Energy source for the home. Alternative energy sources

the opportunity to forget forever about the need to pay large bills for electricity, gas or heat supply. With the right approach to resolving the issue, you can provide the farm with everything you need and even sell the "surplus" to a neighbor, while receiving a stable income. Against this background, many questions arise:

  • What can be used as an energy source?
  • How efficient are solar panels?
  • What are the types of solar collectors, and what are their features?
  • What are the subtleties of wind turbines and heat pumps?
  • Can biogas plants be used at home and how do they work?

There are plenty of alternative energy sources today. It remains to determine the appropriate option.

General provisions

Almost everything around us is a source of energy to some extent. A person can use the bright rays of the sun, the power of the wind, the energy of the earth or water. The main difficulty is extracting the existing potential of nature in our own interests. With a competent approach to the implementation of the project with the help of alternative energy sources, it is possible to “get” everything necessary for a private house - heat, electricity, gas and warm water.

Alternative energy is available to everyone. It does not require much experience or special talents. With the knowledge of a certain algorithm, all manipulations can be done by hand, without the involvement of specialists.

The options are:

  1. Convert wind force to electrical energy. This is easy to implement with a wind generator.
  2. The use of the sun's rays to generate electricity or heat water. In the second case, it is possible to create a low-temperature heating system.
  3. Use of biogas devices. With their help, it is possible to obtain gas from the manure of poultry or animals.
  4. Connection of heat pumps that provide a comfortable temperature in the house. Heating in this case is produced by the heat of the main natural elements - earth, water and air.

Alternative energy sources open up new perspectives in solving any issues related to the arrangement of a comfortable life. The difficulty is that to provide the house with everything you need, you will need large investments. The best option is the use of the possibilities of alternative energy without disconnecting from the general network of gas, water or electricity. With this approach, it is possible to save the family budget, recoup the costs of implementation new technology to life and provide a backup in case of force majeure.

Solar energy: general provisions

Energy surrounds us everywhere, and one of its main sources is the sun and its radiation. To get the most out of your fire disc, you can use one of the following devices:

  • . With the help of such devices it is possible to obtain an electric current.
  • . These devices are designed to heat water, which is subsequently supplied to the house with the help of pumps.

There is a misconception that the use of solar energy is possible only in regions with a southern climate, where warm weather prevails. In fact, bright rays are enough to produce electricity, and the season does not matter. Practice shows that solar batteries do their job well in winter. The only difference is the amount of energy produced (it is slightly higher in summer).

How to determine that the use of the sun as an alternative energy source will be relevant? Here it is worth focusing on the number of sunny days per year. The more of them, the better.

Installing such a device allows you to once and for all solve the issue of electricity for the home, forgetting about unplanned outages, irregular voltage levels, as well as the need to pay large sums for the kilowatts used. The device is based on photoelectric converters, which are produced using special minerals. The latter are activated by the rays of the sun and generate electricity.

If main task the power supply of a private house costs, silicon-type photoconverters are enough. Structurally, they are of two types:

  1. Monocrystalline. In this case, one crystal is used. The advantages of such a converter include a decent efficiency (13-25%), as well as an increased resource. The downside is that the cost of such products is quite high.
  2. Polycrystalline- more affordable converters, which are based on a large number of crystals. Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting a lower efficiency (at the level of 9-15%), as well as frequent breakdowns.

How to make a solar battery yourself?

Self-assembly of an alternative energy source will require several silicon photovoltaic cells, which can be ordered from China at affordable price. The total number of purchased elements depends on the required power (average 5-7 kW).

  1. Use metal corners or planks of wood for assembling the frame. Then mount the substrate, which can be of two types:
  • Transparent (here it is worth using organic or ordinary glass). This option is suitable for cases where the battery is installed on the window.
  • Opaque - a cover, which can be used as a sheet of plywood, painted white on top. This method is relevant for mounting an alternative source on the roof of the house.
  1. Combine all the elements into one circuit using a soldering iron. The connection scheme is in parallel. If the conductors are already soldered to the plates, this is only a plus, but the cost of purchasing such products will be higher. Otherwise, do the work yourself.
  2. Ensure the tightness of the finished solar battery. To solve this problem, epoxy resin or a special EVA film is suitable. When performing work, make sure that there are no layers of air on the surface. Otherwise, battery performance will be reduced in these areas. If such bubbles were found during the inspection, expel them immediately.

If the solar panel is installed on the roof, and plywood is used as a substrate, painting the surface white is mandatory. This is necessary to protect the silicon cells from overheating. Everything is simple here. The temperature range of working devices is from -40 to +50 degrees Celsius. Going beyond these limits leads to a quick breakdown of expensive parts. In extreme heat, the surface can reach temperatures above +50 degrees Celsius, which poses a risk to the silicon wafer. White color protects from sunlight and prevents overheating of the surface.

Alternative energy sources do a great job of heating air or water for a home. Solar collectors are useful here, in which warm liquid can be sent to a heating unit or a tap. For central system heating, this option is not suitable, but just right for creating warm floors. This recommendation is due to the low outlet water temperature.

The main task in the arrangement of the system is the possibility of redundancy - the transition to another heat source (boiler or boiler). Such foresight will avoid problems when the weather conditions worsen.

