How to update an old stool. Do-it-yourself chair restoration: step-by-step description and recommendations

Furniture that no longer has a decent look, but it’s a pity to throw it away, because it still performs its main functions, is present in almost every home and most often these are stools. You can correct the situation and give stools a second life with the help of decoupage. Of course, all work will require financial costs and effort, but in the end, a hand-made thing will appear in the house, which will delight with its exclusivity. What is decoupage and how can you update furniture with it?

Decoupage what is it

Processed stool

All decoupage work is based on cutting out small parts from various fabrics, cardboard and paper, which are subsequently glued to the base. Next, the resulting composition is painted and varnished in several layers. This procedure allows you to fix the glued part to the surface to the maximum and hide the joints as much as possible. The updated thing can be decorated with gilding or other effects, at the discretion of the owner. The whole decoupage procedure allows you to update or simply decorate an arbitrary object, whether it is the restoration of a stool or.

On the video - a description of the procedure in detail:

Everything necessary materials for work, you can purchase it in specialized stores or use an order from special sites where goods are provided for the realization of any fantasy. Sketches for blending are taken from magazines, wrapping paper, fabrics or also from the Internet. It can be done in the same way.

In this way, you can decorate a wide variety of surfaces: glass, porcelain, fabric, wood. This allows you to update furniture, add an intricate pattern to mirrors or dishes.

Stool restoration

I would like to note the rhinestone - decoupage of the old process is not difficult, but it requires patience. After each process of applying paints, varnishes or primers, it is imperative to wait for the allotted time for them to dry, otherwise the look of the stool will not become better than it was.

Required for work

Before you start, you need to make sure that the following materials are at hand and at any stage of work, you do not have to drop everything and run to the shops:

  • primer (for wood to level the surface);
  • sandpaper (preferably coarse forty);
  • paraffin candle;
  • acrylic paints (white and brown are required, and for additional finishing you can take any desired color), you can use it if there is a shortage;
  • fan brushes (flat) for creating decoupage;
  • special stickers or napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • sponge (can be used for washing dishes);
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • to finish the stool along the edge, you can buy guipure;
  • guipure is glued with a glue gun. And you can find out about cheap kitchen corners by.

On the video - how the restoration takes place:

Do not rush to quickly purchase stickers. Go shopping and take a look. In stationery departments, such stickers can be found 3-4 times cheaper than in specialized stores.


Each layer must be dried, on average 3 hours. Do not forget about the primer ends. In the future, this will help to avoid moisture ingress, and the work will not deteriorate.

For the best result, some craftsmen add a little acrylic paint (white) and PVA glue to the primer, and after each layer, lightly sand the details. And you can find out about the kitchen glass sliding table.

In cases with perfectly flat surfaces, the cleaning and priming process is skipped.


  1. At the first stage, the entire surface is covered with white acrylic. along the edge, and small areas in the center, brown acrylic is applied.
  2. After the paint has dried (about 3 hours), the places with a dark color are rubbed with a candle.
  3. The entire surface is again treated in two layers with white acrylic and left to dry (for a day).
  4. A day later, the surface is lightly rubbed with sandpaper so that dark acrylic begins to show through the white layer. You can not overdo it and remove all the applied layers. It is required to create the effect of a slightly worn thing.
  5. The base is ready and you can proceed to the design itself. A conceived compositional drawing is assembled from napkins. Fragments taken from napkins should be cut off at the edges rather than cut out. This method will make the edge borders less noticeable.
  6. The whole composition is folded, and you can start gluing it. Here we need a brush and PVA glue. It is better to dilute the glue slightly so that it is not too thick and does not reach for the brush. Each fragment is carefully processed with glue and applied to the surface, while all the irregularities are smoothed out, and the wrapped edges are straightened. Also, you will need to carefully remove the air if it suddenly gets under the fragment.
  7. The whole composition is assembled and ready. To complete it, along the edges of the stool, you can create a color accent using a sponge and a pre-selected color. The lip is dipped in acrylic and the entire edge is soaked with light movements.
  8. All the stages of work passed are repeated for the legs.
  9. After everything has dried well, all surfaces are covered with acrylic varnish. It is advisable to repeat the procedure in 2 - 3 layers while waiting for the preliminary drying.
  10. The stool is assembled, and its edge is decorated with guipure, which is more convenient to fix with a glue gun.

