Installing a window air conditioner. Installing an air conditioner in a plastic window - features and nuances, essence and features, types and characteristics, refueling and repair, self-installation How to install a window air conditioner in a wooden window

window air conditioner- monoblock, so its installation is easier than in the case of a split system: there is no need to lay freon lines, check the tightness of pipelines, etc. In addition, the installation of the window does not require high-altitude work. However, for the normal operation of the air conditioner, it is necessary to strictly follow the sequence of actions during installation.

Pay attention to the following:

  • For an air conditioner, even of low power, it is recommended to lay a separate electrical wiring and install a separate "automatic device" in the switchboard.
  • When choosing a window air conditioner, make sure that its width is less than the width of the window
  • the air conditioner must be installed without distortion, otherwise the condensate will drain to the floor.
  • there should be no gaps between the air conditioner case and the planes of the opening cut out for its installation.
  • installation of a window air conditioner will be very laborious if stained-glass windows or double-glazed windows in PVC or aluminum frames are installed in the house or office

Installation rules:

  1. The air conditioner must be firmly fixed, otherwise the noise level during its operation will increase (already rather big).
  2. The air conditioner must not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  3. The outer side of the air conditioner should protrude at least 25-30 cm outside
  4. The distance from the outer panel of the air conditioner to the nearest obstacle (wall) must be at least 50 cm, otherwise the air circulation will be hindered and the cooling capacity of the air conditioner will decrease.
  5. All side ventilation holes the air conditioner must be open, there must be no obstacles on the sides of it (side walls).
  6. Install the air conditioner with a slight outward downward slope (this is necessary for the free flow of condensate)
  7. The outer edge of the air conditioner should be 1-2 cm lower than the inner one.
  8. The bottom of the air conditioner should be located at a height of 75-150 cm from the floor.

Window air conditioner installation tool

Tools and fixtures used for installation.

  1. perforator
  2. interchangeable cartridges for different drills (for concrete, wood, metal.)
  3. electric jigsaw
  4. hacksaw for metal and hacksaw for wood
  5. chisel for working with frames
  6. glass cutter - roller (one roller no more than 10 meters)
  7. cutting machine type "Bulgarian"
  8. construction level
  9. furniture corners - total 2 types (flat and internal)
  10. silicone sealant is better white opaque
  11. water-based paint
  12. paint brush

1. Choosing a location for installing the air conditioner

The place for installing a window air conditioner should be chosen taking into account the shape of the room and the location of the furniture, as well as other factors. Consider the following when choosing a location:

  1. Carefully inspect the window frame and wall to make sure they are strong enough to mount the air conditioner. Various materials and types of finishes of the inner and outer surface of the wall and frame may require various ways air conditioner fittings. To fix the window air conditioner, bolts (including anchors) and fixing brackets and corners with sufficient strength are used.
    If the wall is not strong enough or the edges of the holes are crumbling, it is necessary to strengthen the wall, otherwise the air conditioner may fall, condensate will flow out, or the noise and vibration may increase during operation.
    • if the wall is strong enough, tighten the bolts and attach the air conditioner
    • if the edges of the window opening are not strong enough (may crumble), reinforce the edge of the opening metal corner
    • the wall is not strong enough, it is necessary to expand the metal support to reduce the load on the wall
    • if the edges of the window opening are not strong enough (may crumble), reinforce the lower edge of the opening with a metal corner
  2. Ensure that the condensate generated by the operation of the window air conditioner is drained. For unhindered water flow, the back of the air conditioner should be slightly (0.5-1 cm) tilted down. The left and right side of the air conditioner must be strictly at the same level. Otherwise, water may drip from the air conditioner case.
  3. The air escaping from the back of the air conditioner (to the street) has high temperature. It must not come into contact with animals, plants or people.
  4. For Maintenance leave at least 10 cm of free space to the right or left of the air conditioner and above it. In order for the cooled air to circulate freely around the room, cooling it evenly, the air conditioner must be located in the center.
  5. There must be no obstacles for air inlet and outlet around the air conditioner, otherwise its performance will be reduced. If the air conditioner is exposed to direct sunlight, it must be protected by a canopy from above and from the sides. The canopy must not obstruct air circulation.

