How to replace a broken double glazing in a window. Is it possible to replace the glass in the window yourself and how to do it? detailed instructions

At first glance, the design of a plastic eurowindow seems complicated. Therefore, if a double-glazed window is damaged in general or one of the glasses, many immediately look for the phone number of repair companies. In this situation, there is no need to rush: replace the double-glazed window in plastic window you can do it yourself, thereby saving several thousand rubles.

A double-glazed window is a complex hermetic structure consisting of several sheets of glass separated from each other by an aluminum frame, under which silica gel balls are poured - they absorb moisture in the package chamber. Between the panes, a double seal is installed from a butyl tape located under the distance frame, and thiokol - a special mastic that connects the entire structure into one.

For reference: you can read more about the device of a double-glazed window in the work "".

This system has very weakness- glass. The material is very fragile, capable of cracking or breaking at any time. If this happens, it is necessary to immediately replace the glass in the double-glazed window, because due to the depressurization of one chamber, not only the package, but also the window as a whole loses its consumer properties quite quickly:

  • moisture appears on the glasses, and the desiccant flows down in the form of a yellow resin;
  • street sounds are well audible;
  • drafts appear;
  • heat is poorly retained.

In addition, double-glazed window replacement is required in cases where:

  • the package chamber has lost its tightness (the reasons may be different), and therefore the glass sweats in summer and becomes covered with frost in winter;
  • it is necessary to insulate the room, as a result, the usual flow glass is changed to i-glass or a single-chamber package to a two-chamber package;
  • the sounds of a noisy street began to penetrate into the room - noise-protective double-glazed windows were installed.

Is it possible to replace glass in double-glazed windows

The most frequently asked question when contacting an insulating glass installation and repair company is: “Is it possible to replace broken glass in an insulating glass unit without changing the latter?” Depending on the level of the company, there may be several answers: “No”, “Yes”, “It is possible, while visiting the customer”.

Let's examine each of the answers in detail.

"Not" say in a reputable company. Here they value their reputation and offer the client the best option: dismantling the broken package and installing a new one.

"Yes" you can hear from people who want to make the most money. They will come, remove the window, bring it to the workshop, where they will remove the damaged glass and put in a new one. After that, they will bring the repaired double-glazed window and install it in place. By quality characteristics there are no questions about such repairs - everything was done in accordance with the technical regulations.

Questions about cost repair work(meaning only the replacement of glass in the package itself) - they are 100-200 rubles. more expensive than new glass. Plus, the company that made the repairs will install a double-glazed window, and this is an additional 2,000 to 4,200 rubles per m 2. Therefore, it is better for apartment owners with hands to refuse such a service (the recommendation does not apply to those who are not used to counting money).

“It is possible, at the same time with a visit to the customer.” This glass replacement should be briefly described: repair on the knee. For those who like to learn from their own mistakes, at the end of the work we will give detailed instructions for such a do-it-yourself replacement.

Why is glass not being replaced in double-glazed windows at home? After all, remove the double-glazed window from the sash, cut sharp knife mastic around the damaged glass, removing the fragments and cleaning the camera from dust and dirt is not difficult.

There are no difficulties when cutting new glass to the size of the distance frame. Indeed, there are no problems here. They lie in a different plane: at home it is impossible to recreate the technological conditions for assembling a double-glazed window: dry, warm air, while dust-free when sealing the entire structure.

By sealing outside the chamber, it will not work:

  • wash and dry the glass with high quality so that the smallest specks do not get on it during drying;
  • keep silica gel in working condition - its balls will have time to collect moisture from the air in a short period of time (the air in the chamber is dry);
  • apply the mastic in an even layer, as a result of which, when the package is installed in the window sash, the sealant may be damaged;
  • thiokol is difficult to find on sale in compact packages - mainly in two-hundred-liter barrels.

In what cases is glass replacement acceptable?

  • There is stained glass in the window. Replacing one sheet is much cheaper than replacing several expensive glasses;
  • A three- or four-chamber package is mounted in the frame;
  • An expensive thick triplex was installed in the sash from the street, and the inner glass was broken.

In these cases, the cost of repair is cheaper than the price of a finished double-glazed window.

Instructions for replacing double-glazed windows

For those who are friends with tools, self-replacing a double-glazed window in a plastic window is not an insoluble problem. The whole process consists of several sequential operations:

  1. preparing a set of tools;
  2. glass pane is measured;
  3. an order is placed;
  4. the damaged double-glazed window is dismantled;
  5. new windows are installed;
  6. sash is adjusted.

Tools and materials

Replacement of broken double-glazed windows is carried out with a minimum of tools. Need:

  • roulette;
  • calipers;
  • rubber mallet (mallet);
  • spatula or a simple screwdriver (you can use a large kitchen knife, but this is not very convenient);
  • gloves;
  • an old sheet or piece of other fabric that you don’t mind throwing away.