How to do it yourself wooden table can be found out.

On the video - the restoration rule:

Other ways to update furniture

In addition to the decoupage technique, the stool can be restored in other equally interesting ways:

  1. Soft upholstery changes on the surface of the stool. By the way, it can be created even if the stool did not have a soft seat before. The legs are processed, as in the work with decoupage (they are cleaned, painted and varnished). On the lid itself, a square is cut out of foam rubber and fabric 10 cm larger than the size of the lid itself. WITH reverse side, the fabric is attached to the base, using a stapler or small studs.
  2. You can sew on a stool a regular cover with thick fabric. By the way, this method is also good because the cover can be removed at any time to stretch. But using this method, the stool will still need to be restored by staining.
  3. And the easiest way is to repaint the stool. All work will be carried out in the same order as with decoupage. The difference is that you do not need to apply a pattern. And you can find out about a folding stool for the kitchen.

On the video - ways to update the stool:

As you can see, ways to restore old stool enough, and the thing can last a long time. But can any of them compare with the art of decoupage, thanks to which you can create a truly unique thing. We also recommend that you read wooden facades for kitchen from a pine.

, among which are sometimes pieces of furniture that were very useful, but outdated, and they are usually changed.

But even if you bought a new piece of furniture to replace the old one, something different, but no less useful, can be made from the latter.

Old chairs can be found in almost every home, and with a strong desire to replace them, but still you should not throw them away, as you can make other useful things for the home, garden and summer cottage from old chairs.

For example, from an old chair you can make a towel rack, a garden bench, a convenient pet feeder, and much more.

Here are the most interesting crafts that you can make using old chairs:

Remaking an old chair with your own hands: a street bench.

For such a shop you will need two or three chairs. These chairs can be spray-painted or left with a vintage look.

1.1. If the chairs are too high, you can file their legs a little.

1.2. You can purchase special cushions for chairs. Some are sold separately (in which case they should be connected with a line), but you can also find 4 pads connected together and cut off the excess.

1.3. To make three chairs look more like one bench, you can purchase or find two or three boards that need to be cut to the required length (the length of three chairs) and connected.

* If desired, you can round the ends.

1.4. Prepare a piece of fabric that is longer and wider than the length and width of the pads. Lay the fabric on the floor with the pattern down and place the pillows on it.

1.5. Lay the connected boards on top of the pads.

1.6. Bend the fabric and use a stapler to attach it to the boards.

1.7. It remains to put the boards with pillows on the chairs and add a few simple pillows for decoration.

New life for old wooden chairs: large dog feeders.

Tall dogs will find it easier if the feeders are a little higher, especially older dogs who find it difficult to lower their heads all the time.

All you need is a file tool, a bowl and a pencil.

2.1. Before you start cutting a hole in the chair, you must first process it with sandpaper.

2.2. Place the bowl upside down on a chair and trace around with a pencil. After that, inside the resulting circle, draw a circle of smaller diameter. This can be done with a pair of compasses or a plate that is smaller in diameter than the bowl.

2.3. Make a hole inside the circle with a drill, from which you can then start cutting the circle. You can first cut out a circle of smaller diameter and check the stability of the bowl in the formed circle. Make the circle even bigger if necessary.

2.4. Process inner part holes with sandpaper.

* You can paint the chair and then insert the bowl.

Wall organizer from an old chair with a back.

By dividing the chair into parts, you can create wall hanger or organizer, as well as a comfortable stool.

The back and seat will not be easy to separate, but then everything will be easy.

If necessary, process all the details with sandpaper and paint.

To make a comfortable stool you will need:

Tools for separating chair parts

Sitting from a chair

Durable fabric and pillow filling or regular small pillow


Hot glue (if needed) to hold the stuffed fabric together.

1. Attach the fabric to the seat with a stapler, but leave one side intact to fill the resulting pocket with pillow stuffing.

* You can also use a small pillow instead of filling.

2. Attach the seat back to the chair and you have a beautiful stool.

3. For wall organizer hooks are needed. After you have screwed or glued the (self-adhesive) hooks, the organizer can be hung on the wall in the hallway, room or bathroom (on the door, for example), where you can hang towels on the hooks.

Converting an old chair into a menu board

You can make a beautiful menu board out of an old folding chair.