2. Mounting kit for window air conditioner

There are a number of installation kits on the market for installing a window air conditioner. Here is an example of one of them.

3. Installation sequence of window air conditioner

The window air conditioner is installed as follows:

  1. the most difficult stage is the preparation of the opening for the air conditioner. In a window opening of almost any type, you can always find the most optimal place for installing an air conditioner. It is best to install in the place where at least one of the sides (length or height) would fit in the opening with minimal gaps. In this case, installers are required to:
    • take out the glass
    • put a jumper
    • cut glass to size.

If the air conditioner is wall mounted: Drill holes in the wall. Mark on the wall or window the mounting points of the air conditioner and its overall dimensions. Draw lines corresponding to the dimensions of the air conditioner, and drill holes with a drill about 5 cm (inside the air conditioner circuit) from these lines.


a) if the air conditioner is installed in the wall, then the thickness of the wall should be no more than 250 mm (this is the size of one brick). If the thickness is greater, then it will block the access of air to the intake grilles for cooling the condenser, the air conditioner will fail.
b) if the air conditioner is installed in a window opening, the distance between the frames of which is more than 250 mm, then if there is a window in the outer frame of the window, the operation of the air conditioner is possible.

Install the bracket and air conditioner housing.

  1. Modern models of window air conditioners allow installation even if the windows do not open and there is no access to the outside, due to the fact that the entire air conditioner mechanism is removed from the housing, which is attached to the bracket or to the wall. For unobstructed water flow, the back of the case should be slightly tilted down. The left and right side of the case must be strictly on the same level. The connection points must be sealed so that precipitation and wind do not penetrate into the room. If the walls are not strong, the air conditioner bracket can rest on the floor.
  2. Install the air conditioner in the assembled case. If cushion pads were used to protect the compressor and fan during transportation, they must be removed before installing the air conditioner, otherwise they will interfere with the operation of the air conditioner, causing noise and vibration. When you put the air conditioner into the cabinet, make sure that the back of the air conditioner slopes down slightly to provide drainage. - the slope should be 10 mm. All cracks and gaps between the body, the wall and the air conditioner must be sealed so that there is no draft. The air conditioner kit includes a standard sealant-foam rubber. Large gaps are filled with foam rubber, small - silicone sealant. Then you need to paint over the damaged areas of the frame.
  3. Drain hose connection. When the window air conditioner is operating, the air in the room is cooled, while moisture condenses from it. If the drain hose is not connected, water will drip out of the air conditioner drain hole, which is usually not desirable. If drainage tube bent, make sure that there is no airlock in it that interferes with the flow of water. The tube must not touch the ground and must not touch the water level in the tank.
  4. Power supply for window air conditioner.
    1. The power supply voltage of the window air conditioner should be within 90% - 110% of the nominal.
    2. To power the air conditioner, it is necessary to conduct a separate line with an automatic switch independent of the main fuse. The capacitive current of the circuit breaker should be 1.5 times the maximum current drawn by the air conditioner.
    3. Electrical equipment (power cable, socket, switch, earth wire, etc.) must comply with national safety standards and recommendations contained in the documentation for the air conditioner (user manual, installation instructions and data plate on the air conditioner case).
    4. The window air conditioner needs to be grounded. The ground wire and terminals must be securely fastened. Improper power supply to the air conditioner can cause it to fail. Therefore, be very careful when electrical connection and grounding of the window air conditioner.
  5. Checking the operation and acceptance testing of the window air conditioner After completing the installation, carefully check once again whether all the work has been completed correctly. Only then turn on the air conditioner to check its operation. All malfunctions in the operation of the air conditioner must be promptly eliminated. If you cannot solve the problem, please contact your company's installation manager. After the acceptance test of the air conditioner, explain to the user how to use the air conditioner and maintain it. Complete the installation certificate, which must be signed by the installer and the user (owner) of the air conditioner.