To order a double-glazed window, you must specify the number of air chambers and the dimensions of the double-glazed window: height, width and thickness. All these data can be found on the distance frame (see photo), where the package formula (number and thickness of each glass) and its dimensions (height, length and thickness) are printed. If for some reason such an inscription could not be found, the owner himself can make measurements.

Important: the easiest option is to remove the double-glazed window and measure it. But with such an organization of work, the window will stand without glass for several days - it takes time to manufacture a new double-glazed window. Therefore, measurements are taken directly in the sash.

For measurement, a tape measure is taken and the distance between the profile of the sashes with broken glass is measured along the width and height of the window. A number of publications say that the distance between the external dimensions of the glazing beads is measured, which is the same thing. From the results obtained, 2 cm is subtracted - 1.0 cm on each side for the adjustment gap.

An important parameter is the double-glazed window formula, which indicates the thickness of each glass and the distance between them inside the chamber (for example, 4 + 10 + 4 + 10 + 4, where 4 is the glass thickness in mm, 10 is the frame width in mm). These numbers in without fail is prescribed in the window passport and printed on the remote bar. If the passport is lost, and there is no inscription, you can conduct an independent measurement. The tape measure gives an error of up to 1 mm, the caliper measures with absolute accuracy. Work order:

  1. The thickness of the sash profile is measured (for example, 70 mm);
  2. The thickness of the glazing bead and rubber seal is determined (located indoors). To do this, the end of the measuring tool rests on the glass and looks at what distance the plane of the sash is (approximately 14 mm);
  3. A similar procedure is carried out from the side of the street (20 mm).

A student of the second grade can do the rest: we subtract 14 from 70, and then 20. The result of 36 mm will enable specialists to draw up a formula for a double-glazed window and use it to make new glass.


For the manufacture of double-glazed windows with angles of 90 o, it is enough to indicate the thickness of the package, its height and width, as well as the number of chambers in the application form. The manufacturer's specialists will independently calculate the formula and use it to produce a new glass for the window. Everything is much more complicated if there are curvilinear shapes or non-rectangular corners (glass in the form of a circle, triangle, rhombus, etc.). How to change the double-glazed window in this case?

Here, one cannot do without dismantling the damaged glass (how to do this, just below). Removed glass is laid on paper and outlined, after which the shape of the damaged package is cut out with scissors. Sometimes with a razor blade, the template is cut immediately. According to the finished pattern, a new double-glazed window will be made within a few days.


There is nothing complicated in the instructions for dismantling a broken double-glazed window. The whole process consists of a series of sequential operations:

  1. An old sheet or other fabric is spread on the floor in front of the window, large in size behind the double-glazed window.
  2. Broken glass is carefully glued in several directions with adhesive tape so that the fragments do not fall out during the process of removing the package and do not cause injury to others.
  3. Staples are taken off. To do this, you need a sharp and hard tool, such as a chisel, a flat screwdriver or spatula, as well as a mallet (rubber hammer). It is necessary to start with longer glazing beads, as a rule, side ones - it is easier to bend them when removed from the sash grooves.

Attention: in almost all instructions for dismantling double-glazed windows, it is indicated that the disassembly of the sash must begin with the removal of the side glazing beads. However, in the transom, they cannot be removed without damage. Therefore, we focus on the fact that initially longer glazing beads are removed - in the transom this is the top and bottom.

To remove the bead, you should:

  • Insert a spatula (chisel or screwdriver) into the gap between the sash profile and the glazing bead in the middle of the window;
  • Holding the tool strictly horizontally, hit it several times, not very hard, with a mallet until a gap of 1-2 mm is formed. Further, the technology of different specialists is slightly different; Some make such a gap almost along the entire length, and then return to the middle, others, immediately tilting the tool down, knock out the glazing bead completely from the grooves of the sash in its center;
  • When it will be possible to grab the glazing bead with your fingers, it stretches towards itself and to the side - it will easily come out;

Important: when removing the glazing bead with a pencil or marker, it is necessary to mark the grooves on the sash in order to install a new double-glazed window without any problems in the future, especially when changing its thickness (you will have to buy new glazing beads and cut them correctly).

  • The top latch is removed last - it insures the glass from accidental falling. Here you need an assistant supporting the glass;
  • The package is removed from the sash. If there are difficulties - the sealant of the package is stuck together with the plastic of the window, the glass is pressed from the frame with a sharp object;
  • The removed package is placed on the fabric and carefully broken;
  • Broken glass in the sheet is thrown into the trash.