Solar collectors are available in three types. Let's consider each of them in more detail:

  1. Plastic(flat) - collectors, which consist of two panels (transparent and black), combined in one housing. A copper pipeline is installed between them, bending in the form of a “snake” to cover the maximum area. The lower (black) panel is heated by sunlight, after which the heat is transferred to the copper tubes.
    1. The only advantage of the design is the ease of execution, but its efficiency is low. An alternative heat source is suitable for heating water in a shower or pool. In the latter case, the liquid is driven through a closed cycle using a pump.
    2. The disadvantage of the design is low productivity, because it takes time and several devices to heat a large volume of water.
  2. Air- the most scarce collectors in Russia. The device is simple and efficient. The downside is that it takes up a lot of space to install and configure. Structurally, the air type of the device is similar to a flat collector, because there are also transparent and black panels. The difference is that they do not heat water, but air, which is sent into the house with the help of a fan. At first glance, this design seems ineffective, but with its help it is possible to warm up a small room during the year. For this, one alternative source of energy is enough - the sun. The device can be used to heat animal sheds, country house or garage.
  3. Tubular- collectors, which consist of a group of tubes (coaxial or vacuum). Water flows through them, which warms up and is fed into the house. A mandatory component of the design is a storage container, where the water is heated.
    1. One of the elements of the system is a pump that circulates the fluid. It can also be powered by solar panels. The disadvantage of the system is the need to purchase a one-piece structure, because it will not work to do it yourself. Buying a device is also not always possible due to the too high price. Of the advantages, it is worth highlighting the efficiency and the ability to heat the entire house.

The sun is an alternative source of energy that, when used correctly, is capable of miracles. With its help, it is possible to obtain electricity and heat. It remains only to select the equipment and implement the plan.

Another renewable source is wind, which is almost always present. There are periods of complete calm, but very rarely. It is interesting that the power of the wind was used by our ancestors - for example, in the same mills for making flour. At the present stage, this alternative energy source can be used to generate electricity. To cover the needs of the house, you will need:

  • A generator with blades attached to it.
  • A tower that is mounted in a special place (where windy weather prevails to a greater extent).
  • Accumulative battery, as well as an electrical energy transmission system.

How to make a wind generator yourself?

First, a tower is built, for which any material (wood, metal, brick, etc.) can be used. The next step is to purchase a battery, and then proceed to prepare the generator. The latter can also be purchased, but if you have an old engine on hand, it is easy to make it yourself. "Source material" for alteration can be taken from washing machine, drill or other devices. You will also need epoxy resin, magnets (preferably neodymium type), as well as a lathe.

  1. Make markings on the rotor for the subsequent installation of magnets, which must be equidistant.
  2. Turn the rotor of the selected engine, creating special recesses in this way. Make sure that the bottom of the recess is slightly tilted.
  3. In prepared places, install magnets with liquid nails, and then fill them with epoxy.
  4. Use sandpaper to bring the surface to the ideal.
  5. Fasten the collector brushes, then assemble and test the operation of the wind generator.

The advantage of such installations lies in increased efficiency. The disadvantage is that the final power depends on many nuances:

  • The correct assembly of the generator.
  • Wind speeds.
  • The efficiency of removing the potential difference with the help of brushes.
  • Reliability of contacts and other factors.

Heating with heat pumps

Unlike the devices discussed above, heat pumps use the full range of alternative sources, namely water, air and earth (except for the sun). The necessary heat can be obtained even in cold weather (albeit in a smaller amount). In practice, this is enough to heat the house.

The main advantage of heat pumps is efficiency. The most advanced devices, taking only 1 kW of energy, give off up to 5-6 kW of heat.

The pumps are equipped with the following elements - three circuits (internal and two external), condenser, compressor and evaporator. The principle of operation is as follows:

  1. Water passes through the primary circuit and takes away heat (from air, earth or water). At this stage, it is possible to reach a temperature of 5-6 degrees Celsius.
  2. In the second (internal circuit) there is another coolant that has a lower boiling point (0 degrees Celsius). After heating, the liquid evaporates, and the resulting vapor is sent to the compressor. There it is subjected to compression to the maximum pressure. At this moment, a large amount of heat is released, which ensures that the working fluid is heated up to 35-65 degrees Celsius.
  3. The resulting heat is transferred to the liquid in the third circuit, which performs the function of heating.
  4. The remaining vapors, the temperature of which gradually decreases, are condensed and then sent to the evaporator. After that, the cycle repeats.

The possibilities of the heating circuit are best used to create underfloor heating, due to the optimal temperature regime to solve such a problem. If you use radiators, you will need a large number of sections, which is very disadvantageous.

The subtleties of the use of thermal energy

If we consider alternative sources in relation to heat production, the greatest difficulty is the arrangement of the primary circuit. It is he who takes on the task of assembling thermal energy. Large areas may be required for best results.

There are four types of circuits in total:

  1. Thermal fields. Their peculiarity lies in burying pipes to a great depth to which the earth does not freeze through. This design is efficient, but for its implementation it is necessary to carry out a large complex of earthworks.
  2. Heat from the air. This mechanism is known thanks to a conventional air conditioner, the principle of which is very similar. Interestingly, even in the cold, such devices are able to "extract" heat. The main thing is that the temperature outside is not lower than 15 degrees below zero.
  3. Pipes in the water. The design feature lies in the annular form of execution and the presence of a coolant inside. The type of reservoir doesn't matter. It could be a lake or a river. The main thing is the presence of sufficient depth to exclude complete freezing. To increase efficiency, it is allowed to use pumps that will pump heat out of the reservoir. To implement such a plan, it will be necessary to assemble a system of pipes, tie a load to it and flood it. The only downside is the risk of accidental damage.
  4. Application of geothermal temperatures. The principle of operation is simple. First, several wells are drilled to a certain depth, after which a circuit with a working fluid is lowered into it. This option is good because it does not need a lot of space. But there is also a drawback. Drilling is carried out to a great depth, and today such services are far from free.