For this you will need:

MDF sheets

Seat separation tools

Blackboard paint

Sandpaper (if needed)

Paint or spray paint (if necessary).

1. Cut out squares of the required size for each chair from MDF (if there is one chair, then there is one square from MDF, respectively).

2. Paint the MDF square with chalkboard paint.

3. Remove the seat from the chair and bolt a painted MDF square in its place.

* V this example for beauty, 2 old ones were attached to the board wooden details that fit the style of the board.

4. To make the legs stand normally, you can attach a chain between them.

How to convert a chair into a coat rack

You just need to detach the back of the old chair, sand it down and paint it.

After that, attach the hook of the size you need and hang the hanger in any convenient place.

Bathroom hanger from an old chair

You will need a chair back. It can be carefully cut, sanded and painted if desired.

The seat can be cut in half and one half can be used as a hanger shelf.

This shelf can be attached with bolts and special glue. To strengthen the shelf in its place, you can use the corners. This stage is optional, it is suitable for those who like to work with wood.

Such a hanger can be attached to the door in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the country house or in any other room where it may be needed.

How to convert old chairs into shoe storage

Separate the seat from the chair. If this is not possible, then you will have to cut a large hole into which you will then need to insert the basket.

Find any basket (metal or plastic) and use a strong thread or wire to attach it to the chair (tie it to the frames of the chair).

What to make from an old chair: a swing

If you cut the legs of an old chair, sand it and paint it, then it can be used as a swing seat in the country or in the garden, for example.

You will need:

strong rope

metal rings

Eye screws

Additional details if needed.

Here is another version of the swing:

Chair second life: garden shelf

An old chair can be turned into convenient shelf for flowers or storage of various tools for the garden.

You will need a chair back and part (or all) of the seat. Just cut off the desired part of the seat (you may need to saw off the legs of the chair) and attach the shelf to the wall or door.

Sand the part with sandpaper and paint.

Do-it-yourself drink shelf from an old chair

1. Find a bucket that will contain ice and drinks. It is desirable that it be with handles that would rest on the frame of the chair.

2. Separate the seat from the chair, cut it down or make a hole in the seat.

* Using a strong rope, you can tie a bucket or a large bowl to a chair, in case there are no handles. It is most convenient to make holes in the bucket through which the thread is threaded.

The second life of an old chair: a flower bed

For the garden, you can create beautiful flower bed using old chair.

For this you will need:

A flower pot

Electric jigsaw

Sandpaper (for woodworking)

Paint (optional)

Sealing paste for smoothing unevenness in the opening of the chair (if necessary).

* If you want to attach more flower pots to the chair, you can use a pipe clamp to hold the pots or jars.

Photo of flower beds from old chairs with your own hands

If you find that an old chair is completely worn out, do not rush to throw it away. Often old pieces of furniture bring with them pleasant memories of people and events in the life of your family. And to be honest, before furniture was made for centuries ...

Therefore, the restored chair may well serve not only you, but also your children. Just by changing it appearance, you can return the furniture to its former attractiveness and novelty. Fortunately, there are many options now. Everything will depend only on your imagination.

How to update an old chair? Precleaning

To begin with, the surface of the chair must be cleaned of the old coating, whatever it may be. If there is a soft seat upholstery, it must first be removed. To do this, it is not necessary to male power". Try turning the chair upside down and you will see that the seat is held in place with screws that need to be removed. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a hammer (for knocking out the seat) and a screwdriver (straight or Phillips).

Now you can start removing the old coating. To do this, you can use the usual "sandpaper" of different grain sizes or a grinding sponge. It is important to sand the surface of the wood well. This will make it easy to apply your choice in further coating. Needless to say, this job is not easy.

But it is possible to simplify the process a little by periodically moistening the surface to be treated. This way you can get rid of the dust. Just do not be afraid that the old varnish becomes viscous from moisture. This is fine. After the chair is completely dry, you need to once again sand the entire surface well with fine “sandpaper”.

How to update an old chair? All right

Now it all depends on your imagination. If you decide to varnish the surface of the chair, then you need to use a colorless primer in order to protective layer the texture of the wood was clearly visible. A layer of primer will have to be used in any case. Even if you decide to paint the chair later.
The fact is that the paint lays down better and lasts longer if the surface is pre-primed.
It is necessary to cover the surface with varnish in two layers. It is important that the first layer is well dried before applying the second. The varnish can be applied with a brush or sprayed on the surface.

