Presidential impeachment examples. Impeachment - what is it, how to impeach the president? In the legislation of the Russian Federation

As an instrument of struggle against the arbitrariness of royal favorites: then the House of Commons arrogated to itself the right to bring the royal ministers to the court of the House of Lords, whereas before this right belonged only to the king. The procedure for bringing criminal charges before the lords by the communities was called “impeachment”. In British history, impeachment was last used in d. From British laws, the concept passed into the US constitution, where it began to mean the lower house of accusation before the Senate against a federal official up to judges and the president (in each state, at the state level, similar procedures are established for the governor and other state officials). First case of impeachment American history occurred in 1797, when a senator from Tennessee, William Blount, was accused of conspiring with the British. The upper house, as in England, acts here as a court of justice, and the president does not have the right to pardon on the verdicts of the Senate. Thus, impeachment in the exact sense is only the first stage of the procedure for removal from office on a criminal charge, although in our time (even in Anglo-Saxon countries) it has become customary to use this word to refer to the entire process of removal.

Impeachment in the USA

In Russia, the procedure for impeachment (removal from office) was initiated three times, once - in accordance with the current Constitution. In all cases, the first president, Boris Yeltsin, became the target.

For the first time, the question of impeachment arose in March 1993, at the initiative of the Supreme Council and the Congress of People's Deputies of Russia. Although the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1978, which was in force at that time (with amendments), allowed the Congress of People's Deputies to independently decide "any issue under the jurisdiction Russian Federation”, as a result of negotiations between the Supreme Council and the President, the issue of powers was submitted to a nationwide referendum, during which the issue of confidence in the Congress was also decided. As a result of the people's will, both branches of government retained their powers.

The second time the issue of impeachment arose in September 1993, after the presidential decree on the termination of the Congress and the Supreme Council. The decision to impeach was taken by the deputies who gathered at the so-called X Congress, the legality of which, however, was not recognized. executive branch. The conflict was resolved by armed means during the events of October 3-4.

The third time the issue of impeachment was considered in 1998-1999. President Yeltsin was accused by the State Duma on four counts: the collapse of the USSR, the unleashing of a war in Chechnya, the weakening of the defense capability and security of Russia, the execution of the Supreme Council in 1993. Optionally, the issue of "genocide of the Russian people" was considered. A special parliamentary commission was created in the State Duma to consider the issue of impeachment, headed by a member of the Communist Party faction Vadim Filimonov (chairman), Viktor Ilyukhin (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) and Yelena Mizulina YABLOKO (deputy chairmen). As a result of the vote, none of the accusations received the support of a qualified majority of deputies (17 votes were not enough to bring an accusation on the issue of the war in Chechnya) and the procedure was terminated.

In other countries

Legislation on the impeachment of senior officials exists in most countries of the world, but it is not universally resorted to. For example, at the end of XX - early XXI century, presidents were removed from office: Brazil's Fernando Color, Indonesia's Abdurrahman Wahid and Lithuania's Rolandas Paksas. The impeachment of Paksas () at the same time became the only accepted impeachment of a head of state in Europe.

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See what "Impeachment" is in other dictionaries:

    - (impeachment) Formal charge of wrongdoing. To impeach an official, it is required to accuse him of crimes or misdemeanors in the line of duty. Impeachment usually... Political science. Dictionary.

