Wood crafts for giving (45 photos): ideas. Use of logs

Things made by hand are distinguished by their beauty and decorativeness. They add a piece of warmth and comfort to the interior space. Wooden crafts for home and garden have an aesthetic appearance and allow you to reveal your inner potential. They help to decorate the residential interior and add a kind of zest for personal plot.

Both adults and children can make such products. Modern drawings of wood crafts will help to cope with the task. A good imagination and a little patience allow you to get the desired result.

Original wood decor ideas

Since ancient times, natural solid wood has been widely used as finishing material. The beautiful texture and unusual coloring amaze the human imagination. From wood, luxurious furniture and decor items are obtained.

To create unusual crafts. you cannot do without plywood, plywood, on the site https://faneramonolit.ru/katalog-fanery/fanera-1520-h-1520/ you can choose the size and place an order.

DIY wood crafts add a piece of warmth and conciseness to the environment. For example, beautiful photo frame with carved patterns will be a wonderful decoration in the reception area for guests and loved ones. To do this, you can use different types of tree crops. Special stains and impregnations will help to add colors and emphasize the texture.

For suburban area the original solution will be the figures of animals. To do this, you need flat wooden elements. For example, thin saw cuts are used to create an owl.

The design consists of five main parts: head, torso and eyes, tail wings. The head and body are made from round cuts. For wings, you will need bark or vine, previously fixed to each other.

Crafts from saw cuts of a tree will become a real decoration of a personal plot. Thin parts of wood are used to make many tiered racks and shelves, on which flower arrangements will be placed in the future. The surface of the array can be processed with sandpaper or left in its original form.

Wooden saw cuts are widely used as a basis, on which various decorative trifles are subsequently located. For example, crafts in the form of a picture. In the foreground there will be flat pebbles. They will help to imitate the torso and head of little men.

From gift paper, can make beautiful clothes. Draw other small elements with a thin marker.

Natural landscapes are made using the same technique. Marble or granite chips will help add luxury. For these purposes, you can use small amber. To fix the result will help the paintwork. The photo of wood crafts shows exclusive decoration options. They add sophistication to the environment.

Master class on creating a three-dimensional wooden appliqué

Wooden appliqué impresses with its beauty. Modern technologies allow you to create a complex pattern made of thin wood. We bring to your attention detailed master class to create an application from a natural array.

Before starting the workflow, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • thin wood;
  • simple pencil;
  • image based on which we will create an application;
  • paper;
  • thin plywood;
  • glue for wood;
  • impregnation. It will be needed to give color to future crafts.

The workflow is divided into several stages:

  • On a piece of paper we draw a future sketch. The weight of the part is signed and numbered.
  • Next, we cut the whole drawing into separate parts;
  • Cut sharp corners carefully.
  • We grind every detail with sandpaper.
  • After the surface is prepared, each element of the application begins to tint. To do this, you need a thin brush and a water-based stain.
  • When all the details have dried, you can start making a wooden panel.
  • Each element is covered with glue.
  • After that, we fix them on a sheet of plywood.
  • When all the elements are in place, leave our panel to dry completely.
  • You can give a clear outline with a thin marker.

As you can see create beautiful thing simple enough. The main thing in this matter will show a little imagination and perseverance.

Even more instructions on how to make crafts can be found on the site of our friends.

Photo of wood crafts

The faster industry develops, the more man tries to get closer to nature. He surrounds himself with nature not literally, but by creating the illusion of being in the air, even if he is relaxing in the living room. This desire is not just to live in a house that is built from natural raw materials, but also to come up with an appropriate interior design. Therefore, everyone strives to use hand-made wood decor in their home in order to feel like a real owner.

The fashion for wood appeared a long time ago, but now not everyone can furnish their own home in the style of the Twin Peaks series. The room should not be oversaturated with wooden furniture, furs and animal heads. This already speaks of the bad taste of the owners. These blanks are available for the forest area, but for the steppe - decorating a house in this style will cost a pretty penny. There is an option to dilute the familiar environment with rare interspersed with wooden saw cuts, which pour into absolutely any image. You can create such a design yourself, spending only on fasteners.

