Snacks for pregnant women. Nutrition of a working pregnant woman

For the full development of the baby and the well-being of the expectant mother, pregnant women must adhere to certain nutritional rules. In addition, following all the recommendations will help not only to bear a healthy child, but also to keep the figure slim and beautiful. Proper nutrition for pregnant women is the key to good baby health and a successful pregnancy.

Basic principles of nutrition for pregnant women

Expecting a baby is a great time to switch to a healthy diet and rethink your habits. The first thing that will have to change is the number of meals and move from 3 meals a day to 4-5 meals a day.

As the number of meals increases, the amount of servings should be reduced. The expectant mother does not need to eat for two - except for the extra pounds gained and additional problems due to excess weight during childbirth, this will not bring.

You need to eat often and in small portions.

Products must be only fresh and natural: no preservatives and synthetic products. The diet should contain fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and greens, which perfectly cope with the problem of constipation and contribute to the normalization of the intestines, as well as meat, fish, dairy products - the main sources of protein and the prevention of anemia and lack of calcium in the body.

How to eat right during pregnancy

  1. Do not abuse large amounts of food, do not overeat, so that there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach. It is not recommended to skip meals. If you feel hungry, it is better to have a snack in the form of an apple or yogurt;
  2. It is necessary to have breakfast immediately after waking up. Nutritious cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, rich in trace elements and vitamins, ideal for morning reception food;
  3. A varied menu is an important condition for the nutrition of expectant mothers. Each product is useful and will only benefit the child. The use of the same dishes can lead to a lack of certain useful and nutritious substances in the body;
  4. You should limit the number of sweets, confectionery and flour products in your menu. Sugar can be substituted useful honey, sweets - fruits, raisins, nuts;
  5. The first half of the day - best time for the intake of protein foods, afternoon and evening - great for eating dairy, sour-milk, as well as vegetable products;
  6. Proper nutrition during pregnancy involves drinking enough water to avoid swelling in pregnant women. Berry fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, rosehip broth and weak tea are useful;
  7. Give preference to food that is steamed, stewed, boiled or baked. For fried foods, use as little fat as possible;

Important! The abuse of flour products and pastries can cause fermentation in the intestines and lead to discomfort and discomfort.

Proper nutrition of a pregnant woman: menu


As the first meal after waking up, muesli with milk with various cereals, pieces of fruits and berries, nuts is suitable. Such a breakfast will saturate the body, energize and provide calcium and phosphorus.

Fresh seasonal fruits filled with homemade yogurt or frozen will also be useful, which do not lose their beneficial properties when defrosted. A variety of cereals, eggs in any form, toast: with cottage cheese, cheese, bacon, vegetables, cottage cheese casseroles will be an excellent breakfast and provide proper nutrition during pregnancy.


Second breakfast - a snack before lunch with fruit, yogurt, a milkshake with the addition of a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts and dried fruits.


Lunch is a complete meal. Include soups, boiled, baked or stewed meat in the diet, fish is useful. Boiled potatoes are suitable for garnish, vegetable stew, vermicelli or pasta. Do not forget about vitamin salads with olive oil, greenery. After dinner, you can drink a glass of juice, compote or herbal tea.

afternoon tea:

An afternoon snack allows you to satisfy your hunger before dinner and energize your body, to cope with an after-dinner sleepy state. Fresh vegetable and fruit juices, a cake or a bun with honey or jam, cottage cheese mass or cottage cheese dishes are suitable.


For dinner, stews with meat and vegetables are great, fish meals, egg dishes and fresh salads. You can also eat a bun with milk or yogurt.

Second dinner:

The second dinner, as a rule, falls on more late time. In order not to burden the stomach before going to bed and satisfy the feeling of hunger, a glass of warm milk will help, it is possible with honey, a piece of cheese with dry cookies or a handful of dried fruits or nuts. Any will do dairy products: fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir.

Prohibited foods with proper nutrition during pregnancy on the menu:

  • avoid eating half-cooked fish and seafood, such as sushi;
  • fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed running water to exclude infection with toxoplasmosis;
  • It is worth avoiding the use during pregnancy of a variety of blue cheese (dor blue, camembert), which contain the listeria bacterium, which is dangerous to the health of the baby.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy by week

First 4 weeks pregnancy is the time when the expectant mother realizes that now she should take her health more responsibly: eat differently. You should give up quick snacks "on the go", forget about fast food (hot dogs, french fries), smoked meats, and switch to vegetable salads, sour-milk products and fresh fruits.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy early dates should provide the body of a pregnant woman with enough calcium, which is necessary for the formation of strong bones of the unborn child. Calcium is rich in all dairy, sour-milk products, especially cottage cheese, green vegetables, broccoli.