Installation of new glass

Installation of new glass involves the following operations:

  • Checking the tightness of the seal outside window;
  • Leveling plates are installed in the fold of the sash (they are also called gaskets): two from the bottom for a blind window (see photo), four for an opening sash. At the same time, they are installed one on each side diagonally, at a distance of about 10 cm from the corner of the sash (see photo).

Attention: the number of slats different manufacturers may differ, therefore, when dismantling the glass, it is necessary to remember the location of the gaskets.

For reference: a rebate is a plane along the perimeter of the sash, on which a double-glazed window is mounted, which is clearly visible in the photo.

  • The double-glazed window is carefully placed on the gaskets. Here it is necessary to check its position several times, since in the future it will not be possible to correct the geometry;
  • The seal is installed inside double-glazed window;
  • The glazing beads return to their places in the reverse order: first the top, then the bottom, and only then the side ones. They are driven into the grooves by lightly tapping a rubber hammer from the edges to the center. Fixation is confirmed by clicks.


A new double-glazed window may have a different weight, which will require additional adjustment of the sash. To do this, the hinged adjusting screws are tightened with a “furniture key”, which can be read in detail in the material “How to adjust plastic windows”.

The nuances of replacing a double-glazed window in a wooden frame

The wooden frame of the euro-window is fastened with a double-glazed window in the same way as in a plastic window - with glazing beads. However, there is a small difference here: silicone sealant is used instead of a rubber seal.

Therefore, in order to remove glass from a wooden sash, you first need to remove the glazing beads, and then remove the silicone mastic. Accordingly, when installing a new glass, it is necessary to re-process the joints of the package with the sash with silicone.

The nuances of replacing double-glazed windows in stained glass

In stained-glass windows there are several points that do not allow self repair and replacement of damaged glass:

  • It is much cheaper to replace broken glass than to install a new package, and such work can only be done by professionals in a specialized workshop;
  • Glass is placed in special "stained glass cells" that are removed outside, not inside, which requires an aerial platform or scaffolding;
  • It is impossible to remove the pattern according to the color scheme. It is necessary to deliver the whole glass to the workshop, where, with the help of instruments, the necessary measurements will be carried out, on the basis of which the glass will be reproduced.

Is it possible to change

When replacing a damaged double-glazed window, in many cases it becomes possible to change the number of cameras in it.

Single glazing to double glazing

Replacing a single-chamber window glazing with a two-chamber glazing is possible subject to two conditions:

1. The width of the sash rebate allows you to install a double-glazed window. There are two options here:

  1. a package of three glasses is the same in width as a single-chamber one - no problems arise;
  2. the new package is wider, but due to the narrower glazing bead (you will have to buy new ones), it becomes in the sash.

2. The profile and fittings of the window can withstand the weight of a heavier sash (increased by about 30%). If it is necessary to reinforce the reinforcing plate inside the profile, it is easier to change the entire window. If the problem is only in the loops, they change.

Therefore, without consulting a specialist, it is not recommended to independently carry out such a replacement.

Double glazing to triple glazing

A triple-glazed window is installed instead of a two-chamber one under the same conditions as above. The only difference is that the three-chamber package is only 25% heavier than the two-chamber package, which in many cases does not require strengthening the frame profile.

Instructions for replacing glass in double-glazed windows yourself

For those who like to do everything on their own, here is an instruction on how to change the glass in a double-glazed window at home.

For work you will need:

  • glass;
  • butyl tape;
  • silicone-based sealant;
  • chisel;
  • rubber mallet;
  • acetone (any other solvent);
  • construction pistol;
  • diamond glass cutter

The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. A double-glazed window is removed from the window block (how this is done, you can see above) and placed on a flat surface with damaged glass up;
  2. Using a chisel or knife, broken glass is removed from the package, after which the aluminum frame is cleaned of sealant and debris;
  3. The cleaned places are degreased with a solvent;
  4. New glass cut out;
  5. The newly cut glass is washed and dried with warm air. The same operation is carried out with the glass surface where degreasing was carried out;
  6. A layer of sealant is applied to the package frame with a gun, after which a new glass is laid. You need to lay it with a partner and immediately for sure. It will be very difficult to fix;
  7. An absorbent is poured under the spacer;
  8. The package is sealed around the perimeter of the glass;
  9. After the sealant has hardened, the double-glazed window is placed in the sash.

We emphasize once again: “repair on the knee” does not give a long-term effect. The best option- replacement of double-glazed windows.

How much is a service in organizations

The final price of the work is determined by many factors. Therefore, we present the average lower and upper limits of the price lists of several firms in St. Petersburg and Moscow as of December 15, 2018:

  • Replacement of a two-chamber double-glazed window - 2,000-4,200 rubles / m 2 (delivery included);
  • Double-glazed window repair - from 1,000 rubles / m 2 to 2,300 rubles / m 2 - only work. This does not include transport costs and the cost of glass.