Advantages of decorating the interior with wood saw cuts

The saw cuts of a tree surprise at the same time with their external attractiveness and the complexity of creating from a technical point of view.

Now let's figure out what advantages wood trim has:

  • Durability. If the wood can be properly processed, and will be protected from moisture and various mechanical damage, then it will last a long time. If it's whole wooden wall or floor, then you can save on annual repairs.
  • Thermal insulation. Firewood is a source of heat not only in a fire. The raw material has the ability to keep the temperature, so for a cold concrete apartment it is best view insulation, albeit partial. In winter, such an insulated floor will warm any legs.
decorative tree from branches
  • Uniqueness. You can, of course, glue wallpaper with the image of tree cuts, or lay a laminate, but in such pictures a pattern is used - a simple repetition of one module. Natural saw cut is a composition where each element is unique. The pattern on the saw cut and its shape are unique.

Create a design wall

For decoration, it is advisable to choose one side of the room. The design of all planes is a sign of bad taste, and the room will look overloaded. Any room needs to be given air, and it's not about the windows. It should breathe space, and this effect is given by light empty planes. Only one “woody” facet of the room will become a kind of accent that will become its mood. You can lay out the "tree puzzle" yourself, and now let's talk about how it's done.

Everyone in the yard has an already withered tree that needs to be removed. Now it's time to cut it down. We take a branch, saw it into bars of medium thickness. From the resulting "pancakes" you can remove the bark, and then polish it. Thanks to this, you will not drive the thorn by touching the wall. The resulting wood layers should be processed special tool from insects, and then we put it on glue. It is advisable to varnish the resulting relief - varnished wood can last a long time.

On a note! Create a composition from branches of different sizes, starting from a massive trunk and ending with the thinnest branches. The composition breathes due to the formed voids between saw cuts of different sizes.

Wall panel - a piece of nature in the interior

You can meet a panel from any components, but you have not seen a canvas made of pieces of wood, right? Here, contrasts are welcome, so feel free to use even hemp. The picture should not look like a pattern, but a full-fledged composition with a dominant and secondary elements. Do tonal gradations, and place accents with the help of tone. Specifically for the proposed product, it is better to leave the bark - it will make it more attractive. The careless terrain will create the atmosphere of an endless forest, and move you into it.

It is advisable to sketch a rough sketch, but if you like to improvise directly in the course of work, then go ahead. For a bright contrast, assemble the frame of the canvas from simple planks, this will give the picture lightness. The saw cuts are sanded from the side that is adjacent to the wall for better bonding. Leave the other side untouched - this will give naturalness to the overall picture. Framed tree cuts in the interior will look like a window overlooking the forest. The frame collects the composition into one whole, and groups it.

Difficulties in laying out a modular floor

This type is quite complicated, so it is better to be patient and get to work. Choose thick trunks to avoid creating large voids when laying out circles. For the manufacture of the floor, hardwood logs are selected, because the floor is exposed daily.

There are two reasons that will make you sweat:

  • Solution. If you put all the parts on glue, then the floor will not last long, even if you cover it all with varnish. Modules will fall off due to constant pressure. You will have to use a solution, possibly based on cement.
  • Surface leveling. If the thickness of each element does not play a big role in the design of the vertical plane, then this is the main condition for the floor. It is necessary to adjust all the modules to the total thickness, and start grinding after installation. The procedure will take a lot of time, because it is not easy to achieve a smooth surface.

Next, start varnishing the finished surface. It will protect it from pests and external influences. The floor is easier to clean, and it will last longer in a “protected” state. An unprotected surface can be attacked by pests or simply begin to rot due to excessive moisture.

Creating home comfort with homemade furniture

Furniture looks completely different, depending on the type of raw materials available. Tables and chairs are being made, since the silhouette of the saw itself already resembles small table or a chair.