    - [English] impeachment censure, accusation] jur., watered. 1) a special procedure for bringing to responsibility and judicial review of cases of crimes of high officials; 2) deprivation of powers of persons elected to the legislative body, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Modern Encyclopedia

    Impeachment- (English impeachment), in some states (for example, in the UK, USA, Japan) a special procedure for bringing to justice, as well as judicial review of cases of crimes of high officials of the state (president of the country, ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (English impeachment) a special procedure for the implementation of the responsibility of senior officials in a number of foreign countries. In some states with a republican form of government, I. is primarily provided for the head of state by the president in case ... Law Dictionary

    - (English impeachment) in some states (for example, in the USA, Great Britain, Japan) a special procedure for bringing to justice and judicial review of cases of crimes of senior officials. In case of impeachment, prosecution and ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    IMPEACHMENT, ah, husband. (specialist.). The procedure for the deprivation of powers of senior officials who have committed a gross violation of the law. Parliamentary power of impeachment. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Exist., Number of synonyms: 1 renunciation (11) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Russia, the procedure for impeachment (removal from office) was initiated three times, once - in accordance with the current Constitution. In all cases, the first president, Boris Yeltsin, became the target.

For the first time the question of impeachment arose in March 1993 at the initiative of the Supreme Council and the Congress of People's Deputies of Russia. Although the 1978 Constitution of the RSFSR in force at that time (with amendments) allowed the Congress of People's Deputies to independently decide "any issue under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation", as a result of negotiations between the Supreme Council and the president, the issue of powers was submitted to a nationwide referendum, during which At the same time, the question of confidence in the Congress was being decided. As a result of the people's will, both branches of government retained their powers.

The second time the question of impeachment arose in September 1993, after the presidential decree on the termination of the Congress and the Supreme Council. The impeachment decision was taken by the deputies who gathered at the so-called X Congress, the legitimacy of which, however, was not recognized by the executive branch. The conflict was resolved by force of arms during the events of October 3-4.

The third time the issue of impeachment was considered in 1998-1999. President Yeltsin was accused by the State Duma on four counts: the collapse of the USSR, the unleashing of a war in Chechnya, the weakening of Russia's defense capability and security, and the dissolution of the Supreme Council in 1993. Optionally, the issue of "genocide of the Russian people" was considered. A special parliamentary commission was created in the State Duma to consider the issue of impeachment, headed by a member of the Communist Party faction Vadim Filimonov (chairman), Viktor Ilyukhin (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) and Elena Mizulina ("Yabloko") (deputy chairmen). As a result of the vote, none of the accusations received the support of a qualified majority of deputies (17 votes were not enough to bring an accusation on the issue of the war in Chechnya), and the procedure was terminated.

In other countries

Legislation on the impeachment of senior officials exists in most countries of the world, but it is not universally resorted to. For example, at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, the presidents of Brazil Fernando Color (1990-1992) and Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016), Peru Alberto Fujimori were removed from office (Congress did not accept his voluntary resignation and carried out an impeachment procedure with a ban on political activity), Indonesian Abdurrahman Wahid and Lithuanian Rolandas Paksas. The impeachment of Paksas () at the same time became the only accepted impeachment of a head of state in Europe.


Unlike most other countries, in Liechtenstein's constitution, the procedure for removing a prince from power is initiated by citizens and carried out through a popular referendum.


Impeachment in the Philippines follows procedures similar to those in the United States of America. Under Sections 2 and 3 of Article 11 of the Philippine Constitution, the Philippine House of Representatives has the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachment against the President, Vice President, members of the Supreme Court, members of the Constitutional Commissions, and the Ombudsman. When a third of its members have approved the articles of impeachment, they are then submitted to the Philippine Senate.

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An excerpt characterizing the impeachment

- so that no one knows anything! added the sovereign, frowning. Boris realized that this was referring to him, and, closing his eyes, tilted his head slightly. The emperor again entered the hall and stayed at the ball for about half an hour.
Boris was the first to learn the news of the crossing of the Neman by the French troops, and thanks to this he had the opportunity to show some important people that he knows a lot that is hidden from others, and through this he had the opportunity to rise higher in the opinion of these persons.

