Product sofa plastic bottles. Plastic bottle furniture: photo and video instructions

If a person has a creative vein, for him there is no such thing as "garbage". For him, any production is waste-free. From small scraps of fabric we sew a doll or a blanket in the patchwork style. From paper we will make snowflakes, flowers, a garland. Ribbons and lace, glass and plastic - everything has a use. Even furniture can be created by craftsmen. And not only from wood, but also from such a seemingly completely unsuitable material for this purpose, like a plastic bottle. So, let's see how you can make plastic furniture.

Start collecting bottles. You can’t even imagine what kind of flight of fancy you can afford when creating plastic products! This article will focus exclusively on furniture. Get ready for an amazing master class.

We will provide you with several interesting ideas. Visually see how to make furniture from plastic bottles, you can in the photo that will accompany our story.

Furniture from plastic bottles: armchair

The first idea is a chair.

On the example of this chair, we will show the basic principle of fastening bottles. Study it carefully, we will need it when creating other things.

It is clear that to create furniture, you will need a considerable number of bottles. However, it depends on the size of the furniture. The photo shows the assembly diagram. She is universal. To make it clearer, we will describe the whole process that is drawn.

Take a bottle and cut it in half. Flip the top and insert into the bottom. Then insert a whole bottle there and cover from above only with the bottom of another one. It turns out something like a "log". It is strong enough. When enough “logs” are collected, they can make not only an armchair, but also a whole sofa. But more on that later.

We fasten our “logs” (it would be more correct to call them modules) in the amount of four pieces. For bonding, we simply wrap them with transparent tape. We assemble a larger module from four such parts and also fasten it with adhesive tape.

The back and sides of the chair are made by extending the same modules to the desired length and fastening them with adhesive tape (see photo).

By the way, scotch tape can be replaced with a special cling film. It is easy to find in any economic department. The film connects the parts more firmly than adhesive tape.

That, in fact, is all. The chair is ready. You just need to sew a cover for it from a suitable fabric. Depends on the cover appearance armchairs, so when choosing a fabric, consider this. For convenience, a soft material such as foam or synthetic winterizer is laid under the seat.


By the same principle as we did the chair, you can make a sofa. Of course, much more bottles will be required here than for a chair. But it will be necessary to collect them according to exactly the same scheme. Having folded the “logs” - modules of four pieces, we also wrap them precisely with tape. Do not spare adhesive tape, because we need a reliable and durable construction that can serve us for many years, so it’s better not to save on this. Just as in the previous description, modules consisting of four bottles are assembled into larger modules.

Continue to build up the modules to the size needed for the sofa. It is preferable to cover the sofa with foam rubber or synthetic winterizer, because this cushioned furniture. And sew him a suitable cover from a beautiful fabric.

This sofa is a prime example of what country furniture from plastic bottles can be not only beautiful, but also functional.

More on video:

Furniture from plastic bottles: table

A table is the simplest version of furniture made from plastic bottles.

It consists of forty bottles with a capacity of two liters. We also need a finished countertop. You can buy it, or cut it yourself from plywood, in which case do not forget to varnish it. You can also use a tabletop from an old broken table.

From the underside of the countertop we screw bottle caps with bolts. Correctly calculate the distance between the corks, it should be equal to the diameter of the bottle.

As you understand, each of the legs consists of two bottles fastened with bottoms. They are fastened with glue and after complete drying they are simply screwed into the covers located under the countertop.

Since the table looks quite plain, besides, there is no provision for sewing a cover, it is more suitable for the garden.

Our article presents only a small part of those ideas that can be realized with the help of waste plastic bottles. You can find many other crafts from plastic bottles - furniture, toys, figurines of birds and animals, and even decorations in our other articles.


Additional video tutorials

In big cheerful company there are never extra chairs. Therefore, hospitable hosts often think about how to make new inexpensive sofas, poufs, stools or chairs.

The idea of ​​recycling plastic bottles is useful from every point of view. First, plastic is a durable material that decomposes over several hundred years, and therefore pollutes the environment. And secondly, it is lightweight and durable, ideal for creating furniture frames of almost any size and shape. For furniture made of plastic raw materials, there is a place in the country house and on a large loggia, on the beach or on the playground.