There are two main principles for creating furniture:

  • Modular - assembly of an element from small parts (modules). Actually, we are already familiar with this method. It allows you to create a product of absolutely any shape. It is also necessary to achieve a perfectly flat surface. Dishes will be placed on the table, and so that it does not turn over, the surface of the table must be perfectly sanded.
  • Solid - a solid element is taken as the basis. This option is much simpler than the previous one in technical terms, but it is more difficult to find a bar with a large diameter. Things are better with chairs, and if you want a table at which the whole family would have dinner, you will have to tinker with finding a large diameter saw cut. The price of the overall cut is quite large.

It doesn’t matter which principle you apply in creating a product, the main thing is to immediately evaluate your capabilities so as not to spoil the material. Any way is good, because wooden furniture renowned for its strength and durability.

Ideas for the kitchen based on semicircular cuts

Such a figure is an unusual piece of decor and a reliable assistant in the kitchen. The material withstands high temperatures and does not heat up so much. From saw cuts, you can create simple solid coasters and modular ones, the material of which is easier to find. Everyone saw such coasters in the store, and thought “No, you can’t do this yourself” - an erroneous opinion. Why pay more if you do it yourself?

The kitchen will be complemented by fancy semi-circular shelves that can be put together from solid wood cuts, dividing them into two parts. An illusion is created that the "kruglyashek" is in the process of sinking into the wall. The reception is interesting if the shelf is round, thanks to this, visual movement is created. The effect is achieved due to the dynamic relief on the bark. The shelves will harmoniously accommodate cookbooks, or personal collections of recipes by the hostess. And the product will withstand a sufficiently large weight, even if its dimensions may not inspire confidence.

Remember! If this is a stand specifically for dishes, then it is better to make it whole. Connecting small parts involves gluing, and glue is incompatible with high temperatures. The stand will simply fall apart into several pieces.

Wooden detail as an accent in the interior

Small inclusions of "forest" in the familiar environment mentally bring you closer to nature. Saw cuts in the interior are used as a decor, and perform certain functions.

We create fancy accents with our own hands:

  • Clock. The unusual use of a wooden saw cut in any interior looks cute. Especially if it is an uneven circle with bark on the surface. The bark is fixed, because it is able to deteriorate over time. The more casually the wooden “pancake” looks, the more interesting the watch will turn out.
  • Flower vases. Let your imagination run wild and use different kinds branches. An ornament made of small twigs created by oneself looks expensive, and no one will guess that the vase cost you a penny. It will be in harmony with the design, and will find a response in things with a similar decor.

Remember! There should be few things created from identical material in the room. They should overlap with each other, but not look like "brute force".

  • Frames for mirrors. In creating a product, it is important to adhere to rhythm or metricity, but chaos will be inappropriate. Alternate large tree cuts with small ones, or make the entire frame from circles of approximate size. Either option will be correct.

It is quite possible to make a floor from saw cuts with your own hands. Not to mention small interior items that are made in a minute with wood, glue and your imagination. Surprise your friends with a tastefully decorated home and make your life more comfortable. It is an environmentally friendly product that will benefit your health. If the product is made of needles, then a slight coniferous aroma can even help you with the treatment of a cold.

If you can handle the floor, then decorating an entire wall with wood will seem like a matter of five minutes. You will need to use your own taste, and your knowledge of composition, although most people trust their instincts.

Everything will work out, it’s enough just to “assemble” these products and fix them with glue, or just cut out a solid object. Create an image in your head, and try to bring it to life. You won't need special knowledge or skills, follow the basic rules for choosing materials and processing tools. After all, why spend a lot of money on the work of a designer, if you are able to cope with this task on your own without spending a dime.

I think few people will deny the truth that talking about a tree in an interior is akin to talking about snow in Antarctica, or rocks in the Himalayas. The theme is also immense and inexhaustible. However, for all its infinity, one can deduce certain rules and patterns that will help to use this material in the interior of the home as efficiently and effectively as possible.

A bit of history

From time immemorial, wood has been used by people for construction, as well as interior and exterior decoration of their homes. It is difficult to come up with a more universal material for these purposes.