The unexpected news of the French crossing the Neman was especially unexpected after a month of unfulfilled expectations, and at the ball! The emperor, in the first minute of receiving the news, under the influence of indignation and insult, found that, which later became famous, a saying that he himself liked and fully expressed his feelings. Returning home from the ball, at two in the morning the sovereign sent for Secretary Shishkov and ordered him to write an order to the troops and a rescript to Field Marshal Prince Saltykov, in which he certainly demanded that words be placed that he would not reconcile until at least one an armed Frenchman will remain on Russian soil.
The next day the following letter was written to Napoleon.
Monsieur mon frere. J "ai appris hier que malgre la loyaute avec laquelle j" ai maintenu mes engagements envers Votre Majeste, ses troupes ont franchis les frontieres de la Russie, et je recois al "instant de Petersbourg une note par laquelle le comte Lauriston, pour cause de cette agression, annonce que votre majeste s "est consideree comme en etat de guerre avec moi des le moment ou le prince Kourakine a fait la demande de ses passeports. Les motifs sur lesquels le duc de Bassano fondait son refus de les lui delivrer, n "auraient jamais pu me faire supposer que cette demarche servirait jamais de pretexte a l" agression. En effet cet ambassadeur n "y a jamais ete autorise comme il l" a declare lui meme, et aussitot que j "en fus informe, je lui ai fait connaitre combien je le desapprouvais en lui donnant l" ordre de rester a son poste. Si Votre Majeste n "est pas intentionnee de verser le sang de nos peuples pour un malentendu de ce genre et qu" elle consente a retirer ses troupes du territoire russe, je regarderai ce qui s "est passe comme non avenu, et un accommodement entre nous sera possible. Dans le cas contraire, Votre Majeste, je me verrai force de repousser une attaque que rien n "a provoquee de ma part. Il depend encore de Votre Majeste d "eviter a l" humanite les calamites d "une nouvelle guerre.
Je suis, etc.
(signe) Alexandre.
["My lord brother! Yesterday it dawned on me that, despite the frankness with which I observed my obligations in relation to Your Imperial Majesty, Your troops crossed the Russian borders, and only now received a note from Petersburg, which Count Lauriston informs me about this invasion, that Your Majesty considers yourself in hostile relations with me since the time when Prince Kurakin demanded his passports. The reasons on which the Duke of Bassano based his refusal to issue these passports could never have led me to suppose that my ambassador's act was the occasion for the attack. And in fact, he had no order from me to do so, as he himself announced; and as soon as I found out about this, I immediately expressed my displeasure to Prince Kurakin, ordering him to fulfill the duties entrusted to him as before. If Your Majesty is not disposed to shed the blood of our subjects because of such a misunderstanding, and if you agree to withdraw your troops from the Russian possessions, then I will ignore everything that has happened, and an agreement between us will be possible. Otherwise, I will be forced to repel an attack that was not initiated by anything on my part. Your Majesty, you still have the opportunity to save humanity from the scourge of a new war.
(signed) Alexander. ]

