irritated and tired, then a man receives information for himself: “I'm BAD”, “I can't make her happy”, “She feels bad with me”, and who likes to feel forever bad.

Sometimes a woman specifically demonstrates her displeasure, wanting a man to think about it and start changing his behavior or attitude, but the woman does not realize that her dissatisfaction with him and reproaches have the opposite effect, the man closes.

Now you understand how important it is to take care of not only your appearance, but also your inner world. Being in harmony with yourself, you will create harmony around yourself.

A conversation between a woman and a man... What could be more natural than this process? We were born in order to find happiness with our soulmate, to create a strong and friendly family. In the process of relentless search for a betrothed young lady, they use the entire military arsenal, among which the main weapon is communication. It is with extraordinary thoughts and knowledge that the fair sex can interest the chosen one and win his heart forever.

Basic rules for a first date

We start with it, because people who see each other for the first time often have nothing to say. They are shy, lost, afraid to seem boring and cannot find common topics. To prevent this from happening to you, the most important thing with a stranger is sincerity. Remember children: how easily they find common ground with complete strangers. The whole secret is in their spontaneity, openness and honesty. If you manage to cultivate these qualities of character in yourself, the interlocutor will immediately fall for the bait.

The first conversation with a man should take place in a quiet place where no one will disturb you. Loud music and a crowd of bustling passers-by should not distract you and your gentleman from an important sacrament - acquaintance, verbal knowledge of each other. Speak in a pleasant voice, slowly, use the game of facial expressions, smile - these simple tricks bribe men. But inappropriate laughter and even hysterical laughter, a lot of questions and an absent look, on the contrary, can play a cruel joke on a lady who aims to please her chosen one and interest him through conversation.

Topics for communication

If you do not know what to say to a man at the first meeting, let him choose the subject of conversation. By answering clearly posed questions, you, without noticing it, join the conversation, become an active participant in it. The most harmless and popular topics are entertainment and leisure. Ask the chosen one about how he spends his free time, what kind of sport he does, where he relaxes in the summer. Discussing pleasant moments in life is always easy and fun, especially if you discover a lot in common during the conversation.

Music, literature, favorite films - another vast layer for communication, the labyrinths of which you can wander almost forever. Even if you suddenly categorically disagree in tastes, do not dispute your innocence. Delicately tell your opponent that you have your own point of view, although, of course, you can be wrong, so you will be happy to listen to his opinion. The representatives of the stronger sex love girls going to the category of women for them that golden mean between the hated self-confident ladies and submissive soft-bodied young ladies.

The Right Questions

Don't be afraid to ask them. The main thing is to do it right - with feeling, sense, arrangement. Do not overwhelm the interlocutor with a whole bunch of questions - this is not an interrogation, but a date. Pause and talk about yourself in between. Just do not share your plans for a house by the sea and three children - from such pressure, the gentleman immediately self-destructs and is unlikely to call you again. Everything has its time. The first date does not tolerate questions about the past and thoughts about the future, especially if they relate to personal life.

Focus on the present. Don't know what to talk about? Then ask where the gentleman works, what his duties are, whether he likes his chosen profession. Why did he decide to become a doctor (teacher, fireman, postman), did he dream about it since childhood, or did someone inspire him to take this path? You can also ask how the day of the gentleman usually goes, what events his schedule is filled with. Even if some financial points are very curious, for example, the amount of income, the presence of housing or a car, it is better to omit this for now. Be patient.

When the relationship has already started

Let's say you've been together for several years. All issues related to art, work, recreation and other things have been discussed more than a dozen times. You even know his mom's favorite dish, and how he affectionately names his pet. How to be further? What to say to a man if he is actually an open book for you? In such a situation, it is important to maintain those warm feelings that have already arisen between you. First, compliment your partner. Do not forget to remind him how courageous, handsome, fit, smart he is. Make it clear that you are in seventh heaven with happiness that you have met such a prince. Talk about the merits of the chosen one can be inexhaustible.

A little about love

Some young ladies make a lot of mistakes when it comes to open confession. Some scream about eternal love already on the first dates, while others, on the contrary, keep their mouths shut until the very wedding. The main thing here is to correctly determine the moment when the disclosure of feelings will be most appropriate. If the relationship is already as close as possible, you are familiar with all his relatives and feel reciprocal tenderness and affection - make up your mind. Do not worry if the chosen one did not do this first. Guys in love affairs often turn out to be real cowards and are very afraid of getting into an absurd position.