Also, the body of the expectant mother needs manganese and zinc contained in eggs, oatmeal, bananas, turkey, spinach and carrots.

Toxicosis is a common occurrence in pregnant women, so proper nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy during 5 to 10 weeks It consists in the exclusion of foods that can provoke vomiting. This applies to high-calorie and fatty foods. For nausea, you should eat small portions, lemon, sauerkraut, rosehip broth, rich in vitamin C, and dried apricots are useful, especially before bedtime.

11-12 weeks of pregnancy- a period of unusual taste preferences in food in pregnant women. Do not deny yourself even the most bold combinations products. enough.

13-16 weeks the time of completion of the formation of the fetal skeleton. The use of milk, cottage cheese, kefir will benefit the unborn baby.

During 17-24 weeks the formation and development of the organs of vision and hearing in the child. These weeks, foods rich in vitamin A are useful. It is found in large quantities in cabbage, carrots, and bell peppers.

FROM 24 to 28 weeks expectant mothers may experience an unpleasant feeling of heartburn, which is associated with the pressure of the stomach on the uterus, which has increased significantly by this time in size. Avoid fatty and spicy foods, sauces and condiments, and avoid carbonated drinks. With heartburn, cereals are useful, especially oatmeal and buckwheat, low-fat vegetable puree soups, boiled meat and stewed vegetables.

29 - 34th week of pregnancy- the period of formation and development of the child's brain. The diet should be dominated by red fish, dairy and sour-milk products, nuts and eggs. Proper nutrition for pregnant women during this period is especially important!

Beginning with 35 weeks- the time of preparation of the body for future childbirth, it needs energy. The source of energy and strengthening of the body are fresh and boiled vegetables. You should reduce the amount of meat and fish dishes, eggs, as well as calcium-rich foods in the diet - the body does not need calcium before childbirth.Its excess will harden the bones of the baby's skull and make it difficult for it to pass through the birth canal.

Important! More attention should be paid to the use of vegetable fats, dressing salads with vegetable oil, adding to vegetables. Vegetable oil helps to increase muscle elasticity and is an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy is a time when a woman can allow everything in her diet, but observe the measure, adhering to the basic rules of nutrition. Having organized proper nutrition during pregnancy for weeks, a woman should not deny herself small pleasures - a source of positive emotions that are so necessary for the baby.

The idea that pregnant women first need to rebuild their diet has firmly entered the minds of every woman, especially mothers and mothers-in-law are zealous in this: now there are two of you, you need to eat for two. The first thing I want to start discussing the topic of the “menu for pregnant women” is a strict and categorical statement: don't eat for two.

And in general, changing the diet of a woman during pregnancy is an important matter, but it must be done, like everything else during this period, with caution. In fact, if a woman had previously adhered to the principles healthy eating, then she will not have to seriously change her diet.

Separately, I would like to say about those women who, before pregnancy, were actively engaged in their figure: they went to fitness, were on a diet, and took various dietary supplements. They will need to contact a nutritionist for a menu for pregnant women, since it is simply impossible to predict the reaction of an organism that is accustomed to stress and food restriction to a sharp change in diet.

Composing sample menu for a pregnant woman, it must be taken into account calories, as well as the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The ratio between these three components and in normal times is the basis of proper nutrition, but even during pregnancy, you can’t turn a blind eye to it at all.

Squirrels, as you know, are the main material for the construction of cells, tissues and organs. Therefore, they are especially necessary during pregnancy: it is from the proteins that the baby’s body will be “built”.

Carbohydrates- this is the main source of human energy, and without them any activity is simply unthinkable. Lack of carbohydrates leads to increased fatigue. In addition, it is carbohydrates that make a person feel full.

Fats are also used as a source of energy, in addition, they contribute to the absorption of certain vitamins and trace elements. Fats are the most high-calorie component of food, so they must be consumed with caution.

The menu for a pregnant woman should be 30% fat, 20% protein and 50% carbohydrate. Separately, you need to remember that carbohydrates are simple (sugar) and complex. Simple carbohydrates are very quickly broken down into components, including glucose, which immediately enters the bloodstream. Moreover, during pregnancy, sugars are broken down faster than usual, which provokes an abrupt change in blood glucose levels.