For reference: the cost of a new two-chamber double-glazed window starts from 1,300 rubles / m 2 for little-known companies. For recognizable brands, it starts from 2,050 rubles / m 2.


Window glass tends to break. It also beats in double-glazed windows. In this case, the most rational is:

  • replacement of not a separate glass, but a double-glazed window as a whole;
  • dismantling and installing a new package on your own - family finances are saved.

Broken glass can be replaced at home. But such work gives an effect for a very short time - at home it is impossible to recreate the conditions of the chamber in which double-glazed windows are assembled.

Profile systems are equipped with removable glazing beads that allow you to partially disassemble the window structure. Thanks to this, at any time it is possible to install a model with improved characteristics in the window in case of damage or if necessary. Such repairs are much easier and more economical than replacing the entire structure, which is often not necessary. The possibility of replacement is provided for all types of windows from any profile systems - plastic, aluminum and wood. The process of removing the old double-glazed window and installing a new one does not take much time and does not require complete dismantling window frame or sash.

In what cases is it possible and advisable to replace the double-glazed window

It is beneficial for window manufacturers to have people who turn to them for help replace the entire structure. However, such a need arises in case of a serious violation of the original geometry of the frame shapes or significant damage to the profile.

Most often this is observed:

  • with significant subsidence of the foundation;
  • due to violation of load-bearing structures on the lower floors;
  • due to a burglary attempt;
  • due to an explosion both in the interior and from the street.
Usually, in such cases, specialists go to the site and assess the condition of the frames and profile. If the glass is broken due to impact, then the task is greatly simplified - in this situation, the frames most often retain the same geometry, and it is enough to replace.
Replacement of double-glazed windows is carried out not only due to their mechanical damage and In some cases, window owners are no longer satisfied with the level of heat or sound insulation of these products. In such situations, it is most practical to limit yourself to replacing double-glazed windows.

Is it possible to change one glass in a double-glazed window

Some window owners, in an effort to save money, want to limit themselves to minimal repairs. In the case of mechanical damage that does not have a through nature, they are interested in how possible it is to replace glass in a double-glazed window? In principle, there is a working way to perform this procedure. However, when performing such a service by hired specialists, it is more profitable to replace the entire double-glazed window. This is due to the fact that the technology for installing new glass is quite laborious, and professionals will include the time spent in the bill.

Replacement of single-chamber double-glazed windows with double-glazed windows

If the thickness of double-glazed windows with one and two chambers is the same, then there are no obstacles to replacing one model with another. Even in cases where it is thicker than single-chamber, the possibility of their installation is allowed. If the dimensions of the profile allow such a replacement, the purchase of new glazing beads, which are thinner than the previous ones, is required.

In this case, it should be borne in mind that double-glazed windows are at least 40% heavier than single-chamber ones. The difference in weight is especially relevant with large glazing areas. As a result, before replacement, it is recommended to carefully check the structure for its ability to withstand a significant mass. Probably, it may be necessary to strengthen the frames, and for the sashes, replace the hinges.

How to replace broken glass

This procedure can be performed on your own, but it is better to entrust it to a professional. Double-glazed windows have a decent weight and are fragile structures. Any careless action allowed due to inexperience can cause defects. Moreover, there will be plenty of opportunities to damage a new product during self-replacement, since the replacement of a broken double-glazed window consists of several stages:

For specialists, this whole procedure is not a problem, since they have repeatedly performed it. And for people who do not have practical skills, complications may arise at each of the stages mentioned.

An alternative to glass replacement

To increase the level of heat and sound insulation, as well as improve the sun protection properties or the aesthetics of windows, you can use special films that are glued to the glass from the inside. Today, universal polymer coatings are popular, which delay the UF radiation coming from the outside and do not let heat out of the rooms. More about

The need for glass replacement pvc windows can occur not only if the glass is damaged. Plastic windows can lose a lot of performance over time. Do not rush to change the entire window. Replacing a double-glazed window with your own hands is not difficult, and our tips will help you do it.

Reasons for glass replacement

In addition to damage to the double-glazed window, there are a number of common cases when replacement may be required. The first one is PVC installation windows with one pane for primary glazing of a construction site. Sometimes it is possible to replace obsolete packages with more modern ones if the characteristics of the profile itself are satisfactory. For example, a replacement could be elevated level noise. You may also want to replace old double-glazed windows with energy-efficient ones with K-glass or I-glass.

In some cases, a double-glazed window fails without visible signs of destruction. For example, if a chamber filled with argon loses its tightness, condensation is likely to form on the glass. The air chambers in which the metal frame is damaged have the same symptom, in which case the silica gel will begin to dissolve and leak into the profile with a yellowish resin.