Therefore, the first step is often for the ladies. They can say about love to a man in three ways.

  1. Looking into your eyes. Wait for the first romantic opportunity and, holding your loved one by the hand, without looking away, say: “I love you. You are the most precious thing in my life." No grandiloquent book phrases that sound unnatural.
  2. By phone. A beautiful message with the right words will greatly simplify your task.
  3. With the help of a letter. The most romantic way Rustling paper, curlicues of handwriting and a lip print at the end... Romance.

If your confession is not reciprocated, do not be discouraged. Show restraint, affection and care you will achieve reciprocal recognition.

Communication in marriage

Gradually, we understand that we have nothing to talk about with a person. All topics seem hackneyed and revolve around the upbringing of offspring and the income and expenditure item of the family budget. This is a normal process: having passed numerous trials in the form of undershirts, focusing on the issues of "eating and dressing", people gradually lose their spiritual intimacy - it is replaced by material ones. Discussing the financial side is important. But it is even more important not to forget those moments that made you happy.

What to say to a man if he has been like your husband for ten years? Throw away economic topics and just remember those wonderful times when you just met. With a smile, describe your feelings and sensations of that rainbow period. In addition, in order to have common interests, you need to share the interests of a partner. Watch football with him, go fishing, sign up for the same gym that your spouse attends. He, in turn, let him accept Active participation in your life. Then common topics will appear, and it will be possible to discuss all the events experienced together during the day.

Specificity and lack of emotion

Perhaps these two qualities will make you an ideal companion. If you don't know what to talk about, it's better to be silent. Talk in the style of "what I see is what I sing" with your friends. Only women can talk for hours about nothing. Representatives of the stronger sex like to initially stick to one topic, so immediately strictly outline its boundaries. For example, you can discuss the latest interesting invention of scientists, a new computer game, sports news. Of course, for this you need to constantly read to keep abreast of events. But no one canceled self-education, besides, men love advanced girls. Just don't be too clever, show the chosen one that he is much wiser than you.

And please, no tantrums and tears. Respond adequately to some of his rude words. Perhaps he came tired from work or just not in the mood. In this case, start a conversation about what a hard worker he is: without his efforts, the ship of your relationship would have long ago run aground or gone to the bottom. Praise your man, admire, sing praises - he will instantly thaw. And appreciate your endurance and calmness.

Do not compare or judge

It is clear that former relationship and all the ups and downs associated with them are not the best topics for a conversation with a man. Representatives of the stronger sex are naturally males, they do not tolerate the presence of an opponent, even in your thoughts. In his heart, he understands that the woman has love adventures behind her, but prefers to ignore them. Be in solidarity - do not discuss the ex-boyfriend, and even more so do not compare him with the chosen one. It smacks of scandal and even parting.

Don't rate your loved one's gifts. Even if he bought you ordinary daisies, portray sincere joy. Better yet, learn to really enjoy cute presents. The main thing is not the cost, but the attention shown towards you. Friends and relatives of the chosen one should also become a taboo for discussion, even if the mere mention of the culinary talents of your mother-in-law makes you feel sick, control yourself and keep up the conversation: “Yes, dear, your mother is a real good fellow. She has a lot to learn." After that, change the subject or better quietly retire - out of harm's way.


One could write a whole book about what to say to a man. No matter how the representatives of the stronger sex position themselves as incomparable alpha males, in their hearts they remain the same little boys in need of care and guardianship. Give him this: speak praise his talents, emphasize his virtues. Discuss with him a variety of things that interest him: sports, the economic situation of the country, the debate of presidential candidates, the price of gasoline and the exchange rate. At the same time, be not only natural, but truly aware.

Never start a conversation with the words: "We need to have a serious talk." This phrase causes panic in men and a desire to run wherever their eyes look. It is much better if you start communication with the words: "Darling, advise ...", "What do you think ...", "What would you do in my place ...". These words once again emphasize that the spouse is your support and protection, the head of the family and the helmsman who steers the family ship. What's good to say to a man? Everything he wants to hear.