An increase in glucose levels, in turn, provokes the release of insulin, which is produced in the pancreas. Frequent and sharp jumps in glucose seriously increase the load on the pancreas.

Please note that all of the above applies to both the mother and her unborn child. As a result of such loads, the expectant mother may develop, and the baby may develop from excess weight. Both will seriously complicate the delivery process. Diabetes, in most cases, goes away after childbirth, but the complications caused by it can stay with you forever.

Thus, sweets and starchy foods, the main source of sugars, must be abandoned almost completely. Their place should be taken by whole grain cereals and vegetables. The calorie content of pregnant women and their menu should be 2000-2500 kcal.

Features of the nutrition of a pregnant woman

What rules should be followed when compiling the menu of a pregnant woman? Almost all of them, as already mentioned, are comparable to those that we know from a balanced diet.

First of all, you should adhere to the principle of fractional nutrition: that is, eat not the standard 3 times a day, as we were taught before, but at least 5-6 times a day. Of course, portions should be smaller than in the case of three meals a day. This approach will eliminate the feeling of hunger, which means gaining excess weight.

All vegetables are best fresh. Heat treatment is not excluded, of course, but most of the useful substances. It is also worth being aware that freshly prepared food is always healthier and tastier than the one that was in the refrigerator and was warmed up.

The last rule is difficult to fulfill in the modern rhythm of life: a woman can hardly cook fresh food while at work. But at least on weekends and holidays, it makes sense to allow yourself to eat fresh food.

For pregnant women, more than for anyone else, the need to eat with feeling, sense and arrangement, and not on the go, as is now customary, is relevant. The food must be thoroughly chewed.

What should a pregnant woman eat? First of all, vegetables and fruits, almost any. Salads, cuts, stewed vegetables, vegetable soups- all this will be appropriate in your "pregnant menu".

You can not refuse animal food. For an unborn child, it is simply vital animal squirrels. So meat, fish, dairy products should also be present in your diet. Of course, they should not be too greasy.

Not to do, of course, and without a variety of cereals. Especially those made with whole grains. They are extremely rich in carbohydrates and trace elements. Unfortunately, they cook much longer than flakes or crushed cereals. To speed up the cooking process, you can soak the grits before cooking overnight.

Unloading days for pregnant women

The menu for overweight pregnant women and those who gain it during pregnancy is a separate issue. In the conventional sense, it is impossible to lose weight and diet during pregnancy. And you want to stay in shape, and for pregnancy, being overweight will not be a plus. How to solve this problem without harm to your health and the health of the baby?

The ideal option would be to introduce fasting days for pregnant women into your diet. The menu on such days, of course, is not very varied and nutritious, however, it does not harm the health of the mother and baby. Of course, if they are carried out wisely and without excesses.

Experts recommend holding such fasting days every 10 days. Please note that there are unloading days and contraindications. Therefore, you should definitely consult with your doctor about whether you need to carry out "unloading" and how useful it will be.

There are three different options for fasting days for pregnant women:

  • kefir - 1.5 liters of kefir per day;
  • apple - 1.5 apples per day;
  • cottage cheese - 600 fat-free cottage cheese and tea without sugar: 2 cups.

A categorical no!

It's time to talk about what pregnant women should not eat. When compiling a diet during pregnancy, keep in mind that the menu for the day should be completely free from coffee, chocolate, smoked meats, fatty foods, pickles, and so on. Ideally, a woman's diet should not contain food containing chemical preservatives and dyes, flavor enhancers, and the like. The latter, unfortunately, is difficult to achieve, but it is still worth striving for.

Under the strictest ban alcohol. And not only because of the harmful effects of the alcohol content itself. Wine increases blood pressure, and beer increases the burden on the kidneys.

Separately, it is worth talking about allergens. These traditionally include chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, seafood, various exotic products. These foods should be avoided by all pregnant women. If a woman or her relatives have an identified allergy, then those allergens that cause a reaction in them should also be discarded.

Reading such lists, women often become discouraged: it turns out that practically nothing is impossible for pregnant women. But, firstly, this is not at all the case, women can do a lot, a lot, all of this is listed above. And secondly, remember one little trick: everything listed above, except, perhaps, alcohol, should not be used systematically, and a single use of any product simply physically cannot have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus. So sometimes, rarely and very little, but you can still afford your favorite dish.

It also happens that a pregnant woman, especially in the early stages, is drawn to various strange dishes, including those that are not recommended. So the question arises: what to do?