How to choose a double-glazed window for replacement, size matching

Before placing an order for a new double-glazed window, you need to clarify the dimensions of the old one. This can be done without even disassembling the window, it is enough to measure the distance between the outer joints of the glazing bead and subtract 15 mm from the value. Usually manufacturers of double-glazed windows make their sizes a multiple of several centimeters, so you are unlikely to make a mistake.

Length and width are not the only indicator. If the thickness of the double-glazed window does not match, you will, at best, be forced to purchase a suitable glazing bead, and at worst, a suitable PVC profile. The easiest way is to specify the thickness of the double-glazed window in the window passport or on the sticker, if you prudently carefully removed it. Otherwise, invite a familiar PVC window specialist, he will immediately determine the type of camera and the standard thickness for it.

Double-glazed windows irregular shape require template removal. In this case, you will have to remove the double-glazed window from the frame, lay it on a piece of drawing paper and circle it with a sharp blade, repeating the shape. However, an experienced measurer will always help you in determining exact dimensions and patterns.

In some cases, when only one of the panes is damaged, it makes sense to make repairs by sending the double-glazed unit to the window manufacturer's factory. This is especially rational in the case of expensive double-glazed windows. Repairs are carried out within a period of three days to two weeks, during which time you can install single glass in the frame or tighten the opening with plastic wrap.

To get the profile out of the opening or not

For a simple replacement of a double-glazed window, complete dismantling is not required, on the contrary, it is more convenient to carry out work on installed window. But there are exceptions.

The case, as they say, is out of the ordinary, but a broken double-glazed window may not be the work of hooligans. If the installation technology is not followed, the use of a low-quality PVC profile or a mismatch in size, the double-glazed window can simply crush inside the frame. In this case, the trouble may recur even after installing a new double-glazed window.

You can independently identify the problem by examining the internal cavity and PVC profile folds. If there are kinks on the longitudinal stiffeners, or glued joints have dispersed, the window needs to be repaired or replaced. If in doubt, invite the installation wizard, he will give further recommendations.

How to break a bead correctly

To break the bead, you need to insert a chisel into the gap between it and the frame, directing the bevel of the blade towards the glass. Hold the chisel strictly perpendicular and apply a few gentle blows with a mallet until the glazing bead moves 2-3 mm. Then tilt the chisel outward slightly and widen the gap with a series of strokes. Knock down the bead until it is completely out of the groove.

Start dismantling by removing the longer glazing beads: they are the most flexible and move out of the grooves more easily. Undermine them, starting from the center, and gradually move towards the edge. When you can grasp the edge of the glazing bead with your hand, simply pull it towards you and to the side, it can be easily removed.

Remove the top glazing bead last so that the double-glazed window does not fall out of the opening without permission. It is optimal to use an evenly sharpened chisel with a slightly blunt edge of the blade for work. Also, do not be stingy to buy a hammer with plastic or rubber tips.

The process of replacing double-glazed windows in deaf and opening sashes

If a double-glazed window is broken, it may crumble when removed. To prevent this from happening, glue the surfaces of the outer glass with strips of adhesive tape, first along the perimeter, and then crosswise.

Usually the double-glazed window is freely installed inside the frame and will fall out on its own after removing the top glazing bead. If it is pressed, pull one of the plastic spacers, or pick up the edge of the double-glazed window with a knife.

Carefully remove the double-glazed window from the opening, if it is too heavy, call an assistant. Clean the folds and the profile cavity from glass fragments and dust. When working, be sure to use rubberized gloves. We also recommend that you do not neglect safety glasses.

Insert a new double-glazed window with the bottom side, then lift it vertically. In blind openings, it is necessary to place two straightening plastic plates between the double-glazed window and the bottom seam. If desired, you can fix the double-glazed window in the opening with two more installed on top.

When installed in an openable sash, four plates are laid diagonally between the double-glazed window and the profile: 10 cm from opposite corners. The sash needs to be set for ventilation and the double-glazed window should be aligned horizontally, evenly spreading out under the lower end of the spacers remaining after removal.

Some double-glazed windows inherit the principle of sealing from wooden euro windows. But there is a difference: instead of pouring a silicone sealant, a silicone tape of different thicknesses is inserted between the frame of the double-glazed window and the profile fold. The installation process is difficult because you must first measure the thickness of the gap and select the desired thickness of the gasket. Specialists always have a supply of tapes with them different sizes and install in one day.

When installing a double-glazed window on a tape, it must be continuous around the entire perimeter. Therefore, to begin with, the double-glazed window is wrapped with tape as tightly as possible and cut it at an acute angle, leaving a gap of 3-4 mm. The tape is inserted into the lower cavity of the profile and a double-glazed window is placed on it. Raising it vertically, the tape is tucked into the seam with a blunt smooth plate.

