How to paint bathroom tiles. Paint for ceramic tiles: a quick way to update the tile

Everyone knows perfectly well that nothing lasts forever in our life, even beautiful tiles in the bathroom can sometimes become dull and ugly. The owners of such a tile will want to immediately replace it with a new one, but this additional expenses. And how about not throwing away the tile, but updating it a bit? There are many ways to update old tiles: sticking vinyl stickers, repairing individual tiles or joints, and painting bathroom tiles - full or partial painting.

Painting is a great way to update old tiles.

Cosmetic tile renovation

What's good about this way? First, there is no need to destroy anything or build everything anew. Just this wonderful way is suitable for those people who do not need to repair anything, but they want to create a unique interior in the kitchen or in the bathroom. For this option, you will need to buy the following materials: bathroom tile paint or vinyl stickers.

Vinyl film

If you don't know how to cover the tiles in the bathroom, vinyl film can help you. Vinyl is waterproof and inexpensive building material for repair tiles. At the moment, in hardware stores there is a huge selection of stickers with a variety of patterns that amaze the human imagination. Thanks to modern technologies even photographs can be applied to vinyl film. This film will hide all the inaccuracies of the tile.

First, we prepare the surface of the old tile for gluing by simply washing it with an ordinary detergent. Next, we transfer the vinyl film, which has an adhesive base, to the tile.

We begin to glue the vinyl film from the middle, smoothing it to the edges so that wrinkles and irregularities do not form.

Painting tiles - a sequence of actions

How to paint bathroom tiles? Let's say right away that only tiles on the walls and on the ceiling (if any) are subject to painting. The tiles on the floor are constantly exposed to moisture - wet stains from the shower, water accidentally splashed from the washbasin. And therefore it will not work to paint the floor tiles so that such paint is preserved for a long time. In order to prepare the tile for painting, you must first wash it and treat the surface with an abrasive. Basically, sandpaper is used for such a thing. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the tile so that there is no mold, dirt. It is the abrasive that can not only remove the dirt that has eaten in, but also grind it - this is how the glossy surface will go away.

If broken tiles remain on the walls, it is better to replace or fix them before painting. Remember that the paint will be difficult to lay down on a glossy surface - so rub the finished surface well with sandpaper.

Painting tiles in the bathroom will take place as follows. Newspapers or unnecessary cardboard are placed on the floor. We begin to prime the finished surface of the tile (we select the primer for the paint). Give some time for the primer to dry. You should take a primer that will not be afraid of moisture and will be able to withstand high levels of humidity. This will extend the life of the paint.

After the primer has dried, apply paint on it. How to process tiles in the bathroom? You can buy glossy and semi-gloss emulsion paint - so you can create a shiny surface, and also apply such paint easier. But it is worth remembering that it is not so durable. If you need a more durable finish, you can paint the old tiles in the bathroom with oil paint. But it will be a little more difficult to apply, but such paint will last much longer.

Painting the tiles in the bathroom is done in thin layers - and each of them should have time to dry well. The number of coats of paint will depend on what result you want.

Remember that it is better to make several thin layers than one thick one, because thin layers will lay down better, which will provide a high-quality and durable coating. As you can see in the photo, high-quality painted tiles are stylish and beautiful. And most importantly - this way of updating the bathroom is a budget option.

And what to do with seams?

Light tile joints, one might say, are the most vulnerable spot in the entire cladding, they quickly darken, lose color, becoming covered with a dark coating. There are three main ways to freshen up tile joints quickly and easily:

  1. Just paint- the simplest and most affordable way, but at the same time, and the most unreliable and the longest. To do this, you can use either simple paint or a special marker, the main thing to do before painting is to clean the tiles and the seams themselves with detergent and dry thoroughly, otherwise the paint will not fall. The only drawback is that in the case of using paint, there will be an unpleasant smell for some time.
  2. Treat with a vinegar solution- if the tile joints have darkened and spots of a bluish or greenish color have appeared on them, then most likely the matter here is mold. Mold from tile joints is easiest to clean with a weak solution of vinegar. Just gently wipe the seams using a hard cloth or sponge.
  3. Replace grout- the most complex, but at the same time, the most reliable and most effective way This is a grout replacement. Carefully remove the top layer of the old grout and apply a new, fresh layer.