It makes sense to listen to the wishes of your body, but it is far from always necessary to fulfill them literally. It is better to think about why a woman is drawn to this particular product. As an example, one can understand the craving for pickles, since she has long been included in all the jokes. Salt retains water in the body, so maybe it's water that your body needs?

How to cook food for pregnant women?

The menu and nutrition for pregnant women should not only be from the right products, but also properly prepared. It is best to cook food by steaming or baking in the oven.. These two cooking methods ensure the preservation of the greatest amount of nutrients.

In second place is boiling and stewing. This is already a more aggressive treatment, but still quite acceptable for pregnant women. Moreover, both methods allow you to cook a lot of delicious dishes.

Subject to certain rules, a pregnant woman can afford to use and fried foods. In order to preserve as many useful substances as possible, and at the same time not get harmful, it is necessary to observe certain rules. In particular, the products should be cut as small as possible and fried quickly - within 3-4 minutes.

An example of a daily menu for pregnant women

If you wish, you can create a menu for pregnant women for a week or for every day. This is true if you doubt that you can immediately get used to a new diet. But, as a rule, this is only the first month, a maximum of two. Then the woman will probably get used to the menu for pregnant women.

But by trimester, the menu for a pregnant woman makes sense to share. After all, on different terms A woman needs different amounts of nutrients. For example, we give one menu per day for different trimesters. Based on these menus and their explanations, you can create a menu for yourself.

Menu for pregnant women 1 trimester

  1. Breakfast: muesli with yogurt and freshly squeezed pear juice.
  2. First snack: salmon sandwich.
  3. Dinner: mushroom soup, kaput salad, herbal tea.
  4. Second snack: whole grain bread with cheese.
  5. Dinner: carrot salad and vegetable risotto. You can drink everything with kefir.

In the first trimester, it is very important that a woman receives a large amount of folate and vitamin B6 from food.

Menu for pregnant women 2nd trimester

In the second trimester for pregnant women, the presence of omega-3 acid, calcium, vitamin D and iron in the diet is important.

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal in milk with apple and cinnamon, chamomile tea.
  2. First snack: almonds with prunes.
  3. Lunch: lentil soup, salad seaweed, cranberry juice.
  4. Second snack: sandwich with herring.
  5. Dinner: omelet with mushrooms and yogurt.

Menu for pregnant women 3rd trimester

Here special role play carbohydrates and vitamin K.

  1. Breakfast: pancakes with cream cheese and curdled milk.
  2. First snack: whole grain cheese sandwich.
  3. Lunch: fish hodgepodge, tuna and greens salad, rosehip broth.
  4. Second snack: cheesecake.
  5. Dinner: fish with rice and ryazhenka.

Proper nutrition is the foundation proper development fetus, therefore, it is necessary to treat such important issues with all responsibility.

I like!

What dietary rules should pregnant women follow? The rules of nutrition for pregnant women are very simple and are known to us, as a rule, since childhood, but not everyone follows them. However, now is the time to take into account past mistakes and try to eat more correctly.

Advice 1. Nutrition for a pregnant woman should not be plentiful, it is better to eat fractionally

Expectant mothers are not recommended to eat until they are completely full, and it is absolutely not worth eating for two. The basic principle of the future mother's nutrition is fractional nutrition: it is desirable to eat more often, but little by little. This will not only allow you to control weight gain, keep the concentration of sugar and cholesterol in the blood at a constant level, absorb the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals from food, but also make it possible not to overload the digestive system.

Why? If the expectant mother eats little and often, then the concentration of nutrients necessary to inhibit the activity of the food center of the brain will accumulate in the blood. So, she will not overeat, because she will not want to eat.

But long breaks between heavy meals lead to a massive simultaneous load on the digestive glands, which subsequently causes their exhaustion, and they will not be able to work at full strength, moreover, in such a situation, the quality of the digestive juice may deteriorate and the process of digestion of food will be delayed.

Tip 2. During pregnancy, you need to follow a diet

In the second half of pregnancy, it is better to switch to 5-6 meals a day (respectively, in smaller portions). This will reduce the load on the digestive system, the food will be digested and absorbed fully, which means that undigested foods will not accumulate in the intestines, leading to increased gas formation, bloating and discomfort for a pregnant woman.

To improve digestion before breakfast, it is recommended to drink a glass of water at room temperature, in which you can add a teaspoon of honey and (or) the juice of half a lemon.

At the same time, it is necessary to properly distribute products throughout the day. Since proteins increase metabolism, excite the nervous system (this is due to the high content of nitrogenous extractives in protein-rich foods) and stay longer in the stomach, meat, fish and eggs are recommended to be consumed in the morning, and not at night. But for dinner, you can recommend dairy or vegetable dishes.