You can paint the chair in any color. Now white furniture is considered very fashionable. And the upholstery of the seat can be chosen in contrast. Now there are many ways to show originality. For example, use a stencil. Let it be flowers or any other ornament.
Another way to cover the surface of the chair is with beeswax balm. The surface is also pre-sanded and primed with drying oil. Then cover with a thin layer of balm with a cloth. After twelve hours, the surface is polished with a brush.

Now you can start restoring the upholstery. The old one must be removed. Previously, it was attached to the seat with ordinary nails. You will also have to get rid of the foam rubber. It is necessary to cut a new one according to the old standards. The fabric needs to be cut with a margin for hem. Upholstery material can be very different: as a special fabric for upholstered furniture, and ordinary linen or thick cotton. It is better to fasten the fabric with a furniture stapler. But if you don't have one, don't worry. You can use ordinary nails by nailing them with a hammer. It is important to remember that the material must be well stretched on all sides.
Now the seat can be inserted into its original place and fastened with screws.

Upgrade an old chair with a slipcover

There is another way to update an old chair - use a cover. It can be made from any fabric, hiding defects and imperfections without major intervention. The cover can be with a variety of frills, ruffles, bows, tassels ... You can make several options. Festive and everyday. Show your imagination! Don't rush to throw away old furniture, try to become a designer, we are sure that you will succeed!

Before updating an old chair with a backrest with your own hands, you need to examine the condition of the furniture. Before restoration, the strength of the fastening of the legs, back and seat is checked. If they stagger, then they need to be tightened or re-glued. The next steps will depend on the type of restoration work to be undertaken.

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How to update a chair with a back

In most cases, old chairs require overhaul. Furniture is cleaned of paint and varnish, chips, cracks and potholes are repaired on it. Objects from the array are covered with impregnation or stain so as not to overlap the texture of the wood. Furniture is also repainted in other colors.

To update a chair with soft elements, you need to remove the old upholstery and replace the foam rubber. If necessary, install new springs in the seat.

chair painting

The easiest way to reconstruct wooden objects is to repaint. Furniture can be made plain, highlight the back, legs or seat different colors. Also, a pattern is applied to the furniture.

Features of the reconstruction:

  1. Removing the old top cover. The easiest way to remove the paint layer is with a grinder. The device must be directed along the fibers of the tree. Otherwise, you can ruin the texture. To remove the coating in hard-to-reach places, use coarse-grained sandpaper. Another way to remove old paint and varnish - applying a wash. It is necessary to cover furniture with this chemical solution in a respirator and with open windows. The peeled top coat is removed with a spatula.
  2. Elimination of defects. Potholes and cracks are sealed with wood putty or a home-made mixture based on small sawdust and PVA glue.
  3. Preparing for painting. Before you update the chair, you need to make its surface smooth. Furniture cleaned of paint and varnish should be treated with fine-grained sandpaper.
  4. Painting. You will need a small foam roller and synthetic brushes different sizes. You can use alkyd paint, water-based compounds, impregnations. The first layer is applied with a roller. So the coating will be more uniform. Subsequent layers are applied with brushes. After repainting, the chair is varnished. Experts recommend using protective compounds that are resistant to mechanical stress.

If you decide to combine several shades in furniture, then you should use the color wheel to select them. Patterns are applied using a stencil. You can also transfer a sketch to furniture through carbon paper.

Seat and back padding

Upholstered chairs will take longer to update. In this case, it will be necessary to replace the springs and foam rubber.

Fabric for new upholstery must be durable. For the back and seat, you can choose from the following materials:

  1. Tapestry.
  2. Rogozhka.
  3. Jacquard.
  4. Artificial skin.

For stretching you will need:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Pliers.
  • Roulette.
  • Scissors.
  • Furniture stapler.