How to update bathroom tiles with spot repairs?

If for some reason you decide not to make cosmetic repairs to the tiles and not to paint the tiles in the bathroom, then you can resort to partial replacement of the damaged areas. Such replacement includes the replacement of some individual tiles or tile joints.

Replacement of damaged tiles

Are there dents or cracks in your tiles? Then you can't do without replacing it. To do this, you need to buy the same tile or one that will be the most suitable in its appearance.

In replacing old tiles, the hardest part is removing them.

First you need to remove the inter-tile grout, then remove the damaged tile. After these procedures, we remove old glue and treat the tiled surface with a special primer, which is designed for deep penetration. Give it time to dry. Then we apply glue, lay a new tile, leveling it. We fill the seams with a special grout.

As you can see, if you wish, you can easily and simply update the tiles in the bathroom. Painting bathroom tiles requires attention and care, but in general it is a process that is much easier than completely new tiles or even replacing parts of them.

If the tile has lost its original appearance, but the design has retained its integrity, you can refresh the old coating in a quite budgetary and quick way - by painting. By learning how to paint tiles, you can quickly and effectively eliminate minor defects. finishing material or redesign the bathroom.

You can apply a new coating only on the tile that is located on the walls. Layed on the ceiling or floor must not be painted - due to hot steam and water, the paint on these surfaces will begin to peel off.

Can tile be painted with water-based paints? These formulations are best suited for internal works, but water-based paints washed off with water, and therefore for the bathroom - rooms with high humidity- won't fit.

It is recommended to use acrylic and latex paints - they are also odorless, dry quickly and have a non-toxic composition, therefore they are suitable for finishing residential premises. Another a good option- epoxy compounds. However, the process of applying them requires some skills, and therefore, before painting the tiles, you should first practice on other surfaces.

Car paint for bathroom tiles is also suitable: it is designed specifically for smooth surfaces, resistant to high humidity. The dried coating can be washed, and it will not lose its original appearance for a long time.

Oil paints are great for painting tiles - they lie flat, adhere well to a smooth surface, and remain intact for years. However, they take a long time to dry and have a strong smell. They should not be used in residential areas.

Possible staining options

Tile color options

You can paint the tiles in the bathroom different ways, the most popular are:

  1. Full coloration. In this method, the paint is applied to the entire tile, from floor to ceiling. Any paint is used for this purpose, repainting in the opposite of the original color is allowed.
  2. Partial. Color only separate sections- for example, if the wall was tiled with plain tiles, change the color individual elements(stripes, checkerboard cells, etc.).
  3. The return of color. In this case, the color of the tile does not change dramatically, but only returns its original brightness.
  4. Drawing. With the help of a template or by hand, a pattern or pattern is applied to a tile previously painted in the base color or left untouched.

There are other options - tiles can serve as the basis for creating a panel or a picture on the entire wall, however, in this case, you need to have sufficient artistic skills, such projects are more difficult to implement, and therefore they are less popular.

Materials and tools

For work you will need:

  • primer;
  • paint for tiles, selected according to the recommendations;
  • roller;
  • brushes different sizes;
  • liquid detergent(for example, Fairy);
  • masking tape;
  • sponge;
  • polyethylene film;
  • clean rags;
  • vinegar or any alcohol-containing liquid;
  • sandpaper;
  • water-based varnish (it will not turn yellow over the years, unlike ordinary);
  • stencil or template for applying a pattern (if planned).

Surface preparation

In order for the paint to lay flat, the tile must first be prepared.


  1. Surfaces are thoroughly cleaned of dust, dirt, soap deposits, rust and lime deposits and other contaminants. To do this, the detergent is diluted in warm water and a sponge is passed over the entire area for painting.
  2. They clean the tile joints and joints with high quality - if you leave dirt in them, mold will form there over time.
  3. The tile is degreased using a rag moistened with alcohol or vinegar.
  4. Using fine-grained sandpaper, grind the surfaces so that the paint adheres more firmly.
  5. If there are damages on the tile (scratches, chips or cracks), they are repaired with a primer specially designed for this purpose.

