Attaching siding to the wall. Installation instructions

How to properly mount siding, we will understand the details today. After all, this is perhaps the most common finishing material today.

The rules for installing siding are not so complicated, it will be important here just to do everything according to certain rules. The video in this article will also help with this.

Siding installation

Do-it-yourself installation of outdoor siding is done quite often today. After all, doing this work yourself, the price of the entire structure will be much cheaper.

Before making the cladding, you need to decide on some design details. This will depend not only appearance but also materials.

Attention: You should not make a purchase of material end-to-end. You should take more than 20%. After all, you will have waste and this must be taken into account.

Tools and materials

But in order to perform the installation of siding, it is necessary to prepare in advance necessary tools and materials.

  • The main tools are considered to be: a puncher, metal shears, a screwdriver, etc. In any case, those tools and materials that will be required for the job can be easily purchased.
  • You also need to think about how you will make the mount. After all, you will need to move freely. Just on the ladder to do it will not work. Best suited to get the job done scaffolding. Then you will be able to move freely.

Preparatory work and installation of the crate

Now we will directly understand the siding how to properly mount it. Starting to think about carrying out certain finishing works, you should know that the surface needs to be carefully prepared, and the success of the work as a whole will depend on this.


  • The walls of the building need to without fail clear of branches various designs drainage systems etc. Try to give preparatory work a lot of time, attention, the only way to do everything right.
  • If the surface of the house was sheathed with clapboard, then know that you must make sure that all elements are securely fastened, because this is so important.
  • Talking about one or the other decorative elements, platbands, you need to understand that they need to be removed from the surface of the wall.
  • You also need to eliminate all defects in window openings.

Attention: In general, you need to understand that the process of finishing the facade of a house with such material as siding is painstaking and complex, which means that you must take into account the important advice of specialists.

  • If you are going to install such material on uneven walls, then know that they are able to repeat their irregularities, after a while, they will crack, which means take this into account in advance.
  • Be sure to make a mark on the bottom line of attachment. For this, a water level is used. Then you will have this parameter correctly marked. After all, subsequent panels will go from this size.
  • Even if the walls are perfectly even, you must install it without fail, doing it efficiently and correctly, do not forget about it, in any case. After all, it is the crate that can create a small ventilation gap between the cladding and the wall, and this leads to a serious increase in sound and heat insulation of the house.

It does not matter what material the crate will be made of, because it can be either metal or wood, you decide which material is perfect for you.

  • Installation of starting and auxiliary elements of siding. First of all, you need to install a starting strip along the contour of the building, while you must be careful and accurate and use a measuring tool when performing fastening.
  • In the corners of the house you need to install vinyl corners, they, in turn, are able to create a beautiful and original joint. Starting to mount the corner, you should try to do it in such a way that from above it cannot reach the overhang of the eaves.
  • After fixing the contour crate, we fix it in the middle. Here the slats are fastened at a distance according to the width of the insulation. It should only be remembered that the insulation mats (see) should not be deformed, because then it will lose its properties.
  • The fixing of the river is carried out on a dowel or an anchor. To do this, first a hole is made in the hay and then a connection is made. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the rigidity of the connection. It must be reliable.

How to fix the panels to the crate

You do the work with your own hands and therefore everything must be done with high quality.

Before starting work, you should look at the photo and think everything through. In general, there are two types of fastening material such as siding to the crate, which means that you need to choose the most optimal and the best way mounts.

  • You can use H-rails, or you can not use them at all. If you choose the first option for attaching siding, then be aware that the edges of the panels must be joined by inserting them into the grooves.
  • In general, both mounting methods are great for large houses, since the length of one element is often not enough to cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade. It is for this reason that you must consider such important nuances and features, because the result will please you.

Attention: Often inexperienced owners will start cutting all the siding panels, in fact, this is wrong, and you should not be in a hurry, so be aware of this. All you need to do is shorten the elements if necessary, because in this case you will be able to avoid unnecessary expenses, and this is the most important thing.

