Toys and devices powered by wind. Homemade mirror windmill weather vane

To play with the wind, you can make different turntable toys. For their manufacture you will need paper, cardboard, sticks, nails. The simplest spinner to make is made from a square, notched from the corners to the center with corners folded and connected, nailed to a stick. Such turntables can be different size and colors, they are nailed not only one per stick, but several at once.


Turntable manufacturing method


For the manufacture ofturntables "Sun"to reverse side a cardboard circle is glued with circles folded in half, one side of which is bent.

More to read: How to make a spinner


Probably every boy knows how to do arrow . It is made from a rectangular sheet. The arrow will turn out more beautiful if it is decorated with an appliqué - glue a tail of colored paper strips.

And here is an airplane made of a square sheet of paper. It is interesting in that thanks to the cuts you can give it any look:sports, passenger or military aircraft.

The third plane is made from a rectangular sheet of paper. Thisreactive plane, pay attention to the tail bent up, this manufacturing option allows this aircraft to glide in the air for a long time.

If crafts are decorated with appliqué or painted with felt-tip pens, they will be even more attractive.

More to read: How to make an airplane



They are made from thick square paper, threads (20-25 cm) are attached to the corners so that they hold better, they are glued with small paper circles. All threads are tied into a knot and a long thick thread is tied to it, which is wound onto a spool, bobbin. The tail of the snake can be decorated with candy wrappers of different sizes. You can decorate the craft in different ways, then show your creativity.

In windy weather, such a kite can be launched high into the sky. And when there is no wind, you can play with it like a flyer. If you run along the path, and hold the flyer by the thread, then he will fly above you, though not very high (at a height of 1-1.5 m).

Oksana Erygina
Summer leisure "Making toys for playing with air"

Topic: "Magic Paper".

Program content:

1. Teach children to listen carefully and answer questions.

2. To teach children to conduct experiments to study the wind, to answer questions in the course of the experiments, to draw appropriate conclusions.

3. To teach children to make a spinner, a boat, a snake out of paper, according to the model, to determine the strength of the wind with the help of a spinner.

4. Raise interest in design.

5. Cultivate love, respect, kindness for nature.

caregiver:- Guys, today an unusual little man will come to visit us, who loves jam, cheesecakes, and all the sweetest things. And he lives on the roof and can fly. Who is it? (children's answers)

Carlson: Hi guys!

caregiver:- Hello Carlson. How are you? Is there something you want to ask the guys?

Carlson: Yes, I want to ask you a riddle. Listen carefully.

1. It flies, not a bird,

A howl, not a beast.

The clouds are catching up

Howls, blows.

Roaring around the world,

Sings and whistles.

2. Without arms, without legs,

Roaring across the field

Sings and whistles

breaks trees,

Bends the grass to the ground.

Carlson: That's right, the wind.

caregiver: How did you fly? - The guys and I wanted to ask you what you know about the wind, please tell us about it. You fly high, you must have met him.

Carlson: Yes, I just broke up with him. Over my roof today such a wind blew, right in my face. Barely - barely flew to you. - Do you think I can make the wind myself?

I have a wonderful thing on my back - it's called a propeller, and there are motors. I turn on the motor, the propeller is spinning, the air is moving, the wind is blowing, so that during the flight I am blown by a light pleasant breeze.

caregiver: Guys, what can the wind do?

Children: It can make noise, buzz, shake trees, rustle leaves, howl, fly in to refresh, swirl, develop flags, raise dust, circle snowflakes.

caregiver: Yes, guys, the wind can do a lot. Can it harm a person?

Children: Destroys houses, breaks trees in the garden, rips off a hat, throws dust or snow in the eyes, and overturns cars.

caregiver: How does the wind help us?

Children: Inflates the sails, turns the wings of the mill.

caregiver: Here's a different wind, and now think about what the wind could be?

Children: Strong, weak, pleasant, affectionate, quiet, cool, warm, refreshing, gentle, pleasant, fast, sharp, imperceptible.

caregiver: Guys, now we'll warm up a little.