Why? When the body gets used to a certain diet during pregnancy, then it is at the usual time for eating that a conditioned reflex is developed, and the digestive system secretes the gastric and intestinal juices necessary for the full digestion of food.

Starting from 9–10 am, the production of digestive juices is activated, so the absence of a full breakfast in the stomach at this time can lead to so-called “hungry” gastritis (the stomach, as they say, “digests itself”). At the same time, it is better to start the day with foods rich in complex carbohydrates that are slowly digested, do not lead to a rapid release of insulin and do not load the pancreas, and proteins, that is, with hot cereal, yogurt, muesli with milk, scrambled eggs, etc.

After 2 hours, a second breakfast is already needed from products that also contain complex carbohydrates and fiber, with the addition of a small portion (about 80-100 g) of a low-fat protein product - buckwheat or oatmeal, salad from fresh vegetables in combination with fish or lean meat in a boiled, stewed or baked form, cottage cheese with dried fruits and honey. This is necessary, because the woman's body must accumulate enough energy to have enough strength during the day.

But the peak activity of the digestive system of a pregnant woman falls on 13-15 hours of the day. It is at this time that you need to have a full meal.

Tip 3. Nutrition for a pregnant woman: you need to cook food in gentle ways

Gentle cooking methods include boiling, stewing, baking and steaming. These methods will ensure the maximum safety of all useful substances in the products, and will not allow the formation of carcinogens.

It is important to remember that in order to preserve all the nutrients during cooking, do not pour the product with a large amount of water. In addition, it is better to cook with the lid closed, add salt at the end of cooking (stewing, baking), cook not for too long and not at the maximum temperature. When using a multicooker, it is advisable to set the mode of a double boiler (or steaming) and gentle languishing (similar to cooking in a Russian oven).

When preparing vegetable dishes, it is worth observing the “semi-cooked” rule so that the vegetables remain crunchy, which means that the main water-soluble vitamins (especially vitamin C, folic acid and rutin) and trace elements will be in maximum safety. If you are cooking potatoes, then the most The best way- this is baking in the oven (possible in foil) in a peel. The fact is that the maximum concentration of potassium, necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and the prevention of edema, is concentrated under the skin. When boiling peeled potatoes, up to 80% of the nutrients go into the broth, which can be used for cooking first courses.

Why? When cooking in a double boiler and in a slow cooker (in the “steamed” mode), the safety of vitamins and microelements reaches 90%, when cooking for more than 30 minutes - only 20%, and if you cook the product for less than 20 minutes, then up to 40–50 %, depending on the type of vitamin (the most easily destroyed is vitamin C). When cooking in a pressure cooker (under pressure), the cooking time is reduced by 3–5 times, which means that the loss of nutrients is no more than 15%. When stewing and baking, the loss of nutrients, depending on the type of product, can vary from only 10 to 30%.

Tip 4. Nutrition during pregnancy should not fall in the evening

It must be remembered that in the evening, and especially at night, digestion and metabolic processes in the body slow down. Therefore, a plentiful meal in the evening puts an increased burden on the digestive system of the expectant mother and can lead to disruption of night sleep.

In this regard, the last meal before bedtime should be at least 2-2.5 hours before bedtime. At the same time, dinner should consist of dairy and vegetable dishes, since foods rich in carbohydrates contribute to inhibition. nervous system and improves sleep.

Why? Due to the slowdown in metabolic processes and the activity of the digestive system in the evening, the calories received with a late dinner are not burned, but are deposited in the form of body fat. In addition, in dairy products (which are also protein), in contrast to meat, the content of nitrogenous extractive substances, which are the most active pathogens of the nervous system, is insignificant. So, if you eat meat at night, then a pregnant woman may be disturbed by insomnia, but such problems do not arise from milk. What's more, if you can't sleep, then everyone knows folk recipe natural sleeping pills - a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey.

What is a dryer? This is dry food (such as sandwiches or cookies) eaten with little or no liquid. Agree that quite often, not being able to fully eat, we “swallow” a sandwich on the run and continue to work or do some urgent business. But such snacks cannot be called useful in any way, and it is better to try to set aside 10-15 minutes to calmly eat the same sandwich, but chew it well and drink it with tea or some other hot drink.