  • In the event that you need to install panels in openings, then you should not fix the J-profile in its upper part. Starting to start the panel, you must bend it, this is done without any problems and with particular ease, so you can definitely do it.
  • Fastening is done only in the holes intended for this. The connection is made in the middle.
  • Never clamp the panel when fastening. Make a gap of a couple of mm, then the material will not deform when the temperature changes.
  • As soon as the panel is mounted, the profile bar must be fixed, again, trying to fix it correctly and securely.
  • As soon as you start attaching the siding, you should already choose the elements that will be used to attach the material. As a rule, experts recommend using short self-tapping screws, which will have a small rounded head.
  • You can buy such products without any problems at any hardware store, after which you will be sure that they are really reliable, practical and efficient, which means you can fasten the material without any problems.

Attention: The panel can be fixed to the wall only when its lock is clicked with the previous element. That is why it is so important not to rush anywhere, trying to carry out each stage of work carefully, carefully and carefully, then the effect will please you.

  • Starting to fasten, you must also take into account the fact that you do not need to press and pull, because this can negatively affect the cladding as a whole, which means that you must definitely take this into account.


Now you yourself understand that having mastered this work, you can easily finish the balcony with such material as siding, which means that now this room will look dignified, attractive, respectable and comfortable, which actually every owner dreams of.

In the event that you need to drill holes in the material, then know that their diameter must be wider than necessary, five millimeters is usually enough. This is done so that unimpeded compression and expansion of the cladding parts can be carried out. So, be sure to consider the advice of experts.

Hinged or ventilated facade - modern system, often used for exterior finish residential and industrial buildings. The cladding here is siding - vinyl, fiber cement, wood and even metal. It is noteworthy that the same installation technology is used for the listed materials. For those who wish to familiarize themselves with it, we suggest studying step-by-step instructions on how to install do-it-yourself siding on any base - wood, brick, aerated concrete, and so on. By doing the wall cladding of the house yourself, you will significantly save on the cost of work.

Preparing for installation

At the initial stage, you need to do the following:

  1. Measure the facades, gables, window and door openings of the building to find out the amount of building materials to purchase.
  2. Taking advantage wiring diagram, count the number of components and add to it at least 10% of the margin for scrap and waste.
  3. Get materials and fasteners, prepare a tool.

Note. We propose to consider the procedure for fixing plastic siding with external wall insulation, since its installation is considered the most difficult. Having mastered the technology, you can easily decorate the house with metal, wood and fiber cement panels.

It must be understood that the installation of siding is always carried out on a frame (otherwise - a crate) from wooden beams or metal profiles. But a good facade subsystem of galvanized elements is much more expensive than wood, and cheap steel counterparts will not last long. Hence the conclusion: with a lack of funds, it is better to buy timber than to finish your house or cottage with thin profiles with a low-quality coating.

Scheme for calculating the area of ​​​​siding and the number of profiles

In addition to the details of the crate, you will need:

  • insulation - polystyrene foam or cotton wool on a basalt basis;
  • a film that protects the facade from wind and moisture penetration;
  • siding panels suitable color with all accompanying straps;
  • fasteners - dowels, short screws and nails, if the upholstery of a wooden house is being done.

Advice. Most often, homeowners sheathe the outside of the walls with inexpensive white vinyl siding. Such finishing material quickly loses its appearance from street dust, which turns into dirt in the rain. Therefore, it is better to select panels of other, not so easily soiled shades.

Now it’s worth understanding the types of elements for installing siding, so that you understand where which one needs to be placed and correctly calculate their number:

  • a start and finish bar is installed at the beginning and end of a row of panels on each wall;
  • corner elements serve as facing of internal and external corners of the building;
  • the near-window bar is used to frame translucent structures and doorways;
  • the ebb is designed to divert water and is placed above the base and under the windows;
  • a connecting element is needed for a beautiful docking of PVC panels instead of overlapping them;
  • it is customary to sheathe roof overhangs and other hard-to-reach places with soffits;
  • J-profile is used to form various adjunctions.

From the tool you will need a screwdriver, sharp metal scissors and all sorts of measuring devices - a tape measure, a level and an iron ruler.