Main literature

  1. “LG Technical Manual”—Installing a Window Air Conditioner

It is impossible to imagine a modern office space without an air conditioner - it is it that largely contributes to increasing the efficiency of staff work. Yes, and in private homes, the window is a real salvation from summer heat. If there is no dispute about the significance of these devices, then the choice of the optimal model is ambiguous. Many experts believe that window air conditioners are a relic of the past.


Window types of air conditioners are one of the very first representatives of climatic equipment. They appeared on the market back in the 30s of the last century and for several decades have consistently held the leading position in their segment.

Window air conditioners have been relegated to the background these days when users have become familiar with split systems, but many consumers continue to single them out due to their reliability, compactness and long service life.

And the fact that the air conditioner remains true to its usual location (in the window) only adds to its uniqueness, and to be sure, it is convenient and familiar. After all, we expect saving coolness in the summer from open windows, but if they have air conditioning built in, then you don’t even need to open the frame.

Window models are characterized by exceptionally high performance parameters:

  • They are affordable - air conditioners are much cheaper than split systems, so even a buyer with a limited budget can afford them.
  • Ease of installation is a big plus. Installing window air conditioners is simple and straightforward. Anyone can make it House master without experience in similar work using the most common tools.

  • Air conditioners are easy to maintain, they do not require special conditions of use, they can be easily and quickly repaired. However, the need for any type of repair, as a rule, arises only a few years after the operation of the installation.
  • The design does not contain freon in its composition or its quantity is minimal, so the product is highly environmentally friendly and safe for human life and health.
  • Any air conditioner has a remote control remote control, this allows you to operate the device with the greatest comfort, moreover, many modern models have automatic temperature control systems.
  • Another undoubted advantage is the ability to select the desired fan speed. As a rule, the most technological modifications have three of them - high, medium and low.
  • Window air conditioners are equipped with a timer that allows you to schedule work in a certain mode, for example, increasing air circulation in a certain time period or lowering the temperature by the appointed hour, etc.

Among the disadvantages of window systems, the following can be noted:

  • High noise level - in fairness, we note that in most cases this applies to older generation air conditioners, and the way to deal with unpleasant sounds is quite simple - you should install the device on rubber pads.
  • Air conditioners are large and occupy a large part of the window. This leads to a general decrease in the degree of insolation and the level of natural light, while the features of the model are such that the choice of installation location is not possible.
  • An air conditioner fixed in the window in a frosty winter period allows cold air to pass through, and to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to remove the device every autumn, equip it with a place for safe storage, and mount it again in the spring.


To date, the stores offer a wide selection of different options for climate technology, while the price of window air conditioners is several times lower than wall options. This often surprises buyers who cannot choose the right model for themselves.

In fact, window air conditioners can have a wide variety of performance characteristics, so the choice should be made based on the following parameters:

  • power– it should be sufficient for the existing quadrature of the refrigerated space;
  • conformity of dimensions device to the size of the window and the window opening in particular, otherwise the installation of the structure is impossible;

  • noise level during operation - this parameter varies significantly in different models and it is necessary to check this feature even in the store, since then this claim will not be accepted, since it is not a malfunction;
  • number of options d - for example, the ability not only to cool the room in summer, but also to heat it, some new generation models are equipped with a timer, etc.;
  • design and aesthetic appearance.

Let us dwell in more detail on the options for using various models of windows.

The main factor that influences the decision to purchase a particular model of air conditioner is its cold performance. For household models, this figure varies from 1.5 to 8.5 kW, you can approximately calculate the required power based on the standard: 1 kW ha 1 m2. (with a ceiling height of up to 3 m). Moreover, if the room has a large amount of glazing or the windows face south, then you should take the device with a power reserve of 10-20%.

The location of the air conditioner is important. For example, an appliance installed in the kitchen must effectively deal with any sources of heat, and the installation in the bedroom should be as silent as possible. When purchasing window models of climate control equipment, special attention should be paid to noise, the main source of which is the compressor.