"The wind blows in our face,

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter

The tree is getting higher, higher

caregiver: - Guys, how strong is the wind? To determine the strength of the wind, there is a simple device - called a turntable. And now we will try to make a turntable, and with the help of it we will determine the strength of the wind on the street.

Look at my turntable.

What geometric figure do you have on the table? (square)

We will make a spinner based on a square.

1. The square must be folded diagonally 2 times, press down to mark the folds.

2. Then, along the fold with scissors, cut to a circle.

3. Bend one corner to a point in the middle, but do not press. Then we bend the remaining corners, through one and so everything is in order.

4. We take the button and pierce the corners in order and pin to the stick.

Well, the turntable turned out.

Carlson: Let's play with you game"Strong-weak wind".

When I say a strong wind, the children run fast with a turntable, we say a weak wind, the children run a little slower.

How strong is the wind blowing? (strongly)

How did you find out? (The spinner is spinning fast)

What if it spins slowly? How strong is the wind? (weak)

What can be learned with the help of the device that we have made?

The strength of the wind.

caregiver:-So, the wind is the movement air in nature. What is the wind like? What can a weak wind do, and what can a strong one do? Not weak and not strong wind, guys, is called moderate. Now imagine yourself as someone from the surrounding nature and show how different winds affect you.

D/game "Wind".

Carlson: Looking at you, it immediately became clear to me when a weak wind was blowing, and when it was strong. But you can also create the wind yourself. Although the wind is invisible, can you hear it? What sounds does he make? When does it happen (children's answers) Using the power of wind-motion air, you can even make a boat move. Want to try?

We are with you in advance made paper boats. Now drop sailing ships ki in a pan with water. (Children blow on the sails, the boats sail). Likewise, large sailing ships move due to the wind.

What happens to the ship if there is no wind? What if the wind is very strong? A storm begins and the ship can suffer a real wreck.

Artistic word. A. S. Pushkin.

The wind walks on the sea and the boat drives

He runs to himself in the waves, on inflated sails,

The wind roars merrily, the ship runs merrily

Past the island of Buyan, to the kingdom of the glorious Saltana:

Output: The air is moving, he pushes the boat into the sails.

caregiver:Let's do more with you kite , color it and run it.



We offer such types of turntables that children can make themselves.

Way manufacture of turntables"Sun".

For turntable manufacturing"Sun" mugs folded in half are glued to the back of the cardboard circle, one side of which is bent.


Probably every boy knows how to make an arrow. It is made from a rectangular sheet. The arrow will turn out more beautiful if it is decorated with an appliqué - glue a tail of colored paper strips.

And here is an airplane made of a square sheet of paper. It is interesting in that thanks to the cuts you can give it any view: sports, passenger or military aircraft.

The third plane is made from a rectangular sheet of paper. This is a jet plane, pay attention to the tail bent up, this option manufacturing allows this aircraft to glide for a long time in air.

If crafts are decorated with appliqué or painted with felt-tip pens, they will be even more attractive.


Air kites are made of thick square paper, threads are attached to the corners (20-25 cm, so that they hold better, they are glued with small paper circles. All threads are tied into a knot and tied to it with a long thick thread, which is wound on a bobbin, bobbin The tail of the snake can be decorated with candy wrappers of different sizes... You can decorate the craft in different ways, then show your creativity.

In windy weather, such a kite can be launched high into the sky. And when there is no wind, you can play with it like a flyer. If you run along the path, and hold the flyer by the thread, then he will fly over you, though not very high (at a height of 1-1.5 m).

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Ethnoty Dorsa, a student at Binghamton University (New York State, USA), designed and manufactured a portable wind-powered charger for wireless devices. The case of the charger and the blades of the wind turbine were printed on a 3D printer. After adding a small amount of the simplest electronic and electromechanical devices, charging is able to charge a portable battery. Dors was inspired to create the device by the Catch The Wind competition organized by MakerBot, a 3D printer company.