Stage one - assembly of the crate and insulation

The task of the subsystem or frame is to serve as a basis for fixing heat-insulating and facing material, as well as to level out all the unevenness of the walls. country cottage. Therefore, the device of the crate is a responsible matter, affecting the appearance and service life of the hinged facade with siding sheathing. Collect wooden frame needed in this order:

  1. Before working with a tree, it must be covered with an antiseptic and allowed to dry.
  2. Stretching the twine parallel to the wall, determine the place where it protrudes the most. Here you need to install the first vertical beam. IN log house it is necessary to cut down the protruding cuts in advance.
  3. Focusing on the outer plane of this beam, attach the remaining elements of the crate in increments of 40 to 60 cm. To maintain one vertical plane, place wooden stands of the required height under the bars.
  4. When insulating with basalt wool, 2-3 rows of horizontal jumpers should be placed between the vertical posts, because over time this material tends to settle and expose part of the structure.
  5. Lay the insulation between the beams and cover the entire facade with a windproof film.

Reference. The installation step of the frame elements is taken according to the width of the insulating material (50 or 60 mm), so that there is not much waste left after cutting. If you plan to install siding without thermal insulation, then install the bars at intervals of 40 cm (recommendations from the Döcke brand - a manufacturer of PVC panels).

A few words about how to fix the insulation and wind protection. Styrofoam or mineral wool slabs are inserted between the bars of the subsystem and fixed with special building "fungi" directly to the wall. The film sheets must be laid out horizontally, starting from the bottom, and nailed to the crate using strips 3-5 cm thick. Thus, ventilation is provided between the heat-insulating layer and the siding.

To collect metal carcass, a similar method is used, only galvanized profiles are mounted on adjustable brackets. Separate brackets are used to fix the insulation. In the case when it is required to clad the facade with siding vertically, the elements of the subsystem are attached to the wall in a horizontal position. More about the installation of a metal crate is shown in the video instructions:

Step two - installation of slats and guides

Before proceeding to self-assembly wall or basement siding made of PVC, an important feature should be understood: under the influence of temperatures, the plastic expands noticeably. This means that vinyl panels and framing elongate when heated. To prevent the new cladding of the house from arching and warping, a gap of 6 mm must be left between all ends and hidden junctions for expansion.

Note. For the same purpose, self-tapping screws or nails that fasten siding parts must not be twisted or hammered in to the stop. The installed element should move freely within the oval cutouts where you screw in the screws.

Set up a starting board

Installation instructions for siding guides look like this:

  1. Maintaining the horizontal, screw the basement ebbs, passing around the whole house.
  2. Mount the starter strips close to the ebb and secure them by nailing them to each frame post.
  3. Using the building level, set the corner bar vertically and fix it with self-tapping screws. If there is a ceiling (for example, when sheathing under a canopy or balcony), do not forget to leave a gap of 6 mm at the top.
  4. Using the same technology, place the near-window strips, cutting the edges by 45 °. Attach drains.
  5. If it is necessary to form plastic slopes, then screw a J-profile to the window frame, where the siding panel will then be inserted.
  6. Install the finishing element at the top of the wall, as shown in the picture.

We fix the finishing profile

Advice. It happens that the length of some shaped strip is not enough. Then the continuation of the corner profile is overlapped by 2.5 cm, and the start and finish strips are butted with a technological indent of 6 mm.

We put the corner element

Two words on how to fix corner profiles. First, 2 self-tapping screws are screwed in from above so that the part hangs on them, and at the remaining points (40 cm interval), the screws are screwed in the middle of the oval cutouts.