Surface preparation before painting tiles


When the primer dries, using a film and masking tape, glue objects adjacent to the tile and sections of the wall that they plan to leave intact.

The most convenient way to apply paint is with a foam roller - it ensures uniform distribution of paint over the surface, allows you to quickly paint large areas. This is useful if you want to paint the entire wall in one color.

Monochromatic coloring

First, the first coat of paint is applied, which will serve as the base. When it dries completely, start applying the second. If the paint of the tile is different from what is planned to be applied, then a third coat may be required, otherwise the base will be visible under the new coating.

Single color tile

Until the paint dries completely, it is not recommended to use the bath - water can blur the pattern, soap splashes or dust will remain on the paint, which will damage the coating.

Painting tiles in different colors

You can paint on the wall. This can be done in different ways: by pre-painting the wall with the base color, and then using a stencil or painting with a brush, or by directly applying the pattern to the tile, without pre-painting.

To make a pattern on a tile, the stencil is fixed with adhesive tape on the desired section of the wall, and then the paint is applied with a roller, brush, or sprayed from an aerosol can.


Drawing a picture on a tile

If you plan to apply a picture, then you will need to use brushes. It is better to choose those with soft bristles - the hard pile leaves marks, and the strokes after drying will be noticeable.

Using a stencil

In hardware stores, you can find a lot of ready-made stencils for painting, with which you can transfer a wide variety of drawings and patterns to the bathroom wall.

However, if the assortment finished products not enough, you can make a stencil with your own hands. To do this, first print the drawing or photo you like, and then transfer the image to a dense material (cardboard, for example). Carefully cut with scissors and use as usual.

It is most convenient to apply paint with a special foam swab for drawing - with its help, the paint will lay down evenly, forming a smooth surface, while strokes remain visible after the brush.

Important! When using a foam pad, do not press too hard on it. When pressed, too much paint flows out of the tool, causing streaks to form on the drawing.

Tile decoration

Decorating tiles in the bathroom

To create spectacular geometric patterns on the tile, you can also use masking tape - pasted on the desired areas, it will help to achieve clear and even lines. After removing such adhesive tape, no traces of glue remain on the surface.

3D effect

This method of decoration is increasingly used for decorating rooms, including the bathroom.

You can create a visually three-dimensional pattern or drawing with your own hands. This will require gauze. Elements of the pattern are cut out of it, then they are glued onto surfaces prepared in accordance with all the rules. Color the area of ​​the drawing first in the base color. When the first layer dries, a layer of paint is applied to the entire wall using a roller, which differs from the previously used one by several tones. This technique allows you to achieve the best effect.

Lacquer application

In order for the paint to remain bright and not damaged over time, it is recommended to coat it with varnish. Such a measure will significantly increase the service life of the coating, and the water-based varnish, which is recommended for use during work, will not turn yellow over the years, but will retain its transparency.

Lacquering of surfaces is started only after the final drying of the paint. If you work immediately, there will be stains on the tile.

Tile painting is an affordable and easy way to make a big difference in your bathroom. It will not take much time and money to work, but the new coating will be durable and bright, and will last, if everything is done according to the instructions, for about 10 years.

A tile - a strong and durable decorative covering. It can be glossy or matte. It depends on the texture of the top layer: smooth or slightly rough. Theoretically, anyone can paint with their own hands. But the strength of staining can be different. So, worst of all, coloring preparations are kept on a glossy basis. It requires special pre-treatment.

It is important to choose the right composition. Some paints are categorically not suitable for these purposes. In general, staining is possible for any type of tile.

Advantages of staining

  • Quick update .
  • Removal of visible defects of the old coating.
  • Variety of color options.
  • Minimum cash investment.
  • Ease of implementation. An inexperienced master will cope with the work.


The disadvantages of the solution include the fragility of the new coating for some types of paints. However, nothing prevents from updating it from time to time. Then the result will be better. It is better to paint tiles on the floor only with epoxy or latex compounds. Otherwise, intensive use will quickly render the new finish unusable. And here is the painted wall ceramic cladding lasts longer.