The blades of the generator are made according to the Savonius system. This is very simple circuit from two cups directed in different directions. They have a curved shape - a cup, facing the wind with its concave side, catches it, and the air flows around the other cup successfully. For the first time, such a system was made by the Finnish engineer Johannes Savonius in 1922, although its scheme was first described back in the 17th century by an Italian bishop who was fond of engineering.

A simple micromotor is used to generate electricity. When DC is applied to it, it rotates, and if vice versa, rotate it, it will give out current. The current is fed to the input of the microcircuit, which regulates the voltage and gives out a stable 5V through the USB connector. And you can already connect a portable battery to it. Dorsa provided links to places where you can buy all this electronics in finished form, as well as diagrams for printing parts on the pages of the MakerBot.Thingiverse website with a description of his project.

The Savonius system has a very good design, well suited to the task: it is very easy to design and build (no aerodynamic calculations are needed), it can be made very compact, it does not need to be specially oriented to the wind, it requires a very light wind, and besides , it always rotates in one direction only.

Great Savonius Turbine

"The wind is not the most effective method small-format devices, because a small turbine can't catch enough wind, so wind chargers for mobile phones aren't commercially available, says Dorsa. “But I like this project, it is very simple and inexpensive to make.” The author also notes that such a system in a slightly modified form could be installed, for example, on a bicycle.

We all have one road - only to the light, because light always conquers darkness, but everyone should be convinced of this by their own example and experience.

It has long been known that any evil spirits prefer to hide in the shade. You can fight evil different ways, for example, through prayer, a strong word, or light. We will omit the first two methods and focus on the third. Who has other ways of fighting (within tolerance), write in the comments. So, I propose to illuminate the shadow and create inconvenience for evil spirits. Using this assumption, let's see what improvised means can be used. Randomly came to mind:

1. Camera flash

2. Cell phone

3. With a mirror, directing a sunbeam into the shade

4. Turn on the light

The first three methods have a significant drawback - you are not in place, there is no fight against the shadow. In the fourth method, the light may not be turned off, but this will cost money and the life of the lamps. On the Internet, I saw homemade windmills from CDs. Such windmills, which in sunny weather cheerfully scattered sunbeams. What is not a device to combat evil spirits. The main thing is that the device works in automatic mode. This is what we will do - making such a device with our own hands. I will not invent anything, I will share my experience of making a do-it-yourself windmill as soon as possible. Since the war with the shadow has been going on for many years, the technology has been tested by experience and time, and it can be trust.

So, as a basis we take a wheel from roller skates or a scooter. For example, I have a small supply of wheels left from the 1980 Olympics. In the absence of wheels in stock, you can purchase wheels at a sports store or remove them from your own or neighbor's rollers.
A step-by-step homemade instruction with almost all the answers to the question of how to do it yourself is given below.

Do times

We mark the wheel for making slots for the blades. For complex markup, I am attaching stencil files (,).

We make risks on the wheel, for example, with a ballpoint pen. If this is the first windmill, it is better to start with two or four blades. So, marked up. Wheel designs are different, if there are removable bearing pads, then we dismantle them and put them in a safe place. Further, it is better to adhere to the above technology; this will require a vice and a hacksaw. If you offer another reasonable way to make cuts, I will publish it. We clamp the wheel in a vise, it is better to clamp it so that rubber filings do not fall on the bearings. In the Foto sawdust fall on the bearing! It is not right! We select the angle of inclination of the hacksaw blade (30-45 °) and start sawing from the top of the wheel. We saw slowly with a saw for metal and carefully. If you hurry, there may be broken hacksaw blades. Sawing to a depth of half to two-thirds of the thickness of the rubber, in my case to the steel lining.