Reverse installation of glazing beads

Start fastening the glazing beads in the opposite direction to the process of removing them, that is, starting with the shortest ones. Position the glazing bead approximately in the middle of the opening and hammer it into the groove, moving from one edge to the other.

When installing long glazing beads, first drive them into the corner, shifting the already installed bar to the desired distance. Then wind the glazing bead into the bottom corner so that it spreads out in the opening. Do not snap the first glazing bead in completely until you have installed the second one. With such a sequence of installation, the glazing beads are well pressed at the joints and do not form gaps - cold bridges. In order not to break the glass, use a hammer with rubber lining.

Complex, because it consists not only of several interconnected glasses, but also of a special metal profile. Because of this, replacing one cracked outer glass becomes challenging task, because it is necessary to disassemble the structure, which is fastened with a thiokol around the perimeter. In the event of a complete destruction of the double-glazed window, the residues are removed and a new one is inserted, which is a little easier, but more expensive.

As a result of damage to even one layer in a double-glazed window, they quickly lose their properties. Such damage affects the entire structure of the window, leads to rapid wear and loss of consumer properties.

The reason for this is as follows:

  • The appearance of moisture on the glass forms condensation flows that react with special moisture-absorbing granules. Yellow streaks appear inside the double-glazed window chamber with damage.
  • Soundproofing is significantly reduced.
  • There are drafts.
  • Heat is retained poorly, energy consumption to maintain the temperature inside the room increases.
Don't panic: you need to determine the degree of damage and choose a way to fix the problem. This can be a replacement of only damaged glass or removing the old package and replacing it with a new one with similar dimensions (do it yourself? What could be the difficulties).

How to take measurements?

Before replacing glass in a plastic frame or ordering a new double-glazed window, it is necessary. If the structure remains intact, then this is easy to do - just measure the dimensions: length, height and width. In the case of complete destruction, measurements will be more difficult, since only the inner surface of the frame remains, where the double-glazed window was previously installed. The easiest way to get information about the characteristics and dimensions is by reading the information printed on the spacer frame. Here you can find:
  • package formula - the number of glasses included in it and their thickness;
  • dimensions - the thickness of the package itself, length and height.
If there are no inscriptions or they cannot be read, then measurements are performed independently.

In order not to leave a window without glass, measurements are taken during the manufacture of a new one without removing the structure from the frame.

Measurements are taken with a tape measure.. To measure the height and width of the package, the height and width of the window are measured between the broken glass and the profile. If glazing beads are installed, then their thickness must be included in the measurements. For the adjustment gap, 2 cm is subtracted from the results obtained. The formula of a double-glazed window can be measured with absolute accuracy, since the tape measure gives a certain error. Work is done in the following order:
  1. Dimensions are taken from the thickness of the profile.
  2. Width including rubber compressor, measured at the glazing bead on the inside of the room (on plastic windows and how to replace it?). In this case, the measuring device is installed close to the glass, the location of the sash is calculated.
  3. On the street side, the same procedure is performed.
Further calculations are as follows:
  1. the width of the glazing bead with a seal for the outer and inner sides of the window is subtracted from the thickness of the profile;
  2. the result is divided by the number of cameras +1.
If the thickness of the glass is known, then the remaining parameters can be easily calculated.

How to change with your own hands?

If the glass loses its integrity, the entire glass unit will need to be replaced. Or just broken glass. To do this, you will need to follow the procedures:
  1. Make a measurement of the required glass or double-glazed window.
  2. Remove damaged structure. In the event of fragments or impossibility of removal due to a change in size, auxiliary devices will be required.
  3. Replacement of individual damaged glass, sealing of the package, holding until the thiokol is completely solidified.
  4. Installation of a new or repaired window, placing glazing beads in their original places (you can see the instructions for repairing plastic windows with your own hands).

Fabric and accessories repair

First, measurements are taken before the damaged package is removed. Only then is the dismantling of the broken structure carried out.


Installation must be carried out in an absolutely clean frame along the internal cavity. For this, ordinary cleaning products, water and a sponge are used.

To prevent damage to the new double-glazed window, it is necessary to hammer in the glazing beads very carefully.

Construction structure

It is advisable to study the structure and type before installing it. The standard single-chamber contains only two glasses with a distance frame located inside. For greater efficiency, instead of dry air, an inert gas or dry air can be present inside the cavity of such a double-glazed window. Butyl is used as a sealant, which fixes the frame on the surface. The dehumidifier is placed inside the cavity of such a frame that retains moisture and counteracts the formation of condensate in the chamber. A layer of sealant is applied around the perimeter. Even with a slight destruction of one of the glasses of the product, it may be necessary to completely replace it, especially when filling with energy-saving gas.