Painting can be continuous or selective. In the first case, the paint is applied to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. In the second, only fragments are painted, patterns, panels, etc. are drawn. It is especially good in this case to use a stencil. So you can zone a room, draw attention to a certain part of it. For decoration, choose only one tone or play with color. Close combinations or contrasts - there are no rules here. Any design the owner likes is applied.

Look at the photo: before and after staining. How the old bathroom has been transformed.

So, for oil preparations, pile materials are better suited, for water-based emulsions - foam rubber. The design allows you to distribute the coloring composition as evenly as possible over the surface, apply it with a thinner layer than a brush. Therefore, the consumption of material when painting with a roller is significantly reduced. However, it will not work to paint over the tile seams in this way, you will have to work with a brush.

To work with a roller, you need to buy a special tray for paint. The liquid preparation is half poured into the tray, the roller is dipped into it. Then it is pressed on the ribbed plane of the tray, after which it can be painted. The roller is pressed against the base, then goes down, rises again. The movements are performed smoothly, with the same effort over the entire surface. This guarantees uniform coloration.

Applying a protective layer

In order for the paintwork to last as long as possible, it is protected with varnish. After the coloring agent dries, one or two varnish layers are applied on top. It is good that the chemical basis of the materials is the same. So, if acrylic dye was used, the varnish should also be on acrylate.

The number of layers is determined from the manufacturer's recommendations. They are applied with a brush, less often with a roller. For rooms where there is a threat of mold, additional treatment of the painted surface with an antiseptic is desirable. It can be bought at any hardware store. And you need to do this regularly.

We figured out how to paint the tiles in the bathroom with our own hands. This is a simple procedure that will help without special costs and very quickly update the boring interior. You can act drastically: repaint the floor and walls of the bathroom, or you can only slightly change the design, supplementing it with a medium-sized ornament or panel.

  • Material prepared: Inna Yasinovskaya

Many are familiar with the situation when the bathroom is equipped with serviceable plumbing and communications, and the external decoration of the walls leaves much to be desired. After all, after long-term operation cladding often loses its former attractiveness. Sometimes it becomes necessary to transform even new ceramics. Today, there are all possibilities for this. You can purchase full or partial tile renovation paints or vinyl decals.

Many owners would like to get a detailed answer to the question of whether it is possible to paint the tiles in the bathroom, whose tiles have lost their aesthetic appearance over the years. In this case, you can either start a major restructuring, or try to update the coating that has become unusable.

With the help of painting tiles you can change the interior of the bathroom

We must immediately make a reservation that a full-fledged repair of the premises is fraught with significant financial losses and requires free time. If now for one reason or another you cannot afford it, cosmetic restoration of tiles will be the best way out for you.

Firstly, this method does not require significant financial investments and labor costs. Secondly, you do not have to dismantle all the plumbing for this, it will be enough just to cover it with polyethylene. And, finally, the resulting interior will be able to please you and your loved ones for several more years.

Remember, before you paint the tiles in the bathroom, you must clearly define the tone of the coating and the nature of its application. Today, there is the possibility of both a complete change of colors, and the application of elegant patterns or the creation of an unusual panel.

Varieties and characteristics of enamels for tiles

So how to paint the tiles in the bathroom so that the coating lasts as long as possible? Immediately exclude water-based paints, as such decor will please you for a very short time. As noted above, there are two different ways restoration of ceramics - full and partial. So, in each of the cases, you will need your own types of dyes.

Latex dyes cover the surface well and dry quickly

With a complete change in the color scheme of the interior, they usually use acrylic, alkyd or oil enamels. Also performed well latex-based paints. They perfectly lie on the surface, completely covering it. In addition, these dispersions dry quickly and do not have an unpleasant and pungent odor, unlike their oil counterparts.

However, before you paint the tiles in the bathroom, you will need to carry out a complex preparatory work. This is due to the fact that these types of dyes are not intended for shiny flat surfaces and their service life will not be even a year if the tile is not first sanded. In addition, when painting, do not dilute the dye to reduce its consumption. Its consistency should resemble dense sour cream.