Models with a reciprocating compressor emit the most noise, while models with a rotary compressor are much quieter. The level of unfavorable sound effects is significantly reduced if the compressor is mounted on vibration mounts - while the noise is not transmitted to the window housing.

Another source of constant noise is the fan. therefore, preference should be given to models in which this element is made of plastic and equipped with low-noise electric motors.

Automatic blinds are responsible for the comfortable distribution of air throughout the room. Traditionally, they distribute air flows in a horizontal direction, however, there are options with multilateral jet deflection, as well as devices in which both horizontal and vertical blinds work.

Depending on the control, electronic and electromechanical models are distinguished. In the first case, buttons are used to set the temperature, in the second, a thermostat. At their core, these systems practically do not differ from each other if the air conditioner is located low from the floor. But if it is at a height, then it is worth buying a model with electronic control and strengthen it with a special remote control.

The presence or, conversely, the absence of the above has a significant impact on the cost of the product: simpler models have a lower price, and those performance characteristics which are higher, respectively, more expensive.

It's obvious that more expensive units are as complete as possible and ready to use. After purchasing such equipment, the only thing required is to mount it to the window and enjoy the cool air. In addition, branded models can not only cool the room, but also provide fresh air from the street.

Expensive equipment can be operated in intensive mode, which cannot be said about cheaper modifications. They are suitable for use in moderate mode, and the set of additional functions they have is extremely meager.

Of course, more expensive models differ in their appearance, they harmoniously look both in the concise conditions of the working office, and in a cozy home environment.


Window-type climatic devices appeared almost a century ago, but their basic principle of operation has not changed much since then. The case of a window air conditioner is a monoblock that is mounted in a window opening, or it is extremely rare in a specially prepared hole in the wall.

The first air conditioners removed condensate to the street, now such models are also used quite often, but modern industry has launched the production of new, more technologically equipped devices that have a built-in moisture collection tank. The rotating blades of the ventilation unit capture moisture from the air and then disperse it throughout the air conditioner body, this contributes to the efficient removal of heat to the external environment.

Like any other air conditioning products, window devices operate cyclically, and control is carried out using an electronic temperature sensor.

The only task of the window sill is to effectively supply the room with dust-free and cooled air.

Depending on the capacity of the installation different variants air conditioners can cool a room from 10 to 60 m2, while the operating temperature range can vary from 18 to 45 degrees Celsius. The design contributes to bringing the humidity to its standard value - 30-35%, this forms a favorable and healthy microclimate in the room.

The most modern models of window air conditioners can not only cool the air, but also heat it. However, this option has significant limitations - external temperature air should be at least -3 degrees, so use the device as a heater in winter time it is forbidden.

The only exception are models equipped with electric heaters - they are suitable for intensive heating in conditions of low outdoor temperatures.

However, windows can effectively ventilate a room without cooling or heating. Some models allow partial admixture of outside air or can operate in the mode exhaust ventilation even without turning on the unit, it is enough just to open the built-in damper of the unit.

How to install and repair?

It is a well-known fact that window air conditioners are much cheaper than high-tech split systems. However, the savings are not limited to the purchase - you can reduce costs again if you try to install the cooling device yourself. To begin with, you should carefully study the installation instructions, they must be drawn up in Russian. If not, this means that the equipment has not been certified in Russia.

Further in the window (of course, if it is not a double-glazed window), an opening should be arranged, which should be 5-10 mm wider than the dimensions of the air conditioner. At the same time, it is very important to choose the right place - it is optimal if it is a site that does not get dirt and precipitation and is located in the shady zone.

The window can be hung higher, but not necessarily directly under the ceiling- there must be a gap of 1.5-2 cm between it and the top panel of the device, otherwise there is a high probability of back suction of cooled air, which can significantly reduce the operation of the entire system as a whole. The closest obstacle to the air entering the air conditioner from the side of the street (for example, the wall of a neighboring house) should be at least 50 cm away from the intake grille.