How to reconstruct a wooden chair with your own hands:

  1. Dismantling furniture. First you need to disconnect the staples on which the fabric is attached from the frame. They pry off with a flat head screwdriver. Then they remove the old upholstery and disassemble the seat. If the frame of the furniture has been glued, then it is worth disconnecting the legs. They are cleaned and then re-mounted to the seat base. This is done to increase the stability of the chair.
  2. Replacement of old fittings. Springs need to be changed if they have rusted and started to move away. They can be purchased in stores with furniture fittings. A structure made of flooring, felt and batting is pulled over the springs.
  3. Construction of a pattern for the seat and back. You can duplicate the old upholstery. It is detached and then placed on paper. Details are outlined and cut out. When building a pattern for furniture without upholstery, paper is placed over the back and seat, and then their boundaries are marked with a pencil. When cutting out parts, you should take into account the thickness of the foam rubber and remember about allowances.
  4. Upholstery replacement. First form the back of the back. The fabric is fixed with a stapler. The direction of movement is from the central part to the corners. Then foam rubber is glued to the back and the front part is attached. After that, pull the seat. Foam rubber and synthetic winterizer are attached to it, and then covered with a cloth.

Upgrade an old chair with a slipcover

You can also update old chairs with covers. The easiest way is to make a design with a “skirt” that covers the bottom of the furniture. Removable cover can be sewn from 5 parts. When cutting them out, 1.5 cm is added to the allowances, and 3 mm to the free fit. For sewing, you will need about 2 m of fabric.

Pattern details:

  • Seat. Consists of 1 part, fully corresponds to the parameters of a similar piece of furniture.
  • Back. Sewn from 3 parts. The back part consists of 2 rectangles, between which a hidden zipper is sewn. At the bottom, these parts are hemmed, making a double hem. The front is folded back and sewn to the top of the back.
  • Bottom. Cut out in the form of a long strip. It is sewn to the seat and bottom of the back. The part can completely cover the legs or be less than them in height. Its lower cut is processed with a hem seam.

Do not rush to throw away old furniture. From a “four-legged friend” battered by life and honed by moths, you can get a real work of art with just a little effort and imagination. Today you will learn how to update an old chair. with my own hands to give freshness and novelty to the home interior.

Method number 1: decorating a chair with paint

Not only a real “old man’s” Soviet chair, but also a wooden “Viennese” and a folding country version are easily transformed with paint.

Coloring technology

To paint old chairs, you will need:

  • acrylic paint;
  • flat brushes made of synthetics (separately for varnish, paint and putty);
  • gloves;
  • putty;
  • white spirit (for metal);
  • lacquer remover (for lacquered models);
  • matte varnish or wax;
  • fine to medium grit sandpaper.

Restore old chairs according to this scheme:

  1. The first step is to prepare the furniture for painting: wash, sand with sandpaper. The surface should remain slightly rough.
  2. It is better to degrease the iron model with white spirit before painting.
  3. Treat lacquer furniture special tool for removing varnish.
  4. Mask all cracks and scratches on the surface of the legs and back with furniture putty.
  5. After that, paint the entire surface of the furniture in 2-3 layers, waiting for the complete drying of each layer. Open the product with varnish.

Interesting! If you want to achieve an interesting worn effect, then initially on separate sections apply a dark shade of paint, and then cover them with wax. Paint the entire area with the desired shade in 2 coats, and then go over the previously marked areas with fine-grained sandpaper to “expose” the dark areas.

  • If you have not decided what color to paint the furniture in, then you can not go wrong by choosing a bright white shade. This color is versatile and goes well with all bright upholstery materials.

New! Chalk paints are a newfangled type of colorants that are not yet very common in stores, but we recommend using them because of the bright colors and super-fast drying.

  • Use masking tape to paint individual areas of the surface.

Method number 2: seat constriction

Do-it-yourself restoration of old chairs by the method of constriction is the second most common technique after paint.

Interesting! Even if the stool does not have a comfortable soft seat, you can make it yourself.

Tightening process technology

For work you will need:

  • dense upholstery fabric;
  • furniture stapler;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • tape measure;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • overlocker for processing edges or a sewing machine.