As you understand, the instructions for horizontal installation of vinyl siding are presented above. To fasten the panels vertically, the same technology is used, only the corner profile serves as the starting strip, and the ends are trimmed with J-planks or elements in the form ceiling plinth. The plinth cladding is made in the same way, only a different, more durable cladding material is used (available in the form of PVC sheets). The process is described in great detail in the training video from Döcke:

The third stage - sheathing siding

Do-it-yourself finishing of the house with siding is the last and easiest stage of work. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Cut the panels to the dimensions of the facade, allowing for a 6 mm gap on each side.
  2. Insert the first sheet of siding into the grooves of the corner profiles, at the same time inserting it into the lock of the starting bar. Adjust the position of the panel so that the gaps remain on both sides (they are not visible behind the corner cladding).
  3. Screw the siding strip to the crate with screws or nails. Position the screws in the center of the oval holes.
  4. Install the rest of the panels in the same way.
  5. When you get to the top, the last panel will probably be too wide. Cut it all the way down and put it in place.

Advice. If the strips are not long enough (and on the market and in stores they are sold at 6 m each), do not overlap them, such a connection looks ugly. Divide the wall into 2 or 3 parts and install connecting profiles that will simultaneously serve as decorative elements.

When fastening, the screw is placed in the middle of the hole

Under the roof overhangs, it is customary to mount soffits - flat panels that are installed in guides without fastening to the frame. The same corner profiles, starting strip and J-bar are used here. The listed elements are attached depending on the configuration of the overhang, and then cut off soffits are inserted into their grooves, as shown in the diagram.

Installation of siding on a wooden crate is clearly shown in the next video:


There are 2 difficult moments in the installation procedure - frame alignment and fastening of shaped siding elements, more errors are allowed here. Hence the advice: when studying the instructions and videos, focus on these operations and take your time when performing them, print out the diagrams if necessary. After successful assembly, the lining should be washed with washing powder dissolved in water.

Structural engineer with over 8 years experience in construction.
Graduated from East Ukrainian National University them. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.

Installing siding on the walls of the facade of the house can be easy and fast, if you know some important features installation. The technology of proper siding installation primarily provides for a thorough preparation of the base of the entire surface of the facade. Aligning the walls relative to the vertical level is the key to quick and correct installation siding. In the article we will consider some important features of installing siding with our own hands, and the video instruction below will clearly help you understand the nuances of installation.

Do-it-yourself siding installation features

Today, the most popular and budget materials for facade decoration include vinyl and metal siding. Installing vinyl or metal siding is quick and easy enough that you can do it yourself. Siding should always be installed on a pre-prepared frame, consisting of dry and even wooden bars (budget option), as well as on a metal profile crate.

Do-it-yourself siding installation technology

  • Experts recommend using dry wooden blocks or metal profiles as a material for installing battens for siding. The bars must be free of cracks and knots, be sure to be dry and even, and also not rotten. It is not recommended to use larch bars, because, firstly, they are heavy, uncomfortable, and secondly, self-tapping screws are poorly screwed into them and nails are hammered. An ideal and also economical option for bars is pine.
  • It is better to choose bars along the length of no more than 3 m, with such a length they are less susceptible to deformation during storage and transportation. The width of the bar should not be less than 30 mm, and the thickness should not be less than 25 mm. Ideally, it is better to use a bar of 30x40 mm, or 30x50 mm.
  • You can also make a crate for siding from a metal profile. Galvanized steel profiles are perfectly flat and strong enough, so this is the best option for a subsystem, although such a crate will cost a little more, unlike wooden bars.
  • Basically, for the installation of battens for siding, the PP profile brand (galvanized ceiling profile) is widely used. The length of such a profile is 3 m, width 60 mm, with a height of 27 mm. Usually, the length of the profile is enough for the crate for cladding with siding of one-story buildings, and with a facade height of more than 3 m, the profiles are extended, and the profile must also be inserted under the sheathing of the gable part of the wall.

The bars are installed to the wall as follows:

  • Depending on the type of siding, metal or vinyl make the necessary markings on the wall. So for vinyl siding, the step between the bars of the crate is no more than 300-400 mm, and for metal siding at least 400-600 mm. Marking for the installation of suspensions for mounting rails is best done with a pencil or chalk using a profile or bar for this, as well as a building level.
  • For quick marking, draw marks with a suitable pitch on the lower part of the facade and, relying on them using a profile and a level, draw marks for installing hangers in the upper part of the wall. Repeat the operation on the next walls.
  • At the height of one bar or profile of 3 m, it is necessary to fix at least 4-5 hangers approximately every 50-60 cm.