On June 13, at two o'clock in the morning, the sovereign, having called Balashev to him and read his letter to Napoleon to him, ordered him to take this letter and personally hand it over to the French emperor. Sending Balashev, the sovereign again repeated to him the words that he would not reconcile until at least one armed enemy remained on Russian soil, and ordered that these words be conveyed to Napoleon without fail. The sovereign did not write these words in the letter, because he felt with his tact that these words were inconvenient to convey at the moment when the last attempt at reconciliation was being made; but he certainly ordered Balashev to hand them over to Napoleon personally.
Leaving on the night of June 13-14, Balashev, accompanied by a trumpeter and two Cossacks, arrived at dawn in the village of Rykonty, at the French outposts on this side of the Neman. He was stopped by French cavalry sentries.
A French hussar non-commissioned officer, in a crimson uniform and a shaggy hat, shouted at Balashev, who was approaching, ordering him to stop. Balashev did not immediately stop, but continued to move along the road at a pace.
The non-commissioned officer, frowning and muttering some kind of curse, moved his horse's chest towards Balashev, took up his saber and rudely shouted at the Russian general, asking him: is he deaf that he does not hear what they say to him. Balashev named himself. The non-commissioned officer sent a soldier to the officer.
Paying no attention to Balashev, the non-commissioned officer began to talk with his comrades about his regimental affairs and did not look at the Russian general.
It was extraordinarily strange for Balashev, after being close to the highest power and might, after a conversation three hours ago with the sovereign and generally accustomed to honors in his service, to see here, on Russian soil, this hostile and, most importantly, disrespectful attitude of brute force towards himself.
The sun was just beginning to rise from behind the clouds; the air was fresh and dewy. On the way, the herd was driven out of the village. In the fields, one by one, like bubbles in water, the larks burst up with a chuckle.
Balashev looked around him, waiting for the arrival of an officer from the village. The Russian Cossacks, and the trumpeter, and the French hussars silently looked at each other from time to time.
A French hussar colonel, apparently just out of bed, rode out of the village on a handsome, well-fed gray horse, accompanied by two hussars. On the officer, on the soldiers and on their horses there was a look of contentment and panache.
This was the first time of the campaign, when the troops were still in good order, almost equal to a lookout, peaceful activity, only with a touch of elegant militancy in clothes and with a moral touch of that fun and enterprise that always accompany the beginning of campaigns.
The French colonel could hardly hold back a yawn, but he was courteous and, apparently, understood the full significance of Balashev. He led him past his soldiers by the chain and informed him that his desire to be presented to the emperor would probably be immediately fulfilled, since the imperial apartment, as far as he knew, was not far away.
They passed the village of Rykonty, past the French hussar hitching posts, sentries and soldiers saluting their colonel and examining the Russian uniform with curiosity, and drove to the other side of the village. According to the colonel, the head of the division was two kilometers away, who would receive Balashev and escort him to his destination.
The sun had already risen and shone cheerfully on the bright greenery.
They had just left behind the tavern on the mountain, when a group of horsemen appeared to meet them from under the mountain, in front of which, on a black horse with a harness shining in the sun, rode a tall man in a hat with feathers and black hair curled to the shoulders, in a red mantle and with long legs sticking out forward, as the French ride. This man galloped towards Balashev, shining and fluttering in the bright June sun with his feathers, stones and gold galloons.
Balashev was already at a distance of two horses from the rider galloping towards him with a solemnly theatrical face in bracelets, feathers, necklaces and gold, when Yulner, a French colonel, whispered respectfully: "Le roi de Naples." [King of Naples.] Indeed, it was Murat, now called the Neapolitan king. Although it was completely incomprehensible why he was a Neapolitan king, he was called that, and he himself was convinced of this and therefore had a more solemn and important air than before. He was so sure that he was really the king of Naples, that when, on the eve of his departure from Naples, during his walk with his wife through the streets of Naples, several Italians shouted to him: “Viva il re!”, [Long live the king! (Italian)] he turned to his wife with a sad smile and said: “Les malheureux, ils ne savent pas que je les quitte demain! [Unfortunate, they don't know that I'm leaving them tomorrow!]

The past week has been pretty generous. political events and statements from both government politicians and oppositionists. How accusations from both sides are pouring out of a cornucopia, backed up if not by facts, then by strong expressions and insults. Undoubtedly, the main newsmaker was the traditionally permanent leader of the Ata Meken party, Omurbek Tekebayev, who proposed to start the impeachment procedure against President Almazbek Atambayev.

website decided to find out if this is the first time Kyrgyzstan is preparing for the procedure for the resignation of the president and in which countries the resignation of the head of state was carried out and for what reasons.

The first country to establish for the first time in its Constitution such an institution as impeachment was the United States of America. However, it is worth noting that the United States understood this term at the time of its inclusion as the responsibility not only of the head of state, but also of all senior officials. Three American presidents had to experience the fate and hardships of "impeachment".


