Ionic air purifier with UV lamp. Air purifier with ultraviolet (UV) lamp

Multifunctional air cleaner "ATMOS-MAXI-105"

Air ionizers with an ultraviolet lamp - on guard of health

Air purity in the home can affect the health of all family members. To cleanse it and create a healthy atmosphere in the rooms, air ionizers, which enrich the air mass with negatively charged particles.

The principle of their operation is based on the contact of air with an ultraviolet lamp, resulting in direct purification from allergens, plant pollen, bacteria, viruses, and tobacco smoke. purpose ionizer air with ultraviolet lamps is as follows:

  • Saturation of air in the room with anions;
  • Cleansing from infectious agents and contaminants;
  • Decrease negative influence electromagnetic radiation household appliances;
  • Elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • Purification of pollen and household air dust.

take advantage modern ionizer with ultraviolet radiation follows in case of poor health, poor health, frequent infectious diseases. It is an ideal choice for nursery, bedroom and kitchen. Buy quality model from a reliable manufacturer on our website.

About virtues

In addition to the list of the above purposes, the ionizer with ultraviolet lamps also has several notable advantages:

  • Can work in the presence of people due to the lack of ozone emission;
  • It is characterized by silent operation;
  • It has high efficiency in use due to low power consumption;
  • Easy to operate.

Also, devices with ultraviolet disinfecting lamps have the possibility of reinstallation from one room to another.

Proper operation

When using air ionizers you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Use the product after a detailed study of the instructions;
  • Do not remove the cover while the device is in operation;
  • Do not turn on the device in the bathroom, near the fireplace or oven;
  • Take care of each UV lamp, clean it regularly;
  • Disconnect equipment from electricity before washing;
  • Do not let small children play with the appliance.

Using the UV lamp costs the recommended number of hours. Then it must be disposed of, and a new one installed in the device for the best effect.

The modern market of climate technology is flooded with various products, thanks to which you can create the most favorable microclimate in the room. The most popular products in this category are air conditioners and split systems, humidifiers and convectors, compact supply and exhaust ventilation units. Our compatriots are in constant demand for ultraviolet air purifiers for the home, which will be discussed in this publication.

The principle of operation and design features of UV purifiers

The operation of such a device is based on the UV radiation of a quartz lamp, which has a detrimental effect on pathogens.

This air sterilization technology has been known for a very long time and has been successfully used in hospitals and food processing enterprises for more than half a century.

Modern air purifiers with a UV lamp can fight not only microorganisms, but also any organic contamination of the air mixture, decomposing organic matter into harmless components: carbon dioxide and water. Especially effective is the fight against ultraviolet radiation with fungi and mold colonies, as spores in the air are destroyed.

The basic model of the UV purifier consists of a quartz lamp and a fan. With the help of a fan, air is pumped into the body of the device. A UV lamp is installed in the housing, which, by its radiation, purifies the air mixture from microorganisms and organic compounds. After that, already purified air is removed from the device.

Today, most UV purifiers are equipped with additional devices that, in addition to organics, can decompose chemical compounds, purify the air from dust and saturate it with useful negative ions. A high-quality air purifier with an ionizer, a UV lamp and a photocatalytic filter will reliably protect the inhabitants of the house from various household contaminants that are in the air mixture of any room.

Benefits of UV Clarifiers

Modern UV air purifiers have a lot of advantages:

  • Simplicity in the management of technology. It is enough to connect it to the power supply, set the timer and the process of cleaning the air mixture will begin.
  • Cheapness in service. Such equipment, as a rule, does not have replaceable filters, therefore, it does not need regular and expensive maintenance.
  • Not big sizes and low weight, due to the absence of complex mechanisms.
  • Efficient air purification from organic pollution.
  • Small power consumption.

Many residents of megacities are concerned about the deterioration of the environment, so they often ask themselves the question: “How to purify the air in an apartment without harming the health of the inhabitants, because everyone knows that large doses of ozone are released when a quartz lamp is in operation”?

Leading experts agree: Modern UV cleaners are completely safe for humans and pets. The thing is that in modern installations for cleaning the air mixture, an ultraviolet lamp with a softer radiation is used. That is why, when using such devices, the ozone concentration is several times lower than the average daily MPC. On the other hand, ozone also has strong oxidizing properties, which contributes to additional air purification from various microorganisms.

Safety Precautions When Using UV Clarifiers

This class of appliance is recognized as safe for residential use, but basic safety precautions must be followed by the owner to prevent electrical shock and safely use UV radiation.