IMPORTANT! Metal straight hangers for the installation of siding battens are mainly used for a light type of finishing materials (vinyl or metal siding). In the case of heavy types of facing facade materials, special metal brackets are used to fasten the subsystem, securely fixed to the wall.

  • To the wooden wall the suspension is fixed in the center of the marked line with two wood screws at least 30 cm long.
  • After that, the suspensions are bent in a U-shape and profiles are inserted into them.
  • Installation of all profiles should start from the installation of profiles at the corners of the wall. To do this, set the profile first in one corner by level, and then repeat the operation on the other.
  • Screw the self-tapping screws at the top and bottom of the corner profiles and, leaning on the fasteners, pull the construction control cord from below and above.

IMPORTANT! The cord is a control element, so when exposing all other profiles along it, try not to touch or knock down the lacing.

The crate is exposed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade, now you can start installing the siding with your own hands.

Features of installing horizontal siding

  • Horizontal installation of siding panels is the preferred option. This type of installation is used almost everywhere, as it has good aesthetic performance, and also better protects the facade from atmospheric phenomena.
  • It is necessary to fasten the siding horizontally to the crate mounted vertically. In this case, the starting profile is also fixed in a horizontal position, stepping back from the base 1-2 cm, (depending on the evenness of the foundation itself relative to the horizontal level).
  • You should install the siding panel with your own hands from the very bottom, hooking its lower edge to the initial profile and carefully screw it to the crate without tension, while the panel must be pushed almost back-to-back (retreating 3-5 mm) into the corner or connecting profile. This is necessary in order to compensate for the expansion and contraction of the panel during temperature changes, thereby preventing its deformation.

Vertical siding installation

To install the siding vertically, you will need to install the fittings horizontally. At the same time, the siding panel will have to be fixed from top to bottom, starting from the corner (corner profiles are installed before the siding is installed) into the groove of which it is necessary to push the bottom edge of the panel. The starting rail is not needed for this installation. Self-tapping screws should be screwed into the profiled holes of the siding panel in the upper part of the slot (not completely), leaving a small gap of about 1-1.5 mm, compensating for temperature effects.

How to properly install siding on a metal or wooden crate

  • Siding can be installed both on a wooden subsystem and on a metal one. Siding installation technology on wooden bars involves the use of wood screws with rare carvings of at least 30 cm in length. In rare cases, nails are used as a fastener (not recommended).
  • To the metal crate, the siding is installed on metal screws with a drilling or sharp tip, while the length of the screw should be a minimum of no more than 20 mm, so it is better, faster and more reliable to screw the screw into the metal profile.

IMPORTANT! Do-it-yourself self-tapping screws for installing siding with your own hands should be galvanized, so you will prevent rusty smudges on the surface of the siding cladding.

  • The siding fastening technology provides for the preliminary installation of fittings of all additional accessories and elements. In a set for siding, you must purchase start and finish strips, connecting profiles, corner elements, slope strips, spotlights. Only after all additional elements are installed, you can proceed with the installation of the siding itself.


The price per square meter of siding from various companies can reach 500-1000 rubles. Therefore, it is advisable to take steps to do-it-yourself siding installation and save a lot of money at the same time. The money saved can be invested in the purchase of finishing materials or insulation.

In fact, there is nothing difficult in installing siding with your own hands. All you need is a little desire and a little bit of optimism, and also have a pencil, tape measure, level, screwdriver and grinder on hand.

Do-it-yourself siding installation: video instruction

On the modern market building and finishing materials huge selection home cladding solutions. One of the leaders in this segment is vinyl siding. The material has many advantages, among which an important advantage is the ability to quickly self-attach panels to the surface to be lined.

Siding is made in the form of panels with a thickness of about 1 mm. The length and width are not standardized and may vary depending on the manufacturer, which is an added advantage - you can choose the size of the panels that best suits your situation.