In the entire history of the United States, two presidents were impeached by the House of Representatives, but they were later acquitted by the Senate, where the prosecution did not get the necessary 2/3 of the votes. The first unfortunate was the President Andrew Johnson when in 1868 he was accused of illegally resigning the Minister of War.

In 1998-1999, due to a high-profile sex scandal with Monica Lewinsky, they wanted to dismiss Bill Clinton. The reason for the investigation of the Clinton story was not the fact of the president's sexual relationship with an intern Lewinsky, but trial on charges of a loving politician by Paula Jones. This lady claimed that, as governor of Arkansas, Clinton allowed himself to sexually harass her. And here Clinton, answering the question whether he had sexual relations and with Monica Lewinsky, answered "no", while under oath. Adultery is not punishable, but perjury is a criminal offense and grounds for impeachment. According to the US Constitution, more than two-thirds of the votes of senators (67 out of 100) are required to approve the resignation of the head of state. However, at that time there were 55 Republicans and 45 Democrats in the Senate - Clinton's party members. So in February 1999, the procedure was terminated.

In 1974 the President Richard Nixon The House of Representatives also wanted to remove the post due to " Watergate affair". But he resigned before the issue was considered by the Senate (most likely, the verdict would have been guilty), which allowed his successor Gerald Ford to pardon Nixon. This is the only case in the history of the United States when a president terminated his duties ahead of schedule.


As for the violation of the Constitution of the country, history knows such an example. Four years ago, in the Republic of China, Taiwan, there was an incident with the President of this country, Ma Ying-jeou. The scandal reached the top not only of local media, but also of the world. In January 2012, Ma Ying-jeou was fined NT$500,000 (or $17,000) by a local court only for pre-announcing the results of a national poll on air, which was not allowed by Taiwan's electoral law. Then he himself resigned, but ran again and ... won the election.

South America

A real parade of impeachments took place in the countries of South America in the last decade of the twentieth century. Brazil made a start by opposing its president Fernando Colora di Melu. The leader did not wait for the end of the process on charges of corruption, and in December 1992 he resigned. But the Senate nevertheless brought the matter to an end and impeached Color.

The head of Venezuela was also accused of corruption Carlos Andres Perez. On August 31, 1993, the Venezuelan National Congress convicted the president of embezzling 250 million bolivars from government funds. He was impeached, and in 1996 the court found Peres guilty and sentenced him to house arrest for a period of two years and four months.

In February 1997, the National Congress of Ecuador announced that the President Abdala Bukaram unable to lead the state due to "mental disability". Bucaram was accused of discrediting the office of the head of state, illegal "use of the armed forces for personal purposes", corruption and inappropriate behavior. During public appearances on television, the president liked to sing and dance for his beloved people. The people did not appreciate the talents, Bucarama had to emigrate to Panama. In general, sometimes songs or dances live from the first person of the state do not lead to good ...


In 2000 the President of Peru Alberto Fujimori fled the country due to mass protests caused by revelations of corruption schemes in his entourage. He asked for political asylum in Japan and from there announced his resignation. The Congress of Peru did not accept the president's voluntary resignation and announced impeachment, dismissing him from office with the original wording "for persistent moral failure." Fujimori was later accused of embezzling public funds and directing the operations that led to the 1991-1992 massacres.

Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo went through impeachment proceedings in 2012. Parliament accused him of improper performance official duties which resulted in the death of 17 people.

And quite recently, thanks to impeachment, the former head of Brazil resigned Dilma Rousseff. The Brazilian Senate has voted to impeach President Dilma Rousseff. Rousseff's impeachment process began in December 2015. The key accusation was budgetary fraud: allegedly, the government, at the initiative of the president, used the so-called fiscal pedaling in 2014-2015. Its essence is that the authorities moved the planned spending on social programs to the next financial period in order to improve performance in the current period.