To learn how to create such products, you only need to understand the main idea - how to turn a container with a lid into a solid and elastic material. Each craftsman offers his original way:

  • For example, you can leave open bottles in the cold overnight, and in the morning close the containers with lids and place in a warm place. After such thermal hardening, the material becomes more durable; products made from it retain this property for a long time.
  • In another case, it is recommended to use entire blocks in the work. To do this, one bottle is tightly closed with a lid. At the other, they cut off about a third or a quarter in the upper part. The remaining bottom is put on the first container from the side of the lid. The location of the cut is wrapped with tape. Thus, the material will not only be strong, but will acquire good cushioning properties.

Comfortable plastic seat

Do not throw away plastic containers from sweet water, beer, and other drinks. Rinse them gently and store them in a closet or garage. We advise you to make a chair from plastic bottles with your own hands.

For its manufacture you will need

  • from 200 to 250 empty two-liter containers, preferably one shape;
  • wide tape;
  • stationery knife or scissors.

Description of work

  1. In the design, we will use both whole bottles (A) and cut ones (B, C, D, E). We will need the cut parts to make strong building blocks. Take a look at the image below.
  2. Now you should place part C in bowl B.
  1. Insert the closed whole bottle A with the bottom part into the part from B and C
  1. Now put the bottom of the bottle D on the structure from the side of the cap. We have received a sample block, copies of which will be used to make the seat of our chair. In total, 16 such elements should be made.

  1. Connect, tightly wrapped with tape, 2 such parts.

Attention! When forming large and small blocks, place the elements on a hard, flat surface. Fasten the parts tightly. Then your design will be stable and strong.

  1. Next, connect two by two.
  2. Then four and four.
  3. The entire seat is a block of 16 bottles.
  4. Proceed to the formation of the back of the remaining material. Place the three parts C + B inside each other on a block similar to those used for the seat. You will get a high tubular part. You will need two in total.
  1. Now make 2 taller parts. They will become the extreme elements of the back of the chair.
  2. Install in the same plane: two low parts in the middle, high ones on the sides. To ensure the backrest is secure, fasten the block with tape at three levels.
  3. Connect the back and seat together. Fasten the parts with three strips of adhesive tape.

The chair is ready. You can use the product in this form or sew a soft fabric cover with a plywood base and dense foam rubber on the seat. And then no one will guess that you made this soft and beautiful chair yourself.

Pouffe from plastic bottles

A pouffe is the simplest piece of furniture that can be quickly made from plastic containers. It can be large and small, square or round - it all depends on how to connect the containers, how many of them to use. A good stable pouffe is easy to turn into a table, footrest. And a little imagination and creativity will make your pouffe a unique eye-catching touch in the interior.

Materials and tools

For a medium size pouf you will need

  • 16 two-liter plastic containers.
  • Scissors or utility knife.
  • A skein of wide tape.
  • Some double sided tape.
  • Thick cardboard or a piece of thin plywood.
  • Jigsaw (if you use plywood).
  • Decorative textiles for the cover.
  • Joiner's glue or PVA.
  • Technical textiles.
  • Thick foam.
  • Needle, thread.
  • Roulette.
  • Sewing machine.

detailed instructions

  1. Prepare the bottles for work: rinse them, dry them, close the caps tightly.
  2. Form a circle from the containers. Start with the first, then add one at a time, tightly fixing everything in turn with tape. Perform assembly on a level surface (table or floor).
  3. Measure the diameter of the resulting structure with a tape measure. Cut out 2 circles of foam rubber and 2 of plywood of the same size.
  4. Attach plywood circles to the top and bottom of the structure using double-sided tape.
  5. Glue the foam circles on top of the plywood, applying glue to them in strips.
  6. Measure the height of the bottles. Add another 2-3 cm and cut a strip of foam rubber. Wrap the design with this piece. Sew the ends by hand.

Masters and beginners use crafts from plastic bottles for the interior, as garden decor and in the form of practical furniture. Colored plastic bottle caps are an excellent material for mosaic panels on walls and fences. Best Ideas from detailed instructions and the photo is easy to embody in the country, turning a bare area into a "glade of fairy tales", and filling the house with useful little things.

One of the craziest pens in Runet, Roman Ursu, presented a crazy video in which he showed 70 ways to use plastic bottles.

Advantages of crafts from plastic containers

A well-made souvenir or trinket will eventually develop into a hobby if there are no limits to fantasy. Do not cease to amaze summer residents who have moved from simple hedges on a wire to buildings that delight in scope.

From the available material, which many people throw away, someone constructs:

  • greenhouse;
  • carport;
  • summer shower or bath;
  • country toilet or shed;
  • summer gazebo or sun visor;
  • a teremok for children or a playground;
  • sandbox with decorative borders;
  • various temporary structures on the site.