Replacing a double-glazed window in a deaf system

To replace, you need to do the following:
  1. Beads are dismantled with a "shoe" knife and a sharp chisel.
  2. To make the glass easier to transport, suction cups with special handles must be attached to its surface.
  3. To remove the double-glazed window from the sash, it is hooked with a spatula.
  4. The installation of a new one is carried out on linings previously placed in the seam frames. It is necessary to provide the product with the desired width so that it captures the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe butt from below.
  5. To align the seal along the contour, a spatula with a silicone pad is used.
  6. Beads are clogged with a plastic hammer or mallet in the following order: bottom, side, top.

If such an installation is carried out without a master, then the tools and materials remaining after installation can be used at the discretion of the homeowner.

Opening plastic sash

If a double-glazed window is damaged in a sash that opens, then the glazing beads are first removed in a similar way as for a blind window. It is pulled out using suction cups with handles or a lever rail. These types of windows are distinguished by the location in the leaf of the seam bridges. The sash is lifted from the lower hinge with the help of spacers. Then, during an external examination, the absence of any chips, cracks or damage on the new product is determined. Silicone putty is used to seal the sealant layer (do-it-yourself plastic windows?). The replacement is completed by installing a new double-glazed window with tapping the glazing beads with a plastic or rubber hammer in their original place.

In an aluminum frame

The difference between aluminum windows is sufficient strength with low weight. Compared to plastic counterparts, they withstand large loads. Therefore, the scope of the aluminum profile is more suitable for public buildings, industrial facilities or offices. When replacing a damaged double-glazed window in such a window, it is required to determine its type:
  • "warm"- it is used as a glazing of a window opening in residential buildings, since thermal protection is provided by a polymer insert;
  • "cold"- used as protection against atmospheric influences of balconies, partitions, loggias.
If the glass or the entire double-glazed window is damaged, all operations for its measurement and insertion of a new one are performed by analogy, as for PVC windows. Not only can be installed the same in quality and design properties, the main thing is the coincidence of geometric dimensions.

Instructions for self-repair

A new package that matches the desired parameters should be reinstalled according to the following scheme:
  1. Prepare tools for dismantling: a thin spatula or knife, a 5–8 mm rail as a lever, a hammer with a rubber head.
  2. To remove the glazing beads, you need a spatula or a knife (it is inserted between the glazing bead and the window frame). Since plastic is a very fragile material, all operations must be carried out very carefully. The tool blade is driven in with a rubber hammer until it stops, which, after a slight suspension, allows you to remove the glazing bead from its seat.
  3. Beads are removed in the following order: side, bottom, top.
  4. To remove the double-glazed window, it must be slightly loosened with a prepared rail. It is inserted into the gap between the spacer plates and the package itself.
  5. Protective gloves must be worn before removing broken glass. The work is hard, you need the help of another person.
  6. To install a new package, you must perform all the steps taken during dismantling, but in reverse order.

To date, the design of plastic and aluminum double-glazed windows is considered quite complicated, and few will undertake to repair on their own in case of glass damage. However, with the right approach, you can do without the participation of specialists, which will save a considerable amount.

How a plastic window is arranged - design features

We will not talk about the cameras of the frame itself, we are primarily interested in the double-glazed window, which is to be changed. This design is based on a special frame made of a profile in which a molecular sieve is located, which does not allow moisture to penetrate into the cavities between the glasses. This frame is most often made of aluminum or galvanized steel, sometimes it can also be made of plastic. It is she who is a kind of gasket that separates the glasses of the package, the distance between which depends on the requirements for this design.

Independent replacement of a double-glazed window in a plastic window is possible only if you know exactly the marking of the one installed initially. There is nothing complicated in digital designations, on the contrary, you can easily choose exactly the size that is needed if you order an identical design. On the market you can find both single-chamber and double-chamber types, in the first case the package consists of two glasses, and in the second of three. For example, the mark 4-10-4-10-4 would mean two-chamber model: 3 glasses of 4 millimeters are separated from each other by two frames 1 centimeter wide. Option 4-6-3-16-4 is more complicated, the cameras in this case are of different widths, the gaps between the glasses are 6 and 16 millimeters, respectively, with the middle glass in the package only 3 millimeters, and the outer ones - 4 each.

The least popular, but there are three-chamber models among the products of double-glazed window manufacturers, their cost is the highest, and their use is justified in the northern regions or in windows on the north side of the house.