Strength, ease of processing, beauty of texture, durability (especially of hardwoods) are the most important qualities of wood. But its even greater value is the creation of a feeling of comfort, an atmosphere of soft warmth and tenderness, and peace of mind.

Traditional use

Usually, windows, doors, floors and windows were exclusively wooden in the room. Now, due to the emergence of a large number of new building, finishing and decorative materials, the tree has lost its position a little.

The main reason for this is purely financial, however, I doubt that a person with a developed sense of taste and style would prefer metal-plastic windows to high-quality wooden ones. Especially if the former imitate the latter.

Floors should be covered with carpets, exotic animal skins, mats, or some other material that protects the feet from glass that is not heated by the sun, since the glaze ceramic tiles is nothing but glass.

Here is the floor from natural wood demonstrates its advantage - it does not need any heating.


In modern apartments, furniture plays a huge role in shaping the style. inner space dwellings. Especially if it is solid, high-quality furniture made of precious wood.

It is furniture - all these cabinets, chests of drawers, tables, chairs, sofas and armchairs, especially if they are designed in the same style - that will shape the character of the rest of the decor.

The color palette is also impressive - from white golden ash wood to black ebony. The texture of the surface can be changed from rough-worked, almost rough, to polished, almost mirror-like.


The tree looks extremely impressive in the form of ceiling beams. Depending on the shape, size and location, they can significantly influence the creation of a kind of visual rhythm, along with a certain spatial division of the room.

saw cuts

Potentially, an extremely rich artistic element is the end cut of a round tree. These dice of different diameters, mounted on a wall or partition, create a magnificent decorative effect.

The saw cuts imitate the woodpile well, which fits perfectly into the interior of the kitchen, or living room with a fireplace. In this case, in addition to round ones, it is desirable to use also semicircular and quarter dies. This will seal the fit of the saw cuts to each other, reduce the voids and give an even greater resemblance to the woodpile.

wall decoration

With the help of wood, the walls of the room can be decorated in many ways. End cuts have already been mentioned above.

It can be added to this that the dies can be made from square or rectangular edged timber of various thicknesses. Panels made from such cuts are perfectly perceived visually.

It can be a vertical insert from floor to ceiling, a diagonal, wavy stripe. You can collect from these dice a stylized drawing of a tree throughout the wall. Options can be listed for a very long time. The main thing is to find an option for a particular, specific case.

The latter, for example, is practiced in the design of hunting lodges.
To create a wood-look interior, natural cork and natural veneer wallpapers are also used. A natural prerequisite for their use is, of course, the maximum evenness of the walls.

Additional wooden decor elements

We have already mentioned the use of stumps as expressive plastic objects in decoration dwellings.

But, as they say, we will not stump alone. To give the interior some zest, an aesthetic accent, you can use many other, not very large-scale, but extremely means of expression. They can be a fancy snag on coffee table, or the root of an old tree on a mantelpiece.

A whimsically curved tree branch attached to the wall can replace an entire panel.
Any wooden knickknack can become an artistic accent, the aesthetic nerve of the entire modern interior space. Perhaps it will be an original figurine, a vase made of birch burl, or a bast tuyesok.

This role can be played by a set of wooden dishes, an exotic mask on the wall, candlesticks, or chess with figures made of light and dark wood. There are no barriers to the flight of fancy here.

About trees in a modern interior

Separately, it should be said about the tree not as a material, but as a plant. You can place it in the interior in two ways. The first way - if space permits - is to install tubs indoors with live small shade-loving trees planted in them.

Also, instead of a living tree, you can install a dry, larger one, with a partially sawn crown. The tree should reach the ceiling, and the cut branches should create the effect of sprouting through the ceiling.

The main thing is a skillful combination of colors, creating an atmosphere of fabulousness that fills the nursery. The crown of a tree, for example, can be higher than a wall, fill part of the ceiling, float among fluffy clouds. The trunk and stylized branches will add volume to the composition. In addition, now there will be something to hang your favorite toys on and attach the most successful drawings.