Since the cladding is often smooth and glossy, in the event of a fragmentary update, you will need special dispersions for glass or ceramic surfaces so as not to spoil the entire wall, if necessary, apply a drawing or pattern. These dyes are able to form good adhesion even with such coatings, since they have a slightly different composition than latex or oil dyes. In principle, you can cover the entire wall with them. The only disadvantage of such a solution will be the too high cost of these dispersions, comparable to the purchase of a new tile.

Paints for glass and ceramics can make an interesting ornament or panel

If speak about technical properties of this paint, it dries fairly quickly at an average temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. Also, if you want to create a drawing with light effect haze, a little solvent can be poured into the enamel to remove the color saturation. Such a technique will help to create a really unusual interior bathroom.

Complete color update

Usually, painting ceramic tiles in the bathroom completely will not be difficult for a person who is familiar with the basics of building craftsmanship. To do this, it is enough to have only certain skills in painting and working with electrical grinder. To begin with, you should prepare the following materials necessary for the event:

Proper preparation will ensure excellent results.

  • metal brush and foam sponge;
  • dry cleaning abrasives and degreasing liquids;
  • personal protective equipment (apron, gloves and respirator-petal);
  • grinding nozzle for a drill or impeller; in the case of doing the work manually, you can get by with not very large emery and a grinding grid;
  • primer and paint for tiles in the bathroom;
  • enamel tray;
  • brushes of different sizes made of natural bristles and a foam rubber roller;
  • masking tape and ready-made stencils if you plan to paint in two or three different shades.

In the future, all work is divided into two stages - the preparation of the wall and, in fact, painting.

Preparing tiles for painting

Of course, only wall cladding can be restored. The coloring of floor tiles is meaningless, since the floor is an area where water constantly penetrates. The fact is that the painted floor plane will lose its attractiveness within a few weeks.

First you need to wash and degrease the tiles

First of all, it is necessary to remove all contaminants from the coating. To do this, you can use any abrasive powder detergent and a metal sponge. You need to clean it with some physical effort. Your task is to remove even the stubborn dirt. After cleaning the tile, wipe it with ordinary alcohol for primary degreasing and improving the quality of grinding.

After you need to remove the gloss completely. Before you take any action, take care of the safety floor covering and other items. The floor should be covered with thick cardboard, and it is best to tighten plumbing and furniture with plastic wrap.

Fine sandpaper No. 0 or 1 will be the best solution for grinding work. The fact is that a larger sandpaper can leave deep chips, which will significantly complicate the work process. Let's say right away that this stage will become quite laborious and will take a significant amount of time, however, after going through this procedure, you will get a soundly made coating.

After sanding, carefully collect debris and rinse the surface again. After that, it should be re-degreased and dried thoroughly. The next step is to apply a primer to the prepared tile. It should be noted that this stage is not at all necessary, however, priming will significantly increase the adhesion of ceramics to paint. The best choice will become resistant to moisture. This will help prolong the life of the dye.

We paint the tiles

After the primer has dried, you can start painting. Choose the tools you will work with. Remember, the foam roller will create the effect of a velvet coating, and the brushes will leave their characteristic texture. As noted above, do not dilute the dispersion, otherwise you will not get the desired result. Tape all adjoining elements or surfaces with masking tape.

To paint tiles in several different shades, use stencils

If you plan to paint multi-color tiles in the bathroom or apply a pattern of a different shade, stick stencils on the desired areas. This can be done with glue in an aerosol can. Remember that you need to glue paper or cardboard with clear and confident movements to avoid smearing the glue.

Now you can paint the tiles with the chosen color. Do not try to pinpoint the brush or roller into the wall. Paint smoothly but sweepingly.

You need to apply paint with clear, confident movements.

In this case, another nuance plays an important role. Do not try to cover the plane with the desired color at a time in one thick layer. It would be more expedient to paint over the pier in several stages. Gradually overlapping layers of paint will create a shade of saturation and brightness you need. So, you will achieve a better quality coating, and the overall aesthetics will only benefit from this. The result will look stylish and modern. In addition, to get a similar effect, you do not need to make serious investments.

Ways to create a panel or ornament

If there is no need to completely paint over the entire plane, and you would like to refresh the interior, it may make sense to apply a pattern or ornament to the tile. In this case, you will not need to carry out special surface preparation, it will be enough just to wash it well with the usual cleaning agent with a soft sponge and degrease it.