It is quite simple to determine how many glasses you have, if you didn’t manage to understand during the examination. Bring a burning candle and count the lights in the reflection. 2 - you have a single-chamber model in front of you, 3 - a two-chamber model, 4 - which means there are three cameras and there will be large replacement costs. The manufacturing technology itself, or rather, the assembly of packages, is noteworthy. The cavities are usually filled with inert gases such as krypton or argon. Less often, in workshops without special sophisticated equipment, the maximum dryness of the air inside is simply ensured. It is logical that the chambers are made extremely tight, which makes the assembly similar to the manufacture of an aquarium - the glasses are planted on the frames using a special adhesive sealant. It is for this reason that if the glass is damaged, it is more reasonable to change the entire double-glazed window.

We make measurements of a plastic window - we determine the dimensions of the package

It would seem that there is no other option but to remove the double-glazed window and, picking up an ordinary measuring construction tape measure, get the exact height and width values. However, then you will either have to disassemble the frame twice, or the windows will be without glass until you buy new ones. The easiest option is to measure the distance between the outer edges of the glazing beads that hold the double-glazed window. The secret is that the glasses enclosed in the frame are slightly smaller than the plastic strips holding them, due to the existing adjustment gap. Considering the last factor, we reduce the result obtained after measurements by 3, throwing off 1.5 centimeters on each side.

The above method concerns the determination of dimensions both in width and in height. As for the thickness of the package, we have already explained how you can find it out by simply converting the marking numbers into dimensional values. We only note that when replacing glasses, you can take not an absolutely identical option, but a suitable one in terms of thickness as a whole. That is, if you have a single-chamber package with a large gap between the glasses, you can take a two-chamber package, the sum of the marking numbers of which will correspond to the sum of similar values ​​\u200b\u200bof the previous design. Thus, you will significantly improve the performance of heat preservation in the room by increasing the number of chambers with the same package thickness.

Dismantling - the correct sequence of actions

So, let's get down to work on restoring the sash of your window to its original form. To do this, you just need to replace the double-glazed window in a damaged plastic window, which even those who have never faced such a task before can do it. You will need a narrow tool, like a thin chisel, and a rubber mallet. First you need to remove the glazing beads, and you must start from the side ones in order to avoid damage to the latches.

From the edge of any, right or left glazing bead, that is, at the highest or lowest point. At the same time, we direct the sharpened edge away from the frame. We apply several weak blows with a rubber hammer on the chisel to form a narrow gap, which will mean detaching the fastener. Be careful, there is a risk of breaking the hidden part of the fastener, which is included in the groove of the frame.

Now we develop the success achieved by turning the working part of the chisel 180 degrees and resting its plane against the edge of the glazing bead. We press, and the gap begins to expand. We continue along the entire height of the frame, if necessary, slipping any narrow plastic plates as wedges to where the double-glazed window retainer has already moved away. In no case do we use strong pressure or blows so as not to break the plastic window, it is better to spend more time, but do without damage.

When both side beadings are removed, disconnect the lower and upper ones in the same way (only in this order). When doing this, be sure to hold the double-glazed window so that it does not fall out, since it will no longer be fixed when the last element holding it is removed. It is also important to remember that, when removing the latches, you should mark where they were located in order to install them in the reverse order. It is also necessary to remember (and it is better to mark), before removing the double-glazed window, where there are spacers that correct its position in the frame.

Installation - how to properly replace glass and assemble a window

Finally one- or two-chamber glass construction removed and set aside (in whole or in fragments, depending on the degree of damage). At the same time, try not to break it, remove it with extreme care. Next, we carefully place the double-glazed window in the plastic window and independently adjust the gaps, setting the spacers at the same points where they stood earlier. Check that the seals are also in place.

We return the glazing beads to the grooves of the window frame intended for them. Right now it is important to remember in what order you extracted them and which ones from where. Fasten in exactly the reverse order. To make the latches easier to enter into the grooves, we tap along the outer edge of each with a rubber hammer, and the blows should not be strong - you are working with fragile plastic. When you hear a click, this will mean that the glazing bead has taken its rightful place. It remains only with the help of a special bolt and a hex angle screwdriver if its position is violated.

Replacing individual glass at home - how to do it

Yes, if you know how to disassemble a double-glazed window, you can only change its damaged part, but it will be much more difficult. The fact is that the replacement of glass in a plastic window is carried out in a room with a minimum amount of moisture in the air, or under a jet of a heat gun. Otherwise, moist air, once inside the chamber, will turn into when the temperature changes, and it will fall directly into the cavity.

If you are determined, lay the bag on a flat surface and use a utility knife to cut off the intermediate frame under the damaged glass.

Carefully clean the place of its fixation from the remnants of adhesive-sealant and on double-sided tape, without gaps (the latter are smeared with silicone), glue new frame made of aluminum, filling it with moisture-absorbing granules. Next, we plant a new glass on the same silicone, cut exactly to the size of the package.