  • Manufacturers of such devices do not recommend removing the casing of the device when the UV lamp is operating. Radiation can cause severe burns to the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.
  • The cleaner must not be opened and disassembled when connected to the power supply.
  • An air purifier with an ultraviolet lamp is recommended to be cleaned of products of various contaminants at least once a month.
  • The UV lamp produces a sufficiently large amount of heat, so the device should not be installed near flammable objects.

UV cleaners on the domestic market

On the Russian market, most often you can purchase the following models of modern UV cleaners:

UV cleaner with air ionization AIC XJ-2100. This device can serve a room up to 25 m2. Thanks to the built-in ionizer, the device charges the air masses with negative ions and perfectly copes not only with organic pollution, but also purifies the air of the home from household dust, plant pollen and other inclusions that cause allergies. The model is an air purifier without replaceable filters and can operate in two modes: continuous and short-term. In short-term mode, the device turns on for 30 seconds every three minutes, which contributes to the minimum release of ozone. The cost of the device in Moscow stores varies from 60 to 65 USD. The ultraviolet air cleaner Air Comfort XJ-2200 is considered one of the most modern and functional devices on the domestic market of climate technology. In addition to the UV lamp, the device is equipped with: a coarse filter, a photocatalytic filter. Carbon filter element and HEPA filter. Thanks to this filling, the device cleans up to 99% of all contaminants from the air and eliminates most unpleasant odors. The performance of the device is sufficient for high-quality air purification in a room with an area of ​​18 m 2. The cost of the device is 62 USD.

Before purchasing a device for cleaning the air mixture by means of UV radiation, be sure to consult with specialists.

The autumn-winter period for most families marks the beginning of frequent. It is no secret that most viruses, microbes and bacteria are located in the air of domestic premises, on the surface of furniture and electrical appliances. Unfortunately, during epidemics, cut onion or garlic does not help much. An air purifier with an ionizer and a UV lamp will help stop the spread of infection, purify and improve the air.

How does an ultraviolet lamp air purifier work?

Under the plastic case, the device has an electrically conductive plate. Under the action of negatively charged ions, various particles in the air (bacteria, pollen, wool, dust, pollution, etc.) rush to the plate and stick to special dust collectors. As a result, dust is collected not on the surfaces of appliances and furniture, but inside the air purifier with an ionizer for the home. The air becomes clean and fresh, no smells are present in it.

But that's not all. Home air purifier models with a built-in UV lamp distribute UV radiation around the room, which neutralizes pathogenic viruses and bacteria, which often cause illness. When these microorganisms pass through the pores of the dust collector, UV light destroys their DNA. Due to this, the air becomes sterilized.

How to choose an ionizer-purifier with a UV lamp?

The most important thing to pay attention to when choosing an air purifier-ionizer for an apartment or house is the quietness of operation. If the device hums, an unpleasant sound will interfere with rest or work.

The second aspect of the choice is the maximum area that the device can serve. It is usually indicated on the box or in the data sheet of the air purifier. The above figure largely depends on the power devices. The higher it is, the faster the room is serviced. And, accordingly, the consumption of electricity is greater.

It is better to choose a device with a built-in UV lamp from models in which the ionization and UV radiation modes can be turned on independently of each other.

Electronic control, display, backlight - such additional options are optional. It is clear that the price of air purifiers with these features is higher than for devices without them.

Zenet, Ovion-C, AIC, Super-Eco and Maxion are the leaders among the popular manufacturers of UV lamp ionizers.

To combat pathogens, an ultraviolet air purifier has long been successfully used, which, despite simple design, can effectively destroy most of the known bacteria and microbes at the level of their DNA structure.

The principle of operation and design of ultraviolet purifiers

Sterilization of premises under the influence of ultraviolet light is known and widely used in practice for a long time. The principle by which an air purifier with an ultraviolet lamp works is based on the decomposition of organic tissue under the influence of UV radiation into components that are harmless to humans.

As a result of air processing, all organic components of atmospheric air decompose into ordinary water and carbon dioxide. Depending on the modification of the cleaner, the cleaning efficiency is 90-97%.

The simplest cleaners are a combination of an ultraviolet lamp and a fan, which are placed in a closed case. Unlike sterilization under the influence of older generations of quartz lamps, a modern cleaner is safe for humans, so it is not required to leave the room during the processing.

IN Lately Combination purifiers are becoming more and more popular, allowing the air to be processed in several stages. Modern models are equipped with ionizers, ozonizers, photocatalytic filters, due to which cleaning is carried out not only from organic organisms, but also from dust, smoke components (including tobacco).

The cost of units can vary significantly. Basically, the price depends on the number of degrees of purification and the performance of the device.