Heat pumps have one common disadvantage - the high cost and complexity of the assembly of the structure. In order to save some work, you can do it yourself, without the involvement of specialists, but the total costs are still high. The advantage is in the durability of the finished system.

Application of biogas plants

Many focus on the use of natural alternative sources. But energy can also be obtained artificially, for example, using biogas plants. These devices will make it possible to "extract" gas for the house from manure - the waste products of chickens, pigs and other domestic animals. With the help of a special apparatus, it is possible to obtain a certain volume of gas, which is purified and can be used for its intended purpose (for cooking, feeding the boiler and other needs). The remaining elements after processing are used as fertilizer.

How it works? After collecting the feces and putting them in a certain place, the fermentation process starts. Poultry or livestock waste will do to get the gas you need, but the latter option is the most efficient.

To speed up the fermentation process, a special environment is created that does not imply oxygen access. This means that the waste is in a completely sealed container. Also, to activate the process, the composition is mixed, for which agitators with electric drives are mounted. In the simplest devices, control can be manual.

Gas is formed due to two types of bacteria:

  • Mesophilic (active at 30-40 degrees Celsius).
  • Thermophilic - are connected to the process when it reaches 42-53 degrees Celsius.

The second variant of bacteria is more productive. From one liter of area source material it turns out up to 4-4.5 liters of gas. The downside is that you have to maintain a high temperature in the installation, and this is costly.

Structurally, a biogas apparatus is a container with a stirrer. The simplest option is a barrel with a lid and a stirrer. From above, a conclusion is made for connecting a hose. It is through it that the gas is sent to a separate container. With this embodiment, a lot of gas will not be obtained, but it will be enough for cooking.

Prospects will be greater if a special bunker is equipped. There are two types:

  1. Underground.
  2. Elevated.

The underground bunker is made using reinforced concrete. The tank is divided into a number of compartments, and the walls are separated from the ground with the help of thermal insulation. The processing process takes 12-30 days. Manure is supplied through a special loading hopper, and on the other hand, a hatch is made for unloading the processed component. The fifth part of the cavity remains free - it is here that gas is collected, which is then discharged through a special tube. Before being supplied to the consumer, natural fuel is cleaned by passing through a water seal with water.

The use of alternative energy sources is a great way to provide everything you need for a comfortable stay in your home. The main difficulty lies in finding money for the initial investment and the desire to realize the idea.

The experience of Europeans shows that it is unprofitable to heat rooms with fuel. In the West, people get heat with electricity. Installing electric boilers is not profitable if the house or apartment is supplied with central electricity. You can get the necessary energy resource yourself, smart people came up with a lot of homemade devices. We will talk about those alternative sources of electricity, which are the easiest to do with your own hands.

Getting electricity from the wind

Structure for power generation

Wind is the most common source of energy. We warn you in advance that it is not very easy to build equipment for generating electricity with your own hands, but the result of the operation of the device will not be long in coming. During development, a person will need to understand the structure of the factory technology and learn how to assemble it on their own. The main components of the installation are:

  • engine
  • multiplier
  • DC generator
  • battery charge controller
  • battery
  • voltage transformer

There are two types of wind turbines: vertical and horizontal. Their difference lies in the order of the axis. It is a little easier to make a vertical alternative energy source for a home with your own hands than a horizontal one. In practice, each of the devices has its own advantages. Coefficient useful action vertical-axis equipment does not exceed 15%. Due low level noise their operation at home does not cause discomfort. The amount of electricity produced depends on the strength of the wind, so the owner does not have to rack his brains if the direction of the air flow changes.

Free energy for the home, obtained using a horizontal axis, is the complete opposite of the vertical type. The equipment is characterized by high efficiency, but it needs to install sensors that respond to changes in wind direction. The disadvantage of a horizontal wind turbine is the high noise level. This option is more suitable for industrial use.

To get alternative electricity in large quantities, you need to choose the right number of blades and propeller sizes. Homemade have developed circuit diagram collection device. It all depends on what results the owner wants to get. With a propeller diameter of 2 meters, the following number of blades must be installed:

For a propeller diameter of 4 meters, the following characteristics apply:

  • 40 watts - 2 blades;
  • 60 watts - 3 blades;
  • 80 watts - 4 blades;
  • 120 watts - 6 blades.

Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that alternative electricity will help in heating the room. It remains only to find out the power of the electric boiler and calculate right size propeller. When calculating, the wind speed equal to four meters per second was taken as the basis. In Eastern Europe, this figure is average.

The blade is an important component of the wind turbine

When making alternative energy sources for the home with your own hands, special attention should be paid to the blades. Sailing devices that are installed on old mills are not efficient because they have a low efficiency. It is advisable to use aerodynamic devices that imitate the appearance of aircraft wings. By and large, the material does not matter, the blades can even be cut from wood. If you decide to use traditional plastic, then remember that with a small number of blades in the installation, vibrations will occur. Therefore, it is desirable to place in a device that will help to obtain alternative forms of energy, 6 blades with a diameter of 3 meters. It is best to use a PVC pipe designed for pressure plumbing. To obtain aerodynamic properties, the edges of the product must be turned and sanded. To assemble the propeller, you will need an "asterisk", which is made from a horizontal.