Impeachment is also close to Lithuania, when, due to this procedure, the President of Lithuania Paksas Rolandas only lasted one year in office. In 2004, the Sejm impeached him. The reason was the granting of Lithuanian citizenship to Russian businessman Yuri Borisov. He allegedly donated $400,000 to the presidential election campaign. The Lithuanian leader himself stated that he did not intend to serve either the Americans or Russia, but only the Lithuanian people.


In November 1996, events took place in the political life of Belarus that predetermined the development of the country for decades. Thanks to the referendum held on November 24 and the new version of the Constitution approved at it, Alexander Lukashenko concentrated all power in his hands. The impeachment process launched by the parliament was terminated as a result of pressure on the deputies and negotiations with the participation of the Russian leadership. And the thing is that Lukashenka issued 15 decrees, which the Constitutional Court of the country recognized as unconstitutional. And they shouldn't have acted. But Lukashenka responded by issuing an order, which was not provided for by the Constitution, in which he obliged all officials to comply with his orders.


March 5, 2013 The Senate of the Czech Republic issued to the President Vaclav Klaus impeachment 3 days before the expiration of his term, accusing him of violating the Constitution. The reason was the amnesty proclaimed by Klaus on January 2, 2013, as a result of which thousands of convicts were released. In addition, the investigation of a number of major economic crimes was discontinued. Because of this decision, many criminal cases involving high-ranking Czech officials were closed. On March 27, 2013, the Constitutional Court acquitted Vaclav Klaus due to the fact that he had already left his post.


The Russian Federation is also included in the list of countries where the procedure for the resignation of the head of state was carried out. All three attempts were directed against the first President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin.

For the first time the question of impeachment arose in March 1993 at the initiative of the Supreme Council and the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation. Although the 1978 Constitution of the RSFSR in force at that time (with amendments) allowed the Congress of People's Deputies to independently decide "any issue under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation", as a result of negotiations between the Supreme Council and the president, the issue of powers was submitted to a national referendum, and both branches the authorities retained their powers.

The next impeachment attempt took place in September 1993, after the President's decree on the termination of the Congress and the Supreme Council. The impeachment decision was taken by the deputies who gathered at the so-called X Congress, the legitimacy of which, however, was not recognized by the executive branch. The conflict was resolved by armed means during the events of October 3-4.

The third time the issue of impeachment was considered in 1998-1999. Yeltsin was accused by the State Duma on the following points:

  1. collapse of the USSR;
  2. unleashing a war in Chechnya;
  3. the weakening of the defense capability and security of Russia;
  4. dissolution of the Supreme Soviet in 1993.

Additionally, the issue of "genocide of the Russian people" was considered. As a result of the vote, none of the accusations received the support of a qualified majority of deputies (17 votes were not enough to bring an accusation on the issue of the war in Chechnya), and the procedure was terminated.


In our republic, no one has officially put forward the impeachment of presidents. Of course, there were also conversations on the podium in parliament, at rallies and round tables. According to the same Tekebaev, a legal precedent will be created in Kyrgyz legislation in March and it needs serious documentary support.

"That is why a solid base is being prepared now. I think that in five years there will be enough facts for the resignation of the head of state," the Ata Meken leader said.

By the way, in 2013, impeachment, albeit public, was announced to Almazbek Atambayev. This was done by the representative of the people's patriotic revolutionary movement of pure opposition forces of Kyrgyzstan "For neo-socialism and true democracy" Nazarbek Nyshanov. He even began collecting signatures for the president's resignation. True, then the initiative did not end with anything.

© AP Photo / Eraldo Peres

© AP Photo / Eraldo Peres

May 26, 2015 Parliament of Madagascar. Parliamentarians accused the president of unprofessionalism and violating the country's constitution. 121 out of 151 members of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Madagascar voted for the resignation of Radzaunarimampianin. On June 13, the Constitutional Court of Madagascar rejected the Parliament's demand for the President's resignation.