Among the main advantages of vinyl siding, the following provisions deserve special attention:

  • affordable cost;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to adverse influences. The panels endure exposure to sunlight and various atmospheric precipitation;
  • long service life. With proper installation and proper care, high-quality vinyl siding does not lose its visual appeal and original appearance. operational properties for 50 years or more;
  • no need for pre-treatment. Vinyl siding will not rot or rust;
  • large selection of colors and textures. Both simple colored panels and vinyl siding that successfully imitate wood are available for sale. a natural stone and other materials, which allows you to translate into reality the most daring design ideas;
  • the ability to perform cladding in any weather;
  • no need to use difficult-to-handle and hard-to-reach tools for cutting and fixing panels.


Like any other existing finishing material, vinyl siding has certain disadvantages, among which it is necessary to consider the following points:

  • low resistance to mechanical stress. Impacts, excessive pressure and other similar impacts vinyl panels do not tolerate. However, if necessary, damaged elements can be easily replaced with new ones;
  • requirement for installation. Although the panels are very easy to attach, the installer needs to follow a series of important rules about fixing panels, sealing gaps, etc.

Surface preparation

Before installing vinyl siding, you do not have to perform any super-complicated preparatory operations.

First of all, fix any existing defects. Get rid of mold, rot and other damage.

In the presence of facade plaster, either completely remove it, or additionally fix it. Get rid of the old cladding (panels, tiles, stone, etc.).

Lathing and insulation installation

Proceed to the installation of the crate. If you decide to mount the siding horizontally, fix the crate vertically, and vice versa.

Traditionally, the crate is assembled from wooden bars with a section of 5x5 cm. If the house is built of brick or concrete blocks, you can assemble the crate from a metal profile - as you prefer.

Choose the step of placing the battens of the crate individually according to the width of the insulation boards. If the walls are insulated, the crate will have to be doubled. The first under a heater, the second directly under a siding. Place the bottom crate perpendicular to the top.

First step. Place the battens of the crate in accordance with the recommendations received earlier. To fix the elements, use self-tapping screws or other convenient fasteners.

Second step. Cover the crate with a vapor barrier membrane film. To fix the film, it is most convenient to use a construction stapler with staples.

Third step. Lay the insulation in the cells of the crate. Mineral wool insulation is perfect.

Fourth step. Cover the insulation with a waterproofing film. To fix the film to the crate, it is most convenient to use a construction stapler with staples.

Fifth step. Stuff the insulation boards with perpendicular vinyl siding boards.

To assemble the crates for siding, use bars or a metal profile - as you prefer. In most cases, working with a bar is easier and faster.

In the case of using wood, pre-treat it with a high-quality antiseptic. Additionally, it is recommended to treat all wooden elements with a flame retardant.

The wooden beam must be dry. Otherwise, the wood is deformed during the drying process and the crate, as well as the finish fixed to it, will lead. The metal profile is devoid of these shortcomings, so professionals most often prefer the metal crate.

Additionally fasten profiles around all openings.

Siding Installation Guide

Self-installation of vinyl siding is carried out in a few simple steps. Work according to the manual and everything will definitely work out.

The first step is to determine the starting point

Inspect the building before finishing work. Think about where you will start attaching the panels. If the house already had a cladding, you can mount a new coating in accordance with the features of the placement of the previous finish. In the case of new buildings, the starting row of panels must be fastened so that they overlap the upper edge of the concrete base of the house.

Draw a straight marking line for mounting the starting horizontal row of panels. A plumb line and a marker will help you with this.

The second step is the installation of accessories

In the process of decorating your home with vinyl siding, you will need to install a variety of additional accessories such as trim elements, corner panels, starter strip, etc. Professionals recommend starting Finishing work with mounting accessories.

Set up the corner pieces first. There should be a small gap of about 5-6 mm between the top of the corner of the building and the cornice.

The third step - fixing the starting strip

It is very important to place the starting strip perfectly evenly - the quality of installation of all subsequent panels directly depends on this. Previously, you applied a horizontal marking line to the walls of the house. Set aside up from this line a distance equal to the width of the starting bar and draw a second straight line.