Why? As a result of dry snacks, food that is poorly prepared for digestion enters the stomach, and the digestive process in a pregnant woman is more stressful, which can lead to various disruptions. gastrointestinal tract. It is also advisable for a pregnant woman to consume hot liquid meals every day. Soups based on broth (vegetable, meat, fish) are rich in extractives that stimulate the secretion of digestive juices that improve food digestion.

Tip 6. Meals for pregnant women should be freshly prepared

Dishes during pregnancy are recommended to be prepared in small portions - for one meal, otherwise useful substances are destroyed during storage and reheating. In addition, in long-term stored food, even in the refrigerator, favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of pathogens and the risk of food poisoning increases.

Freshly cooked food should be stored for no more than 2 hours at room temperature, and in the refrigerator - no more than 24-36 hours, depending on the type of product.

In fairness, it should be noted that minerals are almost not destroyed during heat treatment: they simply pass from the products into the water in which they are boiled. Therefore, it is better not to pour out a decoction saturated with minerals (especially vegetable), but to use it as a basis for soups.

In addition, when preparing salads, it is better to chop vegetables immediately before eating and immediately season them with oil so that they come into contact with oxygen as little as possible, since all water-soluble vitamins will be preserved to the maximum (they are easily oxidized under the action of atmospheric oxygen).

If you had to use the dish repeatedly, then it is worth warming up only the amount that you eat at a time.

Why? When cooking at one time, the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances is guaranteed to be preserved. But when warming up and especially when re-boiling the dish, their number comes to naught. In addition, the palatability of the products is clearly deteriorating.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the amount of free liquid (water, juices, fruit drinks, tea, etc.) on the menu can be 1.2–1.5 liters (excluding liquid foods). But in the second and third trimesters, the daily volume of liquid should not exceed 3 glasses, this is not counting the first liquid dishes, as well as the water found in fruits, vegetables, dairy products and other water-rich foods. In total (as part of products and free liquid), the amount of water should be 2–2.5 liters (up to 20 weeks of pregnancy), and from the 21st week it is recommended to gradually reduce this amount, bringing it to 1.5 liters by the 30th week .

To quench your thirst, it is best to drink in small portions, about half a glass each. In this case, the water should be at room temperature, then it will not irritate the receptors of the upper respiratory tract (it will not provoke pharyngitis, laryngitis), and will also be able to fully quench your thirst.

Why? If you drink water above the recommended amounts, this will lead to an increase in the load on the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, which can cause swelling in a pregnant woman. And with insufficient use of free fluid in the expectant mother, the excretion of the final metabolic products of the body is disrupted (that is, toxins accumulate), and bowel function is also difficult (constipation occurs, feces become dense, which can provoke anal fissures). In addition, with a lack of water, muscle tone and blood pressure decrease, and a rapid heartbeat occurs in the mother and fetus.

What water to choose?
It is recommended for a pregnant woman to drink artesian drinking water, weak green tea, herbal infusion (if there are no contraindications) without sugar, mineral table drinking water. From medical and preventive mineral water with a salt content of more than 1 g / l, it is better for expectant mothers to refuse so as not to provoke the occurrence of edema or use it only after consulting a doctor.
By the way, great option to quench your thirst drinking water, diluted by half with freshly squeezed natural juice, or adding lemon or mashed berries to the water, as well as homemade sour fruit drinks.
If the expectant mother has any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then you should give preference to non-carbonated water. This is due to the fact that the acid formed from carbon dioxide has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
Do not drink tap water, even if it is boiled first. Boiling water may protect against bacterial and viral foodborne infections, but it does not guarantee protection against chemical contaminants.

Tip 8. There should be no prohibited foods in the diet of a pregnant woman

There are certain foods that pregnant women should not eat:

Prohibited Products


Fatty food (goose, duck, fatty pork and lamb, etc.)

Such dishes are difficult to digest, require high energy costs, and also load the pancreas and biliary system, which are directly involved in the digestion of fats.

Spicy food (pickled, salty, etc.)

It has an irritating effect on the digestive organs.

Foods that cause gas (peas, cabbage, carbonated drinks, fresh bread and hot pastries)

The flatulence (bloating) that occurs when using such products not only leads to intestinal discomfort in the pregnant woman herself, but also puts physical pressure on the fetus.

Raw or half-cooked meat and fish dishes

Dried or salted fish

There is too much salt in it, which retains water in the body, which provokes swelling, increased pressure and contributes to the occurrence of preeclampsia (a complication of the second half of pregnancy, in which swelling occurs, pressure rises and protein appears in the urine).