In early July 2012, the Romanian Parliament. 258 out of 432 deputies voted for his removal from office, 114 voted against. The initiator of the procedure for removing the center-right Basescu from office was the opposition center-left coalition, which prepared a detailed report on his activities over the past two years as head of state and accused the politician of violating the constitution.

The country held a referendum on the impeachment of the president, during which more than 87% of voters supported the removal of the head of state from office. However, the results of the referendum were declared invalid, since the turnout rate was about 46%, while in order for the referendum to be recognized as valid, at least half of the population with the right to vote must take part in it. The Constitutional Court of Romania has ruled that the referendum on impeachment of President Troian Basescu has failed.

April 2007 also the Parliament of Romania. Deputies from the left opposition accused Basescu of violating the constitution and displaying "totalitarian inclinations": abuse of power, including eavesdropping telephone conversations members of the government, corruption and damaging the image of Romania in the international arena. Things went as far as a referendum, in which, according to the Romanian Central Electoral Bureau, just over 30% of more than 18 million citizens with the right to vote participated. Of these, 74% voted against impeachment. This did not prevent Basescu from winning the presidential election in December 2009.

June 22, 2012 Senate of Paraguay to President Fernando Lugo on charges of improper performance of his duties. The reason for the consideration of the case was a clash between police and peasants in the area of ​​the city of Curuguatu, in the Canendiyu department in the southeast of the country. The incident killed 17 people. , against - 4.

April 2007 after the presidential and parliamentary elections in Nigeria, which took place on April 21, parties that disagreed with the results of the vote, the incumbent President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, calling him the main culprit in the disruption of popular elections in the country. At the same time, the Nigerian authorities declared the elections held. The election campaign and elections from the very beginning were scandalous and received a lot of criticism from observers and supporters of the Nigerian opposition. On the eve, the name of the future president of the republic, the candidate from the ruling party of the PDP, Umaru Yaradua, became known, who outstripped his closest rivals by more than two times in the number of votes.

In August 2002 Nigeria's lower house of parliament also demanded the resignation of President Olusegun Obasanjo, giving him two weeks to do so. Otherwise, the parliamentarians promised to start impeachment proceedings. However, Obasanjo rejected the call for resignation.

April 6, 2004 Parliament of Lithuania. Parliamentarians found him guilty on three counts - granting citizenship by way of exception to the sponsor of his election campaign, Russian businessman Yuri Borisov, failure to ensure the conditions for protecting state secrets, and abuse of power. 115 out of 137 Seimas deputies took part in the secret ballot. The Counting Commission received 114 ballots, of which 103 were recognized as valid.

March 12, 2004 National Assembly South Korea was, whom the opposition accused of corruption and illegal support for a pro-government party on the eve of parliamentary elections. On May 14, 2004, the Constitutional Court of South Korea rejected the impeachment of President Roh Moo-hyun. The judges decided that the decision of the parliament to remove the country's president from power was unauthorized, Roh Moo-hyun's powers were restored.

In August 2003 The Supreme Court of Zambia ended the proceedings on the claims of the opposition demanding to invalidate the results of the 2001 elections and impeach the country's incumbent President Levi Mwanawas and rejected them as unfounded. Mwanawasa accused former President Frederick Chiluba and his entourage of corruption and mismanagement of public funds during his time in office.

In 2001 The Indonesian parliament voted unanimously to impeach President Wahid Abdurrahman. He could not cope with the economic difficulties in the country, and he turned against himself various political and religious groups, including the army. Vahid Abdurrahman's attempts to remain in power did not receive the support of the country's population.

November 13, 2000 The lower house of the Philippine Parliament voted to impeach President Joseph Estrada. He was accused of taking multi-million dollar bribes from crime syndicates engaged in racketeering and gambling. In January 2001, the impeachment process of Joseph Estrada came to a standstill - the prosecutor's office, investigating the financial transactions of the president, was not given access to his accounts. This caused massive opposition demonstrations in Manila.