A little about style

Wood is an amazing natural product. Before any artist-constructor, be it an expert or an amateur, it opens up a horizon of limitless possibilities.

The tree forgives the most gross design mistakes, it is combined with almost any materials, playing either on the similarity or on the sharp contrast of their properties.

It can be easily cut (if it is not bog oak), easy to tint and paint, modern impregnations make it possible to use it even in bathrooms! It, along with the stone, is the most powerful weapon in the arsenal of the modern designer. However, the same can be said about the designers of two thousand years ago.

Both wood and stone are very expressive materials. Therefore, when working with them, you should always use the alternation method: light - with dark, warm - with cold, rough - with smooth.

In order to highlight, or, as the artists say, “pull out” this or that element, it should be placed either in a neutral (white plaster) or in a contrasting environment. For example, a meter-wide woodpile looks great on a light, plain wall background.

People have been decorating their homes with their own hands since ancient times. At first, craftsmen used the gifts of nature for this, then they learned how to make things from metal, and in the era of the development of the chemical industry, many synthetic materials appeared that are successfully used in modern design.

Of course, it is foolish to refuse the amenities that have appeared with the development of the industry and new technologies in the production of furniture and decor items, but you really want to revive the house, create with the help of natural materials a special atmosphere of comfort and peace in any room! And the best of the materials for this at all times has been and remains His Majesty the tree.

Real masters create magnificent carved panels, exclusive solid wood furniture, amazing paintings in the marquetry style. To implement the most daring ideas in the interior requires skill, artistic taste, special tools, knowledge and skills. But simple decorations with their own hands can be made by anyone.

Beautiful wood decor

The easiest way to use wood is to abandon plastic frames, put wooden doors, purchase solid wood furniture. This material is breathable. Wooden frames on the windows will allow you to maintain a pleasant atmosphere for living in the room.

A furniture set made of natural wood is able to give any apartment a sense of good quality, prosperity, and act as an independent decoration of the house. True, not everyone can afford such a luxury. However, even a few items can change the look of a modern apartment. Looks great in any interior

    a coffee table, for the surface finishing of which the technique of marquetry or saw cuts of valuable species was used;

    an armchair hollowed out of solid wood;

    wooden stands for house plants;

    open shelves.

Tree decoration option

Modern wood decor with your own hands

DIY tree decor idea

Therefore, if it is not possible to furnish your home with expensive furniture, it is enough to purchase one or two products, or decorate existing furniture using decorative tree for the interior, with your own hands.

When it comes to doors, there are many options. In order to isolate rooms, you can install:

    Solid doors made of natural board;

    Type-setting from laths a cloth;

    Glazed doors;

    Sliding doors;

    Screen doors in common room, folding "accordion".

The last two options can significantly save space in small rooms. You can make such doors with your own hands, or order from an experienced craftsman.

Decorating with a tree with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Wood in the interior with your own hands: advantages

Since wood is one of the natural materials, it has a lot of advantages for making various items do it yourself:

    Environmental Safety. It can be used in the interior of any room without harm to health. In addition, according to popular beliefs, wood is able to heal - for example, aspen dies relieve inflammation, and oak ones give strength to a weakened body.

    It is practically free: it lies literally under our feet - snags, dried branches of trees that can be found in the nearest forest will go into action. Summer residents most often burn waste resulting from cleaning and thinning the garden. And you can not burn all these pieces of wood, but make beautiful accessories from them that can add personality to your interior, give it your own soul.

    The ability to create decor from wood with your own hands. Nature is unique, and you will not find two absolutely identical branches. Therefore, working with natural material, you create unique things every time that will give your home its own special style and appeal. In addition, there will be a reason to brag to your friends with your imagination and skillful hands.

Tree decoration option

Modern wood decor with your own hands

DIY tree decor idea

Wood cut home decorations

Anyone who knows how to hold a hammer and other simple tools in their hands can process wood with their own hands for the interior to get the right material. The wood can be pre-cleaned from the bark, or left in its original form - it all depends on what types of wood you have and where you are going to stick the wooden plates.