To get high-quality electricity with your own hands, you need to balance the wind wheels. This can be done at home, during the test work, the blades are checked for arbitrary movement. If the propeller is in a static position, then vibrations are not terrible for it.

It is impossible to generate alternative energy with your own hands using wind without factory equipment. In any case, you will need a DC motor, which costs a penny compared to the price of factory wind turbines. Further, the production of equipment occurs according to the following scenario:

  • frame assembly for structural reliability;
  • installation of a rotary assembly, behind which the generator and the wind wheel will be fixed;
  • installation of a movable side shovel with a spring tie (necessary to protect the device during hurricane winds). If this mechanism does not exist, then the manufactured electricity generator with its own hands will be turned in the direction of the wind;
  • we attach the propeller to the generator, which in turn is attached to the frame, and the frame to the frame;
  • a shovel is attached to the frame;
  • the swivel mechanism is connected to the frame;
  • the generator is attached to the current collector, from which the wires go to the electrical part.

To assemble the electrical part, you need to have elementary knowledge in physics. We attach a diode bridge to the battery, through which the voltage controller and fuses pass. The battery distributes alternative electricity for the home.

Making a simple wind generator with your own hands

Solar panels

Plates for generating electricity using the sun

Relatively recently, mankind has learned to get free energy for the home with the help of the Sun. The resulting resource is used to heat the premises and provide it with electricity, and it is also possible to combine two processes. The benefits of solar energy include:

  1. eternity of the resource;
  2. high level of environmental friendliness;
  3. noiselessness;
  4. the possibility of processing into other alternative forms of energy.

If there is no possibility or desire to buy ready-made solar panels, then the device can be designed independently. We offer you a simple installation so that you can check its effectiveness in practice, and then make several of these devices and create a whole thermal station for your home.

Copper plate before solar panel assembly

So, an alternative current source can be made from a simple sheet of copper, for simple equipment we need about 45 square centimeters. First you need to cut a piece of metal to the size we need. Be guided by the fact that the sheet fits on the spiral of the electric stove. Before starting the procedure, it is important to remove excess elements from copper and eliminate defects. Then you can put the sheet on an electric stove, which should have a power of at least 1100 watts.

During the heating process, the material will change its color several times, which is associated with the peculiarities of the laws of physics and chemistry. After the copper is covered in black, mark for half an hour. After this time, the oxide layer will become thick. When making a solar alternative energy source for your home, after turning off the tile, wait a while for the copper to cool. Cooling will be needed in order for the oxide to exfoliate from the copper. When the sheet temperature of the sheet is equal to room temperature, it is necessary to rinse the material under warm water. And in no case should you separate the remains copper oxide. The inventory of device assembly technology will prove to you that it is very easy to get alternative electricity without much effort.

First, we cut out another sheet of copper, which will correspond to the size of the processed piece. We bend both sheets and place them inside a plastic bottle, and do it in such a way that they do not touch each other. We attach crocodile clips to two plates. Now it remains only to connect the wires to the poles: the cable from “pure” copper goes to the plus, and to the minus - from the processed on the tile.

Small compact solar array

A device for generating electricity with your own hands is almost ready. At the final stage, it remains in a separate vessel to mix 3 tablespoons of salt with plain water. We stir the mixture for several minutes so that the salt is completely dissolved in the liquid, after which the resulting solution is poured into plastic bottle. If you design several such devices at once, you can get good and free alternative energy sources, made with your own hands in a short period of time. You can’t come up with a simpler home-made option for heating a room.

Solar panels - the principle of operation and production

Getting electricity from the bowels of the earth

Laying of heat pump communications

To obtain electrical or thermal energy from the bowels of the earth, it is necessary to build a geothermal heat pump. This device is universal, it is able to extract the product we need both from the ground and from ground water. V Lately this alternative form of energy is very popular.

To get electricity from the ground, you first need to lay a pipeline. If the energy comes from water, then the heat pump is placed in a reservoir. The principle of operation of a heat pump is no different from that of a refrigerator. The only difference is that in our case, heat is not released into the environment, but is absorbed from there.

Do-it-yourself alternative sources of electricity are of four types:

  • vertical manifold. It is installed in drilled wells, the depth of each of which can be up to 150 meters. This technique is relevant when the area of ​​​​the site does not allow the installation of a horizontal heat pump;
  • Horizontal collector. For its location, you need to dig the soil over the area to a depth of one and a half meters. Do-it-yourself alternative energy obtained in this way is available for almost every private house. Experience shows that this scheme is the most effective;
  • Water collector. Relevant if there is a river or lake near the house. The pipeline must be laid at a depth that is below the freezing depth. Otherwise, you will have to install the system every year. This method of obtaining energy is considered the cheapest;
  • Groundwater collector. Obtaining alternative electricity in this way is possible only with the help of specialists. The process of laying pipes requires compliance with stringent requirements. The peculiarity of the installation is that after passing through the entire scheme, the water that has given up its heat returns to the ground. In the future, it is heated with the help of soil and becomes suitable for heating the room and generating electricity.

