How to make a sled out of skis. Homemade sled made of plastic pipes: installation instructions

Of course, fast driving on snow is a sea of ​​unforgettable positive emotions and sensations that are stored in a person's memory for many years. It is always nice to remember those romantic moments when you alone or with friends go fishing in the winter or just into the deep forest in search of adrenaline. But sometimes, in order to fit all the luggage and people, one snowmobile is not enough. For such purposes, sledges are provided in which you can put absolutely any thing. And if you have such a dream - to ride "with the breeze" through a snow-covered valley, you may well make it come true, because today we will tell you how to make a sled for a snowmobile.


First you need to decide what type of vehicle your vehicle will be. Whether it will be drag sleds, or classic devices with skids. To figure out which type is best to use, let's look at each of them individually.


This sleigh got its name because of its primitive shape. The design of such a vehicle provides for several poles that are transversely interconnected. At the same time, there are no wheels and skids in their design. Such sleds are mainly used for snowmobiles in forest and swampy places. As cargo, you can put hay, firewood and even Construction Materials. Volokushi are characterized by a rather simple design, so you can make such a sled for a snowmobile with your own hands in a matter of hours. At the same time, the cost of materials will be minimal.

The main advantage of this sleigh is also compact size(there is always a place to store them in the summer) and easy transportation. Thus, if necessary, the shovel can be transported even by an ordinary car. Another plus is stability on the road. Despite their ancient design, snowmobile drag sleds are quite stable when cornering and do not tip over when carrying large bulky loads.

In general, everything is done with the expectation of practicality and versatility. The only thing that can complicate the design of this vehicle is the presence of shock-absorbing mechanisms, which, in Lately began to be completed by manufacturing plants for serial models. However, by making a snowmobile sled with your own hands, you yourself can decide whether to install such devices on the drags or not. This is the whole "chip" of home-made parts and devices - only you are the chief engineer, and the design of the future product will depend on your decision. But let's not deviate from the topic and move on to the classic sled with runners.

Sledge with skids

Unlike drags, this type is often used to transport passengers. It can also be used to transport massive cargo. And if the previous version of the sledge is made of special plastic (in industrial environment), then the vehicle with skids can be produced both from sheet metal, and from frost-resistant plastic. This is their main structural difference. Otherwise, they are no different from drags, so which type of sled to choose depends only on you and the operating conditions. However, if you provide for the option of transporting people on them, the option with skids will certainly be the most suitable.

How to make a sled for a snowmobile with your own hands?

First you need to draw a sketch or diagram of the future design. Snowmobile sled drawings should include items such as:

  • body;
  • frame;
  • drawbar.

In addition, you should draw a picture of skis, indicate their location and placement of fasteners. So you will know in advance what exactly you will get in the end. In addition, by calculating the length and width of the structure, you can find out exactly how much and how long the metal you need for work. But here you need to be careful, since the data does not always coincide with reality. For this reason, you should buy a little more sheet metal and other steel products (at the rate of about 8-10 percent more than required). For example, if for work you need to purchase a pipe with a square section 200 centimeters long, add 10% to this value and get data of 220 centimeters. In any case, this "tail" can be cut off. Another thing is if the pipe turned out to be short - this is where the problems begin.

How to make a body and frame?

The body of the sleigh is sheathed from the inside with plywood with a thickness of about 1 centimeter. It can not be laid above the protective sheet, since this material significantly burdens the structure. The shape of the frame will be rectangular. It should be made from a square measuring 20x20 millimeters. In order to make the sled more durable, additionally weld a sheet of iron about 2 millimeters thick to the base.

Do-it-yourself sled for a snowmobile - we make a drawbar

Since they are constantly subjected to significant load during movement, it is advisable to use special spring shock absorbers in the drawbar to mitigate shocks during braking and turning in the drawbar. The base of the hitch is also made of 20x20 millimeters. In this case, the total length should be 160-170 centimeters. The spring, which will serve as a shock-absorbing element, can be taken from the automobile cylinder head. Such parts usually have a size of no more than 5-7 millimeters and at the same time are soft enough, which is required to reduce shocks on the sled. The drawbar is fixed in the front of the body. An additional stand should be welded here to increase the strength of the hitch. An additional sheet of metal is installed between the racks themselves, into which a sleeve with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters will cut.


All homemade snowmobile sleds, like their factory counterparts, have a pair of skis. In our case, they will be made of sheet metal. To make a home-made sled for a snowmobile rigid, it is advisable to use a bender to form additional bends of 2 cm each. The total length of the skids is about 2-2.5 m. The skis are attached to the frame using 8 U-shaped racks 130 mm high.