Important! When selecting a location for the air conditioner, it is important to keep in mind that any external openings on the sides of the unit must without fail communicate with the street, so it is unacceptable to fill them into the wall - in this case, the device will be deprived of air access, to put it simply - part of the air conditioner must necessarily “hang” in the air, and at the same time, any obstacles to the outgoing hot stream must be at least in 15 cm from the top and 40 cm from the side holes.

To install the air conditioner with your own hands, you will need a frame with a slope made of steel profile, it is mounted in the opening. We build the device into it so that its inner edge is higher than the outer one. If necessary, a visor is attached above the air conditioner, which will protect it from precipitation and direct sunlight.

All gaps formed must be sealed, for this, mounting foam should be used.

Depending on the model, air conditioners either have a power plug or are connected to the mains alternating current through a special machine. It is better if all the main connection work is done by a qualified electrician.

Manufacturers: review and reviews

According to consumer reviews, window air conditioners from the following manufacturers are distinguished by the highest quality, efficiency and ergonomics.

  • Fujitsu General(Japan) - a company that has been successfully producing air conditioners of all kinds for many years, it is known for its high-tech developments, which are being introduced into production by many other companies.
  • Hitachi(Japan) is another Japanese company that has manufacturing facilities in Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Brazil, Spain and China. It is famous not only for the production of products, but also for the creation of the latest most advanced technological systems.

Air conditioning has become an essential attribute of comfortable living conditions. Among the variety of types of climatic equipment, the window monoblock stands out for its convenience and simplicity of design. It is installed in rooms where it is impossible to place split systems. Different power of devices (from 2 to 6 kW) allows you to choose optimal model for a small office, apartment or trade pavilion. window air conditioner in plastic window can insert not only the master invited from the service, but also the home craftsman. It is enough to study the sequence of installation operations and follow it clearly.

Advantages and disadvantages of a window air conditioner

Climatic equipment in the form of a monoblock does not require laying a freon line between the outer and inside This simplifies installation and increases its reliability. Among the advantages of a built-in air conditioner:

  • affordable cost;
  • long-term operation;
  • ease of maintenance and installation;
  • high efficiency with compact dimensions;
  • models with built-in filters provide clean air.

Among the minuses of the unit:

  • increased noise;
  • the need to make an opening in the window profile, if it is not provided for by the design;
  • window leakage.

The design and features of the monoblock

Modern models of window air conditioners have wide functionality. They are designed not only for cooling, but also for space heating. The antibacterial filter removes dust, harmful microorganisms and odours.

The monoblock design of the unit means that all components are installed in a common housing: fans, cooling system, compressor.

Inexpensive models of air conditioners work smoothly in moderate conditions, if the equipment is subjected to intense loads, it is better to choose a powerful device from a well-known brand. Such monoblocks are equipped with an electronic control system and a remote control. It is necessary to choose an air conditioner in the window sensibly, focusing on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the power of the device, the ratio of its parameters and the size of the window structure.

Preparation for the installation of climate technology

Before installing a window air conditioner in a plastic window, a suitable place is selected. There are several rules, following which the device will be placed with maximum efficiency and safety:

  1. When installing, the cardinal points are taken into account, the air conditioner should not be constantly exposed to sunlight. The degree of influence of precipitation and other natural factors is taken into account. The protection of the air conditioning unit will be ensured by the installation of a visor over its body.
  2. It is undesirable to have advertising structures or similar interference with outside. They impede air circulation, so it is impossible to find partitions closer than 50 cm.
  3. Ventilation openings are located on the sides of the unit housing, they must not be left open.
  4. The location of the air conditioner at a slight slope towards the street allows for the fastest removal of condensate, 1-2 cm is enough.
  5. For a monoblock, a separate electrical wiring line is laid, including a separate machine on the switchboard. It is forbidden to connect climate equipment with extension cords.
  6. Heated air comes out from the rear wall of the unit, it must not pose a danger to people on the street.
  7. When installing a window air conditioner in the lower part of the window, the distance from the floor to its body is at least 75 cm. If the opening is in the upper part of the window structure, then you will need a metal frame to secure the monoblock. This arrangement will provide optimal conditions for creating a favorable microclimate in the room.