Here are just a few ideas where ordinary wood cuts in the interior come in handy:

    wall decoration with cut logs;

    furniture manufacturing;

    decoration of individual pieces of furniture with wooden dice of various diameters.

Decorating with a tree with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

DIY wood decor for walls

If you decide to use wood to decorate the walls, then you can do it in two ways:

    cover the surface of one or all the walls in the room with wooden dice;

    select a separate section of the wall and arrange it in the form of a panel.

The first option is not suitable for every room - it will fit better in the interior of a veranda, corridors, a country-style kitchen or a home bathhouse. But for decoration a separate section walls you can show all your imagination. It can be:

    Kitchen apron or panel above working area. Beautiful saw cuts are obtained from different types of wood - apple, pear, plum, cherry, walnut, ash, where each has its own unique color. You will have to sand the surfaces of the dies well and cover the bright canvas protective layer colorless varnish.

    In the interior of the children's room, beautiful panels made of wooden saw cuts, made in the form of stylized butterflies, flowers or a whole fabulous landscape, are appropriate.

    To decorate the walls of a spacious corridor, you can take wooden driftwood found in the forest, processed by time and nature. If you make cuts out of them, leaving one side intact, then outlandish flowers will appear on one of the walls, each of which will be unique in its natural beauty.

Tree decoration option

Modern wood decor with your own hands

DIY tree decor idea

We transform furniture

To decorate the interior of wood with your own hands, you can use the items you already have old furniture. Decorated with dice of different types of wood, it will acquire a second life and fit perfectly into the interior.

The main rule that should be observed is that all work should be carried out without haste, very carefully in order to get the desired effect:

    Pick up branches of the desired tree species of small diameter;

    Dry them well, remove the bark if necessary;

    Cut the dies of the same thickness using a jigsaw or grinder;

    Sand the surfaces of the cuts with sandpaper on both sides;

    Prepare the furniture you are going to transform: clean it of old paint, varnish, level the surface with a sandpaper;

    Fasten the saw cuts with wood glue - carpentry or PVA.

    Let dry well, then cover the treated surfaces with a clear varnish.

Thus, you can decorate a chest of drawers, old wardrobe, table and other pieces of furniture.

Decorating with a tree with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Decor items

In addition to the techniques already listed, you can make other decor items from wood with your own hands. Amateur photos or small pictures placed in frames made of thin twigs look original in the interior of the office. You just need to cut into 3-4 thin branches, a little long more sizes photographs, and tie them around the perimeter at the joints with an ordinary tourniquet or twine.

By the same principle, you can make a stand from pencils:

    cut off plastic bottle or a tin can, the upper part, so that you get a cup where you can put pencils.

    Cut thin branches so that their length is slightly more than the height of the resulting glass;

    Glue them on with a glue gun and tie a few turns of twine or twine over the top.

Tree decoration option

Modern wood decor with your own hands

DIY tree decor idea

Having shown a little imagination and ingenuity, you can make a phone stand using twigs, a plastic bottle or a can of juice. And if you work a little, you can, using suitable solid cuts, hollow out an iphone dock or an original candlestick.

Saw cuts of a suitable diameter can be used for making your own hands:

    original coasters for cups in the form of topographic symbols;

    from a bottle unusual shape the original vessel, pasting over its surface with wooden dice;

    coasters for hot, the basis for which can serve as a plywood sheet of any shape.

Decorating with a tree with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

A bottle of wine, pasted over with a wooden saw cut, can be used as the basis for a lamp in an eco-friendly interior. A lampshade made of ordinary cotton rope is suitable for it, which must be wound on a ready-made metal or frame made of wooden rods.

We have offered you just a few ideas for DIY wood decorations for the interior. There are many more options for how to make wooden jewelry and beautiful accessories with other gifts of nature. It all depends on the overall design, your imagination and the materials at hand.