Advantages of heat pumps

Do-it-yourself alternative energy sources for a home, the sources of which are the bowels of the earth, have many advantages. From the first days of using heat pumps, you will be convinced that such technologies have a high efficiency. Since the temperature of the soil in the wells always remains unchanged throughout the year, the source can be considered eternal. The units do not emit noise and provide the premises with thermal energy in the required volumes. Manufacturers of ground probes say that with the help of such equipment it is possible to generate electricity with your own hands for a hundred years.

There are several other important characteristics that play in favor of heat pumps:

  • no need for natural gas;
  • no harm to the environment;
  • high level of fire safety;
  • the need for a small amount of territory.

Now you know how to generate electricity at home. Owning all necessary information, you can choose the most suitable method.

How to generate electricity at home

How can you generate electricity at home. DIY alternative energy

Collecting an alternative energy source: the best ideas for a private house

In an environment where energy prices are constantly rising, the owners of private houses are more likely to think about alternative energy sources. Some homeowners do not have the ability to connect to the mains at all due to the high cost installation work. Engineers, and along with them craftsmen, paid attention to what nature itself gives humanity and created a number of devices that can be made with your own hands to renew energy resources. The video will show the best practices in action.

biowaste generator

Biogas is an environmentally friendly type of fuel. Use it similarly natural gas. The production technology is based on the vital activity of anaerobic bacteria. Waste is placed in a container, in the process of decomposition of biological materials, gases are released: methane and hydrogen sulfide with an admixture of carbon dioxide.

This technology is actively used in China and on livestock farms in America. In order to receive continuous biogas at home, you need to have a farm or access to a free source of manure.

For the construction of such an installation, you will need a sealed container with a built-in auger for mixing, a gas outlet, a neck for loading waste and a fitting for unloading waste. The design must be perfectly sealed. If the gas is not taken off constantly, then it will be necessary to install a safety valve to relieve excess pressure so that the “roof” of the tank does not blow off. The procedure is the following.

  1. We choose a place for arranging the container. Select the size based on the amount of waste available. For effective work, it is advisable to fill it by two thirds. The tank can be metal or reinforced concrete. A large amount of biogas cannot be obtained from a small tank. 100 cubic meters of gas will come out of a ton of waste.
  2. To speed up the process of bacteria, heating of the contents will be required. It can be done in several ways: place a coil connected to the heating system under the tank or install heating elements.
  3. Anaerobic microorganisms are found in the raw material itself, at a certain temperature they become active. An automatic device in water-heating boilers will turn on the heating when a new batch arrives and turn it off when the waste reaches the set temperature.

The resulting gas can be converted into electricity through a gas power generator.

Advice. Waste waste is used as compost fertilizer for garden beds.

Energy from the wind

Our ancestors have long learned to use wind energy for their needs. In principle, since then the design has not changed much. Only the millstone was replaced by a generator drive that converts the energy of the rotating blades into electricity.

To make a generator, you will need the following parts:

  • generator. Some use the motor from the washing machine, slightly transforming the rotor;
  • multiplier;
  • battery and its charge controller;
  • voltage transformer.

There are many schemes for homemade wind turbines. All of them are completed on the same principle.

  1. The frame is being assembled.
  2. The swivel is installed. Blades and a generator are mounted behind it.
  3. Mount a side shovel with a spring coupler.
  4. The generator with a propeller is attached to the frame, then it is installed on the frame.
  5. Connect and connect to the swivel assembly.
  6. Install the current collector. Connect it to a generator. The wires lead to the battery.

Heat pump

To obtain energy from the depths of the earth, it will be necessary to build a rather complex device that will allow obtaining alternative energy from groundwater, the soil itself or from the air. Most often, such devices are used for space heating. In fact, the unit is a large refrigeration chamber, which, when the environment cools, converts energy and releases it in the form of heat with high potential. Components of the system:

  1. External and internal contour with freon.
  2. Evaporator.
  3. Compressor.
  4. Capacitor.

The collector can be installed vertically if the area of ​​​​the site does not allow a horizontal installation. Several deep wells are drilled and a contour is lowered into them. Horizontally it is placed in the ground to a depth of one and a half meters. If the house is located on the shore of a reservoir, the heat exchanger is laid in the water.

The compressor can be taken from the air conditioner. The condenser is made from a 120 l tank. A copper coil is inserted into the tank, freon will circulate through it, and the water from the heating system will begin to warm up.

The evaporator is made from a plastic barrel with a volume of more than 130 liters. Another coil is inserted into this tank, its combination with the previous one will be carried out through the compressor. The evaporator pipe is made from trim sewer pipe. Through the branch pipe, the flow of water from the reservoir is regulated.

The evaporator is lowered into the reservoir. Water, flowing around it, induces the evaporation of freon. The gas rises into the condenser and gives off heat to the water that surrounds the coil. The coolant circulates in the heating system, heating the room.

Advice. The temperature of the water of the reservoir does not matter, only its constant presence is important.

Solar energy - into electricity

Solar panels were first made for spacecraft. The device is based on the ability of photons to create an electric current. There are a lot of variations in the design of solar panels and every year they are improved. Make your own solar battery can be done in two ways:

Method number 1. Buy ready-made photocells, assemble a chain from them and cover the structure transparent material. You need to work with extreme caution, all elements are very fragile. Each photocell is marked in Volt-Amps. count right amount elements to collect the battery of the required power will not be very difficult. The sequence of work is as follows:

  • for the manufacture of the case you need a sheet of plywood. Wooden slats are nailed along the perimeter;
  • ventilation holes are drilled in the plywood sheet;
  • a fiberboard sheet with a soldered chain of photocells is placed inside;
  • performance is checked;
  • plexiglass is screwed onto the rails.