Attach the starter strip to the wall with self-tapping screws or nails. The siding panels have factory mounting holes. Drive the fasteners into these holes. Leave a gap of about 1-1.5 cm between adjacent panels.

Fourth step - insulation of window and door openings

Prepare panels for finishing openings - planks, ebbs, cashing elements, overlays. The stripes near the doors and windows of the strip should be joined at 45 degrees - it's more beautiful.

Fifth step - installation of facing panels

After completing the installation of all accessories, proceed to fixing the main panels. Finish finishing, starting from the starting strip, gradually moving in the direction from the bottom up.

Insert the siding panel into the starter strip. You can easily do this, because. panels initially have factory docking fasteners. Do not insert the panel "tightly" - it should be able to move slightly with temperature changes.

Line all the planned sections of the walls in the same way. Fasten the panels with nails or self-tapping screws every 40-45 cm. Leave a gap of 0.5-1 cm at the joints of individual panels.

Fasten panels around openings and pipes last. You can buy special cladding elements for difficult areas, or you can make the appropriate holes yourself.

Sixth step - installing the top wall edge

At the end, you will have to finish the upper wall edges. Be as careful as possible at this stage of work. At the top of the walls, the profiles should be placed as you did when facing the space around the openings.

Under the roof, only whole siding strips can be used. Planks can only be cut for placement on gables.

For laying the last row, use a finishing strip or a special J-profile.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in self-attaching vinyl siding. Now you know the main stages and provisions of the technology for performing this cladding. To make the work as easy as possible, and the finished result to be of the highest quality, check out additional important tips.

Vinyl siding installation technology has important nuances, namely:

Follow the instructions, don't forget important recommendations, and you'll be able to clad your home with vinyl siding just as well as a professional repairman would.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself vinyl siding installation

To carry out the lining of the building with vinyl siding, having even superficial construction skills and knowing the installation technology of this material, many will be able to. After all, it is not in vain that this method of decoration is in the lead among the rest, and not only due to its aesthetic and attractive appearance, low cost, long service life, but also ease of installation.

Siding Installation Tools

For installation work facing material will need the following inventory:

  • A knife for cutting siding is used as follows: first, a strip is drawn on the panel, along which it bends and unbends several times, then breaks. You can also cut the material with a grinder, but only at low power
  • Electric jigsaw
  • Drill or perforator
  • screwdriver
  • Level
  • Roulette
  • Bulgarian
  • Hammer
  • Marker or chalk for marking

Selection and calculation of component materials

Manufacturers of vinyl siding also produce all the necessary component material for its installation:

  • Corners outside and inside for facing the corners of a house with a standard length of 3 m. To calculate the required amount, the total footage along the perimeter of the corner building is measured and calculated, which is divided by 3. It is better not to use short cuts so as not to spoil the appearance of the building
  • starting bar has a length of 3.8 m and is calculated by subtracting the length of the doorways from the perimeter of the house
  • J-profile will be needed in places where extensions are attached to the building (length 3.8 m.)
  • Plank framing windows(length 3 m), calculated by summing the perimeters of window openings
  • Window sills are installed if necessary.
  • Finishing bar connects the roof eaves to the house
  • H-profile closes the joint slots between the siding strips, is installed vertically, is calculated by dividing the value of the perimeter of the building by the length of the siding panel
  • The drain strip is installed under the window openings
  • The platband is mounted as a lining of any openings that are flush with the walls

You will also need galvanized self-tapping screws with a press washer 25-30 cm long. Their number is calculated based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls: 20 pcs per 1 m².

Accessories for vinyl siding

Calculation of the amount of siding

Two options are used:

  • The area of ​​​​the walls of the house is calculated, from which the areas of all openings are subtracted. The resulting value must be divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone siding panel
  • A drawing of the house is made and the required number of planks is calculated piece by piece. This method is more economical, since you can immediately see where the installation of the trimmings will go.

Calculation of the area of ​​​​walls for the subsequent calculation of siding

To date, the market has a large assortment of siding from different companies. One of the popular Russian companies is Grand Line. Vinyl is of high quality. This material is highly resistant to impact and UV radiation.