Wheel markings

Having made the first cut, we re-clamp the wheel in a vise and make the second cut, and so on. The result should be something like this. If you are left-handed, you can cut with your left hand in the other direction.

do two

To reflect light, you need a mirror surface. The cheapest surface CDs, DVDs. Of course, you do not need to run after them to the store. If anyone has any problems with the acquisition of disks - forward to the forums. The experience of operating windmills made me find alternative sources mirror surfaces - pancakes from hard drives. How to extract them is a separate issue. So, we have and we need to fix them on the wheel. Again about safety. If there is no experience, we buy disposable gloves. We put on gloves and, without putting much effort (you don’t need to be pumped up with steroids for this, slightly shaking the disk, insert it into the cut. This must be done carefully, without bending the disk. We'll take it apart a couple of times.

We will do this with glue. Experience has shown that Moment glue in all modifications, instant instant glues, rubber glue and hot melt glue do not provide reliable fastening of the blade to the wheel, and molecular glue also damages the disk, creating a brittle zone at the fastening boundary. The record for the survivability of wind wheels showed the method of fastening with the help epoxy resin. We accept this glue as the most reliable.

We put the turbine on the table and carefully adjust the blades. The wheel must be parallel to the table surface and all blades must touch the surface. It worked out great. It doesn’t work - spit, it will still spin, though with vibrations. Put the wind wheel in a safe place to dry. Carefully! Excess glue may drip from the wheel. The drying time of the adhesive depends on the temperature. My glue only hardened on the second day. On that hot summer day it was +14°C. The photographs show photographs of wheels with a different number of blades. I was able to glue an eight-bladed wheel.

do three

Making a windmill rocker - the part to which the wind wheel and tail blade are attached. The tail blade is needed to direct the wheel into the wind. We are looking for a bar with a side section of 1.5-3 cm and a length of 35-65 cm. A scrap from a board, or a piece of a wooden stick from a mop, will do. On one side of the bar, it is necessary to make a cut to secure the disc.

You can use a metal saw or a normal hacksaw. Sawing can be done by holding the workpiece in a vise or using a more dangerous method. It turned out - great! The other end of the rocker must have a straight cut. Drill a hole with a thin drill (2-2.5mm) in the center of the cut. This hole will make it easier to mount the wheel and reduce the chances of a crack in the workpiece along the mounting screw. It is useful to cut the edges around the hole at an angle to prevent the wheel from possibly touching the rocker arm. Is the workpiece ready? Let's go further.

do four

Now we need to decide where the device will be installed. This important point to achieve the goal. The sun should fall on the windmill, and he, in turn, should let the bunnies into places where there is no sun. Rationally place the windmill on the north side (if you live in the northern hemisphere). The figure shows an example of the placement of a windmill. So, we have decided on the place. You need to find a blank for mounting the windmill. This can be a pole 2-6 meters long if it is intended to be installed on the ground, or the rest of a mop handle for mounting on a balcony, roof ridge or pole, etc. In my conditions, the windmill was mounted on a pole. The upper end of the pole should have an even cut; we will also drill a hole in the center of the cut. Let's take care of the method of fastening the pole to the surface or to the tree. Examples of fastening poles are shown in the photographs. It is not necessary to fasten it tightly. The windmill needs maintenance. For fastening, screeds or improvised materials are well suited.

do five

So, we took care of the pole, let's continue the work. All operations are performed with caution so as not to damage the discs. A windmill falling from a small height, or an unsuccessful grazing of the assembled structure, can lead to breakage of the discs. We insert the disk into the cut of the rocker, for greater reflectivity, insert a disk with double-sided mirroring into the cut from a hacksaw for metal. But in the cut from a hacksaw for wood, you can insert turned mirror sides outside. We insert carefully, trying not to break the discs, split the rocker along the rocker or damage the fingers. Inserted, great! It is desirable that the disc is fully inserted into the groove. We will not glue the discs. Just drill, CAREFULLY, the rocker at the disc attachment point and fix the disc with wire.