Method number 2 requires knowledge of electrical engineering. The electrical circuit is assembled from D223B diodes. Solder them in rows sequentially. Placed in a case covered with a transparent material.

Photocells are of two types:

  1. Monocrystalline plates have an efficiency of 13% and will last a quarter of a century. They work flawlessly only in sunny weather.
  2. Polycrystalline ones have a lower efficiency, their service life is only 10 years, but the power does not drop when it is cloudy. Panel area 10 sq. m. is capable of producing 1 kW of energy. When placed on the roof, it is worth considering the total weight of the structure.

Ready batteries are placed on the sunniest side. The panel must be equipped with the ability to adjust the inclination of the angle with respect to the Sun. The vertical position is set during snowfalls so that the battery does not fail.

The solar panel can be used with or without a battery. During the day, consume the energy of the solar battery, and at night - the battery. Or use solar energy during the day, and at night - from the central power supply network.

Homemade hydroelectric power plant

If there is a stream or reservoir with a dam on the site, an additional source of alternative electricity will be a self-made hydroelectric power station. The device is based on a water wheel, and the power will depend on the speed of the water flow. Materials for the manufacture of a generator and a wheel can be taken from a car, and scraps of a corner and metal can be found in any household. In addition, you need a piece copper wire, plywood, polystyrene resin and neodymium magnets.

  1. The wheel is made from 11 inch wheels. From steel pipe blades are made (we cut the pipe lengthwise into 4 parts). You will need 16 blades. The discs are pulled together with bolts, the gap between them is 10 inches. Blades are welded.
  2. The nozzle is made according to the width of the wheel. It is made from scrap metal, bent to size and joined by welding. The nozzle is adjusted in height. This will regulate the water flow.
  3. The axle is welded.
  4. The wheel is mounted on the axle.
  5. The winding is made, the coils are poured with resin - the stator is ready. We collect the generator. A template is made from plywood. Install magnets.
  6. The generator is protected by a metal wing from water splashes.
  7. The wheel, axle and fasteners with a nozzle are coated with paint to protect the metal from corrosion and aesthetic pleasure.
  8. Adjusting the nozzle achieves the greatest power.

Homemade devices do not require large capital investments and produce energy for free. If you combine several types of alternative sources, then such a step will significantly reduce energy costs. To assemble the unit, you only need skillful hands and a clear head.

Energy sources for the home: photo

Do-it-yourself alternative energy sources for a private house, video

Engineers have created a number of do-it-yourself devices for renewable energy. The article will talk about devices for generating energy.

DIY Alternative Energy: An Overview of the Best Renewable Electricity Sources

Today, everyone knows that the reserves of hydrocarbons on Earth have their limit. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to extract oil and gas from the bowels. In addition, their burning causes irreparable damage to the ecology of our planet. Despite the fact that renewable energy production technologies are very effective today, governments are in no hurry to abandon fuel combustion. At the same time, energy prices are rising every year, forcing ordinary citizens to fork out more and more.

In this regard, the production of alternative energy today is becoming not just an eccentricity of individual amateurs, but an occupation that is quite utilitarian and even necessary in some cases. Hundreds of thousands of owners country houses, not only in the world, but in our country, today they are happy to use "green" technologies for the production of electricity. How do-it-yourself alternative energy is produced: an overview of the best renewable sources of electricity can be seen below.

Self-generating renewable energy sources

Since ancient times, man has used devices and mechanisms in his life that were able to convert the movement of natural elements into mechanical energy. Windmills and watermills are examples. With the invention of electricity, it became possible to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy by installing a generator on the moving parts of the mechanism. Over time, these designs have been improved, and today, hydroelectric power plants and wind farms in the world generate a large amount of electricity.

In addition to water and wind, sunlight, the energy of the earth's interior, and biological fuels are available to humanity. In this regard, the following devices for generating renewable energy are used in everyday life:

  • Batteries for solar energy.
  • Thermal pump stations.
  • wind generators.
  • Installations on biogas fuel.

The industry is very sensitive to the wishes of the people and already produces many models of each of these devices. However, their prices today are such that a quick payback is out of the question. In this regard, craftsmen from the people have developed many schemes and projects by which such units can be made. Let's consider some of them.

Solar panels - a gift of space technology

Solar panels gained prominence at the beginning of the space age. They are still used today as energy sources for spacecraft and interplanetary stations. The vehicles plowing the sands of Mars are equipped with these simple devices. The Sun itself gives them its energy. The principle of operation of solar panels is based on the ability of photons, when passing through a semiconductor layer, to create a potential difference in it, which, when closed in an electrical circuit, creates an electric current.