An old upholstered chair is restored in this way:

  1. Turn the product over, laying it with a seat on the work surface. Using a screwdriver or screwdriver, unscrew the soft part from the frame of the product. If it is screwed not on self-tapping screws, but on nails, then pull them out with pliers.
  2. Measure the width and length of the seat, add 7 cm to each value, open the part from the new fabric. Finish the edges of the fabric blank on sewing machine or overlock.
  3. Lay the pattern on your work surface. front side down. Place the seat on it with the wrong side towards you. Make sure that the distance of future bends of the pattern is the same on all sides.
  4. Bend and fasten two opposite sides of the upholstery fabric to the seat with a stapler. At the same time, slightly stretch the material. The staples of the stapler are fastened in steps of at least 10 cm, and the corners are not yet fixed.
  5. Do the same with the rest of the sides.
  6. Lastly, pull the corners into the center of the seat and also secure with staples.
  7. Install the seat on the frame, fasten again with self-tapping screws. If initially it was held with nails, then it makes sense to replace them with self-tapping screws.

  • A soft seat can be decorated with beautiful furniture carnations around the perimeter.

  • Choose upholstery so that it matches the style of the stool. So classic jacquard does not look on modern designer furniture, and an old wooden chair with a back and patterns looks strange with geometric print upholstery.

  • Often, chairs look perfect if their style uses the same fabric from which the curtains or curtains in the room are sewn.

The match looks harmonious.

Method number 3: sewing a cover with gathers in the corners

A clear advantage of sewing a cover is that this method is much cheaper than seat upholstery.

It is enough to purchase 2-2.5 m of fabric, correctly make a pattern and sew.

The fabric is selected on the principle of wear resistance, as products are constantly subjected to increased stress, especially in the dining room and in the kitchen.

To sew a cover on an old chair, follow these steps:

  1. First of all, you need a pattern. For measurements, you will need masking tape, paper or newspapers.
  2. Attach a large spread of the newspaper to one or another part of the product, mark the outlines of the furniture on paper, remove the excess with scissors.
  3. Prepare the second part, and attach it to the first, gluing it with masking tape. Having fully assembled the pattern, cut it in those places where the seams will be. Thus, you will get a more or less accurate pattern specifically for your product shape.
  4. Remember that you need to leave allowances for the seams and take into account the fractional orientation of the matter, especially if it will have a pattern in the form of stripes or large flowers. Pay special attention to the back. It happens that in order to recreate the exact bends, you will have to cut out a separate part along its side. If you do not have a goal to convey all the frills, it is enough to make wide allowances of 5-7 cm along the side cut of the back.

Important! It is better not to make the back cover very narrow, otherwise you simply will not be able to put it on the chair. Cut the back part wide or flared, then fold the excess into a pleat, and tie a beautiful bow at the back. If you like a "stretched" cover, then install a twisted zipper in one of the seams.

Method number 4: Decoupage of a chair with paper

Remaking old chairs with your own hands does not always require drastic changes. Sometimes a new chair will turn out from an old one if you mask minor defects, scratches and stains with an original fashionable print or beautiful patterns.

Decoupage will help you. Take:

  • multilayer napkins with the desired print;
  • PVA glue;
  • a pair of brushes;
  • scissors;
  • matte clear lacquer;
  • roller

To make an original out of old chairs designer furniture, follow this algorithm:

  1. Clean furniture, paint as directed in Method #1.
  2. Separate the top layer of the patterned napkin, cut out the desired size fragment from it.
  3. If you want to change the whole decor of the old chair: from the back to the legs, then randomly tear the napkin into pieces of 10x10 cm.
  4. Lubricate the desired place of the future decor with plenty of PVA glue. Lay a cut-out piece of napkin on the desired piece of furniture, smooth it with a brush with the remnants of PVA, removing bubbles and smoothing out the wrinkles with a roller.
  5. The top layer of PVA should be as thin as possible. Leave it to dry for a day.
  6. At the end, cover the entire surface of the furniture with a transparent varnish in 3-4 layers, allowing each to dry.

As you can see, remodeling an old chair is not as problematic as it might seem at first glance.

Creative furniture decor solutions

  • To give an old stool a touch of vintage, you can paint it pink, blue or cream. For painting, gold or silver paint is useful. On top of everything, apply craquelure varnish to the entire area. The effect of antiquity is created by small cracks from the varnish.

  • An old stool will be saved by upholstery made of multi-colored straps. Weave them according to the “basket” principle, and fix them from below with self-tapping screws.

  • Let your kids be creative acrylic paints. Cover the result with varnish. You will not only receive designer furniture, but also a future family heirloom.

Now you know how to restore an old chair, turning it into an exclusive little thing for mere pennies. If you have other modernization ideas and restoration experience, share with readers in the comments.

Video: Restoration of an old chair