A lot of fishermen are fond of winter fishing, although this is a more troublesome task, unlike fishing on warm days. Today we will see how you can make a simple and practical sled for winter fishing using old skis.

The convenience of assembly lies in the fact that improvised materials are perfect for this, which will allow you to save a lot. The sled is assembled from two skis, four pieces of wood, and one platform, for which you can use both a plywood sheet and a metal frame - here we choose the option that we like best. The manufacturing process is actually very simple.

On each ski we fix racks of small height. For their manufacture, a board with a thickness of 30-40 mm is suitable. Then a platform is fixed on top of the racks. It turns out a design with a parallel arrangement of skis relative to each other. Drill holes for rope.

The platform can be replaced with crossbars - to make them, we take a couple of boards. In this case, before proceeding with the assembly of the sled, you should answer the question: what will I be transporting on these skis? Depending on this, we choose one or another design. To fix the skis on pieces of wood, we use self-tapping screws. In this case, you need to make sure that the caps of the fasteners are flush with the skis.

If desired, the design of the ski sled can be made more perfect. The photo below shows that the sled is collapsible, which makes it convenient to carry and carry with you. You can assemble and disassemble the sled by using bolts, for this, ordinary bolts with lambs for furniture are suitable.

The sleigh, assembled from old skis, has a simple design to the point of disgrace. At the same time, you can make various changes to it at any time, if the situation requires it. Regarding the material, the first step is to get the skis, as well as prepare the board and rope.

On a windless day, with bright sun and light frost, it's nice to go uphill with friends and go skiing, sledding or

such unusual winter shells. They were designed by inventors from different countries.

ONLY ONE SKI. You broke one wad, or you have children's skis lying around, out of. which you have long grown, do not throw them away. They might still come in handy. Look, the kan was entered by the Swedish inventor K. Karl strem (Fig. 1). In that place.

where bindings are usually installed on the ski, he suggests installing a steel elastic plate. It will serve as a shock absorber. The ends of the plate are bent upwards, and a figured board - a saddle - is attached to them. The last detail that completes the design is a short tube. At its ends, the inventor put rubber grips from ski poles. The tube is fixed across the saddle and serves as a rudder.

To use the Karlstrom projectile should be like this. After climbing the hill, you sit on the saddle so that your legs hang off the handlebars. In passing, we note that the legs do not perform passive, but

active rZyb. when spooked, they balance in the air, thereby maintaining balance. By moving the body left and right, you can perform turns.

Canadian inventor A. Gerard proposes to use a streamlined duralumin instead of a saddle (Fig. 2).


plate. It is also attached in the middle of a not very long ski* As you can see, there is no shock absorber between the plate and the ski. Instead, Gerard installed a low wooden block, and now the skier (if you can still call him that) does not need to balance his legs in the air in order to maintain balance.

Pay attention to the guides - short corners installed on the bottom, sliding surface of the plate. During the descent, they not only maintain stability, but also make it easier to make turns if the skier sitting on the plate shifts the body to ... pat o or to the left.

Figure 3 shows the snow skate of the French inventor R. Guillaume. You can make it from a wide board with a thickness of 20-30 mm. Saw two or three identical blanks with a hacksaw so that the thickness of the set is 60 mm in total. Tighten the workpieces with screws. Nail a steel strip 70 mm wide to the sliding surface of the skate with small nails. Of course, several holes must first be drilled in the strip. It remains to fix the steering wheel and seat on the skate. The Gnjom projectile is ready. We advise you to keep in mind that you can use such a skate only on hills, where the snow strongly indicates

In storage, the brackets are pushed aside, the support rails are released and the saddle is lowered.

The English inventor A. Brighton (see Fig. 5J did this. It is difficult to make a streamlined plate at home. It is easier, Brighton believes, to install a strong support board on the ski, equipped with two pairs of handles. So that the board does not slow down during the descent, on its front part bends are made.You can ride such a projectile while lying down, kneeling.

The unusual sledge was designed by the Italian V. Fpajolpi. You can see them in Figure 6. A wide elastic steel strip is closed in an elkl and serves both as a skid and a spring. From above to the skid there is a thick board with rounded creamn. This is a seat. During the sledge, the stability of the Flajolli sled is given by two side wooden ridges attached to the seat with the same elastic steel ring.

It is easy to see that the above shells have one thing in common: the skier can make half-turns on them only by changing the position of the center of gravity during the descent. And here are the designs in which the inventors circumvented this inconvenience.

tan. On loose, freshly fallen snow, it is bad to move out on it - it will burrow deep into the snow.