Surprisingly, making your own solar panel is not so difficult. There are two ways to create it. The first method is simple, and anyone can handle it. You just need to purchase ready-made photocells on polycrystals or single crystals, connect them in one circuit and close them with a transparent case. These crystals are capable of capturing photons from the Sun's light and converting them into electricity. They are very fragile, therefore, in the process of manufacturing the device, precautions must be taken. Each element is marked, so its current-voltage characteristics are known. It is only necessary to collect the required number of elements to build a battery of the required power. For this:

  • A transparent frame is made of plastic, plexiglass or polycarbonate.
  • The body is cut out of plywood or plastic according to the size of this frame.
  • All crystalline elements are sequentially soldered into the circuit. Only with a series connection is an increase in the voltage in the circuit achieved. It is simply summed from all elements.
  • The photocells are placed in the frame and carefully closed, not forgetting to bring the wires out.

When choosing solar cells, one should take into account the fact that single crystals are more durable and efficient (13% efficiency), while polycrystals often break and are less efficient (9% efficiency). At the same time, the former require constant open sunlight, while the latter are content with more cloudy weather. Install the finished panel most often on the roof or on a sunlit area. The angle of inclination must be adjusted, since in winter it is better to install the panel vertically to avoid falling asleep with snow.

Solar battery installed on the roof of the building.

The second method of manufacturing solar panels is much more complicated. Some electrical skills are already required here. Instead of ready-made elements, you need to make a diode circuit. To do this, you need to purchase or collect diodes from the old technique. D223B is best suited for this purpose. They have a high voltage of 350mV in direct sunlight. That is, to generate 1V, you need only 3 such diodes. A voltage of 12V can create 36 diodes. The quantity is significant, but their cost is small, about 130 rubles per hundred, so the main problem is the duration of installation.

The diodes are soaked in acetone, after which the paint is removed from them. Then the required number of holes are drilled in the plastic blank and diodes are inserted into them. Spikes are produced sequentially in rows. The finished panel is covered with a transparent material and placed in a casing.

The scheme of manufacturing a solar battery from diodes.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to use the free energy of the Sun. It is enough to devote a little effort and money.

Heat pumps create heat from everything

The principle of their operation is based on Carnot cycles. Speaking more plain language, this is a large refrigerator, which, when the environment cools, takes low-potential energy from it and converts it into high-potential heat. The environment can be any: earth, water, air. At any time of the year, they contain a small proportion of heat. The device has a rather complex device and consists of several main components:

  • External circuit filled with natural coolant.
  • Internal circuit with water.
  • Evaporator.
  • Compressor.
  • Capacitor.

Freon is used in the system, as in the refrigerator. The outer circuit can be placed in a water well or in an open body of water. Sometimes this circuit is even simply buried in the ground, but this is costly.

Consider the process self-manufacturing heat pump. The first step is to get a compressor. You can remove it from the air conditioner. It will be enough power for heating 9.7 kW.

The compressor from the air conditioner with a power of 9.7 kW is perfect for creating a heat pump.

The second important detail is the capacitor. It can be made from a conventional tank with a volume of 120 liters. The main thing is that it is not subject to corrosion. The tank is cut into two parts and a copper coil is inserted inside. Two-inch connections are attached to the coil outlets for mounting the circuit. The tank is welded with welding machine. The area of ​​the coil must be calculated in advance according to the formula: PZ = MT / 0.8RT, where: PZ - the area of ​​​​the coil; MT - The power of thermal energy that the system produces, kW; 0.8 - coefficient of thermal conductivity when water flows around copper; RT is the difference between the inlet and outlet water temperatures in degrees Celsius. The coil can be made independently by winding the pipe on any cylinder. Freon will circulate inside it, and water from the heating system will circulate in the tank. It will heat up when freon condenses.

Heat pump condenser coil.

For the manufacture of the evaporator, you will need a plastic container with a volume of at least 130 liters. The mouth of this tank should be wide. A coil is also placed in it, which will be connected to the previous one in a single circuit through a compressor. The outlet and inlet of the evaporator are made using a conventional sewer pipe. Water from a reservoir or well will flow through it, which has enough energy to evaporate freon.

What does a heat pump evaporator look like?

Such a system works as follows: the evaporator is placed in a reservoir or well. Water, bending around it, causes the evaporation of the refrigerant, which rises through the pipes from the evaporator to the condenser. There it condenses, giving off heat to the water surrounding the coil. This water circulates through the heating pipes with the help of centrifugal pump heating the room. The refrigerant is again sent to the evaporator by the compressor, and the cycle repeats again and again.

Scheme of operation of the heat pump "water-water".

The unit considered by us is able to heat a room of 60 m2 at any time of the year. In this case, energy is taken from the environment.

Descendants of windmills that generate kilowatts

There is nothing complicated in the device of windmills. No wonder our ancestors used wind energy so routinely. Basically nothing has changed. Simply, instead of the millstones of the mill, a drive was installed on the generator, which converts the rotational energy of the blades into electricity.

This is what most modern wind turbines look like.

To make a wind generator you will need: tall tower, blades, generator and storage battery. You have to think and the simplest system control and distribution of electricity. Consider one of the ways to build a windmill yourself.

We will not focus on the structure of the tower and the blades, there is nothing complicated here for someone who understands at least something in mechanics. Let's take a look at the generator. You can, of course, purchase a ready-made generator with the necessary parameters, but our task is to create a windmill on our own. If you have an engine from an old washing machine and it works, then the matter is solved. We will need to convert it into a generator. To do this, we will purchase neodymium magnets.

The generator rotor is bored on lathe making holes for the magnets. We glue magnets on them with superglue. We wrap the rotor in paper, and fill the distance between the magnets epoxy resin. When it dries, we remove the paper, and grind the rotor with sandpaper. Attention! To prevent the magnets from sticking, they must be installed with a slight inclination. Now, when the rotor rotates, the magnets will form a potential difference, which is removed using the terminals.