Instructions for self-installation of a window air conditioner

Tool for work:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • grinder with a disk for metal;
  • roller for cutting glass;
  • construction knife.

The best option is to install the air conditioner in a plastic window with an opening right size made to order. Otherwise, the place for climatic equipment is prepared independently. Before installation, the degree of strength of the frame is visually assessed; if it is insufficient, it is reinforced with a metal corner. The installation of the air conditioner is carried out using the mounting kit that comes with the kit, bought in a store or made by yourself. This does not affect the reliability of the installation.

  1. Preparation of opening for installation. Having chosen a place where the air conditioner body is placed with the smallest gap, take out the double-glazed window, insert the jumper and cut the glass to size. The unit can be installed on a wall if its thickness is not more than 250 mm.
  2. Fixing the mounting frame. This element is designed to hold the air conditioner, so it is bolted with special care. With the help of the level, a slight slope outward is fixed to ensure the drainage of condensate. Some models are equipped with a casing that replaces the installation of the frame.
  3. After installing the air conditioner, the gaps are sealed mounting foam. The dried composition is cut off with a knife. An alternative way is to cover the gaps with foam rubber. Small gaps can be treated with silicone sealant. Damage to the paint on the frames requires painting over with enamel of the same color.
  4. To drain the liquid, a drainage hose is installed, it is placed without kinks and creases.
  5. The unit is powered from a separate line. As an electrical appliance, the air conditioner needs to be grounded.
  6. After the installation is completed, it is necessary to check the performance of the equipment and the noise level during its operation.

Maintenance of the monoblock consists in the timely washing of heat exchangers and replacement of filters.

Smirnov Pavel Petrovich

Experienced specialist in ventilation and air conditioning systems. He has been working in this field for over 15 years.

Articles written

One of the types of air-cooling devices are window air conditioners. They are mounted in a wall or a window opening, they work by taking air from the street and warming it up in exchange for cooling the air that is in the room.

Such devices have been used for a long time, they are often installed in public and commercial buildings. Several features of the window air conditioner will help you understand the principle of its operation, as well as the nuances of installation and refueling.

Window air conditioner device

The principle of operation of this is to transfer thermal energy, which is carried out due to thermodynamic processes occurring in the cooling circuit. The air that circulates outside the building is cooled by the condenser heat exchanger.

Window air conditioner consists of the following elements:

  1. Refrigeration circuit- consists of a compressor, evaporator and condenser. Needed to cool the air circulating indoors.
  2. Axial fan– designed to transport outside air through the heat exchanger.
  3. Centrifugal fan- necessary to supply cooled air from the street into the room.
  4. Control panel and I. Here are located rotary mechanisms as well as a thermostat.

The whole structure is enclosed in a body made of metal. Separately, it is worth highlighting the air shutters, which open and close depending on the mode of operation of the device.

Dimensions of window air conditioners

This device is designed to cool the air in one room with a certain quadrature. The dimensions of the devices vary:

  • length from 710 to 877 mm;
  • width from 428 to 490 mm;
  • height from 350 to 510 mm.

The size of the device should not exceed the size of the window opening, otherwise problems may arise during installation. Such a unit is allowed to be installed in a wall, but on condition that its thickness does not exceed 250 mm. Before purchasing a model for installation in a plastic window, it is recommended to fully calculate all the dimensions of the future device.

smallest window air conditioner

Many people try to save space as much as possible in the room, so they choose small appliances. household appliances. On sale you can find the smallest air conditioner for the window, its dimensions will be as follows:

  • length - 452 mm;
  • width - 325 mm;
  • height - 313 mm.

The weight of the device will not exceed 20 kg, so you can install it yourself . Small units will not be able to fully cool the air in large rooms. yah. Therefore, such devices are designed for small rooms, up to 15 squares.

Pros and cons of the device

The indisputable advantage of the device will be installation in a wooden window or in a double-glazed window made of metal-plastic. Thus, the owners of the premises can significantly save space on the wall, which could not be done when installing a standard split system.