January 20, 2001 Joseph Estrada has retired.

In February 1997 Ecuador's parliament declared the country's president, Abdal Bucaram, "mentally incapable" of governing the state and removed him from power. Abdala Bukaram fled to Panama, which granted him political asylum.

September 29, 1992 Brazil's lower house of congress began impeachment proceedings against President Fernando Color de Melo. With a vote of 441 in favor and 38 against, he was stripped of his post. On December 29, 1992, just before the vote in the Senate, Fernando Color de Melu resigned. Nevertheless, the vote was held, Kolor was deprived of his post and the right to engage in politics for eight years.


In 1998 The 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton, was impeached. Political after the appearance in the media of information about the connection of the president with a young employee of the White House, Monica Lewinsky. Clinton was accused of making false statements to the court and obstruction of justice.

In December 1998 the House of Representatives passed a decision on impeachment; in February 1999, after a long trial in the Senate, all charges against Clinton were dropped.

At the end of March 1993 The Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation tried to remove Russian President Boris Yeltsin from power and start impeachment proceedings in connection with his televised address on March 20, but the deputies did not collect the necessary two-thirds of the votes. The failure of the impeachment forced the convention to agree to a referendum, which was scheduled for April 25. As a result of the referendum, the President (as well as the Congress) retained his powers.

In September 1993, after Yeltsin decree No. 1400 ordered the Supreme Council and the Congress to suspend the exercise of their functions, the Supreme Council, in turn, declared the decree a constitutional coup, the Constitutional Court recognized it as the basis for removing the president from office. Supreme

The Council adopted a resolution on the termination of presidential powers. The 10th Extraordinary (Extraordinary) Congress of People's Deputies decided to terminate the powers of President Yeltsin. However, during the events of September-October 1993, Yeltsin managed to maintain de facto power over the country.

In 1998 for the third time, the impeachment proceedings against Boris Yeltsin were launched. It was based on five accusations, including the collapse of the Soviet Union; the shooting of parliament in October 1993; unleashing a war in Chechnya; the collapse of the Armed Forces and the genocide of the Russian people. For the first time, the Impeachment Committee was formed. On May 15, 1999, the State Duma considered the issue of early termination of the powers of Russian President Yeltsin. However, during the voting, two-thirds of the deputies' votes were not collected on any of the charges.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

One of the political terms is the word "impeachment".

What is impeachment? "Impeachment" - (from lat. impedivi - to prevent) - a judicial procedure, including criminal prosecution of persons holding both municipal and senior positions (officials, heads of state), if an act was committed that is incompatible with official duties. The impeachment procedure is dictated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the consequence of this process is the removal of persons of state execution from office.

The process and decision-making is carried out by the parliament, in the Russian Federation - by the Federal Assembly, which, in turn, is represented by the upper (Federation Council) and lower (Duma) chambers.

Impeachment process in Russia

The impeachment procedure in Russia took place three times, and all three were undertaken against President B.N. Yeltsin. The removal of the president from official duties puts the Federation Council into action if two-thirds of the votes of the assessors "for removal" are received. The most serious was the initiation of impeachment in 1998-1999. The President was accused by the Duma on four counts:

  • collapse of the USSR in 1991;
  • the beginning of the war in Chechnya;
  • dispersal of the Congress of People's Deputies in 1993;
  • weakening Russia's security.

However, the procedure was stopped due to the fact that none of the charges did not collect enough votes of deputies. Two other initiations of proceedings against Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin were also unsuccessful.

From the history of the political term

The concept of "impeachment" arose in the 14th century in England, where the accusation procedure was invented as a punishment for the willfulness of royal favorites. However, in British history, impeachment was last used in 1806.

From British law, the word smoothly passed into the US constitution, where it acquired the meaning of an accusation by the lower house of parliament of an official at the federal level. In the history of the United States, two presidents have been impeached and acquitted by the Senate.