Nordside siding is gaining more and more popularity. Read more about Nordside siding. The material of this company has a wide range of colors. Nordside siding does not collapse, it is not affected by moisture, it does not rot, rust, paint does not fade.

Preparatory stage

The advantage of this type of material is that it does not require preliminary alignment of the walls. It is enough just to clean the surface of dirt or previous cladding, remove protruding elements (skirting boards, platbands, gutters, etc.).

If cracks are found on the surface of the walls, they are sealed cement mortar to prevent moisture accumulation in winter period.

Important! wooden walls cleaned of mold and fungi and treated with deep penetration soil with an antiseptic.

The surface on which the facing material is installed must be absolutely dry, such a requirement is set by the siding installation technology.

Installing siding under siding

The crate is made according to the principle:

  1. When laying siding horizontally, a wooden or aluminum profile is stuffed vertically
  2. Wooden bars should have a cross section of 20-40 mm. A galvanized profile crate will cost 30% more, but it will turn out to be more reliable and durable.
  3. The distance between the profile (bars) should be 30-40 cm. They are set under the level
  4. First, the guide is stuffed on the left corner of the wall, then the carrier is horizontal from below, the next vertical is in the right corner. Additionally, all openings are tied
  5. In the manufacture of the crate, the location of drains, lamps and other communications is taken into account. For this, additional guides are mounted on the crate.
  6. The frame is attached to the wall with dowels (if the walls are made of brick, shell), self-tapping screws (wooden surfaces)

Carrying out measures for insulation and waterproofing

Insulation (polystyrene, mineral wool) is placed in the crate. The main thing to consider is that you need to leave space for a ventilated space between the wall surface and the facing material to prevent decay processes.

From above, the insulation is closed with a hydrobarrier, installed vertically or horizontally with an overlap of 10 cm. The waterproofer is attached to the wooden crate with a stapler. Joints can be sealed with tape.

After carrying out heat and waterproofing measures, a frame is made directly under the siding. The principle of the crate remains the same: a metal profile or wooden slats are stuffed in increments of 30-40 cm, all openings are additionally framed.

Installation instructions for vinyl siding

Installation of vinyl siding involves the following sequence:

  1. Installation of corner strips
  2. Attaching the start bar
  3. Installing a J-profile as a siding edge trim
  4. Finishing around windows
  5. Siding paneling
  6. Installing the finish bar

The installation of the starting bar takes place along the perimeter of the structure, it is important to carefully set it. Self-tapping screws are used in increments of 25-30 cm, and perpendicular to the surface. Fasteners are screwed strictly in the middle of the oval hole to prevent distortion of the material. The main thing is that the self-tapping screw does not enter the bar completely, that is, there is a gap of 1 mm between its cap and the siding (for convenience, you can attach a coin). A gap of 5-7 mm is required in the middle of the joining of two starting strips.

Window and door openings that are in the same plane with the wall are sheathed with a wide J-profile (platband), into which the siding is subsequently inserted.

In the case of slopes, the decoration is reduced to finishing with siding using an angular profile. Moreover, the lower slope is first lined (if there is no ebb), then the side slopes are shifted to the center of the opening to prevent the top panel from coming out of the clutch in the winter, and at the end - the top one.

When installing the siding panels, they must fit into the starting bar and snap into place. Then only the material is fixed with hardware. The fastening of the facing material takes place under constant level control. For convenience, you can pull the rope.

The finishing bar is attached at the top under the roof itself, further from it the value is measured to the last siding panel. The fitted strip is bent in an arc and wound under the finish panel.

vinyl siding installation cost

? The cost of installation work on facing siding depends on the following factors:

  • Prices on source materials, including the manufacture of crates, insulation, waterproofing, type of fasteners
  • Number of door and window openings
  • Depending on the material of the building (brick, wood)
  • With or without insulation

Vinyl siding video

Vinyl siding technology.

Installation of vinyl siding. Installation of vertical and horizontal siding, soffit installation.

How to install vinyl siding yourself.