Strong tea and coffee, other drinks rich in caffeine (for example, sugary soda and various energy drinks)

Caffeine is a stimulant of the central nervous system, which, in turn, increases the activity of other organs and systems of a pregnant woman. The use of such drinks can lead to insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, heart palpitations and high blood pressure.

canned food

They are rich in purines and uric acid, which put an increased burden on the kidneys and liver of the expectant mother.

So, you saw the treasured 2 stripes. Congratulations! Now your life will change. And we don't want to scare you. It just really changes. And the most dramatic changes await those who did not have the habit of taking care of themselves, treating their bodies with care and tenderness. Life was born inside you and this alone makes you reconsider your principles.

Let's start with nutrition. It’s still a long time before the decree, which means you need to think about your food at work. Complete, healthy and delicious! We will show you ideas of snacks for pregnant women, which will help you to relieve the feeling of hunger and add nutrients to the body for an active life.

Snack menu for pregnant women

It's so good to go out at lunchtime, buy some muffins and soda, and sometimes go to a fast food place for something very unhealthy, but so delicious! And then also at work 3-4 times to drink tea with cookies while talking with colleagues. So did you often? You will have to change something here ... You yourself probably understand that now you need to eat healthy and fully. Therefore, we will select a new snack menu.

Carbohydrate snacks for pregnant women. Fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits - all this will help you get a supply of carbohydrates, replenish vitamins, trace elements and fiber. May there always be a supply of raisins, dates, peanuts and other nuts at your workplace. A couple of bananas make a great full-fledged second breakfast or afternoon snack. And in the season you can safely buy trays with berries.

Protein snacks. It’s more like not even snacks, but your lunch at the workplace. You will be satisfied for a long time with the help of cottage cheese, cheese, boiled fish or poultry meat, boiled egg. A serving of protein foods at lunch should be 200 grams so that your body can easily withstand the next 3 hours. They can be combined with vegetables and herbs.

Sometimes I don't even want to think about food. In the second half of pregnancy, when appetite improves, the opposite problem arises - you have to throw all your strength into the fight against excess weight. And at the same time, healthy foods should be included in the diet of the expectant mother.

It's easy to get overwhelmed by some of the advice on nutrition during pregnancy. First impression - expectant mother nothing tasty to eat! It seems that the “right to live” in the kitchen of a pregnant woman remains only with cereals and low-fat natural yoghurts.

When discussing the problems of nutrition during pregnancy, one detail should be clearly understood. Of course, there are foods that are good for the health of mother and child, and foods that are not recommended for regular use during pregnancy. For products that it is forbidden to be consumed by the expectant mother include, for example, alcoholic beverages, coffee, as well as spicy, smoked, fatty and heavily fried foods. However, there is no such food product single the use of which in moderation could adversely affect the course of pregnancy or the condition of the fetus.

But is it possible to create a tasty and healthy menu for a pregnant woman at the same time? It is definitely POSSIBLE! After all, there are a lot of products that are useful for mom and baby! You just need to learn how to cook them properly.

What is prohibited for pregnant women?

In order to put an end to the unpleasant word DO NOT once and for all, we will once again designate products and cooking methods that are not recommended for frequent use during pregnancy.

Coffee And wine contribute to an increase in blood pressure, which is highly undesirable for a pregnant woman. Beer And pickles increase the load on the kidneys, which during pregnancy already work "overtime". Alcohol in large quantities can have a negative effect on the baby's developing organs and systems. Fried, spicy, smoked and fatty foods overload the liver and gallbladder.

These organs during pregnancy can be significantly displaced by the growing uterus, and then they have to work in "cramped conditions." Of course, expectant mothers who are prone to allergic reactions or who have close relatives with allergies should not get carried away chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, exotic fruits, seafood, nuts, as well as other products that can cause allergies (in addition to well-known food allergens, each allergy sufferer has his own "dangerous" foods). If the expectant mother knows that when using this or that product, she will definitely develop an allergic reaction, then it is better to exclude it from the diet, in other cases, limit the use of allergens to 1 time per week, in moderation.

Diet of a pregnant woman

Before moving on to a discussion of various products and dishes, let's get acquainted with general rules compiling a diet that will be useful for the pregnant woman and will give her pleasure.

It is desirable that plant products make up 2/3 or at least half of your daily diet. Such a menu is especially relevant in the last weeks before childbirth - vegetables and greens contain prostaglandins, on which the elasticity of the tissues of the birth canal depends. During pregnancy, such a "diet" will help the expectant mother to normalize bowel function and achieve more uniform weight gain. However, in no case should you reduce the amount of animal products - for normal development, the baby needs animal protein, which is found in meat, fish and dairy products. The diet of a pregnant woman should include 70-90 g of animal protein.