Benefits of Modern UV Clarifiers

Experts are unanimous in their assessment that a modern air purifier with a UV lamp can be classified as an absolutely safe device for humans.

Consumers primarily note the following advantages of such installations:

  • Ease of management and maintenance. Any person who has read the instruction manual can set the required operating mode and clean the filters available in the design.
  • The work of the cleaner is not accompanied by noise, it does not create discomfort, even a falling asleep person will not feel any inconvenience.
  • Another advantage of the ultraviolet purifier is its portability. Small dimensions and weight allow you to move the unit in any room. Devices of this type are widely used in medical and laboratory facilities, residential and office buildings, crowded places.
  • In addition, for rooms with high humidity Mold is caused by microbial spores in the air. Using a UV cleaner can effectively deal with this problem.
  • Modern devices of this type are powered by a household electrical outlet. At the same time, they do not consume a significant amount of electricity (which is typical for outdated quartz lamps).

Despite the fact that the devices comply with safety requirements, basic precautions must be observed when operating equipment with UV emitters.

Basic Safety Precautions When Using UV Clarifiers

Only following a few rules will make the UV air purifier a safe and durable device.

Manufacturers are advised to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not remove the protective cover and other elements of the case when the device is in operation. Direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation can adversely affect the condition of the retina and skin. For comparison, we can recall the effects of an electric welding arc on the human organs of vision.
  • The cleaner should not be turned on and installed in close proximity to sources of open fire (including cookers, water heating geysers, fireplaces). It is not recommended to use UV purifiers in the bathroom, in addition, you should not use devices outside the building.
  • It is not allowed to get inside the structure foreign objects. Contact with the heated surface of the lamp may ignite the device.
  • Children should not be allowed to service the cleaner, careless handling can lead to the failure of the device.
  • At least once every 4 months, it is necessary to clean the device, this will ensure a significant working life of the cleaner and maintain its efficiency. Before performing any maintenance work, it is necessary to disconnect the devices from the mains.
  • Disposal of failed lamps must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Throwing cleaner elements into the trash is prohibited.

Modern modifications of UV cleaners

Most often on sale you can find the following models of ultraviolet air purifiers:

When choosing an air purifier with a UV lamp, consult with a specialist who can assess the features of the room and choose the most optimal model for certain operating conditions.

Choosing an air purifier for the home - which filter is better?
Choosing the best air purifier with an ionizer for an apartment
Choosing an air purifier with a photocatalytic filter

Air cleaner "ATMOS-MAXI-205"

Air disinfection with light

The problem of polluted air is relevant for many inhabitants of the planet. It can be solved with the help of high-tech household appliances, which are air purifiers with ultraviolet lamps. They will not only remove up to 90% of mechanical particles of pollution from the room, but also disinfect the microclimate from harmful bacteria.

Machine operation

The device, designed to generate clean and healthy air with a UV lamp, is powered by household power. You can place it in any room, including the nursery, if the child is over 4 years old. Small energy consumption of the UV device allows you to use it with the necessary regularity.

The purifier delivers effective results:

  • organic waste and various pollutants are removed from the surrounding atmosphere, including nicotine, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide;
  • UV lamp destroys pathogens, including seasonal viruses;
  • the structure of the air becomes similar to mountain air masses;
  • dust and pollen, which are sources of irritation for allergy sufferers, are removed from the gaseous volume;
  • The ultraviolet air purifier helps eliminate unpleasant odors.

The device has several operating modes, which makes it possible to choose the optimal parameters for each room in which it is installed. In the operating mode, contaminated portions of gases penetrate inward through the inlets in a continuous stream.

The design of the UV cleaner uses the following elements:

  • closed plastic case, equipped with inlet and outlet openings for atmospheric flows;
  • the main space inside is occupied by an ultraviolet lamp that emits light in the required spectral range;
  • an intake fan providing forced draft for the flow;
  • control panel - mechanical adjustment or automatic electronic systems with the possibility of remote control of the cleaning system.

Positive characteristics

This type of cleaner has many advantages:

  • missing harmful products decay, which allows you to install the device close to the user;
  • during the operation of the lamps of the latest generations, ozone, which is a toxic gas in high concentrations, is absolutely not emitted;
  • almost silent operation allows the unit to be turned on at night;
  • the device successfully fights the spread of mold spores in the room, providing a healthy microclimate;
  • ease of operation, since the device is enough to connect to the power supply and select the fan speed;
  • mobility allows you to include it in any room.

Thanks to the air purifier with an ultraviolet lamp, microorganisms are split at the molecular level. The result is harmless compounds of water and carbon dioxide. The procedure takes place almost instantly. Absolutely clean air jet comes out.