This is how magnets are glued to the rotor of the washing machine motor.

Biogas generator will create energy from waste

Man in the course of his life produces a huge amount of organic waste. This is especially true near large cities or livestock complexes. If these wastes are placed in an anaerobic environment, then the process of their decomposition begins with the release of a mixture of combustible gases: methane, hydrogen sulfide with carbon dioxide impurities. All of them, except for the last one, are excellent fuel, although they have an unpleasant odor.

In order to make a generator for biofuel, you need a hermetically sealed tank. An auger is mounted in it, with which the waste will be periodically mixed, a branch pipe through which the waste will be unloaded and a neck for loading them. In addition, a branch pipe is welded in the upper part of the tank to take the released biogas and discharge it to the consumer.

It is best to bury this structure in the ground and make it completely airtight. This will facilitate efficient gas extraction without leakage. Since the container is sealed, the gas flow must be constant, otherwise, it is recommended to make a safety valve that will open when the permissible pressure is exceeded. Recycled waste is an excellent fertilizer for the garden.

Construction of a biogas generator.

The simplest design of this installation allows you to create it from almost any available materials. It is very widespread in China. However, it is worth observing safety measures, since biogas is very flammable and toxic. Most biogas comes from a mixture of animal waste and silage. Warm water is poured into the tank, which starts the process of decomposition of the substrate.

A review of the best renewable electricity sources has shown that do-it-yourself alternative energy is not such a fad. It can be obtained literally from nothing and in sufficient quantities for household consumption.

DIY Alternative Energy: An Overview of the Best Renewable Electricity Sources

How do-it-yourself alternative energy is produced: an overview of the best renewable sources of electricity.

Alternative energy is energy, the source of which differs from those that we are accustomed to using (coal, gas, nuclear fuel, oil, etc.); more commonly used in the context of the limited availability of fossil fuel sources and their emissions of harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Alternative energy - a relatively new industry (because there was no need to look for something less efficient, but cleaner than coal, for example) does not find a wide number of supporters, but the transition to it is inevitable. When we find ways to produce a large amount of electricity (rather, store it), use hydrogen and other elements, efficient solar or thermonuclear energy to replace conventional sources, the world will change beyond recognition.

The cost of producing energy from so-called renewable sources, such as wind and sunlight, is slowly but surely declining every year. However, one of the shortcomings of such production still remains unresolved - what to do with the excess energy produced, how to store it? Let's say that in windy weather, windmills produce enough energy to power the power grid. But as soon as the wind stops, there is no energy. Various companies around the world are trying to solve this problem. For example, a company

Today, energy conservation issues are very tough, especially on the territory of some independent states from among the former republics of the Soviet Union. One of the most discussed topics in many forums concerns the financial feasibility of installing sources that reduce energy consumption. Do-it-yourself alternative energy - is there an effective solution? Let's try to understand this issue.

It is worth immediately stipulating the fact that it is unlikely that it will be possible to create alternative energy sources with your own hands. But there is the possibility of using equipment produced on an industrial scale. It is the installation of such devices that can not only reduce the cost of electricity and heat supply, but also completely eliminate dependence on central energy networks.

Technologically, all alternative energy installations can be divided into two main types:

  • Devices for generating electrical energy.
  • Units used to obtain thermal energy in its pure form or to generate gaseous fuel for boiler equipment.

Autonomous power supply installations

Among the existing devices for obtaining free electricity, the following types of equipment have found widespread use:

  • Solar panels that convert the energy of our natural light source directly into electricity. Panels of this type consist of a plurality of light-receiving semiconductor elements. These units are recommended for use in regions with a large number of sunny days. It is advisable to install such panels using mechanisms that provide a change in the angle of inclination of the structure. This will help to avoid the negative effects of precipitation and ensure the reception of the maximum possible solar radiation.
  • Another do-it-yourself alternative energy generator can be installed in regions with a significant wind load. At first glance, an ordinary windmill is able to provide electricity to several consumers at the same time. The performance of the unit depends on the type of generator used, the wingspan of the drive unit, the ability to turn the device depending on the prevailing wind direction.

Heat supply installations

  • Heat pumps operating on the principle of transferring heat energy from a medium with more high temperature. In practice, heat exchangers operating on the energy of water, air and geothermal installations are used, capable of converting the temperature of various soil layers into thermal energy.
  • Biogenerators, allowing to collect the gas released during the decomposition of organic substances. This design can work various types fuel, the most efficient and safe installations with automatic control.

Of course, the cost of installations of this class is considerable, but their acquisition will ensure the independence of the energy supply of your own home.

Recently, fans of renewable energy sources prefer vertical designs of windmills. Horizontal ones go down in history. The point is not only that it is easier to make a vertical wind generator with your own hands than a horizontal one. The main motive for this choice is efficiency and reliability. Advantages of a vertical windmill 1. The vertical design of the windmill catches the wind better: there is no need to determine where it is blowing from and orient the blades to the air flow. 2. The installation of such equipment does not require its high location, which means that it will be easier to maintain a vertical windmill with your own hands. 3. The design contains fewer moving parts, which improves its reliability. 4. The optimal profile of the blades increases the efficiency of the windmill. 5. Multipole...

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