If the back of your ski is cracked or broken, you can make such a projectile from the remaining front part of it (see Fig. 4). It was invented by the Belgian engineer D. Hunt. Several durable wooden slats, bolts with nuts and washers, two steel brackets - that's all you need. It seems that it will not be difficult to make a Hunt shell. In our opinion, the Belgian engineer found a good solution by making the projectile foldable: during transportation or

On Sunday, the children came from the street, swallowing tears - they did not share the sled. It was illogical to buy another sled, and, you know, there was no extra money, so I decided to make them myself. Moreover, not classic, but from alpine skiing, having remade the mount. That's what I did.

Project idea

The idea was as follows - to make a mount for the size of ski boots and combine them into one design.

I cut out the details

On a piece of durable lining, I circled the outline of two shoes, then cut out 2 inserts using an electric jigsaw.

Forming an edge

In order for the ski binding to be able to hold the wooden inserts, I needed cut out the front edge.

The process is simple:

  • On a flat surface, a joint boot and a wood insert.
  • I mark the contours of the edge with a marker.
  • I do the same on the reverse side.

Then I take manual frezer and in 2 passes I remove excess wood. I check how the insert in the ski binding snaps into place, and adjust it a bit with the help of sanding.

Installing the seat

While working on the sled, as I expected, children began to demand twice as much- that is, everyone wanted a mono-ski.

Therefore, I first attached a piece of plywood to each cut out bet and led the children up the hill

The smallest 2.5-year-old on a mono-ski was the hardest of all. His maximum run was 2 meters. Therefore, we went home to bring the sled to the design version.

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Homemade sled for a snowmobile made of plastic pipes: a 3-volume novel detailing the difficult path they must travel before making their first trip

The well-known proverb that sleigh must be prepared since summer, is absolutely correct. In winter, when snow falls, a vehicle suitable for new weather conditions should already be ready for operation, and not just under development. That is why I undertook the appropriate assembly work even when the summer sun was warming in the sky, and there were still a few months before the first frosts.

How it was, you can find later in the article.

Volume #1: First Decisions

I want to note right away that in my case we were talking about a transport sled for a snowmobile, but everything described below can be quite successfully applied even in the manufacture of small children's sleds, since the basic assembly principles are absolutely similar.

You could, of course, just go to a specialized store and buy the most suitable model. In fact, that's what I did at first. As an example of what they offered me there, I can give the PGMP 2500 sled:

But I returned without a purchase for the following reasons:

  • Streaming standard models they couldn’t “hook” me visually, I wanted something more original;
  • The price of the finished product, taking into account its execution, turned out to be unexpectedly high.

As a result, the idea came to my mind to assemble a sled for my snowmobile with my own hands. This option allows save, fortunately I just had some free time, and with the help of my own ideas make designs unique.

But in the process of a failed shopping, I got acquainted with the main elements of the sleigh:

Part name Comments
frame The "skeleton" of the product must have the highest strength, ensuring its reliability and resistance to collisions with various obstacles that the sleigh may encounter on the road.
skids Here, in addition to the fortress great importance They also have features such as:
  • The presence of a smooth slippery surface in contact with snow, due to which the desired speed of the vehicle is ensured;
  • Ease of control, light products are easier to maneuver
Body Directly the location of passengers or cargo, here it is worth paying attention to the dimensions, which also affect the complexity of management, and comfort, especially if the sled is intended for people

This information made me take seriously the choice of the most suitable material for the future snowmobile vehicle:

Material selection

  1. Metal. This immediately brings to mind the classic children's version with aluminum sheathed with planks. But even aluminum is heavy enough in weight and difficult to work with to assemble comfortable and visually interesting sleds from it, not to mention steel or cast iron, which ready product generally turn into "real estate";

  1. Tree. It was the choice of our ancestors, who, however, had no alternative. Of course, an incredibly beautiful structure can be built from wood, which will also come out very expensive and, again, heavy;

  1. Plastic. Cheap, light, easy to process and durable - only flattering epithets. The only negative that can be noted is the relatively low strength indicators, but on the other hand, it’s better to let the impact force as a result of an accidental collision with an obstacle be absorbed by the sleigh, and not by the bones of the passengers.

Thus, the third option turned out to be the most suitable for me. But where do you get so much plastic? In this capacity PVC plumbing pipes are perfect, from which, due to their plasticity, it is possible to build almost any structure.

If you have old PVC pipes, then you can use them to complete your plan. They have all the necessary characteristics for the manufacture of sleds and will allow you to do almost no financial costs at all.

Volume #2: Preparing for the Main Act

At this stage, I made sure to have everything necessary tool and drawing up.