Video: DIY wood decor

Probably everyone wants their home to be cozy and comfortable. The best way to achieve this - use decor when arranging it. Wooden elements for these purposes will be the best choice.

Decorative wood details

The tree has the following advantages:

  • It lends itself well to processing.
  • May take various forms.
  • Looks great in different colors.
  • Has a calming effect.
  • Keeps warm.
  • It is safe from an environmental point of view.

The setting is rich wooden decor, looks much more comfortable than the one where plastic or metal reigns. Wood accessories can be used in most styles, whether classic style, modern or minimalism. It all depends on the way such decor is presented, which can have both a strict and avant-garde look.

Today, the use of various wooden letters in the design of premises is quite popular. They can be assembled into single words and even whole sentences. This decor is used to decorate the mantelpieces or walls of the living room, bedroom, kitchen, corridor.

Letters made of wood are appropriate in interiors designed in such styles as vintage, provence, country, shabby chic, eclecticism. Letter decor can be bought in a specialized store or ordered in a workshop. In addition, you can purchase sanded blanks and make an original decoration out of them with your own hands.

Various wooden vases and vases will add warmth and comfort to the atmosphere. Carved masks, unusual figurines and wooden bowls will bring ethnic notes to the interior. As can be seen from the photographs of such wood decor, it looks decent in rooms of various design solutions.

A variety of New Year's decorations can also be made from wood. They are covered with special colorful compositions, which makes them safe for children's health. In addition, they are much more durable than analogues from other materials.

Even ordinary cutting boards can be turned into an original kitchen decor if a suitable image is applied to their surface.

Wood opens wide horizons for a flight of fancy. Whatever you do, you transfer a particle of your soul to the tree. Make every effort to create something interesting, extraordinary from industrially manufactured blanks. Similar decorative ornaments will not be expensive, but they will reflect your worldview ideals.

Wooden decor as an environmentally friendly interior decoration

Furnishings using wood decor are quite popular these days. For this, we must thank the ecological style that is fashionable today.

The main feature of this direction in design is the use of parts of the tree removed for natural reasons to create interior decor elements. It can be dry branches or old stumps. Such decorations carry a special charm.

Wood cuts for decorative details reflect the history, they can be used to determine how old he was. They make a variety of accessories - coasters for cups and teapots, key holders, candlesticks and even paintings.

Each such wooden product evokes the memory of a forest edge, illuminated by the hot rays of the summer sun. In addition, today one of the newfangled trends in the field of interior design is the finishing of walls, ceilings and floors with thin saw cuts.

original design solution is an glass table, the base of which is made of wicker. It is quite possible to decorate such a decor made of wood with your own hands. This thing will look very beautiful and unusual. It will perfectly fit into the interior of eco or eclectic style and will undoubtedly become its highlight.

One of the decor options from tree branches is a rocking chair. It is wonderfully suited for a cottage, furnished in country style. Such furniture keeps the imprint of time and helps to create an unsurpassed atmosphere of home comfort.

From large branches you can make ceiling beams, which will be appropriate in such design directions as rustic, provence, rustic style.

Small branches can be used to create hangers, shelves, coat hooks. These products will definitely not go unnoticed.

Thick branches make it possible to make excellent railings. They can also be used as decoration for cabinets, shelving, chests of drawers, mirrors.

Chandeliers will look unusual with the use of wooden parts. It is quite possible to make them yourself.

A variety of hemp and logs can take their rightful place in the decor of your home. They can be a great alternative to tables, armchairs, chairs, poufs, they can make excellent benches. Such decor will be appropriate not only indoors, but also in the garden or on the outdoor terrace.

Carved wooden decorative details will perfectly decorate your home. Carved wood decor is always unusual and elegant. Its use is a sign of wealth and good taste. It also contributes to the creation of a cozy and comfortable environment.

Accessories made of wood will be the finishing touch of any interior. Stencils for this decor are easy to find on the Internet. Handmade, such decorations will become a source of pride in front of guests and friends. Good luck!

Photo of wood decor