Fresh vegetables and fruits are healthier than thermally processed ones. Of course, we are talking only about those products that are traditionally eaten raw. For example, fresh carrots, cabbage and greens are healthier than soup cooked from them. Freshly prepared food is tastier and healthier than food stored in advance. Of course, a working woman often does not have the opportunity to cook food 3-4 times a day. Let this be an excuse to pamper yourself this weekend!

Eating "on the go" is not beneficial. It is better not to be distracted from the process - then the food will be well absorbed. Chew food thoroughly - this way you make it easier for the body to digest food and improve the process of its assimilation. The advice is simple: it is enough to send the next piece of food into the mouth when the taste from the previous one has disappeared. Following this simple recommendation, you will be able to appreciate your favorite dish without fear for your weight and digestive problems.

Useful cooking for a pregnant woman

  • Steaming and baking in the oven. These are the most helpful ways cooking. It is POSSIBLE to bake almost everything - meat, fish, vegetables, fruits - in foil or special baking paper. Wrap a piece of lean pork, sprinkled with spices and herbs, in foil, put in the oven for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 140 degrees - and you will get an amazing homemade boiled pork. Steamed especially delicious white poultry meat, carrots, cauliflower and broccoli.
  • Extinguishing. This cooking method involves a long stay of the product on low heat in a flat dish under the lid with a small addition of water. The most delicious are beef, lamb, potatoes prepared in this way.
  • Cooking. The product is lowered into a large amount of boiling water and cooked over low heat until tender. Here the palm belongs to soups.
  • Roasting. For fried food to keep its beneficial features, it is better to cook it, cutting into small slices, for 3-4 minutes without adding fat. It is convenient to do this in a special wok pan - it has thin walls, it heats up evenly, and not like a traditional pan, where the bottom heats up more.

However, when using such dishes, there are many nuances. It is more convenient to cook in a wok pan on gas stove, and the burner must be large enough so that the flame covers the entire surface of the pan. There are also wok pans for electric stoves - they are flat.

In nature, the best way to roast is on charcoal. For the expectant mother, lean pieces of the ball, fish and poultry should be selected. Zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes and potatoes prepared in this way are excellent and very useful. However, before you start eating, you should remove the crust formed by contact with fire from the food.

Nutrition for pregnant women

Vegetables and fruits- Everything is POSSIBLE (with an eye on allergens). Raw, thermally processed. In salads and second courses! A salad of fresh vegetables and herbs is best seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil. Don't forget to wash the gifts of nature well before eating them!

Berries: cranberries, lingonberries, wild rose, blueberries, currants, chokeberry- the main helpers of the future mother's kidneys, as well as a natural source of vitamin C! YOU CAN eat fresh berries, buy frozen ones, cook “five-minutes”, wipe berries with sugar, make fruit drinks, compotes and jelly.

Kashi- the perfect breakfast for the expectant mother. Buckwheat, millet, corn and oatmeal are very healthy: they contain iron, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. It is better to cook porridge in water, adding milk and butter a few minutes before cooking. Dried fruits can be added to sweet cereals, browned vegetables can be added to salted cereals. Muesli is no less useful - it is actually a vitamin cocktail, and it is also very tasty. Muesli is eaten with milk, kefir, yogurt or fruit juice, but I must say that they are also very high in calories.

Dairy products is the main source of calcium. Both fresh and dairy products are useful.

Meat- the main source of animal protein, B vitamins and iron. For cooking, it is better to buy chilled rather than frozen meat - it retains its beneficial qualities better. From meat snacks, preference is given to boiled pork and low-fat ham: it is better to refuse sausage products, as they contain a lot of fat and preservatives.

A fish contains vitamin D and phosphorus, which are responsible for the functioning of the nervous system of the baby. Of course, it is better for a future mother to cook fresh fish. low-fat varieties(cod. Perch, pike, pollock, ice, hake).

In conclusion of our article on the benefits of healthy food, I would like to wish all pregnant women: cook with love and eat with pleasure, and then your diet will become the key to a successful pregnancy, a source of good mood and baby's health!

28.05.2019 15:22:00
You can’t eat carbohydrates in the evening: true or false?
Many people say that eating carbohydrates in the evening is bad for the figure and that we get fat because of them. It turns out that those who want to lose weight or achieve their ideal weight need to abstain from carbohydrates in the evening. But is it true?