Several positive characteristics of this device:

  • affordable cost;
  • ease of installation;
  • the possibility of self-installation;
  • mobility - the device can be removed and installed in another place, for example, in the country;
  • miniature design;
  • ease of operation;
  • complete absence of the need for refueling with refrigerant.

One more positive moment– trouble-free operation for several decades due to the well-thought-out design and its compactness.

Of the minuses, according to user reviews, there are high noise level: 40-59 dB. Another problem is when installing a window air conditioner. the room gets darker, since part of the window is closed by the device in one of the parts.

How much does a window air conditioner cost

It is generally accepted that air cooling devices installed in a window opening are much inferior in cost to standard split systems. This opinion is partly erroneous, since the price of the product will vary depending on the brand of the manufacturer and additional features. Several options for proven models with an indication of the approximate cost:

  1. General Climate GCW-07CR - 15010 rubles, power 2100 W, cools a room up to 20 sq.m.
  2. Gree GJC07AA-E3NMNC1A - 27400 rubles, power 2150 W, dehumidifies and ventilates the air.
  3. General Climate GCW-24CR - 32020 rubles, designed for a room area of ​​65 sq.m., power is 6.76 kW.
  4. Gree GJC18AC-E3NMNC1A - 53150 rubles, power 5.3 kW, designed for rooms with an area of ​​up to 50 sq.m.

According to the price selection, we can conclude: the larger the area for which the air conditioner is designed, the higher its cost will be. The higher the power of the device, the greater will be its price. Depending on the power and the blowing area, the air flow changes. For example, in devices with high power, the air flow is 670 cubic meters / hour, and in small models, this figure will be 350 cubic meters / hour.

How to Install a Window Air Conditioner

To properly install the electronic ambient air cooler, prepare the tools in advance. You will need a jigsaw, a drill, a tape measure, a level, a grinder, a glass cutter and a construction knife. It is best to install the device in the opening of a plastic window. If the frame is not strong enough, then the installation site is additionally reinforced with metal profiles. Follow instructions:

  1. Prepare the opening for installation - remove the double-glazed window, insert the jumper and, if necessary, cut the glass to size.
  2. Fix the mounting frame - fix the air conditioner body with bolts, align with the building level.
  3. Seal the holes with foam.
  4. Install the drain hose, make sure there are no creases or kinks.
  5. Connect to the mains, make sure that the air conditioner is grounded.

Video about DIY installation

When the installation of a window air conditioner with your own hands is completed, you need to check its performance. To do this, it is important to connect the device to the network and start it.

If the device is too noisy during operation, it is recommended to re-check the evenness of its installation using the building level.

How to clean a window air conditioner

More efficient operation of the air conditioner can be ensured by regular cleaning. To do this, disconnect the device from the mains, remove the front panel and remove the filter. If it is replaceable, it is better to completely replace it with a new one.

If the filter is reusable, then it is advisable to clean it thoroughly. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner or dishwashing liquid if it can be washed in water.

On the outdoor side, the appliance can be gently brushed to remove dirt and debris from the effects of bad weather. To do this, open the external unit by unscrewing the bolts. If it is not possible to get to the metal blades, you can gently wipe them with a damp cloth. Holes in the sump and drain pipes must also be clean.

When cleaning metal ribs, you must be careful: the vacuum cleaner easily deforms the fine structure of parts. The instructions for use of the device must indicate whether the device needs lubrication. Often this applies to old-style air conditioners.

Refueling window air conditioners

Before you refuel the unit, you need to understand if it needs refueling? In most cases, window devices do not need regular refueling due to the design features. Here, all connections are soldered, which reduces the risk of freon leakage.

It is unlikely that you will be able to refuel the device yourself. I– For this, contact a specialized company. The craftsmen will find the place of the leak, solder it, after filling the copper tube with freon.

Window air conditioners are considered durable appliances. They are easily installed in the frame of a plastic or wooden window, are easy to operate and do not require refueling. Such units will become an effective assistant in the fight against heat in summer time of the year.