Plastic eventually becomes a real environmental disaster - it is difficult to recycle. But it is enough to involve all those who are not indifferent to the cleaning of the territory, and there will be a whole mountain of empty PET bottles for the construction of a greenhouse, a cascading flower bed or vertical gardening. The only drawback is the long collection of the same container, since the containers are produced different color and volume.

To create an original decoration you need:

  • interesting idea;
  • ready-made role model (illustration);
  • craft material with tools;
  • step by step guide to the training plan.

In the hands of a real master, plastic bottles take on a second life, becoming functional objects. Souvenirs are best done on a seasonal basis. For example, New Year's toys are made in winter, practical country houses - in summer, and in spring and autumn it remains to build a "glade of fairy tales" near the house for children.

Furniture and interior items from plastic bottles

Furniture made from plastic bottles looks like a masterpiece that not everyone can afford. They will need a lot of plastic containers of the same sample. Sofas and pouffes impress with their design and comfort, not inferior to real furniture. There is nothing complicated if the sofa is made in blocks - seat, back, sidewalls. If there are not enough containers, sofa blocks can be made alternately. It is better when they collect bottles from one drink, for example, two-liter kvass or lemonade.

The principle of "assembling" furniture from bottles is simple - they are exposed in layers and tightly wrapped with tape. To make the furniture softer and springier, a little air is released from each bottle and twisted tightly. In the place where the cap is, cut out the cap from another bottle and wrap it with tape. It turns out a block, which has a bottom on both sides - this is the basis of the furniture.

Then it all depends on the imagination, the type of furniture and the number of bottles available. We wrapped 7 containers of the same volume with tape, we get the basis for an ottoman. What will be its appearance and style depends on the master. For a soft seat, you will need a round pillow or a block of foam rubber according to the size of the top. The cover is cut out according to the size of the ottoman in the form of a cylinder, and it is convenient to insert a zipper along the side seams, but it is easier to sew up the upholstery tightly.

For construction coffee table you will need 4 racks of plastic bottles and a plywood shield as a tabletop, which can be hidden with a long tablecloth. In a similar way, they make a convenient stand for a laptop or a remote table for giving. For large furniture (sofa, chaise lounge or chair) from plastic bottles, you will need a lot of patience and source material.

Useful little things for the house from plastic bottles

Flowers and vases

It will not be difficult to decorate a schoolchild's bedroom or a children's room with crafts from plastic containers. You can build a whole bunch of artificial flowers. Put the resulting chrysanthemums, daisies or roses in a vase of the same material, adding the middle with diode bulbs on insulated wire. This is how a night lamp of extraordinary beauty will look like, where a weak light shimmers in plastic petals.

Advice: To give the leaves a special shape, use the heating of the blanks and folding the corners with tongs!

To place a homemade bouquet, you will need a suitable vessel, just cutting off part of the bottle is not aesthetically pleasing. The edges of the cut are marked with a ruler to make a cut, fixing the result by heating the bends. A small transparent bottle is cut off to the very top, about a half is cut off from a large container. We choose a material with a corrugation or a “waist” in the middle so that there is an interesting base.

Then we do as fantasy allows, but we bend the edges beautifully. The fringed cut is obtained from vertical or diagonal notches of the plastic base. The resulting strips are evenly bent to the outside.

Note! It is important that all the notches and the depth of the slot are exactly the same, then the whole product will come out neat.

Depending on which edge is desired, the strips of the vase (the edges of any other product) are fixed in different ways:

  • curly bend;
  • stapler staples;
  • fusing;
  • bonding with transparent polymers.

Planters, flower pots and containers for seedlings

Colored plastic containers in the form of bottles and bottles of various sizes are suitable as containers for growing live plants. It is very easy to make a fragrant balcony from 3-liter tanks - a cascade of ampelous petunias. Fragrant flowers hanging from cut containers will help make the dream of a beautiful piece of paradise come true.

cut in half big bottles and the tanks are hung upside down and with a lid. At the bottom it is recommended to lay large pebbles for drainage. Excess water after watering will go to the plants in the lower rows. In the same containers, plants are grown without soil - in a hydroponic way with the addition of fertilizers. Fresh herbs and seedlings (in urban and country conditions) are also germinated in prepared plastic bottles.

Advice: Take advantage of the compact shape and the ability to hang containers for vertical gardening with automatic watering. In the absence of the owners, watering cans with water immersed in the ground will cope with moistening the plants.