Sticking a stencil will help maintain even and clear lines and borders of color transitions.

We glue the finished stencil onto the finished dry lining. Now you can start creating. Apply shades one at a time, remembering to clean or change brushes. Try to apply the enamel evenly with precise movements. Remove excess dispersion from the brush, otherwise smudges may form. If you want to make a velvety finish, simply blend the paint with a foam sponge. To do this, dip it in a tray and wring it out slightly to avoid spreading the dispersion under the stencil. Apply paint in this way with barely noticeable touches.

Professionals advise first to apply a special contour layer. He will not allow the enamel to flow over the outlines and mix with other colors. You can buy a contour along with colored paints. It is produced in small tubes with a pointed end, as it is applied directly from the tube.

If for some reason you have chosen not to use the outline, there is another way to prevent mixing of different shades. Since latex enamel dries fairly quickly, simply cover the already painted area with a paper towel.

Tile color options

Restoring tile grouting

Over time, not only the ceramic surface wears out. Tiled grout also becomes unusable - it crumbles and a fungus may appear on it. Finding out is it possible to paint the tiles in the bathroom and how to do it, let's move on to the second part of the question, how to update the seams.

When fully painting the walls, you simultaneously tint the seams of the tiles

In the case of a complete painting of the plane, the jointing is painted over along with the entire wall. If only a panel or a pattern is applied, the seams are covered with a layer of dye with a thin brush or a special marker. The only thing that should not be forgotten is the complete removal of contaminants from them and treatment with vinegar or antifungal impregnation before starting work.

Tile grouting can be updated with a special marker with paint

If the old cladding has become ugly, but it just doesn’t work to wash it off - paint for ceramic tiles can help renew coverage without a complete replacement. In addition, such methods are sometimes used by designers for painting and creating a unique pattern on tiles.

You can paint tiles in several ways:

  • Paint for tiles and glass (stained glass). It can be applied directly to a smooth surface without preparation. Usually, the contour is applied first, and then the acrylic background paint. Because of the high price, it only makes sense to use it as a decorative effect. As alternative You can use vinyl stickers.
  • Epoxy paint. It is harder to find on sale, and it costs more.
  • Latex or oil paint. Pre-mandatory application of a special primer, for example, Tikkurila Otex.

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Preparatory work

Before painting the cladding, it is necessary to remove the remnants of cement glue and excess grout from the surface with abrasive materials. The fallen off tiles are glued to cement glue or liquid nails and left to dry completely. If they were lost, you can replace them with tiles of a different color. You also need to replace the chipped tiles.

We glue the old tiles in place and rub the seams

See also the article:.

The surface is degreased with acetone, alcohol or solvent.

Apply Tikkurila Otex primer with a short pile roller and leave it to dry for 12 hours. It has a white color, so it will partially help to hide the old color of the texture.

Primer Tikkurila Otex


Paint for tiles is applied in several layers to completely hide the old pattern and get a uniform color. A new layer should be applied only after the old one has completely dried.

Applying the first coat over the white primer

If you want to get not a monophonic surface, but divide it into several parts or diversify it with an ornament, use masking tape to get even lines of the intended pattern.

The masking tape for creating an ornament is glued only after applying the base coat of paint. The easiest way is to make a geometric pattern out of it.

Once the paint has dried, the masking tape can be removed.

The video shows the result of painting an apron with oil enamel in the kitchen with a white and red ornament:

The joints can be additionally colored with a special tile marker (Edding 8200, PUFAS FRISCHE FUGE paint).

Using stencils

A stunning effect can be achieved if you use ready-made stencils. The photo below shows an example of decorating an apron made of white tiles with paint.


After painting, you should not expect to get a cool result for a long time, because along with a layer of paint, the tile will lose many of its important properties. The decorative layer will no longer be protected by glaze. It will be more difficult to wash it, fungus and mold can form on it, the seams will have the same color, over time the paint will begin to peel off. I would not recommend that you do such a tile repair in the bathroom without a special need, it will be more reliable to replace the cladding.

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