Cooking utensils

In addition to the PVC pipes and fittings themselves, you will also need metal bolts and a certain set of tools, most of which a good owner will find in his workshop:

  • Hacksaw or special scissors for cutting pipes;
  • Pipe soldering iron for PVC products;

It is not rational to buy a soldering iron for one-time work, so I recommend renting it. This will be much more economical, and you will not become the “happy” owner of a thing that you may not need in the next ten years.

  • Building hair dryer. It will be required in order to be able to heat up the plastic, thereby making it more pliable for bending;
  • well sharpened knife;
  • Drill to create holes for bolts;
  • Sandpaper, file, by the way, at hand also does not hurt;
  • Tape measure pencil for marking;
  • Aluminum or at least steel corners, it’s better not to leave the sled completely without metal.


If you want the dimensions of all sides and individual structural elements to match, then it is better mark them on the drawing. In addition, it is not necessary to “invent the wheel”. You can easily find many on the Internet. detailed diagrams sled, choose the one that suits you best, and make your own adjustments if necessary. Personally, I did just that.

Volume #3: The Act of Creation

And now I've finally started making sleds out of plastic pipes with my own hands. Frankly speaking, I preparatory work always somehow tiring, and I want to go directly to the most active actions, the very process of creation as soon as possible:

  1. First of all, as is the case with any job, I marked the cutting points on all prepared pipes, carefully checking the drawing;
  2. To create a frame, I cut off two long and two short segments with a hacksaw;
  3. I laid out a rectangle of pipes on a flat surface, once again checked the compliance of all sizes in order to exclude the formation of skew, and using fittings and a pipe soldering iron soldered them. Here short instruction soldering, which will come in handy in the future:
    • We clean the edges;
    • We insert nozzles into the "iron";
    • Turn on the device;
    • We join a fitting and a pipe segment with nozzles;

    • We are waiting for a certain time until the edges begin to melt;
    • Take out and connect plastic elements between themselves;
  1. Then strengthened the frame metal corners , screwing them with bolts, under which I pre-drilled the corresponding holes. It was possible to do without this step, but I still planned to use the finished sled as a trailer for a snowmobile and did not want them to fall apart at a decent speed one day, catching on a snag protruding from the snow, losing passengers in the process;
  2. I cut off the crossbars, cut out and filed semicircular recesses on their edges with a file, after which I soldered;

  1. Now cut off 8 racks. For them, I chose a size of 250 mm, which, in fact, determined the height of the vehicle itself. I processed the edges and soldered it to the frame of the frame, then reinforcing it with corners, since these are load-bearing fragments of the structure;
  2. After the steps taken moved on to creating skids, for which he cut the necessary pipe sections across, since round form for this part of the sled is not entirely successful;

  1. Heated the plastic with an industrial hair dryer, which made it supple, and leveled it into even stripes;

If you do not have a building hair dryer, then do not rush to run to the store or to the neighbors. A piece of a cut pipe can be heated even over a stove burner, and then laid on a flat surface, and pressed down over the entire area with something heavy. The effect will be similar, although somewhat more time consuming.

  1. The finished skis were again heated, only this time in order to bend their leading edges. I compared the bend angle on both parts so that they were exactly the same;
  2. Further runners attached to the lower ends of the racks, and fixed the bent ends on the front of the frame, after which it was the sled for the snowmobile made of plastic pipes that began to appear in the structure, and not something unintelligible;

Alternatively, instead of cutting and aligning the pipe, several products can be connected in the form of two narrow rafts. Such a solution will make the vehicle less fast and complicate control, but it will increase the strength of the skids. Plus, you don't have to worry about overheating.

  1. Now it's the turn of the body. I bent the pipes to create a beautiful back and arms, again with a hair dryer, and then attached them to the frame;

  1. Further I cut out a suitable piece of plywood for seating, but before fixing it, upholstered with foam rubber and sheathed in leather. You can also use an old blanket and leatherette for the same purposes in order to save money;
  2. And finally attached the finished seat to the frame using all the same bolts, although here you can get by with self-tapping screws.

It is noteworthy that it is the last three points that make it possible for your creative imagination. With the backrest, rails and seat, you can not only make a snowmobile sled out of pvc pipes comfortable, but also beautiful.

You can also use an old car seat to equip the body. Anyway, you no longer use it for its intended purpose, but on a sled it will make you feel as comfortable as possible.


From plastic water pipes you can make an excellent sled, both for a snowmobile and for a child. The main thing is to collect everything you need for this and methodically follow the recommendations described above. And at the same time, do not forget to make your own adjustments to the process so that your vehicle acquires its own personality. Happy assembly!

The video in this article will allow you to get acquainted with some additional information that is directly related to the material presented.

If you have any questions on the topic, ask them in the comments.

July 30, 2016

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