Traps and feeders

Using plastic bottles, you can scare away pests or attract birds to the site. To do this, the tank is used as a feeder, and at the roots fruit trees place traps from bottles of chemicals. From a double plastic container, craftsmen build traps for wasps, where they fly into sweet water and cannot get back.

Equipment of the suburban area

At the cottage "on hastily» It is easy to build crafts from plastic bottles in the form of an impromptu washbasin by hanging a full bottle upside down. It is worth unscrewing the lid a little, and a small stream of water will help to wash and wash your hands. It is also worth making a bench and organizing lighting with beautiful owls or gnomes of their plastic. Any garden decor for inspiration - on interesting illustrations.

Multifunctional items for the home

Make an original cosmetic bag from 2 bottoms of plastic bottles, sewing the edges with a zipper. This box can be used as a multifunctional item - a piggy bank, a case for large beads, hairpins or jewelry.

From a similar ball, suspended somewhere nearby, it is convenient to knit, pulling the thread from the ball inserted inside. Nail polish or a lipstick collection is easier to find in a makeshift zipper box.

New Year's decor

Original all seasonal flower beds

The summer season is over, and home-made plastic flowers are replacing the living flower beds, which are not inferior in beauty to real ones. Their advantage is the ability to decorate the territory at any time. These flower beds fade against the background of living plants, but in early spring and in late autumn only they attract admiring glances.

For daisies, you will need small plastic containers of white (petals), yellow (middle) and green (leaves). You will also need an awl and a candle (for heating), “liquid nails”, scissors and hard wire in green insulation.

We cut the base of the white bottle to the center, marking 16 segments - these are the petals. We bend the neat edges over the candle flame, we also make 2-3 chamomile corollas, which we connect in the center with an awl. Here the stem with leaves is fixed on the green wire, closing with the middle. We fill the center of the flower with a yellow basket with small cuts from 2 finely dissected circles with a fringe bent over the candle. We supplement the flower with green sepals from the bottom, collect all the parts and fix them together.

From the remaining pieces of green plastic, cut out leaves with a hole at the base (for stringing) and give the desired shape by heating over a candle flame. We fasten leaves on a wire handle, they should slightly bend around it. It remains for chamomile to make a few "companions" and find a decent place for the bouquet.

All seasonal flower beds include mosaic compositions from containers filled with earth. Wall panels are made from covers. "Butterfly" or "ladybug" - in different versions.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the playground

The incredible beauty of a bird with plastic plumage is a whole “field of fairy tales”. This is a peacock or firebird, swans, doves, bullfinches and parrots. All of them are made from empty PET bottles according to the general principle:

  1. Design an aesthetic bird head with eyes and a beak;
  2. Build the torso and neck;
  3. String plastic plumage;
  4. Provide wings and tail;
  5. Plant on paws or fix on the selected surface.

Plastic swans can be fenced off with a blue "lake" of inverted plastic bottles. Outlandish birds will decorate the trees in the corner of the garden, which is reserved for children's games. You can choose a themed decor, such as a desert island with palm trees and parrots.

The material is collected for a whole year, but it is easier to involve neighbors and acquaintances in the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"ecological" cleaning. In the yards there are special containers for plastic - it is much easier to collect.

Preparation for work - removal of labels and glue residues from plastic bottles, it is important to rinse well and discard the deformed material.

If vertical fences are being built, they need to be filled. Depending on the idea, sand, stone chips or dry soil are poured into PET bottles, burying 1/3 with the neck down.

For selected purposes, plastics of different elasticity are used. Heat treatment is required for filigree work (flowers). It is important not to overheat the fragments cut into strips.

Fairy tale characters sometimes require additional painting. For example, it is better to cover pink piglets for a playground with an aerosol spray, fixing it with a transparent acrylic paint.

Plastic bottles are an excellent material in capable hands. Using them as a basis, it is easy to teach children a lesson in environmental education and fill the house or yard with practical things. With a creative approach, the color, volume and shape of plastic bottles themselves will prompt new ideas for an exciting creative process.

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The great thing about plastic bottles is that they can be used in so many different ways. From them you can make not only different kind funny trinkets, but even pieces of furniture. Do-it-yourself furniture made of plastic bottles will be appropriate on the playground where children play, in the country, in a garage or a barn. You can also grab it if you are going to nature - it will not become a heavy burden for you, because it is light and easy to carry. Let's look at a few workshops on making such furniture, with which you can create interesting and original items from plastic containers. different forms and sizes.

Table for breakfast in nature

Nice and comfortable table plastic material can be built quickly and easily. Of the materials, you only need a tray and four plastic containers.