Further, if the bearings were removed from the wheel, we put them back. We fix the turbine with a long self-tapping screw, if there is an assistant, then let him help. We twist the self-tapping screw completely, if in your design it falls into the wheel hole, use a washer. After fixing, the wheel should rotate freely on bearings. We put the rocker on a flat ledge, for example, a stack of textbooks, a system unit, a stool and proceed to the next step.

Do six

Important milestone. Wheel balancing. Due to the different weight of the discs (if they are different), mounting inaccuracies (violation of the symmetry of the cuts, different depths of attachment of the blades), excess glue on any blade, the wheel gets unbalanced. The imbalance is harmful by the appearance of vibrations during rotation and the attachment points will suffer from it and strong mechanical noise may appear. If everything is balanced, then turning the wheel to any angle, it will not continue to rotate.

If the wheel, after any turn, tends to return to its previous position, then the blade located below, after the rotation has calmed down, is heavier relative to the others. We eliminate this by gluing small weights to the edge of the opposite blade or blades. This work requires skill and the presence of a small amount of small metal or other rubbish. Sometimes it is enough to attach a piece of gum to the edge of the blade. In my area, she will never slip off the blade, but where it's hotter, I can't guarantee anything. Balancing succeeded - good. It doesn't work - no problem. Will rotate. In strong winds, a broken windmill works on one blade!

Do seven

Also important step. We take a yoke with a fixed wind wheel and a tail blade and look for the center of gravity on the yoke, the point, when supported on which, our structure will take a horizontal position, without tilting forward or backward. Be careful when centering, slipping off the support may break the blades. To do this, we put a thin bar, a pencil, a fountain pen under the rocker and try to find the desired position. found place. Next, we drill the rocker. The drill diameter should be slightly more(2-3mm) diameter of the neck of the self-tapping screw. For fixing, I use such a self-tapping screw, it has the advantage that there is no thread on the neck.

the wood will get wet and swell, making it difficult for the windmill to follow the direction of the wind). The drilling axis must be parallel to the plane of the tail! Drilled - great. Are the disks broken yet? Okay. To attach the rocker to the pole, you need to pick up a few washers. I used one screw. We insert the self-tapping screw into the rocker arm hole, lay the nuts (washers) and attach the rocker arm to the pole. Screw the self-tapping screw into the pole with the entire threaded part. The rocker must rotate freely on the axle. Photo result.

Do eight

Device in action

We install the pole in a pre-selected place. First, play the climb in your mind, evaluate your capabilities. We lift carefully, the main thing is not to destroy the windmill by hitting foreign objects. After installation, securely fasten the pole. Hooray! Ready. House, cottage protected from dark forces;)!

According to Feng Shui, evil forces are concentrated in dark corners, a windmill correct installation can throw sunbeams into the most unexpected places of dark corners and rooms. About the positive impact of the design in protecting against dark forces 🙂 write in the comments.

This summer, the sun somehow did not work out, but there are no problems with the wind. Continuing the summer series, we have found for you beautiful kites, windmills and other cool crafts that will bring a lot of joy to your children this windy summer.

1. Let's start with kites. You will need 2 sticks, you can use wooden ones, or you can use plastic ones, rope, reel, thin paper or oilcloth.

It's so easy to make a snake with your own hands

2. Straws can be used to make small kites

3. You can make a kite and an unusual shape - the main thing is to be patient, flexible sticks and a drawing

4. Even a small craft bag can be turned into a kite. You can’t launch this high, but you can have fun running a race

5. Kites must be launched. But wind catchers can be fixed on a fence, pole, tree, etc. and watch for changes in wind direction

These beautiful fish, for example, can be made from tubes from toilet paper and colored paper

6. Plastic bottle, multi-colored ribbons and adhesive tape - that's all you need in order to make such a "vetrolov"

7. All children like windmills on a stick. It's not difficult to make them, but it turns out beautifully.

8. It is pleasant to listen to the sound of the wind, the rustle of leaves, you can add mysterious melodies and rhythms to them with the help of a musical pendant.

Such a pendant can be made from empty cans