Important! If the bottles are long and thin, then the product can be used as a coffee table.

The manufacturing process is quite simple:

  1. Glue the bottoms of the bottles to the surface of the tray. These will be the legs of your table, and the tray itself will become the table top.
  2. In order to make the product look more attractive, the bottles can be wrapped with strong and thin twine, jute twine or coated with acrylic paints.
  3. The tabletop can also be decorated. To do this, you can decorate it using decoupage technique or, for example, lay small flat pebbles on the surface.

Big table

The principle of making a larger table is about the same as in the previous method. Only as the surface of this piece of furniture from plastic bottles with your own hands, you should choose a stronger material. For these purposes, a piece of plywood or, much better, a used countertop from some old table is suitable.

Important! In order for the table to be durable, a large number of plastic containers should be prepared.

You should act like this:

  • First, give the countertop the desired shape - the table can be either square or rectangular, or round.
  • Make the necessary markings on the back of the tabletop. In these places it is necessary to connect the bottles with caps on the back side of the surface with self-tapping screws.
  • To make the legs stronger and longer, another row of bottles can be attached to the first row so that the bottoms of the first row join the bottoms of the second.

Important! As an adhesive, it is desirable to use a special universal adhesive for plastic.

  • If you want to hide plastic containers, you can paint them somehow beautifully or paint them with acrylic paint.


You can also make a small chair out of plastic bottles with your own hands, for which you need to collect 7-10 identical two-liter plastic containers. Farther:

  • Place the bottles together and wrap them tightly with tape.
  • Depending on the number and shape of the containers, you can first prepare sections of 3-4 bottles, and then link them into one design.

Important! Do not spare the adhesive tape, otherwise the chair will crawl under the weight of a person.

  • For the stability of the chair, you can fill the bottles with water or pour sand - a third of the volume of the container.
  • Cut a seat out of plywood (you can use several layers of thick cardboard) and then screw or nail it to the bottle caps.
  • Cover the entire structure with newspaper strips, and then paint the finished stool with acrylic paint of the desired color.


An armchair is a rather practical piece of furniture made from plastic bottles with your own hands, which is convenient to use in the garden, since such a product is not afraid of either the sun or rain.

Important! Covering such a design with your own hand-sewn beautiful cover, you will get a stylish and interesting modern armchair.

As a rule, the manufacture of such a piece of furniture requires at least 250 plastic bottles. Here it is very important to understand how the bottles should be fastened, and this, in turn, will come in handy for creating other things. starting material modules made of four plastic containers will serve.

Stages of work:

  1. After cutting the bottle in half, you should turn the top part over and insert it into the bottom.
  2. Next, you need to insert a whole bottle into this design, and dividing another container in half, put the bottom one on top.
  3. In order to fasten the module, wrap it with transparent tape.
  4. Also, use adhesive tape to connect a large module.
  5. By building up the module in this way, you need to make the details of the chair - the seat and back.
  6. Then, putting a soft synthetic winterizer or foam rubber on the seat, put a cover on the chair.


Plain plastic container is the most common thing. But do not count all the cases when it can be useful in the household. From it you can make both small, but very useful things, for example, pots for seedlings, and build global structures, for example, an armchair, table or bed. Do-it-yourself plastic bottle furniture is easy, convenient and practical. Use your imagination and you will get very interesting and practical things for your household.

More and more plastic bottles are produced, every day, we have nowhere to put them together and throw them away. We all know that you can’t just throw them in the trash, they litter nature and kill us. What people didn’t start doing with bottles, and today another amazing invention is a sofa made of plastic bottles.

How to make a sofa out of plastic bottles with your own hands?

To make such a sofa we need:

Many bottles of the same shape and size;
- Scotch;
- knife, scissors.

1. In order not to get confused in the manufacture of the sofa, you need to clearly learn the scheme and follow it.

How to make a sofa out of bottles. Scheme.

This method was invented so that your sofa is more stable and can withstand the weight of several people.

2. Let's get started with bottles. We divide the bottle into two parts with a knife. Turn the top over and insert into the bottom.

4. But that's not all, now you should take another lower part of the bottle, and stretch it over the entire structure. We do not spare the adhesive tape and wrap each of our “bricks” well.

5. We twist with tape small blocks, consisting of four bottles. Further, at eight, sixteen and so on.

6. We sew our blocks into a full-fledged sofa.

The sofa is almost ready, it remains only to make it soft. This matter is up to you. Use foam rubber, fabrics, or just some kind of film.

VIDEO. How to make furniture from plastic bottles?